#but idk I just have a soft spot for this painting
horseshoemybeloved · 11 months
And yknow what I do rag on my old art a lot and like, my old art is obviously worse than my new stuff cus of learned and improved but,,,this one,,,, soft spot for her,,
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mariasont · 1 month
Spoiled - A.H
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a/n: felt feral writing this hope y'all enjoy it as much as i did
think im ovulating or something YALL IDK
anyhow happy reading let me know what yall think 🤭
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: in which hotch overhears your conversation with penelope and decides to do something about it
warnings: 18+ MDNI, phone sex!, sex toy!, fem solo masturbation, penelope being a little instigator lmao, dirty talk, soft dom!hotch, established relationship, honestly a little bit of angst whoops, reader is slightly dramatic like hotch has been gone for prob 5 hours STAND UP!
wc: 3.3k
"Penelope Grace Garcia!"
Her comment earned her the full government name, igniting a burst of laughter that you attempt to smother behind your hand. Sinking deeper into the couch, you dismiss the absurdity with a shake of your head. You even find yourself glancing over your shoulder even though you know no one is home.
"You know, I really shouldn't be telling you this, but trust me, that's the least of our worries in this relationship."
"Look, whatever floats your love boat or rocks your bed frame is strictly your business," she comments as if that were the most casual thing to say.
You giggle, a warmth spreading through you as you tread across the kitchen tiles, the phone pressed against your ear. 
"Oh my god, Pen," you let out a laugh, feeling a soft crimson spread across your cheeks, while your thighs swell with the thoughts of your doting boyfriend. "No, no, like I said we're more than okay in that department. It just gets, well, lonely when he's away."
Your hand curls around the neck of your favorite bottle of red, easing the cork free with a satisfying pop. The liquid swirls into the glass, a little more than probably necessary, as the gentle hiss of water beginning to simmer breaks through the kitchen. 
"You, my dear, are a saint among mortals."
"Well, he makes it easy," you shrug, pouring the rice into the bubbling pot, a cloud of steam rising to paint the windows.
"Honestly, I don't know how you manage. I'd be itching for it, especially if it's as good as you say," Penelope admits with a dramatic sigh.
You laugh, propping the phone against the backsplash, its speaker projecting the conversation into the room. Aaron stands just out of sight, unnoticed, taking in your every syllable.
"When he gets back, trust me, every second apart seems like a small price to pay."
"Ever thought about getting yourself a toy? You know, for those long nights?" Penelope hints not (at all) so slyly. 
The wine almost sprays from your mouth as you stifle a surprised splutter. Aaron, still unseen, raises an eyebrow.
"Oh, um, no, I haven't really considered... a toy," you murmur, cheeks burning. You clear your throat, pretending to be engrossed in the simmering pot. "Aaron might have an opinion on that, I guess."
Your attempt at nonchalance was failing, you definitely knew that.
Aaron rested casually against the door frame, a soft smile touching his lips at the sound of your bashful laughter. He'd always had a soft spot for the way your cheeks bloom with color--a sight he wasn't afraid to go great lengths to witness. The idea of a toy seemed to pique his curiosity, drawing a pensive frown as his attention stayed fixed on you for a moment longer.
He slips away silently, his steps carrying him to the front door as you continue your conversation with Penelope.
The call disconnects with a soft click, and you're left in the quiet of the kitchen, unwittingly promising to keep Penelope updated. Turning back to the stove, you stir the sauce with a distracted hand, your lips downturned. Aaron should have been home by now.
The dining table is set, candles flickering, their glow falling on the chair he's yet to fill. You let out a sigh, stealing another look at the ticking clock. The food is ready, but with each passing minute, it grows cooler, just the unfamiliar feeling of disappointment settling in your chest. 
The audible twist of the key catches your attention, and you can't help but glance over your shoulder. Aaron walks in, his lips curving into a smile upon seeing you.
"Hi, my gorgeous girl," he greets, his voice a familiar sound that kindles a familiar flutter into your heart.
He places his briefcase down, the sound muted, and as he approaches, his lips brush a tender kiss against your temple. The annoyance that had been bubbling inside you melts away with his touch. Damn him.
You turn to him, a sheepish "Hi" fluttering out, your cheeks tinged with heat. It's a feeling that's always fresh, the way he still makes you feel like you're back in high school, hearts doodled in the margins of your notebook.
Aaron settles into his chair, the soft scrape of wood against the tile following his movements.
"Sorry 'M late," he offers, his tone warm, appreciative. "Everything looks and smells wonderful, honey. Thank you."
His fingers gently sweep a loose strand of hair from your face, his smile softening you, disarming you. He's so beautiful.
"You're welcome," you reply, your cheeks growing warmer with each word. "And, um, I hope it's okay. It might be a bit cold. I thought...I guess I assumed you'd be home sooner."
You voice trails off, leaving behind a trail of embarrassed concern, wondering if perhaps you'd somehow overstepped. 
Aaron looks at you, his eyes turning kind as he discerns the unease on your face.
"I'm sorry, baby, got held up with a little errand." He bites into the food, and a gratified hum indicates his approval. "This is delicious."
You find yourself beaming at the praise. He had a talent for that--praising you, almost as if he'd made it his life mission. This was a first for you in a relationship, and it's exactly why the late nights and time spent alone didn't weigh so heavily. 
After dinner, you're rinsing off the plates when Aaron's hands draw you close, his hands claiming your waist, the heat of his palms radiating through the fabric of your shirt. He plants a soft kiss on your shoulder.
"Let me help with that. You're spoiling me," he insists, his words spoken into your damp skin.
You lean back into his embrace, his chest flush against your back.
"I like taking care of you," you admit, heart skipping a beat under the weight of his gaze, the softness in his eyes dissolving your concentration on the task at hand. 
A deep, affectionate groan escapes Aaron as he pulls you even closer. But all good things come to an end, and the ringing of his phone seems like an icy intrusion, like a sudden draft into the kitchen.
"Hotchner," he answers, and even though the word leaves his lips, his fingers gently sketch patterns across your hip. 
You feel your heart sink. When he hangs up, his eyes lock with yours, brimming with an apology he doesn't voice. It's unnecessary, you already know.
"A case?" You hate how small your voice sounds, dipped in an understanding you wish you didn't have.
He nods, a simple stupid gesture that sends a lump of disappointment soaring up your throat, which you desperately try to swallow down. 
"Okay... just, be careful, okay? I'll miss you."
"And I'll miss you, angel. Be good for me."
There's a hollowness in the house that follows you through each room. You were well aware of Aaron's demanding job when you started dating--the unpredictable schedule, the sudden departures, the cases that required his immediate attention. Still, this awareness did nothing to soften to sting of his absence. At all. 
You found yourself wandering aimlessly, picking up a book only to set it down unread, starting a movie but not really watching. Eventually, you ended up in the bedroom, his bedroom, where the subtle scent of his cologne lingers. It's both comforting and heart-wrenching. God, you felt like you were being so dramatic.
You climb into the bed, the sheets cool against your skin, too big and empty without him. Your eyes darts to the phone resting on the nightstand. You've always been careful not to disturb him while he's working, but tonight felt different.
With a trembling hand, you pick up the phone, your thumb hovering indecisively over the screen. Reluctantly, you returned it to its place. There was no point in bothering him.
A sudden draft sent a shiver up your spine, reminding you of the blanket Hotch had bought for you a couple months ago. You sighed, rising from the bed and moving to the closet.
But your eyes skipped over the blanket, instead fixating on a shiny pink bag tucked away in a secluded corner. Compelled by a spike of curiosity, you grabbed the bag and pulled it open. Your eyes widened, cheeks burning with a sudden flush as you placed it on the bed. How long had this been hiding here? And the timing--just after your conversation with Penelope--felt almost too uncanny. 
You went back to your phone.
The message was simple. You hit send before you can second-guess yourself.
Almost immediately, your phone vibrated--Aaron's name illuminated the screen. You answer, and his voice was there, infused with immediate concern.
"Hi honey. You okay?" His question was straightforward, cutting through the noise.
You nodded, forgetting for a moment he couldn't see you. Shifting on the bed, you said softly, "Um, yeah, I'm fine. I didn't mean to bother you. Is it a bad time?"
His response is quick. "You could never bother me."
A blush flares on your cheeks, and a smile instinctively forms. You fidget on the bed, the sheets sighing with your movements, sounds that don't escape Aaron's attentive detection.
"Can't seem to find the right spot without me there, huh?"
"I can't seem to do a lot of things without you here," you grumble under your breath, intended more for yourself than for him. The bed emits a soft creak as you turn again, your breath hitching in a pout that he can almost see through the phone. "Aaron, I found something in the closet..."
You lost your words, fingertips tracing the toy's edge, as you fumbled with the strings of your shorts.
"Hmm? Care to enlighten me."
"You know."
You weren't in the mood for his teasing, because you knew he knew. You could sense his smugness, his voice dripping into that familiar, velvety register that prompted your lips to purse.
"I don't know, sweetheart."
Once again, you found yourself stirring against the linen, nibbling on your lip as a wave of exasperation washed over you, your eyes rolling into their sockets.
"Where are you?"
"Just got to my hotel room." You could hear the subtle movements in the background, accompanied by the soft groans of the mattress under his weight. "What did you find in the closet that was so urgent you needed to text me in the middle of my case?"
Your face was warm. "You said it wasn't a bother."
"And I meant it, now spell it out for me."
Your hands cautiously pushed over the toy, examining its buttons and sides. Subconsciously, your tongue swept over your top teeth. You lowered your voice as though someone else might overhear.
"The toy...is it for me? I mean, I would hope so. If not, well, we'd have a rather awkward issue."
"Yes, it's for you, baby."
You stifled a grin. How could he have known? That profiling business was really no joke.
His muffled chuckle filtered through, and you could almost see the flash of his pearly whites. You really missed him, so much so that you were conjuring vision of his mouth of his on places that should not be said aloud. 
"I just want to make sure my best girl is taken care of when I'm not home." You could practically hear the smirk on his lips.
You were deep in your fantasy now, your free hand sliding down your shorts as you envisioned him propped against the headboard of his hotel bed, tie hanging loosely, hair tousled just so.
"I'm always taken care of by you, Aaron," you said quietly.
You didn't know how to go about this, whatever this even was. You were treading into unknown territory; never having had phone sex with Aaron--or anyone for that matter.  It was a far cry from the occasional suggestive text.
"That's right." His voice flowed like honey in your ear, causing a shiver as your finger skimmed over your underwear, your breathing momentarily faltering. "You're going to be well taken care of for the rest of your life, yeah?"
You could hardly breathe, squirming against your own touch, glancing over at the toy that sat beside your hip.
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your patience. You're a good girl, honey. Far too good for me." You weren't. It was the other way around; you didn't deserve him. You told yourself that every day. "I know you get lonely, and I know it's something you'd never admit to."
He didn't let you finish. "Why don't you tell me what you're doing right now?"
Your actions came to an abrupt standstill, thumb suspended above your clothed clit. You entertained the thought that this FBI gig might have been a front for a psychic, maybe one of those fortune teller types.
You were mumbling into your sleeve, a private conversation with the threads. "Just...um, well it's hardly worth mentioning, honestly."
Wow you're sure you fooled him.
"I'm not fond of dishonesty." The low rumble of his voice sent a tremor through your core. "I'm giving you a final chance. Tell me what you're doing, sweetheart."
A hard swallow passed your throat, your thumb rubbing idle circles into the band of flesh on your hip. 
"Well, I, uh, was touching myself." The words felt as awkward as they sounded, an internal wince accompanying each syllable at how unsexy you were speaking.
"Where, sweetheart?"
You exhaled sharply at the question, heavy with exasperation at his insistence on drawing this out. But the slickness between your legs was undeniable. Your hand slid back to the delicate skin between your thighs.
"Aaron, please," you breathed out so faintly it was almost inaudible.
He was playing a cruel game, and he knew it. You hardly cussed let alone talk about your lady parts so openly.
"I hope I've never given you a reason to feel judged, honey." There was a sweetness in his voice that masked his darker intentions. "Just tell me where. I want to help."
Your tongue flicked nervously across your lip, your finger dipping into the valley of your folds as you mulled over his offer. You were wet, far more than you had anticipated, practically coating your thighs in the process.
"No, 'course not," you said softly, biting back a sigh as your thumb worked slowly against your inflamed clit. "It's just, you're so far, Aaron."
"Why do you think I got you that toy?" Your gaze darted to the pink thing, resting against your hip. "I want you to use it. I'll walk you through it, just like I would in person."
You could melt. You could liquefy into nothingness on the spot. Your fingers pressed more urgently against yourself, a deep-seated wish for him to be here surfacing, knowing all the while it was a baseless hope.
"Yeah, okay."
"There you go, that's my girl."
You couldn't hold back the whimper that fell from your lips as you arched against the bed, fingers diving into your cunt.
"My needy girl," he repeated, his laughter resonating with a patronizing tone that oddly egged you on. "Alright, can you pick up the toy for me?"
You wedged the phone snugly between your shoulder and ear, your hand closing around the pink, curved object, scrutinizing its every detail with careful eyes.
It was big, not as big as Aaron, but its dimensions were nonetheless imposing. You felt your chest heave in anticipation, waiting for his instructions.
His silence was stretching your patience thin. You turned it on, and it came to life, watching as it vibrated, the soft buzz permeating the space. You let it trail over your stomach, fabric gathering as your shirt rode up. Nearing your clit, you braced, taking in a quick breath.
But that breath was released in a strangled moan as you pushed the toy firmly into your sopping hole, legs spreading expansively as a taut sensation gripped your center.
"Did I say you could use it already?" he questioned, his tongue clicking in disapproval as you strained against the device, the second prong vibrations coursing against your nub, your whole-body jerking in response.
"N-No, 'M sorry," you panted, your focus narrowing as you pushed to toy in and out, your lips rounding into an 'o'. "It feels really good, Aar."
"I'm sure it does, baby," he teased, his voice carrying a certainty that your own lacked. "Let me hear you fuck yourself with it.
You loved hearing him curse, it was rare, and usually reserved for intimate moments like this. It fueled your actions, your wrist quickening, driving the device deeper, your stomach twisting in tight knots, a loud moan escaping unrestrained, suddenly you were thankful for the distance between Aaron's house and the next.
It felt so good, and yet somehow still not comparable to how it was with Aaron. Weren't you spoiled?
"Miss you so much," you slurred, your movements stuttering as the device worked your body in ways you didn't know were possible.
"Miss you too, angel. You're doing so good."
"Can you, ah, come home, p-please?"
You weren't even sure of what you were saying, all your thoughts on chasing your high and pretending the toy was Aaron's cock. Thinking about how he'd fill you up right now, how he'd press you to the mattress, how his body would cover yours.
"Your present isn't enough?" His tone was taunting, your eyes welling with tears, clouding your vision as your hips bucked against the toy. "That's a shame, sweetheart, think maybe you've been a little spoiled. You can't have my cock all the time."
You were completely dazed, his sentences barely making their way through the fog as you'd like them to. You were crying, you think, hot and relentless tears carving a path down your face as you fucked yourself harder against the toy.
The noises coming from your pussy were obscene, soaked and squishing as you tried to respond to Aaron, but nothing but small hiccups were escaping your mouth.
"It's okay, baby, I know. You're doing so good for me. I can hear it."
Your cheeks and ears flared with a heat that spelled out your shame, but it was the least of your concerns. Your walls tightened against the device, the pressure on your clit suddenly all too much and not enough at the same time. Gasping for air, your breaths came out in uneven bursts. When you tried to call out Aaron's name, it emerged as nothing more than a choked sob.
"C-Can I? Please, need to so bad." You weren't entirely convinced you were speaking English, but Aaron understood. 
"Go ahead, sweetheart."
That was all you needed. Your cunt contracted again before vaulting over the edge, nearly losing consciousness in the process, a string of moans and half-said words pouring out of your lips.
You could hear the sound of his voice, but the words were just out of reach, not fully making sense. You felt your body twitch, and you blinked deliberately, once, twice, three times, in an effort to reconnect your body to your mind.
"You're so good, baby. So good. Miss you so much."
You pulled the toy, now soaked, from yourself, cringing at the lewd sound as you laid it beside you, making a mental note to wash the sheets later. Although if Aaron had his way that wouldn't happen.
"I miss you." You hated the way your voice betrayed ever emotion you had.
"Need you to go pee for me, sweetheart."
He sounded so soft and tired, but somehow still present. You let out a soft snicker as you curled onto your side. 
"Can't move my legs," you mumbled, the sound muffled by the way your cheek was squished into the pillow. "Need you to come carry me."
His laugh was something you wished you could bottle up. "Spoiled."
"And who's to blame for that?" You were ready for his witty retort, but it was cut short by the sudden flash of your phone. You squinted at the caller ID. "Sorry, Penelope is calling me, can I call you back in a second?"
"Course, honey. Thank her for the idea, yeah?" Your mouth fell open as you scrambled for the right words. Of course he had heard. "Also, I plan on spending a few solid hours fucking you when I get home, so I suggest you get some rest."
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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lazyjellyfish300 · 5 months
Just a little carried away...
Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader
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A/N: I'M SORRY Y'ALL. Based on this post I saw....dropping this and running away....I had to. 💀idk if this is any good or what but oh well. My next piece is angsty to give a little break in between filth but here's another pile of smut nobody asked for... Word count 1.3k
"Fuck...me..." Miguel breathes out as you unclip your bra, leaving your upper body bare for him as you sit in his lap. He puts both hands on your hips and moves you so you're straddling his thigh instead. He leans forward taking your breast in his mouth, while he gently tweaks the nipple of the other between his fingers.
"Shit..." You breathe out and start humping your clothed pussy against his thigh, loving the friction his leg is offering you.
Once he feels you grinding on him, his hands fly from your tits to your ass, squeezing and using it to maneuver you and grind you down harder on his thigh, causing you to let out a high pitched moan.
"Mmmm," you bite your lip, looking at Miguel through half lidded eyes. Miguel pulls the top of your leggings down so he can watch your pussy hump against him, the thin fabric of your panties the only thing barring his vision.
His lips fall open at the sight and he leans back and closes his eyes, but they snap open again when he feels you begin to hungrily kiss his neck, your fingers snaking themselves in his coffee colored locks.
He sucks in air between his teeth, letting out a loud moan which causes you to wet the spot you're riding on his thigh even more with your arousal.
"Fuck baby, fuck...." He whimpers, looking up at you. You feel so powerful over him in this moment, as you continue to move and roll your hips in his lap. Dangling what you know damn well both of you want in this moment above his head.
"Yes, baby....?" You tease with a breathy sigh, leaning back in to give him more wet kisses along his neck.
"I....mhnnn..." His voice is cut off by more moans that escape him as your hand moves to the bulge in his sweatpants.
"Yeah...?" Your tone is a little more desperate, your body begging for his cock.
"You're making it so hard not to fuck you..." Miguel gasps as you seize his hard cock through his clothes.
You pause and pull away from his neck for a moment and look at him, nothing but pure want is saturating his expression as he wets his lips.
Your eyes remain locked on him as you toy with his cock, causing him to grit his teeth as he can't bring himself to look away from you, either.
"So... fuck me then....baby..." Your voice lowers to a whisper as you free his cock from his pants, feeling the veiny rough texture in your hand. Your mouth waters as you gently get up, sinking to your knees and you begin running your tongue in circles around his sensitive tip which had already begun to drip in anticipation.
You moan as you taste him and nearly choke when he thrusts into the back of your throat, a sharp "Fuck" rolling off his tongue. He looks down at you, his expression absolutely drunk and desperate. "Baby...I wanna fuck you..." he says through clenched teeth.
"Do you have a condom, sweetheart?" You ask sweetly with a pause, looking up at him with your head still in his lap and his cock in your hand, painting your lips with his tip, planting a soft kiss into it as you remain fixated on him.
Miguel gulps, his large Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "Fuck....No, I don't..."
You let out a little scoff and then rest your forehead on his bare leg, chuckling in exasperation.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me babyyy..." You look up at him.
"Maybe...just a little bit...let me put the tip in...?" he whispers, starting to play with your hair a little.
"Miguellll..." You shake and hang your head, and he brings his fingers underneath your chin to look up at him while he starts to pump his cock.
"Please, baby...do you trust me, I'll pull out....?" He whispers.
You look at how pretty his face looks right now as you're on your knees, utter desire lining his pupils. Ruby practically leaking out of his dazzling eyes.
"I promise baby, if you don't want to, I'll stop...." He assures you, pumping himself harder.
Those full lips of his fall open, his head cocking slightly to the side, and you feel your thighs clench.
"Fuck...okay baby...just the tip, swear?" You say, scrambling to stand up and strip your leggings and panties off so you're completely bare.
"Holy fuck...." Miguel is momentarily thrown off by your naked body but regains focus. "Yes baby, I swear..."
His hands eagerly rest on your hips and bob you over his erect tip. His lips are still parted as he gazes into your face, his jaw opening even more as the tip of his cock makes contact with your wet entrance, and watches the slight grimace on your face as he slowly splits you open.
"Baby..." you groan a little, eyes shutting as you feel the sensation of being stretched by his cock.
"I've got you baby..." Miguel pants. He bites his lip and looks down at his cock gently disappearing inside and bucks his hips a little higher without warning, causing his dick to penetrate you a little more, making you gasp in alarm.
"Baby! Too much!" Your nails dig into his shoulders and he mutters and grips your thighs tightly in response.
"Baby...that......oh my God...."
Miguel chuckles as he watches you give in and roll your head back and tug the hairs on the nape of his neck a little harder.
Miguel starts fucking you with half his dick pumping into you steadily. "Do you like this, baby?"
"Baby..." You whine, and Miguel leans forward and peppers kisses all across your chest, keeping his strokes agonizingly short.
"Fuck....oh jesus....nghhhhh...." you pant, starting to move your hips on your own, making Miguel sit back as you take the reins.
"Yeah, baby?" Miguel smirks and twitches his dick while inside you, reducing you to a whimper.
"I......need all of you, Mig..." you beg, the notion of protection and your conditions earlier long forgotten. His cock is tooooo fucking good.
Miguel groans a little. "Mmmmm yeah? You want the rest of my cock?"
"Pleaseee...." you answer.
"You sure, cutie?" He teases, knowing fully well what your answer will be. "What happened to just the tip..."
"It feels so good..." You whine, interrupting him. "More baby, baby please...."
Miguel inhales sharply. "Okay sweetheart...."
You sink the rest of the way down his length with his assistance. He rolls his hips up even further, making you fall forward at the sudden twinge of pain from him hitting your cervix.
He catches you and leans you on his shoulder, holding you in a bear hug as he continues to fuck you. "Got you, beautiful....you're doing great..."
You press your lips into his shoulder, as he continues to roughly fuck you in his lap.
"Fuck yeah....oh fuck....baby....yes, harder please...." You start to stutter in his ear, the sweat from his body starting to coat your chest.
He grants your request and groans as he starts thrusting at a quicker pace. "I'm gonna cum soon, baby..." he mumbles, holding you in place.
You take his cock over and over, your breathing getting heavier and heavier as you feel him pound you.
"Want you to cum in me..."
Miguel moans. "fffuck...baby I..."
"Cum in me...." You repeat firmly, your breaths starting to stagger along with his thrusts that are jolting you, causing your voice to shake.
Hours later you've lost track of how many times he's cummed in you. You pant and stare at the ceiling after what feels like round 8, chest wet with sweat, your vision fuzzy.
Miguel's body, his cock, how good and dirty this night has been is the only thing on your mind.
He sits up a little and plants a kiss into your temple as his fingers make their way to your puffy, overstimulated pussy lips, gathering the dripping cum and stuffing it back inside, stroking the velvet of your walls, making you groan again.
"You wasting any?" He chuckles, leaning over to kiss you again.
"No, baby. Never..."
"That's my girl..."
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dotster001 · 10 months
Can I request overblot crew + malmal (idk if he's gonna be the one who does it so) w a mc who has the uncontrollable impulse to just. Touch things they deem pretty/cute/whatever? Like malmals horns, leonas ears and tail, idias hair, jamils little coin things in his hair, vils crown, etc?
Or funnier, things they're supposed to not touch bc common sense? Like the boiling hot liquid in the alchemy cauldron, the fireplace, broken glass, basically anything someone would have to rip their hands away from lol
A/N: I did a mix of things. As someone who wants to put dungeons and dragons dice right into my mouth, I had a lot of fun with this one 😂 I want to put my hands in jamil and Azul's hair so bad 😭
CW: injury in Azul and Idia's parts, self inflicted, cause obviously 😂
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No one was allowed to touch the roses. Well, no one but you. You like to run your fingers on the petals, tracing any visible veins, touching paint spots, and booping him on the nose if the rose hasn't dried yet.
So sweet, so soft, so innocent. He only wished that…
No matter how many times he reminded you not to, you always poked the thorns.
"Y/N," he said sternly, "the entire point of thorns on roses is that they hurt.  They are intended to protect the rose!"
"But if not for touch, why touch shaped?" You pouted.
You sighed, and stared at the rose with a sharp glare, before turning back to him with a mischievous grin. 
"If I can't play with the roses, can I play with your scepter staff thing?"
He should have known. You'd been asking to "play with it" for weeks now. And every time he'd clutched it tighter, and taken a step back. He loved you! But he didn't trust whatever it was you wanted to do with his staff.
"Please, my rose?" You gently traced the collar of his dorm uniform, pressing your free hand to his chest and  giving him the sweetest puppy dog eyes.
He sighed, and placed his scepter in your hand, and was given immediate whiplash as you started swinging it through the air like a baseball bat.
"What are you doing?!?"
"Fighting crime!"
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He felt a ticklish feeling in his half awake state. Assuming it was a fly of some sort, he flicked his ears, and attempted to drift back off. But the ticklish feeling was insistent. He opened one eye to see you scratching his ears. He groaned. He should have known. This was a common occurrence.
"Oy, Herbivore!"
Your eyes widened, and flickered to his.
"Oh! You're awake!"
"Yeah, cause there's a fly buzzing by my ear."
You looked down at your hands then pulled them away.
"Oh, sorry."
You reached out to fiddle with one of his braids, your fingers doing what he could only describe as kneading the plaits.
He gripped your wrist, and pulled you down to his level, pressing you into his chest.
"If you're gonna mess with my hair, then, quid pro quo, you should expect there to be a price."
You nuzzled into his chest and nodded, your hand snaking back into his hair as he drifted off to your gentle fingers.
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This was exactly why he had the Leech twins watch you. You always complained you didn't need a babysitter, but when left to your own devices…
"As your partner, I shouldn't have to sign a contract or pay a price for a healing potion!" You cried, clutching your burnt hand.
What had you done?
You'd touched a stove seconds after the burner was turned off.
Call it stupid curiosity.
"If there's no price, how can I ensure you won't keep making these decisions!" Azul cried, finishing the final touches of the contract he was writing.
"Decision implies I thought about it. I can't stress enough that there was no thought involved."
He glared at you, before pushing the contract over to you.
"Sign it, and I'll fix your hand."
"My hand hurts too much," you whined.
"Your non-dominant hand is the one you burned. Sign it."
You looked at the fine print before grimacing.
"This says I can't touch anything if it's an impulse touch. What about you?"
"What about me?"
"That means I can't just touch your hair anymore? I can't just come up and kiss you anymore?"
Azul groaned a massaged his temples. 
"This is a punishment. You get those privileges back in two weeks. Sign the damn contract."
You intended to glare at him, but a wave of pain hit your hand and you quickly signed it in shaky script.
"There," he pulled out a potion and gently took your hand. "Hopefully you learn something."
"I probably won't," you muttered bitterly.
"I know," he lamented.
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His heart couldn't handle it. Even asking you out had nearly sent him into the recesses of his hood for eternity. 
But ever since then, whenever you got the chance, your hands were in his hair. Usually playing with the gold medallions in his hair. But if he happened to have worn his hair down that day….oh sevens.
You'd somehow snuck up on him, and snuck your way into his lap, cupping his face and running your hands through his hair.
You were technically looking at his face, but he knew you weren't actually seeing him. You were seeing his hair.
"Y/N," he muttered, feeling his face burn, "I have to finish this homework."
"Mhmm," you muttered, as dazed as if he'd charmed you.
"Y/N!" He whines, unable to stop himself from leaning into your touch, just a little.
"Mhmm," you hummed, before unexpectedly pressing his face to your chest to allow yourself more space to play with his long hair.
He thought about speaking up. But you couldn't see his increasingly flustered expression with his face pressed to your chest. And you were warm and comforting. And your hands in his hair didn't feel too bad. Maybe he could indulge. Just for a moment.
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Vil groaned, and left the bathroom he'd been doing his makeup in, watching you stare at a shattered bottle. Was it potion, perfume, or lotion? Even you probably didn't know. You just saw a shiny, pretty bottle, and had to touch.
"I'll pay for it!" You shouted, eyes wide with fear.
He sighed, flicked his pen at the broom he'd bought not long after dating you, and watched as it magically swept up the pink shards and goop on the floor.
He then half heartedly glared at you, lazily pointing his pen in your direction.
"Don't touch another one."
You aggressively nodded, and he returned to the bathroom to finish his look.
Ten minutes later, he heard it.
He covered his mouth to hide his quiet laughter. He truly couldn't leave you alone for ten minutes. It was endearing truly. He heard the broom fall as you, he assumed, hastily moved to sweep it up, and he couldn't hold back anymore, allowing himself to release a full, joyous laugh.
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"Hold that," Idia said excitedly as he passed you the scissors he'd just been using. His new game system was here! And he'd bundled it so that it came with Star Rogue 2, which had only just come out! 
He slowly pulled it out of the box, holding his breath from excitement, and,
He turned to look at you, and your thumb was in your mouth.
"What's wrong?" 
You pulled your thumb out, showing a cut on the finger pad. 
"Ortho!" Idia called in a panic, holding your hand and staring at the cut. In his panic, he stuck your thumb in his own mouth.
"Ew, Idia," you said, face full of disgust at your boyfriend's spit on your hand.
Ortho came over before he could respond, and pulled your hand from Idia's mouth. He immediately got to work on the cut, seeming to have been aware of the problem immediately.
"How did you do this?" Idia asked, rocking back and forth to get rid of his nervous energy.
You looked up at Ortho, then back at Idia, then back to Ortho.
"I'm embarrassed to say it when Ortho is here. He'll just give me a speech."
"I only give speeches when you need them!" Ortho said defensively.
"Which is everytime," you muttered bitterly.
"Y/N, please, I'm scared. Tell me what happened!" Idia cried, beginning to pace as Ortho wrapped a bandage around your thumb.
You stared at the floor. "Well, you handed me the scissors, and I was curious how sharp they are, so…"
Idia groaned, and Ortho immediately began his speech about scissors.
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Malleus knew he was tall, especially compared to humans. So he'd never thought much about how insistently stared up at him, eyes full of expectation.
It wasn't until he watched your cat creature's eyes do the same thing as he tied a shoelace, one day, that he realized that you wanted something. And it wasn't hard to figure out what it was.
"Are you looking at my horns? If you're so curious, you can touch them freely. But only if you are ready to see what will happen afterwards."
Little did he know that he had stumbled upon a rare breed of human, one that was unafraid of him, but to an unrealistic extent.
It was visible today, while you were on a walk together, and then you stopped walking. He paused to look back at you, but it was too late. You were climbing his body like a koala, all to reach his horns.
"If you simply asked me, I would let you touch them."
"So shiny! Must touch!"
He laughed lightly as you reached his horns, and heard you attempt to knock against them. They didn't have feeling, but he could guess from previous times this had happened that you were poking the points with a finger and running your hands up and down them.
He felt a pull on his head as your lower half lost its grip, and you helplessly dangled while holding his horns.
"Oh, my silly child of man," he laughed. "What am I going to do with you?" He flicked his pen and helped you float down, then turned to you. You were sitting in the grass and pouting.
"I wasn't done," you muttered.
He knelt in the grass with you, then lay his head on your lap, laughing again as you excitedly traced his horns, allowing himself to relax under your care.
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queenendless · 8 months
😷🤒Sick Day(Adult!SatoSugu x Sick!Fem!Reader)🤒😷
A/N: Yep this is part of that SatoSugu Teacher AU alongside Moving Day and Nights.
Also, announcement. I have smut writing fatigue after just putting out one and I'm down with a cold right now. So that vampire AU gang bang piece is happening next month. I'm so sorry for this yall. Thanks though to everyone who commented on that and helped me decide.
But I will hopefully be posting a JJK Halloween piece to make up for it. A headcannon/ imagined scenario where the JJK cast celebrate Halloween with my ideal fave pairings in couples costumes and such in this what if AU. And yas it gonna be SatoSugu x Fem or GN reader, idk on that part yet.
All credit for JJK and its characters goes to the madman that is Gege.
* Please DON'T plagarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC content. Reblog, like, and follow instead.
I hope you enjoy!
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Your throat feels raw.
Your nose feels stuffy.
And you kept coughing every few minutes.
You should have figured spotting a curse forming from a virus epidemic happening in the hotel across the street would pose a high ass risk of getting infected yourself.
But as a Window, it was your job, as life risking as it was.
The more people inside and around the building got infected, the Grade 4 grew closer to Grade 3. If it kept up, dozens upon hundreds would die.
"Ijichi-san. Disease curse. Transitioning from Grade 4 to Grade 3. Requesting sorcerer help here immediately." You struggled speaking over the phone as you kept coughing, dispatching the address to him, seeing the revolting curse grow in size as its toxic presence spilled, tripping as you tried keeping your distance.
Your head was pounding and you could barely focus as Ijichi-san panicked on his end.
"L/n-san!? L/N-SAN!"
In a moment of ailment, you dropped your phone, causing it to disconnect from the impact.
You were barely able to keep a grip on your phone or walk without faltering as you felt more drained with each passing moment. You blinked a lot as you tried staying alert, stumbling before collapsing against a parked empty vehicle on the street, sliding down to your bum just to rest your aching head against your knees, hugging your legs to your chest.
That curse's smogs began spreading down the streets, into traffic, and nearby occupied establishments.
Believing help wouldn't get here in time through the systematic process, you opted for your wild card, shakily picking up your now cracked screen device.
"Toru. Curse problem. Get here ASAP. Please." Texting the address in your feverish haste, you pressed send before curling in on yourself, welcoming sleep to rest your aching self.
In just under the next few minutes — more like moments — you felt a boom in the cursed energy atmosphere, that curse no longer being sensed. At last, it was done.
The shift from freezing metal to cozy soft fabric stirred you awake a bit. Along with the feel of solid warm arms draped around your shoulders and under your knees. Those big smooth hands squeezing your shoulder and your kneecap had you tugging weakly on the front of that top, pressing your face against your makeshift pillow, struggling to open your eyes as your hearing painted the picture for you in the meantime.
"A majority will spend weeks recuperating. The ones closest to the cause will spend months in the hospital at best. Still though, no casualties. Thank you for the help." High chances it was one of the many medics on site for post cleanup.
"You can thank the young woman here for that. She was the first responder, after all. I'll tend to her recovery myself. Sayonara." You know that voice right away, even when he was muffled, relaxing further in his hold.
"This cold isn't going away anytime soon. Too bad reversed cursed techniques don't make the common cold go away." Your half lidded eyes still had him swooning at how frail and precious you were in his arms.
You murmured, noticing him in his black long sleeved top, matching sweatpants, and face mask with the blindfold. "Blindfolded giant." That's when you realized a face mask was put on you as well, your muffled coughs hitting cloth.
You could already picture him beaming, grinning, as he laughed a bit.
"Correction. Your blindfolded giant, darling~ Now then, let's get you home."
Geto typing away on his computer, working on his latest reports.
Gojo straddling his lap, hugging him as he napped against his dear best friend slash hubbie.
The former smiling fondly at the motion before picking up where he left off was their situation before both men's phones began vibrating and ringing.
"Geto-san! L/n-san has reported a disease curse spotting! But she was cut off before I could get further details!"
"She just texted me the location." The sleepiness was wiped away, replaced with firm seriousness, as Gojo started getting off of him to get some shoes on.
"Ijichi-san, do not fret. Satoru will handle the curse." Geto calmly responded over the phone before speaking concerningly to his snowy-haired hubbie. "Toru, bring a face mask in case the affected area reaches where you land post teleport."
Said man smooched his hubbie in kind before slipping on the black face mask to match his current apparel. "Wait up for us, Sugu~"
Seeing you both back, teleporting into your home office, Suguru smooched Satoru the moment he took that face mask right off. Pressing the back of his palm against your forehead to double check for a fever, Suguru's dismay was warranted.
So being there when you awoke from your fever dream tucked in the middle of your guys' giant bed meant Suguru patting your now sweating forehead with a wet rag, you trembling from chills raking your skin followed by feeling warmer the next minute as you coughed into a tissue he handed to you.
"Well dearest, you've got yourself a nasty cold here." Suguru noted with a gray face mask on as well, seated by you on his side of the bed.
"Ah bah." Your raspy spat earned you a cough into your fist before you were offered a filled up water bottle by Satoru who was sitting behind you on his side; blindfold off but face mask back on.
"Welp, I exorcized the curse and brought your cute self back here. Plus I got that report to work on in your precious stead. So you're welcome." He gently ran his fingers through your hair to ease you in whatever way he could.
"Thank you Toru." You slowly sat up and were then handed some cold pills by Suguru to down some water with. "Thank you Sugu."
"Now that we've made our home Ground Zero, you are hereby confined to this room. Drink plenty of fluids. Take your medicine. Get lots of rest. Do you hear me, young lady?" Suguru's smart ass tone made you pout.
"Yes mom." You murmured raspy.
Satoru snorted behind his face mask to which Suguru whacked him in the shoulder across from him with narrowed eyes. "At least Megumi and the twins are living in the dorms now and Tsumiki was able to convince her classmate to stay at her place for a while. Meaning we three have the place to ourselves~"
"Does that mean … I have to sleep by myself?" You whimpered, cracking their resolve. "Neither the Gojo Geto bears, nor the Gojo Geto cats, not even the Gojo Geto giant round plushies can substitute for the real deal." You moped, pointing at said custom made toys lined up on the window seat on the far side of the room.
"Aww, Suguru, how can we deny our lovely sweetheart the company of her valiant handsome knights in the flesh, huh~!?" Satoru dramatized his own cries, muffled though.
Suguru sighed, consigning. "At least one of us should. Who else will be teaching the first years in the meantime?"
"Round robin, then? Last one left standing tends to that noble martyr and gets our dear sweetheart to be their own personal nurse in the end … huh …" That hum and those inquiring eyes could only bode mischief. "I volunteer Suguru to go first!"
"Not gonna happen, Satoru." He immediately denied.
"But to be fed by, bathed by and be doted on by our angel is heaven sent~!" Satoru gushed.
"Which is why you shouldn't be the only one getting that special treatment!" Suguru being jealous at possibly being left out on that.
"Hey!" Your strained shout ends in a coughing fit, curled up in bed, sniffling to which Suguru hands you a big enough tissue to blow your nose in. "I'm dying here."
"Hmm … Yu could fill in." Satoru suggested.
"He is working as a teaching aid part time. And he did say he could help out whenever we needed it." Suguru added.
"Plus Nanamin is on a business trip for the week~ He'll need something to do while waiting for his beloved's return~!" Satoru teased.
"That settles it then." Suguru was smirking behind that mask, you could just tell.
"How lucky you are, darling, to have the strongest duo be your own personal nurses~" Satoru was so smirking his ass off.
"Even though you'll literally get sick of me?" You shyly asked, squeezing your bottle, apprehensive.
"We have strong ass immune systems, Y/n. Comes with over a decade of immense training." Satoru prided on, kissing your flushed cheek.
"If we can risk ourselves in the face of death as sorcerers, this is nothing." Suguru assured, kissing your other flushed cheek. "I'll call Haibara."
"I'll start up a bath for us all. Thank you big ass bathtubs." Satoru clapped to that.
"What do I do?" Even when sick, tilting your head and batting those eyes made the duo smooch your lips at once.
"Just be a good little patient for us, alright, honey?" God that wink of Suguru's left you more hot than usual as he walked off to make that call.
"Besides, being sick with you means being granted a sick leave and getting paid for it! Ah, thank you, my darling sweetheart~!" Satoru did hug you, nuzzle his face in your hair, and left you a wheezing mess.
"Y - You're w - welcome!"
Well, on the bright side, at least you'll all be sick together.
Snuggled in bed, among discarded tissues, wrappers of cough drops, and smooshed in one big embrace of entangled limbs while binging nothing but sitcoms, movies, and anime.
You would eventually get better in a week's time then later tend to your two enamored, affectionate partners and get them back into tip top shape.
But until then, being in their cozy arms, sleeping smack dabbed in between them, that might as well be the key on your quick road to recovery.
The SatoSugu cure, indeed!
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diejager · 7 months
Idk if anyone’s written this yet, but I am craving some professional sex worker!reader. cw: smut, sex work, prostitution, OnlyFans, tell me if I missed any.
Soap just happened to find out your little account, the profile image so salaciously tempting with your big, doe eyes, small smile and lacy lingerie. Seated on your bed, you pushed your chest out, showing how your lacy bra made your tits perk up through the sheer camisole, teasing him with a taste of something he couldn’t get, and spread your legs open, revealing your black, floral panty with a garter belt keeping your pretty stockings up your thighs to the camera. You looked so innocent in that attire, a little angel dressed in black, just as your profile name —Seraphim.
He was hooked on the first second, quickly clicking to see more of you. Your subscription was free, to let him have a taste of what was waiting for him behind the paywall of different memberships with pictures of your covered cunt, breasts pushed outwards, sunbathing under the sun and laying belly up while staring at the camera with a pout. He was painfully hard in his briefs, staring at his phone, he needed to see more, he had to at this point when you sunk your fingers so deeply in his psyche.
Without wasting another second, he quickly tapped on the highest membership you had, deciding to pay you monthly for everything you had, and coincidentally, you were live. He felt his cock jump when he caught sight of you, naked and bouncing on a dildo, thick and veiny that curved enough to hit your cervix. His appearance seemed to get your attention, the soft ping of your computer alerting you of a new viewer. You smiled, sweet and delicious, calling out the username he hastily came up with, never once stopping as you spoke breathily, gasping and mewling to the screen.
“Oh! Hi SexiSoap. I hope you’ll enjoy your first live.”
He almost came in his pants, his cock throbbing painfully, the head leaking copious amount of pre. He couldn’t stop himself from replying to you, watching your eyes gleam with excitement when you saw his shyly written Hi, boonie, hips stuttering and bucking sloppily against the round base on the silicone dick. He wished that was him, he wished he was the one you were riding, his cock that you milked and came over.
Ghostie: Cum, love.
He was so drawn by you that he nearly missed those words from a suspiciously familiar name, he wasn’t sure if it were Ghost, but the love in the end only solidified his suspicion. It drove both you and him wild, you let out a cry as you came, thighs jerking as you slumped forward, back arched and ass up; and Soap with feral jealousy and hunger. He hadn’t even realized he came untouched, a wet spot growing on his pants.
After you waved everyone good night, stream ending and Soap panting hotly, he sluggishly cleaned himself up, changing pants and laying on his bed, mind wandering to your body sprawled in every position.
Knock knock
He jumped at the loud knocks, heavy and quick, impatiently waiting for him to answer the door.
“Aye, aye, A’m coming,” he unlocked the door to a black wall, eyes moving up to see a skull-painted balaclava and brown eyes —it was Ghost. “Hey, LT-”
“SexiSoap, huh?”
Soap froze up, his mind going through all the what ifs scenario and how he’d explain to Ghost how he came to find your account. SO he did the one thing he did best, smile and shoot back:
“Ghostie, yeah? Real original, LT.”
Part 2
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flowercrowngods · 8 months
for prompt tag!
28. i'm just getting comfy (would love if this was established relationship/domestic fluff.. perhaps one of them is sick in this... idk)
but also take your time 🫡🫂
in which steve is sick but that won't stop soft boys hours
When Eddie hears the sound of fuzzy sock-clad feet dragging over the hardwood floor, accompanied by a sniffle or two, he drops the book he's reading onto his chest, exasperated by his restless boyfriend who refuses to stay in bed after Eddie tucked him in — again! Ready to give him A Look and tell him to get back to bed, because whatever it is he needs, Eddie can and will get it for him, Just go back to bed, Stevie. 
But whatever words were on the tip of his tongue even just a second ago have disappeared at seeing Steve – the same way that they always used to when they've only been dating for a few months. Instead of giving him anything remotely like A Look, Eddie grins, and instead of exasperated, all he feels is immeasurably fond. Endeared. Fucking enamoured. 
Because Steve, in all his pale, sniffly-nosed glory, is standing in the doorway to the living room, blinking against the sunlight streaming in through the windows, painting everything golden and bringing colour back to him, too. But it's not the way the light catches on his skin that makes Eddie fall in love all over again in what Robin would describe the most pathetic way possible, no. 
The thing that makes Eddie want to propose on the spot, in sickness and in health, is the fact that Steve is wearing Eddie's woollen hat. The one Joyce knitted for him with thick, soft, dark brown wool a few Christmases ago, with two distinctive bat ears sticking up.
God, where did Steve even unbury that? 
And what business does he have looking so absolutely fucking adorable wearing it?  His glasses are askew, the hair sticking out from beneath the hat is tousled and greasy, and the bags under his eyes are stark against his sickly pale skin that makes his nose shine red. 
Eddie is about to die with how much he loves him. It’s like a scream lodged in his throat that he cannot let out, an urge that grows evermore to let the whole world know, to not rest until the last person knew about his endless, endless, endless love for this angel of a man. 
In sickness and in health. It is there, residing in the back of his head, and he almost says it out loud — but Stevie would kill him if Eddie proposed to him because of a stupid woollen hat with bat ears (Sorry, Robbie). 
“Baby,” he breathes instead, miraculously keeping a hold of his heart in this wave of affection that overcame him so suddenly. “You good? Everything okay?” 
“Mhmm,” Steve hums, though it’s more of a growl with how rough his voice is. He wipes at his face, almost nudging his glasses off his nose, and Eddie can’t keep in the chuckle that bubbles out of him. 
He’s about to get up off the couch and wrap the angel with bat ears in his arms, just because he can, but then Steve is already approaching him, the blanket thrown around his shoulders dragging on the floor just as much as his feet. There is something so young about Steve when he’s sick, something so vulnerable and raw that makes Eddie want to latch onto him and never let go. Protect him from the evil germs and the headaches they bring. It’s dumb. Stupid, really. 
Eddie doesn’t even try to fight it as he sits up and holds out his arms for Steve to fall into. He brushes kiss after kiss to his overheated skin as Steve cuddles into him, burying his face in Eddie’s neck and his hands underneath his shirt. 
They hum in unison, finding a sound for serenity.
“That’s my hat,” Eddie says after a while, breathing in his sick angel and feeling him melt in his arms. 
“Our hat,” Steve mumbles into his skin. "My turn to be Batman."
Eddie laughs, wrapping his arms tighter around him, giving in to the urge to hold, the urge to never let go. “You’re ridiculous, d’you know that?” 
“I did know that,” Steve says, and he somehow manages so sound proud of that. 
“Good, just making sure,” Eddie remarks, hiding his own grin in Steve’s cheek, nosing along his temple and the edge of the hat. After a moment of silence that they spend just holding onto each other, he murmurs, “You need anything?”
Steve shakes his head, winding his arms tighter around Eddie’s shoulders and leans into him; it takes him a moment to catch up with Steve, but eventually he lets himself fall backwards so they’re lying flat on the couch. 
“What are you doing, hm?” he asks, reaching for the blanket that has pooled around Steve’s legs and pulls it up again, wrapping it around his shoulders properly again. 
“I’m just getting comfy,” Steve rumbles, slowly and sluggishly wiggling and twisting on top of him until he stills with a satisfied hum that sounds a lot like a smile. 
Another hum, affirmative this time, as Steve buries his cold fingers underneath Eddie’s body. “You’re warm.” 
“And you have a fever.” 
“Hmm. Still.” 
It makes him grin again, makes him want to burst and scream and cry and laugh endlessly. 
“Ridiculous,” he says again, no louder than a whisper, and Steve turns his head to press a kiss to the centre of Eddie’s chest. It’s as much of a No, you as Eddie’s going to get, and he cherishes it with everything he has. 
“I like that,” Steve says, half asleep by the sound of it.
Eddie reaches for Steve's glasses and places them on the coffee table, and tucks the hat back over his ears. When no elaboration follows, asks, “You like what, angel?” 
“That. Your voice. Feels nice.” 
“Want me to read to you? I think you might like this book, actually.” 
Another hum, another kiss — to his heart this time. “I like everything about you.”
“That’s what I wanna hear,” Eddie laughs, reaching for the battered copy of Momo that’s been one of his favourites since Wayne brought it home on a rainy night in ’85 and Eddie stayed up all night devouring it. 
“At the edge of the city,” he starts reading the blurb, to give Steve an idea what this is about and let him decide if he wants to listen in or just feel the rumbling of Eddie’s voice in his chest, “in the ruins of an old amphitheatre, there lives a little homeless girl called Momo. Momo has a special talent which she uses to help all her friends who come to visit her. Then one day the sinister men in grey arrive and silently take over the city. Only Momo has the power to resist them, and with the help of Professor Hora and his strange tortoise, Cassiopeia, she travels beyond the boundaries of time to uncover their dark secrets.”
Steve doesn’t react, but Eddie can feel that he’s not quite asleep yet, so he opens the book and starts reading from the beginning that he almost knows by heart. Somewhere on page seven, Steve takes to playing with Eddie’s hair, carding slow fingers through the strands in the gentlest way that is almost enough to distract him. Switching the book from one hand to another as his arms get heavy from the position he’s holding the book, he always has one hand drawing idle patterns underneath the blanket, between Steve’s shoulder blades. 
It’s a slow afternoon as the sun sets on them, painting them in golden hues of orange and rose. Once he’s sure Steve is asleep and the living room too dark to keep reading, Eddie puts down the book and sneaks his arms under the blanket, wrapping them loosely around Steve’s shoulders to follow him into dreamland.  
hope this lives up to what you had in mind! 🫶
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captainfern · 7 months
Fern hear me out. I just need soft, domestic sex with husband price x a military s/o. And idk about you, but there ain’t no way I’d be shy around that delicious man. And I have a feeling his S/O wouldn’t be either. do with it what you will, I just love your work lol
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soft as a pillow
18+, fem!reader
both you and price were revered members of the military with a stellar reputation too. years in the force had toughened the both of you and smoothed out any soft ridges in your personality. well, almost all.
sex with price, on most nights, was soft and gentle. something so far beyond the environment the both of you were used too. but it made perfect sense the way you treated each other so gently, with such care. that’s why you fell in love— and married— him in the first place.
he was so gentle. he had you spread out on your shared bed, a fluffy pillow propped up beneath your hips. your legs were hiked up around his waist, dragging him closer to you, as he slowly thrusted in and out of you. with each thrust, he rolled his hips, hitting deeper inside you each time.
his arms bracketed your head, his eyes on your face as he loved you. your arms were around his neck, running softly through his hair as he rocked you against the bed, the muscles of his back and legs rippling as he held himself over you.
price’s cock reached deep inside you, stretching you out so good. the soft, wet walls of your cunt sucked him in, milking him, creating a creamy ring of fluid around the base of his cock. you whined quietly when you felt some of that arousal dripping down the curve of your arse.
one of his hands shifted to cup your face, a warm palm against your cheek. he leaned down to kiss you, splitting your lips with his tongue so that he could lick into your mouth. he moaned quietly into your mouth as your tongue slowly, lazily responded to his. the hand you had in his hair tightened as you held his face to yours, and he moaned again.
his hips continued to roll and grind down onto you. slow, soft sex with price didn’t involve a lot of hard movements. he used the rocking of his hips and pelvis, and the momentum given, to stuff his cock inside you, deeper and deeper. he was unhurried, but still intent on making you come.
and you always did. even at a leisurely pace, price still made you come. you arched against him, your entire body trembling as he led you through your orgasm. he’d pepper kisses across your face the entire time, muttering and whispering against your face or into your ear.
“i love you, my pretty girl. always such a good girl for me, always so good. love when you come, sweetheart. love feelin’ this pretty pussy go all tight ‘round me, an’ i love seeing that pretty face you make when you come.”
he’ll still be holding your face gently when he comes too, looking at you lovingly as he spills inside you, painting your insides white. he whispers and grunts your name through it, hips grinding in deep circles.
aftercare’s even softer. he’ll hug and kiss every spot he can, paying special attention to your tummy and sensitive folds. he’ll rub his large, warm hand over the soft mound of your tummy, whispering how well you took him in here, and how stunning you are.
then, he’ll move to your pussy— wet and leaking with your shared fluids. he’ll coo into you gently, kissing over your sensitive clit, running the solid weight of his tongue through your folds, cleaning you up. his facial hair will tickle your thighs, but you love it. most of the time, as he’s whispering praise into your cunt, you’ll come again.
price’ll run you a bath or shower and be with you the entire time. he’ll dry and dress you, and then tuck you into bed. the two of you will talk for a while, basically melded together. sometimes, you’ll fall asleep in each others arms. other times, you find yourself on your back and price on top of you again.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 27 days
♡ Sympathy for the Devil ♡
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♡ Pairings: mobster!boyfriend!jimin x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Genre: mafia au/angst/smut
♡ Summary: After an arguement with your boyfriend, you set out to get back at him by bringing a date to the restaurant he frequents on a night you know he'll be there. It's a dangerous game, toying with another human life to get your way, but you do love danger, don't you? You wouldn't be looking to make a killer jealous if you didn't.
♡ Word Count: 3.2k
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♡ Warnings: appearance of other members (non romantic), dom Jimin w/ switch vibes sprinkled in, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, rough sex, clit teasing, marking (hickeys), pet names (baby), you're feral for each other, fingering (f receiving), spanking, you give him a lil slap, choking, bathroom sex, possessiveness, jealousy, you're both kinda psychotic, implied murder, & that's it for the list of wholesome things in this fic.
♡ A/N: I'm such a sucker for mafia movies so I have the biggest soft spot for mafia fics. I want to thank @anyamaris for reading this first and encouraging me along the way when I was struggling with writer's block. Idk what I'd do without my #1 cheerleader for my dom Jimin agenda ❤️
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Some of the prettiest animals in nature are simultaneously the deadliest. Park Jimin is no exception...
It’s impossible not to be enchanted by him. His face is a heavenly mixture of handsomeness and beauty. The cadence of his voice is like a song you can’t quite get out of your head and just when you think you have it’s back again. It’s all enough to make a girl blind to the blood on his hands.
Falling in love with him made the rest of the world all fuzzy. It blurred out everything. Not just the money laundering or the drug trafficking. To love him, to be loved by him, makes everything else feel like background noise. You've never touched a hard drug in your life but, the way he makes you feel, he must qualify as one. 
That’s why you’re here doing the dumbest shit you’ve ever done in your life.
Arguments are inevitable in relationships. But arguments when you’re dating a mob guy? They’re different beasts entirely and it’s a bitch to tame them. Your last argument with Jimin led to you packing a bag and running off to your best friend’s place. In the beginning you never had to question if you came before everything else. You were special to him—at least you thought you were—and he’d stop anything to be with you.
But lately that hasn’t been the case. He’s been replacing his presence in your life with gifts, thinking he can make up for missed dates and lonely nights with designer bags. Maybe the other girlfriends are content with cuddling up to some ugly mink coat in place of their man but you aren’t one of them. 
He just can’t seem to get that through his thick skull so you’ve set out to make him. If the death stare he’s giving you across this bustling restaurant is any indication of how your plan’s going, it’s working like a charm. You spent hours styling your hair just the way he likes it. Elegant and sleek, marrying beautifully with the softness of your face.
Your manicured nails are painted a translucent blue that deepens the slightest bit when the light hits it a certain way. The dress you’re wearing accentuates your curves in all the places he loves which, let’s be honest, is everywhere. And your heels, the heels, somehow makes your ass look more perfect than it already is. All of this and you’re sitting at a table having dinner with another man. 
You spot Namjoon throwing an arm around Jimin’s shoulder, no doubt leaning in to give him one of his infamous pep talks. "Don’t worry about her” he’s surely saying, “It’s not worth it, man. See, sometimes love is just…” Joon goes on, doing his best to keep his younger brother from doing something stupid but Jimin’s hardly listening. How can he when his blood’s boiling hot enough to eat its way through his flesh?
Every Sunday night the brothers and their girlfriends come here for dinner. The owners, a sweet elderly couple, love them as if they were their own and give them the biggest table no matter how packed it is. This is the one night they get to pretend they’re a normal family. It’s tradition and you don’t fuck with tradition. Everyone knows that. You know that. 
“The thing a lot of women don’t understand is that men by nature aren’t monogamous” your date rambles between messy bites of dinner. The man’s not ugly by any means but god is he a pig, in more ways than one. Not that you’re complaining. It’s why you had your best friend set you up with him. Whoever you bought here was no doubt being led to slaughter. Who better than a pig?
A chill runs through you at the ruthlessness of your own thoughts, wiping the smile from your face. Looking up, Jimin captures you in his gaze, the death glare replaced with a look of childlike amusement. It’s as if the smile had fled from your face to find its new home on his, taunting you from afar. What’s he smiling for? You’re not foolish enough to think it’s for anything good. 
“I was thinking, it’s kinda loud in here. Wanna go to my place?” your date asks, his poor attempt at getting laid tonight falling on deaf ears.
Jimin stands up, slipping out of his suit jacket as he does so. Rolling up the sleeves of his pressed dress shirt, he leans to whisper something in Yoongi’s ear. Yoongi pours him a shot and he knocks it back like it’s nothing. The rest of the table watches on, concerned but doing their best to carry on dinner as usual. Their collective heart rate increases but none more than yours.
Maybe you hadn’t really thought this one out. Noticing the color drain from your face, your date reaches out to touch your hand. “Don’t!” you snap, jumping up from your seat. “I’m sorry. I just need a second.”  Jimin’s halfway across the dining room when you flee toward the bathroom, nearly knocking into some poor innocent waiter in the process. 
Navigating your way through the halls, you scramble to find a way out. You’ll tell the guy you’re sick. That’s it. Say you’re not feeling too well, must be the food or something, and send him on his way. Pretend this never happened.
“Beautiful dress, darling” an older woman smiles as she leaves the bathroom. You dash in before the door closes behind her, peeking your head back out to avoid being rude. “Thank you!” you shout after her, quickly shutting the door and hurrying to the sink to splash some water on your face.
“Snap out of it” you whisper, flicking specks of icy water at the makeup you worked tirelessly to apply. “Maybe…maybe he won’t do anything, right? We’re in public. He wouldn’t—” You force a weak, pained smile at the girl staring back at you in the mirror. “Who are you kidding?” you groan, burying your face in your hands, “He’s gonna kill him.”
“But you knew that already, didn’t you?” sighs a voice that is distinctively not yours. Your hands drop from your face and there Jimin is, standing in the doorway with that same smile on. The one he’d so brutally ripped from your face. And here you are, shivering like a child too afraid of the monster under the bed to make a run for it. 
In all your panic you could’ve sworn you locked the door when, in fact, you’d done no such thing. If he’d knocked you would’ve had to open it anyway—you’ve never been great at saying no to him—but at least you would’ve given yourself a fighting chance. Nothing to stress your pretty little head about. Jimin steps in, easing the door closed, and you hear a sharp click. It’s locked now.
The heels of his black Louboutin shoes tap against the polished tile as he approaches the sink. Your heart jumps with each tap, the sound growing unbearably louder the closer he gets. Jimin brings his arms around your waist, holding you as only lovers do, “You want me to hurt him, don’t you? Want me to break every bone in his body to show you how much I love you?” His full lips brush against your neck, soft tongue running along the surface of your skin like the head of a match ready to light up with dazzling flames.
Your eyes are glued to the mirror, watching helplessly as his hands skate up and down your body, fingertips ghosting your most sensitive areas. His touch is a truth serum, forcing you to betray yourself and lay your motives bare. “You protect the things you love, Jimin. I only wanted to know if I was still one of them. Even if that meant…” you shudder at the thought. “We get what we want by any means. That’s what you taught me, isn’t it?” 
Jimin grins, locking eyes with your reflection as he inches your dress up to reveal your pillowy thighs. “Aah but you already have me. I let you throw your little tantrum but I’ll never let you go. You know that.” His fingers dip between the warmth of your thighs, teasing your clit through your panties.
“So why?” he whispers, his other hand coming up to lovingly stroke your neck, “Why would you try to embarrass me?”
You part your lips to speak but your words are forced back down by the sudden pressure applied to your windpipe by his hand. All that escapes are broken words and hushed gasps for air. The light abandons his eyes, that boyish charm he so effortlessly wields burning to ash as you squirm in his grip. You kick your legs to get free but it only serves to give him the room he needs to tear your panties to the side, the pads of his fingertips dripping with your arousal as they glide through your folds.
He loosens his grip on your neck and you manage to rasp out “Mmm…sorry…didn’t mean” before you’re plunged back into silence. Curling his fingers against your entrance, he sinks one into your core. A single digit pumping into needy walls that are already clenching in anticipation of the next one. Snatching your head back, he kisses you like he hates you. Hates you so much that he loves you. Loves you so much that he hates you. A cycle, endless and all consuming, that neither of you can break from.
“Prove it to me” he demands between your lips, plunging another finger into you, “Bend over and show me how sorry you are.” Your back arches, bringing your soft ass flush against his bulge. You press back into him, feeling his cock twitch against your ass each time his fingers slam into your core. Jimin sneaks a glimpse at the mirror to watch the way your body jiggles from the motion. Thighs trembling, tits rocking in sync with the harsh movements of his wrist.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty, baby.” Jimin slips his hand away from your neck, drenched fingers abandoning your pussy to apply sharp, wet slaps to your ass.
Spinning around to face him, you land an equally sharp slap across his face, “Choke me like that again and I’ll rip your head off.”
If the burning of your palm is any indication, you know you hit him hard but he’s unphased. He's actually smiling, licking his lips at you like you’re the most delicious thing in this restaurant. He sweeps you off of your feet, setting you down on the sink, “So. Fucking. Pretty.”
The marble’s even colder against your bottom than it was your hands but you don’t give a shit. Jimin’s tongue’s down your throat as he pushes your dress up, ripping away what was left of your panties. That’s the only thing you give a shit about. 
“Jimin!” you giggle, tugging at the zipper on his pants, “You’re gonna make me fall.”
Hooking his arms behind your knees, he spreads your legs, pushing them to your chest. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t let you fall.”
“Promise?” you pout, fingertips tracing the veins along his length.
They pulse and twitch as he raises his hips, dragging the underside of his cock between your folds. “I promise. I won’t—aah, shit, baby” he moans, his cock glazed in your arousal without having even been inside of you yet. “I didn’t know you missed me that much.” 
You grab onto his shirt, the cotton knotted in your fists as you bask in the feeling of the head brushing your clit. “I did. Missed you so much” you mewl, guiding him to your entrance. Jimin peppers your cheeks with kisses, pushing into you. Filling you. Claiming you.  “I, mmphh, missed, fuck, missed you too” he confesses, each word emphasized by thrusts that have you wanting to climb every wall in this bathroom.
When it comes to women Jimin’s told more lies than he can remember but never with you. He misses you and he means it, misses you so much that it hurts. Not just because you take his cock so well, somehow managing to look majestic when you’re being fucked up against this mirror. But because he feels incomplete without you.
Before you all he knew was violence and greed, constantly chasing power that would never be enough. Always needing more. He often wondered how much money it would take, how many buried enemies, to fill the emptiness that’s haunted him for as long as he can remember. And then you came along—the girl whose eyes twinkle as she stares up at him, your entire body calling out his name—and he had his answer.
All he needed to cure that emptiness, rid him of the nagging feeling that something’s missing, was you. But men like him have an image to maintain. In this world people come to know you for things, fear you for them, and you can’t let them think you’re soft. Not for a second. Not if you want to get what you want. “We get what we want by any means”. That is what he told you but nothing’s worth having if it’s by way of losing you. 
Dragging you to the edge of the sink, heart thumping out of his chest from how tightly you’re clenching, he whispers into your open mouth, “Come home. I’m in hell without you. Everything’s so…so empty. Just say you’ll come back to me. Say it.”
“I-I’ll come back home. Fuck, I’ll go the moon if you want me to” you pant, watery eyes sending mascara streaming down your cheeks. You tug harder at his shirt, sending a button or two clinking into the mirror. He’s in you so deep, hitting every spot like only he knows how, that you’re ready to explode. Implode? One or the other. Maybe both.
Jimin laughs, his tongue grazing yours, “You wanna go to the moon, baby? Hold onto me. I’ll take you.”
Knowing better than to doubt him, you throw your arms over his shoulders and hold on like your life depends on it. The sink creaks beneath you as he fucks harder into a pussy that just won’t stop leaking for him. You lose control of your body. All of it belongs to him, as it should. You make no attempts at denying yourself the ultimate satisfaction when it hits. Your lips crash together as you climax, your moans, bordering on screams, pouring onto his tongue.
He eagerly devours them, returning some of his own as your walls spasm wildly, milking the cum from his swollen tip. Your cunt wants every drop of it and he’s determined to give it to you. Fill you up until it’s dripping out of you, making your thighs warm and sticky with his seed. Your body gives out and he tucks an arm behind you, sticking to his promise not to let you fall.
Staring up at the ceiling, you’re sure you see space, stars twinkling before your eyes as you float there, completely weightless. Jimin’s lips meet your heaving chest, suckling at your silky skin to leave hickeys along your collarbone.
“Mine. All mine” he repeats, “Love you so much.” 
You run your fingers through his hair as he marks you, letting yourself get lost in the moment. “I love you too.” 
“Excuse me, sir. You’re holding up the bathroom” a comically high pitched voice says, tapping at the bathroom door. Jimin drags himself upright, knowing the voice too well. “You okay?” he asks, shuffling to make you both look presentable. He tries to fix your dress but there’s no use, he’s stretched it out more than he has you.
“Baby, it’s fine” you giggle, shooing him away, “I got it.” 
Jimin unlocks the door, snatching it open to reveal precisely who you both expected. “Thank god!” Jungkook cheers, rushing into the bathroom and over to the toilet. “Whose idea was it to have one bathroom here, man? I’ve had to piss for like—” Reading the look on Jimin’s face, he follows his gaze over to the sink where you sit buzzed off of the afterglow with your tattered panties at your feet.
Jungkook grins, looking you both up and down, “Safe to say you two are having a good night, huh?”
Jimin hits Jungkook in the back of the head, walking over to help you down from the sink. He holds you close to him, kissing you as he steers you towards the door. “Is it done?” Jimin asks over his shoulder but you don’t hear Jungkook’s response. It’s drowned out by the symphony of sounds that assault you as you venture back out into the restaurant, Jimin’s arms still holding you tight. Scanning the restaurant you spot the table you were at with your date but now there’s another couple there. 
“Long time no see!” Jin says, jumping up to hug you. His girlfriend follows behind, hugging you like she hasn’t seen you in years. “Come sit with me” she insists, noticing your disheveled appearance, “I’ll fix you right up. I have everything in my purse.” You settle into the chair beside her and she goes straight to work cleaning the mascara from your face.
Jimin sits beside you, an arm draped over the back of your chair, and watches attentively as you get your makeup done. “Nice to have you back” Taehyung smiles, pulling something from under the table and passing it to you. Jimin sets them down before you—your jacket and your purse. You’d forgotten them at the table when you fled to the bathroom.
“Uh, thanks, I—” you stutter, cut off by Hoseok’s sudden reappearance at the end of the table. You’d seen him earlier but hadn’t noticed his seat was empty when you returned. He tries to play it off, hide it behind a smile, but he’s out of breath, utterly exhausted from something. The men glance around the table at each other. It’s a silent conversation you know you shouldn’t be in on. 
“Jimin” you whisper, when you’re sure you aren’t interrupting, “Where’s…” 
Jimin casually pours you both a drink, presenting you with a glass of wine. “Where’s who?” 
“The guy that I was…”
“The guy that you were what, baby?” he asks, brow crinkling as he feigns ignorance. “You’ve been here with me all night, haven’t you?” He turns to the rest of the table who all seem to share his collective memory loss. “Hasn’t she?” 
“Been here all night.”
“See? Now enjoy your drink and finish getting your makeup done” he coos, kissing you on the cheek.
Just like that, everyone resumes their conversations like it’s any other Sunday night dinner. You take a sip of your wine, the post-orgasm haze finally lifts from your brain, and all of the pieces come together in your mind. You shake the truth away, opting instead for the constructed reality necessary to pretend you just didn’t get a man killed.
What date? What guy? You’ve been here all night with Jimin. The man you came here with. The man you’ll leave here with. The man you love too much to ever run away from again. Unless, of course, you want to raise the homicide rate.
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fear-less · 2 months
₊˚⊹˚ 𐙚 say my name and everything just stops
pairing: harry potter x reader
warnings: ron & reader in an established relationship , pervy harry, male masterbation, smut, harry wanking it to a photo😸, that’s all i think idk
a/n: well well well…i’m back after what 3/4 weeks?😭 so here’s smut that was written in like 20 minutes
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He felt… so fucking perverted about his thoughts of you, the way his entire body froze when your breasts squeezed over his chest, the way his hands lingered on your waist when all he wanted to do was lower them further, cupping your ass while you squealed, hitting his chest with those pretty giggles escaping your lips. “Can you help me out?” You asked with those doe-eyes. Harry was sure he would do anything you asked if you gave him that look. Any fucking thing. He nodded breathlessly, no words able to push past his lips as he watched you in awe.
Ron’s absence left Harry feeling uneasy, likely held up in some line to get what he wanted. Harry couldn’t shake off the guilt he felt as he looked at you, his mind painting vivid scenarios of you under him, craving more until he lost control. He struggled to contain his desires, a constant battle against his own urges. However, everything seemed manageable until you casually brushed past him, reaching for whatever it was you needed next to him.
It was a completely unintentional gesture on your part, most likely insignificant to you. However, the way your curves seamlessly fit against him, your proximity causing a stir in him, was uncharted territory for Harry. Mentally, he couldn’t help but envision you both as if you were naked. This realization hit him hard because all he could think about now was being intimate with you from behind, enjoying the captivating sight of your figure melding into his, your soft moans urging him on, his hips moving rhythmically, and his cock filling that perfect spot he often dreamed about.
He craved the thought of losing himself in a passionate frenzy with you, where your thoughts were consumed by him and the intense desire between you. He longed for you to be utterly captivated, pleading for release, desperate for more. The bulge in Harry’s pants was undeniable evidence of his arousal, with his cock straining against the fabric, pre-cum dampening the area. The urgency was clear; if he didn’t address this soon, he feared he might lose control entirely.
“I really need to use the bathroom, can’t hold it much longer,” he feigned, and you glanced up at him. “Oh! It’s fine, I’ll stay here; Ron doesn’t have many people ahead of him anyway,” you reassured with a smile. “Are you sure?” Harry asked, subtly concealing his erection with his hand. “Absolutely, I’ll give you a heads-up when Ron and Hermione return,” you replied cheerfully, waving him off.
He stumbled into the bathroom, letting out a sigh of relief as he locked the door behind him. Harry. He was convinced you were unwittingly tormenting him. Moving swiftly, Harry removed his trousers almost in a rush. He scolded himself internally, knowing he shouldn’t indulge in these thoughts. Yet, the vivid memories of you persisted, the way the short skirt highlighted your curves, how your lips moved as you focused on Ron.
Every memory of you transformed into a tantalizing fantasy, his mind conjuring images of your lips enveloping him, your tongue teasing him, and those innocent eyes gazing up at him. Harry couldn’t resist any longer as he crawled into bed, attempting to muffle his sounds of pleasure while freeing himself from his boxers. His cock responded eagerly, throbbing harder as he teased himself, spreading pre-cum along the tip with a hiss of arousal.
His throat emitted a deep groan as he shut his eyes, his trembling hands gliding slowly up his throbbing length. Harry’s mind was consumed by thoughts of you, aching with desire. His cock felt almost feverish in his grasp, pulsing with insatiable need. He craved you desperately, imagining you quivering beneath him, yearning for every part of you, begging for him. He longed to be inside you, expressing his love as he filled you completely.
The intensity of his desire surged as he envisioned filling you completely, not stopping until you were overflowing with his cum, coating your inner walls. His grip on himself tightened feverishly, his knuckles turning white with the force. But Harry disregarded the discomfort, driven by the vivid images of you that fueled his arousal. This overwhelming passion was unprecedented for him, feeling like he was losing control, utterly captivated by you. You were like an addictive substance, impossible for him to resist, and it tormented him knowing he couldn’t satisfy his craving.
Despite his efforts, Harry struggled to contain his moans, his mind inundated with explicit images of you. He envisioned you with your mouth agape, tongue eagerly awaiting his release, craving the sensation of his warm essence cascading down your throat. “Fuck—fucking slut,” he uttered involuntarily, intensifying his grip on himself. “Such—such a pretty baby for me, yea?” he praised in his mind, picturing you in vivid detail.
Without hesitation, Harry reached for his wallet tucked inside his trousers, retrieving a picture of you as he felt himself nearing climax. He studied the image intently, a string of curses escaping his lips. In the photograph, you stood beside him, and there was Ron. A surge of anger coursed through his veins at the sight of Ron, knowing that these feelings were utterly wrong. Yet, every fiber of his being resented Ron for having you. His thumb instinctively covered Ron’s face in the picture, his grip tightening as he fixated on you.
You looked incredibly beautiful in the photo. Your hands were delicately wrapped around his waist, leaning towards him with a radiant smile that made you look so genuinely happy. The dress you wore was stunningly small, emphasizing your curves, and your breasts were snug against the top, driving Harry wild with desire. His grip on himself tightened as he pictured you naked, imagining you squirming beneath him. “Please, Harry,” your voice echoed in his mind.
“Please, Harry. Cum inside of me,” he envisioned you whispering, your voice filled with longing. “Please, baby.. need your cum.” The image of you batting your lashes at him, tears glistening in your innocent eyes, intensified his desire. Harry relished in the fantasy of you begging for his release, fueling his need to fill you completely. The mental image of his essence spilling inside you consumed his thoughts.
Harry reveled in the fantasy of you begging for his release, his desire to fill you completely with his essence. The thought of you pleading for him flooded his mind, igniting every inch of his being. “Please, Harry, wanna be filled with your load,” he imagined you whimpering, the desperation in your voice driving him wild. “I’m gonna make you mine, honey,” he promised, his arousal heightening as he envisioned claiming you completely. “Shit—gonna fuck my load into you, yeah, baby?” he groaned, his strokes growing more fervent as he gripped the picture tightly. “Make you my fuckin’ cum dump,” he cursed, consumed by the desire to have you completely. “I’m yours, Harry,” he envisioned you mewling for him, and that final thought pushed him over the edge.
He released his warm essence over the picture, his loud groans of pleasure echoing in the room. He couldn’t stifle his satisfaction as he admired the image, his cum adorning your pretty face in the photograph. Just as he thought he was caught, you called out for him, and Harry froze in panic. He quickly covered himself as you yelled about Ron and Hermione being done waiting in line. Relief washed over him, knowing you hadn’t heard his explicit thoughts. You were indeed a tempting distraction, pushing him to the brink every time.
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cheollipop · 10 months
congrats on 2k!!!! we love to see it 🌟
for the sleepover event hard/soft hours, all i’ll say is that soft dom sugar daddy (no daddy kink) seungcheol and jeonghan live in my mind rent free
2𝙠 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩
what a lovely thought! ^^ *gripping the edge of my desk*.... no fr though, the idea of seungcheol wanting his pretty baby to model the gift he'd bought her for him,,, and jeonghan making sure to tease the both of them despite being hella turned on himself,,, ngh (had to bring out some pictures for this one grr). I ended up making cheol a lot whinier than I intended to, but sjkrbsbnlrk so yeah. also, I need to stop making drabbles fic-sized. no wonder it's taking me ages to get through these asks :"" happy reading~
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pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader x yoon jeonghan
w.c.: 1.7k
tags: smut, older!jeongcheol, fingering (f), dry humping, lingerie kink, creampie kink, body worship (kind of?), idk but cheol is WHIPPED, and whiny, jeonghan's a menace (canon), nicknames/pet names
nsfw under cut—minors dni!
Seungcheol dragged his finger over the sheer, lace cups, tracing over the slope of your breasts and up your decolletage, using the silky strap as his guide. You leaned into his touch, then back when you strayed too far from the warmth of the chest behind you. Jeonghan exhaled a soft breath onto the side of your neck, pressing his lips to your racing pulse point while Seungcheol’s hands continued exploring your exposed skin.
“Fuck, baby,” the older man’s eyes wandered up and down your body, stepping back to get a better view of the garter belt hugging your hips, the matching stockings digging into the plush of your thighs. “I’ll buy you anything you like if you keep modelling them for us like this. Will our good girl do that for us?”
You nodded enthusiastically, a breathy moan leaving your parted lips when Jeonghan tugged you back against him, but your focus quickly shifted back to the man in front of you, his eyes taking in the perked-up nipples pushing into the inelastic fabric. “Anything for you, I’ll be so good…”
“You always are, aren’t you, my darling? Always so good for us,” Seungcheol took a step closer to you again to trap you between the two firm bodies. He was never good at keeping his distance from you. “Can my pretty baby give me a twirl? Show me just how good my gift looks on her?”
The body heat was nearly dizzying, and the fingers that were previously teasing around your slit were now deep within you, pumping the slick that had been leaking out back into your needy cunt. You whined when Seungcheol restated his question, even stepping back to offer you the space to fulfil his request. But Jeonghan didn’t relent, smirking against the skin he’d been busy painting with bright splotches of purple and red, all while his fingers curled into your g-spot.
“Cheol, c-can’t,” you managed, your voice rising in pitch to pair with the loud squelch of your pussy, sending a wave of arousal straight down to his core.
And once again, Seungcheol failed to stay away. Holding your face with both hands, he pushed himself close enough to see the forming wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, close enough to feel his hardening cock pressing into your hip. Trapped within the confines of his luxury dress pants, he rutted the prominent bulge against the thin lace, locking his eyes onto yours while you melted into Jeonghan’s touch, fingers relentless as he pounded them into your tight heat.
“Let me have her. Fuck, please, I need to fuck her right now,” Seungcheol was firm, but the syllables elongated into a desperate whine which fed the younger’s ego. “Jeonghan-”
“Not until she comes,” he peered at Seungcheol over your shoulder, the glimmer in his eyes enough to elicit a protesting huff from the older man’s pouty lips. Pushing the lace at your crotch farther to the side, Jeonghan’s fingers sunk fully inside you, emerging back to shallowly thrust into your swollen gland. He leaned closer to your ear, hot air blowing over the shell while he whispered, “You know how fast Cheol can come when he’s like this. You might need to hurry if you want him to fuck you full.”
The drag of a zipper caught your attention, Seungcheol’s cock now pressing into your skin with one less layer separating you. Angling your head downwards, you eyed the darkened spot where his cockhead would be, mouth salivating at the memory of the tangy flavour on your tongue. One hand slid off your face to grope at your tits, pushing one into the other before releasing it to watch it bounce, his free fingers gripping your jaw to bring your gaze back to his face. A pretty pink painted his round cheeks, stray strands falling from the gelled-back fringe to paste onto his damp forehead, and his eyes—lidded with pleasure and lust—losing their domineering guise to make way for true want.
“My good girl can do that, right? Come for Cheol? Make a mess on Hannie’s fingers for him?” The gravelly tone made you shudder, and your hands slid up his abdomen to grab onto his blazer’s lapel.
You nodded frantically, walls clenching around Jeonghan’s fingers and bringing out an amused chuckle from his lips. “Want you to fuck me after, please. Please, ‘wanna be so full of you,” you whispered, loud enough for both men to hear.
With a throaty growl, Seungcheol’s palm landed on your barely-covered ass, grabbing the reddening flesh to push you further into his body. “Fucking hurry, Jeonghannie.”
The corner of Jeonghan’s lips curled at his impatience, seemingly needier than you were. Leaning his head against yours, the rapid pace he’d been keeping up slowing into long, deep thrusts into your sopping cunt. “Oh? Is Cheollie that desperate to get his dick wet?”
Seungcheol’s breath quickened, rutting his cock into your skin while he stared down the younger man.
“Hannie, please, ‘wanna come,” you muttered, but when you twisted your head to gauge his expression, you recognized the playfulness in the small quirk of his eyebrow, his gaze fixed on the other man’s.
He wanted to hear him say it, and Seungcheol knew that. On any other day, he would’ve fought back, remaining silent to bore the man out of his own game. But today? With the expensive lace he’d splurged on hugging your curves, your thighs rubbing against each other while Jeonghan’s skilled fingers purposefully missed your favourite spot. He couldn’t help himself, his cock twitching in need, begging to be engulfed within your heat.
“Our baby’s been so good for us, hasn’t she?” Jeonghan’s lips pressed a fleeting kiss to the side of your neck, remaining there while his eyes met Seungcheol’s again, stretching into a coy smile while he spoke, “What about you? How good will you be?”
Seungcheol’s gaze lowered—perhaps in timidness, or shame—and he mumbled under his breath, snapping his focus back up to the other man when he clicked his tongue as a warning. “I’ll be good,” he repeated, audibly this time. “So good. Please, just make her come,” he breathed out, back to rolling his hips to seek some reprieve.
“Was that so hard?”
Seungcheol ignored Jeonghan’s teasing, fixating on the haziness clouding your eyes, glistening teeth peeking out between your parted lips, soft exhales blowing over his skin and the muscles of your abdomen contracting under his palm as Jeonghan returned to his previous rhythm, fucking his fingers into you with purpose. He built you back up to your high, your nerves on fire as he speedily guided you towards the edge, free arm wrapping around your waist so his hand could dip into the front of your panties.
“Fuck, s-so close,” your fingers gripped the expensive material of Seungcheol’s tie, breathing in the exhales leaving his spit-soaked mouth before he closed the gap between your lips.
Tongue running over the roof of your mouth, grazing your front teeth, he pulled back slightly when the oxygen in his lungs ran out, the brimming arousal sending waves of burning heat throughout his body and leaving him breathless. You breathed in the same air, so close your lips brushed against each other while Jeonghan fingered you to completion, collecting the slick oozing out of your stretched hole to draw circles over your clit, and you could feel Seungcheol’s hard length throbbing against you as it painted a streak of precum under your bellybutton.
Both men held onto your waist when your orgasm finally rushed through you, your thighs shaking violently while Jeonghan continued to fuck into your clenching cunt, swearing under his breath as hot streams of your arousal trickled down his fingers to his bent wrist. “There we go, sweetheart,” he pressed a kiss to your temple, easing his merciless pace when your hips jerked away from his touch. “Our pretty girl, so beautiful when she comes,” he slipped his fingers out of your fluttering pussy, tapping them over your clit once, twice, watching you startle and whimper before pulling away.
You craned your neck to plant a soft kiss onto his lips, and he placed another on the corner of your mouth before Seungcheol’s hand pulled your jaw away from him. You faced the front once again, met with burning irises staring right back at you, and you were reminded of the heavy member still grinding against your lower belly.
“Cheollie’s been good, hasn’t he, darling?”
You nodded, slowly processing Jeonghan’s words as you recovered from your high.
“I’ve been so good,” Seungcheol echoed, strong arms snaking around your waist to pull you away from the man behind you. He pressed his forehead to yours, the wrinkles by his eyes prominent as the discomfort of going untouched for so long caught up with him. “Fuck, baby. Can’t wait to have you, ‘need you full of my cum,” he rambled, pressing kisses to your browbone and down to your eyelids, moving to the side until he reached your temple, staring past your shoulder at the man behind you.
He left his hands to wander your body, squeezing your ass and spreading you open, slamming his palm down onto the soft skin in which he plans to bury himself into, all while his eyes remained on Jeonghan, taking in the grey hair he didn’t bother with concealing, plump lips parted while his tongue glided over them, Seungcheol’s gaze following the motion. Noting the distinct tenting in his branded pants, Seungcheol’s fingers tickled up your spine to toy with your bra strap, pulling it away from your heated skin and letting go, taking in how Jeonghan’s eyes leave his to watch the goosebumps rising on your body at his touch, how you jerk at the sudden pain, but don’t ask for it to stop. Seungcheol’s lips grazed the shell of your ear, a shiver shaking your body as his honeyed tone caressed the cartilage,
“Gonna make a mess out of you, leave your pretty pussy dripping with Cheol’s cum,” his eyes flicked up to meet Jeonghan’s, “we both know just how much Hannie loves cleaning you up.”
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literally-noone83 · 4 months
Silver Tongue
A/n: Idk what this is. This thing has been sitting in my drafts for so long, and I haven't posted in forever... so. I finally finished it. Here we go, enjoy.
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He could listen to you for hours...
The God of Mischeif, the silvertongue of Gods, he's the God who loved to hear himself speak. Words dripped from his lips like honey, or boomed from his depths in power. He enjoyed talking, it was his tool beside his dagger he welded equally graceful and skillfully.
He'd use it to spark the fear in cowering swine, use it to make snide and conniving comments to wound up midgard's heroes, or to caress your ears just to see you go flush red. His words were his way to get what he wanted but... he found your words all the more captivating.
It wasn't like you were doing this on purpose. On the contrary, you found yourself trying not to spiel thoughtless things to the closest person. For the longest time, Loki saw you for your reverence, your shyness as you worked away in the Avengers Tower. He did know your voice tk be tender and sweet in the caveats of days that passed with your kind greetings, small talk with colleagues and phone messages at your desk, but the moment you got latched on to a topic... Loki found himself listening a little bit more closely.
He watched as your eye lit up, your soft lips breaking out into a grin, one that twitched hesitantly as ti contain the visible excitement he saw bubble up inside you. He'd interrupt anyone in the room that may have been talking over you just to inquire on this small matter with you — a book, a movie, a part of history, a niche topic, a notion — and naturally a blush threatened your cheeks. His eyes softened, nodding to letting you know he was listening and the ends of his lips lift to see that was all you needed -- a greenlight that someone cared. Your hesitant words grew to rants, knowledge flowing from you. Your articulation, the fine words you kept in your hidden reputiore, alongside these thoughts. Soon there were days it was just you and him, sitting somewhere hed catch up, comfortably laxed as he hummed at your shared conversations that transformed into your personal monologues hed sit audience to. All of which hed constantly instigate...
"The- then I read an article about ahh- uhm, L-loki?" You breath hitched and he smirked.
"Yes, darling?"
"You- uh, you sure you want me to..." You breath hitch at the way his breath fans your sensitive neck, "Oh yes, dear." His slender hands trail over you hips and god-perfect thighs under that hideous coat.
"Keep talking to me, you know how much I love your voice." His voice hums lowly, kissing that spot under your ear making your shudder slightly. "So sensitive..." He comments smugly.
He had you situated on your desk. Useless things in his eyes pushed to the side to make room for you. How you got into this situation, who knows. And most importantly, who cares? He stood between your legs, up and close tasting your skin and finally feeling how fucking maluable you are in the palm of his hands. Atlas, hearing you shudder and stutter in his ear, under his touch, it was like he was in Valhalla.
"mm darling~" He purrs. "I don't hear you talking..."
You face flushes. You couldn't think straight. "R-right."
"What this article about, hm? I'm listening..." His words end with another wet kiss to your collar bone. A badge of his sincerity.
"it... it was about mythological.... p-paintings." He hums against your skin, kisses trailing your delicate skin.
"Is that right?" He murmurs, before sucking experimentally on a spot only to smirk at the gasp and sigh he elicits from you almost instantly.
"A-about gods and hah..." Loki rubs circles over your hips. "About their heavenly battles," his hands run over your underside of your thighs, smoothing over the plushness before gripping it needily, "them as legends... their- their beauty." He pulls you close to the edge, and your eyes widen at the feeling of his bulge against your inner thigh.
"No need to read about gods when you already have one in the palm of your hands, darling." His snake-like gaze meets yours, his nose brushing yours. His emerald eyes glimmer at your flushed complexion. His fingers graze the band of your leggings. "May I?" He asks softly.
You nod your head.
In a rough yet swift motion, he easily pulls down your pants past your ass and down to your thighs. You watch as his gaze darkens at the sight and you blush, embarrassed. The way his eyes are glued to the wet patch over your clothed pussy makes you squirm. "Lokii..." You whine softly at his long silence. He ignores you. His slender fingers suddenly brush your damp panties, marvelling at the way your cunt involuntarily quivers. He could feel his cock twitch at the view.
His hand comes up hard against the underside of your thigh. The harsh slap echoes in the empty office space. He towers over you and your knees held together by the band of your leggings, hugging your thighs deliciously. One of his large hands pinning you in this position from the back of your knee while the other rubs the pink mark of your skin in forgiveness.
"You stopped speaking, my pretty dove~" He says. His palm travels to your drooling pussy, and he glances at it. The smug grin on his lips widens ever so slightly, satisfied by the growing dark spot on the thin fabric. He audibly groans at the feeling; the wetness pressed against his skin, the heat that radiates from you. All for him, he thinks.
"I want to hear it. Your melodic voice, darling." He continues. Your breath hitches as he drag his middle and forefinger down your slit so easily. "You may think no one's listening... the way you murmur and talk so sweetly, to even the most unworthy of such a sound..." His flattery words drip from his silvery tongue akin to honey and poison. "You have no idea the state you reduce me to when you whisper instructions in my ear when I'm on those god-awful missions... it's the only reason I keep attending." He preens, and he sinks a thumb in your clothed fold, a devilish smirk gracing his lips at your shocked and broken moan.
His eyes glimmered at the way you struggle to walk the line of thought and the abyss of pleasure. He leans down, his lips just tickling the shell of your ear. He breathes steadily compared to your laboured breaths, pausing for a moment to resist the urge to bite you before speaking, "So I want you to speak, my love. I want to hear you babble every frivolous thought as I ravish you. Fucking you to the sound of you trying to retain a single coherent notion. Choking on your words as I listen intently... giving you the attention you deserve, darling."
He pulls back slowly, his nose lightly caressing your cheek as he meets your cloudy eyes. Through hooded lids, his intense gaze flickers over your flushed expression. Your desperate eyes and parted lips, swollen from how much you bit them just to controll yourself — only makes him want to try harder to push you over the edge. You feel his thumb press up against the hood of your clit, and the way you whimper and pull at his clothes, tells him he's the first to ever touch you like this.
"Mm, would you like that?" He whispers. "Finally give you the attention you always deserved?"
He presses on your clit, "m- y-yes! Yes Loki, please." You blurt, you felt like you were going to cry.
"Oh darling..." He removes his hands off you to cup your face. A wanton whine bubbles up into your throat until the feeling of his lips against your forehead, dissolving your pent-up frustration for just a moment. "Patience." He says softly. "I'll give you want you so clearly desire..." His forehead touches yours. Burning hot skin against his contrastingly cool complexion.
However, looking up into his eyes, they were burning with want.
"Let's start with the article's first paragraph, shall we?"
He was going to eat you alive.
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zerobaselove · 2 months
zb1 as date ideas, summer edition ♡
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pairing: zb1 x reader
genre: fluff
warnings:none i think?? idk ive been staring at this for too long. lowercase intended, not proofread
notes: i am well aware i didn't do a winter one,, or a spring one,, but the winter one is in the drafts and now its may and i just had more inspo for this one so maybe next year LOL. anyways i hope you all like these <3 (bonus points if you can guess the song i'm referencing in jiwoongs LOL)
jiwoong ;
"okay close your eyes," you boyfriend jiwoong said, a smile spread across his face as he reached out to grab your hand, leading you past the closed door reading roof access. you obliged, shutting your eyes as you put your trust in the man, feeling the warm summer breeze hit your face. you had lost track of how many steps you'd taken before being prompted to open your eyes.
it was beautiful.
two chairs and a small table had stood in the normally empty spot by the ledge of the roof, a small blanket folded neatly on one of the seats. string lights were draped along the half wall of the roof top, connecting to the backs of the chairs. a small speaker, softly playing one of your favourite songs, sat on the table alongside two boxes; one with the brand of your favourite restaurant plastered over the side, the other smaller, with a delicate bow placed atop. a present.
"what's all this for, woong?" you questioned, letting go of his hand as you went up to examine the set up a little more. "can't i do nice things for my partner?" he smiled, pulling out one of the chairs, motioning you to sit, "especially when they've just gotten a promotion at their job." he took a seat across from you, admiring the way the warm glow of the string lights illuminated your smiling face.
"you didn't have to do all of this," you insisted, but he merely shook his head. "i wanted to," he grabbed the small present, holding it out to you, "you deserve it, all of this and more."
you grumbled a little more, mumbling a thank you as you opened the box; a ring. "jiwoong, are you-" you started before getting cut off. "i'm not proposing y/n," he chuckled, "not yet at least," you stopped holding your breath, noticing the small engraving on the inside of the ring. 'Even as time goes by, I will always love you.'
you couldn't help but tear up a little as you took in the gift, placing it on your finger, "jiwoong, it's beautiful, thank you." you sniffled, holding back the tears threatening to spill. "if you think that's beautiful," he glanced at his watch, grabbing your hand and leading you to the roof's edge, "then look up."
as if on queue the sky begun exploding in pops of colours all over, decorating the sky like a painting. fireworks. looking over at your boyfriend, the way the fireworks painted his face in shades of oranges and pinks, you couldn't help the feeling swelling up in you, pulling him in for a kiss. "i love you jiwoong, thank you."
"i love you even more."
zhang hao ;
"aren't you coming in?" hao's voice echoed from where he stood between the water and the shore. when your boyfriend suggested a beach date, you thought he meant relaxing on the beach, maybe listening to music or reading. how foolish.
"y/n c'mon!" he yelled, "it's warm and everything!" you shook your head, "i doubt that hao! i'm perfectly fine here!" you insisted, hoping to get back to your book, but it seemed that option was no longer on the table as he stalked up to where you laid on the soft towel. "fine," he mumbled, "i'll just bring you with me then."
he quickly grabbed your arm, your free hand quickly dropping the book as he dragged you closer and closer to the crisp looking water. as soon as your feet touched the rushing wave, a shiver went down your spine. that shiver soon turned into a full body jolt as the water made it's way up your legs, stopping only when you were chest deep in the water.
"fine, fine i'm in." you huffed, "and it is not warm for your information." he laughed at your rather pathetic adjustment to the water, mumbling something about how you'd "get used to it." you would've argued more with the boy if it weren't for the splash of water that just hit your face, thanks to your delightful boyfriend. "zhang hao i'm going to kill you," you nearly shrieked, though you couldn't stop the laughter erupting from your lungs as you chased him through the water.
"can't get me now!" he stuck his tongue out before smiling wide. he was right. you were already neck deep, and thanks to your height difference, he stood far enough out of your grasp that you couldn't grab him, and yet the water was barely touching his shoulders. so you did the only thing you could. payback. you used all your strength to splash water in his direction, effectively soaking the boy, his hair dripping down his forehead.
"you're evil," he chuckled, diving fully underwater this time, long forgoing the idea of keeping his hair nice, only to pop up right beside you, shaking his hair like a wet dog causing you to shriek once more, the two of you bursting into laughter. you both started making your way back to the sandy beach ahead where you volunteered to help the boy dry his hair.
"so, how about popsicles?"
hanbin ;
it took very little to convince your boyfriend hanbin to come with you to the farmer's market being held in your hometown. it was a staple memory of your childhood, coming here as a kid and trying the homemade fudge and petting the little sheep at the petting zoo, sometimes even picking strawberries to make jam with; which you had insisted was on the agenda for the day. when hanbin told you he had never been to anything like it, you knew you had to take him, had to remake those memories with the boy you loved.
"these are gorgeous," you said to the woman sat behind the small table lined with various pieces of jewelry, letting go of hanbin's hand to further inspect a small pendant on a necklace. it was a delicate design, a small outline of a rose on a thin silver chain. "look at this one," you showed the boy next to you. he looked at it and smiled, "it would look great on you, y/n, you should get it." he smiled wide, picturing the dainty accessory along your neck.
you only shook your head a little, "i don't need it," you insisted, "it is really pretty though," you mumbled as you thanked the kind woman as you continued your way through countless stalls. some with bright coloured paintings and fabrics, others with sweet smells that seemed to draw you towards them like a moth to a flame. you had almost made it to the end of the converted barn when hanbin spoke up, "i'm gonna go to the bathroom before we go pick berries, wait here i'll be back." you smiled and nodded at the boy, leaning against the wall of the barn as you awaited his return.
a few moments later, hanbin returned with a wide smile on his face, his hands behind his back, as if he was hiding something. "you didn't go to the bathroom did you?" you questioned, a curious smile tugging at your face as you eyed up the boy, "maybe i didn't," he giggled, pulling out whatever was behind his back, "maybe i was getting my lovely partner the necklace they couldn't stop admiring." he held out the rose necklace, gesturing you to turn around so he could clasp it around your neck.
"hanbin," you whined, a blush rising to your cheeks, and not from the august heat, "you didn't have to."
he shook his head, spinning you back around to admire the way the pendant rested between your collarbones, "a rose for you, one that will never wilt." he placed a kiss to your cheek, "eternal, like my love for you."
matthew ;
"be ready in an hour, we are going on a date :D" you eyed the text on your phone, barely having time to process your boyfriend's antics before you had to be up and getting ready. one quick shower and rushed outfit choice later, you were getting your shoes on as the knock came at the door. opening it to see a smiling matthew standing before you. "so what exactly are we doing?" you questioned, not even noticing the basket in his hand until he raised it in response.
"i thought we could have a little picnic!" he smiled, grabbing your hand with his free hand, "no use in wasting the good weather." he had a point, it was a beautiful day out, and you shouldn't be wasting it inside, like you had planned.
soon enough you two had ended up in the grassy park near your house, setting up under the shade. "you even remembered a blanket!" you smiled wide, sitting down on the soft plaid fabric, watching as your boyfriend sat across from you. "just you wait till you see what else i brought."
he started pulling out what felt like dozens of small containers, all containing your favourite fruits and snacks, some even cut up into cute little shapes like stars and hearts. and last but not least, he had pulled out a mysterious container that seems to make noise when it moved, "what's that one?" you questioned, wondering what else he could've possibly brought. but you couldn't help the smile erupting on your face at the contents of the box.
"oh my god, are we gonna make bracelets?" you beamed, eyeing up the box of goodies; multicoloured beads, small charms, and little circular beads with letters of the alphabet. "you know me so well!"
he chuckled a little at your overjoyed reaction, placing a kiss on your lips, "glad you like it," his gaze turned back to the containers littering the blanket, "let's eat first though, i'm starving." you both laughed as you dug into the countless snacks in front of you.
as the hours passed, the two of you had made a dent in, and put away the snacks, and had made a handful of bracelets and keychains for each other; your personal favourite being the matching initial bracelets you now sported. and now you were enjoying the sunny weather, your head in matthew's lap while he played with your hair.
you didn't notice when the boy had picked up the small oxeye daisy, but as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, gently placing the white flower with it, you couldn't help but giggle at the innocent act.
"there," he smiled, admiring the way it complimented your beauty in a way he couldn't describe, "perfect, just like you."
taerae ;
date nights with taerae had become routine for you two, especially in the summer months when it was warm enough to stay out late, just how you both preferred it. usually you both decided on the dates together, but tonight had been a surprise, your only hint being to dress comfy, and that you did.
so when the two of you pulled up to a drive-in movie theater, you were ecstatic. "i've always wanted to do this taerae, how'd you know?" you beamed as he drove up to an empty spot, backing in so the bed of the truck faced the sizable screen. "wild guess," he chuckled, hopping out of the car to come open your door. you were too busy admiring the setting sun behind the screen that you didn't even notice the blankets and bags of snacks that had seemingly magically appeared out of the backseat.
within minutes, taerae had set up the bed of the truck to look nearly as comfy as your bed. blankets and pillows strewn across , leaving two small areas for you both to sit. you joined him in the back, thanks to a helpful hand to actually get you up there, and got comfy just in time for the title screen to roll. a laugh escaped your lips as the familiar surfing montage played.
"teen beach movie? really?" you gaze him a joking glance, though not complaining about the choice. "don't laugh!" he smiled, lightly hitting you on the arm, "we both know you love this movie, and so do i," the last part was barely above a mumble, as if he didn't want to admit his childish taste. "it's perfect taerae, you're perfect."
the two of you had the night of your lives. between the laughable cheesy lines from the movie, and the catchy hits that you both knew all the words to, it was everything you could've hoped for.
as the two of you packed up the truck and got ready to leave, you couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of your face. "we have to do that again before summer is over," you insisted, grabbing his free hand as the two of you drove towards your home.
"we can come back whenever you want my love, i hear they're playing the sequel next week." the two of you burst into laughter, "sounds like a date."
ricky ;
"what are you wearing to the festival today?" you asked your boyfriend ricky over the phone as you stared at your full closet, unsure of what would be cherry blossom festival attire. his smile was almost audible through the phone, "you'll look pretty in anything y/n, don't stress so much."
you only sighed, looking towards the phone as if he could see your glare, "i'm not stressing, i just wanna coordinate with my stylish and cool boyfriend." you said matter-of-factly. it was no surprise to anyone that your boyfriend typically dressed well, especially for nice occasions, so why wouldn't you want to match him. he only chuckled, "well i'm wearing a white sweater and light green pants, does that help?" you hummed in approval as you grabbed a pair of white flowy pants and a sage green loose button down. it would have to do, you told yourself.
soon enough you heard ricky's car pulling up and you rushed to get a pair of shoes on, remembering to pick a comfortable pair in hopes of the walking you were about to do not killing your feet. "well don't you look stunning," ricky mumbled as he met you at the door, snaking his arms around your waist and hugging you briefly, breathing in the smell of your perfume. "i could say the same to you," you smiled before making your way to the car.
the festival was beautiful. that might even be an understatement. the pale pink flowers were in full bloom and the light breeze blowing some of the petals around only added to the picturesque feel of it all. you couldn't help but admire the blossoming trees as you walked a bit ahead of your boyfriend. he had no complaints though, it gave him an opportunity to take some candid pictures. he needed a new lockscreen anyways.
"ricky! ricky!" you called back to the boy a few feet behind you, "they have a lock bridge, we have to go!" he let out a laugh at your excitement as you grabbed his hand, nearly yanking him towards the small stand selling the colourful locks. you had decided on a bright red one, the colour of love, ricky had insisted as you both grabbed a marker to write your names on the lock. "what's taking so long," you whined at the boy, his face hardened in concentration with the lock and pen still in his hand. you didn't hear a response until a few moments later when he mumbled, announcing his finish,
your eyes scanned over the back of the lock as he handed it back to you, a rose, beautifully drawn along the back surface. the red lock had perfectly filled in the petals colours. "do you ever get tired of being so talented?" you asked, your gaze shifting from the lock to the boy in front of you. he jokingly hushed you as you both made your way to the bridge's railing.
"to forever and always," you smiled, the boy planting a kiss on your temple before repeating your words, "to forever and always."
gyuvin ;
"y/n do you have any more quarters?" your boyfriend begged, pleading with you as you stood in front of about a dozen ducks sat in the water, gazing up at gyuvin. "gyuvin we've been here feeding them for the last 15 minutes, lets go look at some other animals." you insisted, attempting to lure him away from the ducks that weren't even really apart of the zoo's attractions.
after some back and forth, and a couple fun facts about the zoo's panda exhibit that you had researched beforehand, you had convinced the boy to take your hand again as you made your way through the winding paths.
"y/n look!!" gyuvin yelled, drawing the attention of some people passing by, and even some of the creatures within the cages. the urgency made you whip your head around, seeing two ring-tailed lemurs up high inside one of the enclosures, seemingly glaring at the tall and excited boy next to you as they let out a few indescribable noises.
without second thought, gyuvin had started to mimic the noises, or rather attempt to, in an effort to communicate with the creatures, only leading you to shake your head. "i'm just gonna pretend i don't know you," you joked, still not leaving his side. it was cute watching him get so excited over all the little animals, you couldn't lie.
hours passed like this; one of you dragging the other to the wall of an enclosure, excitedly pointing at some animal, even stopping to take some pictures of, or with, the animals when you could. it was only when the sun began it's descent that the two of you decided to call it a day, having looped back around to the beginning of the zoo, marked by a large blue fountain.
"i have a couple coins left," you smiled, rifling through your bag to grab the loose change, "let's make a wish."
"i thought you said you didn't have any quarters left." gyuvin jokingly huffed, hands on his hips, "they're nickels, gyu," you laughed, handing him one of the silver coins, "and besides, those ducks were well fed after you were done with them i can promise you that."
the two of you let silence surround you for a moment as you both wished on the coins, tossing them into the fountain with a content hum. "so what did you wish for?" you asked the boy as you walked out of the park. "if i tell you, it won't come true!" he insisted, unwilling to give up the information.
little did you know, he hadn't wished for anything other than for things to stay as they are right now, to stay by your side. and little did he know, you had wished for the same thing.
gunwook ;
"have you seen the moon tonight?" the text read. leave it to gunwook to know exactly when to text you; your saviour from the sleepless night staring at the ceiling. you typed back a quick reply, "no why?" his response came before you could even shut your phone off. it simply read, "come outside." and so you did. throwing on the nearest pair of shoes, you walked outside, being met with a brisk summer night's breeze and a smiling boy, cheeks illuminated by the streetlight.
"what would you have done if i didn't come out?" you laughed at the boy waiting for you. "i knew you would." he stated simply, waiting for you to reach him before the two of you set off along the road you both grew up on. "full moon." he beamed, pointing at the clearing between the roofs, your line of sight following where he pointed, not quite seeing the moon, only the glow from behind one of the houses.
sensing your struggle, he grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him, your back nearly pressed to his chest as his hands lightly tilted your head in the right direction, finally seeing the beauty glowing before you. "it's huge!" you exclaimed, louder than you wanted in the silent street, save for the buzz of the streetlights and whirls of wind. he mumbled some agreement as the two of you kept walking to nowhere in particular as you quietly chatted about everything and nothing.
somehow the two of you had ended up at the park nearby, sitting yourselves on the swings as you continued your late night chats. the higher the moon rose in the sky, the less you cared what you were saying, and the more philosophical and somehow nonsensical the conversations got.
you were unsure how long you'd been outside, but at some point the wind had started nipping at your skin and you couldn't stop the shiver that ran down your spine. without words shared, gunwook shrugged off his jacket, draping it over your shoulders. "no no," you insisted, "keep it, you'll get a cold." he laughed, shaking his head, "i'll be okay i promise," grabbing your hand, he stood up, leaving you to follow suit, "we should head back anyways."
soon enough you ended up back under the streetlight outside your house, not quite ready to say goodbye, but promising to hang out again the next day. gunwook was already a few houses down when you noticed the thick jacket still keeping the wind at bay, "wook!" you called out quietly, just loud enough for him to hear, "what about your jacket?"
"keep it, you look better in it than i do anyways." he smiled, continuing his walking pace, "see you tomorrow y/n!"
yujin ;
"why is it so dark in here," yujin whined, bright green putter in hand as his eyes adjusted to the interior of the glow in the dark mini golf course. "can't glow in the dark without the dark yujinnie." you laughed, setting your ball up for the first shot, narrowly missing the chance of a hole in one as the ball skimmed past the glowing flag.
he groaned at your obvious response, groaning again as the undershot the ball by a good few feet. "how am i supposed to win like this!" his gaze eyeing your ball as you make it in this time, "this isn't fair!"
you couldn't help but laugh at the boy's newfound struggle. "not used to sucking at a sport are you?" a giggle pushed past your lips, "i'm starting to feel real good about our ice cream bet." you said as you watched him miss the mark once more, the ball bouncing off the side of the only obstacle in this stretch of the course. he only grumbled as he finally made the shot, letting out a sigh of relief as he picked up the glowing ball, heading over to the next hole.
the longer you played the better yujin was getting, and the more competitive you both got as you neared the end of the mini golf course. "i'll take cotton candy," he said smugly, having tied up the game by the last hole, "if you win," you clarified, staring him down with a smile as you watched him line up the shot. "i think you mean when i win y/n" he chuckled, taking the shot.
and missing.
the boy dramatically dropped to his knees, causing you to burst into a fit of laughter, ""so what was that again? "don't laugh yet," he insisted, still on the floor on the course, "you have to get it right now or the next shot's mine." "easy peasy." you mumbled, taking your shot and watching it go right into the hole marked with the glowing flag.
you could only faintly make out his sounds of defeat as you jumped up in excitement, "cotton candy sounds great right now doesn't it?" you teased, smiling at the boy as you walked over, offering out your hand.
"yeah yeah," he let out a small laugh, taking you hand as he got up off the ground, "let's go get ice cream."
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minarinnn · 7 months
hello! May I request a nsfw sadist Hiori? I read the manga recently and he was called an “ultra-Sadist” lol.
here’s a quick drabble on ultra-sadist hiori (idk if i did it correctly lol)
characters are aged up!!
content/trigger warning: sadism, afab! reader, bitting, nipple play, rough sex?, choking, creampie, dacryphilia
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we all know that hiori is a sweet man. he’s the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. he is quite literally the standard. your friends are constantly telling you how they’d love to have someone as sweet and kind as your boyfriend hiori
you and hiori laid on the couch watching a movie. your boyfriend laid on top of you, his head in the crook of your neck. his soft, blue hair tickling the insides of your neck while your hand softly caressed his hair
hiori turned his head, planting small kisses along your neck. this wasn’t out of the ordinary. if anything, it was quite normal. you thought nothing of it… until you felt his teeth slowly sink into the soft flesh of your neck
“mghm- fuck,, hiori?!” you whine. your boyfriend slowly lifts himself up, admiring the mark his teeth made in your soft skin. “what’s up?” he asks, as if he didn’t just bite you. you narrow your eyes at him “i’ve told you multiple times that you bite too hard, it hurts”. he shrugs, a little smile adorning his face “i want it to hurt”
oh yeah. did i forget to mention that your sweet and gentle boyfriend is an ultra-sadist?
“can ya’ spread your legs for me?” hiori’s sweet way of saying things often gets you into the situations like the one you’re in now. naked, with your legs spread open, your hands pinned down with your boyfriend on top of you. his left hand squeezing tightly at your wrist, pinning you down and his left hand pinching one of your perky nipples while his mouth works on the other one
his hands wrap around his cock, aligning it with your soaking entrance. “i’ll be gentle, promise”. “we both know you’re lying” you breath out, desperately waiting for him to fuck you silly. he chuckled, shoving his cock deep into you, a wave of pain washing over you. “fuck you’re so tight” he groaned, right hand now on your waist squeezing hard, his fingernails leaving small crescents on your skin
tears prickled the corner of your eyes. hiori kissed your cheek. “you’re so fuckin’ adorable” as soon as those words left his mouth he began to pound into you relentlessly. the sound of skin slapping echoing throughout the room as you felt yourself dissolving into the pleasure that only he could give you. his left hand let go of your wrist, now tightly squeezing your neck. his length repeatedly hitting your g-spot
all you could do was whimper and moan, and he loved every second of it. your back arching and your eyes rolling back. hiori was taking mental pictures of everything. he wanted this moment to never end. oh how pretty you looked when you winced in pain every time his fingernails dug deeper into the soft skin of your hips. and how you clench around him every time he squeezes his hand around your neck a bit too much
at this point, your drunk in pleasure. absolutely dumb on his cock. you’ve lost track on how many times you’ve climaxed. by now you’ve made an absolute mess on his dick. tears pouring out of your eyes, and drool leaving your soft, plump lips
you could feel hiori’s cock twitching within your velvet walls. you clenched around him “i-inside.. fuck ahhh,, please hioriii”. that was all he needed to burst inside you, painting your walls white and watching it leak out of you. your cum now mixed together
he let his body lay on top of yours, both of you catching your breath and coming down from your high’s
“so uhh… how ‘bout round two?”
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© MINARINNN 2023 - please do not plagiarize or upload my content on any social media platform.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
breakfast in bed
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a/n: idk what to tell you, this is just a cute (horny) and domestic morning with matt.
warnings: matt murdock x reader, smut, established relationship, morning sex, kissing, oral, fingering, protected sex, penetrative sex, dirty talk, overstimulation, idk matt being late to court
word count: 2345
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Bright morning light streamed in through the large windows and caused your eyes to immediately squint as they began to blink open.
“Morning,” you heard your boyfriend hum, his chest vibrating underneath your cheek. 
A lazy smile seeping over your features, you turned your head to squish your face further into his warm skin, “good morning,” wanting so desperately to stay here forever.  
The remanence of last night’s activities still lingered between your legs as you pressed your body further into his, surely painting his thigh with the sticky memory as your left leg curled up over his. Grinding unconsciously against him in a fit of morning bliss, you turned out to be more sensitive than you had thought following the fun that had put you to sleep the previous night, your sore centre barely needing any reminding before it was trembling in want. Without even realising it, your lips began a lazy trail up Matt’s torso, the feathery touch of your adoring kisses made his hands roam down over your duvet-covered body.
“Come here,” his palm found your cheek and ushered you the rest of the way up, drawing your lips to his in a tender kiss. Feeling his fingers dip down under the covers, they curved around the plump of your ass with a needy knead on the way.
You whimpered against his tongue as his fingertips swept through your soppy petals, your head falling back a bit as your heavy lids blinked up at him. With upturned brows, you parted your legs more, granting him better access. 
His strong arm, reaching down, flexing against your body and determinedly craning to reach the spots he so wished to touch, invoked a sloppy-sounding symphony that caused a soft chuckle to rumble within him in contentment.
“You hungry?” you asked shakily as a long finger methodically popped all the way in and out of your quivering hole.
His other hand buried in your hair, Matt stole another kiss before growling, “fucking starving,” clearly not talking about his desire for food. 
Slowly raising yourself up on your hands and knees above his resting form, his touch never faulting, you suggested, “I could make us breakfast if you want,” your hips rocking into his touch as your body screamed for more.
A warm smile blooming at your sweet offer, “with what food in my fridge?” he pointed out the sparseness of his kitchen.
“Well, you never know,” you braced yourself against his chest as you tried to crawl over him to get up, “maybe I could whip something delicious up out of the stale takeout you undoubtedly have in there.”
“Maybe,” he drew out and craned his neck to nibble at your side, “or maybe you could just let me have a bit of breakfast in bed,” his grasp seized your form before it could disappear and flipped you further around.
“Matthew!” you shrieked, hovering a second above his face before his burly arms curled up and over your hips and drew your dripping mess down for him to have a taste, close enough for him to practically suffocate on your goodness, “you-, fuck…” your eyes quickly rolled to the back of your skull as his tongue turned your whole body into jelly atop of him. 
Fingers clenching the covers that now only haphazardly covered him, like a stretching cat you reached down and palmed the excitement tenting the fluffy duvet, earning a broad smack to your bottom that made your back arch. 
With the trembling of your thighs, you grew impatient and hastily reached to the bedside table, yanking the slim drawer open. Frantically, you snatched up a little foil packet and brought it to your other hand to try and rip it open.
The smooth wrapper slipping between your fingers, you grumbled, “god dammit, fuck!” and desperately brought it up between your teeth as Matt’s laughter vibrated against your clit. Finally getting it open and nearly dropping the condom in the frantic process, you pushed back the rest of the covers and let your upper body slump further down to press against his. 
Teeth digging into your bottom lip, your fingers curled around your partner’s girth, your lips still too far to kiss the dewdrop at the tip away, you stuck out your tongue and just barely managed to swipe it against the raging vein snaking up from the fussy base. Quickly rolling the latex on, you slid a palm down your side till it curved over the hands still groping your behind. Lacing your fingers in his, he reluctantly let your puffy pearl go with a pop and helped rotate your form back around. 
Clutching his hand tight in yours, you sank down on his length. In unison, both of you let out a needy gasp as you made your slow way down to the base, eventually bottoming out and resting there a moment, legs trembling on either side of his hips as you both reeled in the sensation. 
Desperately, your hips began to roll against his, “fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned as one of his hands slid up your form and found the slope of your tit, catching the weight in his palm.
“Matt,” you moaned, your wild bedhead surrounding you like a curtain as you swore you felt a trickle of drool drip down from the corner of your parted lips, too blissed out to truly notice. Your hand flexing in his, you lifted it up to your lips and sloppily planted a kiss on the fingers encompassing yours, one of them extending a moment to stroke your cheek. 
“That’s it, baby,” his left hand abandoned the jiggle of your boob and drifted down to clutch your hip, “ride it out, just like that,” he didn’t aid your movements as much as just settled into a front row seat, “nice and slow,” fingers hungrily indenting in your soft flesh. 
As you sluggishly continued to bounce in his lap, a pout couldn’t help but appear on your lips as your still drowsy body just couldn’t keep up with your ambitious desires, leaving you a whining mess on top of him as your sleepy efforts just wasn’t enough.
“What, sweetheart?” he chuckled at your light-hearted cry for help. 
“I can’t, I’m too-…” you blubbered through your soft moans, “can you please help me?”
“Aw, you want my help?” he purred in a mocking tone, only moving to settle further down against the pillows. 
“Please,” you frustratingly begged, trembling on top of him like a leaf, “I feel so useless still being half asleep.”
“Oh, I think you’re adorable like this,” his fingers ghosted over your skin, causing you to shiver. 
“Matt, please. I wanna cum so bad.”
Only enjoying your sloppy efforts a second longer, he then utilised his brawny skills and flipped you over, rolling on top of you as you sank down into the mattress. Haven slipped out of your drooling cunt in the process, the vigilante wasted no time burying himself once more, thrusting up into you with such efforts that you swore you saw the stars themselves even though the sun had long ago risen. 
“That better?” he asked cockily, nudging his nose against yours as his strong forearms came to rest on either side of your head, his pelvis ending each motion with a tickle at your clit. 
Shakily, your limbs wrapped around his form, “f-fuck,” as his hard thrusts just about put you to sleep again with how mind-numbingly perfect they felt. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that,” he teased, bucking up into you in a way that made your body jolt, nearly pushing you far enough up for your head to collide with the wall. 
“Y-y-you’re-,” the whole bedroom went fuzzy as you finally felt the end near, “holy shit!”
Attempting a chuckle through his laboured grunts, “take that as a yes,” he captured your lips again, swallowing your lewd moans and mixing them with his own.
Letting one of your hands, clutching his neck for support, snake down between your bodies, you inadvertently bit down upon Matt’s swollen bottom lip as your fingers began a fierce dance over your clit. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to mind as it only extracted a more guttural groan from his throat. 
“Fuck, just like that, just like that,” you panted, sharing his breath as you felt yourself tumble over the edge, “don’t stop!” 
Body quivering beneath his, you held onto dear life as he too rode out his high, turning your moans into screams as he only increased his pace, making you buck beneath him from the overstimulation. 
Finally coming to a standstill deep within you, for a moment everything seemed perfect as you slowly crawled back from the depth with each synchronized breath.
“You know what?” you mumbled, your breath still heavy as Matt lazily planted a smattering of kisses along your jaw, “I retract my offer,” your fingers lightly traced the definitions along his spine, “I no longer have the energy to make you breakfast.”
A warm giggle bubbling out of him, “I think I’ll live,” Matt then consciously retracted from your warmth, still clenching around him and refusing to let go. With him still comfortably moulded on top of your form, you reached down and routinely tugged the spent condom off, tossing it in the nearby bin. 
“I blame you, just so you know,” you joked, “if it hadn’t been for you and your-, you know, then you could have indulged in a feast worthy of a king on a weekday!”
“Then what do you call the tasty breakfast I did enjoy?” he played off your joke, making you burst out a laugh. 
“Oh my god, you’re terrible,” you gushed, gazing up at him in adoration.
His expression suddenly morphing into something more sour, he muttered as realisation hit him, “weekday… wait, what time is it?”
“Um,” you located your phone in the tangled sheets, “it’s 8:14.”
“Oh shit!” he scurried out of bed and raced to the closet to yank out the very first suit his fingers grazed.
Slowly sitting up, you bit down on your smile as your eyes followed the chaotic swarm that was your boyfriend, whirling around the apartment, simultaneously scurrying to get his clothes on all the while darting from one end to the other, trying to locate every item necessary for him to be able to leave. 
“Glasses, glasses…” he mumbled, head whipping around as his fingers hastily flung his tie around his neck.
Calling his attention with a soft whistle, you pointed out for him, “on the coffee table,” and promptly giggled as he raced to put them on.
“Have a great day,” you called out from the bedroom, duvet hugged tightly to your chest. 
Shirt untucked, tie untied, and shoes only rashly tugged on, he sprinted out the door, only managing a rushed, “bye!” before you heard the door close behind him.
Not but two seconds after the front door slammed shut, you heard it jolt open once more. 
“Did you forget something?” you asked as you watched Matt determinedly march back into the apartment. Not offering you any context, your brows only furrowed further, “Matt?” 
His long strides carried him all the way back into the bedroom and without warning, bent down and scooped up your face in his palms, pressing a feverish kiss against your lips. 
Sucking in a surprised breath, your fingers sprung up and tangled themselves in the loose tie hanging from his neck. 
Painstakingly pulling back, Matt groaned, “you really shouldn’t be allowed to be in my bed in the morning.”
“Why?” you smiled, “is it really that bad?”
“No, it’s not,” his short nails scraped stripes along the base of your scalp, “that’s the problem,” and seized your lips once more. His tongue dancing against yours was only halted when a robotic repetition of his best friend’s name suddenly emanated from his phone. 
Letting out a pained grown, he fished it out of his pocket and accepted the call, putting it on speaker before sighing, “yeah?” 
“Dude, why are you not here yet?” Foggy snapped at the other end of the line, “I’m freaking out here! You’re supposed to do the opening statement!”
“I’m on my way,” he said, though didn’t move his feet even a millimetre closer towards the exit, “calm down.”
“No, you calm down!” Foggy protested as the man before you reluctantly raised one of your palms up to his lips, whispered you a hushed proclamation of love and then straightened back up, “wait,” his buddy’s tone suddenly softened, “did you just tell me that you love me? Because that won’t help your case, not today.”
“What? No!” he slowly made his way out of the bedroom. 
“Really?” the man on the other end challenged, “because it sure sounded like it. Wait-, are you-, are you still at home?” prompting a soft groan to emanate from Matt, “oh my god, you are! You’re over there getting your rocks off with your girlfriend while I have to carry our entire legal firm on my own back!”
“Okay, alright,” Matt huffed on his way out of the apartment, “I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”
“15? It takes at least half an hour to get here from your place!”
Figuring your presents no longer was a secret, you shouted sweetly after him, “good luck in court!” 
“Yeah,” you just barely heard Foggy scoff, “if he makes it in time.”
“I always make it, shut up,” he shot back before turning his attention to you one last time, “I’ll be home around 5.”
“Okay,” your body could help but crane to watch him disappear, “and, hey Matt?”
“Yeah?” he stopped right before reaching the door. 
“I love you too.”
Still on the line, Foggy’s groan rang throughout the apartment, “I swear to god, Murdock, if you crawl back into bed right now and leave me to deal with this case that you convinced me we should take on, then I will fucking leave you for a position at Landman and Zack!”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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r3dmooon · 1 year
Hellooooo~ I hope you've had a good week ^^. Whenever you have the spare time, do you think you could write a Wally Darling x Very!sleepy reader? I'm always very sleepy and it's not hard for me to fall asleep, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. I thought it'd be cute if the reader was in some sort of hibernation or something in their house and the neighborhood was worried something happened so they send Wally to check on them and it turns out that they've just been in and out of sleep
You could do your own take on it, I just thought a sleepy reader and a supportive wally would be cute <3
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a/n: I kinda hate how I wrote this but I like it too? Idk, ending kinda sucked but I hope you like it anyways!
wc: 0.3k
Master List
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❥Feeling sleepy was a normal part of your day. Waking up, you’d already wanted to fall asleep again! 
❥Most days you’d force yourself up. Whoever you were hanging out with would end up as your pillow at some point though. 
❥You loved to hang out with Wally and Barnaby the most. Barnaby was like a whole dang bed compared to you. So when you three would hang out, you’d listen to their banter while laying on Barnaby and falling asleep. (Not that Barnaby minded, it gave him an excuse to laze about). 
❥Though you really loved the days were you got to lay on Wally. In fact, once you started it was hard for you to stop. You had a soft spot for the yellow puppet and it made your heart flutter when he would pet your hair. 
❥Wally couldn’t help but adore your sleepy deposition. He didn’t completely understand why you were so tired all the time. You just woke up too long ago! Now you need more sleep? He didn’t mind it or anything, just confused. 
❥When it’d get late, he’d try to help you home. Holding your hand and guiding you of course. Though if you were too tired he’d try to carry you (though a lot of times he’d get Barnaby’s help). 
❥There were times where you were just too tired to get up at all. These times worried Wally. Were you eating enough? Drinking enough? Were you taking care of yourself? He’d go to Poppy during these nervous bouts and they’d fret together.
❥Please explain to him that you're in a sort of hibernation. As long as he knows you're okay, he’d worry a lot less. He’d visit you everyday even if you just slept all day. Seeing that you were okay soothed him. Sometimes he’d bring his painting supplies, others he’d bring a book. 
❥Wally doesn’t sleep much, but if you wanted to cuddle with him you don’t need to ask twice. He’d just watch you, unknowingly match his breathing with your own. 
❥You want some water? Food? Coming right up! He’s just happy he can help! He cares for you after all.
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