#would credit them but they keep deleting their accounts and I've given up
indig0trolls · 6 months
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TOS and Purchase Links Under cut! I will not be updating these to reflect their sold status, you’ll just have to check the link. They’ll show as sold out if they’re sold out.
REMINDER. FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS, YOU MAY NOT PURCHASE MORE THAN 2 DESIGNS TOTAL. That includes for yourself AND others. Time posting: 8pm EDT 3/12/24. You can come back for more if you want tomorrow!
By purchasing you will be agreeing to follow these terms as follows. PLEASE make sure you read them in full to understand them.
In the interest of fairness, given how fast these go sometimes: FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS, YOU MAY NOT PURCHASE MORE THAN 2 DESIGNS TOTAL. That includes for yourself AND others. Time posting: 8pm EDT 3/12/24. You can come back for more if you want tomorrow!
You MAY change the design/species of any design i've made after youve bought it, but you must leave credit with INDIG0TEA for the design, and the design itself must be recognizable.
Gender/sex/etc is ultimately up to the buyer.
You may NOT resell the design for more than you paid for it, unless it comes with extra art either made by you (listed for your current or historical  commission rates), or commissioned by you. Gift art/free art does not count towards the value of any design I make, ever.  Additionally: You may not ever ask for, recieve, or offer full resale plus non-currency add ons (such as, but not limited to: art, characters, merchandise, games, game currency, etc.). Yes, even if the offer as couched as "free art/commission/character". Partial resale may be negotiated only for designs whose original buying price was 30 or more dollars USD, and split dollar amount may be for no less than 2/3 of the list price to prevent people trying to workaround this TOS to encourage other people to accept their offers. (For example: Partial resale on a 30$ design may be a maximum of 20$ partial + non-currency add on.) This is to prevent overoffering/artificially inflating resale value. I am willing to make exceptions to this clause, but you will have to speak to me directly to ensure my TOS is being respected.
If the design is gifted/traded at any point, all financial value up to that point is lost and it may not be resold until further art is made/commissioned for it.
You may not include my designs in resale bundles. Period.
You may not EVER feed ANY of my art into an AI interface of ANY kind.​​​​​​​​
If you resell, trade, or gift this design, please inform me that it has been traded/resold/gifted so that I may update the TOS to reflect that and so future buyers cannot be scammed.
You may not resell, gift, or trade this design (or any of my designs) to anyone on my blacklist, which is linked below for your convenience. Doing so will result in immediate  blacklisting/blocking of your accounts.
You may not ever edit the original artwork(s).
You may not repost the original artwork to deviantart, instagram, or other social media/portfolio sites.
You may not use this design for the creation of license-able media such as (but is not limited to): books, animated shorts/shows, Vtuber/twitch streamer  sonas,  comics/webcomics, and video games (free or otherwise). If you  would like to use this design in anything like this, we can negotiate a one time licensing fee which covers use in all of the above. This can be anywhere form an additional 150-500$ depending on your intended use.
You MAY use your design for any other purpose, so long as you are not profiting financially off of my work nor passing it off as your own.
You are allowed to store it in your deviantart sta.sh, post it to tumblr profiles, or upload it to websites like toyhou.se with proper credit.
However, you may not reupload to toyhou.se, to keep the ownership log intact, and to keep the original tos consistent.
For my personal comfort, you may not delete original listings from toyhou.se and resell it separately. This is again to keep the ownership log intact, and to keep the original tos consistent. If the person you wish to resell it to does not have a toyhou.se, I have plenty of invite codes I can give out as necessary.
Please credit to INDIG0TEA the first time you post art of them to websites other than toyhou.se 
Violation  of many of these terms will result in permanent blacklisting/banning  from buying or owning designs by me in the future.
Where to credit the artist: deviantART: INDIG0TEA twitter: indig0tea tumblr: indig0tea.tumblr.com toyhou.se: INDIG0TEA
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who's octane?
"A novakid I met at the academy. He's quite the character, to put it mildly."
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Resurrecting some bg-in-the-works posts
credit goes to OP's.
Allow me not to bury it all under a read more because then upon deletion, all content is gone. This way at least the reblogs keep it alive.
Q: Whats the whole thing with the monkey?? Ive legit never heard of this
A by stylestm: a couple of days before the boys were going to go back on tour, louis was papped at lax. everyone was really confused, because he didn’t need to be papped (his name wasn’t as near as big then as it is now) and it didn’t look that great given the band was about to go on tour and it was clear they weren’t in rehearsals. then, louis posted a picture of himself with eli the monkey from the steal my girl video. later, an update account posted a picture of briana with the monkey but quickly deleted it and all of them refused to post it again. it was basically like, ‘leak it yourself if you want it out there.’ briana at the time had an instagram, but it was private. after the pictures of her and the monkey didn’t circulate, she went turned off private and put her instagram on public to get them to spread around. i can’t remember if that ever worked. but, either it did or she realized no one was going to post it, so she went back on private. anyway, it later came to light that the trip was highly publicized and talked about because i think it’s supposed to be when louis “found out” about the baby, even if i think she would have missed her period like days before he showed up. and instead of keeping that on the downlow and sorting the situation out, his team thought it was a good idea to get him papped.
This happened shortly after as well:
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9 days later the IT'S NOT REAL concert happens.
Q: I've been seeing a lot of baby gate talk again and I remember people saying she stole pics of other women? Do we have proof of this or is it stuff that looks photoshopped or something?
A by aliensyndrome: he and her family legitimately stole photos of amber fillerup’s pregnancy/hospital trip. there’s threads somewhere that show it but the most circulated are her cousin ashley’s place in this entire saga that have all checked out
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Now some tea spilling about the night when "CALVIN FUCKED UP":
posted by: chnandler-blog3: I hate to do this because I’ve stepped away from the fandom and really am just fed up with it. And in light of the kind of stunts they are running right now - this is the last straw. I have been sitting on a story from my friend (I’m posting this for her. And she previously wanted me to keep it private but she gave me permission to post it.) I HAVE TO SAY THIS IS NOT MY STORY - MY friend gave me permission to post it. Please respect me and do not ask me who it is. She is not famous so it doesn’t matter who she is. This will be my last post about 1D for a long time if even forever. Because this fandom is NOT healthy. But anyway here’s the story (I won’t answer asks about it because I’m not posting it for the attention on me.) It’s a receipt that UAs deceive and contribute to damage control. Also if they tweet random shit about Larry or anything really that’s out of place like there’s prolly a reason why even if nobody is talking about anything in particular.
Now my friend was telling me and a group of friends about this little incident clubbing. It was in May in LA (it would have had to be May 9th? Because I tweeted the 10th about last night Calvin fucked up which I’m gonna add later.) that time Louis went clubbing with Calvin, Oli and Liam. It’s nothing incriminating to Louis OR Harry’s sexuality. BUT my friend’s friend went clubbing with them that night (the one night Liam was with them.) My friend told me that that her friend told her that Calvin was trying to get these girls to go back to the hotel where Oli, Calvin, etc were staying at and he was SO smashed and he was saying that the guys will be there and that they should come back with them and then backtracked to say that Louis wouldn’t be there because he’s staying at Harry’s. Now my friends and I didn’t really know if this was true but nonetheless we got a kick out of it and (I have a couple screencaps of tweets I sent out about the situation.) TO WHICH THIS GETS BETTER:
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SO the next day 1DAlerts comes online to say they’re pretty sure Louis was staying with FRIENDS not Harry. Pretty convenient, eh? Nobody understood why they tweeted this. Because I mean aside from the normal chatter like NOBODY was tweeting about this story which is the MOST hilarious part! “Obviously….”
So here are my receipts:
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If you see my tweets shading the situation are timestamped a couple hours BEFORE their tweet. And even better another friend of mine posted shading them for covering up when his friend fucks up and they called her crazy and were just “stating their opinion” They didn’t even mention the UA by name or the people involved :’)  The funniest bit is we all were sitting on this and they really just confirmed the story to us when they were trying to cover it up… And no that one I’m replying to on these screencaps don’t know anything and is not my friend in this story so don’t harass them about this. I will not be divulging who it is. So again PLEASE respect and don’t ask who it is. I don’t wanna send out 18237429847289 replies saying no. It’s just gonna be a blanketed no.
Credit to m-mrmaid: A bit of Calvin again, plus more.
tbt to when calvin was drunk and when asked by a bunch of girls if louis was coming with them back to the rental he said no and that he was going back to harrys, brianna & ashley were in that group of girls but oh & let’s make it better ! i know this really happened because i found this out early morning that next day when somebody told me that she got a phone call @ 2 am of her friend drunkly sobbing on the line about how larry might actually be real (this girl is a groupie and a huge het stan & has been for years like how else do you think i got that calvin nude last year ??? I don’t have his snapchat lol) & explained what calvin said and me, my friend and my friend she told it to were all laughing about in our dms that morning and ohhhhh LETS MAKE IT EVEN BETTER !!! jordyn got on twitter the day after it happened and tweeted about how louis didn’t go to harrys house LOL so I tweeted “when your boy fucks up and gets a ua to fix it” & she replied to me like 2 seconds after saying “calvin never said anything about louis going to harrys and he didn’t tell me to fix it” & I LITERALLY SCREAMED, again instead of going home with his “fling” or “gf” at the time he went home to harrys just like when girls would wake up at the rental and louis would never be there :) & don’t even get me started on the stories ive heard of girls seeing them bring brianna / ashley home with NO louis with them but you know !!!!!! we are wrong to doubt this !!!!!!!!! AMAZING !!!!!!!!!
Credit: Bulletprooflarry: about those URL's
@happy1days asked about the URLs in her tags on my chat. Most were registered on 20 July 2015, and were registered for 1 year, ending 20 July 2016.
My curiosity lead me to see if they were still taken, but guess what. After we found them and dragged their asses for their money-grabbing attempts at the end of January, the more blatant URLs were released and are up for purchase again.
The following URLs are still taken and expire 15 July 2016, exactly 1 year and 1 day after the People announcement was made:
These URLs are still taken and expire 20 July 2016:
However, the following URLs have been released and are up for sale again:
brianajungwirthbaby.com ($11.99/year)
brianatomlinson.com ($799.99/year)
babytomlinson.com ($11.99/year)
tomlinsonbaby.com ($11.99/year)
brianajungwirthupdates.com ($11.99/year)
onedirectionupdates.com ($6,500 minimum offer)
brianajungwirthclothing.com ($11.99/year)
babytomlinsonphotos.com ($11.99/year)
I think they kept their names and business-related URLs (quattrochifilms, etc.) for personal reasons. However, they also appear to have kept the most obvious and most valuable Louis and 1D-related URLs, too. “louis tomlinsons baby” and “louis tomlinson baby” and “one direction baby” are by far the most Googled terms in this group of URLs.
They released the more embarrassing URLs with less income potential back into the pool.
Credit to adifferentkindofson: A bit of perspective on the days we lived during bg:
i feel like the events of the past few days have given me a much better understanding of the past few months and wow everything is always so much clearer in retrospect with this fandom
#we can be reasonably certain that simon is out and the syco contract is over#because of his billboard article in which he preemptively tries to do damage control#then the sun article confirming louis *won’t* actually be part of the x factor#followed by tmz ramping everything up to a million again#and openly discussing the possibility of the baby being fake#and introducing the concept of larry to the general public/non 1d viewers for the first time#so it makes so much sense to me that all the perceived stops and starts we had weren’t actually stops and starts#so much as they were treading water and setting up the narratives that would be relevant later#as well as doing everything they could to protect louis’ image#so he looks like a good caring father#because as long as louis’ image is in tact#they can deal with the tiny bumps simon might throw at them#like louis being forced to do interviews about freddie at the brits for instance#they would have learned from last time#with the bullshit 2.0 tweet#that there’s no point trying to make any major headway while simon still has influence#because he’ll just find a way to thwart their plans or throw in a curveball they don’t want to deal with#like if they’d tried to end babygate earlier#while simon still had the ultimate trump card of the syco contract hanging over the boys heads#who knows what other shit could have happened#or how he could have intercepted things for the worse#so no they just did their best to keep the story moving but not taking major steps forward#(the custody battle being the exception)#(because that was something that needed to be introduced to the public reasonably ahead of time)#(in order to preserve even the most basic illusion of realism)#and made sure to keep the fandom occupied and busy speculating and trying to figure out what was happening#but as much as they might have initially hoped to end things earlier#i think as soon as louis started playing along after the ‘birth’#they knew they were in this for the long haul#mine (adifferentkindofson)
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spacedoutflowers · 2 years
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Welcome one and all to my little corner of the internet where the cute and creepy come to play. Please don't be shy, stay a while! There's always room for one more kindred spirit. (Click image for the best quality!)
Here are some quick links and information about this blog. Will be updated when need be!
Information and Rules
This blog is strictly for posting art (drawings and writings) related to different media I am interested in currently, memes I make in association with other's posts and about my ocs/stories. I may mess up and accidentally post something else when I try to reblog it to my main account but any mistakes will be quickly fixed!
I accept asks and questions in my ask box but please keep in mind: I will only answer questions relating to my art or about me. All other asks may be deleted or given a private response depending on my comfortability on the subject.
I only take drawing requests when I announce them or if you're a friend. Though regardless, I appreciate you guys wanting to see art from me!
Please keep any and all comments, asks and whatnot SFW! I am above the age of 18 but this blog and content is meant for 14+. (Swears are allowed however.)
This is a safe space for people from all walks of life! Any controversy, polarizing topics or hate toward a particular person or group will not be tolerated as this is not the place for such discussion.
I would love to see anything that is made by you guys be it memes or art! Feel free to tag me!
With that said, art of my original characters is allowed but please be respectful of the character. I prefer my characters to not be "genderbent" or aged up without my permission or unless it's based on my own drawings/writings. If you have a question about any one of them, feel free to ask!
I will do my best to tag for triggers and spoilers but if I forget or there is a tag you wish for me to make, please don't be shy and send an ask. I will get to it as quickly as I can!
Any art I post on here can be used for pfps and banners but please don't claim them as your own, credit me via description and don't edit my drawings unless asked prior.
DO NOT REMOVE ANY OF MY WATERMARKS AND/OR REPOST MY WORK! This is just common sense for artwork but I've seen this plenty of times and I will not tolerate my works being stolen.
Quick Links
Socials: LinkTree
Main account: @roto-scope
Art tag: #spacedoutflowers art
Writing tag: #spacedoutflowers writing
Ask tag: #asking alien
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oh-my-otome · 7 years
I recently went through my bank statements and saw how much I spent on Ikesen 😅 I feel extremely guilty spending so much. I've decided to not spend anymore and just use the coins in game (even though a new route is coming out😣) Do you think not getting the premium story parts is that big of a difference? I'm pretty much new to these games 😔
Uh oh, Precious! I think we’ve all been there! ahaha
You don’t have to never spend, if you don’t want to, but you can practice spending better!
I’ll list my own tips for otome budgeting– perhaps you or another corner-buddy may find something that you can apply, for your situation.
But first, you asked:Do you think not getting the premium story parts is that big of a difference?
Yes, there is a difference between the Normal story and the Premium story! 
For one, the Normal story is shorter. Certain dialogue, exposition, romantic and/or emotional progression will be omitted. 
It also comes with plainer attire, and cannot be re-read, unless you do the entire route all over again and choose the Normal story, instead of buying the Premium one.
However, you can always go back and buy the Premium story the next time you play a route! If you cannot afford it when you are playing it, don’t despair! Just save up for next time!
Now, on to how you can afford the things you want from otome games!
The important thing about money is not the money itself, but how you think about the money.
First, before you even consider whether to spend or to play for free, understand the type of player you are:
Do you play casually, as in once every few days? Maybe even skipping a week or two, or more?
Are you a daily player who logs in each day and collects free items?
Do extras like events, side stories, lotteries, grab bags and special gachas matter to you?
Are you a completionist, or are you only interested in certain characters?
Are you a creator who may need to have to a wide range of material to create content from?
Remember that all app games, no matter the genre, are designed on purpose to be addictive. There are counters and limited edition items for a purpose: to motivate you into spending more, and spending often.
No app game can exist without money, but you do not owe any game your money.
So before you hit the “Buy” button, ask yourself “why?” Why are you buying it, and how would you feel if you didn’t?
When you come across a side story, ask yourself if you really want it. If you’re just curious, perhaps you can talk to one of your game friends who already has it, and get their opinion on it, instead of reaching for your wallet first. 
Is the side story something that is only there for a limited time, or can you come back and buy it later? If it’s something that you think you may read more than once, then its value will be more long-lasting, in your eyes.
Do you really want that ranking prize because you genuinely like it, or do you only want it because it’s an exclusive item that others may admire? Is it something that you can see yourself putting on your avatar beyond the event? 
Questions like these can help you determine if you are spending your money wisely, for your own needs.
A completionist will need far more closet space and Stamina items than someone who only plays once in awhile. 
If you play very casually, you may regret spending $10 on some stories that you’re not likely to re-read, instead of buying something else that you wanted.
Someone who buys only the items related to their favorite handful of characters will save more money than the player who buys everything, no matter what character it is.
When it comes to the type of player you are, there is no correct type– there’s just you, and the way you feel comfortable playing.
Next, you will want to look at what you normally purchase, or what you would be purchasing, if you could spend the money.
If you’re more into attire, you’re going to need the closet space to go along with it. 
If you’re a speed-runner, tickets are going to be where you spend the bulk of your money, etc.
It also helps to understand what you are purchasing.
Look at this:
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At first glance, this set includes 3,000 Charm.
In actuality, it includes more than that– between 4,500 and 8,250 Charm –depending on what you get as a grade (Excellent or Good), and if you use all of the Tea & Cake during x2 Lucky Time, or if you use it during x3 Lucky Time. 
And that’s not including the 3,000 Charm Makeup Palette that comes in the set. Plus, you get a guaranteed attire piece that you don’t have to rank for.
But if you do not want to gamble with your Stamina items, you may wish to buy a set that has a guaranteed Status amount, and no attire item, like one of these:
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The above types of sets are fixed, meaning the prices and items do not tend to fluctuate. 
In other games, they change in some way or another:
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To help budget, only spend the “extra” money that you can afford. “Extra” means something different to everyone.
For me, “extra” means: my rent and all of my other bills are paid, and I have food to last (or the money to buy it) until I am paid again, my transportation is secure (gas, or however you get around), and this money is not part of anything related to what was previously listed, nor is it part of what I will use in case of an emergency.
You’ll be able to figure out what “extra” means, for you, so give it some thought!
A tip for younger players, who don’t have their own money:
Keeping on top of your grades, and helping out in, and outside of, your home goes a long way, when asking for money for anything. 
If you are told “no,” an “I understand. Thank you for listening,” or the like will help foster a sense of responsibility and maturity between you and whomever it is, and next time may be a “yes.”
Of course, you’ll also want to make sure that you have permission to be making any purchases.
To help with your spending, younger or older, rather than having the money come directly out of a credit or debit account, use gift cards.
This way, you always know how much you have, and are less likely to overspend. 
Players who need to ask for money for games may have more luck asking for a gift card, than the money itself, because the money on the card can only be spent in a guaranteed, agreed upon place, at a set amount.
Depending on where you live, you can find iTunes and Google Play gift cards at big box stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores, in addition to online.
Also, there are usually sales on these types of gift cards, so you can save between $10-30, or more, depending on what the sale is. 
For example, iTunes gift cards occasionally have a Buy one, Get one (BOGO) x% off promo.
Heads up!:
If you have a Target store near you, there will be an iTunes BOGO 30% sale for Black Friday, November 23rd-25th!
For Apple players, remember: you will need an iTunes gift card, not an Apple Store gift card, as they are not one in the same!
When you use gift cards, it is easier to visualize your spending, giving you more control than if you spent indiscriminately. By using the same money to buy a card, you have already decided what your range of spending will be, for a given time.
Because you do not pay tax on gift cards, you are taking the same $20, let’s say, and putting it on something where you’ve made an agreement with yourself that this $20 is all you’ll be spending, at the time.
Speaking of tax, remember that when you make purchases in app games, regardless of how you make your purchase (gift card, credit or debit), you are also paying tax. 
And the amount of the tax increases, the larger your purchase is!
For instance, if you buy 100 coins for $0.99 USD, you are paying less tax than if you buy 3,500 coins for $33.99 USD. 
So if you need 3,600 coins for a set, but can’t afford 5,300 coins, which is the next highest amount, or you just want to have exactly 3,600 coins, you will be paying tax twice.
When it comes to events, remember that they are free content, just like the main story. 
If you are trying to stay within a budget, don’t get swept up by all of the bonuses, Stamina and Status sets that you could be buying, because you may wind up spending a lot of money to read stories which are free.
As for myself, I have several accounts for the games I play, and I spend money on them differently.
On my mains, I buy whatever I like that I can afford, and on my secondaries, I buy only closet and castle/garden space. 
Sometimes, if I see something that I really, really like, that I can’t do without, I’ll buy it for my secondary.
Since I also play four different games, I like to make sure that I have closet space open in each of them. I like to leave spaces open, so that I’m not tapping through my attire at the last minute, trying to decide what to delete, if I run out of space.
To cut down on buying Stamina items, I use my Energy every four hours for Cybird games, and every 5 hours for SLBP. That way, I can maximize my main and event status for free.
I prefer to buy for my special favorites, as well, so I always know how much I will need in order to buy what I want.
For example, a special side story in MidCin costs 500 coins, $4.99 USD. In SLBP, it is 6 pearls, $4.99, for POV specials.
I am never surprised by what I spend, since the price does not fluctuate much, so I can always plan ahead:
An After Episode will always cost 300 coins, an Ieyasu epilogue will almost always be 4 pearls, etc.
I find that it helps to think of the actual price, not it’s coin/pearl equivalent, since that is irrelevant outside of the game.
Just for fun, the next time you want to buy something in a game, try it for yourself:
Not: ‘do I have 300 coins for this epilogue?’But: ‘do I have $2.99 for this epilogue?’
So every time there is an event in SLBP, I know that I will need at least 8 pearls, since I always buy for Ieyasu and Mitsunari. In MidCin, I know that whenever there is an event, I will need the coins for Sid, and so on.
I usually buy a $100 gift card, and parcel it out amongst my four mains. I don’t always see something that I want to buy, so this $100 can last me for awhile.
I like to take advantage of sets which offer a little bit of everything, because they’re more economical. 
For example, I’m more likely to buy the set that has closets, tickets and Stamina items, than the one that only has more Charm.
However you choose to spend your money, I hope that you have fun playing!
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