#would anyone like to see my other fob paintings from when I was like 15-16
horseshoemybeloved · 1 year
And yknow what I do rag on my old art a lot and like, my old art is obviously worse than my new stuff cus of learned and improved but,,,this one,,,, soft spot for her,,
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wickedwitch1997 · 7 years
Katara, of the Fire Nation- Chapter 2
Here’s Chapter 1, in case you missed it. 
Zuko stands awkwardly in front of the water bender.
“Um,” he starts, “My name is Zuko.”
“Katara,” the girl responds.
The two children stand together awkwardly.
“I like your… hair,” Zuko says, trying to be polite.
“Thank you,” Katara says, looking Zuko up and down, trying to find something to compliment him on, “I like your… palace.”
“Yeah?” he says, a sparkle comes to his eye, “It has one hundred rooms! I’ll show you.”
“Ok!” Katara says, the boy takes her hand and leads her out of the room.
Zuko shows Katara around the palace, pointing out important paintings of his ancestors and labelling all the rooms.
“Did you want to see the gardens?” Zuko asks.
“What’s a gardens?” Katara asks, her eyes round with wonder.
“Come on!” he beams, squeezing her hand and encouraging her to run with him.
Zuko takes Katara outside, and Katara’s little mouth hangs open in shock. There is so much colour in the gardens; she marvels at the flowers and trees.
“Don’t you have gardens where you’re from?” Zuko asks, Katara shakes her head, “Here!” the young prince leads Katara to a fire lily patch and picks a red flower, “It’s called a fire lily!”
Zuko hands the flower to Katara. Katara’s eyes widen as she touches the petal softly.
“It’s beautiful,” she breathes.
A strange noise catches her attention and Katara looks over to a large tree in the middle of the garden.
“What was that?” she asks.
“I’ll show you,” Zuko says, taking Katara’s hand again and leading her to the tree. Katara is surprised to find a pond in front of the tree. Swimming on the pond is a strange creature.
“It’s a turtleduck,” Zuko explains. He sits down at the edge of the water and pats the grass next to him.
Katara sits down and watches as the turtleducks swim around the pond, diving under the water every so often.
“ZUKO!” the Fire Lord shouts, storming into the gardens, “Get away from her!”
Katara and Zuko bolt to their feet, when Katara sees the look on the Fire Lord’s face, she drops back down to her knees and bows with her forehead on the grass.
“She is our prisoner,” Lord Ozai says, grabbing his son by his arm and pulling Zuko closer to him, “She is not some play thing to be your friend, do you understand me?”
“Yes…yes father,” Zuko stammers.
“Guard,” Ozai snaps, “Take the prisoner back to her room.”
Katara flinches as a guard grabs her and pulls her away, Katara steals one last look at Zuko as she is escorted back to her room.
Katara is thrown inside her room and she hears the door being locked by the guard. Katara sniffles and wipes tears from her eyes.
Iroh doesn’t come back to her room, Katara is left alone, she’s never been alone before, she always had someone with her, especially within the small tribe, and, even on the ship there was always someone close by, but now, she is truly alone.
Katara looks around, she goes to her bed and tries to go to sleep, but it’s too quiet and she is too scared.
At midnight, Katara’s door is unlocked and it slowly opens, creaking softly.
Katara dives under her covers as her little heart begins to race.
“Psst,” comes a voice, “Katara?”
Katara sits up and peaks out to see Zuko standing in her room with a small fire lit in his palm.
“Hi!” he beams, closing the door behind him as he sees Katara.
“What are you doing here?” Katara asks, getting out from under the covers.
“Shh,” Zuko whispers with a smile, “I wanted to see you again.”
“But your dad,” Katara whispers, watching the Fire Prince light a candle before extinguishing the flame in his hands, “I’m a prisoner.”
“I don’t think you are,” Zuko says, walking over to Katara and sitting on her bed, “Prisoners don’t get rooms, and they’re big and mean. Besides, uncle wouldn’t have left me with you if you were a prisoner.”
Katara stares at the boy as he smiles at her, he has his uncle’s kind smile.
“Tell me more about where you’re from,” Zuko says, “What kind of place has no gardens?”
“It’s too cold for gardens,” Katara explains, “It’s always snow.”
“Woah,” Zuko says, his eyes wide.
“And we don’t have turtle ducks,” Katara says, “We have penguins.”
“I’ve read about them!” Zuko says, proudly.
“My mum used to take me penguin sledding,” Katara continues, “We’d ride them down the snow slopes.”
Katara goes silent as she thinks of her mother and her family, Katara doesn’t remember what happened to her mother, she can’t remember what happened to her village.
“I’m sorry you were taken from your mother,” Zuko says, speaking softly, “My mum’s gone too.”
Katara looks to Zuko as he stares at the floor, kicking his legs over the edge of the bed.
Katara and Zuko spend the night together, talking about their homes and their families, eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Iroh finds Zuko and Katara in the early morning, they’re sleeping next to each other; their legs are tangled together, and their hands hold onto each other.
“Zuko,” Iroh whispers, waking the young prince, Zuko groans as his eye’s slowly open.
“Uncle?” Zuko says, groggily rubbing his eye and detangling from the water bender.
“Come on.” Iroh picks Zuko up out of bed and carries him back to his own room without being seen.
“She smells nice,” Zuko says, stifling a yawn as he sits up in his own bed, “Can she be my friend?”
Iroh’s heart breaks for the young prince, he doesn’t know it yet, but he is falling for the water girl.
“Go back to sleep,” Iroh says, tucking Zuko in.
Iroh leaves his nephew and goes back to Katara’s room.
“Where’s Zuko?” the little water bender asks as soon as Iroh steps into the room.
“He’s back in his own bed,” Iroh explains.
“Is his dad going to be mad?” Katara asks, her face pales at the thought.
“No,” Iroh says with a smile, “It will be our secret.”
That day Iroh introduces Katara to her first set of water bending scrolls, scrolls he dug up from the archives of stolen treasures.
Iroh volunteered to train Katara, knowing his teachings would be kinder than that of anyone else, he helps Katara read the scrolls, fixing her punctuation on the words she doesn’t know.
Iroh then fills the bathtub with water and lets Katara stand in the shallow water. Unfortunately Iroh isn’t a water bender, but he reads through the scrolls and tries to help Katara as best he can.
Katara is a quick learner, by the end of the day, she is drenched in water, but she knows how to create small waves in the tub, the water follows the push and pull of her chi. She also knows how to pull water out of the tub and levitate for a few moments.
Katara and Iroh eat their dinner together in Katara’s room, he leaves as the sun sets and feels sorry for the girl, she doesn’t even have a window to watch the sun set.
But she does have Zuko, who again, sneaks into her room once everyone is asleep.
“Look what I can do,” Katara says, getting out of bed when Zuko creeps in.
Katara shows Zuko her new tricks. Zuko is mesmerised by the water, just as he is mesmerised by the one who bends it.
The days roll by, Katara learns with Iroh during the day, working hard and taking breaks to eat and play with Iroh.
Then at night, Zuko sneaks into her room and they show each other their ‘tricks’ before tiring out and ending curled up together, only to be separated by Iroh, who collects Zuko in the mornings; just like clockwork.
Except as the days go by, Iroh can see Katara slowly start to slip, she’s sick of being locked up all day, Zuko’s visits at night help, but Katara needs to see the sun, she needs to be outside in fresh air. Being a water bender, Iroh assumes it would probably help for her to be outside, under the moon once in a while.
Iroh fears for the girl’s sanity, so he confronts his brother, the Fire Lord.  
@squishysuho @pepewntz @the-weird-fob-fangirl @thegaang6
The Painted Lady fic: 1.It’s the Painted Lady 2.The Blue Spirit 3.The Painted Spirit 4.The Blue Lady 5. The Water Bender 6. The Fire Lord’s Heart pt 1 7. The Fire Lord’s Heart pt 2 8. The Painted Lady and the Blue Spirit 9. The Fire Lady 10.The Blood Bender 11. The Family Reunion 12. The Water Bender’s Baby 13. The Avatar 14. The Lie 15. The Ice Heart 16. The Uncle 17. The Water Bender’s Heart pt 1 18. The Water Bender’s Heart pt 2 19. The Son of Aang
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ageminah · 5 years
woke up this morning to find that I was tagged by @stormwitch-privateer (thanks for thinking of me ((is that even english, IDK))) to answer 20 questions about myself. So here. we. go :
1. Nicknames : most people call me by my name or the french version of my name JUST to annoy me (and most of the time, if not all the time... it works)
2. Zodiac sign : Gemini (yeah I know it weirdly resemble my user name weird uh)
3. Height : 164 cm (the metric system I know...) so about 5′5″
4. Hogwarts House : I did the test thingy a few years back and I think I was a Ravenclaw (but I’m not sure about that) 
5. Last thing I googled : “height in feet and inches” 
6. Favorite musicians : I’m gonna make a list so deal with it : Green Day; You me at Six; FOB; P!ATD; Nothing but Thieves; Sum 41 and so many others 
7. Song stuck in my head : C’est pas grave by Columbine 
8. Following : 60 
9. Followers : 51
10. Do you get asks ? : When I post something (written by me not a reblog)  I often get a feedback in my asks actually 
11. Amount of sleep : well I’m on holidays so 7 to 10 hours, but when I’m at school 5-6 hours 
12. Lucky number : 10
13.  What are you wearing : red sports shorts and a grey t-shirt 
14. Dream job : I truly don’t know, but something that would allow me to travel
15. Dream trip : Japan or U.S
16. Instruments : I took one year of guitar lessons, and I can (kinda) play the piano 
17. Languages : French, English, Spanish (not as well as english though) AND I also discovered that I understand Italian when spoken slowly 
18.  Favorite song : Okay it’s not MY ONLY favorite song (I can’t chose really) but it’s up there, Disintegration by Jimmy Eat World 
19. Five random facts 
- I listen to ALL kind of music (and I really mean ALL) from System of a Down to Shawn Mendes, to french classic, italian rap, kpop, Tchaïkovski etc.
- I hate it when people butcher my last name (TRUST ME WHEN I TELL YOU ITS REALLY EASY TO WRITE) and also call me the french version of my name (I mean come on guys, it’s not hard to say NOT AT ALL)
- I draw, I paint, (tried digital... it’s too difficult, if anyone knows any good tuto on photoshop send ‘em my way), I’ve always loved drawing,I’m not terrible at it, sometimes I’m even pretty good (i think), but I copy most of the time.
- I read a lot, and buy way too many books. To illustrate that picture this = my nightstand is basically a pile of books...
- I write a lot. Like A LOT, but most of it will never see the light, and I’m cool with that.
20. Aesthetic : idk... Grunge, or maybe vintage, anything with quotes and jokes, oh and purple and red... I don’t really have an aesthetic I guess...
SOOO here it is. As you saw I follow 60 people, so I cannot think of twenty to tag sorry, I’ll do one though so hopefully they’ll see it 
tags : @goldbooksblack
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itsworn · 7 years
Inside Peter Fink’s Amazing American Muscle Car Museum
In last month’s installment of This Guy’s Garage, we were introduced to Peter Fink of Omaha, Nebraska and his American Muscle Car Museum. It’s comprised of two 4,200 sq-ft rooms where Peter showcases about 30 vehicles from his collection of domestic performance vehicles, which presently sits at 86 and counting. His display of vintage muscle cars is comprised of Detroit’s most exciting and desirable products. This month we focus on the masterfully-finished resto-mod and pro-touring portion of his collection.
“I own 15 true resto-mods, and that doesn’t include the three factory drag race cars,” says Peter. “I’ve built some of my own, like the silver 1963 Corvette. I have a couple of other projects going right now, too. Most of those in my collection were purchased as finished projects, however.” When asked what he looks for in a finished resto-mod vehicle, Peter replied, “It can’t be engine or suspension upgrades only. The entire car has to be modified, and it has to be really well done. It needs to be tastefully over the top without looking sick.”
Like all vehicles in his collection, Peter says he uses his resto-mod and pro-touring vehicles, too. “I drive them a more often than my original muscle cars, and I drive them harder, too, since I don’t have to worry about originality. If something were to ever blow up, I’d look at that as a chance to upgrade in some way.”
In addition to modified vehicles, Peter’s growing collection also includes three late-model factory drag cars. “I have always been around racing and really love the sport. I think it’s cool that the OEs build factory race cars and bought one of each. While I have driven them and done a few burnouts, none have been raced yet. I bought them to add to my collection and make part of my museum.” And what a collection Peter has!
1 This replica of a 1937 Ford roadster is a kit car that caught Peter’s wife, Carolyn’s eye at a Barrett-Jackson event a few years ago. At first, Peter wasn’t sure that it fit within the scope of his collection, but Carolyn convinced him otherwise. The chassis is completely custom-built, and it’s powered by a GM LS3 V8 backed by a 4L65E transmission. Peter says it rides and handles great with the air-ride suspension. And best of all, Carolyn loves it!
2 Peter bought this 1970 Firebird Formula 400 at age 16, and he says it’s what started his love affair with cars. It’s equipped with a Pontiac 400-ci V8, a four-speed manual transmission, and 4.11 rear gears. He raced it frequently back then and didn’t have the means to pay for repairs, so he learned to fix whatever he broke while racing. That experience resulted in attending automotive trade school where Peter met an instructor who helped become him a transmission expert. Peter then became a transmission technician at a local Chrysler dealership, and during his off time, he was part of the service manager’s private race team. That’s when he met his wife of 32 years, Carolyn. Peter says his Formula 400 is the most important vehicle in his collection because it’s responsible for everything he has, from his wife to his business.
3 This beautiful 1967 Chevrolet Corvette roadster has a significant history. It’s an authentic tri-power 427-ci backed by a Muncie four-speed. It was originally ordered by a GM executive and was built with every available option including A/C, power-steering, power windows and locks, head rests, and an AM/FM radio. Peter says the brass-hat car is fully documented and also includes the paperwork from above the fuel tank. He says it’s the perfect cruising vehicle.
4 Peter rescued this once-scorned 1963 split-window Corvette from certain doom. He sent it off to Factory Hot Rod in Cincinnati, Ohio for a complete transformation. While the exterior is subtly modified, it features a 2014 Z06 drivetrain complete with engine, six-speed manual transmission, and suspension. Peter says it’s quite fun and comfortable to drive.
5 At first glance, it would appear that this 1971 Chevrolet Camaro RS offers little more than a bold paint job and aftermarket wheels and tires, but looking past the outer skin reveals a host of new chassis and drivetrain components. The Super Camaro was the tenth built by Jeff Richards and contains a GM LS3 V8 and a six-speed manual transmission. The suspension is completely modified and the rear axle features in-board disc brake rotors. Peter believes that his Super Camaro was Richards’ wildest build to date and says that it’s a car everyone talks about when they see it.
6 Anyone familiar with the resto-mod scene will immediately recognize the Ring Brothers name. They built this heavily-customized 1969 Camaro in 2010. Known as Razor, it’s powered by a modern GM ZL1 V-8 that’s backed by a six-speed manual transmission. The Pro Touring car was subtly and tastefully modified in every way and is simply stunning. Peter saw it displayed at SEMA in 2010 and immediately fell in love with it. He was able to make it part of his collection in 2012, and it is one of his favorite cars for carving cones at autocross events.
7 Kona was another Ring Brothers creation. The beautiful black 1967 Mustang is powered by a Roush-built Ford V8 with fuel injection and backed by a C4 automatic transmission. The air-ride suspension transforms into an excellent riding and handling ponycar. Peter saw it displayed at SEMA in the late 2000s and though it was bad ass enough to purchase when it came up for sale.
8 This 1967 Mustang was built in 2010 to compete for the coveted Ridler Award. It was among 12 finalists and has been featured in a number of magazines. The monster hood bulge draws plenty of questions about what lies beneath, and that’s a supercharged 4.6L Ford V8 that generates about 720 hp. It’s backed by a six-speed manual transmission, and the suspension and braking systems were upgraded accordingly. Peter says that because it isn’t equipped with air-ride suspension, it goes down the road with that lowered stance. It turns many heads whenever he drives it.
9 Peter says that Razor, the Ring Brother’s modified 1969 Camaro, was such a popular show car upon its debut that Snap On immortalized its image on a commemorative tool chest. A total of 250 were produced in the series. Peter purchased the car in 2012 and added this Razor Snap On box with serial number 001.
10 This 1966 Chevrolet Nova is among the few carbureted resto-mods in Peter’s collection. It’s completely modified inside and out, and underneath, too. All exterior door handles have been removed and replaced with electronic solenoids that are controlled by key fob pushbuttons. Under hood is a 383-ci small-block Chevrolet V8 that’s topped by a trio of two-barrel carburetors. Peter says someday he will convert it to electronic fuel injection.
11 Peter purchased this 2013 Super Cobra Mustang after learning that Ford had been producing factory drag cars since 2008. It includes a factory-installed roll bar, slick tires, and open headers. It’s equipped with a supercharged 5.0L Ford V8 that generates more than 1,000 hp. Peter says is capable of running the quarter mile in 8.5 seconds. Understandably, the Super Cobra Mustang isn’t street legal and was delivered without a title- only a bill of sale proves ownership.
12 Chevrolet began producing COPO Camaros in 2012. Once Peter learned about the factory-built drag race vehicle, he knew he had to have one. His 2013 COPO Camaro is equipped with the all-aluminum 427-ci V8 that’s backed by a Powerglide transmission. The engine generates about 950 hp and can propel the fifth-gen Camaro down the quarter mile in about 8.8 seconds. It isn’t legal for street use.
13 Dodge’s factory drag car was its Challenger and Peter’s 2011 model is powered by a V10 Viper engine. Rated around 950 hp, it propels the full-body Challenger down the quarter mile in about 8.8 seconds. Most of the Dodge hot rods were white, but Peter says his may be the only one painted black. Since his COPO Camaro and Super Cobra Mustang were black, it only made sense to add this black Challenger to his collection.
14 Peter is in the transmission repair business and he not-so-coincidentally built this 8-foot statue of Optus Prime from the Transformer movie using mostly used transmission components. The balance is comprised of used car parts. The statue weighs around 2,000 pounds and is one of four similarly-constructed figures on display in the museum. He said they draw much attention during charity events and tours.
15 Not limited to cars only, Peter’s resto-mod collection includes this 1950 Chevrolet five-window pickup truck. It’s been completely modernized, and its bold exterior finish is complemented by a slammed-look created by the air-ride suspension. The drivetrain was pirated from a late-model Z06 Corvette and the review mirror displays the automatic transmission’s gear status. It features leather interior with six-way power seats, power windows and locks, and a tilt steering column. Peter says it’s very fun to drive and on that he enjoys taking on the highway.
The post Inside Peter Fink’s Amazing American Muscle Car Museum appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/inside-peter-finks-amazing-american-muscle-car-museum/ via IFTTT
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