#written in abt five mins in the tumblr editor bc i have Zero Chill
no one talks about the agoraphobia that must set in after leaving Battery City. growing up, living in small and quiet blank rooms and the closed-in spaces between buildings, to the dual empty silence and chaotic noise of the Zones. how disorientated would the first hours or days—weeks even—be? how well could anyone cope with life suddenly being switched on high? you’d probably go insane a little too on your first time seeing the venomous red of your own blood, or feeling the stale wind whip your face and too long hair and unknown thrum of an engine as you speed through the desert, or finding your family and how much you love them, or your first firefight, first taste of something stronger than lychee juice, first time howling at the moon, first awful dye-job, your first kiss…
experiencing life for the first time would probably make you a little insane too.
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