#writing landoscar getting to know each other is so hard because i just keep falling back into banter
nyoomfruits · 5 months
got tagged by @wanderingblindly thank you darling <3
The Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
“You are probably wondering why I’ve gathered you here today,” Lando says, gesturing around the small little coffee shop tucked away in one of London’s back streets. “I mean, not really?” Oscar says, shrugs. “I signed a contract saying I’d date you and this feels an awful lot like a date, so.” “Oscar, can you-“ Lando waves his hands around, a little annoyed. “I had like a whole thing prepared.” Oscar sends him an amused look. “Right. Sorry. Go on.” “You’re probably wondering why I’ve brought you here today-“ “Endlessly. It’s all I’ve been thinking about. Kept me up at night.” “Oscar,” Lando says, draws it out a little, watches the corner of Oscar’s mouth tick up as he makes an apologetic little gesture.
tagging @theory81 @ocontraire @mecachrome
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