writingsteph · 2 months
OSI Snippet Sneak Peek
Okay, this last scene of the "short snippet" (lol) has truly gotten away from me. I'm just writing away, letting my brain do it's thing. Here's a sneak peek (not fully edited):
Sam opted to stay in her dad’s office, avoiding her peers in the gym, and distracted herself with her phone while Lucas coached the boys Varsity team. She texted Jack and Tamara and they even planned their next hangout for the weekend. The solidified plans eased some of the fomo she had being away from her best friends. It was during their texting session that Sam received her second message of the day from Brooke.
“Millie dropped Barry and your blanket off at Lucas’ house. They should be in your room. Love you peanut. Hope today went well.”
Jesus Christ Brooke. You sent MILLIE?! But then Sam shuffled in her spot on her dad’s chair at the realization that Millie was already well aware of her comfort items and Brooke knew it too. 
There had been a few times that Millie walked into Brooke’s house only to notice Sam clutching them both while watching tv. Or the one time that Millie had been on a Skype call with Brooke who was sat in her kitchen, and the girl who had just woken up from a nap walked through in the background, her bear hanging in one hand. Millie swore the girl’s thumb was also set in her mouth. To Millie, the more often than not sarcastic and sassy Samantha was such a precious sight when she decided to let down her defenses. The observant assistant realized that Brooke had created a safe space in her home for the troubled child to do just that. For Sam to be the kid she never had the opportunity to be.
That’s why Brooke asked her. Millie already knows you’re such a baby. Sam’s intrusive thought was disrupted by another kind voice who had assured her in the past. Mama’s. 
There's no age limit on what brings us comfort, baby. If your blanket and bear help you feel safe and secure, then that's all that matters. 
Brooke knew you would want them. Even now, she is still being nice to you. 
Remorse sat heavy in her stomach. But another more sick feeling sat heavier. Disgust. With herself. She didn’t deserve her parents. The girl sent her mother a quick text after that, eyes watery, though she couldn’t bring herself to express much, aside from simple gratitude. You don’t deserve their kindness.
Okay. Thank you.
“Champ, have you called your mom yet?” Lucas asked, buckling his seat belt, looking at the pensive child in front of him. Her spirits had lowered. It amazed Lucas how attune a person could be to another. How attune he could be to a child he'd known for so little time. She's yours.
Sam looked away, grabbing at the hem of her shirt. 
“Samantha.” Lucas leveled her with a look, knowing her daughter's nervous tells well,“I thought I told you to call her.”
“I texted her.” Sam grumbled her whine, so much was racing through her head she wasn’t sure what to focus on or do. 
Lucas turned the key in the ignition before turning back around to her tired looking little girl. She needs a nap. She’ll probably go straight to her room and sleep until dinner.  “That’s not the same and you know it. I’ll have you call her later tonight”
“Lucas, what?” Sam exclaimed. She wasn’t ready yet. She was feeling too much to try to confront Brooke about anything. “Come on!” 
“None of that Sam." He hated being firm about this now, but Sam had been choosing avoidance lately and he felt it was time to put his foot down, "You two need to talk.”
Sam huffed and leaned her head against the window while her dad pulled out of the school. You need their comfort. You need Brooke. You motherfucking child! You don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve it! Another thought interrupted, in the form of Haley’s voice. They love you unconditionally.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Do you have any writers that you recommend, especially ones that still post.
Hey dude, I have several writers that I can recommend! 
 @gamergirl929 - She writes some really amazing WWE and USWNT stuff and I live for her commentary during WWE shows and USWNT matches. She was one of the first accounts that really got me hooked on the USWNT and she writes a really good mix between fluff, smutt and angst. 
@4stars-uswnt- They consistently write really fantastic USWNT imagines. I live for their fluff! it always gives me the feels and makes me go aww, and I love to read it at all times cause it makes me happy
@sauceysonny- They are incredibly sweet and a really great writer. I mean, they made me like and want to read about members of the USWNT that I wasn’t super interested in before. They tend to write longer imagines, but I really appreciate that and am always looking forward to their brand new scenarios or a continuation of their older ones. Plus again they are always super sweet and encouraging. 
@uswntxfootball- They are a little bit newer, and I always look forward to reading their stuff. It’s always cute and well written. 
@writingsteph - Their ageplay stuff is da bomb and I really enjoy it! it’s also super well written. They don’t write imagines, but I really like their one-shots. 
@uswntfics - I'm not sure if they’re going to continue their ABO story, but I really enjoyed it! it was really well written and I think it’s on archive too...
@tobin-heaths- They write really good imagines! like I’m always down to read their stuff! I’m not sure if they are going to continue posting, but their previous work is most definitely worth the read through. 
@wonder-kid-pugh - They have written some really cute works! i’m not sure if they are going to continue either, but again their stuff is most definitely worth the read through. Their work always makes me smile and is a pleasure to get to read. (I’m like in love with their Christen x reader imagine...)
@writing-n-things - They write some really incredible things. I’m not sure if they’re continuing either, but their account is deff worth the read through. 
@wosoimagines - Their stuff was some of the first that I got into when I started reading in this fandom! their baby! reader imagines are some of my favorites as they’re super cute! Again, I’m not sure if they’re still writing, but I really love their work and would 100% recommend. 
Summerprincess (notjustalittlegirl) on AO3 has some really great work too! They’re not imagines, but her ability to write characters is incredible. I absolutely love her ageplay oneshots as they can be cute or gutwrenching! She also has a Smutt oneshot book and a Dom/Sub universe book with Alyssa and Becky that i may or may not be slightly obsessed with. She’s really amazing. 
OsoloNewsDay (TheOtherPerson) on AO3 is also someone i would 100% recommend. Again they don’t write imagines, but their work is too good for me to not recommend them. I think my favorite of theirs is an A/B/O work called The Journey to Three (its Alex x Tobin x Christen) and it’s amazing. I’m pretty sure that i’ve read it about a million times because it’s just that great!
Dodo24 on AO3 or @hardtchill on here are pretty incredible. They write about some really heavy topics, but they handle it in such a great way. They don’t write imagines, but their multi-shot stuff is again too amazing to not mention. Again, their stuff isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s handled amazingly and they take every opportunity to explain what someone in those situations may be feeling. 
I know that that was long, and spanned two very different websites, but i couldn’t resist giving a shoutout to some of my favorite writers, because without them, there is no way i would have ever decided to start posting on here!
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank these amazing people for taking the time to share their works with us (me in particular) because it always brings me joy to get to read the, and lifts me up when i’m feeling sad!
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writingsteph · 5 months
TTT Sneak Peek
Got some time and inspo and started writing this, so I decided to post. Could go in many ways, but I'm just glad I put something down.
Riley had gone downstairs to get a bottle of water. It was midnight and her parents expected both twins to be asleep, but the girl had been mindlessly scrolling TikTok til the wee hours. 
 It was midway down her descent of the stairs that she heard their argument in the living room. 
“Lucas I get that the book flopped but it’s been two weeks of this. Of you coming down here at night to mindlessly watch tv. It’s been two weeks of you moping around this house.”
“I spent years writing this book, only for it to fail Brooke. I’m allowed to be upset!”
“I understand you’re upset about the book launch. I know how hard you worked Luke. But you can’t keep wallowing in self-pity. At some point it has to end.”
“Oh pulhease!” He scoffed. 
“Riley and Carter have both asked me if you’re going to be okay. They are just as worried about you!”
“I’m sad Brooke! Okay?! I poured my heart and soul into that book.”
Brooke took a step closer, reaching out to touch his arm gently. "Lucas, you're not alone. You have me, you have our kids. We love you, regardless of what happens with your book. But you have to keep going, for us and for yourself."
Lucas pulled away, his resolve crumbling with his wife’s touch. "I need some air," he muttered, his voice strained with emotion as he stormed out.  
“Where are you going?”
“Anywhere but here.” He left Brooke with those words. Ones that struck the wife like a hot knife. He left Brooke to stare at an empty living room, and a hurt 13 year old to silently trudge back up the steps. Riley stayed up until 3 am waiting for her dad to open the front door again. He never did. 
Riley had kept hearing the argument to herself, choosing not even to tell her twin. She was eager to see if her dad had made his way back but was sorely disappointed when his chair at the table was empty. Always a keen observer Riley noticed her mother’s tired eyes. Her visage less bright.
“Where’s dad?” Carter was the one to ask as they sat down. 
Brooke kissed them both atop their head and placed a plate of warm toast with butter at the center of the table. Riley could see the slight frown that grazed her mom’s lips. 
“He left early for school.”
Carter thought nothing of it, but Riley stared her mother down with bitterness. So they were just going to lie to them about all of this? 
“Riley, eat something please.” Brooke chided because the girl ate so little without the urging of her parents. But she did not feel up to please her mother, or her father really. She rolled her eyes and pushed herself up from the table, “I’m not hungry.” Riley picked up her bag, “I’ll wait outside.”
Brooke looked to her son who put his hands up, “I have no idea what’s up with her. She woke up cranky too. Almost knocked me out when I woke her up.”
Brooke sighed, feeling the weight of her family on her shoulders. Carter had been more easygoing about Lucas’s rough patch. More empathetic to his father’s sadness. Not Riley though. Luke’s little girl did not take well to her father’s slight aloofness the past couple of weeks, and so Brooke tried to be understanding of her attitude, but the girl did not always make it easy.
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writingsteph · 8 months
Any plans to write soon?
I've written down a lot of ideas I've had, and I've toyed with the next chapter of OSI in my head for months now. Writing however has been the struggle.
Recently though been watching House and fixated a bit on a story where House and Cuddy broke up later on in their relationship and things ended not too awfully. It's years later, Cuddy's daughter is 14 and she finds herself in trouble and at work with her mom. Been writing it down today. here's a snippet:
House and Rachel heard and Saw Cuddy before she walked into the glass walled  office. They were quick to hide the ketchup packets they were planning on opening and hiding under certain seat cushions. 
They looked up and sat down as soon as Cuddy opened the door. The woman looked at both of them suspiciously. She was tight lipped and furrowed her brow, pointing at her child first. 
“Mom, I did my missing classwork. I just took a small break to hang out with House.”
“And your break is officially over. Go back to my office and complete at least three more assignments.”
“But I have the whole-”
She pointed towards the door, “Now, young lady. Do I need to have you at my hip to make sure you do as I ask?”
Rachel felt her cheeks redden, “No. I’m going. I’m going.” 
House looked at the girl, “See ya later matey.”
“Bye House.” She mumbled, defeated. The girl walked past her mother with her gaze down, though she still felt her mother’s hawk-like eyes follow her out.
It was only once Cuddy was sure that her daughter would do as she said that she turned her attention back to House, “Please just tell me you didn’t have her break any laws with you.”
“Promise. She was just helping me with a little collegiate bonding.” He walked towards his desk chair and Cuddy leaned on the door frame with a smirk, wondering what it was that “collegiate bonding” meant. “She’s here as punishment so if you are going to undermine me and take her from my office at  least make it-”
“Unfun? How about torturous? Do you prefer physical punishment?” He asked sarcastically.
“House, please stop.”
The man leaned back in his chair, “Relax momma bear. I, unfortunately, could never hurt mini Cuddy. An annoying chink in my studded armor.”
And the woman tried hard not to smile. Their relationship was long over but the remnants of it were very real. And still there. After all, it wasn’t for lack of love that they broke up. 
“So” He exclaimed, “I hear she’s starting her descent into teenage dirtbaghood.”
Cuddy stood a little taller, “She- she talked to you?”
He gave her a small nod. Rachel had talked to him, midway through their shenanigans, right after the stink bomb had been placed in Wilson’s office.
“Skipping her sixth period math class this week, right?”
“Please tell me she told you more.”
“She did, but I can’t-”
“House, you’re really not going to tell me?!” Cuddy’s voice grew louder, “Rachel is my daughter and I-”
“She’s fine! Relax!” He cut her off, “None of the worst case scenarios that are stockpiling in your head are true.”
“I’m not-”
“Oh please. Do you forget we dated? I know you very, very well. Look, she's going to talk to you.” He finally looked towards his ex-girlfriend's face and saw maternal worry etched on her face, “Cuddy.” He called her attention and they locked eyes, “You’re raising a good kid. Moronic at times, but aren’t we all?” Her eye roll was his cue to continue, “She’ll talk to you because she trusts you. But for now, just know she is no worse for wear.”
She sighed, but knew that House would not give in, and oddly enough, his words did make her feel better. A reminder that House had his own twisted way of making life feel easier.
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writingsteph · 1 year
Here For You Sneak Peek
Mom please I don't wanna use the crutches, and Dr. Portela said I didn't need them anymore as long as I use the brace and mind my movements."  Rachel argued from where shes at on the kitchen island, finishing her breakfast.
Shelby could hear the whine trying to escape out her daughter's mouth. "But he also said one more week on crutches couldn't hurt."
And the now 12 year old couldn't help that her eyes watered. She was so tired of the crutches. She was so tired of feeling like she couldn't do anything without help. "No mama please! I just want to be able to move on my own now. Please!"
Shelby sighed, looking deeply at her daughter. She knew it'd been a rough two weeks for the child. She set the crutches aside, letting them rest on the kitchen counter. 
"You have to promise me that you won't be running around in school and aggravate your ankle more."
"Mama I'm in 7th grade. Who just runs around for no reason?"
"You were chasing Santana and Quinn all over this house when they slept over."
Rachel pouted at being caught, "Well that was last month!...I'm, I'm older now." What a weak comeback Rach.
And the mother couldn't help but chuckle. She walked over to her sitting daughter and placed a kiss atop her head, "Can you promise me then?"
"I won't do anything to hurt my ankle. I promise." 
"Okay baby. No crutches then." And Rachel smiled widely, turning into her mother and hugging Shelby's torso, "Thank you mommy."
Shelby knew the girl was buttering her up, but she couldn't help that it worked, "You're welcome lovebug. Now come on, I'm going to help you up the stairs so you can get dressed."
Obediently, the 12 year old lifted her arms and Shelby placed firm hands underneath and hoisted her up. "Up we go, baby." A steadying hand beneath the girl's bottom as Rachel wrapped her legs around the woman's torso.
Once in Rachel's room Shelby set her on the bed and placed the ankle brace next to her, "Go ahead and take your pajamas off. I can put the brace on after we get you changed" Shelby knew that while most 12 year olds would not want their mothers around to help dress, Rachel was different. She didn't mind her mother's help. In fact she preferred it. It was like making up for old times. Both mother and daughter knew it. Felt it. In their most mindful moments, they even cherished it.
"I can grab you some clothes. Anything you want to wear?"
Rachel shook her head, "You choose."
"On it." The woman went into the girl's closet and chose a black and white checkered shirt that she knew Rachel loved, and a black collared white shirt to go with it. 
"Do you want to wear your tights or socks today, Rach?"
"Socks please!"
Shelby came out with the clothes and smiled at her little girl. Rachel was now sat in just her pink panties and had managed to grab a hold of Clifford which she held close to her chest, playing with the fur of the stuffed dog. Any more time sat by herself and Shelby knew that the tip of the dog's ear would end up in Rachel's mouth. A self soothing technique that Shelby did not have the heart to stop.
"Aren't you the cutest thing I've seen." Shelby commented, effectively making Rachel blush. She set her Clifford aside, "Mmooommm." She grumbled, "Don't say that."
"What? That you're cute?" Shelby took it in stride, "Arms up, love."
And the girl listened though there was a pout on her face now, "I'm 12 now mama."
"I know you are. But you're still cute to me." Rachel only let out a huff that went ignored by the woman.
Shelby slid on Rachel's training bra first. A bra that Rachel had begged Shelby for at the beginning of her 7th grade year. Claiming that Santana and Quinn had one, so she wanted one too. Although the mother was sure that Rachel did not need one yet she had acquiesced knowing how important fitting in was at that age. Next she slid Rachel's shirt on and patted her daughter's bare thigh, "Okay lovebug, stand up carefully so I can get your skirt on."
The 12 year old gingerly stood up minding her hurt ankle, while Shelby kneeled down so Rachel could hold onto her shoulders for balance. "One foot at a time." The skirt was slid on and Shelby couldn't help the "Good girl." that came out of her mouth as she sat her child back on the bed to put on her socks and brace. 
The room was silent as Shelby worked on the last bit of dressing her daughter when a quieter "mom" slipped through Rachel. 
"Do you think I'll be good enough for soccer tryouts next week?"
Shelby frowned as she finished up with the ankle brace, "Baby." She sighed and Rachel knew her mother's answer then. 
"I can keep the brace on!"
"Your ankle is weak right now Rachel, and by the looks of it when you stood up, still hurts. I don't think you'd be able to even make it through the tryouts."
"I can take the pain medicine Dr. P. gave me!"
"No Rach, I'm sorry."
Rachel crossed her arms and looked away from her mother who was still kneeling in front of her. "Baby I'm not trying to keep you from playing soccer, but your ankle needs to heal. If you hurt it more you may need surgery, and that's even worse. You'd be unable to move your foot for 4 weeks."
"Fine, whatever." Rachel mumbled, still not making any eye contact with her mother. So Shelby stood up and placed a hand on her daughter's cheek, "I know you're upset. I'm sorry baby. Sometimes things like this happen and we have to roll with the punches." Rachel made no move to address her mother. But Shelby knew Rachel would benefit from some comfort, so she grabbed Clifford from the bed and placed it in the girl's arms, noticing when she immediately tightened her hold on the dog, "Okay, lovebug, I'm going to go get ready. I'll come grab you to go downstairs once it's time to go."
The woman walked out and Rachel laid down and curled into herself. Why the fuck had she fallen down the stairs?! Now she would miss soccer season! She had been so excited about it too!
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writingsteph · 2 months
OSI Short Snippet: School Sucks Part 4 (
Longer than the other parts. Not really a short snippet anymore lol smhh. Hope you enjoy, explored Sam’s mind a little more. And the last scene between Brooke and Sam is inspired from the movie (Se Busca Papa) I’ll add the clip here later!
Please let me know your thoughts!
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writingsteph · 2 months
Thinking of fixing/semi re-writing some chapters of past stories….my summer is almost over and I hope my muse don’t leave but I’ve been having the time to think through what I love!
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writingsteph · 3 months
Got like two more scenes in my head. Let me know if you like ❤️😭
Sam laid in her bed with eyes teary as ever. She hated the thought of not being in her mom and dad’s good graces, but the resentment Sam held towards moving schools was battling against those tender feelings she had for Brooke and Lucas. She knew she couldn’t change the fact that she was at Tree Hill, but Sam certainly wouldn’t give her parents an easy time of it. 
Brooke had wasted no time with the lecture after the girl finished her shower. It felt like as soon as the teen had slipped on her sleeping shirt (Brooke’s old Tshirt) and pink mesh shorts Sam heard her name called from downstairs. The teen rolled her eyes, stomping her way down the stairs and towards the dining table. Brooke looked at her daughter’s dramatic entrance with a raised eyebrow. She withheld from expressing that Sam looked all of 8 years old pouting and stomping as she was. 
“Very mature Sam.” She chose to say instead. 
“I don’t care.” Sam growled out bringing her knees up to her chest. The mother took in a deep, calming breath. Going back and forth with her child would not be beneficial. In fact it’d probably be unproductive. 
Just stick to the plan Brooke. 
“Okay, you don’t care. Well that doesn’t change that your dad and I have rules.” And Sam squirmed in her seat, itching to scream, cry, throw something. But this time was different. It felt…kinda hopeless.  She knew it was hopeless. Her parents had made up their mind. 
“Lucas is on the phone,” Brooke slid the device to be at the center of the table where Lucas’ name was lit up on the call screen. “He is still on the bus on his way back from the game and doesn’t want the players to hear this conversation and embarrass you in the process, so he wont’ say much. Everything we talk about, he and I have agreed on.”
Brooke waited for some sort of response from Sam, but all she got was a scowl.  This shit was killing her. 
“We’ve talked your ear off already about why moving you to Tree Hill was the best decision for you. We saw your Southside record and know how common it was for you to skip. But that is not how things roll anymore. It is not an ask but an expectation that you stay in school and go to ALL of your classes. Where did you go when you left today?”
Brooke saw how the girl squeezed her fists in anger. She moved a hand towards her child, but Sam pulled away. The woman’s heart grew heavy at the rebuff. 
“Here." Sam muttered, "I came here." She had just wanted to escape. Tree Hill was scary and she wanted to feel safe. Brooke's home was safe. 
Despite the attitude, both parents felt relief at hearing she'd gone home. Could she be lying? Yes. But she’s safe and no worse for the wear…so they wouldn’t push.  
“Do you want to talk about why you left school?” Brooke treaded carefully, knowing how easily triggering this topic was for the child. 
“No, I don't want to talk about it. I don’t want to talk to you or Lucas about anything.”
And that one hurt both the parents. 
Lucas felt the need to speak up, “Well that’s a shame Samantha, because we love talking to you, and when you’re ready, we’ll be here.”
In response, the girl dropped her head onto her knees and hid in her arms.
Brooke sighed heavily, “Since you’re choosing not to be forthcoming, we can move to the punishment.”
 Sam shrugged from within her hiding place, wanting the peaceful darkness to swallow her up in that very moment.  
Brooke and Lucas had hoped Sam would’ve been more vocal than this. Worry began to settle in the pit of their stomachs. 
“Skipping will always lead to a direct consequence.” Brooke began, “So for the rest of this week it is just home and school for you. Your father will be checking in via Gchat with your teachers within ten minutes of each class period to make sure that you’re there and you are to check in with him at lunch. Square?”
Sam looked up, her heart beating faster, her skin feeling hotter. “Yeah, I’m in prison!”
“Samantha-” Came Luke’s frustrated voice from the phone.  
“If that’s what you want to call it young lady,” Brooke snapped, her voice bubbling with annoyance,  “But until we can trust you to stay in school that’s just how things will be.” The mother noted the slight wince and the way she held herself tighter. Her heart sagged, so she took a composing breath, controlling her anger. 
Lucas took it as his cue to take over, “Champ, if you give us a hard time about this your mother can always take a week off and be your shadow at school.”
Sam glared at her mother who was giving her a stoic stare and a raised eyebrow daring her to argue in return.
No, she did not need her overprotective mother all over her in front of her peers!
A frustrated groan and a croaked out ‘fine. Whatever.’ came out of the upset 14 year old. T he teenager shot up causing the chair to screech before she bolted back up the stairs, far away from her parents. She climbed into bed grabbing a hold of her bear, and let her tears flow. Helpless is how she felt. But her stubbornness wouldn’t let her see past her own anger. 
It was 30 minutes later that she’d heard a knock at her door and her mother’s voice. Of course she’s here again. What Sam didn’t know is that Brooke had spent the past 20 minutes battling her own emotions about the situation, guilt recoiling in her stomach about their decision to transfer their daughter. 
Sam did not respond, though hearing Brooke’s nickname for her made the girl’s eyes water once more. Fucking crybaby. They were right about you. 
“I’m coming in, okay?” 
Brooke gave Sam one last chance to say something before pushing the door open.  The sight of her little girl wallowing in bed with weepy eyes almost broke the mother.
“Can we talk?”
Brooke noticed as the child swallowed back tears. 
All Brooke wanted was to see Sam smiling again. Hec, she’d take sass at this point. She was shutting down and the parents were growing concerned. They knew that for Sam’s safety Tree Hill was the right choice, but at what cost? Their little girl’s happiness? 
Sam’s eyes were growing redder by the second, and a longing to protect and coddle her daughter filled Brooke’s heart. 
“Okay, honey-” She walked over and sat as close as she could to Sam, looking down at her favorite pair of pouty bluish eyes, “I know I snapped at you earlier and I’m sorry about that. And I know that dad and I are being strict and it feels like a shitty situation right now.”
Meanwhile, the teen was doing everything possible to avoid looking directly at her mother. If she did, Sam would break into sobs at the sight of her mother’s compassion. Although, she was secretly grateful for her mama’s apology. She hated admitting it, but in her most insecure moments Brooke and Lucas scolding her was still unnerving. 
  “We just need to keep you safe.”
And with that Sam rolled her eyes not wanting to hear the lecture. She wanted to be left alone, to cry by herself!  
Sam turned her body away from Brooke , but the woman immediately filled the space that Sam left and did not let her gaze leave her daughter, “Peanut, okay, okay. Look. I’ll stop harping on that, but Sammy, I-I am worried about you. I don’t want you to close off on us again like you did two months ago.”
Sam stayed silent, fighting the urge to throw herself into the woman’s arms. She had to remind herself that her current unhappiness was her parents’ fault. 
“You’ve grown so much since that time sweetheart. And Luke and I are so proud of how far our little girl has come.”
Sam felt a tear fall and she blinked back the rest. Sam felt a tear fall and she blinked back the rest. She couldn't help but love how much Brooke and Lucas affirmed her and coddled her. It banged and nicked at the wall she'd put up. But she wouldn’t break down. No, not yet. She wouldn’t break down. No, not yet.
“Can you just leave me alone?” Her voice quavered. 
“You can’t bottle this all up Sammy. It’s not good for you.”
“I’m not bottling anything Brooke. I know Tree Hill is where I’m gonna be no matter how much I hate it. Can I please go to sleep?”
Brooke gave her a sad smile. Nothing was solved. Absolutely nothing. She hoped that her daughter’s anger would subside through the night. “Yes, you can.” She kissed her frowning daughter’s forehead and this time the girl did not pull away, “I love you.” Brooke whispered, “Wake me up if you need me.”
Sam tightened the covers. No. She did not need her mom!
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writingsteph · 5 months
Through Thick and Thin: Out of Sorts
New Chapter up! Let me know what you think!
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writingsteph · 7 months
Here For You Random Drabbles Chapter 2: Time to think. Rachel is 16.
Also if you like my mother/daughter fics. The House Fic I just posted a few days ago is centered on Cuddy and Rachel…fyi!
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writingsteph · 7 months
House Fanfic
Cuddy and Rachel and House centric:
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writingsteph · 10 months
Would you write more of your Twilight stories?
I could if requested!
A little insight into my writing (Not that most people care lol, but I'm high af right now): I write what I think about in between hitting my head on the pillow and falling asleep. My story is pulled from what I think about then. Then i write my idea down in a bulk google doc until the idea that inspires me the most is the one I sit down and decide to do.
I loved giving personality to Renesmee. Her being a rebellious but truly soft pre-teen. Fighting between feeling like a capable and independent being, but actually being physically and emotionally dependent on her parents. Y'all know I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort and a bit of regressive behavior!
Maybe a fic where she's a freshman that has found a bit of popularity in her freshman year, her mom wasn't there to watch her anymore since she taught middle school so renesmee felt like a free bird in many ways.
Edward and Bella let her express herself, so they noticed she'd been increasing the amount of skin she'd show until one day Edward and Bella had to put their foot down.
"Absolutely not Renesmee. March back upstairs!"
"What, dad?! Come on! last week I wore a crop top and you and mom let me!" She argued, already poised to give her arguments to the two judges. Aka: mommy and daddy.
"Last week it was not that short and you know it." Bella cut in, agreeing with Edwards rather paternal and head first reaction."
"But you and daddy told me I can express myself!" She whined, still sounding like the toddler version of herself who had adopted that little whine. To the parents the only difference was this version of their baby girl was taller and more articulate.
"Yes we did." Bella continued, as evened keel as ever. With her Nessie, no reaction wase better when trying to get her to see reason. "But this is more like making a dramatic statement, and I'm not sure that's ever appropriate except in a club or in your home. "
"Mommyyyyy" Renesmee bounced on heels, "Please. Please, let me wear it!"
OR ....
One where Nessie's been bratty at Christmas dinner.
She's 12 years old so Mommy still needs to help dress her more so out of need for the getting dressed in something sensible actually happened. So the seventh grader is embarrassed but resigned to the white tights and red dress her mother dressed her in.
She's been giving lip all week mostly because growing up is learning your boundaries and she learned a line not to cross that day when Edward and Bella take her upstairs after a rather public scolding. All her aunts and uncles at the table had seen Edward scold her and say that he was done with the complete disregard to the kindness and compassion that they had instilled in her.
"We need to have a family talk." Edward immediately said afterward, and everyone at the table knew what that meant. Renesmee whimpered, 'D-dada no. No! I'll stop!"
Always dada when she wanted her way. Edward thought. His cute Nessie girl.
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