#wtf chris gumball??
chris-mc-dirty · 7 months
Why do you draw him so cute ahhhh! I just want to put him in my mouth and chew on him <33
[Hands you the Chris gumball]
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So you can actually chew on him, I guess.
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cpknightly1 · 4 years
Happy Valentine's Day Surgy Buddies et all!
Make your favorite Nurse a Valentine made from the paper Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner menu. But don't forget to order first! Or.. just make a hat.
Ah.. NY State.
Last night I had a craving for Corned beef, Cabbage and Potatoes. So I thought this is New York. (🎶If you can make it here they'll make it anywhere 🎶) I'd order a delivery. (It was 7pm.)
I found plenty of corned beef hash, corned beef sandwiches, corned beef tacos? NOPE. WTF?
I know there is a high population of Irish people, pubs etc here. No match for Boston but still. Heck I even tried a Diner. The man says they only have it on Thursdays. Is every Thursday some kind of holiday for the wonderful Irish folk? What'd I miss?
Now, my sister is a wiz in the kitchen and makes a great recipe. She's in Michigan. Much like real Polish food - there is no substitute for good Corned Beef and Cabbage!!!! (sigh)
The day of Romance is yet again upon us. Sure when you're with the one you love, and in the same room congrats. However trying to kiss with a mask on, well it's just not safe. You'll chafe, ya know. Not to mention the risks of catching a pandemic. And where the hell does your tongue go? In a "normal" situation, believe me I know where it goes. (snort)
In grade school I always felt a little awkward. The teacher tells you to give your Valentine's out. The problem is I wanted to give mine to all the girls. Not icky boys. I had already been engaged in kindergarten. Yep. To the boy down the street. Dwight. Scottish lad.
He gave me a ring he had gotten out of a gumball machine. Already engaged at age 5. But by 6th grade I'd have socked him and broken his nose for saying "women belong in the kitchen and having babies ". {ZAP! POW!} Quick divorce.
I also think of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre...I'll let you think on that one.
When in a relationship I liked doing wonderful and unique things. Yes, very romantic and sometimes silly. The nice dinner or feeding each other is fun. And making love till 4 or 5 am HURRAH!
This is my list for Valentine's Day this year.
An early nice hot bath. Putting on comfy jammies and my silly socks. Playing with the puppies.. ORDERING CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE! (Early, dammnit)
Some strawberries and whipped cream (in a can) Giving the puppies some strawberries and whipped cream (in a can)
Make a bucket of hot buttered microwave popcorn. (I never burn it) extra butter of course.
Crawling under my sofftt blankets and pillows. And watch some of my favorite movies.
1.) JAWS 2.) Die Hard 3.) Independence Day 4.) The Matrix - Reloaded 5.) Airplane 6.) Superman 1 & 2 7.) Avatar 8.) Terminator 3 9.) Strangers on a Train 10.) A Knights Tale 11.) Daredevil some Film Noir and maybe finish my evening with a marathon of the L Word. What?! Sometimes I'm up till 3 am.
Absolutely nothing educational, crafty, emotional and not that romantic. See, I gotta plan. I'm saving all my ideas for this Holiday. When I decide to let them out..oh I pity the poor woman. Is it possible to drown someone in romance? How about a full body, hot oil massage? Nope..just getting started. One thing I know is there's that one very special thing you give her, that she'll never forget. I'm not gonna tell you!
Anyway. In a relationship? Make the day an occasion. Sweet, sexy, romantic and memorable. Whips, furry handcuffs...Okkk... Make her feel she's the only one in your world. Because she is.
Happy Valentine's Day You Love Sick Puppies. Enjoy.
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