#sorry folks guess you have to see this in the main tag
electrozeistyking · 5 months
GHOST DRONE AU FACT: Beanie has the power (of using puppy eyes) to make N do whatever she wants and she uses that power to force him to eat rocks.
Not to say he didn't try to say no. However, it's very hard when this literal four-year-old says "but I worked very hard on it" and now he had to pretend to eat the damn rocks to satisfy her. You better believe he was making the "I don't like what I'm shoving in my mouth but i'm pretending I'm enjoying it for my tiny child's sake" face.
Unfortunately, this dumbass accidentally taught his daughter to look in drones' mouths to check if they ate, because Beanie definitely refused to eat things she didn't like and that was basically N's way of getting her to do it. So the horror on his face. When he realized that he'd actually have to swallow rocks. To ensure his daughter wouldn't feel betrayed by the fact her daddy didn't eat what she made for him.
Basically, by the end of it, he landed up telling V: "I have been digesting rocks for three hours. Send help."
This event is canon to the AU, btw.
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junktastic · 10 months
I had a drawing months back that went kinda viral I guess, and it getting out of my normal sphere of followers meant that I got to observe how folks far outside of my twitter sphere interact with twitter and others. For reference, I am talking about this image:
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The context, besides getting to draw my friend Jenny, was that I saw a picture that was of an anime girl that said "lets be in our early 30s together" and I was like "haha, I will make my own version of this." Part of it was also that I think aging is fine, and we need to stop stressing so much over staying young. "Lets be in our mid-thirties together" is not a joke, I sincerely wanted this image to be warm and inviting, to maybe give people hope that there will be friends and people who love you once you get to that age. I never thought I was going to make it to 30, and I just turned 35 this year, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Some responses were obviously teens/early 20s people saying they don't want to get that old, which is whatever. When you're that young the dirty thirty sounds so ugly. No one cool is in their 30s! Well, if you ignore the people who make all the things they like. These responses I waved these off.
I saw the typical twitter experience replies of "this doesn't apply to me?" Ok bitch! Go make your own like I did! And show me when you do, I'd love to see it!
There was a handful of people who were saying "retweet to scare a twink" which I felt was kind of rude. Not to me, but to the twinks out there. Aging doesn't make you less of a twink.
Lots of people were sending it to their significant others or saying they hope to find someone to be in their mid-thirties with, which I love. :3 It makes me happy!
The one kind of response which is what I made this post for and I'm so sorry that I've been rambling, that I found weird was the people who will reply to just you. The OP. As if they are replying to everyone in the thread. I'm not talking about in QRTs, just straight in the replies. "Don't forget how tired she looks in this." Brother I drew the picture. I know. And ever since then I feel like, as someone who loves to read the replies on other people's tweets, I notice this a lot more often. Who are they talking to? Is this what people are referring to when they say "Main Character Syndrome?" Or should I be lumping these together with the "why isn't this about my exact personal life situation" people?
My fiancé says I'm thinking about this too hard (I got engaged last month btw), and he's probably right. I can't help but be curious about how other people choose to interact with the internet and images and people on it. And, I guess, am I supposed to reply? How should I feel about these. I guess I have to decide that on my own.
For the record, you are all very normal/understandable when it comes to what you guys tag my stuff with. That you love the girls (same!), that they're very gender (love this), or wow is this [insert fetish](not my intention but that's the internet). I feel like the slime girls get the "gender" comment the most and you are all so right for that. Every time I see people reblog my ocs I think "Thank you for loving [name]."
That's all! This was a pointless post but I'm unemployed right now so I have too much time to overthink things for no reason. How do YOU feel about how people interact with your posts? Are they weird? Or are they normal about it.
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that-ari-blogger · 3 months
Deadly Simplicity (Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief)
The Percy Jackson series is one of those ubiquitous franchises that almost everyone has at least heard of. The books single handedly sparked a growing interest in mythology and history, with a focus on Ancient Greece. But there is more to them than that, suffice to say, you don’t get to be the first google search result for “Uncle Rick” for nothing.
I have never been one for rewatching or rereading stories I like. I have a ton of books on my shelf that I read once and then never came back to, but having this blog inspired me to start re-experiencing things from a critical lens.
I decided to reread the Percy Jackson books and genuinely wasn’t planning on posting about them until a thought struck me. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is simple by design, and relatable on a level I was not expecting it to be.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief)
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First up, a confession.
I got into the franchise in the weirdest way possible. The movie that we all try to forget came out when I was too young to understand why it was so awful, and my childish brain got hyped on the cool magic stuff. So, I read the first book, and then the Heroes of Olympus series that began releasing in the same year and I began to understand exactly how wrong I was.
This story would be unusual, if I hadn’t also done the exact same thing with Avatar: The Last Airbender. I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t do it on purpose. At least that one was a few years later, and my first experience of the true series was genuinely Bitter Work, take a guess at how quickly I worked out the difference in quality.
Anyway, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief feels like a bedtime story, and that’s pretty much what it was. But I would propose that the story also functions as a legend, or a folk tale.
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I want to prefix this by saying that I am not a semanticist. The word “legend” has a specific meaning, and my basic knowledge leads me to believe that it fits, but if someone with more understanding argues contrary, they are the authority.
However, I’m not arguing pure definition, I’m arguing more on vibes, which are conveniently more difficult to pin down, and leave me with some wriggle room.
In any case, Percy Jackson is a legend because of how it develops. It’s a simple story told with a purpose, that evolved over time. Like the legends of King Arthur.
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The series overall is famous for making writing about heavy subject matter with respect look effortless, but looking at the first in the series, its noticeable how many of the themes that would become central in the later books are absent entirely.
This is a story of empowerment about ADHD and dyslexia, that abruptly gains some family thematic at the very end. It’s got a cool backdrop with magic and a sense of humour, and that’s it. This isn’t trying to be anything more.
Which, for the record, works uncomfortably well. I am not dyslexic, so I can’t speak for that experience, but I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and with that hindsight, Perseus Jackson came to my house, knocked down my door, and said “I see you.”
In every behaviour, from the inability to focus except in moments when he can’t do anything else, to the struggle with school, to the unrivalled inability to read a room, I have seen in myself a thousand times. But the key here is that these are reframed as empowering with one majour exception that is actually quite funny.
Percy’s ADHD becomes an explicit divine gift that will help save his life time and time again, and his Dyslexia becomes a secret language that only a select few have access to. It doesn’t even ignore the issues of living with the two, it just adds on a few cool magical powers to make them feel special. When you are a kid, or even as an adult, sometimes you need the affirmation.
But I mentioned an exception, and that is the main conflict of the story. The book doesn’t have a main antagonist, and Ares is tagged on at the end as a boss battle. But there is an opponent, the Summer Solstice itself.
Filling the role of villain in a story about a character with ADHD, is the threat of a deadline. And from that perspective, the story about characters getting sidetracked by everything under the sun, before getting their arses into gear the night before becomes half funny, but also empowering. It says, “you can do this, and you will do it your way.”
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When I watched the Disney + series, I was originally offput but unable to put my finger on why. But I think it’s the tone. The series feels like it was written from the perspective of an adult looking at the adventure and going “he’s twelve, he’s gonna get killed”, while the first book oscillates between that and “I’m twelve, I’m gonna live forever”.
Case and point, book Percy gets annoyed at his father about twice, and immediately forgives him, while series Percy is well aware of the situation, and reacts to it with that knowledge in mind.
Watch this space for my coverage of Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters for more details on this, because that gets really interesting.
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My single biggest bugbear with modern internet discourse is the drawing of similarities between stories as if its some great revelation. Like, congratulations, you’ve discovered tropes, what’s your point?
In this context, the similarities being drawn are between Percy Jackson, Star Wars, and The Galbraith books (Harold Pots and the Spooky Triangle, Harold Pots and the Hole with a Snek in it. You know which books I’m talking about).
I’m not going to argue that there aren’t similarities, but I challenge you to write a story that is made up of entirely new ideas that nobody has ever thought about before.
All stories, for example, feature a young hero and a coming-of-age story. All have a tragic backstory and a wacky mentour. All have an introductory adventure to tie in a hint of worldbuilding, then lead into the greater story for the second act. All feel like they were written to be standalone stories with hints at a future added as an afterthought.
However, the differences between the three are so much more significant. Star Wars is trying to fit into the Hero’s Journey, the definitive writing stereotype, and it did so well at it that anyone trying to compare to the trope now compares with Star Wars.
Harrold Pots and the Life Rock of Live Giving Rockiness is trying to be a Bildungsroman, which is separate from the Hero’s Journey, but does have a fair few similarities. Notably the travel into a symbolic new world of adventure, and the return home as a changed person. But the theming is different, Harrold Pots, for all its many flaws, is a story with a solid theme. With friends, you can accomplish anything.
It also, as a side note, heavily implies the idea that forcing someone to be something they are not (I.e., the protagonist’s relatives trying to convince him that he is not a wizard) is impossible, and I chose to read that as trans affirming because I know Galbraith definitely didn’t mean it that way and I am petty.
To further back up this point, some people in the story aren’t born as witches or wizards (AMAB, assigned muggle at birth), but are accepted regardless. This reading is definitely based on the flimsiest of reasonings possible, but it’s a testament to what can happen when you see patterns in stories that aren’t there or aren’t as significant as the author meant.
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Back to Percy Jackson, it baffles me that this gets lumped in with the two aforementioned franchises, because it’s truly awful at sticking to a specific structure. It’s a hero’s journey at parts, and a Bildungsroman by technicality, but it’s its own thing.
Percy learns about the stolen lightning, the title of the story, just before halfway through the book, and then he departs on his quest. I’m genuinely not sure to see the story as five act, four act, or even two act, and I don’t think it matters. That’s part of what I meant about this feeling like a legend, because it has the same meandering structure, it’s a story meant to be told, not marked on a scale.
Which leads me to my point about empowering. This book, by its very structure, backs up the simple theming of the story. You can do it, and you will do it your way.
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Final Thoughts
There are so many little details in this book that I could talk about, so I’m going to focus in on two more before I leave.
Dionysus is my boy in the mythology, but in his introduction in this book, he manages to have more teeth than any other god in the series. Sure, Zeus is throwing storms around and being generally big (in a physical sense), but Dionysus comes across as powerful because he shows Percy just what he is capable of. Show don’t tell is a hell of a thing, and the choice to make the threat of “I can drive you insane with barely a thought” by literally getting in Percy’s brain and giving him examples of what Dionysus can do from the perspective of those he’s cursed shows a level of power and raw intimidation factor that nothing in the rest of the series will get close to.
There is one other similarity between this book and Harold Pots and the Oh-My-G-d-Its-Robert-Pattinson, and that is the one thing I dislike about the story. In this book, and only in this book, Riordan has a habit of indicating morality with appearance. Every evil person is ugly, every good person is beautiful. Once you notice it, you can’t unsee it.
But interestingly, this stops in the final few chapters with Luke’s betrayal, which is the series’ main turning point. Well, one of two. And this only works because the book has conditioned you to expect the handsome Luke to be benevolent, so the twist hits hard. It works, but I’m glad Riordan didn’t continue with the trope.
Next time, I will be looking at Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters and exploring just how much this book is the opposite of the one I just covered. So, stick around if that interests you.
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in---earnest · 9 months
(Long Overdue) Studyblr Introduction
8th January 2024 (tumblr deleted my blog again. why do you make me suffer, dearest website? third time's the charm, i hope)
Hello everyone! I go by Zee on tumblr, and this is my studyblr account. I have gone by several URLs in the past three years, from mellowacademia to septemberstudies, and also somehow deleted my old account. Tragic.
So now I return to the community, hoping to keep old friends and make new ones!
Now, for my introduction: I’m a high school student from north India, and my fields of interest are animation, graphic design and architecture. As you could guess, I sketch every free moment I get. I’m also a writer and photography enthusiast. And I really, really like cats.
Over the next two years I will be studying English, physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science.
Also, my main account is @zeeistrying, so feel free to head over there if you’d like
I think that’s all there is to say about me, now to honour some of my favourite folks this side of the internet:
@ben-learns-smth, @luthiest, @caramelcuppaccino, @yughostlavia, @notetaeker, @wecandoit, @upside-down-uni, @museeofmoon, @sadcypher, @oneardentstudybuddy, @learnelle, @the---hermit, @why-the-heck-not, @teacherstudiies, @galina, @loudemic.
(to all my beloved mutuals, i’m so sorry i never responded to your tags, i’ll do better this time around)
I hope everyone who sees this has a wonderful week and a lovely 2024 ahead!
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Shut up and drive
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AN: My darling @krissy25 asked for reader watching Bucky give Steve road-head, so I thought I would continue with our trio from ‘In the middle of the night’.
Un-beta'd so probably commas all over the shop. Dividers by @firefly-graphics, moodboard and banner by me
Main Master list | Challenge Master list 
Summary: The morning after the night before, and you and the supersoldiers have hit the road. A silly conversation between you and Bucky leads to him demonstrating one of the ways he keeps Steve frustration-free while on the move.
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Relationship: Stucky x Agent Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
CW: Cheeky Bucky, Needy Steve, Slight Dom Steve, Dirty Talk, Blow Jobs, Implied P in V Sex, Implied future blow jobs
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You relaxed against the cushions of the back seat of the car as it sped down the near empty road. Despite the fact that you’d taken part in a lot of ‘acrobatics’ last night, you were surprisingly refreshed and ache free. You sighed in contentment and heard the creak of the leather passenger seat as Bucky turned to look at you.
“You enjoying yourself back there, doll? You look like the cat that got the cream.”
You snorted at his unintentional double-entendre.
“Well you did get a lot of it.”
You couldn’t stop your giggle, especially when he waggled his eyebrows at you.
“Sorry, Bucky. Did I steal your share?” Your voice was laced with faux-concern.
“I’m sure I’ll live.” You enjoyed your banter with Bucky, even before the shift in your relationship.
Steve tutted from the driver’s seat. “Do you two have to be so immature?” You knew it was a front, you could see the corners of his mouth twitching. You leaned forward and ruffled his hair.
“Aaaawww, is Stevie feeling a little frustrated this morning?”
“He shouldn’t be! Punk got more than enough last night. But then again…..” he brought his hand up to his mouth as though he was about to spill a big secret, but then stage-whispered to you. “His record is 12 times in one night. He slept for almost two days afterwards, though.”
“Buck! We don’t want to scare her.”
“Don’t worry, Cap. You haven’t. I get tired, I just tag in my partner, right Bucky?”
The brunet gave you a mischievous smile.
“What if we’re both working you, doll?”
Tilting your head to the side, you pressed your index finger up to your lips in thought.
“Then I guess I’d just expire in the best way possible. ‘Fucked to death by supersoldier lovers.’ That’s what the headline would say. I’d be the envy of folk the world over.”
You all started laughing then, and you couldn’t remember when you’d last felt so carefree. You knew reality would kick in at some point, but for now it was just the three of you and the open road. And it gave you time to indulge in your latest hobby; teasing Steve. You couldn’t pinpoint why it was so much fun, but it probably had something to do with the way he blushed so prettily and shifted in embarrassment, until he finally snapped and became all assertive. 
“So, Bucky… tell me. How often have you had to…umm… ‘help’ Stevie out in unusual places. I’m guessing it happens a lot if he’s constantly horny?”
“I’m right here, you know!”
“Ssh, Steve. Doll-face asked me a question. You concentrate on driving and not crashing.”
Steve let out a harrumph, but you knew he wasn’t really put out.
“So… let me think. To be honest it’s happened a few times. In the quinjet… in Tony’s lab… hell, in a half collapsed building at the end of a battle…”
You chuckled as you watched the blush creep further and further up the back of Steve’s neck at Bucky’s words.
“Even given him road-head on more than one occasion.”
You looked at Bucky, askance. 
Bucky had his trade-mark shit-eating grin on his face.
“Yeah, punk here loves the thrill of getting his cock sucked while driving.”
“Bucky…” There was tension in Steve’s voice, like he was trying to hold himself back from either punching his boyfriend, kissing him or both. Bucky shifted his attention from you to Steve and, if it was at all possible, his grin got even wider.
“Well, would you look at that? Lil’ Stevie appears to be wanting to put on a demonstration right here and now.”
You peaked over Steve’s shoulder, to gaze upon the impressive bulge inside his pants.
“Wow, it doesn’t take a lot to get you going, does it? You gonna let Bucky give me a demonstration?”
You scratched your nails into the short hairs at the base of his skull causing his eyelids to flutter momentarily and a salacious moan to leave his mouth.
“Please…” The word tumbled from his lips, full of desire, and he shifted in his seat.
Another chuckle emanated from Bucky as he leant across and started to work the fastening on Steve’s pants.
“What you’re gonna see here doll, is Stevie starting off all sweet and needy, but I guarantee by the time he cums he will have gone feral.” 
Steve’s grip tightened on the steering wheel, making the leather cover creak, as Bucky pulled out his erect cock and licked his own lips in anticipation.
“Enjoy the show, doll.” Bucky winked at you, before leaning forward into Steve’s lap. You shuffled in your seat to get a better view, and what a view it was.
Last night the two supersoldiers had been more focused on you than each other. Yes, they’d kissed and touched each other during your threeway romp, but this was much more intimate. Bucky’s right hand was gripped around the base of Steve’s cock, gently jerking it. His plump, pink lips were suckling around the tip, his tongue swirling around to coat it in saliva. Steve’s breath had picked up, and he was staring ahead out the windshield of the car, as if by not looking at what Bucky was doing to him he could maintain some semblance of control.
However, when Bucky inched down Steve’s length, engulfing him fully, the blond couldn’t help but react. He dropped one hand from the steering wheel to tangle in his boyfriend's hair, and let out a sigh.
“Bucky…BuckyBuckyBucky. Love your mouth, sweetheart. God! Feel so good. You’re so good…”
For a moment you felt as though you were intruding, but then Steve let go of Bucky’s hair to reach back, take hold of your hand, and place it where his had been. You heard Bucky moan as your slimmer fingers twisted in his locks and a wave of heat washed over you.
“Feel what he’s doing, doll. He might go on and on about how needy I am, how, it’s me who’s constantly wanting him, but what he doesn’t say is how much he loves doing this. He’s a slut for my cock, always wanting to feel it. Always desperate to please me and make me cum. Fuck! Just like that, honey.”
You couldn’t tear your gaze away, watching how Bucky bobbed up and down Steve’s full length without any issue, an amazing feat considering how much he was working with. And it was clear that Bucky loved doing this; his own free hand was rubbing against his own pants, massaging his cock through the fabric, and he kept letting out little moans and whines. 
It had almost slipped your mind that Steve was somehow still driving through all of this, but then he suddenly pulled off the road, onto the dirt and gravel at the side. His large hand came down over yours on Bucky’s head and he started to thrust his own hips up.
“Gonna cum, Buck. Gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours. And you’re gonna take it all for me, ain’tcha?”
The ache between your legs had intensified, and you were sure even your pants were going to be sodden, having a front row seat to this pornographic show. Bucky let out a garbled noise, and Steve came with a shout, his hips locked in an upward position, his head leaning back on the head rest. Your gaze flicked back and forth between his face, with its expression of ecstasy, and his lap, where you could see Bucky, eyes closed, swallowing down all the cum being pumped into his throat, with a look of pure bliss.
For a moment, the loudest sound was that of Steve’s breathing, combined with the car engine idling. You were running your fingers through both of the guys’ hair, gently petting them as they recovered. When Bucky finally let Steve’s cock go, he came back up with a grin on his face. Turning in his seat he gripped your chin with his right hand, drawing you to him for a brief, filthy kiss, before turning to kiss his boyfriend, which you really couldn’t complain about. But you were now horribly aroused, and rubbed your thighs together to relieve some pressure.
“Looks like you and Buck are both in a situation now, eh sweetheart?”
Steve’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he looked at you, and you felt heat spreading up into your cheeks under his gaze.
“And I know just what to do about it, punk.” 
You were momentarily confused until Bucky moved. He opened his door, hopped out and then opened the rear door next to, slid in and slammed it closed.
If you’d been slightly disappointed by the briefness of your previous kiss, there was nothing to worry about for this next one. It was though Bucky was trying to consume you. You were both panting when he broke the kiss, and you surprised yourself with the little mewl of want that passed your kiss swollen lips.
“What are you planning, jerk?” Steve had twisted in his seat, looking at the pair of you with a raised brow.
Bucky pulled you to straddle his lap and spoke over your shoulder. 
“Shut up and drive, pal. I’m gonna sort out our girl, and then when we swap drivers at the next rest stop you can taste her on me when you return the road-head favour.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @ohsymphony @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @talia-rumlow @peaches1958
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Incorrect Quotes Tag Game - Ships Edition (Part 2)
It’s been a while since I last did this. Link to the incorrect quote generator:
And link to part 1 of this:
I’ve been starting to share more of the Steph’s Crew sequels with you all (UVC in particular), and there are so many more ships to explore in them. I only did 2 ships last time… the two main ones of TMM. So I think I’ll do 2 more here - Dalice (Dylan + Alice) and Chelise (Charlie and Elise). The two ships from last time are still pretty big ships in the sequel, btw. I just want to explore some different ships/characters this time around.
Here we go!!
Alice: I love you. Dylan: How many people have you said that to? Alice: Everyone. Dylan: What? Alice: I told everyone that I love you.
Alice: PEASANT. I REQUIRE SUSTENANCE. Dylan: You know there are other ways to say you want McDonalds. Alice: FOUL PLEBEIAN. YOU DARE SPEAK AGAINST ME— Dylan: *sigh* What do you want? Alice: Chicken nuggets please.
Dylan: I would let you ruin my life. Alice: Sorry, but I’m busy ruining my own. You’ll have to wait.
Dylan to Alice: Turn that frown upside-down! (a little while later) Dylan: What are you doing? Alice, trying to do a handstand: You told me to “turn that frown upside-down” but it’s not working!
Dylan: This is a bad idea.  Alice: Then why are you coming along?  Dylan: Someone has to help get your injured ass home.
Alice, texting Dylan: Any plans for tonight?  Dylan: No.  Alice: HA! Loser.
Alice: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!  Dylan: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?  Alice: I don't know, surprise me!
Charlie: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind. Elise: Thank God...
Elise: You know, when I first met you, I really didn’t like you. Charlie, after a moment: …I thought there was going to be another half to that sentence? Elise: Nope! That’s it.
Charlie: Hey.  Elise: *pissed off* You… complete …ASS, Charlie!! You show up here after WEEKS, and you say “hey”?!
Elise: Oh shoot! Elise: Um. Excuse my vulgarity. Charlie: I’ll let it slide.
Charlie: El is playing hard to get… Charlie: Little does she know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Charlie: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No progress whatsoever.  Elise: Wow. They sound really stupid.  Charlie: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.  Elise: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”  Charlie: I guess you’re right. Hey El, I love you.  Elise: See! Like that! Just say that. Charlie: *frustrated* Holy fucking shit. Elise: If that flies over their head then, sorry Charles, but they're too dumb for you.  Charlie: Elise-
Elise: Hey. So, about that love letter you sent me… Charlie: *blushes* Oh. W-what are your thoughts? Elise: The fourth sentence- Charlie: Yeah, that’s where I got really deep and emotional and I- Elise: It’s “you’re,” not “your”.
And we’re done! Woo-hoo!
Maybe I’ll do an update version of the Bephanie and Brelise incorrect quotes as well lol. This was fun! (I think my fave is the third Chelise one… reminds me of Harry Potter lol)
I’m also planning to do a part 3 for Rachel and Gordon at some point.
Anyways, I’m tagging these folks to do it next:
@mysticstarlightduck, @fire-but-ashes-too, @exquisitecrow, @toribookworm22, @winterandwords, @aziz-reads, @sam-glade, @waywardwizzard, @janec23, @rbbess110, @clairelsonao3, @ember-writer, @harleyacoincidence, and @writinglittlebeasts. Plus anyone else who wants to do it is welcome to. 🤗
Let me know what your favourite incorrect quotes were!
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baekslight · 8 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: @kimkaitual, thank you for tagging me bex <3
Name(s): sandra
Pronouns: she/they
Star Sign: libra
# Of Siblings & Fun Facts About Them (if you have any): i have 3 siblings however 2 of them are step siblings and my brother is actually my half brother although i see him as my brother. i guess this might be a fun fact in and of itself.
# Of Pets: we have 1 dog, he's a golden retriever
Fandoms: as i have two blogs i'd say kpop and multifandom although i have to note i'm not as active on my other blog anymore - this one has become my main now lol and i don't participate in any other fandom as much as i do exo/baekhyun atm so that's my main fandom i'd say
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Song: been loving somebody by d.o. again these days, also mirage of flower by chen
Favorite Author: i don't have one tbh and i haven't picked up a book in a long time
Hobbies: making gifs, playing games (mostly genshin though), watching tv shows
Favorite Holiday: christmas is always nice because i get to see all my family
Do You Have Any Partner(s)?: nope
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: my mind can't come up with anything rn (sorry folks. currently dealing with a cold and sore throat so my mind is a bit muddled) and idk what would be interesting enough lol
Tagging: @songbirdbbh, @monwillica, @crazy-form, @insoeng, @his-mochi-cheeks, @sunflowerchen, @violexa, @pajamas-lipstick + anyone that wants to do it feel free to say i tagged you!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
Hey there! I'm sorry to bug you (you can totally delete this!), but I have a question I've been wanting to ask someone and you have been so kind, patient, compassionate, and level-headed that I thought you'd be a good person to approach.
So I've seen a lot of this in the ofmd tags:
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Do you know if there's a shred of evidence to support this? For all that I see it, the only proof anyone provides is the "Taika fired Guz Khan for being pro-Palestine rumor" (which we know is not true) and the fact that Taika signed the letter to Biden.
And, like... I know that it's a shit letter full of the kind of pro-Israel propaganda that's all over mainstream news and that the celebrities who signed it are probably ignorant and out of touch. But it also calls for the freeing of all hostages and freedom for both Israelis and Palestinians, so I understand why someone who isn't paying adequate attention would think it's a good and worthwhile letter? So... I don't fully understand how signing it would make a person a "vocal ZIonist" who's out there "advocating for the genocide of Palestinians."
idk, I'm afraid I've missed something, but I don't think that any of the folks who are telling us to kill ourselves will be particularly kind if I ask them where they're coming from. If you have any idea what's up, I'd appreciate information!
Thank you so much for putting together the daily recaps (super helpful for those of us who are afraid of xwitter) and for being great!
Hi friend! Thanks for reaching out! I wish I knew more about this particular subject, so I'll do my best to provide some context but please take it with a grain of salt because it's all based on my own looking it up, not by first hand knowledge of anything.
The first thing I will say is, I'm so sorry they are telling you or anyone to kill yourselves, that's going way too far. Those people are struggling and angry and they're using any outlet to push their pain onto other people and that's not acceptable. No one on tumblr is out murdering Palestinians because they like a tv show. That is trauma and pain talking and they really need to seek actual therapeutic help instead of taking it out on others. You don't deserve to be treated like that, so if you can, please don't internalize that because you absolutely don't deserve that to be said to you.
That being said, what information I've looked up on it (by searching the web and listening to people on tumblr), the only thing I see people citing is the letter from October which I agree, while not worded well and certainly missing the main point of the conflict, I don't think indicates anyone on that list is advocating for the genocide of Palestinians.
In some tags I read a while ago...on a previous ask, I did see someone mention that there was a podcast out there too where Taika said something about the situation, that they didn't personally care for, but I haven't found that podcast (if someone happens to know what it is please let me know?) I'll see if I can track down the person who mentioned it in the tags. Another thing that apparently people are using as ammo is Guz Khan (Ivan) being fired from Season 2 (because he was in support of Palestine). Which is confusing because any official channels i'm seeing don't say that... and even that Guz Khan said he didn't know why in this article. Everything else I've seen is speculation on reddit or twitter with no sources...so unless someone can maybe provide some reasonable sources, my guess is it's all speculation being fueled by horror and rage at the current genocide and a mob mentality. I've certainly not heard of anyone else in the cast being supportive of genocide in palestine (cause who is?) and you're right "vocally zionist" is a very strange term because he in fact has not been vocal about that. He's been vocal about being maori and jewish, but I haven't found anything anywhere that's said he specifically stated he was "zionist" or "supporting zionist" ideals (I keep putting quotes around zionist because I don't like people throwing it around like a word for terrorist because that gets dangerous real fast as I've mentioned in some previous asks). I certainly have never seen him advocate for genocide in Palestine. I think people tend to get confused with correlation and causation when they're angry.
(Ex: If Taika signed a letter asking for hostages to be freed from hamas that had poor wording saying that hamas was leading a violent campaign, then anything that happened after.. to hamas or the palestinian people must obviously mean that Taika wants to support genocide.)
But that's not the same thing.
Just because Taika signed a letter in October, when information regarding the situation in Palestine wasn't as well followed, saying he wanted hostages released, and condemning the actions of Hamas, doesn't mean he wants Palestinians killed. It means he wanted the hostages released and the conflict to stop, something the article says "We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace".
Those situations aren't the same thing, but when people are angry (and they have every right to be when so many people are being murdered) they don't think like that, they think "Oh he signed a letter, and then the genocide got worse, so obviously thats what he wants" which isn't necessarily the case.
Now, do I know Taika? No. Do I know his family and his views? No I do not. So unless he flat out comes out and says something, or does ANOTHER crazy thing now that everyone knows there's a genocide going on, I'm not going to claim he is an extremist and I'm going to keep liking my pirate show.
Now if he turns around and goes full JK Rowling on Trans people and starts calling himself a Zionist and saying things that actually directly support genocide or some crazy shit like that, then yes, I will change my mind.
I hope that helps a bit at least explain where I've seen some of it come from? If other people know more, please feel free to speak up, I just, I've been avoiding the situation a lot because the more I look at it, the more it looks like a witch hunt because someone made a bad decision and no matter what good they do, it doesn't matter going forward. Again, I'm not directly involved so this is all speculation.
Oh yay! Im glad you like the recaps! Thanks for letting me know! I know a lot of folks on Tumblr aren't big fans of X/Twitter so it's nice to have a safer place to check things out that have happened throughout the day.
I do want to end however with-- I'm so sorry again they are saying those horrible things in the tags. No one deserves that to be put on them, you're awesome, and the fact that you want to learn more shows that you aren't just going along with the flow of the media and you're trying to better understand. Those are good qualities. Don't forget that! Much love <3
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
Sorry for the delay, but I did warn you my schedule would be very inconsistent. Thank you everyone for your patience.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 29: Pan-Pan
Minkowski doing the intro because Doug is gone 🥺
Our boy has been gone for 100 days?!?!?
If the others knew about WHAT? Minkowski? Hera?
Ngl, the arguing and bickering subplot is getting a little old. I understand tensions are high due to the Doug situation, but where is the main plot?
Over one hundred critical failures and y’all are still fighting?
“It should be habitable” “But not comfortable”.
I love how Hera and the crew will do things to try help each other feel comfortable even though Hera can’t feel human sensations and the humans can’t feel AI sensations.
Are they gonna have to cuddle for warmth? Snuggle time! 🥰🧸
“Distress calls? Who is gonna pick up?” Why the characters I saw my mutuals posting about before I blocked the wolf359 tags, of course! I can only assume that why they’ve been so excited for me to start season 3.
No, don’t go to a corner. You guys need to snuggle and feel better.
“Why do I have to go?” Hilbert you tried to kill everyone. So yeah. It does have to be you. It should always be you.
Lovelace that’s too far, Cutter probably put some malware in her.
“Whose fault is it?” CUTTER’S WHO DO YOU THINK.
Oh my gosh this is going WAY too far.
All the bad stuff you did was out of desperation or impaired thinking due to the stress of space, which is, again, BECAUSE OF CUTTER! So stop blaming each other.
Minkowski… oh she misses Doug. 💔
…cracks? The end of operational life? We can’t fix it?
Um. No. Not this hopelessness. I need them strong enough to punch Cutter in the face.
Call command? No. Don’t do that. I don’t trust them. Bad idea. BAD IDEA. The only idea, unfortunately, but that doesn’t make it good.
Episode 30: Mayday
Um. What’s with the weird noises?
…I say as if there aren’t two seasons left with him as the main character.
Oh no that was a rewind. This is a flashback. So maybe Doug doesn’t live.
Yikes that scream. Me too Doug me too.
Minkowski’s voice in his head 🥺
Haha… mocking him about not reading the manual Cutter worships.
And she put it in there just for him. 💕
Reliant Robin? Interesting name. I like it.
“Ignorance makes death inevitable” well put our heroes sure are ignorant of a lot no thanks to Cutter & co.
It’s okay Eiffel. I like your action plans.
“That’s dead boy talk” 😂
“Find someone else” …interesting. There are others…
…I wonder what they’re like.
I’d hate being frozen like that. Yeah. This is gonna be rough Doug…
I love how he keeps renaming the ship.
Oh gosh. It’s killing him. Poor Doug. Oh dear. Oh Doug.
“USS Peace of Crap”
Oh he lost his hair? Well. At least he matches Hilbert now. Maybe they can bond over that if they ever see each other again.
“Please respond” Doug sounded so broken.
Oh but now there’s whistling 🎶🎶🎶
He doesn’t have nails?
6,000 years? “How do you know there will even be anything there?”
“Nevermind”. Oh that was dark. Doug have you been freezing yourself incorrectly?
What about Hera’s voice? Or the voices of that family he won’t talk about? 👀
You tried Doug. You tried your best. Wait, “never get to talk to who?”
USS Horrible Unending Nightmare, what a name.
DOUG THEY WANT TO HELP! Yes! Or maybe no… depends on who it is…
How does he know who he is?
“We’re here to take you home” why do I not fully trust you random man?
Episode 31: Sécurité
Urania? Who is this? 👀
“They’re there”. YES THEY ARE.
JACOBI! Before I blocked the tags, I remember seeing your name. A few other names too in fact.
Well, well, well my friends. I’ve paused the episode to announce that the moment is finally here. You see I wanted to go into this spoiler free, so I dutifully blocked the Wolf359 tags on tumblr. But before I blocked the Wolf359 tags, I saw a lot of angsty Wolf359 fan art from my mutuals heavily implying that the Hephaestus crew gets betrayed by someone they come across. Now I’m going to assume that this is true, maybe I’m off base, maybe I’m not, please don’t confirm or deny anything. But working off this assumption, incorrect or otherwise, is very exciting because I just remember the art, nothing about names or context other than what I stated previously, which means it’s time to play everyone’s favorite game show:
✨Who Is Gonna Betray Everyone? ✨
Welcome to the show ladies and gentlemen. We’ll be checking in later to review our options, but for now let’s see what we got. In one corner we got Jacobi. I recall my mutuals posting about him, but were they doing it affectionately or with anger… ooo… that detail escapes me. And as always we have the “Bods… no one is gonna betray anyone except Cutter and maybe Hilbert again. They’re the bad guys. You already know this. I don’t know what fan art you thought you saw but literally what are you talking about?” And if that is the case then… uh… just ignore this sorry guys.
Ohhhh… never mind! Option 3 has arrived: Wareen Kepler. Works for Goddard Futuristics which already puts him high on the traitor suspect list. But of course Kepler and Jacobi could be working together, come to think of it, I think I might have seen a ship tag of them before blocking the general Wolf359 tag. Is it because they’re a canon couple? Good space buddies? Or a pair of sneaky Judases united by the atrocities they’ve committed? Only time will tell.
SI-5? Okay I have FOR SURE seen that mentioned before.
Kepler knows Hilbert? Oh yeah… yeah Kepler is moving right up that suspect list. Red flags out the wazoo.
Okay Kepler. Respecting Hera’s name. That’s nice, but the red flags are still waving. What do you want to know about Hilbert’s work?
DOUG IS BACK!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
“Maybe the fact that we brought Doug back is proof we don’t mean you any harm”
Besides, Cutter still wants to know about the aliens. He’ll keep them alive. For now. But what happens when they run out their use?
They have alcohol on board? Quite a luxury. And the rescue mission is very… nice of Cutter. Creepily and very suspiciously nice. I wouldn’t drink anything he offers you.
Another one? That sounds ominous. And I don’t like that Hera can’t see inside. If this guys are making Hilbert of all people suspicious, clearly things about to go South.
SI-5 agents? Black operations work? Top men? Kepler… the most dangerous man you’ll ever met? Don’t like that.
Don’t like you either scary lady. Oh. She was addressing Hera. I like that, but Dr. Maxwell? So far we haven’t had good luck with science people working for Cutter. And if she’s an AI specialist, she could very well be Cutter’s version of Garrison (@ my TMBS mutuals). Looks like detective Bods has sniffed out another suspect.
Well. She seems very helpful. Suspiciously helpful. And… my AirPods are out of juice.
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Thank goodness AirPods charge quickly. Now let’s see… Maxwell is an AI specialist. Oh Hera sounded a bit nervous when she realized Maxwell developed AI. Makes you wonder how AI developers treat their creations. And yeah, why would command send you?
“Who said anything about a rescue mission”?
I knew it. They aren’t leaving.
“Your boss is an insane psychopath” THANK YOU DOUG. TELL THE TRUTH.
“You’re whisky” Guess what Kepler? Guess what Jacobi? What happens when you’re whisky? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE EGGS THAT NEED TO BE CRACKED TO MAKE AN OMLETE?
Maxwell did that to Hera? Oh I might just hate her the most. She needs to keep her hands off of the AI. I know people like her, I recall seeing her name in posts, people have usernames with her in it, but look, right now, I really can’t stand SI-5. Cutter’s little errand boys have got to go.
I love how Hilbert is just back with them now 😂
Yeah, I don’t think knocking them out will work. Never thought I’d say this but Hilbert has a point. Wait, personal interest? I don’t want Cutter taking a personal interest in anything. And I don’t just mean anything involving the mission or space or AI, I mean literally anything. He can’t even take a personal interest in knitting or bowling or historical trivia. He doesn’t deserve hobbies.
Kepler was the one who lied about Lovelace. Well, well, well. Seems like someone has a motivate to kill. 👀
Oh no. They really got to Hera. But if you want to be subtle maybe DON’T change her language like that.
“you won’t see them coming” sure I will Hilbert I saw that fan art. I think they shoot one of you? Maybe I’m remembering it wrong. Well. At least a common enemy is bring the team together. Cheers for that at least. Mini Episode 4: Meanwhile
Mini Episode Time! 🥳
Who is talking? Why…why does that sound like female Cutter? Oh it’s Rachel. Wasn’t that the girl Cutter threatened to throw out a window? I feel less bad for her now.
Cutter please get past the BS.
“The Black Archives” well that doesn’t sound ominous at all. “Things that aren’t supposed to come back, they shouldn’t have a paper trail. They could get us into legal trouble”.
Oh I certainly hope they do Rachel. I hope you get your butts dragged to court: you, Cutter, Jacobi, Kepler, and Maxwell. I hope they throw you in cells without toothpaste and feed you nothing but the frozen mush you gave your astronauts. I hope, just like poor Doug, they force feed you enough cigarettes to get you addicted and then take them away to prevent your from dying faster, but still make you to feel the cravings Doug felt. And if you’re wondering why Hilbert isn’t on my jail list, his recent actions have struck a comical and benevolent chord in my soul. I sentence him to a lifetime of community service that involves surrendering his free will to his creation: the blessed eternal.
What does Blessie think about all this? No one has mentioned him. SI-5 either hasn’t noticed or doesn’t care. But Blessie is a very capable plant. A good ally to have in a time like this.
Omega contingency? “Last resort”. I don’t like that.
“something big is coming” Indeed it is Cutter, and I hope it involves your death. Pretty please it would make my Christmas.
Thanks for reading friends. Sorry for the delay. I hope you enjoyed!
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pivsketch · 2 years
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bunch of basil stuff from earlier this year and then some. like taggart's compilation of sketches, the earliest/roughest stuff is in the upper left hand corner and it kinda develops from there.
also a page of him back when he was afterburner. almost a totally different guy
Basil facts™ -------------
this got so long. im sorry. he is the main character and my special quiet weird moody boy so of course i have to throw him under the bus to talk about all his psychological problems. im grabbing and shaking you, reader. its important to know that basil sucked and now he still sucks but slightly less and in a different way
"Reformed hyper-competitive asshole" who now exclusively hangs out with the least competitive man of all time (Taggart)
He was a parkour guy in middle/high school and was extremely dedicated about it. Downright passionate. He started a group with his friends and it somehow became kind of a big deal? His parents found out he was not doing respectable sports activity and they moved after his sophomore year, which he will never forgive them for doing. He later got extremely mad about how his friends were running the group without him (lol. get it. because they… sorry) and he had this incredibly messy falling out with them. He has not done or talked about parkour since because he is just that bitter about it.
Both of Basil's parents have very serious careers in business and/or management and the personality types to go with it. Being raised by neglectful control freaks with high standards did not do Basil very well. Also, uh, see above. Unsurprisingly, he thoroughly estranged himself after he became an independent adult. Also unsurprisingly, Basil grew up to be quite an asshole!
It was one of Basil's friends who actually wanted to get into wrestling, Basil just tagged along with him to wrestleschool for moral support (and because he had nothing better to do). He ended up getting really into it. Really really into it. His friend accused him of coming along just to show him up (which… was not entirely untrue) and they got into a big argument about it. His friend quit, Basil stuck with it, and eventually got accelerated into the intermediate class (which Taggart and Chip were in).
He used to have a seasonal crab fishing job, which he quit when he got into wrestling, and then he quit wrestling, so he went back to his seasonal crab fishing job, then quit it again to mill about at home. Nowadays he occasionally helps Taggart do work at their wrestleschool (since they spend so much time using the facilities there anyway). Is it technically wrestling? Yes, but not to Basil, because he's "just helping his friend out." Whatever helps him sleep at night, I guess!!
He still really likes wrestling, but he refuses to do it anymore. He fully psyched himself out of it because he realized that, despite everything hes done in his adult life (estranging himself from his folks, roughing it out on his own, working miserably on a fishing boat for years) he still grew up to sound exactly like his parents, who he hates. You know, just a bit of a majorly crippling life-identity crisis. He'd get over it faster if he just talked with anyone about it or went to therapy (but he wont) (because then what about the story??? the plot??? the narrative??????). Instead, he's just locked himself down into some sort of holding pattern as he tries to casually and nonchalantly absorb how to be a different (better?) person from Taggart, who is the kindest and nicest person he's ever known in his life. Is that love or what? Well, probably not to Basil, because his parents never really taught him that. lol. lmao. he has so many hangups
Basil's known Taggart for like ~5 years now which is probably the longest time he's ever been friends with someone without having a disastrous falling out. Good job Basil! Keep up... the good work... heh :)
He's fine with either bay-zel (like the herb) or bazzle (like the name). For a time he used to arbitrarily pick one or the other just as an excuse to give people shit for getting his name "wrong."
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Honestly, the moment they started putting triggering content in the main tag, I lost all sympathy I had for them. At this point, it's noone's fault but their own if they get shitty anons. Guess what I'm trying to say is, while I kinda get why you'd feel bad, I definitely don't see you being at fault here.
Also, from what I've seen, most anons they're getting are just asking for them to stop putting that stuff in the main tag or suggesting a break from Tumblr for their own mental health? I honestly haven't seen much harassment at all, just people either trying to help them/others or just expressing frustration with the whole situation. Or asking them to stop playing victim when they're potentially exposing vulnerable people to stuff that could make them spiral. Sigh.
Anyways, sorry for the rant, the whole situation honestly baffles me to the point where I'm just sitting here, scratching my head, trying to make sense of it. Either way, I really hope you're doing well. Still Korka loving hours btw <3 <3 <3
Oh don't apologise for ranting tbh my toxic (mediterranean) trait is that i do like hearing others' thoughts and rants on anything and everything, so it's not a bother to me. I just wish i knew what to tag it with so that others don't have to see this unless they want to;;;
But, yeah, it's just. Not okay to put content you know will trigger people in main fandom tags where anyone could see them. I said, "I don't know what they're going through so I'll have some understanding", but similarly they don't know what others are going through, people who might open the tag just to see their lil blorbos to feel better, and such. And it's foul to make random folks suffer just because I wronged them, when it's highly unlikely they'd have anything to do with me (they're calling me a big blog, Neo calls me a big blog, but I think I only have about a dozen active followers; a majority of mine are likely those who followed me for my writing (i'm so fucking sorry) and have no stakes in this discourse, in fact, they probably have no idea what's even going on, never mind the broader enst fandom)
They've deleted the posts, so I hope they're getting support and such and will be able to realise that they don't have to quit enst bc a handfull of folks in it blocked them.
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Jukebox reviews part 22! For context, see my post “A Project”     under this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA   stories, they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Nothing Too Serious
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12/10/2011                                   mc ff
I have complicated feelings on this one. The whole "medical professional abusing a patient's trust" trope just isn't one I like. But outside of this trope, there's so much I like. The sense of the process, the progressive shifting, is really good. Though I don't usually like drigs, as a rule, I can't say I dislike them - they just can't be the *only* thing to get me into a story. So this one works mostly, even if it's never going to be my favourite, and hopefully the doc takes reasonable care of her patient. 7/10 spirals. 
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12/17/2011                                   mc ff
... Jukebox, I love you, but retroviruses insert their RNA into *DNA,* not RNA. RNA is easily degraded and inserting RNA into RNA wouldn't have much in the way of long-term effects. (Which I assume, in an era of mRNA vaccines, you probably have learned by now :P). Also RNA as a main part of memory is at best a somewhat-supported hypothesis right now, not even truly a THEORY in science terms. RNA has *a role* of some sort, we know that, but we don't know exactly what that role is. AND Even if it is, getting a virus to effect the brain isn't that easy, and geting that RNA to the right cells..... *anyway,* I'm a science nerd. I did my capstone in college on RNA, it's a bit of a soapbox. So my soapbox aside, the mechanism of control just ... doesn't work? Besides that, though, the evil scientist controlling others is fine, I guess. It's just not my thing, and the control is so sudden... meh. This isn't to my taste, and the science flaws aren't great for me. 4/10 spirals. 
 Nobody Does It Better
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12/31/2011                                   mc ff
The end of this makes it perfect, in so many ways. Though I do wish more of the story was on the *how,* not on the end result. Like, the end result is *fine,* and I do enjoy the "this is an unprovable hypothesis" thing, but ... meh, it's mostly sex and little enough process of control, and that doesn't quite work for me. I'm sure folk who care more about the control than the process will enjoy this more than I do. 6/10 spirals. 
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1/21/2012                                     mc ff
Nope, this is too mean-spirited for me. The gal should have been less rude about not being into ladies, but also the ladies should have left her well enough alone and moved on with their lives. This isn't my sort of thing. 
 Since U Been Gone
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2/5/2012                                       mc mf md
Ow this hurts my eyes and my brain and I can't actually read it. Sorry, Jukebox, but I just can't. 
 True to Life
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2/12/2012                                     mc mf ff fd hu
So is this a case of someone who's unconsciously manipulating the world aroud her?  A mind controller? Reality warper? Does she KNOW she's doing it? Or does it just happen around/to her? I have SO MANY QUESTIONS. But it's more sex, not process, so it's not super to my tastes. 6/10 spirals. 
 The Weakness In Me
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2/18/2012                                     mc ff
Betrayal will never be one of my preferred tropes. It just won't. But one of Jukebox's skills is finding ways to put amazing stories into tropes that I wouldn't normally enjoy. It's tempered by the betrayal, of course, but it helps that our narrator doesn't view it as betrayal, but as something that Lucy will love as much as she does. The process is effective and clearly done, and it's easy to imagine one's own will crumbling under such an onslaught. 7/10 spirals. 
 Paradise By the Dashboard Light
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2/26/2012                                     mc mf fd
Heh, this one is entertaining. Such a clever way to get home safely, without a prideful guy being awful about it. That's a heck of a long drive, depending on where in MN they started from! Also, if the dude's fishtailing on the road, he *seriously* needs to practice driving in slick weather - why are they even making the drive if the road's that icy? Pull over for a few hours and let the salt trucks do their work! C'mon folks! OK, ok, moving to the *actual* story - I know hazard lights well, and I can't imagine them as hypnotic at ALL. Annoying AF, but not hypnotic. Also the imagery used here ... not my style at all. I actually had to skim a fair bit of it 'cause the language didn't work for me. it was fine, just ... not imagery I enjoyed. 6/10 spirals. 
 Deeper and Deeper
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3/3/2012                                       mc
This is yet another induction to be read aloud - and I want to pair it with the MMM, though that may require different colors mentioned, depending on the spiral options in that? I'd have to look back into which colors there are. It definitely feels like a pairing that would melt some folks' brains into absolute *mush* - in the best of ways! For that, it's an easy 9/10 spirals. 
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3/10/2012                                     mc be
Eh, snakes/etc don't do anything for me, so I have no idea where to start. Kaa wasn't one of my starting points, so meeeeeeeeh. If you like snakes, though, give this one a try.
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edens-pen · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to pop in and say that you're SO right about the lurking thing. Like yeah, you can lurk. But don't be surprised when your 'favourite content creators' leave/lose motivation because you refuse to reblog/leave feedback. Intrinsic motivation only lasts so long.
The way people are getting mad at fandom creators for asking for reblogs and comments is so??? Incomprehensible? Why can't we ask for something that'll help us with reach and motivation? Why are we suddenly ungrateful for asking for the one/two things that'll help us continue? Why are we suddenly seen as content creating machines?
I'm personally fine with lurkers because I get it! Some of them are shy. But that's only because often you can tell whether they support you/they just want you to write shit for them. I'm okay with lurker blogs just liking my posts because my requirements are low about things, but even then there's a huge difference in how I react about a like (from a typical lurker) vs a reblog!
It's wild. The argument that is that lurkers are embarrassed? Embarrassed enough to have a completely blank blog? Lol. Why? Why would you be embarrassed of something you love? In fact, if you're so embarrassed, then why consume it at all? Why treat the work of others as something to be embarrassed about? It's insulting. If you're embarrassed then create a secondary blog and reblog! Make a new account and go nuts on it! It's tumblr. You're anonymous. There are so many ways to go about it (drop a comment!!! send in an ask!!!) and... people choose none of it.
That's not supporting your favourite artists/writers/editors/gif makers etc etc etc!
Honestly what's more maddening is the fact that some of these 'lurker' blogs follow TONS of people but when you check their profile they have 1) no reblogged posts (okay! fine!) but 2) NO LIKES imo that's so fucking insulting. You follow creators and don't reblog? Fine. I get it. You actively follow creators, read, look, react, but don't even like? Then why are you here...? The whole reason I even started using tumblr in the first place was for the ability to reblog and put my thoughts in the tags!
Fandoms need lurkers? Okay! Sure! I guess I see the point. But your fandom won't exist if creators are driven off by these lurkers, will it?
Sorry! This got long, but it's just so maddening to see people try and stir shit up making fandom creators look like we're being unreasonable for asking for one thing. Thank you for making that post
literally this!! artists on tumblr are literally asking for the bare minimum, which a blank reblog, and people are up in arms about it. (little rant about yesterday below)
and what's been itching my eyelids is that folks will reblog that post about being a lurker, and then not reblog any of the work they like. the work that people do for FREE on this website is so amazing, and it's not entitled to know that you're good at something and ask the people who consume it to share it.
the OP on that post thinks their "lol i'm an artist" is some sort of like "in your face" moment and it's not. why would you not support other artist's requests, especially when it's one so many of us share? like congrats you're in the 1% who don't rely on commission or shares...yay?
and the thing that really pissed me off about it is when i made a good point, they disregarded it entirely "i don't wanna fight :(( peace + love + happiness". like get your mf dog off my reblog bitch i don't fuckin' care, OP tried to make it seem like i'm being provoking for disagreeing with their terrible opinion.
the main point being is that without reblogs (even our self-reblogs) our work will sit in one place on the dash forever. and if i don't scroll down far enough, sometimes i don't even see work by people i follow. we need reblogs.
(lmfao and the whole thing about being embarrassed is so annoying sometimes. like did i ask you to read in front of your church?? did i say send it to your mom?? or did i say reblog it.)
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chimerabytes · 1 year
(tl;dr please feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to talk + you can ask if i have any other social platform accounts if youd like to keep talking with me on other things!)
also to add on to my tags on prev post (edited to be put under a read more because this got way longer than i intended):
i apologize if my lack of communication skills and my lack of people permanence has caused anyone to feel awkward around me and/or think that i don't see them as a person worth keeping around.
i sincerely mean this when i say it: i do see you as someone worth keeping around. i know i struggle with showing it, affection is not my strength point in the slightest. but i will continue to keep trying my best to be at least approachable. and i dont mind if you want to keep your distance and just kinda vibe from the sidelines. i still appreciate you and i respect your space.
to be honest i have a pretty big personal bubble that i find nearly impossible to let people into, the closer people want to get to me and the closer i want to get to others. think of my sociability like two magnets with the same sides facing each other: the closer you try and force them together, the stronger the force of repulsion can be felt.
i try not to mean any ill intentions towards most people! but i know that even if i don't mean it, i can still hurt people regardless. and i hate hurting people who don't deserve to be hurt. i appreciate the folks who follow me - by doing so you are welcomed into my bubble, and can peek into a very personal part of my life that i bare out in the open for others to see.
essentially... i just want to say that i do care about others, just not in the most open way. and my inbox is always open if you want to chat with me and get to know me better. i have tumblr dms open - both asks and using the IM feature. i have discord and a plethora of other social accounts on multiple platforms, including:
mastodon (plush.city is my main instance where i can be found!)
just plain 'ole e-mailing me is totes cool with me!
flight rising (yes. i will allow people to send me messages on FR and tag me in forum posts. i cannot guarantee i will reply to every thing right away, but i do read all my messages within 24-48 hours of them being sent by you!)
i don't use twitter anymore, sadly. so i apologize if thats your preferred avenue of communication!
i could dig up my skype account again if anyone wants to add me on there?
i don't use a lot of other messaging apps that are popular these days aside from discord and tumblr, but if you want you could pitch me an offer to join a website/ chat/ platform that you use and i may join!
however you will Never get me to join instagram, snapchat or tiktok. Sorry, I just dont think those apps are for me.
i try to keep my avenues of conversation open. even though i admittedly am not great at chatting and most of my affection and sillies are gleaned from what kind of memes and silly reaction pics i send, i still do want to offer up a metaphorical chill spot for people to join me in.
i realize this is pretty long so i'm going to end this, although im not sure how? just like, if you ever have any thoughts, concerns, questions, or want to just talk to me at all about literally anything (i dont care if you only send me like, one word, I will likely respond anyway!) then like... As the boys would say, hit me up, I guess?
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prologue - lost time (bradley “rooster” bradshaw)
a/n: this is my new baby. i hope y’all like it thus far. i’m looking forward to where we’re going with it. there’s a little more me in this story than i care to admit and i’ve put one hell of a lot of research into doing this, so please, let me know what you think. 
summary: Mav’s hanging out with Rooster while on leave and he can’t help but ask the nagging question at the back of his head.
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | flight risk masterlist | story description | chapter 1 - how did we get here?
folks who wanted to be tagged: @justanothermagicalsara​ @jake-h-ngm-n-seresin​ @fangirl-316​ @herladyshipxx​
warnings: swearing
word count: 1,375
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Mav sighed, clapping Rooster on the shoulder as he moved around the man. They’d been granted a month’s leave after returning home from the suicide mission, and Rooster had come out to the hangar for a few days. The two had mended their relationship, and things would take some time, but he had his kid back and that’s all he could ask for. Still, he couldn’t help but think about this thing he’d seen on Bradley’s papers and he just- he wanted to ask but Rooster wore no ring. What if they were separated or she’d passed or-
"You okay Mav?” Rooster asks, a ghost of a laugh on his face. 
“What- oh, oh yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking.” 
“Well that’s a dangerous thing for you.” Maverick chuckled, shaking his head. Rooster moved back to the plane they’d been working on, but he stayed frozen to his spot, knowing that it was now or never. Don’t think, just do. 
“Hey kid?” He finally brought himself to ask, bracing for Rooster’s reaction. 
“Yeah?” Rooster called back. He was stock-still, trying to choke out the words. He didn’t know why bringing this up was so hard, but the thought that Bradley had gone and gotten married in all those years he’d been apart from him- it tore him apart. 
“You’re married?” He finally gets out, words barely more than a whisper. 
“Hm?” Rooster looks over at him, clearly lost in thought. 
“You got married?” His heart clenches, thinking about the fact that his kid got married and he wasn’t there to see it. 
“Oh, that? I guess... yeah, I guess I am.” 
“You guess?” 
Rooster takes in the heartbroken look on his Maverick’s face and makes a split-second decision—one he’s not certain he should be making—to lie. He shouldn’t be lying to Maverick, not about this, not when their newly mended relationship is still so fragile but he just... can’t bring himself to tell his godfather the truth. To look him in the eye and say, yeah we got married for the military benefits years ago and I don’t really speak to her. 
“I mean, yeah, I am. Sorry, you just caught me off guard.” Maverick looks a bit relieved and he shakes his head. 
“No worries kid. Will- will you tell me about her?” He nods, fumbling for his phone as the two take a seat. Please, for the love of God, have recent pictures on Instagram. Maybe he’s got a few from college. Facebook? 
“Yeah, her name’s (Y/N). We met at UVA. She was a year younger than me and we- it all sort of happened so quickly when we were kids. We got married a little less than a year after I enlisted after graduating.” He’s got Instagram pulled up now, shows Mav a few of the photos from your life now. Out with friends, dinners downtown, a picnic in the park. A cursory glance tells him there’s no man in the picture- at least one that’s social media worthy. 
“She’s pretty.” Maverick comments and Rooster finds himself looking back at the phone, really taking in your bright smile for the first time. 
“Yeah.” He whispers, cheeks blushing a light pink and he can feel his godfather smiling at him. 
“God, so how- how’d the two of you meet?” Maverick’s voice sounds thick with tears and Rooster glances up at his godfather. 
“Uh, mutual friends. We sort of just hit it off, started out as friends and then just kind of fell in love with each other overnight.” It’s not a lie. Well, partially. 
“What’s she like?” Rooster recalls the night the two of you had gotten married, the way you’d drunkenly argued over the Star Wars franchise with one of his buddies. 
“God, she’s so funny and just so intelligent. Very opinionated too.” He recalls, thinking about the memories he had with you in college. 
“You don’t wear a ring.” Maverick comments. It’s not an accusation, just an observation. Rooster shrugs, trying to play it off. 
“It’s hard with flying and you know, it’s just- never been something either of us have really cared about much.” Maverick nods. “She’s always been afraid she’ll lost the ring or break it, it just- wasn’t important to us.” Rooster does remember her saying that at one point while in college, maybe the night the two of you had gotten married. He can’t really remember. “And we were broke when we got married so, you know, there’s that too. ”
“She live around here?” Rooster shakes his head. 
“No, she’s in Massachusetts now. Boston, actually. She works out there, went to grad school out there. Got a job offer from her grad program and it just- she wanted to go after it and I wasn’t gonna stand in her way. I’m gone on deployment so often too, that yeah, it can be kind of hard but she’s worth it.” The lies are flowing out of him with startling ease. Maverick smiles at him.
“Your parents would be proud, kid.” He whispers and Rooster looks over at Maverick. “I’m sure they’d love her. I’d love to meet her.” Rooster visibly hesitates and he kicks himself for doing so, because now Maverick is shaking his head and looking a little disappointed. “Sorry, you don’t have to- I just thought- well, I know this is still new and all-”
He finds himself shaking his head. “No, no Mav, that’s not- it’s just with her job and all, I...” Mav’s giving him a look Rooster can’t possibly say no too. 
“Well, you don’t have to, I’d just- just want meet the girl who’s made my kid so happy all these years.” It’s the way Maverick so casually calls him his kid, and with such ease, that he finds his heart clenching. 
“Yeah, okay. I’ll- I’ll see what I can do.” Maverick’s smile brightens and he finds himself being pulled into a hug. He’s cursing himself, begging every higher power that this would work out. “I’ll go call her right now, see if I can’t figure something out.” Maverick nods, wiping at his eyes. Bradley walks out of the hangar, far enough away that Maverick can’t hear him. He prays that you’ll answer as the dial tone begins. He calls you every once in a while, because even if the two of you aren’t in love, he still cares for you as his friend, and he’s kept tabs on you through the years. He hasn’t seen you since your undergrad graduation, which was years ago, but social media and FaceTime calls kept him well informed. Still, this was a big ask-
“Hey, hey (Y/N), it’s me.”
“Bradley, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Your voice is bright and he feels the warmth that settles over him when he talks to you. 
“Hey, I need a favor.” 
“So, uh, to make a long story short, my estranged godfather is back in my life and he uh, wants to meet you.”
“Well, because technically, the Navy thinks we’re married.” 
“Oh, right. They do send me mail.” 
“Yeah, and I- I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth so, uh-”
“You want me to meet him?” 
“Yeah. Look, I don’t know if you’d be able to swing a trip out to San Diego for a few weeks, but I’m currently stationed out here and- you’d be doing me a massive solid. I’d owe you my firstborn or something.” Your laughter rings out clear, and he find himself smiling despite the circumstances. 
“You know, this is actually kind of funny. My boss was just hounding me to take a vacation this morning. I’ve worked here 6 years and never gone on vacation. Go to the Bahamas for three months, she suggested. You have enough PTO to do it, she said.” You teased. 
“Yeah, I think I can make it work Bradshaw. Text me good dates to fly in and we can work out the rest later. I might already be looking at one-way tickets to San Diego.”
“You don’t have to come out here for an undetermined amount of time. It can be like a week or something.” 
“With you? Nah, your schemes are never simple.” 
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belltrigger · 2 years
Sorry to bother you here (love your writing btw!!) but I saw this post in the PVP-enabled tag of an Anti lamenting that they were "made" to believe a fic of yours was gen fluff submas and "despised" the writer when they realized it was blankshipping and I just could not understand how. When 'kissing' is in the tags of the fic itself. When the relationship tag is tagged with the ship tag itself. (How do I know this? Because the fic name was shared in the notes ofc.) They even said they saw a comic based on it and were disgusted and I'm like??? What are you searching that you keep accidentally finding blankshipping content?? Do you just actively not block anything/not check tags on fics for stuff you might want to avoid???
And then they had the gall to (along with some other Anti in the notes) complain about  how you and so many others had "such wasted (writing/art) potential"?? The back-handed compliment of it all. They fucking liked your writing and yet???? I just. I can't. I can't wrap my brain around the point of making that post. People are so mentally immature on this site sometimes about the way they consume and interact with Fandom works and I just can't imagine tagging a post like that into the main tags, even when I'm just venting/vague-ing about something... Keep that disappointment on your own blog.
Sorry you have to deal with people being like this to you. Seriously do know you have a lot of folks in your corner who enjoy your content! And those who don't who at least respect your right to enjoy it separately from them.
Hello my friend! It's never a bother, I assure you!
I am going to guess the fic is "No such thing as a bad omen" because for all of the amazing comics that have come from my work, that's the only fic with accompanying work that I think I tagged with 'kissing.' 😔 I am an irresponsible tagger, even though I always tell people to tag correctly.
If they approached it from AO3, I am honestly pretty shocked they didn't realize I don't actually write "gen" fics about these two at all. Even the most general stuff I write, I always tag it with 'blankshipping'. AO3 always puts the relationship/pairing tags first. Did someone recommend it to them? If they're so vocally against blankshipping, who would troll them do that, and are they mad at that person now? I can maybe imagine they found it through the individual character tags, but I don't use the platonic tag at all.
Also I have blocked very thoroughly, and don't usually look at the PVP fandom's shenanigans, so I can't see the post. But I bet it's quite funny to read. "This fic is very good until they kiss (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ How dare this soft content where they love each other exist" is how I will imagine it.
They're gonna be real upset with the fic I'm currently working on, cause there's significantly more than kissingヾ(•ω•`)o
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