#wow lace is posting about teen wangxian that never happens
layzeal · 2 years
the fact that teenji developed a crush on wei wuxian is so mortifying and embarrassing for him, not because wwx is someone embarrassing to have a crush on -- he was bright, popular, intelligent, crafty, handsome, charismatic, friendly, talented, etc etc. -- ANYONE who likes boys would've had a crush on him in highschool. but you see... lan wangji was supposed to be above that, ok? he's not just anyone, he won't be falling in love with popular boy #4 just like that. but then said boy also happens to be so incredibly annoying and insufferable but not in a mean way that it somehow loops right back around into making all the good things just irresistible to that poor repressed hormonal 15 year old. he stood no chance really
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