#would you guys still love me if i said aria has a british parent
qloof · 1 year
Would you care to tell me about those goddamn lesbians of yours?? Those little iddy bitty pink and purple dudes who kiss??? The fucking uhhhh americans????🐇🕊️ (there’s no emoji for gay birds so she’s stuck with the dove)
a lot of stuff about them is still brewing in my head but at the end of it all they r endgame
for background information about Aria, she was previously on the path to becoming a representative member of the UK team, but she didn't get along well with the members, and none of them were very supportive with her goals. Aria strives to be a beyblade performer and wants to show off her performance skills through battles on the big tournament stadiums. of course, she still likes to blade competitively, but her heart lies with performance. she later travels to the US and competes to be a member of their representative team (dual citizenship babyyy)
the person who develops feels first would be Aria !! (she is also the one stuck in pining the most,..) the moment Aria joins the team, the person she trusts the most and will willingly hang out with is Vita :sob: at first it's a "she's the leader and she's got the most respect and experience w/beyblade" deal, but the more Aria hangs out around her, the more fluffy she starts to feel. vita is strong, hard working, level-headed, somehow able to be kind and understanding to the other teammates even when they are being insufferable, pretty girl who is tall, and Aria admires her a lot.
also?? person who supports her goals to become and beyblade performer and encourages her and wants to help in any way she can?? at some point Aria blurts out "can you be my performance partner?" and vita is like "sure !! :D"
i think about their combined bey avatar sometimes bcus i plan for them to use synchome at some point. bunny with very big wings !! lesbian flag colors gay gay homosexual gay those are my thoughts at 9:21pm
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that1random-girl · 7 years
So Over the past week or so I’ve been rewatching Pll from 6B on. These are just some things that may be clues/ things I picked up on.
In 6B, Aria starts off super shady. Sneaking out of the hotel. Everyone was convinced that Ezra and Aria are somehow behind/involved in Charollets death.
Lucas and Melissa both return in 6x13. Lucas to impress Hanna, Melissa to call out Spencer on her *ahem* dating life. Melissa is also worried about the tape she made spencer, and spencer says its destroyed dont be paranoid.
They reallly are putting Ezra out. Calling out his drinking, and outbursts. “No one broke a chair....it was an inncident.” This behavior is presumed to be because of Nicole.
The whole “It was highschool.” “NOT FOR HIM” gets me everytime i stg
Ezria scene “you are compassionate, sensitive. You are kind.” Ezra, “Maybe I’m not.”
Insert infamous scene where the liars burst in and accuse Ezra of murder (ARIA INCLUDED) they are convinced and he says “Anybody bring torches ptichforks? anything like that? (lolz) and Ezra has his outburst “NOW! GET OUT!” which was pretty extrra for someone who’s only secret was aria’s parents hooking up??? seems like a major overreaction.
“Who do you think I am?” Ezra
“I don’t know” Aria
Ezra makes it clear he is glad that Charollett is dead.
Lucas is involved in something, maybe he killed Char to protect Hannah. He loves her to death obviously, is that that big of a stretch? I know he and Charles were friends way back when, but according to Lucas he didn’t know Charles as Charollete, and it makes more sense for his loyalty to be to Hanna, since he partially blames himself for what happened to her, all he wants now is to protect her.
6X13 we get the first new text from the new enemy. “jYou know who did it and I’m going to make you talk.” At this ponit they think Ezra is the killer. The texter isn’t refered to as AD until 6x20 (they think AD and the other texter are different people: one who wants revenge for Chars murder and one who wants to cover it up)
Now, this text is also thought to be sent by Archer/Mary right?? But then why at the end does it show A getting rid of the hoodies. Archer wasn’t around when OG A had hoodies and was tormenting the girls, if Archer was the one being A, then that scene doesn’t make sense. 6x14 “JI don’t lurk in the shadows, I hide in plain sight” Making it seem like its someone they know.
It’s important, I think, that this is the first A who allows the girls to communicate freely with them. From 6x14 when Hanna texts the number asking “Do i know you,” to Aria calling AD lateley, idk it’s interesting. This AD has to have more confidence than whoever was playing the game before, they are tech savy enough to KNOW beyond a doubt they won’t get caught. (caleb, mona, lucas?)
The murder weapon was the golf club right? Ezra has the club in question, but it could have easily been replaced after he used it right?
“When he get’s like this I’ve learned not to ask....He’s dark and depressed.” That blonde coffee chick emily dated, about Ezra.
Toby seems content and happy with Yvonne, I really don’t think he is AD. At least from season 6 perspective, so far.
Flashback of Aria’s parents arguing about Charolete, making it seem now like it’s Aria’s dad that killed her. Adding to the evidence that her dad doesn’t have a 9 iron in his set.
Shower Harvey’s room was 214. 214 has connections to Jenna and Toby (the hotel room with the flute music that was faxed in braille. BAD) Hanna and Caleb (The locker combo and Jenna and the flashdrive.) Sara, (this) and something recently in season 7 with the school and Aria being shady with the locker.
In season 2 episode 14, Ezria gets outted to Aria’s parents, Spencer confronted Garrett about the NAT club, Toby gives spence the rocking chair (A Replica of which was in the dollhouse)
Mona called Char from the two crows diner the night she died and asked for her to meet at the two crows. (SHe had pie???)
After Ezra sees Arias parents, he says he went to the house of pies and had a three hour conversation about politics with a truck driver named Earl.
Melissa’s suitcase is broken and there is a piece missing that could be the murder weapon. Eyes off Aria’s father. Melissa comes back in 6x17. We know Charollet called wren and (probably) told him that Melissa was the one who burried bethany alive. as heavily implied by Hanna and Melissa’s conversation. Melisssa was a sobbing mess that night. That’s her motive to (kill?) Charlotte.
“Hail to the conquerer” Caleb to Melissa....hmmm....
Emily finds the ‘murder?’ weapon on a roof and AD? steals it. (The driver was NOT melissa according to sketchy garrage guy who is on AD’s payroll so his words aren’t exactly credible)
6X20 SoME lady calls Toby PRettTY EYES I SAID IT THEN AND ILL SAY IT NOW THATS A CLUE ALL THESE PIE CLUES AND PRETTY EYE S I STG IF THIS BITCH IS IN THE NEXT EPISODE IN THE DINER THATS PRROOF IDGAF ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE that toby is involved somehow. (im particularly fond of the toby and spenciritta theory) (IF he is involved otherwise i like wren theory or ezria theeory)
7x01- AD knows somehow hanna was lying and isn’t charlottes killer. The liars now begin to think it’s Alison that killed Char. Later in the episode Archer, thinks it was Ali as well, who told hiim that? someone with the group? He continues to believe it was Ali and that’s why he tortures her.
Toby: “We can’t pretend that the Alison that blinded Jenna never existed.”
THANK YOU!!!! (This points to Ali potentially being AD or at least involved.)
*INSERT SCENE WITH HANNA AND “”SPENCER”” which is a ‘’dream’’. If this is the twin, then she let’s hanna go (kinda by saying there is a way out) because Hanna says “its a good thing i don’t know who killed Charlotte, because I’d tell if I did.” Twincer must have believed her and that’s why she let her go. (Why would hanna lie to her best friend in a dream?) This scene just moments after Mary visits Spence and says something about twins, “you look so much like your sister...” (presumably refering to Melissa, but maybe her twin”
When Hanna is running through the woods half naked after escaping, it reminds me a lot of when Aria was running from Ezra in the woods. Only thing is, we know Ezria are together at this point, so Ezra is ruled out as being AD at this point, right? Same with Ali, who is in the hospital, Emily who is breaking into Alis house, Caleb who is at the lost woods, mona, toby, and spence who are with the group after hanna escapes, so they could still be involved somehow. So they didn’t kidnap hanna- AD kidnapped hanna- none of them are AD
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dangpankoozie · 7 years
My thoughts on 7x19 and the promo
1. Aria…what is with the bad lying fml 2. Lucy literally just KILLED that scene with Dunhill omg (I love Lucy so much) 3. "glad you agree" gave me chills fml 4. Listen Spencer I literally give 0 shits about your Mary drama people are dying 5. Why would the daughter of a politician and the daughter of a real estate company owner need money? It's not money that's in the Lost Woods for Spencer to find is it (calling IT!) 6. How much can a ratty haunted motel cost anyway 7. Gas leak? Why? What's the point of trying to kill them? What do they have against bilaurentis? 8. …….it's just a dream sequence….the most hyped up scene is a goddamn dream sequence (good job, Mar!) 9. Emma Thorwald? Who dat? 10. Both fell asleep while watching the game,,,,disappointed but not surprised 11. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. THAT'S ALL OF THE NAT WE'RE GETTING? 12. "How did we both fall asleep" idk you tell me Alison lmao   13. DON'T IMMORTALIZE SPALEB LIKE THAT SPENCER WTF 14. Kind of digging this spaleb bromance,,,, kind of not 15. Caleb and Ezra? What 16. Kind of creepy if you realise Ezra used to teach at the school Caleb went to (and now they're bromancing!?) 17. But who cares that Ezra used to be a creepy stalker-teacher who exploited little girls right (love is love, innit?) 18. Side note: IAN PORTRAYS EZRA SO WELL AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 19. The way Ezra literally pounced? On Aria? Wtf? #shady stalker-teacher right there 20. Ezra and the "body in my trunk "moment was much needed comic relief 21. That frozen …oh tf expression IS LITERALLY ME 22. Sudden appearance of the Two Crows Diner is…sudden 23. "did he go back to the car?" yes Spencer in his invisibility cloak,,,clearly he is in the car 24. Why do Caleb and Mona have a chemistry that just…is good? It's natural but WHY 25. FIRST IT'S THE COFFEE, THEN IT'S THE PIE, THEY'RE HANNA'S #PARENTS CONFIRMED! 26. "we swim around in this fishbowl like we're in control,,, we are NOT" killed me. This is the line that made me like this episode. Janel Parrish deserves so much more than this show has given her 27. Hanna and Caleb: bickering 28. Me: oh my GOD! Who. THE HELL. CARES? 29. Mona is Houdini #confirmed 30. AD sending messages like that. THIS IS THE AD IM INTERESTED IN not the one that used emojis for the lols 31. Alison apologizing to Aria signals character development and I AM HERE FOR IT   32. The petals falling on Hanna….i literally died 33. Can we just. All take a moment. To thank our lord and saviour for giving us that amazing scene between Charlotte and Mona. Just. OH MY GOD. This is the quality acting that used to prevail on PLL. THIS IS WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR. THANK YOU VANESSA RAY AND JANEL PARRISH. I didn't even have any words. HOLY HELL. I LOVE THIS. 34. THIS IS HOW YOU DO A REVEAL, PEOPLE! 35. But what I don't get is this: if Charlotte just wanted to fool everybody so she could play the game again, what was the point of revealing herself in 6X10 in the first place? 36. Mona killed Charlotte so that her friends won't get hurt again 37. Said friends continue to exclude and hurt Mona 38. #give mona better friends 39. Spencer and Hanna taking such good care of Mona is my aesthetic 40. Wait…..so there is literally no significance in the result of that puzzle? It's not a mask, or a grave, or a map or an ultrasound or anything? It's just a stock image? Good job, PLL! 41. Aria being wise but also being too late is literally me 42. THAT MOMENT WHEN THEY JUST WALKED OUT OF THERE AND BUSTED THEM WAS AMAZING. LINDA TANNER IS THE SAVIOUR THAT THE ROSEWOOD PD NEEDS BUT CANNOT HAVE 43. Okay so Mary Drake taking the fall for them is literal PROOF that she gave Alison and Spencer the Lost Woods not for the money but because there is something important inside 44. So Archer Dunhill was just a con man? That's it? I don't like this irrelevance 45. Why was he British then? What's the point of riling Wren theorists up like that? 46. Mary doing the shush…I still don't trust her. 47. Alison finding out who killed her mom through a live interrogation. Why do they hate her so much? And how did Spencer conveniently forget to tell her friend who killed her mom? 48. You guys I really love how empathizing Spencer, #1 Anti-Mona Stan is being right now. She knows how it's like to be pushed over the edge and to need help. I really like this. This is so heartwarming and beautiful. 49. Why the hell is Toby not here? Why are they making him so shady suddenly? What is the Purpose? 50. I thought Wren was going to be in more episodes? Where is he? I think he filmed scenes but they didn't make the final cut; probably because he was too shady and they revealed too much (hopefully) 51. Okay I honestly think that hyping up the blunt weapon was such a clever move. They made us get so worked up over it and threw hints everywhere but then they SIKED us in the BEST possible way. I LOVED that little tidbit of detail, how the evidence was right there. It's just such clever writing, something this show hasn't exhibited in such a long time. 52. MOST IMPORTANT: WHERE. IS. JASON. The writers haven't said shit about Drew coming back YET they SAT DREW DOWN and told him the whole story before the others knew. Is it because they wanted him to empathize with AD and portray him better (yes please!) I did hear he would be coming back for 7B? But he's not here? And Drew himself didn't really say much about it? Shady shit. 53. I mean, Jason literally did get the worst life out of every character in the series, and he got the least help for his problems. So honestly, it makes sense if all of that pent-up anger results in AD. And he's out of the country all the time, but he still is always in New York when Alison wants to meet him? 54. Ezra being plenty shady too. Writing another book? DYING? Hopefully lmao 55. So Lucas' relevance to this story is over? Arcturus was his big reveal? Why? And what's the explanation for sharing that look with Aria? 56. Mona saved this show you guys. THEY BETTER TREAT HER RIGHT AND NOT KILL HER OFF NEXT WEEK ISTG. 57. Yup! Just leave the game game there why don't you? Best decision ever! 58. A riding into the sunset like that was very LOL and very why?? At the same time   59. THAT PROMO? KILLED ME. 60. Snowglobes? snOWGlobES? TOBY AND JENNA! RELEVANCE! YES! 61. Lmao see I TOLD YOU Mary was shady. Attacking (? I think) her daughter like that lmao 62. Melissa's scene is probably a flashback. The mood of that snippet is different and she's smiling and was that a horse (?) and the filter is less stark than the rest of the snippets in the promo 63. Addison? And Jenna? ?????? 64. Listen listen listen if they make a spin-off starring Addison as Alison II and her minions LITERALLY NO ONE WILL WATCH IT so just don't waste your money Freeform 65. "I cant marry ezra" hate to say I told you so but I told you so 66. "I can't marry ezra" LITERALLY WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU SINCE SEASON 1 EPISODE 1   67. OMG what if halfway through the Ezria wedding Aria realizes she didn't forgive Ezra for the book and she pulls out halfway which is when AD swoops in and steals the show ??? #yes 68. WREN. WITH A GUN. GUN. IN WREN'S HANDS. WREN HOLDING GUN. GUN HELD BY WREN. I really think Ezra is going to die yallz 69. Don't think they're going to make Wren AD anymore though, if he's in the promo like that. Still rooting for him, but probably not. 70. Okay what if Ezra wrote another book and kept it shush from Aria and AD got hold of it, and saw that Ezra actually got something right in his life for once, and hence sent Wren (assuming AD is Adynamic Duo/team) to shoot him!! BUT NOT BEFORE they sent the liars a draft because the #truth is important and hence making Aria stop short of the worst life decision she ever made lmao
Best episode in a long time but that's because of Janel Parrish, Ian Harding and Vanessa Ray. Lucy Hale did good too. But Janel Parrish stole this episode. LOVE HER SO MUCH. If she does anything after PLL I will 100% watch it      
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