#wow dynamight and red riot are such good friends.........
kingdowager · 2 years
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dynamight and red riot paparazzi photo 📸
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zawazawanightmares · 1 year
Deadpool & Bakugou Katsuki
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You, Deadpool, are connected to Bakugō Katsuki Your partner selected the 18+ server.
Deadpool: Hey there, tsundere!
Bakugō Katsuki: LMAO
Bakugō Katsuki: FUCK OFF
Deadpool: Everyone's a critic.
Bakugō Katsuki: I'll be a lot more than that in a second.
Deadpool: ...A Twitch streamer?
Bakugō Katsuki: I'll crush you!
Deadpool: I dunno, those grenade gauntlets look pretty lightweight at a second glance...
Bakugō Katsuki: Lightweight?! I bet ya couldn't light 'em. And the recoil would snap your arms like twigs, so. Yanno.
Bakugō Katsuki: lift* )
Deadpool: My arms may be twigs but when they're aflame, I'll make smores on your spiky head. Your move, Dolemite.
Bakugō Katsuki: Oh? Should I light you on fire right now, speed up the process?
Deadpool: Sure if you don't mind getting fired over attacking a cancer patient. That's right: I know how Hero Licenses work and I know how to work a Twitter. I'm untouchable.
Bakugō Katsuki: THAT'S.
Bakugō Katsuki: MANIPULATIVE?
Bakugō Katsuki: It ain't got nothin' to do with you being a cancer patient.
Bakugō Katsuki: I don't care if yer' a fuckin' baby, if you call me a dolemite, you want smoke.
Deadpool: It's society? Also, you should be lucky I called you Dolemite. You don't want to know what I had cooking up here beforehand.
Bakugō Katsuki: Fuck right off!
Bakugō Katsuki: Tweet it, don't be a pussy!
Deadpool: Fine! I'll tweet "Sasuke literally lit me on fire for saying hi. #NotAllMight'sJapan #Zoomers #DekuGetYourHusband."
Bakugō Katsuki: What the fuck?!
Bakugō Katsuki: HUSBAND?
Bakugō Katsuki: You think of all the guys I know I'd marry that one?
Bakugō Katsuki: That thing?
Deadpool: And...send. It's already trending. Hey, a few of your friends retweeted it.
Bakugō Katsuki: NO
Bakugō Katsuki: NOOOOOOO
Bakugō Katsuki: YOU ASSHOLE
Deadpool: Pinky retweeted "OTP", Red Riot says, "Wow, how manly!", Uravity says "No NTR!" along with a frowny face.
Bakugō Katsuki: NTR????
Bakugō Katsuki: I'm gonna kill you.
Bakugō Katsuki: I've decided.
Bakugō Katsuki: I've decided that it would be better for both of us if you die.
Deadpool: That's literally on record in three of my divorce proceedings.
Bakugō Katsuki: You piece of shit!
Deadpool: Also on record. In five of them.
Bakugō Katsuki: I've gotta counter-tweet.
Bakugō Katsuki: Maybe I'll tell people that you're harassing me and also homophobic? Maybe? Who knows.
Deadpool: Good play. I'll have to counter with my pansexuality and dig up dirt on you from the past to decide your future's fate. I hope you didn't tell anyone to kill themselves because that'll be a three-pointer for me.
Bakugō Katsuki: ...
Bakugō Katsuki: Okay.
Bakugō Katsuki: Igetit.
Bakugō Katsuki: Iwon'tdoanything.
Deadpool: Smart choice. Now smile while I get a selfie with you.
Bakugō Katsuki: You're evil.
Deadpool: Chaotic Neutral but close enough. *holds up a selfie stick* Say Great Explosion God Dynamight!
Bakugō Katsuki: If I smile will you get lost?
Deadpool: Yeah. I'm looking for Endeavor to get him to say, "Abusive DILF Rights" on camera anyway.
Bakugō Katsuki: That's...
Bakugō Katsuki: Okay. Sure.
Bakugō Katsuki: Katsuki reluctantly smiles for the picture and shoves Deadpool right after the shutter. Boom.
Deadpool: Thanks! Hey, some cute chick liked the tweet. "FuyumiT"...I think Endeavor's daughter.
Bakugō Katsuki: Yeah.
Bakugō Katsuki: We talk semi-regularly or whatever.
Deadpool: *she's I was supposed to say there. Anyway, she seems to like the idea of you and Christmas Tree together...or just you setting random dudes on fire.
Bakugō Katsuki: Christmas Tree?
Bakugō Katsuki: Todoroki?
Deadpool: Deku. Green hair, green tree? Sorry, it was a stretch.
Bakugō Katsuki: Ah.
Bakugō Katsuki: Deadpool, are you a shipper?
Bakugō Katsuki: I don't like Deku, man.
Bakugō Katsuki: He's like...a brother.
Deadpool: I tend to stay out of Shonen stuff but...yeah. And don't worry, I was messing with you. I know you can love Deku without doing the shoujo-ai tango with him.
Deadpool: Shonen-ai. I just said "Girls Love". Dang it! I am off today!
Bakugō Katsuki: Yeah but, it's just, pervasive!
Bakugō Katsuki: I've heard people suggest I'm some damsel in distress.
Bakugō Katsuki: Pisses me off.
Deadpool: You know how fandoms get. Having to force heteronormative ideas on everything. Just count yourself lucky that you're not a gay guy/girl who's being shipped with a friend opposite your orientation because fans find platonic relationships boring to explore and still think of sex as "insert item A into slot B".
Bakugō Katsuki: I've never really spent much time thinking about my sexuality. Busy doin' hero stuff.
Bakugō Katsuki: I don't think anyone's lining up to date me anyways.
Deadpool: Eh, it's not something you have to decide right now. Ever really but you shouldn't worry over how you identify when you can be actually, you know, doing stuff. Also, pretty sure the millions of fangirls and fanboys will disagree with you on that last point.
Bakugō Katsuki: Millions? I'unno, the loudest voices tend to be the ones calling me a monster.
Bakugō Katsuki: Well, I guess there are other voices, but.
Bakugō Katsuki: Still.
Bakugō Katsuki: That makes me sound crazy.
Deadpool: Like you said, those are the loudest. Look up "Vocal Minority" and get some sleep back.
Bakugō Katsuki: Damn, that's surprisingly helpful info.
Bakugō Katsuki: Uhm,
Bakugō Katsuki: there's this guy...
Bakugō Katsuki: well, was this guy?
Bakugō Katsuki: I'm realizing now that I've never interacted with him, but I think he goes by Twice.
Bakugō Katsuki: I'm wondering what you think of him. Just curious.
Deadpool: Oh, he's awesome. Shame what happened to him but he's probably my favorite tribute.
Bakugō Katsuki: Tribute, eh? Yeah, I thought of him when looking at you.
Deadpool: He's more Joe Kelly me than Daniel Way me and I think that's cool of him.
Bakugō Katsuki: I don't know those guys, but, I trust that.
Bakugō Katsuki: I didn't take the lil suicide quip personally, but-
Bakugō Katsuki: what do you do when people are just focused on how scary you look? Or are? Whatever.
Deadpool: That's rarely a problem nowadays but it used to be and, well...I just gotta say, perceptions come and go but how you feel about yourself? That's all that's gonna matter.
Bakugō Katsuki: Ah... it sucks that that's exactly what I thought you'd say.
Deadpool: Sorry. They can't all be unpredicatable memeable gems.
Bakugō Katsuki: No, no, it doesn't have to be memeable, which totally isn't a word.
Bakugō Katsuki: I just wish there were some more tangible thing I could do...to be better.
Deadpool: Um, not to ensure I'm going to hell by stealing from the MCU but literally all words are made up. And if you want to do something tangible, just...do that. Do better. Prove to yourself, not them, that they're wrong.
Bakugō Katsuki: I just gotta do it???
Bakugō Katsuki: That's it?
Deadpool: Just do what you're best at, which, all questionable evidence to the side, is heroics.
Bakugō Katsuki: I try my best, man.
Bakugō Katsuki: I think most villains hate me a little more than the other people on the field.
Deadpool: Well, it could be worse. You could be Endeavor.
Bakugō Katsuki: True. Not being that shithead is one of the only things I could proudly say , at this point. He fucked up big time. If I were Todoroki, I wouldn't have a dad iykwim.
Deadpool: If I was Todoroki, I would do ads for heat pads. There's money in those things and Shaq can't hog it all!
Bakugō Katsuki: He does make for a great heated blanket.
Bakugō Katsuki: I've heard.
Bakugō Katsuki: I assume.
Deadpool: Ah, I've come to like you so I won't make assumptions...just know it's really hard not to.
Bakugō Katsuki: Okay, but if you were forced to spend 3 months with someone-
Bakugō Katsuki: you don't come out of it with nothing, I think.
Deadpool: I mean, yeah. You either become friends or the other person dies.
Bakugō Katsuki: Yeah!
Bakugō Katsuki: Exactly!
Bakugō Katsuki: I mean, I don't use that word.
Bakugō Katsuki: 'Friends'
Bakugō Katsuki: but yeah.
Deadpool: That's why it's smart to live together: more people to blame messes on.
Bakugō Katsuki: Blaming messes on others is cowardly! Just clean it. Simple.
Deadpool: Oh yeah. Forgot that I was talking to the angriest neat freak on the planet.
Bakugō Katsuki: It's kinda hard not to become someone obsessed with cleanliness when you've got hyperhidrosis!
Bakugō Katsuki: You don't wanna be the sweaty guy.
Deadpool: I literally had to look that up. You're preaching to the choir on superpowers causing problems, guy.
Bakugō Katsuki: Ah, my bad.
Bakugō Katsuki: Yeah, I sweat a ton. The little grenades on my hips? I can fill those just sitting down. Takes like 15 minutes, tops.
Bakugō Katsuki: And...am I? You deal with a lot of superpowers stuff?
Deadpool: That "cancer" thing? Yeah, not just an excuse to cut in line. Besides turning me into Freddy Kruger's eczema-riddled cousin, it leaves me sore and aching all the time. Not to mention the phantom pains I keep experiencing from my wacky misadventures. Not to mention that it fucks with my brain to the point that I can barely remember my own name, let alone my actual origin story.
Bakugō Katsuki: That...sucks. I guess with that in mind, you can play the cancer card.
Bakugō Katsuki: I have a pacemaker on account of all the impalin'. I...think I died. But it worked out.
Deadpool: Oof. But hey, we're alive so that means we win by default, right?
Bakugō Katsuki: Mmn. Scars are the mark of survival. And also some of them don't look half-bad.
Deadpool: Exactly. And buddy, I'm Bear Grylls-ing it.
Bakugō Katsuki: Bear Grylls. That's the whackiest name you've said thus far.
Deadpool: Yes, he is a man that exists and is sadly remembered by the very active watersports community.
Bakugō Katsuki: Gross.
Deadpool: Indeed. Well, I leave you to your ambiance so that I may stalk and harass Bara Human Torch.
Bakugō Katsuki: Thanks for the not-awful advice. Don't call other strangers tsundere.
Deadpool: No promises. See ya!
You left the chat
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Physical Fatality Part 3- A Night to Remember
18+ Hawks x fem, pro hero!reader
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
Warnings for graphic descriptions of unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (receiving), creampie, and minor dom/sub themes
Let no one say Bakugo doesn’t make good on his promises.
You wore a black gown that hugged your figure perfectly and a matching black mask. The dress had been designed specifically with you in mind with silver detailing spiraling throughout. The designer had said she chose it because of the way silver would wind up and branch out along your arms when you used your quirk. “I’m not sure how else to incorporate telekinesis in a dress so I hope this is enough,” the small owl-eyed woman had fretted. “It’s perfect,” you had assured her, and now, as you stepped onto the red carpet with Bakugo on one arm and Midoriya the other, you were proving your assertion correct. The press had, of course, immediately picked up on the lack of an engagement ring on your hand and the lack of a fiancé on your arm but you ignored any and all questions about your engagement as you otherwise charmed the press. Then the minute you all were safely inside the hotel the event was hosted at, you and Bakugo had exchanged mischievous looks before making a beeline to the bar. It had taken Midoriya at least twenty minutes to coax you both from the hotel bar to the main banquet hall and by then you already had a pretty good buzz going. That of course didn’t stop your quest to get blitzed on the agency’s credit, however, as the two of you simply switched from the cocktails downstairs to drinking the complimentary champagne like it was water.
“Kacchan, (y/n)-Chan, please, slow down,” Midoriya fusses. “I didn’t think he’d actually fuss the whole time,” you confess to Bakugo. You’re taking the glass of champagne currently in your hand slower. As much as you’d talked about being the opposite of respectable you don’t want to tip over into sloppy territory. You and Katsuki are a little too friendly and a little too loud and that, in your opinion, is the sweet spot. “Tried to warn you. Go hang with your girlfriend Deku we’re fine,” Bakugo insists. “Are you guys fine though? You know this is technically a work event,” Midoriya chides. “If they didn’t want us to get at least a little drunk they shouldn’t have offered free champagne,” you point out. “We’ll be fine dumbass, go hang with your girl and we’ll stay here and be responsibly drunk,” Bakugo insists. Midoriya looks between the two of you multiple times before casting a look back over his shoulder where he can see Uraraka, Iida, and Yaoyorozu all talking. “We’ll even let you be the one to take us home! Promise!” you add on. Midoriya casts one last skeptical look before breaking. “Ugh, fine. But I’m serious guys! You better stay right here,” Midoriya finally relents. You and Bakugo both give him a mock salute before he finally relaxes and goes to join Uraraka. “Hey Katsuki?” you suddenly pipe up. “What?” “I just realized something.” “What did you realize?” “I’m pretty sure since Monoma and I broke up I’m technically fucking homeless right now.” It’s not funny but the two of you crack up anyway.
“I still think this is a bad idea,” Tokoyami groans as he trails behind Hawks, who is on the lookout for Mirko. “Even Dark Shadow thinks this is a horrible plan,” he insists. “Dark shadow does not think this is a horrible plan. Don’t put words in his mouth to prove a point,” Hawks says rolling his eyes. “I’m not, look,” Tokoyami insists. Hawks sighs and turns to face his friend. As the now very familiar black form emerges from Tokoyami’s torso, Hawks is 90% sure he’s about to be proven correct. In reality it’s a very good thing Hawks doesn’t gamble. Dark Shadow had promptly agreed with Tokoyami and it had only made the other man even more smug. “Whatever, I’m still going to find her,” Hawks huffs. “Why are you so insistent?” Tokoyami questions him. “She’s the love of my life! I’m sure of it!” “Oh my god you finally snapped.” “Fuck off.” “She is not the love of your life and even if she was she wants nothing to do with you now!” “You just don’t understand. I have to fight for her back.” “Would you tell her your real name?”
The last question makes Hawks stop in his tracks and whirl around back to this friend. “What are you on about now?” he asks. “If she’s the love of your life would you let her touch your wings and would you tell her your real name and if you had to choose between her and work would you choose her?” Tokoyami presses. Hawks opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He wants to say yes. He wants to stick it to his friend and tell him he would indeed let himself be vulnerable with Mirko because she’s the love of his life so there! But Keigo has always hated lying and he knows the answer is no to all of the above. So he opts instead to say “I don’t see how that’s relevant.” “I give up. When Mirko inevitably slaps you or this otherwise blows up in your face at least try not to let it happen in front of paparazzi. Endeavor is very proud we’ve been bad headline free this month,” Tokoyami sighs before turning the opposite direction and leaving Hawks to his own devices.
“One question remains (y/n),” Katsuki announces to you as you both finish your drinks. “And what would that be?” you giggle. “Who are we taking home tonight? Or I guess who am I taking home and who are you convincing to take you to their home since you’re technically homeless,” he elaborates. “We told Midoriya we’d stay here and he could escort us back home so he wouldn’t have to worry,” you reply. “You were actually going to listen?” “No I was gonna sneak off during the speeches to bang someone and then be back here in time for Midoriya to escort us home.” “Smart woman.” “Thank you.” “So who are you thinking?” he asks.
Your eyes scan the banquet hall before finally alighting on a pair of red wings. He’s wearing a black suit with a tie and mask to match the color of his wings. His sandy blonde hair is wild and you wonder if it was styled that way or if the man had flown here and made it that way. Something about him is magnetic and you can’t explain why but you have a strong desire to follow its pull. “I may have found someone, not sure yet,” you hedge. Bakugo hums in acknowledgment as he too scans around the hall. “Why are you bothering to look?” you ask. “The fuck are you on about?” he questions back. “We both know you’re big gay for Red Riot. I would bet you have been since high school,” you tease. “Shut up,” Bakugo grouses. “Am I wrong though? He’s gotta be around here somewhere,” you say looking around. You finally spot the tell tale red hair of the man Bakugo once drunkenly confessed to you he lusts after. “There he is,” you grin. “I swear to god dumbass,” Bakugo warns, looking suddenly nervous. You roll your eyes and flag down one last glass of champagne. You press it into Bakugo’s hands and then you look him in the eye with all the seriousness your tipsy ass can muster. “Listen here Katsuki. Take this liquid courage, down it in one go, march right up to that sexy ass motherfucker and whisk him off his goddamn feet. You are Katsuki motherfucking Bakugo aka Dynamight aka explosion murder GOD, the number three hero in Japan. Now go get your mans,” you tell him. You watch his crimson eyes fill with determination and you have to resist laughing at the way he looks eerily similar to how he does before a particularly daunting battle. “I’m gonna do it,” he decides. “Fuck yes!” you encourage as he knocks back the champagne before passing you the empty glass and storming over to where Kirishima is.
Meanwhile Hawks is still searching for Mirko when he lays eyes on you instead. It’s like everything else stops. The rest of the world fades away as he watches you talk with Bakugo. There’s something about how casual and wild and free you look, even dressed as elegantly as you are. There’s something different about you and he can’t peel his eyes away. How has he never seen you before? Surely he would’ve noticed someone as captivating as you sooner. The speeches are due to start soon and he really should find a seat or something, but then Bakugo leaves and you’re standing there all alone and Hawks’ feet are taking him over to you without his brain having consciously decided to do so. “Mind if I join you?” he asks before he can talk himself out of it, taking a spot next to you leaning against the table. “Not at all,” you reply with a grin. Mirko walks right past the two of you and he doesn’t even notice, too caught up in your smile and your voice. God your voice is just as beautiful as the rest of you. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before,” Hawks admits. “I could say the same to you,” you fire back. “Trust me this isn’t my first rodeo around here. But I’d remember someone as stunning as you coming to one of these,” Hawks replies easily. “Probably not if I was on another man’s arm,” you admit. “Oh, you have a boyfriend.” “Had a fiancé. Now I’m free,” you pause, looking him up and down, “well free as a bird I guess,” you finish smirking. Hawks laughs at that. “Wow, I definitely haven’t heard that one a million times,” he teases you. “I never said I was creative, just that I was free,” you tell him. When your eyes meet again it’s like a million volts have shot through your gazes and suddenly you’re hungry for him in a way you haven’t been hungry for anyone in a very long time. The lights dim as the first speaker takes the stage, out of the corner of your eye you notice a familiar blonde head leading a red one out of the room. A quick search soon reveals Midoriya eagerly watching the stage for whatever crusty retiree is about to speak. Basically, the coast is clear. “As much as I would love to listen to a bunch of old people recount stories of their hero glory days, what do you say you and I sneak over to the hotel bar for a drink,” you offer. “I’d like nothing more,” Hawks grins.
As it turns out the hotel bar is closed, but you and Hawks have no intentions of letting that stop your fun. After a quick check for security cameras or nosy bystanders, you reach out with your quirk and carefully bring a nice bottle of hard liquor from behind the bar. You promptly pass it to Hawks who raises an eyebrow at you. “I’ve been drinking most of the night, you sir need to catch up,” you explain cheekily. “Fair enough,” Hawks laughs. He cracks open the bottle and takes a long pull from it, wincing a little as it burns down his throat. “Now where to since the bar isn’t an option?” he asks. You pause and think for a moment before coming up with an idea. “Follow me,” you whisper conspiratorially before grabbing Hawks’ hand and dragging him down the hall to the stairs, both of you abandoning your masks as you go.
Hawks has never done anything this wild and reckless before. Regardless of the press’s perception of him, Hawks has had a highly regimented life since the HPSC took him in, and his sense of duty and responsibility had only grown since he properly began his career. Sure, he’s had a few girlfriends over the years, but he truly was looking for love in every one of them. Yes, even the ones after Mirko.
You are something different entirely. What he felt for all of them combined could not compare to the feelings racing through him now as the two of you run up the stairs two at a time, the sound of your footsteps echoing up the tight stairwell. He can’t take it anymore and when the two of you reach the next landing he tugs you into him by your hand and kisses you. He can taste the champagne on your tongue but there’s also something uniquely you in the kiss that he can’t get enough of. So he takes and takes and takes like a man starving and you’re all too happy to give it to him. When you two stop to catch your breath you whisper, “come on, we’re almost there,” and then press another kiss to his lips quickly before tugging him out the door into the hallway.
You keep going until you finally find the door you’re looking for. When you try the handle it’s locked but you’re not concerned. You bend down and extend your quirk into the lock, closing your eyes so you can concentrate. You can feel the different tumblers and get to work pushing at each one experimentally until they click into the proper position and the door unlocks. You grin and push the door open. “After you,” you say. “That’s a neat party trick. You sure you’re a hero?” Hawks teases as he steps into the room. As he finally turns to take it in he realizes you’ve brought him to the hotel pool. “I’m sure,” you laugh, “just grew up a bit rougher than most have. Lockpicking is pretty simple to be honest. Regardless, we should have this place to ourselves.” Hawks can relate but he’s not allowed to tell you that, so instead he asks “Oh really?” “Really.” “Wonder what we should get up to then,” he muses before suddenly pushing you into the water.
It takes a half a second for you to register what’s happening and then you’re plunging under the surface of the water. You quickly resurface and you want to be pissed but your mystery man is laughing and it’s so beautiful it’s as if the sun itself is contained within his smile. Something tells you he doesn’t laugh like this much, so, instead of getting angry, you decide to get even. “Oh you think that’s funny bird boy?” you ask. “I do,” he grins down at you as he stands what he thinks is a safe distance away from the pool’s edge. “Then why don’t you come join me,” you smile back. You reach out with your quirk, feeling it wrap around his body and then tug. You can see the shocked look on his face as your quirk drags him to the water’s edge and then unceremoniously dumps him in the water. As he comes up for air, shaking water out of his hair he looks so affronted but you can see the amusement there too. He hadn’t expected you to retaliate. So now it’s your turn to laugh. Even though your dress is probably ruined and your perfectly styled hair definitely is for the night, you laugh in a way you haven’t in ages. “Oh it’s on now,” Hawks declares and suddenly the two of you are splashing each other like children, both trying to use your quirks to gain an advantage. It’s crazy and chaotic and soon splashing turns to all but wrestling and when he finally has you pinned against him and immobilized, your back to his chest and his arms holding you tightly so you can’t squirm away, both of you stop. You both try to catch your breath, the sound of the water and your heavy breathing echoing off the pool walls. You can feel his growing erection pressing against you and you know how the rest of this will go. You’ve got an impressive resume of one night stand experience, have heard all the lines, so you’re prepared for whichever one he’s about to use. At least you think you are. “I’ve never met anyone like you before,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, “I don’t usually do stuff like this. Someone like you is new to me.” You’re about to roll your eyes when you notice his hands are shaking and it occurs to you that he must mean every word.
You hadn’t expected that. Not at all. This is different than those one night stands. He’s different. The scariest part is that this is new for you too. You don’t do play fighting in the pool. Even with Monoma there had been no magic in the relationship. It was a necessary work deal and then it morphed into something comfortable. When you invited Hawks to the bar you had just meant to drag him away for sex and then leave to go back to the gala the minute you both were satisfied. You’d weather Midoriya’s concerned look and Bakugo would high five you and then you’d forget about the mystery man with the red wings. You turn in his arms, your eyes meet his golden ones, and immediately your heartbeat is kicking in your chest. This is not that. This is more than that.
And that fucking terrifies you.
Before you can fully panic Hawks is kissing you with an intensity you can appreciate and a yearning you are shocked by but can relate to all the same. This is a one night deal. That’s how these things go. But there’s a small, traitorous part of you screaming that it doesn’t have to be this way. So you kiss him like this is the first of many to satiate that small part of you, but you also kiss him like it’s the last one ever because you know that’s the more likely option. You kiss him until kissing isn’t enough and your hands move to push his suit jacket off. He catches onto the memo quickly and removes his jacket easily before tossing it aside. He goes to remove his shirt and fumbles, Jesus Christ his hands are still shaking, so you replace his with yours and carefully begin to undo each button as he instead reaches to pull down the zipper of your dress. Between the two of you and your quirks it isn’t much longer until you’re both naked, pressed together, your clothes laid out on the side in the vague hope they’ll be drier by the time the two of you have to leave the haven you’ve created. You don’t even notice that Hawks is walking you backwards until you feel the pool ledge against your back but small details like that feel irrelevant when he’s got one hand on your waist to keep you steady and the other on your breast to thumb at your sensitive nipple.
“Up,” he commands and it sends a bit of a shiver down your spine as you obediently hop up onto the ledge. You expected him to join you but he doesn’t, instead grabbing your thighs and pulling you closer to him. It’s interesting looking down on him like this but you think you could get addicted to the hungry look in his eyes. He slowly spreads your thighs apart, maintaining eye contact in a silent request for permission as you realize what he has planned for you. You give a short nod and then he’s diving in, his tongue immediately licking up along your folds. You shudder and your grip on the pool ledge tightens as he finds your clit and begins to lavish attention on it, licking at and sucking on the sensitive nub. You think you could get off on that alone but then he switches focus, not wanting to end things too quickly, as he instead begins to tongue fuck you like his life depends on it. You throw your head back and moan as you feel his tongue sliding in and out of you, his nose occasionally brushing over your still sensitive clit. He reaches one hand up to give your nipples some attention too and soon you can’t help the keening noises that spill from your lips unbidden. You card one hand through his hair and then grab onto some of the locks as you press him in deeper, helping guide him and that magic tongue of his exactly where you want it. It doesn’t take much longer after that for you to reach climax and the look of smug satisfaction on his face after has you hungry for more of him.
You’d let him be the boss so far but it’s your turn now. “I need you up here now bird boy,” you pant as you try to catch your breath, tugging on his hair to emphasize your point. He looks a little bewildered but you can tell by the way his dick twitches he’s not opposed. “Yes ma’am,” he replies cheekily as he climbs out of the pool. As soon as he’s on the side with you you move to straddle his hips and his hands instinctively go to your waist. “Ready?” you ask and he quickly nods his head. You don’t need any more encouragement as you line yourself up and then slowly sink yourself down onto his dick. For some reason the moment you’ve fully sunk down and he’s buried all the way inside you is incredibly overwhelming. So overwhelming, in fact, you think you might cry. It’s inexplicable, but when your eyes meet Hawks’ you can tell he feels exactly the same. You stare at each other with watery eyes as he whispers “This is...” and trails off, shaking his head as he struggles to find the words to describe this moment. “Heaven in hiding,” you finish for him and it’s like something clicks into place in both your hearts. “Yea. This is heaven in hiding,” he confirms and then he’s kissing you and there’s something there you’re too terrified to identify but you still give it back to him.
You start moving, lifting your hips slowly before sinking back down onto him again and the way he whimpers into your mouth is intoxicating. He lets you control the rhythm as you ride his dick, instead focusing on trailing kisses down your neck as he rubs and pinches your nipples. You’re so incredibly tight around him that he can barely stand it. So he allows himself this surrender, allows himself to be lost in you and wholly unrestrained for the first time in a very, very long time. “Can I-?” you ask with your hand reaching for, but stopping just shy of, his wings so he can see what you’re doing and decide first. He drops his hands to your waist to still you for a second as he stares at your face in wonder almost. “No one’s bothered to ask before,” he confesses and he hadn’t really realized how much that bothered him until now. “They should’ve,” you reply simply. He takes hold of one of your hands and brings it to his mouth to press a kiss to your knuckles before guiding your hand to one of his wings. You carefully run your hands through the feathers beneath your fingertips, shocked at their softness, and notice the way he shivers at the touch. “Are they sensitive?” you ask curiously as you continue to stroke them. “Fuck. Yes baby, very,” he groans as he leans forward to rest his head against your shoulder, his grip on your hips tightening. You experimentally clench your fist around a handful of the feathers and tug slightly, immediately his hips buck up into you and he groans. “It’s ok I’ve got you,” you tell him. He pulls back so he can finally look into your eyes again and quietly replies “I know.”
You’re not even sure who initiated it this time when the two of you begin kissing each other again. You start riding him again, the two of you quickly finding a tender rhythm together to move in sync. His wings flare and puff up behind him as if loving the sudden attention you’re giving them and as you continue to stroke through them Hawks brings one of his hands to your clit to provide extra stimulation to you too. Your moans echo back to you and it’s like the two of you are creating a symphony in this little safe haven you’ve created for yourselves in the hotel pool and it’s all so much. Almost too much. You can feel tears on your cheeks and you’re not sure if they’re yours or his, but you don’t care. You don’t care in the slightest you just need him, all of him. Finally you give a particularly strong tug on his feathers and it’s enough to have him crying out as he reaches his orgasm. The feeling of him filling you up and the gorgeous picture he makes is enough to send you over the edge as well and there’s nothing either of you can do besides hold each other tightly, moans choking out of your throats like sobs as you’re overwhelmed by your climaxes and the unnamed feelings bursting between the two of you.
When the feeling finally passes it leaves both of you somewhat drained as you pant to catch your breath. Hawks carefully reaches a hand to your cheek and brushes away your tears. You’re more than happy to return the favor. Turns out both of you had been crying. “Was that as insane and overwhelming for you as it was me,” Hawks asks quietly. “Yea... Yea it really fucking was,” you confess. “Good,” Hawks replies before pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. Both of you have the distinct thought, “I could stay like this forever,” at the same time, but it would seem the universe has other plans.
Your quiet moment is disturbed by the sound of an alarm blaring overhead. You both curse your luck but still are in no hurry to move. You carefully remove yourself from his dick, trying diligently to ignore how obscene it looks to watch his cum start to dribble out of you and how it feels like a loss for it not to stay. Hawks seems to be having similar thoughts but tears his eyes away as he goes to get dressed. You use your quirk to squeeze out as much water as you can from your dress without further damaging it. The alarm is still blaring and you’re both well aware you should be moving with more urgency but it’s hard to make yourselves leave the little world you created for yourselves in here. Once you’re both redressed you quietly clasp each other’s hands and finally leave the room.
The alarm is even louder in the hallway and it’s like the magic of the previous moment is shattered by it. “We probably should arrive separately. Avoid scandal and all that,” you say. “You’re right,” he admits. Neither of you let go of the other’s hand. Finally you sigh, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, before slipping your hand from his and heading the opposite direction. You both jog away in a bid to exit the building and figure out what’s going on when a thought strikes you. You don’t know each other’s names. You decide it’s for the best. Hawks spins around to try and catch up to you and ask but you’re already gone. It feels like an ending.
It’s actually only the beginning.
Author’s Note: I typically try to keep the reader’s quirk nonspecific in my work because I know a lot of people have ideas of what they’d want their quirk to be if they were in the MHA universe but (y/n)’s quirk has plot relevance so I gave her a specific one. She can move objects with her mind (telekinesis) but she feels it almost like a physical sensation, as if there’s an invisible extension of herself reaching out to grab things. It’s why she can use it for something as specific as picking a lock. As y’all can see this one got away from me lol but I hope it’s worth the wait. OH ALSO the pool scene is inspired by the one from Baz Luhrman’s Romeo and Juliet.
Taglist [open]: @akkaso @cathy8taffy @eeppff
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