#would at least mean that i’ve been spared from a shit tonne of trauma
menalez · 6 months
(in the least creepy way possible) ive been following you on and off since around ~2015 and I just wanted to say that it's been a genuine honor to have been able to grow up with/alongside you. I was 14 in 2015, and some of the pictures you posted back then was the first time that I had ever seen another brown person with self harm scars (I'm Desi/Indian) and it meant so much to me at the time and made me feel a lot less alone. I've also been through some traumatic experiences with men and have since realized I am a lesbian not bi, and it really does break my heart that there are people out there that think that they can police another person's sexuality based off of their experiences, especially for those of us that did not grow up in the western world and felt like men were the "respectable" option. Sending you love<3
not creepy at all! ur actually not the first person to say this to me and there are actually several ppl who have followed me since then or even longer. and i appreciate the ppl who stuck around and saw me for me & my story for what it was, instead of the people who found me much later then dug around looking for things to misconstrue that suits their confirmation bias. i actually used to really love that there were people who saw my flaws and the things i wasn’t confident in (but was trying to be more confident and accepting of) and saw themselves in me, and gained some level of self-acceptance from it. so i’m really touched u felt that way & i appreciate u telling me that.
i hope u are free from the traumatic situations ur in & are healing & are free of self-harm as well. those are not easy things to go thru and it’s amazing you made it thru that and are around to tell ur story. thanks anon for ur sweet words ❤️ wish u well
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