#write them anyways babesšŸ’™. Iā€™m open for any prompt or idea for any boy though I may complain bc I complain as a joke
Can you write about Mika comforting Damien after heā€™s had a nightmare?
Of course! Iā€™ve been busy and writing other stuff but I can do it now!! Hope you enjoy and sorry if itā€™s not so great. Iā€™m not so great at writing DamienšŸ˜­, but I Hope you enjoy :)šŸ’™.
Feedback and reblogs are appreciated as always!!
He didnā€™t understand why the nightmare kept happening. The Demon Lord was dead, gone, and wouldnā€™tā€™ve been able to hurt Damien or Mika.
Mika, his lovely wife. They both had fought the Demon Lord for her freedom, and got married once they returned a few months ago. He believed their life could be better and peaceful, but every so often a nightmare haunted him, and it was always the same.
He opened his eyes in the dream and was in the throne room, with the Demon Lord far from him. Damien looked up on instinct and saw Mika, his lovely Mika, held up in the air by the monster. He wanted to run towards her, and he always, always tried, but he was stuck. He was frozen like a statue and was forced to watch the Demon Lord stab her, and hear her scream.
The Demon Lord said something, something about him being a bastard and how itā€™s his fault, but it never really processed. The only thing that processed was the sounds and sight of her death. He stabbed her until she stopped responding, and threw her lifeless body to the ground.
It broke him out of his trance and he tried to run towards her, shouting her name, but he was suddenly stopped by hands pulling him away. The Demon Lord looked at him the entire time, smiling even harder when the hands drag him away to the dungeons. It changed so quickly, it always did, and suddenly his hands were placed on a stone wall, and he heard the crack of a whip followed by the pain on his back.
It cracked over and over again, the pain worsened each time, and just before he woke he heard someone whisper, ā€œA demon till the day you die.ā€
He sat up with a loud gasp, the world spinning as soon as he opened his eyes. He took in quick breaths, eyes scanned the room to see any threat, but there was none. He almost screamed when he felt a hand on his shoulder, only to look over and immediately recognize Mika.
ā€œDamien? Whatā€™s wrong?ā€ She noticed his breathing and the slight sheen of sweat on his face, and had a guess of what happened. She moved up to lean against the headboard and gently pulled him with her. Like always, he moved with her and wrapped his arms around her tightly, laying his cheek on her shoulder, while she ran a hand through his hair. ā€œWas it a nightmare again?ā€ He nodded silently. His eyes were focused solely on her stomach, the places she was stabbed in, and almost missed her next question. ā€œDo you want to talk about it?ā€
ā€œNothing was different. You still died and I wasā€¦ā€. He couldnā€™t finish the sentence, his throat felt too tight to continue. His tears fell before he couldā€™ve stopped them, and he buried his face in the crook of her neck, feeling slight embarrassment though he knew she never judged him.
Her hand moved down his back, rubbing up and down to prove nothing was there. No scars or cuts or slashes. No one had hurt him. She lifted his chin up to make him look at her, up into her lovely green eyes that always made him feel safe. ā€œDamien, youā€™re here with me. Weā€™re safe.ā€ She took one of his hands and placed it on her stomach, proving there were no stabs or blood, and then placed it over her heart. ā€œWeā€™re both alive.ā€ She then wiped a few tears away and caressed his cheek lovingly, making him feel the warmth from her body, and not the coldness he knew her body had in the nightmare.
He listened to her voice, felt her touch, and followed her breathing to ease himself, a routine he did after each nightmare. Her heart was strong under his hand, and alive. He let out a deep sigh and nodded. ā€œYes, weā€™re alive. Youā€™re alive. Weā€™re safe,ā€ he repeated to himself.
She slid back down to her spot in bed, him following her, and pulled him to her chest. He heard each heartbeat and breath she took, reassuring him more. She then began to hum a lullaby softly, guiding him to a peaceful sleep. When he was on the edge of sleep, ready to fall back into the darkness and hope for a better dream, he heard her whisper, ā€œI love you, Damien. Iā€™ll be here for you whenever you need me. Forever.ā€
He believed her, like he always did and always would until the end.
I hope you enjoyed! Iā€™m open for many more, but forgive me if Iā€™m not as good for Matthew and Damien but I hope you enjoyed and see this AnonšŸ’™!
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