#writing: ford daviau roscoe
themarcspector-a · 2 years
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ford ellison daviau roscoe
character inspirations: mat.ilda, #5 from t.u.a, vi.llanelle, l.eon the professional. 
“talk less, smile” or “nod” more, is a very specific ford thing to do. he’s not the most chatty person in the world and is much more actions than words — like he’ll sing you a song or make you a playlist or an origami bird – when it comes to meeting new acquaintances and friends. he’s a cool person to be around because he’s mellow and isn’t much for starting drama unless someone starts it with him first. he’s the type of friend who will chill with you indoors, outdoors, whatever - as long as he gets some you time. he is something of a trouble-maker though, so some of his friends are probably gonna be troublemakers too. and his friends who aren’t troublemakers are probably goody-two-shoes who go to law  school. it all depends on where he’s at and his mindset. but he is an alright friend. just not super well-behaved and he kinda is in love with himself. so i doubt he’d be friends with anyone is constantly talking shit about or judging him.
ford has a temper on him when he’s pressed or when he feels like someone can’t defend themselves. he is calm for the most part, but if you call him names or egg him on by pushing, there’s a one-hundred percent chance you are getting decked in the face. he’s also gotten into trouble at random bars and clubs for getting into fights with men who just won’t leave women alone. and when he gets into trouble for it, he doesn’t apologize because he thinks he’s doing the right thing. Which is another thing, the fact that he’s so goddamn self-assured could be something that bothers people.  Oh, and his mouth.
Biography / Headcanon Sheets
Ford Roscoe’s beginnings were somewhat lonely. His mother only kept him out of obligation and his father left her when he figured out she was pregnant. She didn’t treat him awful per-say, but she did treat him as though he wasn’t there most of the time. And as a child, he longed for the warmth of his mother and her love. And this longing only intensified when he started preschool and he saw how loving and affectionate other mothers were when it came to their children. He tried to convince his mother to love him by attempting to impress her with grades and positive behavior but he ended up growing farther apart from her as time went on. Instead, he gained the attention of his teachers and an art museum worker. 
His teachers would take care of him by paying for his lunch when his mother forgot to give him money for it, or they’d find him clothes when he grew out of them. They’d praise him whenever he came in for tutoring or during lunch to study. He appreciated this quite a lot because the attention he longed for from his mother but never really received.  Then, with the art gallerist, he became friends with her son and she became something of a Miss Honey-Type for him, which ended in him visiting the art museum often  - because she bought him snacks - or nights where he spent the night at her place and hung out with her son.
He basically stayed there quite a lot, and it got to the point where people saw him as her son. She never argued against these statements, which always made him feel really good. However, one day, his biological mother got a boyfriend and he didn’t like him very much. He told him to his face as much one day, and asked Ford’s mother to choose him or Ford, and his mother chose Ford. Without even blinking an eye, his mother kicked him out of the house. And not knowing where else to go, he rode the bus to the woman’s house and told her the story.
The woman, Claudia, was furious and drove over to his mother’s house and angry smacked her as soon as she opened the door, telling her that she should be lucky to have Ford as a son. Ford was shocked by this and was even more shocked when his mother said she’d give her guardianship over him because she just couldn’t handle him anymore and just wanted to be with her boyfriend. Ford gathered his things after that, and then he set off to live with Claudia who continued to treat him as a son - only this time she was his actual mother now.
Ford went to private school on scholarship and knew Claudia’s son, Rory before he began to visit the museum a lot for food and drink. Rory had told him about it one day made a point to tell him about how he hung out there a lot with his mom and how he could hang out with him, too. The two of them hung out a lot there and frequently played scrabble, connect four, and chess together. They formed a strong bond and might as well have been brothers before they became actual brothers.
Ford’s been called a sassy little shit and this description of him has been stated even throughout his adulthood. He’s also very deadpan and serious, and his emotions are there but due to his upbringing, he’s somewhat lowkey about showing how he feels. He also has to keep his emotions in check since in verses where he has superpowers he’s telekentic and when his temper acts up shit floats or explodes and occasionally people get hurt. He prefers that not to happen and sees a therapist to find coping mechanisms to control his anger and upset, and so far this keeps his feelings and powers in check. It should also be noted that another power that Ford has is healing, and when he’s hurt or someone else is hurt, he can’t heal if he’s angry. Anger only manages to make things worse. In verses where he doesn’t have superpowers, he did get into fights while attending school because at his private school talked shit about him being on scholarship and because he was a bit of a teacher’s pet. He kind started to not give in after he moved in with the Roscoes. 
When it comes to love his love language receiving gifts. He likes making playlists with songs that remind him of friends, family members, and romantic partners and gives them to them discreetly - usually on CD, but sometimes through Spotify. He can be playful despite serious, so at times he’ll leave little messages through the Spotify song titles. On the subject of musis an adult, he can play guitar so he sometimes plays guitar in small bars. Usually with music that isn’t written by him and that’s written by other people. He has a good voice though and makes habit of teaching himself to get better at using his voice and playing his guitar. This originally was something he did to distract himself while in law school, but now as a criminal defense attorney, like Claudia’s wife Beth, he just does it for fun and gets a lot of joy from it.
When he wants to get away from everyone he goes to the local aquarium. As a child, he’d sneak out of his new mother’s house and when he lived with his biological mother, her house, to go to the aquarium. He’d stay there for hours and just think about everything and nothing particular. It kept him occupied because he enjoyed watching sea life and learning the names of the fish and plants. As an adult, he’ll go to the aquarium with his tablet and go over notes for his cases.
Knows a lot of useless facts but can’t retain information for anything super important. You ask him what people’s names mean or how licks it does take to get to the center of tootsie pop and he’ll tell yah, but when asked what he had for breakfast what he wore the day before he won’t recall the information at all. However, when it comes to the details of other people - specifically friends and family - he’ll remember everything from their favorite color to how quickly it usually takes them to eat a bowl or top ramen.
Luna and Delphine’s successor. He is an assassin by trade in order to make his great grandmother and grandmother happy. He volunteered because he thought it would be fun, which is something they just did not understand at all. He gets along with Maidens who work for Luna and Delphine’s family. So he works with both on different occasions and he actually likes his job? What he doesn’t like is when Delphine gets all huffy with him, it makes him a little temperamental. But like whatever, it is what it is. 
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
❛ aren’t we in a good mood today? ❜ heaven x ford
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Ford gives her a dead eyed stare, before he lets out a heavy sigh and tilts his head, blonde hair falling in reaction to the movement. His arms then open wide, to open-armed shrug, before he lets out a childish, “Well, duh -” and quietly continues to sit on their shared couch. 
Though his roommate knows of his secret life as a hitman for the Rosanos and Death, herself, Heaven’s the closest thing to a friend he has that isn’t part of his family or the agency. But the issue is, he can’t help but be irritated with her about eighty-percent of the time - since, well, she is an irritating person.
The most irritating person he knows. Has ever met. Will ever meet, even.
“If I were in a good mood, I would have greeted you, opposed to sitting here and moping,” he adds, eyes rolling now, even though he wanted to avoid such a gesture. “Wouldn't I?” he waves his hand down, and then lays his whole body on the couch. “I mean…it’s obvious I feel like shit, Heaven.”
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