#wow beanie's kind of a freak /silly
electrozeistyking · 5 months
GHOST DRONE AU FACT: Beanie has the power (of using puppy eyes) to make N do whatever she wants and she uses that power to force him to eat rocks.
Not to say he didn't try to say no. However, it's very hard when this literal four-year-old says "but I worked very hard on it" and now he had to pretend to eat the damn rocks to satisfy her. You better believe he was making the "I don't like what I'm shoving in my mouth but i'm pretending I'm enjoying it for my tiny child's sake" face.
Unfortunately, this dumbass accidentally taught his daughter to look in drones' mouths to check if they ate, because Beanie definitely refused to eat things she didn't like and that was basically N's way of getting her to do it. So the horror on his face. When he realized that he'd actually have to swallow rocks. To ensure his daughter wouldn't feel betrayed by the fact her daddy didn't eat what she made for him.
Basically, by the end of it, he landed up telling V: "I have been digesting rocks for three hours. Send help."
This event is canon to the AU, btw.
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schreichters · 5 years
give me more AUs or headcanons to fill the hole in my heart pls and thank you
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL AU david is troy, matteo is gabriella, can’t decide whether leonie is sharpay or david’s version of chad who’s a varsity athlete on the girl’s team and keeps trying to get david to ditch the musical (and matteo) to focus on basketball. david is a jock who thinks singing is stupid!!! matteo is Shy and Quiet and Withdrawn!!! they sing karaoke together and fall MADLY IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE and there isn’t closeted drama just “omg should we audition for the musical” drama. matteo’s friends are also well-meaning but stupid and are like “musicals are so fucking stupid dude” but once they see him come out of his shell on stage and with david they’re like wow...nvm follow ur DREAMS. actually i’ve decided alex is sharpay. meeting matteo and discovering theatre helps david stop be so achievement-oriented and punishing himself with high standards but learn to enjoy life and appreciate art with the boy that he loves...it’s Beautiful.
in addition to the original getting together story there are two more films where david and matteo are just happily dating and at one point play pretend like they’re kids in david’s treehouse! there’s a little plastic robot and matteo ties a cape around david’s shoulders! duets are sung! it’s very wholesome. 
i can kind of see a “to all the boys i’ve loved before” datteo au where matteo is laura jean and david is peter k and matteo’s love letters get released and he’s terrified of his best friend jonas finding out he’s in love with him! so he agrees to fake-date his old crush david (HIS FIRST KISS WITH A BOY DAVID, I’M SCREAMING) who is convince his ex-girlfriend leonie that he’s over her. of course they fall in love. matteo pines because he thinks david is too good for him and ofc jonas is totally understanding when matteo tells him that this was an old crush (which was originally a lie, but now that he’s met david again, is true) and hanna and mia are his sisters that he confides in...........the only thing is that i don’t want there to be the “no kissing” rule because i’m a SUCKER for kisses during fake-dating that cause incredible existential angst. so yes david kisses matteo ~as part of the charade~........it’s heartbreakingly breathtakingly gentle and tender and david pours all of his love and desire to keep matteo safe into it and matteo’s like Wow Wish He Liked Me Back!
in canonverse, i’ve decided david is afraid of the dark and doesn’t like to sleep in the pitch black so matteo gets a nightlight in a silly shape and covers the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars....they lay on the bed and go “”star gazing”” in them sometimes. matteo buys david a new beanie for his birthday and wears it almost as much as he does. david likes seeing matteo in his clothes just as much as matteo likes wearing them, so it works out. david and jonas high five when saying goodbye to each other one time (in a very Bro way) and matteo legit almost cries he feels so lucky to have this. they put potted plants outside on matteo’s balcony and it’s a little tender thing they nuture and take care of together. this is curtesy of angie but when they’re older matteo starts a whole garden in their yard and it feels so Permanent like this is their home and they’re not leaving and he and david both love that. david first calls matteo “baby” over text and spends the rest of the day freaking out about it and matteo reads it and literally Shuts Down like his whole brain and then when they’re having dinner matteo is like “uhhh that text was cool” and then david transitions it to an irl thing. also matteo gets a pet rat and they love to take turns petting it and letting it run around on them, they’re co-rat-dads. like literally matteo will refer to david as “your father” when talking to the rat. when hans hears that HE almost cries it’s very sweet. THE END!!!!
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