#fabulous killjoys headcanons
tomatosaucebrain · 4 months
thinking about silly fluffy killjoy antics...tan lines in the shapes of masks your team makes fun of you for, just to pull theirs off after a firefight and have the same. sleeping in big piles of everyone you love. laughing so hard your ribs hurt as the sun sets, and giggling so hard youre lightheaded as the sun rises after a successful Zones sleepover. the acidic soda combinations teenagers make and share. helping your friends name themselves when they finally escape batt city and going thrifting for their first jacket with them. zone accents that develop over time. the live music. the pranks. the parades and dance parties and and festivals and holidays and legends. the words for colors you have to come up with because nobody has an education ("dude what color is that?" "uhhhh superfuckingbright yellowish-bluish?") friendship bracelets. nail art trends. slightly dangerous radioactive pets everyone has. witchfucker wednesday <3 the zines passed around about everything from how to sew up your pants to how to shoot a drac dead in one zap. just. KILLJOY CULTURE IS FULL OF JOY OKAY
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no one talks about the agoraphobia that must set in after leaving Battery City. growing up, living in small and quiet blank rooms and the closed-in spaces between buildings, to the dual empty silence and chaotic noise of the Zones. how disorientated would the first hours or days—weeks even—be? how well could anyone cope with life suddenly being switched on high? you’d probably go insane a little too on your first time seeing the venomous red of your own blood, or feeling the stale wind whip your face and too long hair and unknown thrum of an engine as you speed through the desert, or finding your family and how much you love them, or your first firefight, first taste of something stronger than lychee juice, first time howling at the moon, first awful dye-job, your first kiss…
experiencing life for the first time would probably make you a little insane too.
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poolboyservice · 1 month
some sys HCs about Fun Ghoul because there is like no OSDDID HCs in the killjoys except for 2 things and I'm willing to make that 3
(these are gonna be partly based off of the popular(?) HC that Fun Ghoul was a labrat for BLI, though loosely)
This is Part 1, Part 2 will be more thoroughly discussing the alters outside of Fun Ghoul. This will be a more general overview of the system, what they go through, and and mostly just how Fun Ghoul kind of found out about the system
If ygs are interested, and would like me to do HCs on the other members systems (though I only really HC Fun Ghoul and The Girl as systems, I do like making up HCs for the other members), or have any thoughts, lmk!!
There's around 9 known alters, including Fun Ghoul. There's 1 persecutor (Dasher), 1 introject (Katty, short for Mousekat), 2 littles (Vanta Heart and Rosey Sun), 2 protectors ("Mag" and Coco), 1 caretaker (Mistress), 1 trauma holder (Flash Page), and then Fun Ghoul.
While the rest of the system has fronted before and some even made themselves known to others, Fun Ghoul was mostly unaware of the system for a long time.
The only reason Fun Ghoul manages to catch on a bit is because he has a camera he uses to record for projects or for future reference, and the alters in the system tend to record things on their own, ESPECIALLY the littles, but some of them forget to delete them afterward so Fun Ghoul doesn't find them. As you probably inferred, Fun Ghoul finds the recordings, and finds it really weird, so he investigates, and starts by asking Kobra Kid, as they both work on the trans am together, so he assumed he did those videos. After discussing, Fun Ghoul is confused to learn it was supposedly him that did those videos, and even went by names he never even heard of let alone considered as a name.
After a while of discussing with Kobra Kid on what's been happening, and what's wrong with them, with the little information they have, he decides to be honest and talk with the rest of the group about this. This was reacted to with a general consensus of shock.. but not for the reason he thought. Apparently, they were already aware of some of his alters, but thought he knew so that's why they didn't mention it. When learning of that, he's quite frankly more confused than the rest of his group. When questioned on how long it was like this, Party Poison explained he was always like that, even when they first found him.
Despite all of this, none of them really know the term for what he has, though Jet Star recalls hearing a condition that's similar to what's happening to him, but she can't put her tongue on what it was called.
For a few days after this reveal, Fun Ghoul was just in a constant state of shock. He didn't really talk to anyone and even if he did, it was very brief. He often stayed at their current shelter with The Girl as the others did supply runs and whatnot to just process what the hell happened, which everyone was understanding about.
While unaware of the trauma, Fun Ghoul feels intense fear and hatred whenever he sees the Director or even hears her mentioned, though he can't understand why. This fear also reaches to not only the pornodroids (to an extent anyway), but his own face. He often refuses to look in the mirror, because he's reminded of her, even if only faintly. (as he is the "child" of The Director, a clone, so he looks pretty similar to her)
Fun Ghoul gets nasty headaches, nearly got himself killed during a run in with the dracs because of them. In some of these headaches, he actively refuses to take off his mask, covers his ears tightly as he sits alone in a corner, pushing everyone away. The only person he occasionally allows to come close is Kobra Kid, very rarely The Girl.
and that's all I can think of rn lmao 💔 sorry if it's not really something you'd like, i know it isn't very much but I'm working on half a braincell give me a break (/dram)
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crashbangprophet · 6 months
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i've been in this fandom since 2016, so i've seen headcanons and zone culture and terminology of all kinds.
with that said, i'd like to present the official (unofficial) danger days dictionary.
includes everything from zone culture, slang, battery city locations, phoenix witch, even down to bad luck beads and the dust bowl.
for the nitpickers out there, the comics are mainly discarded in this— due to how overwhelming it would be to throw in even MORE overlapping terms and such. some comic characters have been slipped into the regular timeline / universe, just for funsies and a honorary mention. don't come at me, thanks!
EDIT: i'm glad everyone's enjoying this! my askbox is open for any questions or suggestions, etc. headcanons/requests are also welcome :)
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blood-injections · 1 year
I am constantly thinking about food in the zones and going INSANE at the missed opportunities in like 90% of fanfics where they're surviving solely on power pup like. NO. do even five minutes of research I beg you there is SO much food stuff in the desert. I guarantee you no killjoy is eating power pup daily that shit is kept in the cabinet for emergencies and the friendly coyotes that come by every once in a while!! If anything they use it like we use spam.
Realistically killjoys would be out roasting crickets and scorpions and collecting bugs for these super protein rich skillets and catching lizards and snakes and rabbits and birds and rodents and shit! They'd set up traps and go like hunting sometimes. They'd go foraging!! Theres so many edible plants actually cacti is edible! And you can do so much with it!! Theyre gonna be out there grilling it and making soups and salads in shitty old pots and throwing in natural herbs and spices! THEYD TAILGATE!!!! They'd have a shelf dedicated to jars of things you can make tea out of!! At least one member of every crew is practically a five star chef! You can literally make a gourmet meal out of materials found within fifty feet of your home base!
Not to mention there'd definitely be greenhouses scattered around with actual fruits and vegetables and some people would bake bread like even if there isnt power and you dont have like a stove or oven like. its not hard to just make your own. Out of rocks and shit and light a fire under it. And there'd be like a farmers market for all that kind of greenhouse grown stuff.
I just want to see killjoys enjoying zone life and culture and not starving!! Becuase they wouldn't be!! They would not fucking eat the dog food!! The desert provides!!!
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I'm just thinking about Ghoul doing Poison's makeup and nails. Poison's done their own for a while, more comfortable exploring more femme parts of themselves. And they've gotten pretty good at it. And along comes Ghoul one day, wide-eyed and curious.
He doesn't want makeup or nails done on him, though Poison definitely offers. Maybe he'll let them do his nails at some point, he's not against it. But he's moreso curious about it on them.
He's curious, wondering if he could do that. So, he tries. He's as careful as he can be, letting them instruct him on what goes where. He does his best, trying to make it look good. It ends up looking terrible, just awful, but they still wear it and they wear it so fucking proudly. Because their boy did that and it feels like them.
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sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison sex worker party poison
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whoremaxing slutpilled
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chaoticbuggybitchboy · 5 months
What the hell was party poison doing with their hair. Witch knows they weren’t taking good care of it. That shit faded after 5 days max. Party Poison red my ass they were orange 60% of the time. Minimum. Sources? I get less solar radiation (and general radiation) than they do and actually use colored conditioner and shit and my hair was hesitant alien-ing after like a week and a half. That’s the real reason Kobra’s hair is just bleached. He knows the sun is the enemy and he will not be dying on the hair dye hill. Party is. They are dying and languishing on that hill with their stupid orange hair again every other week. The real reason the Fab Four are eating powerpup is because their food budget got cut so that party could have more hair dye.
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ghostinthez0nes · 4 months
Chaotic Fun Ghoul headcanons lets goooo💚
This mf refuses to wash his hair and needs to be restrained for a shower.
He moves in his sleep and does NOT lie still. The others have too many bruises from the constant flinching, Party got punched in the face while sleeping next to him once. The best way to counter this is to sleep on top of him.
Always on some kind of shit solely because he fucking feels like it. Whether that’s weed, battery acid or some other chemical he decided to huff, Ghoul is hardly ever sober.
Really good at making animal noises.
Can’t hear out of his left ear, thanks to his explosives.
Dare him to do something and he will do it. Will even ask the others to dare him to do stupid shit.
Has no regards for his own safety, but doesn’t do it on purpose.
A horrible flirt but makes it look fucking hilarious, which ultimately gets him a date anyways.
Carries sand in his pockets to throw at people.
Does parkour in his free time, thus why he’s constantly injured.
A goblin that likes to collect dead things, bonus points if it’s a lizard.
Scared of spiders and will cry if he sees one too close to him.
Fashioned himself some grills with sharp teeth which he wears during claps to do extra damage. When he bites he does not let go until he rips something to bits.
Got his ass beat by Kobra many times due to his pranks.
Shaved off his eyebrows one time, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
Has tripped into cactuses of various kinds on multiple occasions.
Passes out a’lot due to lack of sleep.
Constantly gropes Poison just to annoy them.
Likes the smell of spray paint and rust.
Due to his skill in making bombs he’s also really good at making fireworks, which he uses to scare the shit out of everyone at random.
Always covered in dust or motor oil.
A bipolar drunk that flips between laughing his ass off and sobbing profusely.
Starts fights constantly but hardly wins any of them.
Good at opening bottles with his teeth.
Horrible dad jokes.
Not allowed anywhere near the car since “the dune incident”.
Always gets lost, no one can take him anywhere without him wandering off.
Screams to get attention.
Always climbing on top of shit, whether that be tables, cabinets, walls, the Trans Am or Jet.
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sour-stardust · 7 months
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Lately, I don't even think Battery City has an environment. It's all artificial. Like it's just enshrouded in this big dome. There is a ceiling that replicates what time of day it's supposed to be. As curfew approaches, the "sun" starts to set. As the time to wake comes, the "sun" starts to rise. It doesn't seem real. It's almost liminal and surreal in nature like you're walking behind yourself in a third-person simulation.
Inside the ceiling there are cameras to survey citizens from above. The ceiling and the flies are BLI's most successful way of spying on its consumers. That's not to say the cats, birds, and dogs aren't spying on you.
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Kobra Kid headcanons ★
He/him pronouns because its easy and he doesn’t particularly care. Zi/zir because it sounds cool. They/them because it’s also easy.
They might be trans. Nobody knows. Not even Party Poison. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. It’s nobody’s buisness really.
Nobody knows if he and Poison are biological siblings or not, except him and Poison.
He’s such a bad shot because somebody needs to recognize that he’s left-handed.
They have their tongue split.
Has tongue pierced as well as ear lobes and septum.
In strict platonic marriage to Jet-Star.
Ze has symbols of luck tattooed across zir body, most of them fairly small, all drawn for zem by Poison. Has a bigger lower back piece, no one has seen the full thing except Cherri. (And Poison)
Loves lights. Especially red lights.
Likes snakes. Do not get near them with a snake.
Contrary to popular belief, ze are allowed to drive the trans am. (That’s Ghoul.) Zir not as good as ze are on zir beloved bike, but zir good enough.
Can become overwhelmed with too much visual stimulus pretty easily. Don’t talk to them if they’ve got their good luck helmet on. They don’t want to talk to you.
Owns several pairs of cowboy boots. Mostly to annoy Poison.
Missing the ring finger off their right hand.
The subject of many a Cherri Cola poem. Specifically horny ones when Cherri decides to branch out from depression and trauma.
Is pretty much straight-edge after an Incident awhile back.
Likes mechanics and building stuff, until they get frustrated and won’t touch anything to do with it for months.
Likes songs with no words.
And warm mornings.
Hates zir hair to touch zir neck.
Has more love than he’ll ever express to the people he’s closest too 🧡
(up next: me explaining how kobra and jet did not in fact die in traffic report.)
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eden-has-rotted · 7 months
some fab four headcanons because ive only done slang and these silly little gays are stuck in my head (will probably make one for each of them) part 1: fun ghoul
he's really good at doing that thing where you throw a small piece of food into the air and catch it with your mouth and he does it so often and it pisses all of them off (but in a lovably annoying way)
wears shoes that are always at least 3 sizes too big (he just stuffs them with whatever he can find)
gets at least one new tattoo/piercing every week (nobody knows where he gets them done) (jet star once suggested he did them by himself to which party poison responded that the only way he'd be able to hold a tattoo gun steady for that long is if he was dead)
got confused by which light switches controlled what lights in the diner so he wrote the names of each light on the switch it controlled (in sharpie) (he wrote the wrong names)
is no longer allowed to eat hard candy (he keeps chewing them) (they don't have dental)
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hesitantvampirealien · 7 months
more killjoys headcanon
most of the people living in the desert don't know/don't remember their birthdays, like 95% of them don't
so they choose a specific day in which something extremely important happened for them and claim it as their birthday
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blood-injections · 4 months
Thinking about killjoy jackets having meaning, which like, obviously, they're personalized, they're one of the things thats always on you, like your mask or your boots. But the thing is, even if you don't have a crew or anyone to watch your back, you have your jacket to. To quote something I read on here a long time ago that has stuck with me: "They say the Phoenix Witch can’t find you if you die without your mask on. But don’t worry, she knows your boots too. Maybe all that will be left of you is boots and a mask. That’s okay. A mask means that you were someone, a pair of boots means that you went somewhere." A mask shows you were someone, boots mean you went somewhere, and adding to that, a jacket means you stood for something.
I think a killjoy's jacket can tell a story. Look for the wear and tear, the laser burns, the patched-over holes, the parts that have started to fray. That alone can be a life story. Your jacket is wearing your interests and personality literally on your sleeve and being proud to show it, that you're there and you're alive and unique in spite of the world you live in. You wear your heart stretched proudly across your back, your destiny a mantel on your shoulders, and all your friends and all your enemies can see who you are and what you stand for, what you believe in.
There's so many different ways your jacket could come to be Yours. You find one one, make one, personalize it, but I think you could take it a step further, donning a dusted friend's or crew member's jacket is a vow, saying I will avenge you and honor your memory, and that memory, that legacy, that jacket becomes yours over time as your blood and sweat stains it instead, and the holes in it get patched with your colours now. Or maybe your jacket didn't used to belong to a friend, but an enemy. Maybe some killjoys take the jacket of the first scarecrow they stand against, fight and win, as a trophy, as proof to yourself that you're a survivor, you're a killjoy. Its a Fuck You to Better Living, its telling them my legacy with the grave of yours, its taking their sterile white and butchering it, tearing the city down in the form of personalizing your new jacket. Nobody in the desert wears white, but if you see a killjoy that is you'll know instantly its because they've fought and survived, and they're only wearing that white because they haven't had the opportunity to go buy some paint yet.
And then there's making a jacket for someone. A show of trust or devotion or pride above anything else. Its a love letter, a graduation certificate, a medal of honor. If someone's wearing a jacket that was made for them, then they've earned it somehow. It means you're worthy as a killjoy, as a friend. Wearing a jacket that was gifted to you, probably by an older 'joy, or a mentor, a friend, means they're dear to you in some way. You would die with their work, their name on you. It's wearing their heart on your sleeve right beside your own. Gifting a jacket to someone means you want that. It recognizes them as a killjoy, as a part of your story, and you of theirs, now.
A killjoy's jacket is a book, its both your shield and sword, its a legacy, and it can be a gravestone, or a curse, or a promise. Its you.
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