#would have to be quick in making a cup because growing Valerian makes the person sleepy as well
captain-amadeus · 1 year
If 🤥 was having a hard time sleeping,🌹would grow some Valerian, make tea from the roots, cuddle, and they'd fall asleep together awwww
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Requests are still open? If so, how about zhongli or kaeya with a GN reader that has trouble falling asleep? (bonus points if they look drowsy during daytime)
^ with the time change I’m feeling really sleepy most of the day. I would love for Zhongli to make me a cup of tea ... like I bet it's a treat. 
Warning -> none :) 
How about some tea?
Includes: Zhongli, Kaeya 
Character X GN reader  |  Anthology
There is something about this man's level of knowledge and insight into the things around him that’s incredible - somehow he knows the strangest of things while nothing of the simplest of things 
Ask him the price of a common item, he has no idea, but ask him why the sun dances across the sky and he will tell you a tale long forgotten to the sands of time 
So it’s both surprising and not that he knows something is strange about you 
“Your demeanor looks strange.” He states with his hand against his chin and head slightly tilted. 
“Oh, uh. Yeah, I just had a hard time sleeping last night is all.” You wave him away and continue with your task. You had started early with it, since you couldn’t sleep, and were nearly done. 
“If you’d like, I could brew you some tea with valerian root. It has an interesting flavor, but will suffice.” He hasn’t really moved from his place throughout your whole conversation. He’s almost like a statue, one hand at his chin, the other resting against the small of his back. 
“Uh, maybe.” You grab the large bag of items and lift it into your arms. You let out a sigh at its weight and try to shift it until it rests more comfortably in your arms. “I’ll get back to you.” With a warm smile, you give him a quick nod and head off. 
You look back at him and he is still standing there, just as he was before. 
Zhongli is a person who will keep his promises no matter what, even if you aren’t sure you created a promise with him
He can be very persistent and often takes people at their word - so when you see him show up later that day with all the material needed for a nice cup of tea, you shouldn’t be shocked 
“Zhongli?” You stand with your hand on your door and the other in your hair. You had returned only shortly before he arrived and thought a nice shower would help refresh your mind. 
“I was able to acquire the root I mentioned earlier today.” He’s just standing there, totally deadpan and serious. It makes you laugh. 
“You didn’t need to go out of your way for that.” You say through laughter, the lightness of it lifting the atmosphere. 
“I do recall I said I would brew you tea.” 
“Yes, you did. Come in.” 
You watch as he enters your home, something he hasn’t done very often. The two of you always found each other on the streets or walking along the harbor. Your relationship had always been friendly, and you enjoyed spending time with him. Truthfully, you longed for the relationship to be more. It somehow felt so domestic to see him moving through your kitchen with ease as if he’d lived there for years. 
You sit at the counter and watch as he nimbly gets everything ready. The way he cuts the root into small pieces, the way he collects water in the teapot and sets it over the stove. The skillful way he organizes the loose leaves of the tea he’s brought which, you knew, would complement nicely with the valerian. 
You enjoyed watching him as he prepared the tea. The simple process turned into an elegant orchestra of movement and execution. Once the water was at the right temperature, he poured the liquid into the cup and you watched as it turned a playful yellow. 
Elegantly, he placed a saucer before you before resting the cup quietly in its place. You take in the fragrance and catch the hint of wood and sweet flowers. 
“Do enjoy.” He gestured before following the same process to pour his own. 
You bring the liquid to your lips and are surprised at how perfect the water temperature is. As the contents fill your mouth, you immediately sense the earthy taste. It’s overpowering, but only for a moment. Once the initial aroma passes there is a relief of sweetness and floral, which is quite refreshing. 
“This is …” you pull your gaze from your cup before continuing, “kinda awesome.” 
“And it is much better when spent in good company.” There is a warm smile on his face and you wonder if the liquid was making you warm or if it was him. 
“I appreciate you doing this. It was nice of you.” 
“My pleasure. I could sense you were in need of something.” 
“I’ve just had a hard time sleeping lately, well, really most of the time.” You take another sip of the warm liquid. 
“Mmm, perhaps there is something plaguing you?” 
“Ha, not really. I’ve just always had a hard time sleeping at night. My mind won’t turn off I guess.” The soothing smell of the tea is starting to make your head heavy. 
“If this aids you, then I am happy to teach you how to make it. Or do so myself if you wish.” 
“Thank you, Zhongli.” You look back at the teacup and take a few more drinks before placing it on the saucer. Outside, you hear the citizens walking by and the distant shouting of those on the docks. Most of the time, you didn’t pay any attention to the sounds of the city, but today they seemed to be a soothing noise. Something about the way it all mixed and settled in your ears just felt right. 
“It must be working.” You catch his eyes and turn your head. For some reason, his eyes seem more powerful than normal. 
“It must be. I’m going to go rest on the couch for a minute.” 
“Please do, I will clean up here.” 
You settle into the couch and observe Zhongli from your place there. He’s already emptied your cup and cleaned it in the sink. His hands perfectly worked just the way he wanted them to. It feels like there are weights on your eyelids and it becomes harder and harder to keep them open. 
The last thing you see is Zhongli standing in your kitchen drinking his cup of tea as he looks out the window. 
He doesn’t let anything get past him, so he would definitely know something was up with you
“You look a little tired there.” Kaeya appeared out of thin air. You had been so distracted that you hadn’t noticed anything for a while. The passing of the time or the citizens walking from place to place, none of them registered. So when Kaeya’s face was suddenly before you and you caught his half-smile, you didn’t pay it much attention. 
“Do I?” Your head was fuzzy like someone had turned on the radio but all the channels were missing. This sensation had gotten so commonplace that you often ignored it too. 
“Yeah. Are you okay?” He leaned down, his smile gone and replaced with a concerned expression. 
“I’m okay. Thanks.” You try to give him a reassuring smile and hope he doesn’t worry. 
He watches as you walk away. There is something off about your steps, but he isn’t quite sure. 
He’d likely do his own background investigation to figure out what is troubling you. He’s ready to tackle any problem no matter the size in order to bring back your more cheery disposition 
When he finds out that it’s because you have trouble sleeping he gets to work. He’s asking the alchemists to come up with a potion, he goes to the church to see if the healers can assist in any way, he might even try some non-conventional tactics to help you sleep 
After many days of rain, the sun had started to return to the city. There was a cool chill that ran across your arms and the back of your neck as you bent down to pour out the excess water from the plants. I should probably replace this with some dry dirt, you think to yourself as the water spreads across the cobblestone. 
When you finish, you watch as the other citizens pass by. A few wave and some just keep on about their day. A few drops of cold water fall on your face and make you jump as it runs down your cheek. 
“Hello, again.” A familiar voice calls out to you and when you look, you see Kaeya confidently making his way toward you. 
“Hello.” You return and wipe the raindrops off of your face. You’re reminded how tall his when he stops but a few inches in front of you and stares down at you.
“Heading out now that the rain has stopped?” His hand is on his hip and he’s wearing his dashing smile. 
“Yeah, I was thinking of returning some books to the Library. I’m sure Lisa isn’t pleased I haven’t returned them yet.” 
“I’ll accompany you.” 
“You sure?” You give him a quizzical look. He’s always so busy, it’s strange for him to have extra time to spare. 
“Of course.” 
“Okay, well let me grab the books.” He waits patiently outside until you return, books in hand.
He’s a man with a plan, and he’s going to enact that plan 
He may have a pleasant smile plastered to his face, but he always has something working in the background, shifting in the shadows 
Somehow he has convinced you to visit his office. You aren’t sure how he convinced you, the conversation you had with him didn’t seem to discuss anything about having a cup of tea, and especially not in his office. 
“Thanks for the drink, it smells delicious.” You let the warm vapors run across your face and breath in the sweet smell. 
“Please take your time.” He sits in the chair next to you, his leg resting on his knee and his back against the plush cushion. 
You sit for a while and listen to the sounds of the room. The way the wind slides over the glass window, the sounds of footsteps walking through the hallways, voices of the knights growing and fading as they accomplish their tasks. The atmosphere starts to make you drowsy and you close your eyes for a minute, the warm cup resting on your legs. 
“You seem relaxed now.” You hear his voice and open your eyes again. 
“Yeah, there is something comforting about this place. I’m not sure why.” 
“Probably because I’m here.” You chuckle at his comment and take another sip of tea. When there are only a few drinks left you placed the cup back onto the saucer before preparing yourself to leave. 
“Well, thanks again.” You start to get up but he stops you. He’s grabbing your shoulder and ushering you down onto the couch. 
“You should rest.” 
“Huh, I don’t need to?” You try to sit back up, but he continues to push you down. 
“Yes, you do. I can tell how tired you are. When was the last time you slept.” 
“Kaeya, you’re being silly.” 
“When was the last time?” He asks again, sitting on the coffee table and crossing his arms. 
“... I don’t know … I tried to get some sleep last night but It didn’t really work.” You feel the soft cushion of the couch under you. It smells like Kaeya and it's pulling you in. 
“I have some more things to do, but you are welcome to rest here.” 
“I have a house…” 
“Yes, but you already said this place was comforting.” He smirks at you, again somehow convincing you his way is the best way. 
“I won’t fall asleep.” You retort, rubbing your eyes. 
“Just give it a try.” He stands up and you follow him with your gaze. You watch as he grabs a blanket and starts to unravel it over you. It’s thick and extremely soft. “Now, close your eyes.” 
“I’m telling you …” 
“Mmhm, just be good and do it.” 
Your eyes track him as he makes his way to his desk. The sun is hitting his back and the color of blue reflects against the wall. You blink a few times. The blanket is so warm and the pillow is just right. You close your eyes for just a few seconds, I definitely won’t fall asleep, you think to yourself before you slip into a world of pleasant dreams.
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meshugana1 · 7 years
How about I am your gassy room mate and I accidentally find your universal remote while you’re out, first I accidentally turn myself into Cara Delevingne when fiddling with it. Then I give myself a huge butt and boobs. I make myself heavily pregnant with octuplets. I change my outfit into a skimpy cheerleader outfit. Finally I change my hair into very long and super soft and silky blonde hair that reaches my ankles . Finally you walk in.
Jack sat lazily on the couch doing nothing but channel surf as he tried to find the will to do anything. Everything just seemed boring as shit, he expressed his displeasure with everything by ripping an impressive fart into the couch. It smelled like it might eat through the stitching in his pants, that made him giggle slightly. His roomie was out which was nice because that meant he didn’t have to hide his farts. Mike was a real stickler about that and it tended to piss Jack off with all his rules and incessant cleaning.
Granted it was mostly Jack’s mess that needed cleaning but he paid his half of the rent and he shouldn’t have to do all that crap. He at least had a job, all Mike did all day was cock about in the basement of the house “inventing” shit. Also granted it was winter now and he technically was unemployed but all the union had to do was call and he needed to be ready so he could’t really get a regular job now could he? Jack dozed off for just a moment,  but it was long enough to lose the remote. How? He thought, I didn’t even move. He reluctantly got up and searched in between the cushions and behind the couch but when that didn’t help he started looking in the weird places like in the fridge, the oven, and in the pantry.
Those turned up nothing though and Jake decided to check in the last place it could possibly be, in Mikes “Lab”. Jake wasn’t technically allowed in but he needed to find that remote, he wasn’t gonna be stuck watching the young and the restless all day. The door was nothing special but inside was like something out of Dexter’s Lab. He had machines and bunsen burners and all the good shit. Jake let another loud fart flap out of his ass and her hurried along not wanting to leave more evidence behind. It didn’t take long before he found a remote, it wasn’t the one from the living room but all remotes were universal these days and he needed one bad. It looked a little weird like Mike had taken the plastic off and replaced it with metal and took off most of the buttons, now it only had five buttons and a tiny screen like on an old flip phone.
Jake didn’t care though as long as it worked, he plopped back on the couch and started pressing buttons but nothing happened. He hit the remote a few times and it finally started working and he at last returned to his channel surfing. Jack was breezing past showtime when that valerian movie started playing. That girl was pretty hot and he was all alone, so he figured he’d hit the pause button and enjoy himself. It was a little more difficult to find the button though, with this things confusing layout. He tried hitting the big yellow button on top and a beam of bright pink light came out and zapped the tv, then it bounded back and hit Jake square in the face.
Jake was afraid he’d been electrocuted because of how tight and constricted his body felt, like all his muscles were spasming and contacting. It ended soon and he was still breathing, he got up and ran to the mirror to see if he was burned or anything but when he made it to the bathroom he nearly fainted. His reflection didn’t match his body, or at least it didn’t match what he should look like. He looked like that girl from the movie, Cara something, his face was round with sharp high cheeks and a large forehead. His eyebrows were thick and strong and made his eyes look sultry and small. His lips were already painted a ruby red color and his hair was a dirty blond that ended just past his shoulders.
He looked down and saw his body had changed with it, he was now thin and had an athletic figure with small curves. Jake was freaking out and yelling in his new voice, racking his brain to find out what happened. It dawned on him that this happened when the remote went nuts so he ran out and grabbed it. Its display was crackling with static but Jack could make out the word “copy” on it. He was confused but then he looked at his tv and saw the frozen image of Cara Delevingne and a lightbulb went off in his head. Somehow the remote did this, it was like that movie with Adam Sandler. This remote could do anything! Mike finally invented something good, if this could turn him into a hot actress what else could it do? After a little more fiddling he figured out how to scroll through the options, there were so many he really could do anything. He decided to start with a classic and gave himself a stet of knockers so big he would cause car accidents. He selected the option for breasts and hit the plus button a dozen times.
Every time he pressed the button his breast shot up a cup size, each time they just popped up like popping corn from B’s to colossal L cup breasts! It was like his tiny frame was carrying medicine balls as his tits tented his shirt, straining it to its limit. Jake wasn’t one to leave a job half down so he scrolled down until he came across the option for asses and gave himself a real badonkadonk. He actually felt his pants tear as his ass grew to titanic proportions and balanced out his top heavy body. Jake giggled helplessly as he caressed his new insanely curvy body, he continued to scroll through the options and came across one he really didn’t expect to see titled ‘pregnancy’.
He always wanted to see a pregnant chick in the flesh so he selected the option but didn’t quite know how it would work. He pressed the plus button and was rewarded with an intense pressure in his abdomen. His belly surged outward and he was soon carrying a nine month pregnancy belly. Curiosity got the better of him though and he continued to press the button and his belly began to grow even more. He may have been a little overzealous as he looked like he carried a beachball, his distended belly now even eclipsed his breasts. His clothing was all but useless so he looked and found this thing could even affect clothes, he saw an option that looked super fun and a moment later he was wearing a perfectly fitting cheerleaders uniform.
Jake waddled over to the mirror and burst out laughing, he looked like a parody of a cartoon pregnant woman. Something was missing from his look though, he spent a few minutes scrolling through the options and found hair, the style he had was nice but he really wanted to keep the silly thing going so he lengthened it to such a degree that it nearly hit the floor and tickled his ankles. That was better, now it looked like he could give rapunzel a run for her money. Suddenly Jake heard the front door open, that must’ve been Mike. He was gonna have a helluva surprise when he saw the fruits of his labors.
Mike was tired and beat, he hated going to the grocery store but he needed food. Somehow it always managed to be crowded when he needed to get in and out quick but thank god it was over. “I’m home” he said to no one in particular, he knew his lazy roommate wouldn’t much care but when he entered the living room the person he saw was definitely not his roommate. It looked like that actress from Suicide Squad but her proportions where insane and she looked like she was too pregnant.
“Hey pal, recognize me?” Jake said. Mike saw the remote in the girls hands and wheels began to turn. “Jake?!”“Yup! Why the hell didn’t you tell me your inventions worked? You could be a bazillionare with this stuff.”“Jake, listen that remote doesn’t work.”“Um…Mike, look at me. I’m pretty sure it works.”“No Jake, that remote can only change things. It can’t change them back!”“…Wait what?”
The End. Hope y’all like it! Now you guys know what my writing looks like on cold medicine!
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