#wow this post really went on a lot of tangents huh
travesty-majesty · 4 years
Logan’s Here!
Remus and Logan had started having meeting in the evenings every second day. Logan would venture through Roman’ side of the imagination (making sure he wasn’t caught) until he made it to Remus’ side, where Remus would have a documentary or something along the lines ready and waiting. Logan would sit down beside him as they pressed play. Around five minutes in, Logan would ask hoe Remus’ day went, and Remus would go off on a tangent that did start with his day, but then to wherever his mind went, often cutting himself off mid sentence.
And every time Logan arrived, Remus would loudly cheer “Logan’s here!” so Logan knew he was happy about it. Logan wasn’t the best with emotions,so Remus made his best efforts to help, although he tried to play it off as him being his usual energetic self.
So today shouldn’t have been any different, right?
They organised to meet at around 8pm each evening, which usually caused Thomas to have a mix of facts and intrusive thoughts in his head for the next few hours. So when Logan wasn’t there at 8:30pm, Remus was starting to get worried. Wow, Remus worried? That’s an accomplishment.
8:45. No Logan. Where was he? He wouldn’t have ditched Remus without telling him, that wasn’t like him. So where was he?
“Maybe he got lost. Yeah, that’s it! I did rearrange my half of the imagination yesterday. He probably can’t figure it out! Ha!”
He had a feeling he was wrong, but he shoved that feeling deep, deep down. Further down than his dick, than his feet, right to the core or the Earth where it’d probably burn up and die.
At 9pm, he finally felt a presence. He heard footsteps growing closer, albeit slower than Logan’s usual determined steps. He didn’t pay much mind to that, though. He sprung up and spun around.
“Yayy! Logan’s he-!”
Well, Logan was definitely here.
“H-Holy shit! Logan! Logie, Logan, I- what the fuck, what the fuck?!”
He sprinted over to Logan, who had limped his way over, a gash across his chest. 
“Remus- Remus, it’s fine, I’m fine... I’m a figment of Thomas’ mind, it isn’t fata-”
“Shut the fuck up for a second! I don’t care if it isn’t fatal or whatever, you're still fucking bleeding! How did this- how are you- are you ok?! Here, sit down! Holy shit...”
He guided Logan over to his couch, sitting him down carefully. Logan only winced slightly. “Yes, I’m OK... Just a small bit of pain, I’ll be OK.”
“I...” Remus was, admittedly, at a loss for words. He hadn’t expected this sorta thing tonight. He had expected Logan to come and sit down with him, and ask him how his day was while they watched a documentary about space. He hadn’t expected to see one of his intrusive thoughts formed in front of him.
“I- shit, I didn’t expect this! Like- what the fuck?!”
Swearing was his go-to stress reliever when he couldn’t kill something. And between you and me, he’d really rather not kill Logan.
“I-I was nit expecting to be attacked either, Remus... Do you have a first aid kit or something along the lines?” Logan asked. Remus nodded.
“Yeah, sure, one sec...” he conjured one up beside them and grabbed it. “You- did you say you were attacked?”
“Ah... Yes, unfortunately. I was caught on my way here, and... well, the interaction was not a pleasant one.”
Remus nodded silently for a second, thinking.
“Probably already know the answer, but... who did this?”
Logan grunted as Remus made his best effort at stitching Logan up. “You most likely already have an idea, but Roman. I-”
“I fucking knew it! That cock sucking, motherfucking, cockle doodle dick! I’m gonna kill him, I swear. He doesn’t just do shit like this and get away with it, lemme tell you that!” Remus yelled, willing to bet Thomas could probably hear him. 
“Remus, please. He didn’t do it on purpose. He was... frustrated, I suppose. It wasn’t an act of violence, I-”
“Not an act of violence, my ass! I-”
“As hypocritical as I am being with this statement, please attempt to restrain yourself from interrupting me, and I will do the same for you. I get enough of that up there.” Logan said, sighing.
“K, yeah. But, like- I just- I swear to whatever god there may or may not be, he doesn’t just do this and get away with it! Why did he feel the need to pull a- what, a sword, on you?!” Remus asked, finishing up and starting to pack away.
“Again, frustration, I suppose. When I explained to him, calmly, that I was making my way to your half of the imagination, he didn’t take it too well. I assume you can see where that went. Oh, and thank you, bye the way.”
“For stitching me up. It would have been a lot harder to do on my own.”
“Oh, yeah. No problem, whale penis- I-I mean, Logan.” Remus said, sitting down properly beside Logan. “Are you ok, though? You had to make your way over here while literally fucking bleeding out! You must be super tired. Also, just for the record, this is once in a lifetime concern, so enjoy it while it lasts.” 
“Ahaha...” Logan laughed weakly. “Yes, I’ll be alright with a bit of rest. Would it be too much of a burden if I stayed over here overnight? I do not have much energy, so both rising up and walking would be exceptionally difficult-”
“Oh, you're staying here either way! Ya think I’m just gonna let you leave after you come to me like this? Hell no! You’re staying here and recovering, while we watch a documentary and maybe Big Hero 6 if we're up that late! We’ll see. Got it?”
Logan just looked at him for a second, and Remus thought that maybe he had been a bit too forceful with his approach. But then Logan smiled, and Remus relaxed.
“Ok, that sounds... ideal. Thank you, Remus.”
“Hehe... No problem, teach. Now, lemme get this started.”
“Ok. How was your day, by the way?”
“Well, aside from you getting fucking stabbed, let’s see...”
Sure, Logan had come to him wounded, but at least Logan was still here. He hated to think about what could have happened had Logan not have arrived, but now he didn’t have to. They’d both be fine.
Roman, however?
...Well, Remus could deal with him tomorrow.
(Based on a prompt I submitted to @ameliessanderssidesblog! Hope they don't mind me actually writing this out lol)
(I’m also gonna post this to my ao3 {Gravestone_Monarch} if you wanna check it out there! Reblogs definitely aren’t necessary but are greatly appreciated! See you round! ^^)
(plz dont tag as tw Duke or dukedontlook!)
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The Hunt Is On
It’s been a little while since the last time I’ve actually posted a story to my blog. But I’m really happy to present this sort of long one-shot fic. I got the idea after the recently released Romance Point slot in Wizardess Heart, I’m 99.9% sure that little plush is Felix and being the absolute lovestruck idiot I am for this man I just couldn’t help myself. So here’s a small story of Felix being a plush and showing his Tsundere side towards a certain red-haired wizardess.
“Hey, did you hear the big news?”
“Huh? What news?”
Gray and I were just leaving the book club session and were walking down the hallway when he brought it up.
“I guess there’s some rumour going around about a new magical creature.”
“S-Seriously?! That’s incredible! Is there a name for it yet?”
“Nope.” Gray shook his head with a smile. “Buuut I heard that whoever catches it will get to name it.” He added happily.
“Catch it? The poor little thing..”
“Huh? Just a second ago you were so excited.”
“I-I am, believe me. It’s just...well, if there are a lot of people trying to catch it, don’t you think it might be a little scared?”
“I suppose you’re right.” Gray put his hand under his chin and looked lost in thought. 
“Ah, sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Well, what if we were to catch it, but without chasing after it? Maybe it wouldn’t get so scared?”
“Oh, I like that idea! What did you have in mind?”
“A hole!”
“Hear me out, Nadia. It’ll be a nice sized hole and I’ll even add cushioning to the bottom of it so that the creature won’t get hurt. Then, when I need to get it out, I’ll use a pail attached to a fishing pole and drag it up like a well!”
“Gray...I have so many questions about this, but the most important one is what are you thinking?! The poor thing would be even more terrified!”
“What if I offer it cookies?”
“Cookies can’t fix every problem.”
“Are you sure? I thought everyone liked cookies, I mean who doesn’t like cookies?”
“Gray…” I chuckled while watching him go on a tangent about cookies. 
“But seriously, I think my plan won’t fail.”
“I’m sorry to say, but Gray, I have my doubts about it.”
“Hm? Then what would you suggest doing?”
“Well I…”
Huh...what did I have in mind? It was true that I wanted to see the magical creature for myself, but I really didn’t want to go chasing after the poor thing or make it feel like it was in danger. I had to ponder my options carefully but alas, no such idea was popping up in my head at the moment.
“To be honest, I don’t really have a plan.” I sighed.
“That’s okay, maybe on your way back to the dorms you’ll figure one out.”
“Here’s to hoping!”
“What are you two talking about?”
“Uh-oh…” Gray laughed.
“Zeus? What are you doing here?”
“I came here looking for you two.”
“What for?”
“You’ve heard the big news right?”
“I just got done filling Nadia in about it.”
“Then you know why I need you guys.”
“Sorry, but I already have my own plan.” Gray responded confidently. “It’ll be sure to succeed!”
“Tsk! Well, what about you Nadia?”
“To be honest, I have a feeling your plan will involve a lot of chasing. Plus the last time you found a magical creature, you practically scared the living daylights out of it!”
“Come on, that was one time! Besides, I heard that if you catch the thing then the Headmaster will give us extra credit.”
“That’s just a hoax.”
A new voice had entered the scene and right behind Zeus came Elias who had his arms folded on his chest.
“Oh great.” Zeus rolled his eyes.
“You don’t seriously believe you’ll get extra credit for something like this, do you?”
“I sure do. If there’s a chance I can get that, then I’m taking it, I mean, you guys want the extra credit too?”
“Hate to break it to you Zeus, but I agree with Elias here. I highly doubt Headmaster Schuyler would provide students extra credit because they caught a newly discovered magical creature. You’d be in for the biggest scolding of your life, that’s for sure.”
“No way, seriously?! Are you here to suck the fun out of Goldilocks the third over here?”
“I agree with them too, Zeus. I mean, we’re bound to get a scolding for it, a big one too. But I really want to see what this creature is all about.”
“So…” Zeus stared off into space, trying to process everything Gray said. “So are you on my side or not?”
“Nah, I’m on my own side. Team Gray!”
Gray began waving his free hand around as if he had an invisible team spirit flag in his hand.
“Tsk. Fine then. I’ll just get Hiro and Lucious to help me out with this. Oh and don’t come crying to me when I bring home the creature and actually get extra credit, I won’t be sharing nothin’ with you guys.”
Zeus huffed before practically storming away, leaving just Elias, Gray and I to shake our heads and proceed walking down the hall.
“Oh yeah, I wanted to ask before, but what are you doing here, Elias?”
“Oh, I was in the Archives looking for something. On my way out I heard voices and, specifically Zeus’ and thought he was up to no good again.”
Gray began to laugh. “That’s totally understandable. Everyone in the Night Class usually pop their heads out of the classroom when Zeus starts going on a rampage. It’s like they know when he’s about to stir trouble. I just hope he never releases that foul beast in a classroom ever again.”
“Foul beast?”
“Which one? He has a lot at this point, him included.” Elias remarked.
The moment that word came out of Gray’s mouth, we all let out a shudder.
“I can’t believe he’s still summoning dangerous beasts like that.”
“Seriously? I can.” Elias interjected.
The three of us continued our little walk and talk session before heading our separate ways. Gray was going to go to the Night Class cafe and Elias offered to walk me back to the dorms. We discussed some prefect things, like deciding what kind of upcoming classes we were going to teach and so on and so forth. The topic of the magical creatures was brought up again too and much to my surprise, Elias admitted that he wouldn’t mind catching a glimpse of the mysterious new magical creature. It wasn’t every day that you got to see something as rare as that. 
When we reached the dorms, Elias and I said our goodbyes before splitting off. The moment I reached my room, I unceremoniously dropped my bag to the ground and lazily plopped down on my bed. I was exhausted from classes and the fact that I couldn’t get the thought of the magical creature out of my head wasn’t helping matters at all. 
I ended up lying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling for a few hours, unable to find the will to sleep. Too many thoughts were running through my head at the same time and no matter how many times and methods I tried, they just wouldn’t stop. I had even grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, thinking that in some way, all my pent up tiredness would come crashing into me, spoiler alert, it didn’t. The hours ticked by and before I knew it the sun’s early morning rays of light came pouring in through the window. I realized now that it was far too late to try and sleep now, so I decided to go ahead and get ready for classes. 
Perhaps a nice cold shower will wake me up? I thought it sounded like a good idea at first, but boy was I wrong. In the end, I just became this cold shivering mess who couldn’t stop shaking enough to even do my hair or put on any makeup to conceal my sleep heavy eyes. Screw it, I’ll just have to leave my hair down for the day and just put on a little bit of concealer under my eyes, assuming I could. I gave one more look in the mirror and gave a satisfied nod. It wasn’t the best work, but it would have to do for now.
When I stepped outside of the dorms, I noticed that the whole Academy seemed lively; well, livelier than usual that is. I saw Guy walking up ahead and quickly raced to catch up to him.
“Good morning, Guy.” I smiled.
“Oh hey, good morning Nadia!”
“Everyone seems to be in super high spirits, I wonder why?”
“Word through the grapevine is that everyone is desperate to catch some new magical creature. Everyone on the Ladilz team was talking about it and even went so far as to come up with ‘fool-proof strategies’ to catch it.”
I watched as students raced around; a competitive aura was beginning to fill the air.
“I wonder what Schuyler thinks of this.”
“No one knows.” Guy shrugged. “It seems like he’s kept silent since the rumour was first introduced.”
Guy nodded in agreement. “Very.”
Augustus had walked up to us a little while later and he and Guy walked to class, leaving me to walk by myself. Which was okay by me, besides, I still had a lot on my mind, so much so that I hadn’t realized someone had been screaming at me until I felt a pair of arms pull me from my thoughts and away from a rather big hole in the ground.
“Nadia? Did you not hear me screaming at you to watch out?”
I looked up to see Gray’s face hovering over mine, a look of worry clouded over and when I looked down, I noticed that I was sitting on the ground, just mere inches from the hole. Gray’s hands still wrapped around my waist and I began to feel my cheeks go warm.
“No, I-I suppose I was too far gone in my thoughts to have noticed. I’m sorry.”
“That’s alright.” He smiled. “Just please keep an eye out on your surroundings.”
“R-Right. Umm…” 
“Do you mind..?”
“Huh - Oh!” 
Once Gray realized what I was getting at, he quickly released his hold on my waist and scurried back a little bit. He ran his hands through his hair and chuckled awkwardly.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright…” 
I quickly got back onto my feet and dusted off my skirt before offering my hand to help Gray back up to his feet.
“Gray...did you do this?” I asked curiously.
“The hole? Sure did!”
“What? Gray!”
“I told you I was going to make one yesterday, remember?”
“But out here near the courtyard?! Lots of students and professors walk through here.”
“Yeah…” Gray began to chuckle nervously. “I didn’t think about it until it was too late.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Oh, I mean that Klaus, Elias and Schuyler fell through the hole, along with some other students.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Heh heh, you should have seen the look on their faces, especially Schuyler, man was that priceless. Ah… but after Schuyler fell in he gave me the scolding of a lifetime and I had to cancel my plan. I was about to fill the hole up but then I saw you walking towards it without a care in the world.”
“So much for you’re ‘fool-proof’ plan, huh?”
I received a flick to my forehead from Gray who was pouting.
“First of all rude! Second of all, I haven’t given up yet, I’ll just put a new hole somewhere away from here. I’ll even call it ‘Operation rabbit-hole’, it’ll be sure to succeed this time!”
“Gray…” I sighed.
I couldn’t change Gray’s mind, but I could help him fill up the hole before more chaos was made. Afterwards, I left for my first classes of the day, which seemed to be shorter than usual, in fact, the whole day was shorter. I guess I hadn’t realized that today was a half-day, what a relief it was to find that out.
“Maybe I can finally take a nap…”
“Miss Zaidelle? Is there something you wish to share with the class? Or perhaps you know the answer to my question?”
“Urk…could you...repeat the question by any chance?” I smiled nervously and was greeted to Schuyler’s annoyed sighs.
“Honestly, Nadia, if you’re not going to pay attention in my class, then you’ll have to make yourself useful by staying after and cleaning up the room.”
“W-What? Oh, come on!”
I heard snickers coming from the other side of the classroom, causing me to slump down even further in my chair and wait for this nightmare of a class to end already. Even though the bell rang, I still had to stay back while everyone left. Elias gave me a quick pat on the back and told me everything will be fine and that he would buy us some drinks at the Night Cafe later. I forced a smile and thanked him, and when he left I let out a sigh while I grabbed the nearby broom and began sweeping. 
A couple of hours had passed and I had the room looking spotless, everything had been wiped down, cleaned and organized. I stood there and admired my work, feeling rather proud of myself before grabbing my stuff and heading outside. The warm air and cool breeze felt so nice on my skin that I couldn’t help but yawn. The sleep that had been plaguing me all morning was finally taking over and suddenly the thought of taking a nice nap on the lush grass sounded wonderful.
In fact, that’s exactly what I was going to do. I found a nice open area with a good amount of shade. It was close to the lake so I could hear the sound of the soft ripples in the water when the Lune fish moved around. It was enough to lull me to sleep, which I was about to do had it not been for something that caught my eye. It looked like a small creature, almost like a stuffed animal. It had two small horns, ears, a fluffy tail and it was wearing such a cute little outfit!
“Oh, how adorable!”
The words came spilling out of my mouth before I knew it and that’s when I saw the creature suddenly take off in a sprint out to the courtyard.
“Oh no...was...was that the magical creature?!” I suddenly jumped to my feet, realizing the danger that poor thing was going to get into, especially if Zeus got a hold of it. “Wait, come back!”
Though I was exhausted, I somehow managed to run at full speed after the creature. I felt bad chasing after it, especially since I knew it was already scared, but I just had to make sure it was going to be alright.
“Hey, Hiro, look over there!”
Zeus’s voice suddenly rang out like a bell; clear as day. I knew that I wouldn’t have much time to get to the little creature, Zeus was awfully fast…
“Oh hey, look how small it is.”
I heard Hiro’s voice, which was sounding closer than ever before and when I looked up ahead, I saw the two of them cornering the small creature who looked absolutely terrified.
It’s now or never! I quickly rushed in, running as fast as my legs could carry me on the wavering stamina I had left. I quickly scooped the creature in my arms and ran while I held the timid creature to my chest.
“Get back here!”
Hiro and Zeus began sprinting after me, their footsteps sounding closer each second. I knew that they would outrun me, so I did the first thing that popped in my mind.
“Sorry about this!”
I cried out before tightening my grip on the creature with one hand - freeing my other hand - which I used to send an ice blast to the ground, which caused Zeus and Hiro to fall flat on their butts.
I could hear Zeus cry out from a distance while I continued running. After a short while, when I thought it was safe, I felt my legs buckle and I found myself on the ground breathing hard from exhaustion. I looked down at my arms and smiled knowing that the creature was safe and sound.
“I’m glad you’re alright.” 
I gently put the creature on the ground and went to pet it, only for it to bite my arm!
I began waving my arm almost wildly, trying to get the creature to release my arm, but it wasn’t working. At least it didn’t hurt…
“Come on, let go!”
But no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn’t budge, in fact, it even growled at me when I reached for it again.
“Don’t touch me with such filthy hands human!”
Though the voice was a bit muffled, I could still make out the words.
“You can talk?!”
I looked down at the creature with shock. 
“Of course I can!”
It finally released its grip on my arm and took a few steps back with tiny little squeaks. It looked like it was glaring at me, but if that was the case then it was doing much of a good job.
“You’re…” I began to blush. “Gah, you’re so cute!”
“D-Don’t call me cute! I’m a dangerous creature I’ll have you know!”
��Not in the slightest.” 
I couldn’t take it! I ended up hugging the small creature only to have it begin hitting me while tiny little honks rang out.
“Unhand me right now heathen!”
“I-I’m sorry..”
I quickly put the creature back down and watched it sit right down in front of me. It clearly posed no threat, except through cuteness.
“I’m guessing you’re the new magical creature everyone is hyped up about.”
“Yeah, everyone has been out to grab you and name you.”
“That’s ridiculous! Are humans all such morons, you included.”
“Hmph. As if I’d let some human claim me like some stuffed animal. Ridiculous.”
“Then don’t wander out in big crowds.” I suggested. “Or it’ll happen.”
“Well, you almost got snatched up by Zeus and he would have probably tossed you around like a ball.”
I watched as the creature made a derpy little face, it was like he didn’t know how to respond. I found myself laughing at the sight.
“What exactly is so funny to you?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just...the face you were making just now was pretty adorable.”
“Call me adorable again and I *will* bite your ankles, do you understand?”
“Pfft, go ahead, it won’t bother me.”
There it was again! Only this time the creature ended up falling back down on its butt after having gotten up just seconds prior.
“Truly, you’re one of the oddest I’ve met.”
“Nothing. Forget it. Why did you even help me? Do you think I’m going to be grateful to you? Because I’m not!”
“No. I just felt sorry for you. You’re so tiny and you seemed so scared. I felt that saving you was the best option. Plus, at least now you’ll be safe here. The forest close by is filled with lots of other magical creatures, like the Winged Rabbits.” I smiled.
I watched as the being turned to look behind it, then it looked back at me.
“So you’re just going to let me go?”
“Isn’t that what you want?”
I watched the hesitation in its eyes as it got up. It looked back at me one last time before disappearing. I felt a strange sense of loneliness in my heart when it left. Did I happen to know that magical creature? It did feel familiar in some ways. Ah, perhaps it’s just my imagination. I began to shake the thoughts away and tried getting up to my feet, only to be hit by a wave of dizziness. 
Perhaps pulling an all-nighter was really getting to me. Maybe I should just stay here and take a quick nap, I mean there was no harm in doing so after all. Besides the grass felt like a soft cushion, mix that with the warm air and it made for the absolute perfect napping experience. With a soft yawn, I found myself giving into sleep before falling into a peaceful slumber.
As she dozed off, a certain creature had come back and now squeaked softly as it inched closer to her, careful not wake her. Particles of light surrounded its body and revealed their true form, a certain once hooded Dragonkin. 
“What a bother. This human truly is strange.” Felix let out a sigh as he scooped her sleeping body in his arms. “Yet she fascinates me. How bothersome…”
He averted his eyes and began walking in the direction of the dorms. He had a barrier of miasma that only he could see which concealed himself and Nadia from the eyes of anyone he walked past. As he got closer to the dorms he went around back and where his horns began to glow, creating a cloud of miasma which allowed him to float up to the balcony that he was sure belonged to her dorm. 
Once on the balcony, he opened the doors and slipped inside. His horns glowed again and the covers to the bed slid down, he then gently put Nadia’s body down and covered her up. When he stepped back he couldn’t help but stare at her sleeping face. How could humans be so terrifying and yet…
“Stupid human, making me feel such things…” 
Felix quickly left in a cloud of miasma, teleporting to who knows where. Meanwhile, Nadia had slept peacefully for a couple of hours before she woke up. She had woke up feeling well-rested but also confused. 
“How did I get back in my room..?”
Throwing the covers to the side, she got up out of bed and noticed that the sun was just now setting. She had woke up just in time to head down to the Night Cafe and was elated by the fact. She just couldn’t wait to go down and tell Gray and the others about the wonderful, yet strange dream she had.
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prism-rush · 5 years
King of Prism Road to Shiny Seven Stars event 3 translation
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Well Then, Let’s Creep the Night in Kyoto
Since this is the third event in the Road to SSS series, you may want to read the previous ones if you haven’t yet:
Road to SSS 1 Main Story Road to SSS 2 Main Story
Translator’s notes: Event synopsis: Kakeru has a new crush. But really though, even though Kakeru and Yukinojo headline for this event, it’s actually about a lot of characters. It touches upon Taiga’s relationship with Alexander, Leo’s insecurities, and it even has a long Shin/Louis tangent. If you feel like you have read the Shin/Louis part before, you probably have. I translated it immediately after it came out. (Which is also why the images are differently sized in just that part. I used to have a different method of resizing images...) I don’t remember posting much about the rest of this event when it was going on though, because I was busy or couldn’t figure out how to break it down or whatnot. (At the time, I had no idea things such as Shabadaba and the mysterious golden haired and silver haired boys which appear briefly would be important.....) So now I can finally make it up to you guys. This is what you missed!
(One day, in front of the entrance to Edel Rose...)
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Shin: *yawn* ... For some reason I woke up before my alarm. I guess I’ll go running. 
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...Huh? There’s something in the mailbox. A letter...? This is from Louis--
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Yukinojo: Good morning, Shin. You’re up early this morning. 
Shin: Ah, Yukinojo-san! Good morning. Are you heading out already?
Yukinojo: Yes. I have a family matter to attend to. I’m going to stop by my parents’ house before heading to a performance at a theater in Kyoto. 
Shin: Kyoto!? Wow, that’s great! Take care then! 
Yukinojo: Thank you. Let everyone else know I said goodbye. 
Shin: No problem! (Yukinojo-san is always so busy...) Okay, time to get to running. 
(A few hours later)
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Kazuki: Mornin’! Man I really had a blast with you guys at the Rainbow Hot Springs the other day.
Taiga: Kazuki-san!? Shouldn’t you be on the way to university.... !?
Kazuki: Hey, Taiga. I don’t have any classes until afternoon today. By the way, you guys, have you decided who you’re gonna pair with for the duo tournament?
Kazuki: Huh?
Taiga: (AH! It just slipped out!) 
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Uh, um, I mean… n… not yet…
Kazuki: ??? What’s wrong Taiga? You’re face is like a ripe apple! 
Taiga: ……….. (I want to partner with Kazuk-san, but he’s probably gonna pair with Hiro-san and I don’t have the courage to ask him... What! No! I have plenty of that! That thing! Courage I mean!)
Leo: Um... not yet....
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(I think I would be the happiest if I could get to pair with Yuki-sama, but... I haven’t seen him all morning. Come to think of it I haven’t seen Kakeru-kun either. I’d like to ask Shin as well, but... I haven’t been able to find him. And Taiga-kun... I’m sure he’s got someone else in mind.) ........*sigh*
Taiga: .............*sigh*
Kazuki: Hey hey hey now, what’s with this chorus of sighs. If there’s something on your minds I’m here to listen. So don’t look so glum, OK?
Leo: Kazuki-san....!
Taiga: Got it! Thank you!
Kazuki: Oh yeah I heard Minato’s gonna pair up with Kouji! Kouji told me about it. 
Leo: Huh!? Really!?
Minato: Yup! To think I’m going to be able to perform a show with Kouji... it’s like a dream! When I decided to just gather up my courage and ask him straight, he actually agreed...
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 A flavor mariage with Kouji-san! I’m so excited!
Leo: Wow... wow wow....
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Taiga: .............
Kazuki: Well I think that’s great! I think Kouji and Minato will make a perfect flavor combination! Yu, what about you?
Yu: Me?
Leo: *gasp* (Maybe I could form a duo with Yu...?)
Yu: I’m sure anyone would be grateful to pair with me, but when it all comes down to it I’m just not interested in the street-style! 
Leo: Huuh?
Yu: (There was a brief moment when I felt something with Hiro during the table tennis tournament at Five Star Hotel, but...) This is the age of rock! And I’m a rock song composer! I for live it! I breathe it!
Leo: Oh.... Yuki-sama, Shin-kun... Where are you!
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Shin: Uh... umm... Well I’m right here. And Yukinojo-san is--
Leo: Shin-kun!? Where have you been!
Shin: O-Oh, I randomly woke up early so I went running. Then I got on a role and didn’t want to stop exercising so I came back to get a ball and went to go play some soccer. 
Leo: Oh, I see... I didn’t even notice you come back....
Kazuki: Oh ho! You’re really active this morning, Shin! That’s the spirit!  
Shin: Oh, Kazuki-san! Good morning! 
Kazuki: Yo! Mornin’! By the way, Shin. You were saying something about Yukinojo?
Shin: Oh yeah, that’s right. I saw him this morning. He said he’s going to Kyoto for his family. 
Leo: Kyoto!? Oh yeah, I think he did mention it earlier... He won’t be coming back tonight, then. 
Shin: I guess not? Sorry, Leo. I didn’t think to ask him how long he’d be gone for. 
Leo: No, no it’s not your fault. .....Um, Shin-kun......
Shin: ….Ah! Oh no, it’s already this late? I gotta go!
Leo: Huh?! Go where…
Shin: Sorry, there’s something I have to do! Kazuki-san, everyone, I’m heading out! See you later!!
Kazuki: Alright! Take care!
Leo: He only just got back but he’s gone already… Where is he off to in such a hurry?
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Yu: Probably off to see his girlfriend.
Leo: ….?! S… Shin-kun… has a…. girlfriend?! B… but who…?!
Yu: Hm? Oh no, I was just kidding…
Leo: B… But he’s in senior high school now.
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So, it’s probably only natural that he would…
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Yu: Hey! Leo! Look, I didn’t mean it, OK? You can come back now!
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Taiga: .............
…. U.. UM! K… K-K-Kazuki-san! Do you have…s… s… someone?!
Kazuki: Huh? What do you mean?
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Taiga: I mean… A… Are you… with someone? Do you have a p-p-p-partner?
Kazuki: Partner?! Are you asking…
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I…. I.. No I’m not dating anyone!
Taiga: *THUMP*
Minato: Kougami’s on the floor?!
Yu: ........ (Everyone’s so immature.)
Taiga: .....Ow.....
Minato: Are you OK? Here, let me give you a hand.
Taiga: ......kay... My bad..... (If I don’t get my act together soon I may not even make it into the duo tournament at all. At a time like this, there’s only one place to go.)
(A little earlier, at Tokyo station)
???: Oh ho ho! Well if it isn’t chan-Yuki!
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Yukinojo: Kakeru? What are you doing here? And dressed to the nines... for work?
Kakeru: Yes indeed. I have sudden business to attend to in Kyoto. 
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Heheh. I sure look sharp in a suit, don’t I?
Yukinojo: ...Heheh. Indeed you do. By the way, I’ll be heading to Kyoto too. 
Kakeru: No kidding? What time is your train? If you have some extra time, how about we get some tea?
Yukinojo: Let me see, my ticket is... ah, here it is. 
Kakeru: Lemme see ♪ ......Oh?
Yukinojo: Hm? What’s wrong?
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Kakeru: This... is the exact same train I’m going to be on! And we’re even sitting right next to each other!?
Yukinojo: ....What? You’re right. But I guess....
Yukinojo & Kakeru: I guess it’s possible... / I guess such things can happen!
Kakeru: Ahah. Even our reaction is in sync. But this really is such a huge coincidence! 
Yukinojo: Indeed... it really is.
Kakeru: Well you know, I think everything happens for a reason. So, let’s use this fateful encounter as a chance to enjoy a trip to Kyoto together. 
Yukinojo: Yes. Surely things won’t ever get boring having you along. Sorry this is so sudden, but I’m looking forward to spending time with you. 
Kakeru: That’s my line ♪ Well, how about we start off by going ahead and getting lunchboxes to eat on the train. I’ll give you a special tour of the best eats at Tokyo station!
Yukinojo: That would be wonderful. And I’ll show you where to buy Japanese sweets. 
Kakeru: Yay! ☆ Well then let’s go! But man, it really took a whole chain of coincidences lining up for something like this to happen.
Yukinojo: You’re right. Perhaps all these coincidences had some kind of a purpose-- 
Yukinojo: ..........
Kakeru: .........
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Kakeru: Heheh... I guess I’m hungry. 
Yukinojo: Okay. Let’s hurry to your favorite lunchbox shop.
Kakeru: Roger that! Let’s book it!
(Tokyo Station, lunchbox shop)
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Kakeru: Oh boy! No matter when I come here there’s always people, people, and more people. 
Yukinojo: This place has lunches made with famous local delicacies from all over the country....
Kakeru: I know right? And they are all suuuuper delish!
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Yukinojo: Hmm....
Kakeru: Ah-hah! ☆ Yuki-chan-sensei, such deep concentration! Now, I wonder which one I should get....
(At Edel Rose)
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Minato: Sorry to keep you waiting! Lunch is here. Today I have made original-style, authentic carbonara pasta without heavy cream. Kouji taught me the recipe ♪
Kazuki: ....Woah, this is great! You’ve managed to copy Kouji’s recipe to a T!
Yu: *chew, chew* .....Delicious! Seconds, please!
Taiga: *chew, chew* ...... Mm. Seconds. 
Minato: Step right up. There’s more where that came from.
Leo: Wow wow... it’s so good ♡ (I wonder if Yuki-sama is enjoying his lunch right now too.)
(Tokyo station, lunchbox shop)
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Yukinojo: Hmm....
Kakeru: Yuki-chan, I think it’s about time to make that decision! 
Yukinojo: Yes. Sorry for keeping you. I have narrowed it down to two selections, but the competition is steep...
Kakeru: ....Really?
Yukinojo: Hm?
Kakeru: Ah, it’s just that I’ve narrowed it down to two myself. By the way, the ones I’m considering are the light sushi lunchbox and the hearty beef lunchbox...
Yukinojo: What!? I was considering those exact two...
Kakeru: ...Ahah, I knew it! Something gave me that feeling. So how about we buy both and split them half and half? ♪
Yukinojo: Yes. What a great plan. 
Kakeru: Heyhey, do you think our level of synchronicity increased since that time we did karaoke together?
Yukinojo: It does seem that way. You know, I never noticed it before, but now that I think about it, we have always had somewhat similar taste haven’t we...
Kakeru: Heheh. You’re getting me all riled up ♪
Yukinojo: Riled up?
Kakeru: It’s just so neat discovering we have so many similarities all of a sudden. It’s like we’re two peas in a pod. For example, I think the best spot in Kyoto is Nanzen temple. What about you?
Yukinojo: I agree... gazing upon the canal really soothes my soul...
Kakeru: I know right!! It’s so relaxing... Oh, oh, and what else? You know what I love, that roasted green tea-flavored soft serve--
Yukinojo: Could you possible be referring to the small shop near Nishi Hongan Temple?
Kakeru: Ding ding ding! I knew you’d catch on ☆ That place isn’t even listed in any guidebooks! We really are tied by some kind of fate aren’t we ♪
Yukinojo: Indeed. Just talking about it really makes me want to go get some of that soft serve for old times sake...
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Kakeru: Heyhey, do you also feel like this is the beginning of a new love story?
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Yukinojo: About our love for soft serve? Yeah. I do. 
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Kakeru: .......Well great ☆
Yukinojo: Kakeru?
Kakeru: ....Oh! I think we ought to start heading to the platform, don’t you think?
Yukinojo: Oh? Wow it’s already getting this late. 
(While Yukinojo and Kakeru began their journey to Kyoto, down by the river was...)
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Shin: Hmm… I think it was around here, wasn’t it?
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Louis: Hey.
Shin: Oh! There you are Louis! I’m so glad I was able to find you!
Louis: Eheh. Thanks for coming.
Shin: I was pretty surprised when I woke up and suddenly found a letter…
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Since it said “I’ll be waiting for you where we first met” I figured I ought to come here.
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Louis: You remembered. That makes me happy.
Shin: Louis…? This was really sudden! What happened? Is everything OK?
Louis: I’m fine. I just thought that…
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I wanted to see your face again.
Shin: Really?
Louis: …Am I bothering you?
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Shin: What! Of course not! I was just thinking I wanted to meet up with you too.
Louis: …Really? You… wanted to see me?
Shin: Yeah! I missed you! So as soon as I saw that letter I was really happy!
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Louis: I see… I’m glad. So, shall we go for a walk? The weather is nice.
Shin: Of course! We might as well. Actually I’ve been exercising all morning.
Louis: You have?
Shin: Yeah. I went jogging because I woke up early, and then I even played some soccer!
Louis: I see. You’re so sporty.
Shin: Ehehe. You’re exaggerating. Oh! Look Louis! These flowers are so beautiful!
Louis: Yeah… they really are. …
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…Hey Shin. Do you have a partner for the duo tournament?
Shin: Huh? Um no, not yet… When I think of “street style”, I think about super strong and cool guys like Kazuki-san and Taiga-kun… Oh yeah! And Alexander-kun from Schwarz Rose too! I don’t know if I can handle street style, or even a duo audition….
Louis: Eheh. Shin, you can do it. I know you can.
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Shin: Really? Something about hearing you say that just gave me the confidence to start believing I can.
Louis: …Oh. I think I just saw a fish jump out of the water over there.
Shin: Really? Where where?
Louis: The water surface is shining…. It’s so beautiful. Being able to enjoy this scenery with you, Shin… I can’t think of anything better….
Shin: L… Louis… now you’re really exaggerating…
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(…Huh? What is this feeling?)
Aah! I suddenly remembered!
Louis: …Shin?
Shin: (Before the Prism King Cup… Louis and I… )
(Meanwhile at Edel Rose)
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Leo: Yuki-sama hasn’t returned my text messages.... I wanted to ask him about the duo tournament, but.... I guess he’s just too busy. (Minato-san said he’s going to pair with Kouji-san, and Kakeru-kun is busy with his job... Yu-kun doesn’t seem to be interested, and Shin-kun disappeared off somewhere....)
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I guess maybe I should just give up on the duo tournament...
(Back to the river)
Louis: …Shin? What’s wrong?
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Shin: Yeah… Oh yeah! I think the two of us did a duo show together here one time!
Louis: …Wha.
Shin: Yeah!! But, it was just a dream I had…
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Louis: ……. A dream……. …What kind of a dream was it?
Shin: Hmmm…. You know, it felt so real…. I was just riding my bike down this way. And you were here. And then…
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You took me hand and invited me to do a show with you! It was really fun! But…
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Then I was really… scared.
Louis: …Why?
Shin: Well. I noticed all of a sudden I couldn’t move. And then you… with a sword… right here…
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You…. stabbed me from behind.
Louis: ……!
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Shin: W… Well it was only a dream! I’m sorry, this suddenly got weird.
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Louis: ….. ……..Hey Shin, do you remember anything else?
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Shin: Anything else? Hmm… let me think… Oh! Now that you mention it! I think before you stabbed me, you told me something….?
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Louis: *gasp*
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Shin: You got up real close to me, and then…
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Louis: A… And then?
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Shin: Uhh… I feel like you did… something… But I don’t really remember!
Louis: ……….
Shin: Well, it was such a long time ago. I guess I forgot.
Louis: ……….
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Well if you don’t remember, I guess I just have to make you remember.
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Shin: What?! Um um, Louis?! You’re getting pretty close to me…?!
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Louis: ………
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Shin: Louis? W.. What’s going on…?!
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Louis: ….Nevermind. Just kidding.
Shin: Huh? Huh?? (That scared me for a second…)
Louis: Ahaha. Sorry about that.
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…But what I’m about to say next is serious.
Shin: …Huh?
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Louis: Shin… Let’s be partners in the duo tournament!
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Shin: Wha…. WHAAT?! Me! And you! Together?!
Louis: Sure. You said you don’t have a partner, right?
Shin: Well, um…
Louis: You don’t want to be my partner?
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Shin: N-No no, it’s not that at all! I’d love to enter the tournament with you! But… 
Louis: But?
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Shin: Um, well… I’m just worried that… since we’re from different organizations… do you think we can?
Louis: Well… I don’t know.
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(Meanwhile, at Schwarz Rose)
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Jin: Alexander Yamato. Regarding the street duo tournament that’s going to be held soon... I’ll be having you enter with Louis.
Alexander: HUH!? I came all the way up here just to hear you spew that senseless nonsense? I’ll enter by myself--
Jin: I do not repeat myself. This isn’t a request, it’s an order. 
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Alexander: .....Gah......
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Jin: ...Hmph. It seems you have understood. You are dismissed. 
Alexander: Ugh. 
(At the practice rink)
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Alexander: (Enter the street duo tournament with Louis Kisaragi...)
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Joji: Oh oh oh! If it isn’t the muscle meathead! You’re looking especially terrifying today ☆
Alexader: GR!
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Joji: So scawwy! You could stick a whole deck of cards in between those forehead wrinkles! 
Alexander: Hmph...
Joji: Hey. Hold on. 
(While Yukinojo and Kakeru enthusiastically enjoyed their lunchboxes on the train.)
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Kakeru: Delish! ♪ This sweet and sour beef just melts in your mouth! 
Yukinojo: *chew, chew* Indeed... it’s very tasty! And the wonderful, non-fishy aroma of this this pressed mackerel sushi is like a symphony my nostrils...
Kakeru: You don’t say!? Heyhey, isn’t about time we trade ♪
Yukinojo: Ah, you’re right. 
Kakeru: ....Hey, Yuki-chan.
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Yukinojo: Hm? If it’s about the lunchbox, just give me one more bite...
Kakeru: Ahaha! No I’m not that impatient. 
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I was just wondering what you were thinking... about the duo tournament. 
Yukinojo: Oh, that. Well I... I don’t really feel I’m cut out for the street style...
Kakeru: You’re really not interested at all?
Yukinojo: No, that’s not it. To be honest I am quite interested. But it’s just not an area where I have any expertise, so... it’s difficult to come to any sort of conclusion.
Kakeru: ....I see. But hey! You’re sure into hard rock kinda songs, aren’t you chan-Yuki? If you ask me, I totally think “street Yuki-sama” could be a thing ♪
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Yukinojo: I... I already told you to lay off the “-sama” once before. But now that you have breached the subject, what were you thinking Kakeru? When we were at the hot springs you seemed to show a hint of resistance. 
Kakeru: Woah woah! No fair throwing the same question at me when you haven’t decided yourself, chan-Yuki! But, did it really seem that way?
Yukinojo: It’s also not very fair of you to hide your true intentions. 
Kakeru: *gulp* 
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Oh you.... I can’t take such a straightforward, pure-hearted approach. It’s not allowed.
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Yukinojo: *staaaaare*
Kakeru: C... cut it out already! Okay, I got it! I got it already! I’ll tell you! I was thinking the same thing as you, Yuki-chan. I’m definitely interested, but... Hey! I’m a gentleman after all. The street just isn’t my style y’know ☆
Yukinojo: Oh really? I think “street Kakeru-kun” could be a thing.
Kakeru: Wha... how-so!?
Yukinojo: Well you’re always trying to be cool.
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Kakeru: That didn’t sound like a compliment!?
Yukinojo: No, it was. I find myself in awe at your inquisitive nature and drive to take action. You have really helped us out a lot at Edel Rose. 
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Kakeru: O..Oh.... But hey hey! You just snuck in a Kakeru”-kun” didn’t you!
Yukinojo: ....Mm-hm. This beef lunchbox is quite delicious as well. 
Kakeru: Ah! You changed the subject already! 
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Yukinojo: Kakeru, your phone.
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Kakeru: Grr.... Okay, okay. Take care. ...........Hm.
Yukinojo: A business call?
Kakeru: Ah, yeah. My evening dinner meeting was cancelled all of a sudden. Oh well, it can’t be helped--Oh! Yuki-chan! What are you up to for dinner?
Yukinojo: Hm? After the performance I plan to exchange pleasantries with my family friends, but after that I don’t have any particular plans. 
Kakeru: All right ♪ In that case, come eat with me! 
Yukinojo: Sure, sounds good. I’ll make a reservation at Kawadoko. 
Kakeru: Yaay! I knew I could could on you! Well then, when you’ve finished all your this and that, give me a ring!
Yukinojo: Understood. I’ll go ahead and make that reservation first thing--
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Kakeru: What’s wrong?
Yukinojo: It’s... I.... I can’t find my phone. 
Kakeru: No way! Should I try and call it?
Yukinojo: Yes, sorry to be a bother.
Kakeru: No prob, no prob. ♪ ....Hmm. It doesn’t seem to be around here does it....?
Yukinojo: It seems I must have forgotten it at the dorm. I might forget my head if it wasn’t attached to me....
Kakeru: Don’t sweat it, that’s just another part of your charm. No worries, no worries. For now, I’ll just plan to wait outside the theater this afternoon. Surely I’ll run into you ♪
Yukinojo: That would be fine. Thank you. 
Kakeru: No trouble. Oh yeah, shall I tell the Edel Rose home team that you don’t have your phone?
Yukinojo: No, I have already informed Shin and Yamada-san that I would be in Kyoto at the theater. So it shouldn’t be a problem....  If anything comes up they should be able to contact me there.
Kakeru: Okay! Then I’ll reserve the restaurant tout suite! 
Yukinojo: Kakeru.... 
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Kakeru: What’s this? Did I just melt your heart with my gentlemanly ways?
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Yukinojo: Ah, indeed. Earlier I said you were always trying to be cool. So I think I’ll add trying to be suave as well.
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Kakeru: ...Uh... thank you.
(Back at Edel Rose)
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Leo: *staaaaaare* 
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Wah..... Yuki-sama...... 
(I texted him hours ago and there’s still no response.... There’s no way he couldn’t have seen it.... Yuki-sama.... This can only mean he doesn’t want to pair with me.... The more I think of it, I may be not worthy of being Yuki-sama’s partner anyway.... ) ....*sigh*....
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Leo: Ah.... that sounds like...! 
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Leo: Shin-kun!!!
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Shin: Woaaaaah!!! L-Leo-kun!? What’s going on! You seem so frantic! 
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Leo: Shin-kun! Have you decided your partner for the duo tournament!? 
Shin: EEEK! (W-W-What do I do.... Could it be, did he hear what Louis and I were talking about...)
Leo: Shin-kun? Is something wrong?
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Shin: NO um! Nothing.... 
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Leo: .........  If it’s OK with you, would you enter the duo tournament with me!?
Shin: Huh!? .....Um........ Well I........... 
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(What do I do now. It makes me happy to hear Leo-kun wants to pair with me, but...) Umm, ummm! 
Leo: Please I’m begging you! I’ll work really, really hard!
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Shin: (WOOaaaAAAah!!! What do I do!?)
Leo: Are you still listening..... Shin-kun?
Shin: I AM!! 
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Leo: *sniff* .... Shin-kun, you hate me don’t you.....
Shin: What!? No of course I don’t! (Aaahhhaaaahhhh what do I do! Leo-kun looks so sad! I have to find some way not to mention Louis, and to not hurt his feelings either.. ahh....) 
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O-Oh yeah! Yes! On that day I have to go to... a memorial service! 
Leo: ...A memorial service?
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Oh, I see... In that case there’s no use. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had something like that to do. I’m sorry for troubling you. 
Shin: N-No, it was no trouble! Don’t worry about me! Really! (Well now what do I do!? I just spit out a lie in the spur of the moment... I’m sorry, Leo-kun....! A-And now it’s only a matter of time before he finds out....!?) 
Leo: ....I’m going to keep looking for someone to pair with. Thank you for listening to me. 
Shin: O-Okay! You’re welcome. 
Leo: *gloom*
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Shin: ..... He left. Aaah.... I’ve done something terrible.... *sigh* ... I’m really sorry Leo-kun.... 
(At the dance battle club, Nest of Dragon)
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Taiga: ......I don’t even know if I have the strength to step into the ring here. 
???: I have no choice. Here goes.
Taiga: Huh? It’s you.... Alexander!
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Alexander: Oh? Taiga Kougami....
Taiga: .....Why do you have to show up everywhere I go these days.....
Alexander: Hah. That’s my line. I think it’s a little early for a brat like you to be at a joint like this, no?
Taiga: WHAT!! What did you say!? Who are you calling a brat!?
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 Alexander: ....Heh heh.... The person who is whining like one. ...... Hmph. Hey! How much longer are you going to follow me huh?!
Taiga: Oh shut up! You’re the one who’s following me!
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Hiro: This place is....
Kouji: Hehe. It really seems to have piqued your interest. 
Hiro: Ahah, no way! Kouji, you’re kidding! Hey, Kazuki. I know Kouji could use some preparation for the street duo tournament, but why am I here too? I’m not entering, you know. 
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Kouji: ...You heard him. Kazuki?
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Kazuki: Oh just relax and enjoy it! It’s fun to check out some street battles every so often, isn’t it?
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Hiro: ..........
Kazuki: Hiro, are you alright? You can leave early if you really don’t like it....
Hiro: No, I don’t mind. It’s not that I’m overly bothered, I just... 
Kouji: ....Heh.
Hiro: ...What. 
Kouji: Eheh, nothing. But anyway, this is really a collection of rough-looking fellows, I’d say. Just watching them really makes you feel the pressure.
Kazuki: I know, right? This tense atmosphere really makes you feel like the heat is on! 
Hiro: Hm? ...Hey, guys...... Isn’t that Taiga?
Kouji: It is. And the boy he’s with... it’s Yamato-kun, right?
Alexander: Huuuaaah! 
Taiga: Huaaaaaah! 
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Alexander: Headspin Levitation! 
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Taiga:  Festival! Celebrate! Flowers for a Fortune Boy!
Street Dancer 1: W-What’s with those guys....!
Street Dancer 2: They are battling each other continuously while squashing other opponents at the same time...! This isn’t something you see every day! 
Street Dancer 3: Hah! This is great! Let them have at it until one of them falls!
Taiga: I’m not done yet! 
Alexander: You really think you have a chance against me?
Taiga: Just you wait and see! 
Alexander: (....To think I have to use this much of my strength against him.)
Taiga: (Alexander... is really strong. I want to get stronger!!) Hey! You guys over there! I’ll take all of you on at once!
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Hiro: ....That’s amazing. No regular competitors stand a chance against them....
Kouji: It’s like they are second to none. There are two of them, though. 
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Kazuki: ......... 
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You know, Taiga and Alec make a good combo.
Kouji: Yeah, I think so too. If only they would get along. 
Hiro: True. Right now the source of their energy is their drive to defeat each other.
Taiga: *panting*
Alexander: *panting* ....I think I’ll let you off here, for now.....
Taiga: ....What. You’re just making an excuse to run away. 
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Alexander: I’m showing mercy by giving you an opportunity to run away. Be grateful. 
Taiga: YOU....!! 
Hiro: Okay, okay, settle down you too. I know you’re having fun together and all, but let’s take a break for today. 
Kouji: Yes, yes. I bet you’re starting to get hungry aren’t you. 
Taiga: Wha.... Hiro-san and Kouji-san!? What are you two doing here....
Kazuki: I brought them. You guys were on fire as always! Today’s battle was the best! 
Kouji: You did a good job keeping each other on your toes. Rather than a battle it looked more like a synchronized show. 
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Taiga: Synchronized!?
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Alexander: Show!?
Kazuki: I thought so too! I could feel your passionate emotions clashing against each other very clearly. You guys would make a pretty good combo, y’know?
Taiga: Hey, not you too Kazuki-san!? No way in hell!!!
Kazuki: But you don’t have a duo partner yet, do you?
Taiga: W...Well I don’t but... I... I want to pair with y....
Kazuki: Who?
Taiga: ...A... Anyway! Even if you say so Kazuki-san, the chance of me making a good combination with Alexander is negative 1000%! We belong to different organizations, anyway....
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Alexander: Hmph. For once we agree on something. 
Kazuki Nishina! Don’t make me laugh! ....Pffft. I don’t have time for this. I’m out. 
Kazuki: Hey, wait a sec! Alec! Haha, he’s straight to the point as always. 
Hiro: But we really had a good time watching you two battle, whether you agree on forming a combo or not. 
Taiga: Hiro-san..... thanks.....
Hiro: But of course, I for one would like to see you two form an overwhelmingly powerful duo. But even if you pair with someone from Edel Rose, I’m sure you’ll be able to show us a well coordinated duo show!
Kouji: Yes, yes. Before you know it the time you have spent with someone becomes a powerful bond. Your bond with Yamato-san is a bit different, but I think the two of you have the potential to push each other to your limits.
Taiga: ....A partner.... Hm.....
Kouji: Taiga, you seem really troubled. Well. No matter who you pair with, I think it will open up a new world for you. Don’t you think?
Taiga: A new... world....
Hiro: I agree. Competing as a duo is in itself a new challenge. 
Kouji: Perhaps the true appeal of the duo tournament is the chance to try out a new method of performing. 
Taiga: ....Yeah. Thanks. (I guess you could put it that way...)
Kazuki: I think it would be great if you could find a partner you are comfortable around, without needing to to overthink things.  
Hiro: Oh ho ho! I’m really looking forward to seeing who you end up pairing with, Taiga! 
Kouji: Me too. If we end up in the ring together, please go easy on me!
Kazuki: I have never had an official battle with you, Taiga. But if we ever do, I’m really looking forward to seeing how it’d go!
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Taiga: (.....! Kazuki-san’s looking forward to battling me....!) ........ (Someone I can be comfortable around, huh....)
(Shijo, Kyoto)
Kakeru: Ah, there he is.
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Yuki-chuwan! All finished for the day? ☆
Yukinojo: Ah, Kakeru. You too? I’m glad we could meet up at the same time. ...Well then, we have still got some time before our reservation. Shall we go kill time somewhere?
Kakeru: Ah, about that. There’s somewhere I’d like to go. 
Yukinojo: Oh?
Kakeru: I just heard from someone at the company... What was it called... I’ll look for it on the map. Hold on a sec.... Ah! Yes yes, it’s here! Shabadaba!
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Yukinojo: ...? Sha... ba... daba...?? It has a very... unique... name....
Kakeru: Apparently this is a place where they do street-style prism shows! You know, like that “Nest of Dragon” place Taiga-kyun talks about! 
Yukinojo: Oh really. So there is a place like that in Kyoto too...
Kakeru: And there are some suuuuper tough prism stars there too!
Yukinojo: I see. So we’ll be checking out the competition. You really are interested in being in the duo tournament, aren’t you?
Kakeru: Maybe so. You’re about half right. But let’s not dwell too much on having a reason. We came all the way out to Kyoto after all, so why not check it out?
Yukinojo: Indeed. You have my attention. I’d like to see it as well. 
Kakeru: Alright, “competitor Yuki-chan”. You really are interested the duo tournament too, aren’t you?
Yukinojo: Heheh. You’re about half right. 
(Kyoto, Shabadaba in Ponto town)
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Kakeru: Wooowee! This really is quite the collection of rock-hard street stars, isn’t it? 
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It’s such a sausage festival too. I can’t see any beautiful mademoiselles anywhere. 
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Yukinojo: Well, it is where all the street ruffians gather. By the way, Kakeru. What are we wearing?
Kakeru: I borrowed these from the theater. This hair, make-up, and color contact getup is pretty sweet, isn’t it?
Yukinojo: Yeah. Not bad. 
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....But that wasn’t my concern.....
Kakeru: It’s difficult to blend in wearing casual clothes. Besides, since I came for work I only packed suits. 
Yukinojo: ....Oh yeah. I’d already forgotten that this meeting occurred by chance. 
Kakeru: Exactly. I don’t have the courage to go to a place like this in a three-piece suit. 
Yukinojo: Heheh. I wouldn’t either. Okay. Let’s see if we can find the strongest prism stars. 
Kakeru: Roger that. ☆ Hmm hmm I see. So this is what a place like this is like. Where are those two I’ve heard rumors about... Oh! 
Yukinojo: It looks like there are two people performing a show on center stage.
Kakeru: Hmm... So could it be, those two are...? 
Street Dancer 1: Hey, hey you guys. I haven’t seen you around here before. Ya new?
Kakeru: ...Wow. You could sail across the ocean with that hair. 
Street Dancer 2: Hm? Nah, I think I have seen these guys before... 
Street Dance 3: ....Ah! Aren’t these those guys from that Edel Rose place in Tokyo!
Street Dancer 4: HAH! What are a couple academy-style worms doing in a place like this?
Street Dancer 5: Whatever. You’ll get what’s coming to you either way. 
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Kakeru: ............
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Yukinojo: How did they recognize us.... I thought our disguises were flawless....
Kakeru: I guess there’s just no disguising our aura. I’m a lover, not a fighter though...
Yukinojo: Understood. But that aside, we shouldn’t do anything that could cause trouble for Edel Rose. 
Kakeru: I agree. .... This is gonna take some improv, but follow my lead, OK?
Yukinojo: Improv?
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Kakeru: YES! I’m counting on you, “princess”!
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Yukinojo: .......! 
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Kakeru: Whaaa? What’s an Edel Rose? Never heard of it. Have you, “Hana-chan”?
Yukinojo: ....Me neither. I have no idea what they’re talking about, “Juu-chan”.
Kakeru: The two of us are nothing but a humble street duo. We heard there were some pretty tough guys here so we came to see for ourselves!
???: Well, good ta have ya here.
Yukinojo & Kakeru: ....!?
???: You guys came to gawk at our shows huh? Do we look funny ta you? Well, this is a good opportunity. How ‘bout we have ourselves a little match? What d’ya say, Yubacchi?
Yubacchi: I see yer point, Hamocchi. These guys think they can just waltz in here like they own da place....
Hamocchi: It’s like they are expecting us ta bow to them like gods that flew down from Kiyomizu Temple....
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Kakeru: (The number of weirdos keeps growing...!) 
Yuki.. *cough* I mean, Y...Yubacchi-san and Hamocchi-san, huh.... 
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“Hana-chan” what do you think....
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Yukinojo: It looks like we’ve got no choice. ...We’ve got to defeat them. 
(And so Yukinojo and Kakeru became caught up in an unexpected battle...)
Hamocchi: Let’s do this, Yubacchi! 
Yubacchi: Right with you, Hamocchi!
Yubacchi & Hamocchi: Last one! Will you be taking that meal to go...!
Audience: They nailed it! O-BANZAI’S finishing jump! No one can win against that! 
Kakeru: Woah, those guys are no small potatoes. Welp, we’re up next. 
Yukinojo: Yes. But since whoever fires up the crowd the most is the winner... We are at a great disadvantage being unknowns. 
Kakeru: You don’t say? But you’re already all fired up, aren’t you “Hana-chan”?
Yukinojo: Oh, I am, am I? For someone who is a lover, not a fighter, you sure look as though you are looking forward to this, “Juu-chan”.
Street Dancers: What’s with those guys! How can they dance like that right out of the gate!? 
Yubacchi: They’re in total sync... Those guys may be pretty tough after all. 
Hamocchi: Maybe so. But they ain’t nothing compared to us.... huh!?
Kakeru: And here’s the finale! 
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GINZA No. 1 Glamorous Heaven! 
I’m about to put you under my spell! 
Yukinojo: This is it! Like roaring thunder! Kunitachiya Secret Move!
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 Hidden Moonlit Heavenly Lightning!
Audience: Woah...! I’ve never seen a show like this! Juu-chan is so cool! Hana-chan is so beautiful!
Golden-haired boy: ....!
Silver-haired boy: .....!
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Yukinojo: (So this is the street-style...? So this is a duo show....)
Kakeru: (The duo tournament... is really gonna be off the chain....)
Yukinojo & Kakeru: This is so fun!
 Yukinojo: I want to keep performing duo shows for as long as time allows! 
Kakeru: Ahah. When we run out of time, we can always find more. Let me ask you one again, about the duo tournament...
(And so night fell...)
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Yukinojo: We’re home. 
Kakeru: We’re home. ....But aren’t all good little children supposed to be in bed by now?
Yukinojo: Indeed. It’s gotten very late so I imagine nobody’s still up--
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Leo: ....I knew it! Yuki-sama you’re back! And Kakeru! Welcome back! 
Yukinojo: Leo! You were still awake?
Kakeru: ....Leo-kyun, what’s wrong? Why are you still up at this hour?
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Leo: It’s because I wanted to apologize to Yuki-sama....
Yukinojo: Apologize to me? I can’t imagine why...
Leo: I’m sorry for sending you so many texts....! I made you mad, didn’t I....?
Yukinojo: Texts....? 
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I’m sorry. The truth is I forgot to bring my phone. 
Leo: ........Huh? So.... so the reason you never replied to me wasn’t because you were angry...?
Yukinojo: Of course I’m not angry. I’m sorry for worrying you. 
Leo: Oh, oh I see! Phew, that’s a relief....
Kakeru: ....I guess we should have gave you guys a heads up after all. But at least we got that all cleared up ♪
Leo: ...Ahem, Yuki-sama!
Yukinojo: What’s wrong? You look so serious all of a sudden. Did something else happen?
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Leo: About the duo tournament.... Please be my partner! 
Yukinojo: ........What?
Kakeru: Huh.......
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Yukinojo: Leo, about that....
Leo: .........?
Yukinojo: The truth is, I have already agreed to pair with Kakeru.
Leo: Whaaaaaaat!? (Oh nooooooo!!)
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Kakeru: Ah. Well, if you two would rather be together, I wouldn’t want to stand in your way...
Leo: No, no that’s alright! I couldn’t bear to break you two apart if you already promised each other!
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(But... what do I do now....)
(And so, on a bittersweet note, a new partnership was formed.)
(What will become of our stars who haven’t yet found partners...!?)
Continue to Road To SSS 4.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
we watched 2 whole more eps but we’re abt to vacay so i better recap this biz now before i forget
ok so we finished the zoldyck arc and uhhhh gotta say we werent expecting like any of that to happen lol 
ok ill back up so we start w/killuas mom (i dont think we ever heard her name) confronting gon & co....and canary (i lov her) is not dead which i assumed but thank goodness. 
zoldyck mom was totally using nen. also she is off her rocker gotta say. tho that visor is super cool, albeit confusing - is it connected to a bunch of security cameras or something? how does she see all that shit? 
granpa is wild. his tunic thing that says ‘one kill a day’ or w/e is kinda hilarious, it reminds me of the ‘apple a day keeps the dr away’ saying...a murder a day keeps the....idk away????
i love that killua makes it abundantly clear that he couldve like escaped at any time lol. also tho why didnt he just escape....baby boy just leave 
killua getting all serious and threatening milluki if he messes with gon....my boys got it BAD 
this family has so many communication issues hvbjadkfbjaskdfj nobody is on the same page at all 
the butler guy continued to remind me of kuro one piece this whole time...i was waiting for him to bust out the ridiculous cat claws
oh my GOD wait the flashbacks of EVEN BABIER KILLUA were so precious ;_; he was soooo tiny and cute oh my god. so precious. and canary was also so tiny and cute 
baby killua really just wanted a friend :(((( and canary wanted to be friends w/him but knew that mom zoldyck would kill her if she overstepped like that :( thats so tragic mannnn
also canary is so cool man. her beating up all those guys was epic
ok that whole scene with killua and his dad was like, such a rollercoaster lmao
like....it was all over the place for me...first of all the ambiance was wack, the room lighting was weird and im p sure killuas seat was an electric chair??? and the dad was in a coffin thing..???? like....interesting aesthetic choices all over the place here 
also i see now where killua got his hair and also his catboy tendencies. the zoldyck catboy genes seem to trace back to zoldyck dad, who has kinda scary cat eyes 
also im guessing that the dad is the blood zoldyck and the mom is the one who married in. they sure seem to put a lot of emphasis on like, family legacy or w/e, but the two parents certainty go abt it in different ways 
the whole convo b/w killua and his dad was wild, it totally didnt go where i was expecting it to. his dad was weirdly chill while also being super intense? 
killua happily telling stories abt gon was so sweet....baby boy baby 
and his dad telling him ‘never betray your friends’ was rlly interesting...i wonder what his reasons were for saying that 
cause then he tells killua he can leave, and killua does, but then dad zoldyck tells mom zoldyck (i rlly need to find out their names) that he thinks killua will come back on his own time....inch resting 
i wonder if dad zoldyck made killua promise that bc he was trying to set killua up for failure - as in, he tells killua to never betray his friends, thinking that killua inevitably will & be distraught abt it, and then turn back to the zoldyck family when this happens. idk
also its interesting to me that zoldyck dad wants killua to lead the family someday. like, illumi is right there, hes the oldest and clearly dedicated to being an evil assassin, and he seems p good at it...i wonder why killua is the favorite....the grandpa (i think) did say that killua is Special(tm) which...yes he is a special baby boy i love him. i wanna see more zoldyck family flashbacks/interactions so we can see what led them to this point 
oh lord that reminds me of illumi briefly appearing in the killua flashback and hes just like, suddenly there, wearing some gay ass sweater....like ok dude did you just come back from the Evil Assassin Library or st?????
that reminds me too, ruth tells me that apparently in the manga illumi and hisoka got married or something???? to which i say, thats fucking wild, but also it makes sense, those two are both horrible and disgusting and they absolutely deserve each other hbvajvhsdfjbak peak evil nasty gay rep, i love it. i cant wait to see whatever the fuck the context to that is bc, thats fucking wild
ok back to the plot so like its so wild to me how smoothly everything went hvubsjduhfbjsh like....killuas dad was rlly like ok u can leave and killua just went to the butler house and then canary woke up and was like ok gon & crew lets go to the butler house to see killua, fuck the rules, (and she didnt even get killed for ‘disobedience’ or w/e, or more likely - in most big shounen, she wouldve been attacked by the other evil butlers and gon wouldve had to fight them)
killua Rlly was like fuck this place im leaving my boyfriend and his parents are here to pick me up [puts on gayest outfit he owns and skateboards away] hvbhsjdfbjdkf
i love killuas weird gay preteen fashion so far and i cant wait to see more 
killua telling the butler guy to let him know as SOON as gon gets there cause he wants to see him AS SOON AS HE CAN ;_; bro they r....in love 
of course the butler is trickey tho lmao, any other shounen this wouldve turned into an 8 ep long fight scene sequence where gon has to fight the butlers in order to see killua 
and the of course gon is the same way, gon is like i need to see killua RIGHT NOW take me to him!!! ohhh my god babies
the whole coin game was wild, it was funny when the other butlers got involved too lmao 
when gon was like ‘hey leorio can i see your knife’ i was like OH NO I DONT LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING. and i was right bc OWWWWW baby boy oh my god!!!! but that seems to have solved it even tho thats NOT how swelling works at ALL- 
anyways gon is a cute smart good boy and i also find it funny how killua eventually gets impatient and just busts in on this whole dramatic situation (and the tension immediately deescalates as a result lmao) 
tangent but god its so funny seeing all these butler guys deferring to killua, an actual 12 yr old....i wanna see the hilarious and hijink-filled results of killua being raised as a rich spoiled assassin prince. thats a lethal combo thats gotta result in some wildly skewed perceptions on how things work, especially paired with gon ‘probably eats dirt for fun and sleeps in trees’ freecess 
godddd gon and killuas lil reunion is SOOO cute they were so happy to see each other ;_; bro they are SO cuteeeee augh. two tiny babies
killua being like oh hi also uh kurapika andddd [looks at smudged writing on hand] lorpo 
hvhhbajfbs dont do my man leorio like that killua hes a hardworking father 
the fact that they just like. LEAVE...thats so wild. i cant believe how little fighting this arc had. this all wrapped up SO much faster than i could have ever anticipated lmao 
where the heck was alluka!? i assumed she’d show up here but uhhhh guess not......in the silhouette shot of all the zoldycks she and killua were holding hands ;_; my fucking uwus bro 
we also didnt see the grandma or great grandpa so im guessing theyll appear later 
gon being like fuck it im not using my hunters license til i punch hisoka in the fucking face hvbhahsfbjsk thats hilarious 
also a convenient way to let him have his hunters license but not utilize it til later in the story...its so early for him to have achieved that big chunk of his goal, which just shows that hxh is Not your typical shounen and isnt gonna just be centered around gons quest to become a hunter 
so we finally found out what hisoka said to kurapika....just as i thought, it was st to do w/the phantom troupe. so theres a handy setup for the yorknew city arc later. bam 
hisoka just being like ‘hey meet me in this (presumably) very large city on this date. no i will not tell you where in the city to meet me. bye seeya there’ 
tbf hisoka is very hard to miss 
god when they arrive and kurapika is just like ok well we got killua so im out lol bye everyone....bro hvbjkhgbfjhdksfhjk that felt so abrupt 
and then leorio was like oh yeah same i gotta go study time to take the fantasy MCAT or w/e
AND THEY BOTH LEFT....now gon and killua r chilling but im like oh my god no leorio kurapika come back, we need some (questionable) adult supervision over here 
and like immediately killua is like ok gon do you have money. and of Course gon doesnt have money. so killua is like well you need money and you need to train so you can deck hisoka, so lets go to a fantasy version of an underground fighting ring! this is why kurapika and leorio needed to stay 
tho they probably wouldve just gone along with it 
they did all promise to meet in yorknew city, but thats apparently like 6 months away. are gon and killua rlly gonna spend 6 months at heavens arena
the part where killua draws the diagram demonstrating how much of a n00b gon is....hvbajdkhfbhajskf
AND THEN when he drew himself into the diagram and was like :3c wow im so modest HBJHSKHDFHBJS that was so funny
it was like that post thats like ‘you can tell when a cats pupils change and they just shift into Silly Mode’ thats what killua looked like...catboy
so thats basically it i think, gon and killua are heading to heavens arena to join fight club or whatever. tournament arc time! 
i doubt this is the last weve seen of the zoldyck family. i mean we havent even met 3 of them, and we barely saw the ones we did meet...idk when theyll come back but i suspect theyll be making some big money moves later on and fucking shit up somehow 
i think maybe illumi or someone will like, spy on killua sometimes to keep track of him. or theyll track him by other means
ill use the prediction corner to reflect on incorrect predictions so heres a few. i rlly thot killua was gonna be more edgy than he is but hes rlly just a good boy huh. like hes a gay baby assassin catboy but hes so cute and good too. he just wants to live his life and hang out with his tiny bf like... omg :’) 
also i thot hisoka held a totally different narrative role lbvahkfjhjjaksfl i thot he was like main villain guy....hes more like an annoying creepy clown dude who (probably) shows up a lot to bother the main cast. we’ll see, but thats what i think of him now
like i thought hisoka would be like p1 dio, where hed be/quickly become a powerful antagonist who would amass a bunch of followers/minions (when actually the only person he seems to hang out w/is illumi, and theyre more like equals than an evil guy/minion dynamic)...or like i thought hisoka would be very well known as a scary evil guy but nope he was just another participant in the hunter exam, albeit a weird freaky one whose rancid vibes everyone seemed to pick up on 
anyways actual predictions, i think hisoka is gonna be at heavens arena, which would be super funny. gon is like im gonna train to beat hisoka and he shows up to do that and hisokas just there like >;) hey
i think if i had to guess, the zoldycks will show up again (in a plot important way) at the end of the yorknew arc/before the greed island arc. i know basically nothing abt any of the arcs but i do know the order they go in so theres that
i do think illumi will show up earlier than the other zoldycks tho, since he seems to be out doing his own thing more than the rest. also we still really havent resolved the whole mind control thing that im still convinced of 
i think nen will finally be introduced/alluded to heavily in this arc...or like, characters will use nen and gon will be like whoa whats that 
i think killua knows what nen is...maybe? it would make sense since im sure all the zoldycks can use it (at least, we saw mom zoldyck use it, probably)
can killua use nen already? that would be pretty funny. i dont think so tho. maybe u learn nen at a certain age. i have no idea what nen is 
also isnt gons nen power the power to like, turn into a really buff version of himself or something. how the fuck does that work 
ok enough nonsense its bedtime zzzzz
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sadrien · 7 years
prince of cats
chapter four: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
on ao3 || on ffnet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
hey how is everyone? if you follow me on tumblr, you'll know i wrote like 8k for this fic in one day, and hopefully i'll be doing a lot more writing for it this week, so it looks like posting will be constant all the way through which is pretty nice!
thanks for reading! enjoy~
Marinette pulls her hair up into a messy bun as she makes herself a hot chocolate. It’s almost noon, and she slept far too late, but yesterday was a day. She had sat in Adrien’s kitchen for longer than she had ever imagined, familiarizing herself with the swoop of his hair and the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles.
And then she had gone over Alya and Nino’s and had screamed about it for almost an hour over dinner.
Marinette glances over to the window by the sink, where the window is cracked open. For some reason, she half expects Plagg to appear, purring and demanding something to eat. If she thought she had it bad before, after spending a few hours with Adrien, it’s infinitely worse.
She is totally and completely screwed.
Marinette takes her hot chocolate and makes herself comfortable on her couch with a sketchbook and some old markers that she needs to use before she can justify spending an outrageous amount of money on new ones. She really should be working on designs for work — the head designer had a theme for a new line that they were throwing around — but she finds herself reverting to old styles that she played around with back in collège and lycée. There’s something familiar and comforting about the draped evening dresses and elegant suits.
Men’s wear is boring and Marinette intends to fix it.
She’s scribbling out a jacket design that she absolutely despises when there’s a knock at her door. She sits back on the couch with a sigh, twisting up her hair and shoving her pencil in it to hold it in place.
She’s surprised to see Adrien standing in her doorway with an awkward smile. “Oh, uh, hi!”
He lifts a hand in greeting. “Hi, I’m here to, um…borrow a cup of sugar?”
Marinette raises an eyebrow. “You…are?”
“I…” Adrien rubs the back of his neck. “Would it be weird that I kind of just needed an excuse to come talk to you again?”
She blinks in surprise.
“I’m not good at this friend thing,” he continues quickly. “I was… I was homeschooled and when I went to university I didn’t really talk to anyone I didn’t already know—” Adrien stops and buries his face in his hands. “I’m just trying to say I have no idea what I’m doing,” he mumbles. His ears are steadily getting pinker and pinker.
It’s almost unbearably cute.
If Marinette hadn’t already been completely sold, she is now.  
“Hey,” she says softly. Adrien looks up from his hands, face red. “I’m not doing anything today. Want to come in for a drink?”
He glances back into the hallway. “Not coffee, right?” he asks, smiling weakly.
Marinette steps to the side so Adrien can get through the doorway. “Coffee is disgusting.”
“You’re disgusting,” Adrien says. He spins in a slow circle, taking in her apartment. “This is nice,” he says softly. “I love your posters.” He motions to a Jagged Stone poster hanging in the center of the wall. It’s surrounded by other posters, ones she’s stolen from events when no one was looking or that Alya or Nino had bought her from the internet.
“Thanks,” Marinette says as she closes her apartment door. “I made it.”
Adrien’s eyes go wide. “You did?!”
She nods. “Back in collège. I entered one a contest where you had to design a poster for one of Jagged Stone’s concerts. The winner got two free tickets.”
She smiles smugly. “Watching from the front row was incredible.”
“Wow,” Adrien murmurs. He looks back to the poster. “You’re amazing.”
Marinette ducks her head as she feels her face grow warm. “It was just some work in Photoshop, nothing fancy.” She had spent hours and hours on it, looking up tutorials on YouTube and asking for opinions from everyone she knew. It wasn’t nothing, but she has a million things she would do differently if she could redo it. “Anyway, I don’t have any coffee, but do you want anything to drink? I have milk and hot chocolate and like…water.”
“Water is fine if you don’t mind me invading your Sunday,” Adrien says. Marinette bites her lip as he wanders over to her couch, knowing her sketchbook is sitting open on the cushions.
She waves away her worries — if he hates or judges her for one bad jacket then they probably should stop trying to be friends immediately — and turns toward the kitchen. “I don’t mind,” she promises. “One sec.”
Marinette is pulling a glass out of the cabinet when Adrien calls out to her from the couch.
“Did you draw this?”
She blows air out the corner of her mouth and quickly fills the glass with water. “Yeah,” she says as she walks out of the kitchen. She hands Adrien the glass. “I did mention I was a designer, right?”
Adrien takes the glass from her, a crease between his eyebrows. “Why did you scribble it out?”
Marinette sighs and leans against the back of the couch. “I hate it.”
He frowns.
She reaches down and takes the sketchbook from him. She tilts it in the light, scrunching her nose as she studies it. “It’s too…” She points at the collar. “It’s just not working for me. It’s very…angular? But not…in the right…”
“Can I have that pencil?” she asks, holding out her hand. Adrien hands it to her and she flips to a new page. “Give me like…less than…a minute…” she murmurs, scratching a new jacket on the page. It’s similar to the other one, but with better proportions, angles in different areas, a collar that isn’t so horrible.
She can feel Adrien’s eyes on her.
“You didn’t come here to watch me draw,” Marinette says when she’s got a basic sketch down. The most basic she can get, barely more than an outline. She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks up to see Adrien watching the paper intently.
“I don’t mind,” he answers almost automatically.
Marinette stares at him for a long moment. She tries not to get too lost in his eyes — she is, in fact, trying to read him and make a point right now — but it’s a challenge. “You said you came here for sugar,” she says eventually.
Adrien shrugs. “I needed an excuse. And I don’t have any sugar, so I figured that I might as well try that cliché.”
She furrows her eyebrows. “You…actually don’t have sugar. You drink your coffee black?”  He nods and she grimaces. “First of all, that’s disgusting. Second of all, what do you do when it’s two in the morning and, like any real adult, want a mug brownie?”
Adrien blinks slowly, mouthing the words back to her. “Mug brownie?” he asks when his brain has apparently decided to work again.
Marinette puts down her pencil. “You’re kidding, right?” She takes in his slightly dazed and incredibly confused expression. “You aren’t kidding.” She gives herself half a second to consider before she closes her sketchbook. “Come on,” she says, motioning toward the kitchen.
“What are we doing?” Adrien asks, trailing after her.
“I have to teach you how to adult.”
✦ ✦ ✦
“If you’ve got random chocolate chips laying around,” Marinette says, “this is where you’d throw them in.”
Adrien frowns at the chocolate bar she’s handed him. “This is a chocolate bar.”
“Yes,” she agrees. “It is.”
“What do I do with a chocolate bar?”
Marinette rolls her eyes. “You are so lucky you have me, because you’re hopeless. How have you lived on your own for…how long again?”
Adrien laughs awkwardly. “I get it. What do I do with the chocolate bar, oh All-Knowing One?”
“Watch this.” She unwraps the chocolate bar and puts it down on the cutting board she always has out on her counter just in case. She pulls a knife from the drawer and starts chopping up the chocolate bar. “It’s magic. Almost like chocolate chips and chocolate bars are made of the same thing.”
Adrien crosses his arm across his chest and leans back against the counter. “Okay, I probably should’ve been able to figure that out myself.”
Marinette gives him a pointed look. “You think?”
“Why do you add more chocolate anyway?” he asks. “You said it was optional.”
“Why wouldn’t you want more chocolate?” she counters. “Also, it’s fudgier.”
Adrien hums. “You just have this memorized?”
Marinette nods as as she splits the chopped up chocolate in half and puts some in each mug. “Eventually you just know that you need two tablespoons of cocoa powder, because it’s three in the morning, you’ve been prepping for finals since noon, and looking at a screen for the directions is too painful. Memorization is inevitable. Besides, how else are you supposed to get through university?”
“Uh… Willpower?” Adrien suggests.
Marinette makes a face. “I’ll stick to my double chocolate chip cookies, thanks.”
“You know to make double chocolate chip cookies?” he asks in surprise.
“How are you alive?”
✦ ✦ ✦
As the mug brownies cook in the microwave, Marinette teaches Adrien how to make chocolate chip cookies. Not exactly her original plan for her Sunday, but it means spending more time with Adrien. Also, Alya and Nino will never complain about cookies.
She tries to keep the conversation flowing as they measure out ingredients and mix them together in a large glass bowl. Adrien is twenty four, just like she is, and moved to Paris a few months ago. He never really wanted to go into business, but he doesn’t know what he would’ve gone into if his father hadn’t offered him a job. He did like physics when he took it and he goes off on a ten minute tangent about gravitational waves.
When Adrien is passionate about something, he lights up like the sun. His eyes sparkle and he gestures with his hands, brandishing the spoon in the air. He talks quickly, backtracking and making asides and random commentary the entire time.
Marinette finds herself turning away to hide her smile an awful lot.  
He asks her about designing and she somehow finds herself offering to show him some old designs sometime. He says he once could make a pillow. She laughs and says that she started out with a lumpy pillow that looked more like a very sad ball.
When the cookies are in the oven, the take their mug brownies and curl up on the couch in the living room.
Marinette flips on the TV and then looks over to Adrien. “What kind of movies do you like?”
Adrien pokes at the steaming brownie with his fork. “Honestly, anything. I’ll watch anything from bad Hallmark movies to action movies to Disney classics to comedies.”
She hums as she opens Netflix.
“What about you?”
“Whatever can act as background work while I design,” she admits. “I like to multitask.”
“That’s a good one,” Adrien says, pointing his fork at the screen.
Marinette stops on the movie he’s pointing to. “Anastasia?”
He nods. “Have you seen it?” She shakes her head. “Oh man, it’s a classic. Up there with Disney movies.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Really? What’s it about?”
“It’s a musical—”
Marinette scrunches up her nose.
“Hey, don’t make that face! Musicals are great!”
“Not usually my cup of tea,” she says with a shrug.
“Give it a chance,” Adrien pleads. “It’s about the lost daughter of the last Russian Tzar, but she doesn’t remember who she is. She’s just trying to find her family in Paris, she doesn’t realize she’s royalty.”
Marinette takes one look at his pleading eyes before she sighs and gives in. “I’ll give it a try,” she says, and hits play.
It’s worth it to see Adrien smile.
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etirabys · 7 years
man, I should not try to use the same TV show music to write fan fiction for that show and also to do productive work vaguely associated with that TV show I was trying to learn some graph query thing and kept getting distracted by thoughts like "yeah, I want to write a moment where a character realizes they've been totally wrong about the genre they're in – my POI fic has this, when Reese time travels back to the eighties and realizes midway through his stint as a bodyguard that his role is actually boyfriend", or "I know 'I'm straight but I'm in love with you, the exception' is now this Old, Problematic trope but it still has a lot of power over me qua awakening milestone, I mean – I can totally see that having satisfactory explanatory power for someone who hadn't gone through exhaustive self-probing and fell in love rarely. I mean, this is how I think it goes for Harold Finch. Like Reese has had it figured out for decades, but Finch gets walloped by it in his fifties –" I'm switching my music but I love being pavloved like this, I posted a year ago about letting spotify keep going until it hit 2014, and not noticing the songs I'd listened to while reading Infinite Jest had started playing until my thoughts went from subject => generalized philosophy tangent => Godel => David Foster Wallace's study of the incompleteness theorems => Hal Incandenza as a tennis player as written by DFW the tennis player => damn, that fucking hilarious war game scene => wow that amazing scene where Joelle... => huh, I never did figure out that ambiguity with..., etc. I didn't just jump the book, my brain took a short path with intermediate nodes that had legit connections. And it seemed super natural, I didn't even notice the music until I noticed how I'd just remembered and thought about a bunch of unrelated book scenes in sequence and wondered why that was happening. And this had been my precise intention, I'd been conditioning myself for fun that summer, but after I did it I forgot about it and didn't really listen to that music until that time. I should probably do it again for reading Wittgenstein, if I ever do that.
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