#wow that's good this piece really worded i liked xyz
zenithpng · 2 years
hi. writer/language arts moots. i need help :))
how on earth do you write a second draft.
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thehighfiveproject · 2 years
But what do I say?
Hello, fellow High Fivers. We hope your Treasure Hunt is going well! (If you missed the Treasure Hunt announcement, no worries: the card and rules and schedule and everything are all right here.)
This Challenge Mode edition of the High Five Project is all about COMMENTING. In your day to day fic reading, maybe this is something you do all the time -- and high five, way to appreciate your favorite fic writers! -- but if you're a little shy about it or don't know quite what to say, this post is for you.
For the Treasure Hunt, we want to be sure that authors are getting fun & interesting comments. We've seen a lot of those fun "but I want to leave as many kudos as possible!" posts, and that would be fun! But we want to do a little more with this project than "I have already left kudos here" -- and more than just a simple "Thanks!" or "Good job!", because that's a kudos in word form. Still fun, but -- let's do more! Let's think of some comment options to leave on our treasures.
The Light 'n' Easy
Keep it simple, keep it tight. Not just 'thanks!' or 'Extra kudos!', but...
I really loved reading this fic, thank you for writing it!
This is my favorite pairing and you wrote it just how I like it -- thank you!
What a great scenario, I felt like I was there! Thank you!
Short, thankful, to the point. You liked it! Tell 'em! Even one sentence shows the author that you appreciate the work.
I See What You Did There
Authors tend to work pretty hard on their stories and they have to make a lot of choices about what to put in, what to take out, how the arc and characterization and everything works. If you like something specific, feel free to be specific.
The way you wrote Mr Spock's characterization is amazing. I really love how you included Canon Storyline and made him say XYZ to Kirk.
The sex scene was AWESOME. I didn't know Kirk could bend that way, haha. I love this fic so much, thank you!
Wow, the plot was really interesting here! I wasn't expecting that twist at all. When Scotty fell out of the hot air balloon -- omg! Great story!
Still short, still simple, but you paid attention! You noticed! Authors love that kind of thing.
Words Are Magic
Did you like a particular line, or piece of dialogue, or even just how some adjectives worked? Tell the author! A quote and a simple explanation of how/why you liked it is a warm drink on a cold day.
Question Time
Feeling more advanced? Sometimes -- sometimes! -- authors are happy to answer questions about their work. We urge you to put in some additional commentary first so they don't feel like a reporter just put a mic into their face on the sidewalk. Tell them what you liked, tell them a line you loved, tell them you were into the bit where X or Y happened; then you might say, "What do you think Spock was hoping would happen when he told Kirk his uniform tears too easily?" The author might give you some special insight into their thought process!
These are just ideas to give you a place to start when you're on your commenting quest. You can use this excellent browser extension to make it easier to 'comment as you go' and not forget what you wanted to say -- you can leave a single appreciative sentence -- you can write whole paragraphs telling the author every single thing you dug about the fic. The most important thing is that you give the author their well-deserved high five.
Happy hunting! - 🖐
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finally watched Guardian (2018) and i need to talk
Warning: contains MASSIVE SPOILERS, probably too much music/song analysis, my poor translations from Chinese to English, and some references to the original novel (disclaimer: my novel-reading was mostly jumping around because i have a problem where I’m not fluent enough to read the original Chinese novel and I don’t usually like English translations)
1. the freakin opening theme: We Won’t Be Falling by Chen Xueran... (also I see you Tina Guo on the cello thank you queen)
the amount of chills i get every time an episode starts,,, fantastic! marvelous! the lyrics are very VERY apt to the story of Guardian, esp this drama adaptation
(“We are the one/We will be holding on/For the promise we held for life/For the people we love are leaving” ... “And the story will keep on going”)
1.1. the promise? may i direct you to novel chapter 75? 
Shen Wei: “Sometimes I think if one day you can remember everything, then I will be able to say to you: look, I did it, I did all that I had promised you; not one bit did I miss, not one word did I go back on.”
they promise to keep the peace, to protect both Haixing and Dixing; and in the show, it’s a promise they keep with their lives
2. Zhu Yilong plays THREE characters and is able to differentiate them perfectly with particular microexpressions
-Ye Zun (literally, “Respect the Night”; “Lord/Master of the Night” would be a better title) sets off my fight-or-flight instincts even though i think his name tries a little too hard to be edgy; the way he sneers, the smiles that don’t reach his eyes, also that infamous tongue flick when Zhao Yunlan sees through the act... i think it’s both great and sad that Yunlan could differentiate the twins because, why, Shen Wei would never be so openly flirtatious (and wear a deep-cut shirt like that lol)... the delivery of “Xiao Yunlan” disturbed me so much—wonderful, stellar acting
-Black Cloaked Envoy: does his best to bend the rules where he can for the Dixingren because he’s just so fundamentally GOOD; he’s empathetic despite how stern and strict he seems to be, and how much he claims to enforce the clearly-cut laws... he’s an absolute babie ten thousand years ago (Yunlan, doesn’t it hurt your conscience to flirt with such a babie?)
-Shen Wei: in the novel, his name (both surname and first name) are given to him by Kun Lun’s incarnations—there’s a lot of power in naming something, in naming someone; he’s good-natured and gentle, always polite... he pushes up the glasses [that he doesn’t need] a lot, perhaps because he’s used to pushing up his mask as the Envoy
2.1. i find it very striking that Shen Wei dies without his glasses; he doesn’t die as the Envoy, he doesn’t die as the Professor; he dies as a person, as the person who loves Yunlan the most and has loved Yunlan for ten thousand years
2.2. the other notable moments we see Shen Wei without his glasses are where he apologizes to Yunlan [and Yunlan apologizes at the same time because they’re pining idiots] for not noticing the camera in his office, where he sets aside all his pride as Envoy and Professor and kneels in the rain for the man he loves (lwj kneeling after visiting the Burial Mounds, yea?), and of course after he slices up an orange [cuz food = love] only to find Yunlan asleep and drapes his jacket over the silly silly man... anyway, Yunlan is indeed the only person Shen Wei is comfortable enough to reveal everything to, all defenses and masks (literal and figurative) lowered
2.3. that last instance (ep 26) is when Shen Wei pulls out his necklace and reminisces as he gazes fondly at Yunlan; the song that plays during this is 《乱心曲》or “Chaotic Heart Song”... may I direct you to novel chapter 65 where Yunlan finds all the paintings and pictures his Xiao Wei has kept from the centuries?
“邓林之阴初见昆仑君,惊鸿一瞥,乱我心曲。” which translates to “In the shade of the woods I first saw Kunlun-jun; a glimpse of his grace wrought chaos in my heart’s song”
2.4. but also let’s not forget the [in]famous cut wrist scene of ep 23, where our dear Shen Wei, without glasses, as a person who loves Yunlan—not the aloof Envoy or the well-spoken Professor—is reduced to two words: “Worth it.” Yunlan is worth everything to him; this goes without question, without a second thought. Kun Lun (Yunlan) told him not to regret whatever decisions he’ll make, and Ye Zun scolds and laughs at his brother for giving up his life for a human/Haixingren, but of course Shen Wei doesn’t regret dying to protect Yunlan, dying to protect Haixing. (also, peep the behind-the-scenes where Shen Wei grabs Yunlan’s hand for a moment as he blocks the attack from Ye Zun)
2.5. on this same train of thought, Da Qing brings up a line from ten thousand years ago where Shen Wei claimed he would never kill unless it was for the world... and, well, he kills for Yunlan doesn’t he?
3. Bai Yu plays our charismatic Chief Zhao Yunlan/Kun Lun and hoo boy does he do an excellent job; the found family vibes of the SIU are spectacular and the way he flirts with tries to recruit Professor Shen is endearing and touching
3.1. there’s another piece from the OST called 《一点真心》, translated to “A Little Sincerity” though I would use “A Bit of a Sincere Heart” because it too references the novel
Kun Lun’s confession to Xiao Wei: “我富有天下名山大川,想起来也没什么稀奇的,不过就是一堆烂石头野河水,浑身上下,大概也就只有这几分真心能上秤卖上两斤,你要?拿去。” [I’m rich with famed mountains and endless rivers under heaven, but none of it feels rare when I think about it. It’s all just a pile of broken stones and uncultivated streams. From head to toe, there is probably only this bit of my sincere heart that is worth anything weighed on a scale. You want it? Take it.]
Zhao Yunlan’s confession to Shen Wei: “我别的东西也有,只是你可能大多都看不上,只有这一点真心……你要是不接着,那就算了吧。” [I have other things, only you probably would not think much of them. There’s only this bit of my sincere heart... If you don’t want to catch it, then forget it.)
And Shen Wei’s reply to Yunlan’s confession is of course “我接住了。” [I’ve caught it.]
3.2. the novel is a happy ending because Xiao Guo’s important role actually plays a part (i literally don’t understand why the show couldn’t do that after they built up so many expectations about his good character/merit/inability to be corrupted but ANYWAY)... Shen Wei, Xiao Wei, the little Ghost King has a soul and wow isn’t that just beautiful after everything he did to become worthy/deserving of Kun Lun’s attention and love
4. the Zhang Ruonnan and Wang Yike (death-touch Dixingren) case in ep 3 is an obvious parallel to the “brotherly” relationship of WeiLan... Shen Wei’s line of “Many tragedies were destined from the start” references the show of course but also the paradoxical precognition that marks the drama version of WeiLan; in both of their “first meetings”, one of them was always already in love with the other—Yunlan, as Kun Lun, knew he would have to return to his own time at some point and thus doom this impressionable young Envoy to ten thousand years of waiting and Shen Wei (honestly in a Code Geass Lelouch kinda style) knew he would have to die to defeat his brother
4.1. the importance of “touch” in this case alludes to novel WeiLan, where of course Shen Wei watched over all of Kun Lun’s incarnations but wasn’t allowed to get close to him because hungry ghosts would inevitably devour the essence of the people around them; similarly Yike was terrified of touching Ruonnan all this time... but Ruonnan accepted her (just like how novel Kun Lun lets this intriguing little Ghost King trail after him)
4.2. speaking of Shen Wei’s grand plans and the idea of “knowing”, Yunlan reminds him that “You are not a weapon/blade, you are a person.” and wow once again, only Yunlan can pull the humanity from Shen Wei, who has carefully crafted his disguise and personality to fit what people expect of the Envoy and the Professor... but alas, Shen Wei fulfills his promise by in fact making himself a weapon; he poisons himself to become a bomb that will take down his brother
4.3. as many qualms and complaints as I have with Chinese censorship, much in the case of WangXian, i think i prefer the drama version of WeiLan to the novel version; the plot of the Guardian novel is a lot better in my opinion (with references to mythology and legends, as opposed to, what, aliens?? mutants from X-Men? quirks in My Hero Academia??) and yea the relationship of Kun Lun with Xiao Wei is built up a lot better and makes more sense than the time-travel of Yunlan masquerading as Kun Lun with Shen Wei... but there’s an unadulterated, unconditional kind of love that runs through the drama, whereas the novel had some darker (though probably more realistic) vibes of near-possessiveness and ulterior motives... Kun Lun/Yunlan in the novel can be, well, cruel, which is not necessarily out of character; it’s just seems a little wrong to me that you could threaten your partner in a relationship (if you keep things from me again, i really will turn against you + had i known xyz would happen, i really should have killed you)... plus i’m always a sucker for love without an “i love you”, a love that’s conveyed entirely through actions and gazes
5. Yunlan asks Zhou Weiwei (the mirror case) where her jacket was bought because he “wants to get one for [his] girlfriend” and lo and behold, what similarly-styled and colored coat does our Shen Wei show up in a few episodes later? (also the fact that Shen Wei dies wearing this jade-ish-blue-ish coat)
6. boyfriend jacket during the Moutain-River Awl case... boyfriend jacket!!!! Shen Wei claims he doesn’t need it and well he still wears it anyway because Yunlan’s love is unstoppable
6.1. the way Shen Wei grabs Yunlan’s elbow before running down the hill
6.2. Shen Wei being so freaking fine-tuned to Yunlan’s discomfort/pain as always that he drinks wine for him (and passes out immediately—heroics/bde of yllz! wwx and the alcohol tolerance of our dear lwj)
6.2.1. when Minister Gao brings up Yunlan’s dad and the Chief’s hands tighten... and of course nothing can go by Shen Wei, so he changes the topic of the conversation; also the way he leans forward as if to shield Yunlan
6.2.2. Yunlan is similarly Aware of his boyfriend’s boundaries; cue him politely excusing themselves from the dinner with Vice-Minister Guo when Shen Wei (of all people!) fumbles with his chopsticks
6.2.3. Yunlan also blocks Shen Wei from Minister Gao’s sight (subconsciously?) after that wedding showdown... even though he’s unhappy that Shen Wei has kept the identity of the Envoy from him, he trusts the other man enough to recognize there must be a reason; thus he doesn’t want other people to pry into the possibility that Shen Wei is a Dixingren
6.3. also, also that Shen Wei lets Yunlan have his way and use him as a pillow in the car once again (he also adjusts the actual pillow beneath Yunlan’s head to make it more comfortable)
6.3.1 the other Shen-Wei-is-Yunlan’s-pillow scene is when the professor picks up the poor hurting Chief off the road and in the taxi ride home... apparently this was an improvised scene from Bai Yu who just wanted to mess with Long-ge and our great Zhu Yilong just stayed in character and ran with it
6.3.2. the other notable improvised scene is the cute “Black Cloaked gege~ please be careful~ there’s someone is waiting for you at home~” [sorry that i don’t remember the exact line] but once again our great leading actors just stay perfectly in character
6.4. after Shen Wei wakes up from a night of being drunk (lol) Yunlan has left a note for him “I’ve gone back first, stay in touch. -Zhao” and what’s that on the corner of the note? why it’s a winky face
7. when Yunlan grabs the fake Zhang Danni’s wrist to confirm his suspicions, Shen Wei narrows his eyes... (lol is our Black Cloaked gege jealous)
8. when Yunlan claims he can swallow the painkillers dry, Shen Wei clenches his jaw in his anger at this idiot of a man for not taking better care of himself... you’ll find that a lot of Shen Wei’s anger is directed toward his husband being a self-sacrificial fool
8.1. after Yunlan uses the Hallows again and his nose begins to bleed, Zhu Yilong in all his acting glory has Shen Wei furious to the point that his lips tremble (cue Shen Wei angrily shoving a handkerchief into his husband’s face) [i really want to know if they ever broke character during this scene due to their proximity lol]
8.1.1. Shen Wei all but invades Yunlan’s personal space (he really does stand there between Yunlan’s legs guys) and he’s so careful even though he’s angry as he tries to stop the nosebleed; he’s aware the force might tip Yunlan backwards, so he immediately rests his hands on Yunlan’s thighs/knees to steady him
9. Yunlan has claimed that he doesn’t do things for the sake of gaining anything in return and yet every time he’s wanted things from dear Shen Wei... “take off your mask and smile for me”, “join the SID”... the sexual tension is Unreal during these scenes lol, you can see Shen Wei swallow visibly in anticipation + babie Shen Wei of ten thousand years prior all but chokes on his words when he promises to do ANYTHING Kun Lun wants him to do (honey where is your mind GOING???)
9.1. Bai Yu does have a bruise on his knee after the scene where Yunlan asks Shen Wei for something... dunno if it’s the actor’s bruise or the character’s bruise, but if it’s the character’s bruise—how did he get it? what exactly did WeiLan do that evening lol
9.2. also peep the fact that Yunlan almost always has a lollipop in his mouth when talking to Shen Wei... oral fixation much? (also the whole sequence where he tries to explain how to eat a lollipop to babie Shen Wei, wow the amount of homoerotic tension)
9.3. babie Shen Wei’s ears and cheeks are SO RED when Yunlan snatches the mask off his face
10. Yunlan’s hairstyle changes after Shen Wei joins the SIU (joins his family), much like how a bride would change her hairstyle after marriage in China ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (random note but CQL WangXian does this too when lwj puts his hair down/styled over the front of his shoulders when wwx wakes up 16 years later)
11. the first time we see Shen Wei spit up blood, there’s an echo of “Xiao Wei” faintly and Shen Wei mutters to himself “Xiao Lan” before looking up and saying louder “Zhao Yunlan” (nicknames/pet names/names only your family or lover can call you... this trope is good)
11.1. i also think a lot about how in the novel Kun Lun muses before he dies that it’s a shame he won’t see this Little Beauty [Xiao Wei] grow up to be a Great Beauty 
12. Shen Wei’s funny little eyebrow raise when Yunlan accidentally reveals he broke into the professor’s apartment once ( “riiiiiiiiight i definitely believe you”)
12.1. though the ep 23 scene is angsty, the fact Yunlan says “It’s the middle of the night, were you hungry?” seems to imply their relationship is a lot closer than just neighbors... they’re probably used to sharing an apartment/room at this point :)
13. when Yunlan is hurt, Zhu Hong looks to him but he only has eyes for Shen Wei
13.1. after Yunlan is blinded, Zhu Hong is the one cradling him but he calls for Shen Wei first and reaches for his hand; Shen Wei of course responds immediately “it’s me”
13.1.1. both times after Yunlan gets his eyesight back, the first thing he sees is the person who loves him the most
14. Shen Wei warms up the congee in the morning with his magic after he watches over Yunlan when his stomach pain acts up (domestic use of magic? yes please)
15. the bomb defusing scene in the hospital (video game -> reality case) really is framed like a wedding proposal... also the way that Shen Wei smirks lol he’s so proud of his husband
16. after his Envoy identity is revealed, Shen Wei all but abuses his Black Cloaked Envoy voice to stop his stupid husband from doing stupid things that will hurt himself and every time Yunlan is properly sh00k by it
16.1. we really go from Chief Zhao remarking in the Mountain-River Awl case that he’s used to ordering people around, not receiving orders to married bickering with Shen Wei to then agreeing to everything Shen Wei tells him to do
17. the fact that “Shen Wei, ah, Shen Wei... You are such a good person, how could I bear to let you go?” is an actual line from the censored DRAMA astounds me, nevermind that Shen Wei just made breakfast for his man and Yunlan is basically pouting up at him from the bed
17.1. the way Yunlan’s dad warns him to stay away from Shen Wei and Yunlan responds with something like “he’s sincerely good to me, I want to be with him”... “be with him”???? [inhales deeply] yea this is definitely a “brotherly relationship”
18. Yunlan’s “WOW” after the Envoy kills the monsters in the cave of the Mountain-River Awl case is hilarious and i dont understand how such a noise is physically possible,,, it sounds like a growl?????
18.1. Zhu Yilong was asked to mimic it during an interview (which he did not do and only half-heartedly gave a “wow”) and then Bai Yu did it again
19. also i inevitably got attached to the side ship of Lao Chu and Xiao Guo... they have so much skinship for a censored “brotherly relationship” lmao
the amount of face-touching and hand-holding that they do is unreal... they’re more canon than WeiLan in the drama adaptation methinks 
20. 《时间飞行》or “Flying Across Time” sounds like Yunlan’s reply to Shen Wei’s《只是太在意》or “Just Cared Too Much”
20.1. the lyrics of both these songs really cements this idea that both of WeiLan believe the other to be too good... Kun Lun was a god in the novel, and Xiao Wei was just a soulless little Ghost King... and then we have the incorrigible Chief Zhao pining after the beautiful and kind Professor Shen... i just have a lot of feelings about them becoming better people for each other, that their love really does make each other stronger
21. my favorite two pieces from the OST are Shen Wei’s theme (arranged by Kun Luo) and Kun Lun’s theme (arranged by Chen Xueran)
head’s up: it’s been like four years since i last even glanced at music theory so a lot of this might just make no sense to an actual professional
-Shen Wei: written in 4/4 time, Ab Major, melody is primarily carried by piano + strings; the piano almost sticks exclusively to triplets whereas the strings are in steady whole, quarter, and eighth notes—which creates in interesting impressionistic effect, kind of like hazy smoke or the ripples across the surface of a lake; every single measure uses decrescendo, so the first triplet is always the loudest and the three that follow get progressively softer (mimicking an echo)... the piece ends on the seventh note of the scale, which is usually a pretty awkward place to end and yet it doesn’t feel wrong it all; the piece uses a ritardando in the last three measures, and we simply drift off with that last G... i think it’s a beautifully written piece that perfectly portrays such a complex character as Shen Wei, someone who loved with everything he had, and was just so overwhelmingly good... and then he simply disappears as if the dream has ended. it makes me think of how he guarded over Kun Lun/Zhao Yunlan for thousands of years in the novel, never ever ever daring to meet him... and yet the other man always felt like he was waiting for someone
-Kun Lun: written in 3/4 time, a minor, there’s no real complex shift in the melody although there’s brief modulation into E major (dominant/fifth note); it’s a fairly somber piece, especially when the strings join in... it’s a steady waltz, and it finishes with the scale (second to last major is g, last major is a), like a circle coming back around [like their love story perhaps?]... there’s a finality to it, a completeness, a wholeness, which makes sense in the drama-verse because the moment Yunlan takes up the name of Kun Lun is when his love story with Shen Wei all fits together. the piece feels a little lonely in its minor key and all, a little sad, indeed as if you were standing at the top of a mountain surrounded by clouds and mist... the constant meter also reminds me of like the steady drip of water, the perpetual and inevitable passage of the days and time
-i don’t really understand how because the keys of the two pieces don’t fit together easily, but somehow it doesn’t feel wrong to play the pieces back to back; the melodies of both seem to call upon each other despite the differences in key and time signature, so it actually feels right. a circle without a beginning or an ending, wouldn’t you want your love to be so infinite?
-when yunlan finds shen wei in their bubble outside of time, when shen wei is about to leave him, shen wei is wearing the outfit of their first meeting. and the lyrics go “Across time, I am in the same place”... surely, they will find each other again.
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icarus-suraki · 4 years
12, 46, 119 :)
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
In no particular order...
The Banjo Beat Yeah, I know it's a meme staple, but it's got the kind of sound I love and how cool would a bellydance choreography look to this?
Little Dark Age (slowed) Yes, I first heard this in one of the Angels & Demons tiktok compilations and I loved it, shut up. I love the 80s goth energy in the video too. Like, it just hits the spot, you know?
Tick.Tock.Magical.Idol.Time  Because sometimes you just gotta find a happy place, okay? If there's ever a lipsynch or idol show at a convention, this is gonna be what I perform in my cute cyclops kigurumi mask. Absolutely. (The Pripara animes got me through a very long winter a few years ago. I'd literally get up earlier than I needed so I could see the latest clips after a new episode aired before I went to work lol. And, yes, I love Yui, but Lalaa is best girl. They get to perform together, though.)
Lots of Zenbukimi and Not Secured,Loose Ends songs lately. I'll throw these here for an example: "Loud Asymmetry" and "独白園" ["Garden Monologue" or "Monologue Garden"?]. I have a whole YT playlist, lol. I'm kind of fascinated by the whole "underground idol" phenomenon and the CodomoMental label groups because they're both idols and anti-idols, which is kind of an interesting conflict within "idol-style" music in Japan...
Superman This is what I use for my alarm every morning in the hopes that high energy ska-punk will make me get up. It doesn't always work, but I like the song anyway. I've been on a real ska and ska-punk streak lately.
46. What are you paranoid about?
On the one hand, as a Thomas Pynchon fan, who has major themes of paranoia in, uh, all of his books, I have to laugh. But, at the same time, I'm so much less paranoid than I used to be. I put this down to my medications. In the past, wow, I've been paranoid about, uh, everything?
I think I'm kind of weak willed because any kind of "world's gonna end on x date" thing would send me into multi-day panic attacks. Nostradamus, obscure and dubious prophecies, biblical interpretations, Book of Revelations, political stuff, anything. I'd find myself believing all kinds of irrational things but not feeling like I could do anything about it (I mention this in particular because it’s markedly different from the Q-Anon fandom that is determined to Do Something about what they believe is happening; I felt informed but helpless, like there was an air raid siren blaring but nowhere to go and no shelter to be had, only inevitable destruction needling down from the clear blue sky). Like, all these terrible things are going to happen to us all and there's nothing we can do about it. Biblical stuff would always set me off in a major, major way. I'm rather proud I can shake off all the people talking about microchips in vaccines because a few years ago I would have been panicking about whether that was true and what the ramifications would be because, obviously, there was no way to get out of this inevitable fate or possible damnation and maybe it was the Mark of the Beast so what does that mean? Are there going to be people starving outside grocery stores now? Was xyz event really a sign? How much are we going to suffer??? What if I'm not good enough for God?????? Lots of religious anxiety in my past, as you can see. And some still, to be honest.
Yeah, it sucked. Glad I got most of that anxiety sorted before 2020 lol. (I sometimes think I could use a bit of anxiety because now I'll do dumb shit without fear because, eh, who cares? So I may have swung too far in the opposite direction.)
119. Favourite book? It's a three-way tie, baybee!
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: I wrote a bang-up college admissions essay on this book and why it's not actually about censorship (as is usually but incorrectly taught) but rather about a disinterest in books/reading or an anxiety about the intense emotions that reading can bring out in the reader and I want to major in English so please let me come to your school to do that. And, guess what? They did. I read this book and then I felt feverish for, like, a week after. That's how hard it hit me, especially surrounded by high school classmates who really didn't care about school or reading or anything. It was like "fuck, this is too close to possible!" Anyway, it's still not about censorship.
Ulysses by James Joyce: This book, this thing, has such a reputation of being Evil and Dirty. So I read it. Fuck it, why not? Actually, I had been assigned some stories out of Dubliners to read over the Thanksgiving break my freshman year and I was kind of like "why the fuck did no one ever tell me to read these before now?" So I went and read Portrait of the Artist. N.B.: I think I was ~18 or 19 at the time and that thing hit me like not just a ton of bricks but about six tons of bricks. Like, I know I'm part of the .05% of people who actually like The Catcher in the Rye, but I think that's because I read it when I was ~15 or 16, because I was the ideal age and in the ideal mindset to read it. (The older I get, the more I identify with Holden's teacher, Mr. Spencer, who essentially tells Holden that if you can just hang on, I promise it gets better and you can do the shit you want really soon. But I also know how badly that would have gone over with my 16 year-old self, so...) So, anyway, in internet parlance, I realized I was kin with Stephen Dedalus, right? The only natural next step after PotA was Ulysses, since that picks up after PotA, so I just jumped into that with a copy from the used bookstore and separate annotation book from my school's library. And, o my fuck, Jim, you fucko, how did you do this? Like "I'm gonna create so many references and so many layers that you're going to have fun picking at this for years." And he was right! I have never been to Dublin but I can navigate the older parts of the city thanks to this dirty, profane, vulgar, obscene piece of literature lmao. I finished it the first time when I was almost 22, Stephen's age in the book. I went to Europe that summer, 2004, which was 100 years after the events in the book (1904) and intended to play at being Stephen, but that shit did not work out as planned and ended up being more accurate to canon than expected: i.e. everything was terrible and I suffered very artistically. I had planned on going to Ireland this year, because I turned 38 this year, Leopold Bloom's age in the book. 2020 wasn't having it. So maybe 2021? Or maybe 2022, the anniversary of its publication. This thing hangs in the background for me constantly and it's like the most amazing running joke in my life. I dressed up as Stephen for Halloween in 2004 too. Just sayin’.
Gravity's Rainbow: When I was working at a major chain bookstore immediately after college, it was retail hell and I was extremely depressed and everything sucked. I had no direction, no plan, no nothing. I kind of wanted to go get a PhD in English, though. So I started using my employee's discount to buy and read all the books that everyone seemed to talk about but had never read. Among those was Gravity's Rainbow, which was a title that intrigued me but I had no idea what it was "about." And saying what it's "about" isn't all that easy but that's kind of not the point. Just know that it's a dirty little book about sex and rockets. The point is the fuckery that our boy Tom Pynchon does with words and language and imagery and little winking references to things. I fucking love it. It's like, yeah. It's set during World War II and immediately after and it's bonkers and the author wrote most of it while very, very high. I went on and read the rest of his books (The Crying of Lot 49 is pretty much tied with GR for my affections; I would cosplay a theatrical interpretation of a Tristero courier if I ever had the opportunity) and bought Against the Day literally on the day it came out because I had become that much of a dork. (I also read Finnegans Wake about this time, which I also really love, a fact which really unsettles some people.)
Why can’t I be normal? I have no idea. I blame my past and my proclivities. 
Ask me stuff! Put question in, get blathering out!
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mybookplacenet · 5 years
Featured Author Interview: Rob Shackleford
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Tell us about yourself and your books.: Hi, My name is Rob Shackleford and I live on the Gold Coast in Australia with Deborah-Jane, my partner. We each have a son and a daughter and, because they are living away from home and have not yet decided to have kids, we are in that sweet spot in time when we can, and do, travel when we can. I have written a few books but I have only one, Traveller Inceptio, that is published so far. Traveller Inceptio is a blend of Science Fiction and Historical Fiction which examines what could really happen if we placed 21st Century researchers into 11th Century Saxon England. If you were placed there, would you survive? How do you think you would fare with the food, the clothes, the language or the superstitions? What about the lack of law and order and the threat of violence? My inspiration came after I was ripped off by a dishonest business partner and I sat on the beach and was forced to look at my options. While there I looked at the buildings around me and imagined what the location would look like 100 years in the past, then 200 years when white explorers first arrived, then 1000 years ago. A story began to form, which became Traveller Inceptio. Inceptio means "Beginning" in Latin, the religious language spoken in the time. I had to add that part of the title because, have you seen how many books there are with the title, 'Traveller'? Dozens! Do you have any unusual writing habits? I generally write in the morning. If I have a flash of inspiration, that means I can get up as early as 4am. After a few hours we go for a walk and a coffee. By midday I gym and then sometimes play the Play Station while I think about my research or seek inspiration while I am killing zombies or whatever. I do research a lot! With Traveller Inceptio I lacked the confidence to write so I thoroughly researched for about a year before I dared write anything. I live in terror of having wrong information, of a historian saying - "Oh, this is rubbish because xyz!" My local library banned me at one stage as I had a really good book on Saxon history out for 6 months. The most unusual thing is how sometimes I can write and it doesn't feel like I am writing, where the story develops in ways I had not anticipated, where I go, "Wow! I didn't know that was going to happen!" What authors have influenced you? There are so many! I admire the beautiful descriptive writing of 'The Life of Pi's Yann Martel, 'Shantaram's Gregory David Roberts, or Colleen McCullough's superb series of novels on Rome. I love brilliant imagination and the ability to story-tell as shown in the warped imagination of Steven King, Tolkien and even the simplicity of 'The Martian's Andy Weir. I am also astounded by the pure brilliance of the research undertaken by historian Simon Sebag Montfiore and his range of excellent novels, and of course Bernard Cornwell. Last but not least I adore the Science Fiction greats - Arthur C Clarke, Frank Herbert, Robert Heinlein, Greg Bear and so many others who make our imaginations soar beyond the stars. And these are but a few. I will post this and then say - "How could I have forgotten ...?" Do you have any advice for new authors? 1. Persist. I heard a cheesy saying from an author I can't recall, which goes: "The successful Author is the one who persisted." Take some hope in that most authors have had to scarper naked through the valley of death. 2. Being an author is about being commercially viable. Modern publishers want to make money off you, web sites want to make money off you, the various nebulous publishing services do too. Be judicious about where you spend your money and understand this is a business like the music industry. In the end you will have to watch out! 3. Be true to yourself. You work is your work, but also accept that sometimes a suggestion might be good for you. The first time I had Traveller Inceptio edited it was by a grumpy old bastard of an Englishman who tore off my arm and beat me over the head with it. Thanks to his bemoaning of my abilities I was compelled to relook at what was written, removed some chapters, cut the length of my manuscript, and essentially was forced to concede that I had a lot to learn. He also hated one of my characters as it reminded him of a kid who bullied him when he was at school, which was brilliant! It meant my character development touched a chord in him, even though it might have been negative. 4. Each literary masterpiece started with the first written word. Start your work and don't be too hard on yourself. Let the work emerge when it will, but write something! It is easier to edit than to make the first utterance. Good luck and have fun!! What is the best advice you have ever heard? Don't believe everything you think! What are you reading now? I am about to embark on a journey in India, so I am reading "The Story of India" by Michael Wood while delving into the darkly realistic world view of Chris Hedges in his brilliant "America - The Farewell Tour." What's your biggest weakness? I have a tendency to self-criticism / self deprecation that can lead to negativity when it concerns me. Perhaps not the smartest weakness for a self-motivated author. What is your favorite book of all time? No fair! I like too many books to make such a distinction. Some fav's are "Dune" by Frank Herbert, The Harry Potter Books, The Lord of the Rings set. What has inspired you and your writing style? I do like books that have me engrossed in the world the author creates. As I am a lover of History and Science Fiction, it perhaps was logical that I would find joy in blending the genres. But I don't have a calculated, premeditated style where the story is already know. The first draft of my books is essentially a story I am telling. The frequent rewrites then allow me to better define my language and the imagery I hope allows the reader to become immersed into the universe I have created. My inspiration can be attributed in part to the great authors I read and to my love of the topic on hand. What are you working on now? Traveller Inceptio lends itself to a sequel, so I have completed Traveller Probo - to Prove - which delves more into the political machinations that would eventuate in the world with the Transporter - the device that allows researchers to be sent back 1000 years. there are more locations, some of the old characters, and what I believe would be the logical continuation of the story. Traveller Probo has been polished to be worthy of an editor, while part 3 - Traveller Manifesto - is the conclusion (!?) and is also under final review by me. I have also written a couple of novels that are not part of the Traveller universe which are under review and edit. What is your method for promoting your work? I have a Publisher - Austin Macauley - and to a certain extent I rely on their promotion of my work. Alas, modern publishing also relies on the efforts of the author, so I am compelled to engage in Social Media, where I must engage daily in Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter and Pinterest. Perhaps most beneficial is my engagement with almost 1000 literary bloggers in whom I have trusted to review Traveller Inceptio. That has been an interest process of highs and lows, for no work will satisfy everyone who agrees to review it. Yes, there have been tears, but I have also received validation that my work is good enough to withstand commercial scrutiny. Next step: Looking for a Literary Agent! What's next for you as a writer? Next is the commercially positive outcome for Traveller Inceptio that will allow the publication of Book 2 - Traveller Probo. Meanwhile I will continue to market, engage in book signings, and write. I am not sure of there is room for a 4th Traveller novel - I am thinking a set of short stories from the universe - so I will analyse that while I engage in other projects. How well do you work under pressure? I place myself under pressure but prefer the pressure not to be external. In the creative field of literary writing / storytelling I prefer to let myself be the taskmaster. The best motivation for me would be to be assured my work would receive a welcome review. How do you decide what tone to use with a particular piece of writing? I try to be realistic in my tone - which means the tone would vary with the circumstances. Most humans tend to have a sense of humor, so the most serious of circumstance could have the note of light-hearted banter. In times of fear, violence, or despair the tone becomes shorter and sharper, for the human mind has little need or patience for frivolity. These moments are reflected in my mood and I find I become upset and even angry when faced with violence, especially against women. Author Websites and Profiles Rob Shackleford Website Rob Shackleford Amazon Profile Rob Shackleford's Social Media Links Facebook Profile Twitter Account Instagram Account Pinterest Account YouTube Account Read the full article
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5 Surprising Facts No One Tell You About Eating Gluten Free
New blog post! I like to say that when celiac disease joined the family, I got several new birthdays as well. My date of diagnosis in May, which is, ironically enough, Celiac Awareness Month. And now National Gluten Free Day.
So no day seemed more fitting than today to share a post I've been contemplating for awhile: the secrets about eating gluten free that you don't realize until you're a few years in. 
Do you know everything about eating gluten free? Find out by learning 5 facts no one tells you about eating gluten free!
1. Your taste buds will change. 
Now, I'm not saying that after hating strawberries for 20 years, you'll go gluten free and suddenly crave pints of strawberry ice cream. However, I'm still amazed my how much my taste buds have adapted to gluten free products. 
For instance, a few weeks after I was diagnosed, my family had a craving for chocolate chip cookies so we decided to experiment with King Arthur's cookie mix. Our conclusion? They were OK...but definitely nothing to write home (or the blog) about. Flash forward two years and my mom ended up using the same cookie mix (without realizing at the time). Those treats disappeared within days, and we couldn't stop raving about how sweet and chewy they tasted - and how they didn't have the funky aftertaste gluten free baked goods are often known for. 
Basically, the old saying, "Out of sight, out of mind" gets a gluten free update of "Out of mouth, out of mind" to describe changing taste buds. After not tasting "normal" chocolate chip cookies for 2+ years, my mom and I could no longer compare these GF cookies to our precious gluten-filled favorites. And when gluten was out of the running, these GF cookies easily took the win! 
I also learned nice cream always makes cookies better!
What does that mean for you? Basically, eating gluten free gets better with time. Your taste buds will forget what gluten tastes like (though, full disclosure, you may still have gluten cravings from time to time) and you'll be able to discover how good gluten free can taste. 
2. Just because a food is gluten free doesn't mean it will agree with your stomach. 
As a celiac, I'm often hit with a variety of worried questions when my stomach throws me for a loop: Was it gluten? Or just an upset stomach? Or something else? Web MD has nothing on my brutal self analysis! 
However, if you don't feel 100% awesome even while following a strict, cross-contamination-free gluten free diet, you aren't crazy. One of the challenges of gluten free baking and cooking is that, without wheat, chefs need to experiment with different, unique ingredient substitutes. These can include products like xanthan gum, psyllium husk, flax seeds, and so much more.
While these ingredients are great in that they can keep your gluten free muffin from baking like a hockey puck, people can also experience intolerances to these ingredients - intolerances that often surprise them because they've been living for XYZ years and "never had a problem." However, they might have never eaten these ingredients (at all or on such a wide scale) before going gluten free! 
All the questions...
My biggest piece of advice? Follow your gut. The feeling that something was wrong may have been what led to your celiac diagnosis, and that feeling could help you feel healthier on a gluten free diet. People who eat gluten probably don't love every single gluten-containing product or meal. Gluten free eaters have the same right! 
3. Eating gluten free can be as simple or as complex as you want - and no celiac's diet is exactly the same. 
I still remember the mixed emotions when I got that phone call from my doctor: Yay! I'm not crazy and something really is wrong with me. But a gluten free diet? What even is gluten? 
The truth is, entirely transforming your diet is hard. While time has made following a strict GF diet easier, there are still moments where I hate how "complicated" my eating has to be. Really, though, eating gluten free can be as easy or as complex as you want/need. 
What am I talking about? Let's say that you don't know how to cook that much, you have a busy job and you have a large family to take care of. Food is the last thing on your mind. You can still eat the diet your body needs, though, by following KISS: keep it simple, stupid. Rely on naturally gluten free foods like brown rice, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy (while watching out for cross contamination). Use pre-made meals from companies like Udi's or processed products like Tinkyada rice pasta. Your diet doesn't have to be any more high-maintenance than that. 
No gluten, no problem.
On the other hand, maybe you're a foodie whose crushed at the thought of needing to follow a limited diet. All you have to do is avoid gluten - everything else is fair game! You can make anything from comfort foods like chicken pot pie to homemade granola to fancy sauces to unique twists on old favorite foods (like an enchilada-stuffed spaghetti squash). When people ask what you can eat on a GF diet, you can honestly answer: "Anything - as long as it's gluten free." 
The choice of what your GF diet looks like is entirely in your control. My mom and I are both gluten free, but are daily meals look very different. I start the day off with a big smoothie; she prefers buckwheat flakes with a little banana and honey. She eats a sandwich every day; I rarely eat bread. Neither diet is "better" than the other - you just need to find the unique combination that works for you! 
4. You need to be more aware of nutritional risks, like vitamin deficiencies or arsenic poisoning. 
You've probably heard the old saying, "You are what you eat." When it comes to a gluten free diet, this phrase means you need to pay extra attention to what fills your plate every day. The truth is, gluten free definitely doesn't equate with "healthier" or "free of bad ingredients." In fact, gluten free foods often have more sugar, sodium and calories than their gluten-filled counterparts. Not only that, but many gluten free products aren't fortified with nutrients (like folic aid and iron), which means you may have to work harder to get all of the vitamins you need.
As crazy as it sounds, you also need to watch your arsenic levels. After all, when you scan the ingredients of your favorite gluten free cereal, bread or baked good, what word often pops up? Rice. And that rice can add up fast: a 2014 study found that men and women with celiac disease had arsenic levels almost ten times higher than the suggested amount.
See the main ingredient in both of those cereals?
Before you start analyzing everything you eat, though, remember that all of these risks are relative. Only you know how much rice-containing products you actually eat or whether you enjoy a balanced (and nutrition-packed) diet. Need some tips for success? Embrace naturally gluten free foods (like the ones I listed earlier), read your product labels to check for added vitamins, and be aware of how much rice you're eating - or how little vitamins you're getting. You're as healthy as you're willing to work for.
5. A gluten free diet can be just as delicious as a "normal" diet...once you find the right brands and products. 
Okay, maybe some kind soul did tell you this. Maybe it was the nutritionist who met with you at the hospital, or maybe it was your mother, comforting you as everyone else enjoyed Papa John's. However, it may take some time and experimentation for you to believe this piece of wisdom - but I can attest that it's true. 
In the three years since my celiac diagnosis, I've:
Eaten more pieces of bland, falling-apart, nasty-after-taste bread than I can count...but recently tasted the best GF roll in my life, thanks to Beyond the Breadbox. 
Cried over not having any GF tortillas in the house...but fallen in love with Food for Life's rice tortillas 
Missed out on enjoying countless birthday cakes or cookies handed out in class...but have gone steady with Pamela's Chocolate Cake mix
Cried a couple times in restaurants (most famously, at this Outback) when chefs said they understood "gluten free" yet obviously didn't...but have also enjoyed some of the best meals EVER when eating out (that also just happened to be gluten free) 
If I've learned one thing in the trial and error process of thriving with a gluten free diet, it's that trial and error is a necessary right of passage. You learn what products are definitely worth the money, and which to avoid. And that moment you bite into something and it tastes 1000X better than you ever expected? Honestly, it'll blow your mind. 
All that raw, vegan, gluten free goodness!
In my three years, I've found a handful of companies I consider my edible BFFs - and you can find the list here. However, I also know that every gluten free eater's taste buds is different...and that each person needs to discover some of their own favorite foods. 
When you're diagnosed with celiac disease, you may initially focus on everything you're losing. The freedom to eat anything you want. The gluten-filled foods you've grown up loving. Even being able to kiss a cute certain someone without giving him or her a toothbrush first. 
However, National Gluten Free Day is also the perfect time to celebrate everything you gain with a restricted diet, like: the motivation to learn how to cook or experiment in the kitchen; the chance to try out different products and companies; and, of course, the pride that emerges when you realize one day, "Wow! I'm actually kicking some gluten free butt!"
Everyone's gluten free journey is unique, but from one celiac to any other diet-restricted foodies, I hope knowing these five, little-known facts about eating GF will make your trip easier. 
And if it helps make you life tastier too? Well, that's just a bonus. 
Did you know that it's National Gluten Free Day? Are there any other GF "secrets" you learned down the road? I can't wait to hear them! 
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2i5tleg
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greighish · 8 years
Running Commentary: Perfect Fit
Series: Fated Hearts Title: Perfect Fit (Book 4) Author(s): Aimee Nicole Walker
Rundown: Miller (Grayson's BFF) and JJ (Chase's ex-turned friend) have had something going on in the background. They're similar in their aversion to commitment, but find themselves developing an aversion to being without each other. And they feel that it's no one's business but their own. Tough, because they have the nosiest, meddling-est circle of friends known to mankind.
So, I guess I wasn't finished complaining.
♂ Miller says hey your wallet fell out of your suit jacket. And I’m wondering how do you know that? Did you see it fall out of the suit jacket? Does he not have any other pockets that it could have possibly fallen out of? ANW's always giving too much information.
His blond hair shining beneath the street lights when he walked beneath them.
Seriously, what is she doing? Why is she never done? Always shoving unnecessary information info a line. Often redundant. It’s just it’s driving me crazy now.
Although, you got a few good hits in yourself, Jagger. So, he had opened my wallet, looked at my license, and saw my name?
Again as I said too much information. That’s what you think happened? Well, you’re so perceptive.
“Show me what you’ve got, big guy.”
Very unsexy.
I scrunch my face up to show uncertainty.
Really? This is what you’re thinking?
♂ These people are constantly not questioning things: "I decided not to question..." "And decided not to analyze..." "I decided not to dig too deep about what [XYZ] means..." Chronic denial.
♂ ANW's new words: answering, zing, ornery
♂ "I refuse to evaluate..."
JJ practically came right out and told me he was in love with Chase the night of the charity ball when I nearly ruined everything when I stupidly downplayed my relationship with Chase to Devon at the charity event.
“I’ll take your council [sic] under advisement,” I replied, but with a cheeky grin so he knew I wasn’t upset at him or felt he had overstepped the boundaries I had set in relation to talking about my past.
The lines just go on an on and on.
“They are two manwhoring peas in a cocksucking pod.”
Well, this? This is brilliant.
♂ Okay, so, there is hope. JJ offered to help Chase move into Grey’s house and when he got there, Miller was there. Miller did not appreciate his presence and he was a little huffy about about it, so he started going in on him and he said something really mean to JJ. Low blow, so low below the belt it was totally uncalled for. And then Ava, Chase’s best friend, steps up to the plate and totally knocked it out the box she tore Miller a new one. It was probably the best written piece that I have read by ANW thus far. I was wowed.
Turning me into his bottom hungry boy.
The things these people think.
♂ JJ and Miller have been messing around. However, before their first time together, they'd reluctantly agreed not to do anything because it would complicate things with Chase and Gray. Well that agreement didn’t last very long because they had at it in a bathroom when they just happened to see each other in some restaurant. That was supposed to be the last time, but then another chance meeting turned into JJ screwing Miller’s brains out in Miller’s office. But in between those two times was when JJ went to go help Chase move. So here we are after their second time of getting it on and something is definitely brewing. Definitely because you can see it in the inner monologue but also because over the last two books there have been hints of JJ and Miller seeming closer than just people who know each other through other people.
♂ Both JJ and Miller said that they don’t bottom but they gave up their asses pretty quickly to each other.
I was starting to sound like the crazy cat gay.
♂ As you would expect, two confirmed bachelors start screwing around on a regular basis, but it’s just sex. Soon they’re falling for each other, but are really trying hard not to or at least trying hard not to let it show.
♂ I think Miller and JJ are rather similar in their ways of deflecting pain they will both throw out mean words or do something that is hurtful to the person that is hurting them even if the person that’s hurting them isn’t doing it on purpose. For example, JJ made a comment way back when about how Chase must have slept his way into his new position. He had a point with how quickly he got it, but that was completely out of line and showed that he was jealous of Gray’s hold over Chase. He was afraid of losing Chase. Then there was the incident where Miller said something really low about JJ being alone and that was really out of line. That was the time that Ava came in and ripped him a new one. So these guys get along really well in and out of bed but once they are around other people it becomes difficult because they don’t want or rather Miller doesn’t want Gray and Chase to find out so they’re at an impasse and JJ thinks that he is going to be the one to be hurt when it ends. I think that’s actually rather much likely considering how he’s acted up to this point. Miller, on the other hand, he fights so hard to not be in love that he ends up hurting JJ and probably doesn’t even realize it. He’s a lot more extreme in his actions to deflect.
♂ So I think of that JJ is the same age as Chase Chase which is about 27-ish right now and I think that Miller is the same age as Gray and Gray is 36-ish or wait, maybe he’s more like 33-34-ish . So there’s an age difference but who can really tell with any of these characters. ANW is constantly giving you one person’s height, one person's description, but never gives you the other's so you can’t really tell. You can tell that somebody shorter, but how much shorter, you know? The only one she was really clear about was Ben and Xavier. Ben's 6'3" and Xavier is 5'8" so I can imagine whatever happens with them, but even though I know that Chase is 6'2", I still don’t know if Gray is taller than Chase or if Chase is taller than Gray. I do know that JJ is taller than Miller.
♂ ANW’s formula is to have a little bit of establishing info delivered at the beginning of the story, throw in the hot and bothered heavy and sexy breathing and panting and thrusting and all that good stuff and then bring on the drama. Meanwhile, complicated encounters ensue. But a lot of that happens before you really even get through half the book, so you have the rest of the book, anywhere from 70 to 60% of the book is left to deal with more of the drama. One thing I will say is that most of the stories were as long as they needed to be, except for the first story. It was a bit too long. I think it could have been cut down by a hundred pages, maybe, but for the most part the stories aren't packed with superfluous passages about stuff that doesn't matter. They could be cut in half, though. I don’t think the long story is bad, content-wise, but I do think that things could have been wrapped up sooner if people made better decisions and ANW didn't write play-by-plays.
♂ Miller calls JJ Jag, as in short for Jagger. JJ calls Miller Bones because he’s in archaeology and anthropology professor. While I think it’s cute that they have nicknames for each other, I think they say them too often. Or rather, ANW writes the names too often. People don’t address other people by their names in ongoing conversation nearly as much as ANW seems to think.
♂ Speaking of nicknames... So it seems that ANW has a problem with the word bae. Now it could have just been a little character quirk, but it was a little odd. It just seemed to be a very specific thing to bring up and, I don’t know, I guess you would have to read the stories and have understood the characters, lack of personality and all, to get why the word bae is a little odd being announced, particulary as something negative Apparently JJ doesn’t like it and he tells Miller by grabbing his balls that if he ever calls him that he will pull them clean off. It was just such an odd moment so I’m thinking this is a personal thing for ANW that she doesn’t like the word bae. Screw her. I’m not one that uses that either–I don’t have anyone to call that–but I don’t see any problem with the word.
♂ Grayson is still a dick. So JJ finally told Chase why they broke up so many years ago. He revealed his past trauma and they had a heart-to-heart and they were holding hands, you know, comforting each other and Gray just stood back because Miller was kind of holding him back from going out there and seeing what was going on. When JJ and Chase finished, JJ walked by Gray and he asked Miller if he was ready to go. Gray tries to stop him and says don’t you think you owe me an explanation why you were basically fondling my husband. JJ being tired, having exposed himself being so vulnerable about his past, was completely talked out… before that, gray turned to Miller and basically said I don’t know why you’re even bothering with this guy he’s such a loser. Getting that feeling, JJ was just like, you know, whatever and he left. That was completely and unnecessary it was also rude to Chase because him saying that is like acting like Chase can’t make that decision on his own that chase can’t be faithful or he’s easily swayed. Grayson still a dick.
♂ Here we are at 50% and again pretty much everything has been resolved Miller and JJ have just about come out with their relationship, well at least to Gray and Chase. Xavier and Ben already knew. Ava and Gram knew. I don’t know who else knew, but at least half the crew knows about their relationship. They’ve done everything, resolved everything except for saying I love you and we’re now, as I said, at 50%. So what the heck is the rest of the book going to be about because it can’t be about them saying I love you. Although I’m thinking that’s going to come because right now they’re talking about how they don’t need words to convey that feeling because they get that from the touches and kisses and all that good stuff and that’s how they communicate. So, again, I ask: what the heck is the rest of the book going to be about?"
♂ So far the book has given us the backstory on the little glimpses of Miller and JJ in the other book and now we’ve reached Halloween which is the party I think that everybody found out about their relationship, maybe, and not just that small group of people but we’ll see.
♂ Twelve Days of Sexmas
♂ So, JJ and Miller are the first couple to integrate toys into their repertoire.
♂ Miller is an archaeologist and one of JJ’s Christmas gifts to him was a box of white sand with a kid’s shovel and rake on the top. He told him to excavate to unearth his gifts. That is such a cute idea! The scene fell a little flat, but the idea was awesome.
“...after I nearly “thank you” sexed us into a coma.”
The things these people say.
♂ At the bar’s New Year’s party, they karaoke’d “Soul & Inspiration” by the Righteous Brothers. These two playboys with fear of commitment stamped on their foreheads sang one of the most saccharine songs there is. It was really cute.
♂ I was working my way up to say that this was probably the best story of the series in regards to content and conflict, but they just had to go ruin it. I thought they were going to be the couple that didn’t want kids. Miller is really close with his niece and nephew and I thought they would be enough, but no. ANW had to go and ruin the story. During Miller and JJ’s New Year’s getaway where JJ was planning to propose, ANW decided to kill Miller’s brother and sister-in-law off. So now they are going to get custody of the kids. It hasn’t happened yet, but I guarantee you that’s where the story is heading.
Just like that my dick was hard enough to pound nails.
ANW is ever so fond of this.
♂ ANW is not alone in her choice to have a character express their thoughts, emotions, and desires with their eyes, but sometimes she takes it to a whole new level. I swear she’s got them delivering dissertations and eulogies with blown irises and batting lashes.
♂ Equal partnership. I don’t like the way Miller is trying to balance things out between them they’ve got a new car. Well actually, Miller got a new SUV but JJ likes to drive it a lot when they go places and Miller is having thoughts about the equality in their relationship and he makes a comment about how he gives up his ass more often and so he’s probably going to have to start topping more and driving more just to make sure that their relationship stays equal. This is all his inner monologue so he isn’t actually saying this to JJ, but still.
♂ So, happily ever after with certified pre-owned kids and hopes for a brand new model of their own. Why are kids supposed to be the key to the happy family? Especially when these guys already had pets.
ANW had an editor and multiple betas. I don’t know what they did because I can'e see any evidence of refinement. I just can’t imagine what they saw when they looked at this and say, "Yeah, that’s good."
This book was better than the rest of the series simply just because the story, content and conflict, was a little more interesting.[/toggle]
Well I think this is it for me. I'm definitely not interested in the next two books. I know one person in one of the next books. Noah McKinney is Jack's psychiatrist, but that’s really all I know and I don’t care. I thought I exhausted all of my complaints at the end of Book 3; most of the stuff I could complain about in Book 4 was just a repeat of what the other books had, but the story was better and there was more to contemplate, so I stuck around. But ANW still took a left with the kids and I still think that somebody should rewrite the stories.
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dripfeednation · 5 years
4 Massive Tips For Perfecting Guest Post Outreach
4 Massive Tips For Perfecting Guest Post Outreach
Guest posts are a perfect way to round out your backlink profile. While we love the ease, convenience, and control that PBNs can provide, you should never put all of your eggs in one basket. In addition to providing coveted link juice, guest posts can bring you something that a PBN typically doesn’t: traffic. PBNs are meant to be “private”, after all. A well-placed link on a highly visited guest blog, though, will earn you a healthy dose of referrals over time.
But earning guest posts isn’t always easy. So here are our top 4 tips for guest post outreach to help you win more links more of the time.
  #1 Find Worthwhile Sites to Reach Out To
For starters, you want to be a little bit picky about the types of sites you are targeting. Just like finding PBNs involves combing through site metrics and backlink profiles, you don’t want to overlook these details as you compile your outreach list. So do your homework and avoid reaching out to any sites that are obviously from the bad side of the tracks.
But how exactly do you find the sites to examine in the first place? There are several ways.
One of the simpletes is to search Google for your niche + guest post terms, like this if you are in the automotive industry, for example:
“automotive guest post”
“automotive write for us”
“automotive guest post guidelines”
“automotive guest post submissions”
And so on. These types of search terms will help you find a ton of websites out there that are publicly declaring that they are looking for guest posts.
Another way to find guest post opportunities is to use a tool like Majestic to examine your competitor’s backlink profiles. Find any of their links that are obviously guest post submissions and add the sites to your list.
Finally, just get to know the names in your industry or niche. Read their blogs, follow them on Twitter, and otherwise learn more about them. While some of the big names might be out of your league until you develop more street cred, low to mid-level connections could provide ample opportunity for guest posts.
  #2 Develop Topic Ideas That Will Wow Audiences
Before you start your cold email pitches, you want to come up with a list of topics that are hard to say “no” to. A good way to do this to look at the other guest posts that have already been published on the site. What do they have in common? As you read through the headlines, ask yourself why the webmaster or content editor said “yes” to these pitches.
Then, brainstorm your own idea for a topic that contains similar elements to these posts and would be a good fit for the sites you are targeting. Two elements that are of utmost importance to keep in mind are purpose and audience. In other words, as you generate topics, you need to be answering these two questions:
Who would want to read this blog post? (audience)
Why are they reading it? (purpose)
  #3 Craft Winning Outreach Emails
Now comes the hard part: actually contacting people. You are going to be sending a lot of emails. What you want to avoid, though, is the shotgun method. Don’t spray out the same boilerplate email to every single contact and pray that they’ll respond.
You can work from a template of sorts, but try to personalize each email a little bit in order to increase your odds of making a connection with the reader. After all, they are probably getting a lot of pitches. You need to do something to stand out.
As you craft your emails, consider these points:
State your name early in the email to make a personal connection, along with a mention of your company/website/etc. and what you do.
Thank them for the work they contribute to the industry and offer a specific comment on something the published recently.
Point out that you’ve been considering writing a piece about XYZ that you noticed they haven’t covered yet. Try to show how you bring a unique angle to this topic that would benefit their blog.
Link back to past content that you’ve written.
This could all go together to look something like this (but keep in mind you have got to personalize it to make it sound like you):
Hey {firstname},
My name is Caleb, and I’m the CEO of Dripfeed Nation, a trustworthy provider of social signals, backlinks, and other SEO services.
I’ve been reading your blog a lot lately (you may have noticed some of my comments), and I just wanted to start by thanking you for all the knowledge bombs you’ve been dropping in the industry. I really dug your post about Why PBNs Aren’t Going Anywhere because it did a good job of dispelling a lot of myths that my clients have been worrying about.
We have our own blog at Dripfeed Nation, and I’ve been considering writing a post about the importance of building your PBNs the right way, but I noticed your blog doesn’t have anything along those lines yet. I’m wondering if you might be interested in publishing my piece as a guest post?
Since Dripfeed Nation has literally built hundreds of PBN sites, I think I could provide some unique insight on the topic that would make a great follow-up to your latest post. If you are interested, you can take a look at some of my past posts linked below to see if my style would be a good fit for your blog:
Why You Should Have an SEO Link Foundation
The Power of Combining Guest Posts With PBNs
Thanks for your time (and all the stellar content),
  #4 Persevere
In the end, any form of outreach is a numbers game. Before you even get started, you need to admit to yourself that you are going to get more NO’s then YES’s. And you’ll likely get ignored by even more people.
You can improve your odds by following-up. You literally have nothing to lose by sending an extra few emails. It’s very common for messages to get lost in inboxes, so a simple follow-up that says something like this is a very easy way to go about it: “Just wanted to check if you received my previous email”.
  Guest Post Outreach Takes Time
You’ve probably noticed that this takes time. Building a contact list, brainstorming topics, crafting emails, sending follow-up—they all add up to countless hours. It is time well spent, of course. Often, once you earn a single guest post spot, the same blog will be happy to feature you over and over again.
But, not all of us have the time or resources to spend on guest post outreach. Especially not busy SEO agency owners. If you need quality guest posts but simply can’t afford the time investment, Dripfeed Nation’s white label link building is exactly what you need. We’ve spent months building our guest post network, and it continues to grow day after day. So get in touch to learn about how we can put our high quality guest post links to your service today.
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