#write reports abt the quests they accept?
abombihoney · 3 years
okay so artis? i think his name is artis, the white bug in the explorers association, is an accountant right. but like, what funds tho.
like presumably theres some amount of money paid to the whatever building in each town hosts a quest board. and whoever they pay to run around and keep those updated.
elizant even mentions at the beginning of one chapter to let artis know about the newest expedition, but it never gets posted to the quest boards. implying that it was solely a financial thing, like say giving explorers on that expedition a travel stipend or something.
but like, we dont ever see explorers actually get paid by artis. they are rewarded solely by whoever gave them the quest. including the queen herself.
so like, is artis only accounting paying quesy board updating fees (and eetle)? or is he actually managing the payment of at least six explorer teams on top of that?
Like explorers probably do receive some kind of base pay to cover housing/food/medical. And then w/e they make off quests is just profit. and we just dont see that cause theres no reason to go that in depth about the bug economy and how exactly the explorers association works in a game abt magic bugs.
anyway i dont actually know where i was going w this i just wanna know what artis is accounting specifically.
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papers4me · 3 years
Yuusaku & Asirpa (the innocent symbol for the father’s own quest)
Reading chapter 276, you can’t help but notice the striking similarities between Yuusaku & Asirpa & the future differences that will save Asipra from Yuusaku’s fate.
First of all, for the sake of the argument rather than focusing on the rightful cause of each nation/race or the father’s own character or personal gain, I’ll focus on Yuusaku & Asipra’s own character, fate & destination.
--The similarities between Yuusaku & Asirpa:
Both is considered an innocent, pure & just symbol for their own respective cause. Yuusaku is an army’s flag bearer, holding the nation’s flag with pride, courage & confidence in advancing towards victory. Army men get courage, hope & optimism just by looking at him! Asirap, according to Hijikata’s plan is a symbol for the Ainu. The reporter supposed to write articles abt her pride of her own traditions, conviction, &  the just quest for the right to the their own land. Along with her picture with her traditional attire will convey genuineness that will move readers & rally the Ainu behind her.
Although not a written rule, but Yuusake must stay virgin to further cast a light of spiritual approval & more importantly to not cloud his mind with the worry of a lover or a child left behind when he should be focused on his mission. Furthermore, he shouldn’t dirty his hands with the blood of other men even if killing them is justified at war ( Yuusaku himself is genuinely against taking lives & is wary of guilt). Asripa is a child (hence she’s not focused on marriage) & although she is considered at marriageable age according to Ainu customs at the time, she refuses to settle down, wear traditional tattoos that symbolize marriageable readiness or status. Furthermore, Asipra refuses to kill others even if they’re rightfully deserve death or stand at her way. She even makes Sugimoto promises to not kill if he to be her partner in their initial partnership contract.
Yuusaku’s ideas from from his father’s teaching & convictions. His whole fate is planned by his father & he was raised to accept such convictions. Putting his son in the front lines of death even if he hopes his son survives. Asipra’s father planned the whole gold hide around her memories. She’s the key for the gold & hence putting his daughters at the heart of danger. Knowing quite well that the gold attracts all kinds of men with all kinds of agendas. Asirpa is lucky she has an immortal vicious guardian to protect her & stand tall between her & all those men of war & greed. Asirpa herself went through a long journey that led her to fight the fight that her father’s chose in the first place. A fight that she didn’t even know it existed. Wilk raised Asripa knowing what’s to come, hence she is a different kind of Ainu woman. A path that the father planned.
Both Yuusake & Asirpa ended up in the planned path regardless of the journey it took. Both fathers used other men to ensure their chosen offspring will follow regardless of the obstacles. Hanazawa used Kukta to  “save” Yuusaku from earthy distractions: love & family. Wilk used Hijikata to find Asripa & get the tattoos key from her.
Both Yuusake & Asirpa  were faced with other options that they can take & leave their designed fate. Yuusaku ( while presumably he didn’t know abt the arranged marriage plan) he was given other options by Ogata to not become the so called symbol, hookers, killing war captives, & better yet! turning his back & going away. Yuusaku stayed & refused all distractions becuz altho he wants to please his father & meet his expectations, perhaps Yuusake really believed that’s his purpose. Although Yuusake knows of the high deaths rate of flag bearer, I firmly believe that he wanted to fulfill his duty, then live. He seemed the type that is too hopeful & too optimistic to solely think of death or focus on the real ugliness of war. Asripa while having more realistic approach than Yuusake, still chose to continue her designed fate. Sugimoto tried to give her an exit, go back to carefree hunting & forget this path. She refused. How could she turn her back to such rightful cause? afteral she was raised to be proud of her origin.
In Ogata’s eyes Asirpa & Yuusaku are alike.
---Striking Differences between Yuusaku & Asirpa: 
I believe (from a writer’s perspective: Yuusaku died so that Asrpa could live). Meaning, Yuusake is what Asripa shouldn’t become or death awaits her. Thus Sugimoo’s journey involves meeting both symbols ( Yuusaku & Asirpa). He met Yuusake so he could save Asirpa. Yuusaku didn’t die cuz flag bearers are at the front lines. NO. He died cuz Hanazawa screwed up by rejecting another son. Hence, the shot came from the back not the front. From an insider killer not a foreign outsider. Sugimoto will make sure Asirpa don’t get a stab in the back. She is at the heart of danger. Anyone could end her cause at once, simply by killing her.
Unlike Yuusake Asripa decided to dirty her hands. She refuses to kill for herself but she will kill for sugimoto if he will be in danger. This bring me to the third point:
Unlike Yuusake, Asripa wants both worlds! she wants love as well, not just fighting for her nation/cause. Yuusake was taught to just focus on the mission & not have his own little family. Asirpa wants to go to dugimoto’s twon & eat his fave food, loves sugimoto & is jealous of the idea of sugi having a first lover, someone he thinks abt. In her furute she wants the Ainue’s rightful place & sugimoto by her side as well. However, can you really have both? Sugomoto doesnt seem to love her romanticlly in the first place. While he’s extremely kind, fond  & protective of her, Sugi project a lot of his wishes on her. Sees his own innocence through her. Asirpa even confronted him on that. Secondly, even if getting Sugi’s love is possible perhaps the hardest part is getting her nation to unite. That’s a life time work! heck that’s generations work! Regardless, theses points separate Yuusake & Asrpra greatly & hence allows Asirpa a more realistic chance of survival.
Unlike Yuusake, Asripa was forced to see the truth of her father & no longer sees him through a child’s fond righteous eyes. Yuusake died not knowing the piece of sh!t that is Hanazaw. Asripa first was troubled by the rumor that her father killed the 7 Ainu & it took her ages to accept him again. Her quest was to ask him if he truly killed these Aiun! he didn’t. But he killed other ppl. Asirpa was once again to learn of her father’s dark histoy filled with blood, including the blood of an innocent woman & a baby. It doesn’t matter if Wilk didn’t intentionally kill Fina & Olga, his journey led to their demise. Whenever he goes, corpses fall. Wilk is one of the characters on this manga that rarely display guilt over death. Asirpa seeing her father’s bloody path, will enable her to judge wisely or more judge humanly. Unlike her father, Asrpa is not a wolf. Therefore, doesnt deserve a wolf’s death.
Unlike Yuusake who had no one that cared for him personally without any gain (beside his mother), Asripa has genuine ppl who cares for her personally, not her cause. ( sugi & shirashi). These two are capable of helping her.
I know that Wilk & Hanazaw arent 100% alike, however, these two men believe in their own ability to reach their goal & has designed their children’s path. It doesn’t matter which is righteous & which is horrible, both men put their only child ( as far as horrible Hanazwa is concerned) in the front lines of death. Hence, the whole post abt Yuusake & Asirpa.
I have more I want to say, But I can’t articulate more due to fatigue! but this chapter rocks!!! I love all GK characters as they all serve unique roles. I hope I get to write a post one day abt Ogata & Yuusaku!
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