#wow. i sure love rambling a lot about spongebob stuff
machinegunbun · 3 years
concept: so i know we think of colson as this really rough guy when it comes to sex, but what about soft!dom col where he's strict but caring, and maybe the reader even has a bit of a praise kink. ❤❤
Omg yess
word count: 1.3k
A/N: sorry theres not a lot of smut, my brain got to wandering and I didn't feel the horniest so maybe pt.2? tons of fluff tho and its good to be back :)
Okay, so.
I'm thinking maybe reader has a past that left them uncomfortable with intimacy, whether from a relationship or otherwise. They're still super into freaky shit, but they need to feel comfortable first.
Does that make sense? Like, they need that safety blanket there first.
So obviously at first meeting Colson was scary, because to an outsider (especially early kells) he's this chaotic, sex machine.
It's clear to everyone that Reader is obviously attracted to him, and they are. They love the idea of doing all this kinky stuff with him, and at first Colson being Colson comes on kinda strong with the flirting, which makes them a little nervous to pursue anything.
But, one day, reader is hanging out with the gang (I imagine she's friends with Ashley [ that is his assistants name, right? God, it's been so long ] ) Maybe they're at a restaurant, nothing fancy just something where you seat yourself, and everyone squeezes into a booth, deliberately leaving no room for Colson and Reader, pointing to a two seater across the way.
You sit just far enough away from the group that you're out of earshot, and you can see them peeking the heads up and around the booth to try and catch a glimpse of what you're saying.
It's awkward at first, you're expecting him to drop some flirtatious joke that makes you choke on your drink, but instead he asks you how you met (whoever you're connected to in the group.) You tell him the story and return the question. He opens up about the fact that they're a day one, and even tells you about some of the stuff they went through together, good and bad. It's the first time you'd seen Colson not crazy or off something. He wasn't kicking out a windshield or hanging from the roof by a metal beam, he just was.
It was then that you realized the difference between MGK and Colson baker, and that before today at this restaurant you'd never met the latter.
Colson was able to express himself a lot better than MGK ever seemed to, at least when it came to you. He inquired a lot about you as a person, but the moment was ruined when you were in the midst of exchanging deep personal stories and Rook shot his straw wrapper at Colson and it bounced off his forehead and into his drink. Colson stood to return the favor, his story completely abandoned.
You didn't get a chance to speak to him like that again until two weeks later, when you met up once again in his hotel room. You were both sat on his bed watching spongebob, waiting for Rook, Slim and Baze to return with the bucket of ice. It wasn't a secret to anyone what they were doing, it didn't take three grown men to find an ice machine.
You didn't mind though.
Colson made you a little less nervous now that you'd seen him as someone other than the party animal you'd come accustomed to on stage. He was actually pretty cool, and really funny when he wasn't stressing you out with his antics.
When you asked him if he would finish his story for you he looked surprised.
"Oh, wow. You remember that?"
"Yeah, of course I do. It feels like the first time I ever really got to talk to you." He seemed uncomfortable at first, but continued with his story nonetheless.
The conversation flowed effortlessly until you began talking about how you always found Colson so interesting. He did things that terrified you like they were nothing. You admired his grab life by the balls attitude, and somewhere along the way of your ranting you opened up about how nervous intimacy made you. How most of the time the only way you could ever get off was by masturbating.
You hadn't even brought it up with him in mind, but the relation clicked immediately for him.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry."
"No, it's really nothing," you laugh nervously "I think it's just anxiety, I dunno. I'm paranoid."
"No, no. I'm sorry for the way I always talk about you— To you." he corrected "I never realized it made you uncomfortable. You always seemed into it, but I should've been more considerate and I'm sorry. I never would have— If i'd known I was making you uncomfortable—" He rambled
"Colson, it's fine." You cut him off "I mean, I am into a lot of the same stuff as you, It's just... I tend to like the concept a lot more than the reality because I am worried, and I need to feel safe before I can even consider something like that."
Colson must've really taken the conversation to heart, because he treated you a lot differently after that. When he'd heard that his loud onstage personality made you a little nervous he was sure to cool it when he was around you. He made sure to address you directly more often when you hung out in groups, whether to joke with you or as a conversation starter. He hadn't realized how uncomfortable and ostracized you'd been feeling in the group aside from your connection to it, but he was determined to change that.
It took a little bit, but eventually you really were comfortable with him, even when he was acting wild. You realized that being an anxious person and being around someone loud like him that you didn't really know was a little off-putting. Large crowds were hard enough for you, but with constant abrupt movement and noise it only worked to make you more anxious. Once you knew Colson a little better it didn't bother you as much, and he even helped you to become a little more comfortable and a little less anxious.
So when you found yourself in his hotel room once again, finishing the tail end of a family guy episode, you decided to make your move.
You weren't really sure how to start. Not with Colson.
You managed to awkwardly snuggle your way into his side, to which he gladly obliged, but you both remained silent apartment from the episode flashing on the tv. Glancing up at Colson, he stared blankly at the TV, glimpsing down to you momentarily to see what you were looking at him for. Your eyes returned to the TV soon after, your hand finding its resting spot just above his XXX tat.
You could feel Colson's chest shake softly with laughter. You tried to remember what had just happened in the show, but you were so busy anxiously devising your master plan to seduce him that you completely blanked. You could feel your heart beating in your chest. All you wanted was for him to blindfold and tie you to the bed and fucking own you. Everything about him drove you crazy. From his voice to his tats to his eyes to that fucking hair. God, you wanted nothing more than to have him between your legs while you tugged at those beautiful curls.
Your hand drifted lower, your nails scraping softly across his skin. This time he audibly chuckled.
"Are you tryna fuck me?" he asks, causing you to blush. It wasn't that you thought you were being sly, but you didn't expect to be confronted like that.
"You're good, it's cute that you're shy, I just don't fuck with that teasing shit so, unless you wanna get yourself in trouble..." Although the words were harsh, his tone was soft. Things progressed quickly after that, your lips meeting in a heated kiss to your hands pinned above your head, his mouth moving to your neck as he whispers in your ear
"What's your safe word, princess?"
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kerenitychan · 5 years
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this is stupid lol but like , i've been drawing everybody wearing the friendship bracelets so i feel like i owe y'all an explanation as to why the *fuck* squid would be wearing/have made one in the first place. i'm still working of a picture of the gang actually making them but yeah. basically the friendship bracelets act as a "you see this squid? , this is a symbol of you're stuck with us and we have your own permission to kick your butt if you act like a jerk" they don't wear them a lot cus, ya know all them bracelets can be kinda uncomfortable and annoying but they do wear em every now and then especially when they've planned an outing cus friendshippp
" BECAUSE I LIKE YOU! " Squidward heaved , trying to catch the breath he lost in his tantrum as he defeatedly locked eyes with the man before him . Spongebob scoffed. He wasn't even sure anymore when the fight started or what it was about but it sounded like his teal haired opponent was reduced to his last trump card, again. The one he knew would usually defeat the sponge, but not this time. He was so tired of this. " Yeah yeah I know, *hmpf* 'you don't really hate me' even if you regularly remind me. And maybe somewhere deep down you can stand me. I get it Squid you have that revelation twice a year, it's getting old. " He sighed crossing his arms as he tore away his gaze to look at the floor in disappointment whilst the other blinked before reaching out, more in an attempt to materialize answers from thin air then anything else, as he started again, still panicked and frustrated. " H- no! It's not....Agh! Look I don't! UGH  why do you have to make this so DIFFICULT! " " I'M making this difficult!? This ...this-this SHERADE has been going on for 10 years squidward! " Cerulean eyes pierced trough carmine ones with a look of rage, confusion, and frustration as the man threw up his freckled arms in desperation before they slunk back to his sides with a huff of defeat. To which the guilty scowl on the cephalopods face deepened. " Look I-ugh. I was TRYING to say that I like you. Not just that I don't hate you, which I also don't... do? Too many negatives. ANYWAY...I...I uhm....I don't like admitting defeat I- I uh, I guess... ehm an-  and I have a  hard time accepting things sometimes ... and I guess- I guess I just bottle things up until I explode... " He grimaced and looked around, vaguely gesturing . " Which is why we're discussing this stuff at 3 AM in the pattyvault instead of at home like normal people, ...I guess. " Sponge blinked a bit snapping out of it...oh yeah, right, squid was sneaking out and eating patties behind everyone's backs instead of ordering one every now and then like a ding dang normal person because for SOME INSANE REASON  he seems to insist people will ... will... NEPTUNE KNOWS WHAT HE THINKS PEOPLE WILL DO WHEN THEY FIND OUT HE LIKES PATTIES! HE'S JUST BEING SO- SO ARGHHHG! That last grunt escaped it's mental confides and rolled out between the gap of his buckteeth. " I just. I don't get it Squidward you ALWAYS do this. With everything!!! With anything you KNOW is fun!!! With everyone you know you actually like!!!  with....     With me...  Forget it, I'm just gonna...  go count the sesame seeds, I suppose.  Just... Don't fill up on patties until you explode again. " He turned around shaking his head with a sigh to head to his destination, but was brought to a halt by a suction cupped hand wrapping around his wrist " Spongebob wait!" A sigh. A grimace. A deep breath. " I. Am. Sssorry.  There, I said it, I'm sorry! I don't want whatever this is to keep going either! I just.... I am.... I am afraid of change, I guess?  You always say things will be fine but what if they're not???  I'm not lucky like you Sponge!  Destiny always seems to want good things for you but my karma is ATROCIOUS.  KELP! I could land in a hospital just for thinking about my karma! "  " Well then that's even more reason to try!!! Your "karma" wont get better if you don't! " " Ugggghhh I, You- This-  GAH! Can we talk about this some other time!? All I'm gonna get out at this rate  is more nonsensical rambling I'm gonna regret saying because: It's LATE, I'm EXHAUSTED and I STILL haven't     had a darn krabby patty! " " Then just eat the darn thing and get on with it because I'm not letting you chicken out again! "  " Can you at least close the door for a minute and give me some privacy! "  " YOU ARE GOING TO EAT A 🐬ING BURGER,WHAT PRIVACY!? " Oh... wow... a... that was... that was a swear. ....Spongebob just swore. ......uh-oh. Squid's really gotten himself thrown in the deep end now. He gulped nervously before submissively nodding and taking a bite of his burger... oh sweet mother of pearl it was good!  Neptune! Why does he always deprive himself of things he wants so bad?  Oh, right. Because he always has to make a big show of telling everyone that he actually hates the things he likes and he would DIE of mortification if he ended up having to admit defeat like a.... like a loser. With a light shake of his head he brushes off the thoughts and focuses on savoring the taste of his burger... 1 because he really needed one and wants to enjoy it. And 2 because ...ehm... he's a tad scared for what awaits him when he's finished. Spongebob was rarely enraged to the point of screaming,.. to the point of swearing and when he was he was a force to be reckoned with, Squidward knew that much. He peeked over in between bites to see his colleague standing there, arms crossed and impatiently tapping his foot, he was scowling so hard his buckteeth were hidden behind a pout and his eyes were squinted to half their normal size.  " How is it? " It was near impossible to gauge what kind of reaction the blonde wanted by his intonation, he was curt, near emotionless, ... Sarcastic? Squidward gulped down what he was chewing and smiled sheepishly.  " Just as good as I remember...heh. " " Hmmhmm. I bet. " Oh boy. With another awkward chuckle squid finished his burger before taking a deep breath.  " Had your fill? " " Heh, eh y-yeah. I kinda want more but I don't want a repeat of the last time. " " 3 times. " " H-huh? " " you loaded up on patties until you had to be hospitalized THREE TIMES. " The freckled man's gaze got the octopus who normally towered over him shrinking in shame before him. Just a little short of going into a fetal position.
" Why do you do this Squidward? What on earth does karma have to do with you being a stubborn seamule about things until they go horribly wrong!?  You could just order a damn patty every now and then, EVERYBODY loves krabby patties, no one would blame you! But no mr. Tentacles is too good for a krabby patty, mr. Tentacles would rather be miserable until         the kettle boils over and he loses control! " That got a huff out of the other who gathered some courage to stand up straight and glare back. " That mocking mr. Tentacles talk is exactly why! Because I am trying to uphold an image here, and the moment I don't live up to it I know damn well that everybody here will jump on the opportunity to remind me that      I'm just a poser! That I'm not actually the hot shit I pretend I am! That I'm lucky they even tolerate me breathing the same water! That I should feel honored anyone is willing to admit they're acquainted with me! That   I don't actually have any talent! That I'm....that I'm just.... That I'm a nobody! A filthy peasant! A wannabe show-off! That I'm a-a ... a...  That I'm a LOSER.  " Squidward clenched his fists, sniffling trough heavy breaths, he's not sure when it happened but he started crying. Oh Neptune this is humiliating. He feels kinda dizzy, oh please don't ink! This is bad enough as it is! As he looked up defeatedly his eyes met blue ones, glittering from the moisture collecting in them as a scowl made way for a worried frown. Great, somehow sympathy felt worse then rage. " Squidward... " " No, please just...  don't. That's what I meant with 'I'm just going to ramble'. Pretend I didn't say anything. I gah- " He yelped as he suddenly found himself in a tight embrace. Of course. He grunted uncomfortably and squirmed a bit trying to break free from the surprisingly strong hold his normally rather weak companion had. " Sponge I'm serious let's just pretend tha- " " Nu-uh! We, we're done pretending anything! Squid please! Talk to me about these things! " Two watery blue eyes look up at him, accompanied by a deep frown and trembling lip that only deepen the pained feeling in the octopus's chest. " Please. I'm here for you Squidward. " Gahhhh why does he always! Why is this always so! And he just! And, oh blowfish. He's crying again. " That's the damn problem here ! You have Patrick and Sandy and your parents and whatever stupid friends you made in your clubs to fall back on if you mess up! I..... " He sighs and against his better judgements, feels himself lamely hugging back, tiredly resting his chin in fluffy bottle blonde hair as he looks up at nothing. " I can't go to mother, she's not getting any younger and she's worried about me enough as it is, I can't stress her out more....  Father would just tell me to stop being a baby and man up... he'd mean it well but that doesn't mean it's any help. And "friends" I have acquaintances I guess, people I know by name that are willing to say hello to me.... I used to think Eugene was my friend but he's chosen being a boss over being a companion time and time again  so... I only really have only one friend... and he's used to me not treating him as one. So what if.... what if I did make an effort? And he starts expecting things from me, but I start chickening out or relapsing or decide I can't do it after all and he finally gives up on me!? I wouldn't blame him... I would have given up on me years ago... but I'm not sure what I'd do when I end up being completely on my own in this ..." Oh jeez... now Sponge feels bad. Obviously Squid has been struggling with this for a long time, he could tell he'd been struggling with his own happiness ever since he met him really... he pouts and gives his tall friend a comforting squeeze. " Well... have you tried talking to him about it? " A lame chuckle was the response before  he was slightly pushed back so the teal haired man could look at him with an awkward lopsided smile and a shrug. " I'm trying to right now. Heh. " A blink. 'Trying to right now'? Another blink. 'Only one friend that's used to not being treated as one' ? The gears in his spongey head were turning. 'I would have given up on me years ago'? With one more blink the short man started looking around wide eyed before carefully pointing at himself with a trembling hand. " Muh... me? " " No I'm talking about the krabby patty. yes you! Ever since you moved in next door... well before that really, ever since your little weirdo butt started "growing his first house" next-door you've been pestering me day  and night! With your incessant laughter and unconstrained joy and endless creativity and unmatched imagination and- and... and I just... I just... I kinda wish I could have been a part of it...  without having to be the mature adult that's too good for your childish games I guess? " Squid shrugged sadly before his friend released his grip on the hug, to instead take hold of his hands and make determined eye-contact. " You still can be part of it squidward... it's not too late, I told you didn't I? You're one of my best friends, I'll always have your back. You don't have to act a certain way or do specific stuff to be a mature adult you know? I've seen you Happy and exited before.... not as often as I'd like. But that's when you feel most you  when you're in a good mood and forget about who you 'should be ' for a moment.... I want to help you feel like that more often. " A soft sad chuckle left the octopus who shook his head and rubbed his teary eyes with his free hand. " You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. " " I think I've got a pretty good idea. " He chuckled back with a playful look. " Wait hold up I have an idea! " " Huh? What are you doing? " Squid blinked watching his...friend. Yeah, his friend. As he fumbled with something on his wrist before tugging at squid's arm. " Now, I want this one back because Patrick made it for me but that's gonna be our first friendship exercise! " He beamed a shiny bucktooth grin revealing the colorful macrame bracelet he transferred to the other's wrist. " Tomorrow you me and Pat are gonna get together and we're making this friendship official with a 3 people set! Oh maybe we could finally convince sandy to join, she never wants to do crafts with us.  She always says it's boring and starts karate chopping everything." " Wait- hold up, what? Friendship exercise? Official? Crafts? Karate chopping? " " Well yeah! I told you mister! No more pretending anything, we're gonna go out there as friends and you can be tsundere about it all you want but that's final " " I can be what about it???? Wait no never-mind that! Look don't you think you're going a bit fast here???? Do we have to do this, like... now??? And so... publicly???? " " Yesss we dooooooo~ " The blonde singsonged as he playfully flicked the other's nose " No more snail-footing around squidward! You're miserable and as your friend it is my duty to help fix that! So starting tomorrow we're doing this friend thing and you're gonna try or so help me I WILL get the                   ticklebelt! Nyahahahaha! " A sigh turned into a chuckle as Squid shook his head before he erupted in laughter along with his freckled friend... oh boy. What has he gotten himself into now??? " Hawhawhaw! " " Nyahahahaha! " " Hawhawhaw! " " Nyahaha. But seriously, I will. I  know where they keep the spare key to the mermalair. " " Huh? "        
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flowerschmoe · 4 years
What about....... Randy/Dallas
OH MAN THIS IS A GOOD ONE I haven't thought abt that ship much.....food for thought
Who's the cuddler: equally both i think, Randy is super touchy feely and will cling to dallas's arm a lot but Dallas loves it and likes to give Randy nuzzles. At night dallas is always the big spoon
Who makes the bed: TOTALLY randy. Dallas is a bit of a slob (leaves his underwear on the floor) but Randy doesn't mind. He likes to make the bed all fancy only for dallas to mess it up when he wiggles into the covers at night. Randy finds it terribly cute
Who wakes up first: dallas is the hippie tree hugger so he wakes up first i think. He likes to rise with the sun and get started on paintings pretty early in the morning. I think Randy is a bit of night owl, but he doesn't stay up TOO late and most mornings he sleepily gets up with Dallas and listens to him ramble about his newest painting over a nice warm cup of joe
Who has the weird taste in music: I think they're both a little weird when it comes to music, dallas likes to listen to the Beatles and ambient noise soft rock kind of stuff and some jazz. Randy likes a little bit of everything but if you passed him the aux cord he'd blare some classical music. He dances alone to Beethoven
Who is more protective: i think.....theyre both kind of pushovers funnily enough. Randy is a huge pessimist and hates any kind of conflict and dallas let's those kinds of things slide off his shoulders (but he is a big worrier). If either of them got something on their sandwich that they didn't want they would just take it off or suck it up and not complain
Who sings in the shower: Randy doesn't sing in the shower but he DOES recite slam poetry. He gets really into it and grabs the shampoo bottle and uses it like a microphone, wowing the audience of his loofah and special hair conditioner. Dallas thinks its really cute and eavesdrops sometimes
Who cries during movies: BOTH. I think Randy really enjoys watching things like musicals and soap operas and cries during the emotional parts of those, dallas gets really high and cries during the spongebob movie. Sometimes they cry together and its kind of funny
Who spends the most while out shopping: Randy spends all his money buying the same purple turtleneck over and over and the same pair of boots. He SWEARS that each one is a different shade of purple but dallas can't see it. Dallas is super thrifty and says that he can make most of the stuff randy wants to buy by hand, but sometimes it's like a baking sheet or smth and Randy Doubts
Who kisses more roughly: they're both terrible kissers but they both think that the other is really good bc they're both terrible, if that makes sense. Their kisses are very sloppy but very Passionate
Who is more dominate: I'm still not sure what this one means so its headcanon time i think Randy is transmasculine and i think dallas is nb but still goes by he/him
My rating of this ship 1-10: ive never rlly thought abt this ship before id give it like....a 5 i think. They would be very cute and silly together tho there's a lot of good ideas coming from the fact they're both artists
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neokollection · 6 years
My Sunshine - Jaemin
A/N: Okay, this is not that fluffy, there’s not a lot of skinship I made this to be Jaemin’s Day in the Day and Night series, but I’m not sure now... SO maybe later it might be...
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Word Count: 1.6K
🌞  :  11:31 AM what’re u doing?
You  :  11:32 AM sitting on the couch...
🌞  :  11:32 AM how u feel?
You  :  11:32 AM sick ☹️
🌞  :  11:32 AM did u take anything for it? did you eat yet? i can bring something over-
You  :  11:33 AM it’s okay
🌞  :  11:33 AM i’m not busy wait
You waited patiently for Jaemin to finish his text. You wallowed on the sofa, hugging the blanket around your weak figure tightly as the TV droned quietly. You had no appetite; you simply wanted to sleep and watch cartoons, possibly cuddle with your crush and best friend, Jaemin. Suddenly, your phone vibrated obnoxiously.
His voice was cut off momentarily before his bleary chuckle sounded.
“What do you think you have?”
“I’m not sure... Maybe just stomach thing,” you murmured, deep in thought.
“Are you watching Spongebob?”
He chuckled once more.
“I can hear it~”
You felt around yourself for the remote, quickly tuning down the volume, worried it would interfere with your conversation.
“What’re you doing?” you inquired, shifting in your spot.
“I’m just running a few errands,” he droned, sighing to himself softly before chuckling once more.
“What’s so funny?”
You hated to admit it, but each time his soft chuckles fluttered through the speaker your blood pressure seemed to rise in excitement and adoration.
“Nothing,” he mused
Silence sounded for a few moments as he seemed to be busy and Mr. Krabs had caught your attention.
“Juk or chicken noodle soup?”
“W-What? Juk?”
“Congee,” he added before pausing for a moment.
He hummed before waiting patiently.
“Which one do I like?”
He hummed once more before murmuring to himself, “I think porridge would be best.”
“Why? What’s with the sudden question?”
“Just asking.”
“Strawberry or banana milk? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-”
In unison the both of you blurted strawberry.  You smiled to yourself, curling your toes beneath the blanket. Jaemin grinned to himself as well, momentarily holding his phone between his cheek and shoulder as he reached for several pink cartons of milk. He took his time adding a few other surprises to his basket before going to the register.
“Let Johnny live-” Jaemin sighed, fishing through his wallet before handing a few crisp bills to the driver.
He waited a few moments to receive his change before shuffling out of the neon cab, slamming the door shut.
“No! He needs to stop with his parrot impressions-” you guffawed.
The television had been long forgotten and you now laid on the small sofa, staring at the intricate deigns upon your ceiling as Jaemin hummed through the speaker.
“I miss you-” you spoke suddenly.
It had been a while since he’d had such time for the two of you to talk and ramble endlessly. Glancing at your phone screen, your conversation was nearing an hour and five minutes.
“You miss me?”
He grinned to himself as he glanced through his screenshots for a few moments, looking for your building code before inputting it.
“Yeah... You’re so busy these days...”
“We still talk though-”
“Yea, just through text...”
“You’re so needy,” he whispered tauntingly.
“Am I really?”
Jaemin noticed your change in, quickly assuring you he was only teasing.
“Am I annoying?”
“N-No!” he argued through the phone, pacing before the elevator.
“Hey, Jaemin...”
He hummed in question.
“I have to pee-”
His bright smile illuminated once more.
“Then go,” he pushed in between chuckles.
The line was silent for a bit as you attended your business.
Jaemin checked his appearance in the elevator’s lustrous reflection before pressing 6th F.  His lithe fingers combed through his hair gently in an attempt to arrange it neatly, he had to look his best for his best friend and crush, you.
You chose to quickly rinse your face while you were in the bathroom, the cool water feeling refreshing. Soft palettes of golden light illuminated your tile floors as the sun neared its peak. As you stepped out you heard the familiar sound of the locks of your door turning and clicking.  Was someone breaking in? Should you lock yourself in the bathroom or confront them? Jaemin! He was on the phone, maybe you should grab your phone then lock yourself in the bathroom- Before you had time to make a move the door was swung open. Your terrified gaze met that of Na Jaemin, his phone pressed once again between his soft cheek and shoulder.
“What the fuck?!”
“You told me your building code before when you asked me to water your plants for a few days last month,” he reminded, “And I know you keep your spare key above the door frame,” he tsked.
“Why are you here?!”
“My friend is sick-”
“Don’t you have like practice and stuff?!”
“We’re on a rest period for a few days now... Are you not happy to see me?”
He finally hung up his phone, stuffing it into his back pocket as he closed the door behind himself.
“I brought food,” he added, holding up the large plastic bag in his grasp.
“I’m always happy to see you,” you soothed, “I-I just told you I missed you!”
He kicked off his shoes before making his way into your apartment, placing the bag upon the kitchen counter before gingerly removing the contents. 
“Have you eaten yet?”
“No- I don’t really have an appetite...”
He made his way past you, gently tousling your hair in the process. He snatched the remote before gesturing for you to make yourself comfortable on the sofa once more. He flipped through the channels before settling on Hello Counselor.
“Oh! It’s Jaehyun!” you gushed, snuggling your blanket.
He chuckled once more before making his way back to your kitchen, satisfied with your transfixed state. He rummaged through the bag before withdrawing a plushy, tossing it at you. It hit your shoulder lightly before falling to your side, a pastel lilac kangaroo.
“You need some diversity in your collection,” he chided, hinting at your growing collection of bunny plushies.
“Wow, you really went all out.”
He hissed suddenly, drawing your attention. You watched his back, his plaid shirt shifting with each sweep of his broad shoulders.
“It’s hot...”
You watched as he removed the spoon from his lips before stirring the container of porridge, blowing upon it gently. He placed it upon your coffee table with quick steps along with a carton of milk.
“You’re such a mom!”
“Got to keep my baby happy-”
His pet name had the two of you falling silent. Fuck- Did he really just say that? He could feel his ears turning pink in realization.
“Well, you’re the best mom a friend could ask for~” you tried.
...Did he just get mom-zoned? Friend-zoned?
“You’re blushing!” he burst, accusingly deflection the attention toward you.
“It’s because I’m sick! You are too!”
He snarled playfully before reaching out for you, the two of you engaging in a small scuffle before you winced, sitting against the comforting cushions. His lips parted in realization and he gently sat by your side. His first instinct was to cradle you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you into his chest in a soothing manner. It was silent, the feeling quite comforting, yet leaving your heart racing a mile a minute. His other hand reached around, settling on the outside of your thigh. You could hear his own heartbeat, racing much like your own.
He was about to apologize for horsing around, but you interrupted him.
“What’re you doing?”
Awkwardly, he released his hold of you, suddenly worried you didn’t approve of the close contact.
“N-No,” you blurted as he pulled away, “I want to stay like this... I was just asking...”
You turned your head suddenly to look up at him. He held your gaze, his neck seeming to crane on its own. It seemed the space between the two of you was closing rapidly and you had no idea if you were doing it or him. The instinct came and you closed your eyes, fear, adrenaline, excitement, all running rampant. He did it. He closed the gap, merging your lips briefly. It was barely a second, but it felt like an eternity, your mind reeling with each absolute detail, such as the way his fingertips pressed into your arm when his lips met your own, the soft texture of his warm lips, and the way his scent of faint cologne clung to the still air.
“You’re not contagious, are you?” he jested, drawing back slightly to hide his flustered state.
“I think I’m sick,” he began, a knowing smile playing on his lips, “Love sick.”
“Get out of my house!”
“That was bad,” he admitted, flinching as you rose a hand tauntingly.
His gaze flitted from the television to your porridge and he reached forward, opening the small pink carton of milk before crooning for you to eat. You weren’t sure when he was planning on leaving, but you had a lot of questions and confessions.
“What does this make us?” you asked suddenly, taking a sip of milk.
“Whatever you want...”
“Do you want to date?”
He grinned before pinching your cheek. Suddenly, his expression deadpanned and he leapt from the sofa.
“Your medicine!”
He hurriedly stood, glancing at your cabinets, but you grabbed his sleeve.
You smiled softly coaxing him to sit once more, “I’m feeling better already, thanks to my boyfriend-”
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shirohibiki · 7 years
AAAAAND TALKING ABOUT THE NEW SPONGEBOB EPISODE, ‘OUT OF THE PICTURE,’ HERE! or at least, first impressions and what i remember and yadda yadda. full analysis to come when they upload the episodes to the site (which i wish was right now sobs)
i know literally no one cares about me rambling about episodes, but hey. i enjoy analyzing and i just love talking about this show :’D spoilers below! ‘patrick’s coupon’ post is here! this one is really long i’m sorry omfg
okay, so... the premise for ‘out of the picture’ is really fucking terrible. like it’s positively awful and they should have NEVER written such a thing. i’m angry about it, BUT... i’m not as angry as i could be because it led to some beautiful things
so beautiful, in fact, that it made my terribly scribbled notes even worse. my handwriting is atrocious on a normal day, but it’s at least a little better than this. this is what my notes devolved into:
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i think that about sums it all up, yes?
so, right off the bat, we see some BEAUTIFUL paintings from squidward!!! like wow, those were amazing! he really is an incredibly talented artist. i could never fuckin’ paint like that, let me tell you. he did some really awesome stuff, but in the end, art is subjective and it’s played up for comedic effect, so y’know. typical reactions of disgust/disdain/whatever. larry’s reaction was kinda extreme, but ok lol. AND THEN, WE SEE SPONGEBOB HAS ALREADY BOUGHT ONE OF SQUIDWARD’S PAINTINGS!! AND BOY DOES HE LOVE IT!! and it’s not just any picture, folks: it’s COINCIDENTALLY a picture of a knight sweeping a swooning princess off of her feet. and now okay both of the subjects seem to be squidward (WAIT THAT CHICK RESEMBLES THE ONE I WAS GOING TO WRITE IN MY FIC THOUGH THAT’S SOME MATERIAL) so it’s kind of weird, but we all know him by now. i just think it’s Very Interesting that spongebob picks that one, of all the pieces. “oh, i wish a squidward in shining armor would sweep ME off of my feet~...”
uh huh. yeah. so now the whole deal is mr. krabs bought some of squidward’s art and is now trying to kill him so his art will be worth something??? totally uncalled for. but oh mygosh, when squidward picks up those pennies mr. krabs paid him?? HE WAS SO HAPPY??? i need to see that again because it was adorable. but yeah so krabs sends him on potentially perilous delivery runs and instructs spongebob NOT to go. the first one was a delivery to a whale who lived in the snowy mountains and of course squidward is freezing and tired and he falls... and there’s a snowman that looks an awful lot like spongebob. and squidward looks at the snowman and says “spongebob..?” hopefully, because when you need help, who you gonna call? that’s right. spongebob then ACTUALLY shows up (IN THE CUTEST OUTFIT EVER!!) and squidward’s defenses go up and he’s like “UGH WHY ARE YOU HERE”
spongebob plays it off like he was just passing by if i recall correctly, which is TOTAL BULLSHIT. there is literally no way he didn’t follow squidward up there to help him. it was so obvious, lmao. at that point, i think i remember spongebob TAKING SQUIDWARD INTO HIS ARMS AND CARRYING HIM??? be still my heart.... maybe i imagined that but i’m pretty sure lmao. suffice it to say, they return home safely and mr. krabs is angry because he’s a jackass and sends squidward out again and tells spongebob he can’t go. at some point sb was trying to distract mr. krabs and out of nowhere was like “your eyes are so pretty~.” and krabs got all bashful and it was fucking HILARIOUS
i don’t have anything to say about the mars delivery, but the other REALLY IMPORTANT ONE:
I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT!!! EEEEEE ROCK BOTTOM!! squidward is alone and afraid and yet again spongebob shows up to help -- he tells squidward that the rock bottom residents aren’t monsters, but are his friends! and his friends are excited to see him AND THEY HAVE A PARTY!!!!
OH AND THEN, I ALMOST FORGOT -- there was a chase scene where mr. krabs was hunting squidward, and spongebob grabbed squidward and pushed him down into hiding. he was sitting right on top of him, right on his lap, and squidward was like “ugh get off of me!” and sPONGEBOB WAS LIKE “i’ll never get off of you, squidward!!” and then something about wanting to keep him safe or something AND I JUST
i’m fuckGIKNGFG i can’t deal holy shit. THE SQUIDBOB... IT IS TOO GREAT... YES... THEY THREW ME A BONE AND I GRATEFULLY ACCEPT THAT BONE. it’s not exactly what i want (read: actual relationship progression and character development), but it’s something -- ohh, it’s something. and it lets me know that they still ship it and still want us to see it. 8) the idea of the episode is terrible, but oh my god there were so many cute moments, i can’t be too mad. i’ll properly assess when i can watch it again. oh my god i loved it <33333333
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