#writst flexor
nancylfitness · 5 months
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome & Exercises
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition where a nerve (median nerve) in the wrist/hand becomes squeezed/compressed. CTS can be caused by repetitive movements and inflammation. As a result, numbness/tingling/weakness, and pain may occur in the hand and forearm. If pressure on the median nerve continues, however, it can lead to nerve damage and worsening symptoms.
Initially, symptoms can come and go. If it worsens, symptoms may occur more frequently and/or last longer.
Early on, symptoms may be eased by working to reduce the daily stress on the hands/wrists, and by doing stretches and simple exercises. Home care includes wearing a wrist splint, icing the wrist, and avoiding activities that may be causing the issue:
Minimize repetitive hand movements.
Alternate activities reducing strain on hands and wrists.
Keep wrists straight or in neutral position.
Avoid holding an object the same way for too long.
Keep forearms level with work surface while using the computer.
Wear a splint while sleeping to keep wrist straight.
Foods may work to accelerate healing and recovery. Anti-oxidant-rich foods like red bell peppers, carrots and leafy greens have essential nutrients that help alleviate pain from CTS. Spinach, rich in vitamin B6, is an analgesic that may also help relieve pain. Salmon, walnuts, pineapple and turmeric are also good choices.
If the CTS worsens over time and symptoms interfere with day to day activities and sleep, see your health care provider. Permanent nerve and muscle damage can occur without treatment. Also, symptoms of CTS can be similar to other medical conditions. To ensure that the symptoms are not manifestations of a different problem see a health care provider for diagnosis.
Exercises may help mild to moderate symptoms when combined with other treatments. CTS exercises work to strengthen the wrist, hands, arms and shoulders.
These exercises may not be easy at first, but they shouldn’t be painful. If they hurt, back off or stop completely and let your health care provider know. If you’re unsure about whether to do these exercises, ask your doctor. A hand therapist may also help.
Wrist Flexor Exercises:
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With elbow straight and palm down, grasp fingers with other hand and slowly bend wrist backward.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Repeat on other hand.
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With elbow straight and palm up, grasp fingers with other hand and slowly bend wrist backward..
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Repeat on other hand.
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With elbow straight and palm down, place other hand with thumb on underside of wrist and fingers on back of hand.
Slowly bend wrist down until stretch is felt on top of the forearm.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Repeat on other hand.
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Sit with elbows on a table and palms together.
Slowly lower wrists to table. Keep palms together throughout the stretch.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Rest. Repeat.
Dynamic Mobility – Median Nerve Exercises:
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With palms together move hands in an imaginary S from head to waist.
Keep shoulders down.
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Stand with right arm slightly out from side.
Depress shoulder.
Repeat on other side. 
Finger Flexion Exercise:
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To bend fingers of right hand, start with knuckles furthest from palm, slowly make a fist.
Hold 10 seconds.
Straighten fingers as far as possible.
Repeat on other hand.
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