#wow another mile long fucking thinkpiece from mal about pomegranate cookie what else is now
pomegranatecookiez · 2 years
the fact that all conversation about dark choco and pomegranate cookie’s relationship has been boiled down to “she abuses him” really fuckin bothers me, man. because there’s so much more to it than that.
first of all, i’m tired of people throwing the word “abuse” around so freely. abuse implies repeated mental or physical harm, and judging by licorice’s reaction, the scene we see in dark mode is the only time their bickering has escalated to that point.
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people also seem to forget that pomegranate’s dislike of dark choco isn’t one sided. their dislike for each other is mutual, and dark choco has no problem with being rude to her back. what pomegranate does to him in dark mode is fucked up, absolutely, but he isn’t some poor uwu baby who can’t defend himself. the nightmare vision incident didn’t happen completely unprompted, it happened because the tension that had been building between them finally reached its boiling point.
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again, not defending her actions in the slightest. just clearing up a misconception about their relationship that i’m tired of seeing constantly.
with that out of the way, just why do they hate each other so much? pomegranate isn’t nice to the other cookies of darkness either, sure, but she’s far from as hostile towards them as she is towards dark choco. why? what makes him different? as the resident pomegranate cookie deep lore and psychoanalysis guy, i have a theory. 
comparing dark choco and pomegranate’s backstories, they’re EXTREMELY similar. it’s clear just from reading their bios.
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yes i still play with the korean voices on i dont like english dubs in general. let me live
their bios in kingdom are ripped directly from ovenbreak, which i actually have a bit of an issue with since it causes them to be slightly outdated. dark choco being the prince of a kingdom isn’t mentioned at all, and the line about the pomegranate village being overrun doesn’t line up with what we know now, with how pomegranate cookie was the one who destroyed her village.
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it makes sense, though, since both of their bios were written long before kingdom was even a thing, and the lore it introduces existed. but they still give us a good example of how their backstories are similar.
neither of them chose to be evil of their own volition. whether it be pomegranate’s vision of her fate, or dark choco being possessed by his sword, they were led to believe they HAD to go down the route they ended up on. 
the difference lies on how far down that route they ended up on. pomegranate has presumably been working for dark enchantress way longer than dark choco has, and fully believes in her cause. she has given up everything to serve her, and views herself as nothing more than her faithful servant. meanwhile, dark choco was presumably the newest member of the group before affogato, and still isn’t sure of if this is really what he wants to do. he hasn’t been fully indoctrinated yet, and even after he’s subjected to ye olde trauma nightmare visions and swears loyalty, he still isn’t in deep enough that he can’t break out of it.
which is exactly what he ends up doing in episode 14, which pomegranate clearly isn’t very happy about. 
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keep in mind that she’s going on this whole monologue while probably bleeding out from a flesh would. kinda raw ngl
there’s something else that’s important to mention. just like how dark choco cookie was once the prince of a kingdom, pomegranate cookie used to be the high priestess of the pomegranate village, essentially being its princess.
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pomegranate cookie wasn’t just some random girl in the village who decided to fuck everyone over one day, she was in charge of protecting her people. just like dark choco was.
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when you take that into consideration, you’re able to see just how similar the two are. they were both meant to rule over and protect their respective homelands, but their belief that they had no choice but to betray and destroy them led them to do just that. dark choco nearly killed his own father, and pomegranate burned her entire village to the ground.
and that’s why pomegranate hates him so much. he’s just like her, and that makes lines like these hit even harder.
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she isn’t just talking about him here. she’s talking about herself. she betrayed her own people, so there’s no turning back for her. and in her eyes, there isn’t any turning back for him either, which he refuses to accept.
despite what people may believe, pomegranate doesn’t think she’s better than everyone else because of her power, personality, anything like that. in fact, it’s implied both through her description on the villains quiz and her defeat dialogue that she’s incredibly hard on herself, and prone to self deprecation.
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all pomegranate has at this point in her life is dark enchantress cookie, and her unwavering love for and loyalty towards her. without her, she is nothing. without her, she is useless. and the same goes for everyone else. if you aren’t willing to give up everything, you’re a coward, and you’re weak.
but dark choco isn’t willing to make those sacrifices. and not only is he worthless, he’s also a traitor. just like she is. a traitor to his homeland who can’t turn back now, but who refuses to stop trying. and we all know how pomegranate cookie feels about fate.
with him, it’s not just a matter of dealing with another one of her annoying, incompetent coworkers. it’s personal.
the past infects the present, and he keeps forgetting his place.
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