#wow i didnt write a smut for christian for the first time wooooooow go me
➵ characters: christian yu x reader x seungri because why not
➵ genre: fluff. tiniest bit of angst. but 99% fluff.
➵ wc: 1.6k
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➵ request: “...someone starts hitting on you and he gets really jealous and starts giving you the cold shoulder and you guys fight but it ends well.” i switched it a bit but still true to this. 
➵ masterlist
➵ disclaimer
“What’s up, Christian?” you whisper from behind in his ear over the loud music, placing your arms over his shoulders and chest, leaning in to peck him just under his ear. Though he was aware of your presence, he decided to keep his head facing the bar, not moving on his stool to turn to you. Instead, he took a small swig of his whiskey on the rocks.
Your kisses continued to travel south along the column of his neck, your lipstick leaving no distinctive marks behind. After you gave him one last long kiss on the place you were sure would get him to react, and when he didn’t, you started to question why the cold shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
Rather than replying, Christian moved in a way that would have both of his hands around the cold glass, the refusal to answer had you raising an eyebrow and scoffing. Seeing a free seat next to his, you took it as soon as you saw it, wanting to understand why the sudden attitude.
“Christian…” you tried to have him look you in the eyes by dipping your head down, but he continued to focus on the drink below him. Starting to become frustrated, you took his hand closest to you into yours, taking it away from the glass, tugging on his arm slightly so he’d turn towards you. “Seriously, Christian, what’s wrong?”
He saw your facial expression of complete confusion, as if you truly didn’t know what you did wrong. He clenched his jaw, “nothing.” Though there was still quite a lot of whiskey left, he downed it all in one go, leaving the ice behind to ask the bartender for a refill. Despite his hard face and chest, his hand remained in yours, even intertwining his fingers with yours. The different body dynamics only contributed more towards your confusion.
When the bartender topped up Christian’s glass with new cubes of ice and scotch, before he could grip onto it, you held it, taking a drink from it yourself. This way you could have Christian’s eyes move in your direction, finally having him look at you. You held his gaze as you gulped down the fiery drink, placing it down again without a hitch or a blink. Christian bit the inside of his cheek to hold back his words, precisely what you didn’t want him to do. “Are you not going to talk to me, then?”
“I don’t have anything to say,” he disputed, but, of course, his face said otherwise.
“Then tell me that you feel perfectly fine with me and that I have nothing wrong.” Christian wasn’t a liar, and this was your trap to have him tell the truth he was withholding. When he looked down again with a sigh, you know you got him.
“I thought we came to this gathering together,” he reminded you.
“We did,” you agreed.
“So why do you act like you’re more Seunghyun’s date than mine?”
Pulling the hand that he held towards away from him, you sighed audibly. “Okay, are you really gonna do this?”
“Do what, Y/N? I’m just asking a question.”
“You’re asking me why I am with another man instead of you.”
“It’s a plausible question, Y/N.”
“It’s a ridiculous question is what it is—” you realised you started to raise your voice, controlling it before it got out of hand, looking from side to side to see if anyone had noticed. “I went to say hello and thank you to the person who invited us here, excuse me for having a conversation with someone that lasted more than twenty seconds.”
“It was definitely more than twenty seconds.”
“Oh my god, Christian,” his quick-fire responses to your statements were becoming irritating; it’s as if he had planned out every word he was going to say to you once you had returned. “You’re exaggerating right now and you know it.”
“I’m not exaggerating. If anything, what I was doing was wanting to spend an evening with my girlfriend who I’ve been away from for weeks since our jobs keep us apart, I just wanted to spend a few precious moments with you. Any moments at all.”
“And we are,” you almost yelled again. “But please understand that I still have to be polite to people. My attention has and would never deviate from you when we are together. You are still my main priority. I always come back to you. Don’t act like I don’t.”
Christian twisted his nose and looked down at your thighs, placing a hand on one of your knees to caress it. “You’re my main priority too…”
“I know, Christian… But I wish you wouldn’t start doubting me. You have nothing to be afraid of—”
“Hey, there you are—" you heard Seunghyun’s voice as he approached you both, but by the time you had turned your face, he was already focused on Christian, having his finger pointed towards him. “Is this the guy you’ve been raving about all night?”
“Yeah, that’s him,” you grinned. Although Christian looked at you, then to Seunghyun and back to you to figure out what exactly what was going on. To be polite himself, he reached out his hand to shake Seunghyun’s, but was taken by surprise when Seunghyun hugged him tightly, awkwardly patting his back twice. You snorted inwardly.
“Aw, man, Y/N has spoken about you non-stop since getting here,” Seunghyun exposed you, “talking about your work, where you’ve been. You’re really accomplished, dude.”
“Oh, um…” the awkwardness on Christian’s part continued, “thank you. I didn’t know Y/N spoke so highly of me…”
“Of course! I’d be proud as hell to have someone like you too! Hey, Y/N,” Seunghyun turned to you, “don’t let him go otherwise these other girls with grab him immediately.”
“I’ll fight them off, don’t you worry,” you joked, but you would really fight them. “And I’m not letting go of him anytime soon.”
“Good, otherwise I’ll take him,” you and Seunghyun laughed, all while Christian’s mood changed, beginning to feel flattered you’d speak of him so openly and positively. He also felt foolish for thinking your long conversation with Seunghyun would be anything more than just innocent talk. His cheeks began to heat up to indicate both sentiments.
“Hey, man,” Seunghyun spoke to Christian again, taking him out of his thoughts. “I didn’t know you directed a couple of videos for YG already. I visited Youngbae for Wake Me Up, I guess I didn’t see you, my bad, man.”
“Oh, don’t sweat it, I’m pretty lowkey on set anyway,” he said.
“You seem pretty lowkey here too, just sitting at the bar. Afterwards, you and Y/N can come to the Burning Sun, and I’ll have a table ready for you,” Seunghyun offered. “But no sitting on the wall.”
“Of course not,” Christian chuckled.
“Also, I’ll talk to YG to see if we can bring you on board for my next project, alright? I’d love to you have you on the team.”
“Just hit up DPR and we’ll definitely see what we can do.”
“Awesome, man,” Seunghyun grinned, gripping onto Christian’s shoulder amicably.
“Vi!” you all heard a female voice calling out for Seunghyun, your head turning in its direction.
Seunghyun hissed. “Sorry guys, entertainment calls. Sucks to be the host, huh?”
“Absolutely terrible,” you joked. “Wouldn’t want to be you.”
“Someone has to do it. See you later, guys.” You waved Seunghyun goodbye after he shook Christian’s hand one more time, leaving you two alone. While you were smug, and rightfully so, with your chin resting on your hand, elbow on the bar, Christian stewed in his embarrassment.
“Okay, I owe you an apology,” Christian admitted, getting up from his seat, holding your hand so you could do the same.
“Oh, I know you do, and I know you’re sorry,” you said grinning, “but I still want to hear you say it.”
“Yes, I am sorry.”
“For…” you wanted the specifics.
“For thinking that you were letting Seunghyun sweet talk you and doubting you.”
Christian sighed. “And for acting like a spoiled brat and giving you a cold shoulder.”
“And…” you were pushing it now and you knew it, but now it was just for fun.
“I’m sorry for… being… jealous…”
“Oh, I’m not too mad at you about that,” you propped his chin up with your index finger to raise his fallen face, stroking his hair softly. “I think it’s kind of cute.”
Now feeling that he was forgiven, Christian thought he was safe enough to embrace you, your shoulders instantly wrapping around his shoulders. He then pulled back to place a long but gentle kiss on your lips, when you reacted positively, he added more pressure.
“But don’t overdo it,” you warned him quickly, getting a quick response of ‘yeah, yeah’ just so he could return to kiss you, making you giggle. Then your body started to speak.
“As much as I’d like to take up Seunghyun’s offer,” you said pulling back, “can we eat first? I thought he’d be serving food here, so I didn’t eat anything.”
“We can do absolutely anything you want.” Christian looked down at you with bed eyes, raising his eyebrows repeatedly, as if he was trying to suggest something.
“So, eat,” you acted clueless to his insinuations, more focused on the fact that your stomach was now grumbling, and you couldn’t do anything on an empty stomach.
“I-I meant we could go—sure, let’s eat.”
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