#wow onlu 7 paragraphs???? he deserves so much more
missbaphomet · 10 months
hi i've been drinking and i'm gonna rtant about astarion <3
i'm so fucking tired of bad takes about astarion and i've been meaning to so a character analysis for a while and i figured why not while i'm a lil tpsy for comedic effect.
so. asatarion. he's often mis represented as either a tiny smol uwu bean vistim or a irredeemable bad guy and tyhe truth is he's neither. He's traumatized and well written and a complex character and i don't tink enough of you have the media literacy to appreciate yhat tbh
this is already less coherent than I expected (didn't eat before drinking but i'm gonna roll with it) but this is meant mostly as funny hahas and not as a 100% serious deeps dive character analysis. also idk if it's alcohol in general or just tequila but i'm already starting to feel sober shich is annoying so i'm gonna drink more and then continues this postw
i've had another drink now so I'm back!!! anywya this is not going well BUT he's been traumatized for over 200 years sexually phyiscally and emotionally and he's had to adapt for the better and the worse. everything astarion does (at least in act 1 if u romance him) is for hs own protection and preservation. he acts this way because there's nothing more dangerous than letting someone truly know him bc that's just another avenue to be exploited and he doesn't want that!!!!!! he is scared shitless and thew fast he fgell in love with u while trying to seduce him is probably super goddamn scary tp him bc he hasnt had that in 200 YEARS!!!
PERSONALLY AT HIS CORE i DON'T THI NK HE'S A BAD guy he\s just scared and confused and hurting and he doesn't wanna let his guard down and that makes him more scared bc no one has bothered to know him in 200 years. my man is scared of being percieved.
AND DESPITE ALL OF THAT HE TRIED HIS BETS TO BE A GOOD PERSON IF THAT S WHAT YOU ENCOURAGE HIM TO DO!!!!!! He\s selfish and doesn't like to help others bc no one helped him bt that does not make him uncaring or cruel. he is not a good person but he's trying his best ok and it's hard but he does really well all things considered.
i fuckin forgot where I was goin with this and I'll b sure to write a coherent character analysis when I'm sober but fuck man. I love him so fucking much. my own trauma is super similar and i probably project on hi m a little too much bc of that but man he's my fuckin blorbo and I have so many thoughts and feelings that my lil heary cannot process when i'm tipsy. i love him so much. I give up trying to make a coherent point rn byt he\s my poor sping wet lil meow meow and i love him so so sos sos o much aaaaaaa
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