#wouldn't be aby different from her being here
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asinasura · 19 days
lari wynncraft brainrot wall of text incoming !!
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[ spoilers for the realm of light quest line, from the first to the fifth quest. ]
[ disclaimer: this is all my brain's personal interpretation. it may be shit and dumb, and super disjointed, one thought after another after another, but it's mostly just to get my thoughts out lol. also i trust people will be chill regarding this, hopefully ]
anyways, everything is under the cut.
i'm really hoping that the ending of RoL V wasn't the end of lari's character, but considering the wiki says it's "up to player interpretation" if she dies or just loses connection is disappointing, to say the least. i'm really, really hoping that they have a quest where we rescue her, or something, as how it stands currently bummed me out. not in the way i felt seeing my favourite characters die, but in the way patchy the pirate felt when he got hyped just for the tape to be spongebob walk cycles. consider everything, for a moment, from RoL I - V. we see lari as how she "normally" is, then she slowly loses her mind due to her own saviour complex, and then in a moment of weakness tries to fight us before being let back into the realm of light. i feel like, until the fifth quest's conclusion, the quest line was great !! it showed us lari, her flaws, ( she's neurotic, stubborn, pathetic, loyal to a fault regarding her morals, has a saviour complex, and refuses to self-reflect ) the mistakes she's had until now, and felt like it was setting up for something great. who knows, maybe i'm being stupid and the current conclusion to the quest line is setting up for something, but the wiki leaves me kinda hopeless...
here's how i viewed it: lari, a somewhat tired and frustrated elf tries to do her best to keep the corruption at bay. one day, the player character asks for her help, and that's where we see one of her main flaws as a person ( note: as a person, not a character but a person in-universe ) she is stubborn to her pacifistic morals, and is shaken up greatly upon realizing she's taken the life of the grootslang.
second quest, we see lari even more frustrated as the light she has relied on is now ( essentially ) ghosting her. the times we see where she does try to reflect is through speaking with the light. when we, the player character, come along, it fucks up her view of herself because we're given the role she has worked hard to achieve and hold onto. she's been fighting the corruption for a while now, and partnered with her saviour complex i wouldn't be surprised if she was questioning her worth. while not in the 2nd quest itself, it seems like she has been questioning her worth Since the 2nd quest, as seen by the following dialogue taken from the wiki:
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while i also understand the importance of the third quest, as it shows more of lari's history alongside dullahan, i think this quest works well in showing that lari is largely stagnant. she is not improving as a person in any substantial way, again: lack of self reflection. the biggest example of how she refuses to self-reflect is seen in dullahan. yes, lari is why dullahan is the way he is, and yes it is largely her fault he is in his current state, but not once does she reflect and think "what could i have done differently ?" it's possible she did at one point, but it's clear any effort she has made to prevent making the same mistake isn't major enough to note. perhaps killing the grootslang could count, but then again killing it wasn't her intention.
onto the fourth, perhaps my favourite quest regarding lari's character. ( sidenote, i'd consider the fifth to be up there had the ending not been... y'know. ) we are nearing the boiling point of her frustration. she's more unstable, she's barely keeping it together. when she is given one thing to do, retrieve the canned abis, the player character does it for her. this is the straw that breaks the camel's back, as she has a full-ass meltdown, attempting to kill the player character in a moment of weakness. then, she's rewarded for it. a moment of weakness, where she acts on impulsivity is where she is rewarded greatly. finally, we have a change in lari's character: she reflects on herself after the conversation with the guardian of the forest. she thinks why, despite all her efforts, did it take her this long and this close to killing someone was she rewarded. i think her improvement is best seen at the start of the fifth realm of light quest.
now, if the wynncraft team were to add more onto the story, then i wouldn't mind the abrupt way lari was written out, since her absence is ultimately temporary when everything is laid out. as it stands though, if this is how lari's character concludes, then i'm sawing my head off with a bonesaw
at the beginning of the quest, she apologizes to the player. she acknowledges what she has done to dullahan, an issue that she was seemingly running from and blocking out of her memory. she's more composed, and is even willing to forgo her pacifist morals for the light. she's even willing to go as far as trying to kill bak'al, fully prepared to take his life. and so, how does the story reward her ? her constant falls on her face before the player character comes along and assists her in finally trying to fix some of her flaws; she isn't neurotic, she self-reflected, she let go of her personal morals for the sake of the light, and she has ultimately improved from how we saw her in the previous quests... how is she rewarded ? by having her fate be up to the player's interpretation, not in this dimension any longer, just in one portal, a little goodbye note, and poof ! bye bye lari. i truly hope that they have plans for her in the future, truly truly, as this would be such a disservice to lari as a character. if anything, i would have been more pleased if she left the player alone after the monoliths were all fixed up, saying something along the lines of "glad i could help but i still have some things to fix up back in gavel. this time, though, it'll be different" and then she'll teleport out or something. it'd feel a bit more conclusive, at the very least.
this isn't to mention my slight disappointment with how we, the player, don't actually *see* her develop from RoL IV to RoL V, especially since it isn't clear whether she has or hasn't developed as much as it may seem. for all we know, she's just putting on an act ( actually, i think it'd be really fun to deconstruct her as she slowly loses face that leads into the *real* betterment arc, on-screen this time >:3< )
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scarfacemarston · 9 months
Do you think Jack ever went to school EVER between the timeskips in the games? I know Abi is big on him learning to read but I don’t get why anything else education wise isn’t mentioned
Hey! I do think it's possible that they tried to send Jack to school, especially if it seemed like the Marstons were not just passing through for a few days. When the epilogue starts, the Marstons are escaping Alaska - likely Skagway, Klondike or Anchorage as John was trying to chase the last days of the Gold Rush. I personally get the vibe that Abigail truly thought they were going to settle down there based on her dialouge. She makes it clear that they have had to settle down before picking up because John made a mistake. So, I think that Jack would have definitely attended school because Abigail was under the impression that these locations were going to be their forever home. She wanted Jack to become a lawyer and she knew there was no way John or her could teach him. Work books did exist back then, but there would be no point if Abigail couldn't read and she wouldn't be able to read instructions or grade the work, so to speak. I don't see John helping enough to make a difference. So with that all said, Abigail wanted Jack to have a normal life and that includes making friends and attending school. (Note: Homeschoolers are valid! I was briefly homeschooled so I see y'all.) I think he was constantly enrolled and was withdrawn because of John's actions. It would be Jack constantly having to be a new student only to be pulled away when he was likely finally making friends. Children being pulled away from school wasn't exactly abnormal, especially in boomtowns or to have children work at home. However, compulsory school attendance laws were either established in certain areas, or on the verge of being established. Meaning, if he depending on where he lived, he could have been in some trouble. Of course, that doesn't change all the children falling through the cracks, so he might have been able to get away with it. However, if Abigail wanted any chance of a normal family life, she would not let that attention be drawn to them. (As if she would allow that to happen in the first place.) I definitely believe Jack attended school by RDR 1 and that it was a commute sort of thing considering how close Beecher's Hope was to town. I wrote a lot more about Jack's education here. Some of my opinions have changed since then or I have now argued both sides here.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
I've just been forced to face the fact that Legends fans are a minority and it's really depressing, so now I'm going to think about my ridiculously self-indulgent Rogue Squadron Vestara AU.
The more think about it, the more I question how in-character it actually is for her to choose to do this. If the idea is to choose her own path, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for her to choose a path that still puts her in a specific defined command structure where she doesn't actually have much freedom. Then again, Rogue Squadron historically isn't known for being particularly disciplined.
I guess if all she's trying to do is find herself. In canon we don't get to see her piloting much, but as far as I remember she enjoys the first flight she takes in Ship. I don't think it's too much of a stretch for her to want to exercise her piloting skill more, especially since the Lost Tribe don't really seem to use any fighters, and the helms of those shitty old Corporate Sector frigates would more likely be reserved for at least Sabers.
She enjoys flying, it's not a skill she's had much of a chance to use - at least not in regular ships - and she's trying to explore herself in new ways and stuff. I think it makes enough sense.
In terms of strict command structures, I think it would make a lot of difference for her that in a regular military, everyone isn't constantly plotting to stab each other in the back.
And, like, at this point Syal's more familiar with treason and knowing when you need to defy the command structure than Wedge was at her age. All that LotF angst has to have been good for something, and I've already talked about some of my headcanons for what happened to her after she ended up among the Jedi in Fury.
I'm operating under the vague assumption that this story is supposed to be continuitous (if that's even a word) to Guiding Star, which is the theoretical story that details the events that Syal and Wedge and Tycho and Gavin went through while Revelation but mostly Invincible happened. An important part of her character in LotF is that by Fury, she's come to question her own judgement as much as she questions her superiors, and I haven't planned it very much, but I assume part of her arc in Guiding Star involves her resolving that, and that she now believes she has enough experience to determine for herself whether the current government is or isn't worth spending lives for.
(Side note: 44 ABY is the year Syal turns 27, which makes her probably the same age here as Wedge is in the first X-Wing book, and I love that symmetry, trivial though it is.)
I've been thinking of it as Vestara actually joining the Rogues three or four months after FotJ (on a ten-month in-universe calendar), so by now Ves has had plenty of time to gain experience with X-Wings, and learn from most of the best pilots alive. Also, at this point, Syal's had enough time to consider Wynn Dorvan's decisions as the next Chief of State and decide the GA under him is worth spending lives for. He is a genuinely good guy, FotJ just puts him in bad situations constantly.
According to at least Luke, Daala was doing a fine job until FotJ. Syal wouldn't have agreed with Daala's actions during FotJ, but in the timeskip, at least, I think Syal would have probably continued to lead the version of the Rogues that she inherited at the end of the Second Galactic Civil War.
(Second side note: I'd like some kind of story that actually demonstrates Daala having done a good job as Chief of State.)
The other pilots on Rogue Squadron at this point are a point of much questioning.
I'm going with the idea that there was another reorganization of the squadron after the end of FotJ, to update the roster. At least half the point of Rogue Squadron is political symbolism and representation and stuff, and there are some educated guesses to be made from that.
In addition to Syal herself, a convenient addition is Zueb Zan, the Sullustan who was her gunner when she flew Alephs. That's a relationship Syal already has, and what little there is to see of him in canon makes me like him enough.
The other canon character I can think of to add here is Drathan Forge, Inyri's great-nephew who shows up briefly at the end of Outcast, when they have to blow up the ancient artifacts beneath the mines of Kessel before said artifacts blow up the planet. In that scene, Drathan claims to be a skilled pilot, and says he has provisional Academy acceptance, and that he'd have to keep his grades up for another year. So the end of FotJ is about when he'd be getting in. If this is a few months after that, I'd find it acceptable for him to get into the Rogues on the basis of skill and family history. Hells, Inyri didn't have any formal training.
Anyway, the implicitly successful diplomatic reintegration of at least the major players of the Confederation during FotJ leads to the roster including a token Bothan and also a token Commenorian. The whole Treaty of Vontor issue results in a token Klatooinian or something. Syal herself is Corellian, obviously.
Drathan, I expect, is a representative of the various corporate enterprises currently operated by Lando. I think in Outcast, Lando has a line about how he's selling to the private sector since the SGCW (maybe before that), and if I recall correctly that implies that he's potentially enabling stuff like YVH droids to end up in the hands of enemies of the Alliance.
I'd buy the Alliance having someone who's from Kessel, another one of Lando's operations, in Rogue Squadron as an attempt to convince Tendrando Arms to be more loyal to them.
Anyway, Vestara's role in this is as both a token Jedi and a token ex-Sith. She's not ready to commit to the Jedi path yet, but if she doesn't fully leave the Order and instead is still being trained by Luke on the side, they might play her up as proof that despite the Jedi Order leaving the Alliance's authority and stuff, they haven't abandoned the Alliance completely. That would be especially important in the aftermath of the end of FotJ, and how I've decided the official line of the GA is that Abeloth was an instrument of the Sith. Especially, but not necessarily, if I decide to work this plotline into Voices of the Force, where her influence stretched far beyond Coruscant.
Also, the fact that Vestara used to be a Sith is useful too. Between Abeloth and Caedus, hate for the Sith is probably the highest it's been since... I don't even know. The highest it's been in millennia, maybe. Even Palpatine, as I recall, wasn't nearly as public about it in his life as Caedus was at the end.
If they can show people a former Sith who's been redeemed, the Jedi might prevent public opinion from going so far as to approve, for example, Kesh being glassed and its mostly innocent population killed. The Alliance doesn't know where it is, so that's not an immediate concern, but it is a concern nonetheless.
That's still only seven out of twelve.
I think Vestara's new girlfriend is someone in a position of a friend to the Rogues, but not actually in their command structure, because that way it won't get weird if one of them gets promoted.
Another headcanon I have is that the age of majority in the Galactic Alliance is 14, a relic of the strategic realities of the late stages of the Vong War, so theoretically there's no rule preventing people Vestara's age from having a position here.
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Yuletide letter 2023
Things I really like: third-person limited (one POV character), canon-divergent AUs/fics that are set in the canon world*, soulmate tropes
Hello author! This is my second Yuletide and first one where I realized I should write a letter. Feel free to poke around here (my main blog) or my AO3 (gandmvsm or tripleorderstix, I don't really know how pseuds work lmao) if you want to know anything more about me or what I like!
Actual letter content below the readmore!
Things I usually don't like: most other AUs, permanent major character death, first- or second-person, more violence than canon-typical, POV character pregnancy, on-screen rape/sexual assault
Strict DNWs: adult/child romantic or sexual relationships, pregnancy, detailed body horror (implied/offscreen is ok), omegaverse
*To give an example, I wouldn't be interested in a standard coffee shop AU for Supernatural, but I would be interested in a Supernatural coffee shop AU where demons and monsters still exist on-screen, but Sam and Dean's main gig just happens to be working in a coffee shop instead of being hunters. (...This explanation may have made things less clear, sorry!)
Higurashi - Rika, Satoko
I love the original VN, anime, and Gou, I just didn't love how Sotsu was an exact retread of Gou instead of its own arcs. I'd love to see any expansion of that world, though! Is there a loop we didn’t see? Something post-Sotsu? A sidebar from a loop we did see, but with a different focus? I also know and love Umineko also if you want to work in any details from that canon. (I don't know anything about Ciconia, so feel free to include but any references will go over my head.)
I'm very into Satoko and Rika's unhealthy relationship, in any form - romantic, platonic, somewhere in between. I'm very much /not/ into romantic Mion/Shion, Satoko/Satoshi, or adult/child romantic relationships. Any other characters and/or relationships you want to include are welcome!
AI: The Somnium Files - Bibi, Ryuki
Spoiler warning for AI:NI, although if you matched on this fandom you already know what's up
I'm so so fond of all the members of ABIS, and I think we should have gotten more interactions between Ryuki and Bibi. I'd love to see how they interact when Ryuki isn't in the middle of a literal mental breakdown. Or maybe when he is, if that's something that inspires you! Besides the requested characters, I also love Date, Mizuki, and Boss, and of course Tama and Aiba.
You can include any other characters or relationships you're interested in!
Zero Escape - Akane, Junpei
Akane is my problematic girlboss fave and whatever other buzzword you want to apply to her. I'm in love with her and want any story that features her front and center. I love how she can be so cold about what needs to be done, but she does still care about people, at least to their face. Her relationship with Junpei in particular is just so juicy - sure we got two and a half games or so of it, but I want more!
Of the three games, 999 is my favorite game, so something set before/during/between it and ZTD would be fantastic. Snake, Clover, and Santa are my other favorites from that game if you're inspired to include them!
Taskmaster - Alex, Greg
And now for something completely different after a string of visual novels. Taskmaster on its own would already interest me because I love funny people doing stupid things, but then whatever the fuck Alex and Greg have going on fascinates me. I also have a huge celebrity crush on Alex.
Greg/Alex is the popular ship for a reason and I'd love to see something about them, but if you want to go into any other ships or platonic relationships instead or in addition, please do! I'd prefer any family or real-life relationships be ignored, or treated as if they never existed. E.g. Alex and Rachel just never met in the world of your fic.
Unlike my other requests, some of my favorite fics for this fandom have been AUs! As long as there's still Greg and Alex's BDSM thing going ON, I'm happy with any setting. If you aim more towards "canon," I'm a huge fan of the studio banter.
Powerwash Simulator - worldbuilding
This game has the weirdest lore. Imagine future humans (or possibly aliens? Still not sure!) showing up in your society and saying hey, you need to worship a power washer so that this volcano in definitely-not-England doesn't erupt and kill everyone. What does that even look like?
Or, you work at the mayor's office and he's definitely not sacrificing the entire town's cats to said volcano. Of course not! How do you deal with that??
These are just two ideas off the top of my head. Don't feel limited by those prompts, I want to see anything that goes beyond the handful of text messages you receive in-game!
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OH MEOWW EVAN'S ON FIRE LMAO 😂 imho he went a bit hard on that person cause they didn't really say or insinuate anything of which he wrote here lol. They just asked a valid question, but I agree where he reminded of Nick's character. So to me also it felt like Nick was a bit overwhelmed and just went along with it cause it was a game (that HAND tho lsbdbfjg) (I seriously doubt though he would've let it happen had it been private).
Then again, I've no idea how many times Evan was asked this by people before (this is the only one about this topic that he posted in ig story so far so I was surprised at the insinuation of it being adressed before, maybe he was asked that on different platforms), but the asker doesn't know that maybe.
Also please don't use this as opportunity to hate on Emma. She's the stereotypical easy to hate character but I don't find her to be a bad person at all when you pay attention to her for more than 3 seconds.
1. She and Jacob weren't together and she obviously had beef with him cause he fr can't take a no for an answer, I love him n all but I would've been mad at him too and harsh (Idk if yall seen the scene of him telling the truth to Emma about him sabotaging the car and again disregarding her boundaries, I was 100% with her on that even tho I felt bad for Jacob before but she does NOT owe him feelings cause they set their conditions from the start so it's not like there was no fair play)
2. Yeah I initially thought it was an asshole move to kiss Nick despite knowing Abi likes him BUT then I thought: I felt like in that moment her mind was mostly focused on sticking it to Jacob, the rest of it thought she'd help with it, killing 2 birds with one stone so to speak but didn't really calculate an outcome where it could hurt Abi. They are friends and Emma obviously likes Abi. Yes, Emma can be a handful and it happens that we sometimes misjudge what our actions will do, but she's been always good to her and even warned her before she transformed. She does care about Abi.
You could see she didn't expect Abi to react like that (and felt bad about it) as she was a bit startled by her storming off so I doubt she did it with malicious intent, yet again: this WAS a game of truth or dare after all and if being given the decision to kiss your ex who you don't really harbour deep feelings for and don't wanna give him false hope and just some work friend (which wouldn't be a big deal) I see how the decision falls on work friend.
3. So to sum it up. You could tell she was distracted by the idea to troll Jacob and went all out, so it felt to me she only realised the damage after Abi stormed off, that she overdone it, reminding herself not everyone is easy going with these things like her. It happens to all of us where we think something is funny or a good idea and then turns out to be bad.
That's all about my rant on Emma and Nick cause ppl are so quick to hate on confident and pretty women before they even did anything, then they make a mistake and people take it as confirmation for unreasonable prejudicial negative feelings lol. Good night.
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grahoriasfancave · 2 years
@needsmorewlw made some good points about Eliza's choice of counsellors to influence recently, so now I need to write. Fic below the cut.
Dylan was a man of science.
And also a man of ghost stories, cryptids, folklore, and generally anything you wouldn't want your kid reading before bed. He had range like that.
Something about the supernatural just hit different. And yeah, okay, maybe he was a little too quick to suspect weird things of being... well, weird. Maybe his imagination was a little too vivid when he thought he saw faces in tv static or heard voices mingling with windchimes. The lights flickering in his vision were ocular migraines, that was all.
Except it all got worse the second Mr. H's van entered Hackett Woods.
Dylan knew he wasn't imagining it; both Abi and Emma shivered violently, and Jacob loudly announced, "Bruh, who fucked with the AC?"
Glances, shrugs, and eyerolls were exchanged. And then Mr. Hackett chuckled in a confused kind of way and said, "Maybe cut back on the profanity, champ?"
Alright. So half the people here didn't feel that strange chill, or that sense of being watched. Neat. Dylan quirked one corner of his mouth at Jacob in sympathy and went back to staring out the window.
A flash of white caught his eye. He sat up and squinted, heart suddenly pounding a little too hard in his chest. "Uh, guys? Is anyone supposed to be out here?"
The answer to that turned out to be no. No, there was not supposed to be an old woman in a white dress flitting among the trees. No, nobody else saw her.
Dylan dismissed it as a hallucination and that was that for two whole months.
But then they got stuck at camp for an extra night, and the feeling of eyes on him returned, and he was definitely not imagining the unnatural infection eating away at Nick's leg. And when he remembered how the office phone hissed out something that sounded exactly like his name, and when Abi mumbled something about whispers in the woods, he knew something was up.
"You and I are gonna find a landline," Ryan said, and Dylan was too busy thinking about the implications of everything he'd seen to jump on the opportunity.
"Hey Ryan?"
He fidgeted with his hands, looking around in case of... something. "D'you believe in, like, ghosts and shit? I-I know you're big on that Boner Fide podcast, but, like, do you buy into the whole "supernatural" thing?"
Ryan hummed thoughtfully. "Not really. It's cool to hear people, like, discuss the logistics of it, but... none of it's real."
"Cool. Coolcoolcool." Dylan bobbed his head in agreement, felt like an idiot, and stopped. "Uh, what about... what about mediums?"
"Fake," said Ryan distinctly.
"Right. Right, yeah, totally. Uh."
Without really thinking about it, Dylan stopped and turned around. No one was there. Biting his lip, he took a few steps in the direction they'd just come from, eyes roving the empty lodge for some kind of proof that he wasn't going crazy.
"Where're you going?" Ryan called from the doorway.
Dylan flapped a hand at him. "Uh. Nowhere. Just... You go on ahead, okay, I'll catch up with you in a sec."
The lodge fell silent. He waited a few beats, then stage-whispered, "Hello?"
Dead silence.
"Ghost lady?"
More silence, and then- "Dylannnnn," whispered from all around him.
Dylan may have jumped a few feet into the air. Maybe not, though. "What do you want from me?" he demanded once he'd gotten himself back on the ground with minimal stumbling. When that didn't get him any answers, he tried, "Why are you talking to me and not, say, Ryan or Kaitlyn?"
Oh. Oh shit. Shit. He was a medium, wasn't he?
Dylan put his head in his hands and groaned long and loud. "Fuck me sideways with a bowling pin."
"My boy," the ghost lady moaned, right as Ryan called from the other room, "Dylan, what's taking so long?"
"Coming," Dylan called back. He jabbed a finger at a random point in the air. "Listen, I dunno what's going on here, but I do not have time to deal with ghost shit on top of whatever's happening to Nick. Put a pin in it for now, 'kay?"
Without waiting for an answer, he hurried to catch up with Ryan.
At least this night couldn't get any crazier, right?
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thoughtfulpaperback · 4 years
Charmed 03x03 Spoiler Review!!!!
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What was that? No really. I hope the whole me just complimenting the entertainment value of an episode but not seeing value in its place in lore doesnt become the norm from here on out. Entertainment wise it was a solid 8/10. Its place overall in the series as far as lore building or cannon compliant id say 5/10.
So let's start with the dislikes and just get them out of the way.
1. Abigael's demon face
Okay so I could be wrong but, my understanding is that abigael's demon side was locked away in that figure. Which is why she hasn't (in the entire season 2) had a full body demon form like Parker and her dad. I actually like the demon face as far as design goes it sort of -but not entirely- reminds me of one of the demons in the OG Charmed. What I dont understand is that, if Abigael was at some point Overlord of the Demon world and before then she was working exclusively with demons, how the hell did she do this without every needing to show her demon face???
I guess maybe they only needed blood (see season 2 episode 2) but come on. Also, if apparently you can lock away your demon form, why the hell didn't Parker find that out? Granted in season 1 his daddy was using the fact his demon side was eating at him as leverage, so not like he was going to tell him about it, but Parker literally left season 1 to find a way to tame that side of him and get away from demons you'd think he would have asked one witch who might have known this between then and when he became overlord.
Also, does Macy then have a demon face? He eyes have gone black (season 1) and she had her demon powers. Apparently demon powers and demon face aren't tied together if Abi can have one without the other, so who knows.
They better at least go hard with Abby as a villian or else I am going to be unsatisfied. Charmed has been lacking in the villian department since season 1. The writing needs improvement.
2. Jimmy's Anti climatic and non sensical death.
Okay, so the fight scene was amazing and RE is like the best actor ever, but this whole thing made zero sense. For like so many reasons:
1. It was sloppy lore wise
So the established (poorly established btw) rule was that thier lives were tied together at a magical and molecular level. Magic could put them together not sever them. They established that a little after mid season. The other rule was that they could not kill each other, but others could kill them. Death by Suicide apparently would kill them both which now that they ended Jimmy like this makes that whole situation in episode 12 totally unnecessary and even more gross than it was (we do not support the indulgence of romanticizing suicide on this blog).
They literally just delt with all the tangling up they did with the Jimmy and Harry connection by having Jimmy say "well now that there is no magic we arent tied together anymore". Which again makes no sense since the before they made a deal about them being molecularlly tied hence the dna helix when macy creates a potion to merge them.
Also why was that a thing if it was never going to be used?
On top of that, they bond is apparently gone but apparently Jimmy and Harry are still missing halves because Jimmy didn't just turn human and die. He vanishes in white smoke. Which is different, but not different since smoke is smoke and Harry didn't vanish in white (to our knowledge) when he was stabbed the first time.
2. It was unnecessary story wise. Especially if by some want they decide to write Jimmy back in.
Why bother sending Jimmy away for an episode if you are going to kill him off in the next?. He was away, safe and happy, was it necessary to bring him back to die?
Yes I get it magic was wearing off so apparently his memories came back. But was it necessary to make it a thing where Jimmy with his memories just wants to come back and kill. Especially when the whole season 2 was about him wanting to be free. Wanting to live and not be a servant.
3. Shallow sisterhood
Okay so I am going to be careful in how I say this, but season 1 (for all its flaws) was the best at writing the sisters bonding. At having them on individual archs but still connected and growing with each other.
Season 2 had them pretty much seperate from each other and that was fine as I understood it to be leading to an eventual come back and uniting.
.... except it really didn't. There is a pattern of seperate jouneys but not the same connected feel of season 1, and then some big declaration of sisterhood, but not true reunion. I assume it is just the writing. So maybe these writer just aren't able to write the same sort of sisterhood which season 1 had. Sad, but if that is the case it's just something to expect here on out. I am curious if the destruction of the sisterhood was that they have to be apart now (convenient physical distancing wise) or if next episode it will be forgotten as a side effect that only lasted the initial moments afterwards.
1. Maggie's growth
For my complaints about shallow sisterhood writing and how romances and villians are handled, Maggie's storylines this season have been 100% amazing. And looking at the whole series it feels solid.
Maggie starts off the series very much not into magic unless she can get some personal gain from it whether its a magical glamorous party or some fantasy time with a magic orb. She very much wants a normal party girl life although by the end of season 1 she seems to accept some responsibility to the magical world. Season 2 sort of unraveled that in the beginning as Maggie seemed not accepting of her role in the magical world as she was the last episode of season 1. But she is shown to be the same party girl with a lot of heart. Every episode she grows up until she no longer likes the person she was, and I love how Jordan tells her that growing up isn't about moving on and hating who you used to be but living who you are now (I swoon with him). Thats very Maggie season 2 arch confronting old self and ideas and trying to grow up. She is and she does but not in the ways that she think. When she "tries" to grow up she is actually making bad decisions or pushing down her trauma and pain, when she allows herself to just be, she is at her best. I love it.
2. Hacy
It was all angst and indulgent but still I love anytime a couple can still be going through a tough time but not make unnecessary drama. Macy wasn't being unrealistic or dramatic thinking about her being the one to die, and Harry wasn't being unrealistically bratty about the situation. They were as calm as could possibly be in that situation and he respected her choice although hoping it wouldn't happen. I appreciate it.
3. Mel
So season 2 was so bad for mel writing wise, for some reason the writers have trouble developing Mel outside of other characters considering her most significant and well written character development moments are either in relation to Abby or to Maggie and Ray.
But I liked seeing some of the old mel. The Mel willing to do whatever to save others and her family. Mel as an activist (confident and self assured) is the best Mel. I feel like season 2 didn't have that same Mel and I like the glimpse of her this last episode.
Sick Abby
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Ruby at the grave
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The Maggie
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Island Dance
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Jimmy the florist .... adorable
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JimmyxHarry fight scene
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Demon Abby
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