vihilum · 2 years
Please more reed facts ❤️
i've been learning about reed gradually as i go but today we were solidifying some things! for context: he was inspired by slenderverse videos like marble hornets, EMH, tribe twelve, & a desire to create a man entirely possessed by something he has no control over (a trope i love tbh)
SO, about reed. those darn early youtube days were peppered with terrible, erratic, poorly edited videos made by incredibly bored teenagers. Reed, his sister, and his best friend, were amongst the content creators with a fixation on telling fun and goofy stories. There wasn't a spot Reed wouldn't bring his camera, something that echoes true to this day!
the era of wild wacky content came to an end when a horror was captured on film. his attention soon diverted into understanding what it was he'd seen. he turned obsessive. he wanted to capture it. he wanted to kill it.
reed's devoted attention to the entity he witnessed opened a pathway straight to him. he'd garnered the interest of a special kind of demon shifter - one that turned him in his sleep!
now, man tries to separate himself from the beast. he experiences transformations, and frequent blackouts. currently - he runs & is a projectionist at his uncle's theater, so come around for a midnight screening!
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nitebit · 2 years
@wthwolves​: starter call / accepting. 
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        this is bunny at her worst. the ugliest parts of her coming out to play after a night of drinking at the same shitty bar with the same miserable people who could not care less about her. it’s a miracle she’s managed to leave the bar in one piece. even more of a miracle for her to bump into shilah.
    not even the cocaine burning a hole in her pocket can help her now. she’s too drunk to even remember she has any left. bunny doesn’t even recognize him at first, just mumbles a half assed apology as her shoulder collides with his and she steadies herself with his arm.  
         ❛ shit. so  — rry. i didn’t see ya’ there. ❜
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glacierfront · 2 years
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     “it’s like.” a beat. “not... that — i don’t really, like, use it a lot. so that’s why i don’t really mention it. i mean. it’s useful? but.” another. “i mean. like. what was i supposed to. i suppose i should have been like.” little jazz hands. “oh, cool, i can do something too, and then we could have had like a dick sucking contest about who was cooler or like stronger or whatever?”
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exspiritment · 2 years
@wthwolves​​ // andrew said: i don’t recognize anyone here.
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“I don’t ever recognize anybody, ever.” 
It’s true. She doesn’t have the short term memory capabilities. Friends she meets at parties are the new and exciting, each and every time. 
“Do you usually recognize people? Like, acting people? That’s fucking crazy. I’m just here to drink. And, like — do you think anybody wants a little bit more than alcohol?”
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catarinaes · 2 years
@wthwolves​,   bragin,  r. :   “ did  you  just  tell  me  to  smile? ” re :   superstore  2.14 / 2.15  sentence  meme.
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IN  TYPICAL  DRAMATIC  FASHION,   i  let  out  a  sigh  almost  as  though  to  sound  exasperated.   what  is  it  with  men   &   never  listening?   it's  like  it's  a  universal  trait  they  all  share,  the  single  braincell  that  links  every  man  to  one  another.   maybe  that's  true,  maybe  that's  why  there  are  so  many  stereotypical  characteristics  that  they  seem  to  share.   i  roll  my  eyes   &   press  my  lips  together.
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“   yeah,  actually,  i  did.   ”   it's  a  kinder  way  to  say:   did  i  fucking  stutter?   not  that  i  care  to  be  kind,  or  remotely  nice,  for  that  matter,  but  i  don't  have  the  energy  to  be  an  outright  cunt  per  usual  either.   besides,  ridley's   ...   well,  ridley.   he's  lucky  his  daughter's  cute   &   i  love  kids,   &   maybe  that’s  why  i  tolerate  him.   something  about  parents  actually  wanting  to  be  good  is  a  soft  spot.   what  can  i  say?   all  my  parents  gave  me  is  trauma   &   a  trust  fund.   at  least  they  were  good  for  something,  i  guess.     “   actually,  i  said  smize.   ”    &   because  i  don't  expect  him  to  know  what  that  means  at  all,  “   like,  smile  with  your  eyes  like  the  pretty  boy  you  are.   &   yes,  that  is  a  compliment.   you  know,  the  resting  bitch  face  is  very  trendy  nowadays  so  you  might  be  onto  something,  but  everyone  who  posts  about  having  it  is  a  loser  with  no  friends.   are  you  a  loser  with  no  friends?   ”
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feralego · 2 years
Hello just a reminder that you are a great writer and I appreciate you and the friendship we’ve had for like almost a decade xo
!!! thank you ahhhh
i appreciate you and your writing and the love you pour into your characters so much. and omg its so wild we've known each other this long thats!!! something else icb!!
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inafter · 2 years
     ‘ that’s actually – ’  he pokes his head up from behind a camera. they’ve just discarded the very well (and naturally!) lit piece of trash he’d been filming rising and falling with the wind.  ‘ – very stupid, i know. but – maybe it’s for the best. maybe you’ve just saved me from myself. ’
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sweetbittr · 2 years
          @wthwolves​ / for luca
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          she spies him across the room. keeping to himself, mostly, unlike the rest of the attendees; families and friends mingling, her professor holding court by the wine and cheese. she waits for him to come up to her, and when he doesn’t, ellie goes to find him. 
          “you could’ve told me you were coming.” she’d sent him the invitation weeks ago, texted him about it afterward. he’d never let on that he was going to actually show up. not that she would’ve minded, either way –– there will be another student showcase in the spring, after all –– but it’s nice that he’s here, anyway. “instead of being so mysterious about it. i would’ve invited you to dinner.” 
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brutlist · 2 years
he's a 10 but his knees are doing that snap crackle pop
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so he's a 12
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fakedsciences-a · 2 years
@wthwolves​ // oakley
“I like your book.” Something something plants and herbs something something botany. 
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Juniper, when alone, is prone to chatting up strangers  — especially her fellow solo readers at the park.
“Are you a botanist?”
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brutlist-archive · 3 years
60, for Roman, where he turns very red bc he’s just a shy boy and Josephine laughs in the background.
60 for mistletoe !
     𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 , 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 . it hits him , this realization , when he has andrew tugging on his jeans leg asking heugh to hoist him up in order to place a few pine cones on the mantlepiece just as josephine is smoothly rounding him from behind to toe her way towards where she last left her glass of wine --- somewhere on the stack of boxes roman tells her that still housed the generational decorations, still kicking and just as liable to scintillate the same as they had when heugh's grandmother was a bright - curled girl . she's grimacing when she looks over at him , mouthing a sorry --- heugh couldn't claim to be bothered by it much . it's nice to see the house this full . it's bittersweet right where it ought to be . that's just fine , too .      there are children underfoot in the kitchen , heugh hollers for them to take it into the backyard so he can get two feet on the tile as he tries to get the last preparations of their late supper together with neil taking upon himself to be his echo , ushering the shrieking and chattering gaggle towards the lit up porch where du-ho and bernie are discussing the recent local election and the impending recall on the results . briefly in the interlude between the then and now as the glass door hisses open heugh can hear isaac mentioning something about the turn out , how disappointing it'd been , how he'd expected more from the city . he sounds impassioned . heugh huffs out a little thing , tickled pink by the rising crescendos and mutters of their bickering , squinting into the oven as he allows the jovial exchange to carry through him until it's cut short once the door's closed right on bernie's barking laughter . they sound drunk .
     it's later in the evening , the children sleep soundly , and the sink is ripe with the helter skelter of unwashed dishes not a soul that's taken to the living room can bring themselves to think about , their bellies full and the few bottles of wine someone or someone else had brought already spilling the last of their offerings into the deep bowls of their glasses cradled impassively within loose clutching fingers . the glance heugh's sparing towards the steaming pan laying propped against the steel lip of the sink is the most that's been afforded since the sun had first begun to sleepily lay itself along the mountainside at the moon's crescent call as he lets the ripe grape drink burble into his cup , not noticing eric's wiggling glass stem until he's nearly ran into it . heugh fills it , might as well since the bottle's encroaching upon empty     ---     throwing out a thank you to bernie who's busy sliding herself into neil's lap as they chatter on about the latest infraction on a mechanical charge for her car , barely giving him a minute of her time if it meant she had to tear herself away from the conversation , unaware and unconcerned with how it seems to be her selection that's won the night over .      josephine's the first to notice it after a beat or two had passed since heugh had taken to resting against the oaken threshold of the archway bordering the kitchen from his living room adjacent to where roman perched his shoulder upon the same frame --- a melodic laugh leaving her that catches roman's attention before it does heugh , too invested in trying to pick up someplace sensible the middle of bernie's ranting for him to try and leap back in . when she does come to lay claim to it , it flits from her to roman , busy looking up to where she's pointing somewhere towards his ceiling --- and the green bushel that's been tacked at the top of the doorway . roman looks mortified . what a liar heugh'd be if he'd said he didn't feel the same splash of cold water come crashing down into his belly , if only for a moment . of course there came trailing after the discovery some light teasing , as if they’d been slungshot back into their adolescence , having a bit of unpermitted fun with the parent’s liquor cabinet while they were away . surprisingly josephine doesn't look too bothered , if not a bit ruddy in her apple'd cheeks just the same from where she sits languorous in the deep sink of heugh's armchair . why would she be ? it’s just teasing .        heugh’s asking if he can . roman tells him that yes , he can     ---     and it’s an almost effortless thing to take that one step nearer towards him in order to see that he’s pressing a kiss softly to roman’s cheek , warm , and bristling from the wire of his beard as it catches lightly long lighter stubble . the rest of their company lets out a lukewarm salutation , and just like that , forgets them as quickly as they’d come to take interest in the moment . ain’t that just the way , heugh laughs , sure that roman can smell the tobacco - wine on the draw back , the aging smell of the wood smoke that had belched out from the fire pit on his shirt collar from when he’d put it out just as heugh’s sure the rest of them do . ain’t that just the way ?       “     you need more wine ?     “     he asks , roman nods looking as though he’s stuck trying to swallow down an eight ball and on the verge of choking on it when heugh’s large hand claps him on the shoulder once , twice .     “     yea , me too .     “  
@wthwolves // kisses
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vihilum · 2 years
@wthwolves said, “be careful, this place has wolves. they come out at night.”
She knew. Her bucket of popcorn was half-empty and she was popping them into her mouth. Last screening of the night had just let out, and she was in no rush to get home.
“I’ve seen them.”
Her head cranes back - it’s a full moon. She spent less and less time looking up than she likes to admit. Sometimes she wishes she could just stop, and take a breath. But she doesn’t.
She howls, her sudden yell drawing the attention of several passer goers, who stop to give her a strange look. Riley howls till she’s empty, then laughter comes, “God,” she straightens up, “You gotta try that. That felt really fucking good.”
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wristful · 4 years
@wthwolves​ / ridley
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   the offer - the request that felt less and less like an ask and more like an order with every passing second - had come through this morning. it’s been all you can think about; you haven’t spoken to izzy about it, your normal go-to, mostly because you think you know what her answer would be. you contemplated calling roman but the two of you haven’t been on the best of terms lately, especially since steven’s latest antics. 
                    “can i talk to you about something?” 
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glacierfront · 2 years
an angry text TO: andrew actory ( @wthwolves )
► i am a little angry right now (is very angry) ► i require space ► i will talk to u on friday ► i hope ur arm heals well
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exspiritment · 2 years
andrew holds it up the bracelet.  the beads read,  ' bff 4ever.  '  he grins,  proud of himself.  "  i made it with ellie.  "  he says,  showing her his.  "  if you don't wear it for the rest of your life,  you'll make me upset,  because i worked really hard on it.  "  sure,  it was tacky,  but it was still fun and homemade. 
“You worked really hard on it? Yeah?” She’s grinning from ear to ear. She fucking loves it. She loves it too much to be upset that bff forever permanently condemns her to the dreaded fucking friendzone. She takes the bracelet and slides it onto her wrist. 
“It’s perfect. I’m going to show everyone at the bars. You’re a true craftsman, Andrew Bragin.”
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odisn · 4 years
i had to search putt putt travels through time bc it sounded familiar and the minute i saw it it was like unlocking a forbidden childhood memory, and also made me remember freddi fish as well
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