wonwoomi · 4 years
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so as some of you may know, march was pretty rough for me, so I quietly went on hiatus and focused what little energy I did have on making sure the main was regularly updated. thankfully, I’m starting to feel better and I’m super eager to get back into things! unfortunately, this means a lot of the threads I did have on both my kids are outdated now, so I’d love to get some new ones going! if you’d like to plot, please check out my open plots, or like this post and i’ll check out your muses and hop into your ims to work something out! 
( 4 ) MY TURN !
did you get what you deserve? — @mixseungwoo 
cold morning — @eriskmi 
what you’d do for a friend — @jeonggukxmi 
temptations — @ryuuxmi  
none, you’re all more organised than me!! 
( 5 ) DROPPED !
best things in life / sanctuary / dressed to the nines — @mingyuxmi 
haven’t your heard — @doyoungmi 
a dangerous game — @mijihun
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wonwoomi · 5 years
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hello, all!! i’ve come with a few potential plots for wonwoo for mi:blackout! wonwoo will be outside in the city during the power outage, and yeji will be inside the daengom when the bombs go off ( and i’ll have plots up on her soon, too!! ) so there’s opportunities both ways depending on your muses!! if you’d like any of these plots, comment the number and i’ll write you up a starter asap. if nothing fits, feel free to like this and i’ll write you something at random from wonwoo~ 
without further ado... 
one. wonwoo’s in a convenience store not long after the power goes out to buy more lighters for his candles back home. unfortunately, the cashier doesn’t understand that he can take his money without the till needing to work. do you know where he can get one from a store with a competent cashier? or do you have one spare? ( if it’s for cigarettes, he’ll totally give you a lecture about how he’s doing you a favour by taking it from you. )
two. it’s hard to drive with no traffic lights, let alone any lights at all. hence why you almost run him over as he crosses the road. he’s kind of furious but can you really blame him?
three. phone signal has just been restored and you’ve just heard from an unreliable source that a bombing might have happened at the winter ball. cue a little-too-curious wonwoo asking you, a stranger he totally eavesdropped on, a few questions about what you’ve heard. 
four. what part of there’s no phone signal for anyone do you not understand? 
five. you’re lost, scared and need a hand getting home. thankfully, wonwoo is passing by and, as much as he wants to leave you to die in the dark with no phone and get home to the warm himself, he’s too soft now and offers to take you wherever you need to go. he doesn’t have a car, though, so hope you don’t mind walking! 
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wonwoomi · 5 years
ooc note!
a small note to let everyone know i’ll be on hiatus until september 20th, aka next friday! i’ll be on here every so often on mobile and I’ll be on twitter (jwoncute), so please don’t hesitate to message if you need anything or would like to plot for when i’m back! especially if you’d like to plot with yeji 👀 
when I get back, i’ll be posting a full tracker on both my muses so I can get my head around where I’m at and make sure I haven’t missed anything! and hopefully also tackle the mountain of memes I owe....... oh boy,,
see you soon, mi ♥
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wonwoomi · 5 years
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hello, all!! my name is abbie and i’m your very disorganised admin woo!! this boy here is jeon wonwoo, my dearest son. he’s been around for over three years now, terrorising just about everyone he meets and he shows No Signs Of Stopping !
he’s a hitman in phoenix and co-owner of famous last words bookstore with his boyfriend, @mingyuxmi! i’ll summarise his Tragic Backstory™ and personality under the cut, as well as list as many plots as my tired brain can conjure!! alternatively, you can check out his profile and biography and/or detailed timeline for more detailed/cohesive information!! 
i’m super excited for mi to be reopening and to see everyone having so much fun already. I know we’ve said it 19238 times but we truly are so incredibly grateful for all your love and support for mi’s re-opening. we could never have imagined so many of you would join and we’re so, so thankful. thank you, thank you, thank you!!! but now!! please plot with me!! I offer you a grumpy, soft nerd!! i’ll be posting on my second muse shortly, too, so look out for her!! ♥
history ! ( tw !! child neglect, child abuse, murder, death, suicide, torture, needles, knives, alcoholism )
born july 17th, 1996 as the youngest of four brothers. his parents didn’t really want him but had him anyway for reasons wonwoo later decides is just so they can have someone to blame for everything that goes wrong.
growing up, he’s barely looked after. his meals are just leftovers from his family’s plates, his bedroom is the storage room, his belongings all broken/damaged hand-me-downs from his brothers. if he left his room without permission, he’d be punished. 
by age eleven, he’s started to crack and tries to think of a way to scare his mother into stopping hitting him to discipline him. he starts in october 2007, standing by the side of her bed with a sewing needle while she sleeps until she’s too spooked to go near him. everyone assumes she’s just drunkenly dreaming and brushes it off. 
he then gets two of his older brothers, changwoo and hyunwoo. changwoo submits in september 2009 when he takes a girl into his treehouse and she falls out and breaks her leg after seeing the months of work from wonwoo carving warnings and threats into everything he owns. leaking hyunwoo’s nudes doesn’t damage his reputation enough, so wonwoo resorts to carefully planning the perfect ‘accident’. as of february 2012, his injury will never fully heal and his soccer scholarship and athletic career are gone forever. 
in a case that mpd believe to be suicide, jeongwoo, his oldest brother, suddenly dies in his bedroom on december 19th, 2013. in truth, wonwoo hadn’t meant to kill him but he doesn’t regret it, especially when two months later, he’s kicked out and feels the satisfaction fully of knowing revenge is sweet. 
he joins phoenix in february 2014 thanks to his new roommate. there, he meets mingyu and eventually after the worst night of wonwoo’s life ( september 30th, 2016 ), on november 18th, 2016 they begin dating and move in together. 
january 2019, they open famous last words bookstore together with their dog, noodle!! 
personality !
used to be super aggressive and angry and Cruel but has mellowed out over the last three years and is now moderately aggressive, angry and Cruel
mingyu >>>>>>> noodle > otters >> animals > people >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cats
he’s actually really soft and loyal and would do anything to protect the people he loves but if you point it out, he Will kill you
also really playful!! loves to tease
tw body image // super insecure. he masks it with a big ego and whilst that is usually the genuine truth ( he really think he’s The Shit, i’m sorry ), he’s also super insecure about his body. his face, he thinks was carved by the Gods, but everything else to him is at best ‘okay’. he’s gotten better, though, as he’s filled out a lot and become more healthy since he got closer to mingyu but it still haunts him 
loves to learn!! from books 99% of the time, but he wouldn’t turn down online classes/friends showing him new things!! 
could nap anywhere at any time, really loves to sleep 
loves tea, long baths, the smell of new books
hates cats and coffee, dislikes hats and mathematics 
what everyone’s here for... PLOTS ! 
tw death, abuse // someone who knows his birth family and, despite his insisting otherwise, thinks he should reconnect with them because jeongwoo’s death still has an effect on them. 
someone to rant their worries at him at 1am on a curbside thinking he’s the perfect candidate but really he’s watching a target across the street and you’re really disturbing him!!
regulars at the bookstore!! 
fellow phoenix members, i promise he likes you, he’s just unwilling to directly admit it for the sake of his Ego and Pride 
you remember seeing him around the university about a year ago and then he disappeared again and you want to know why ( he did a few accountancy classes in person to get specific help face-to-face from tutors but mostly completed his learning online )
childhood friends? he grew up on yeongi and often ran away at night for time outside his four walls. he also went to myeongmoon high school!!
you used to frequent the cafe he worked at and noticed he seemed to have disappeared from there three months ago. now you’ve come into famous last words for the first time, you realise why
you’re horrified when you ask tall passerby jeon wonwoo to help you get a cat out of a tree and in response he just shakes the branches to force it to jump down
wrong place at the wrong time, you stumble upon shadow finishing a hit and now you’ve got to try and talk him out of killing you too 
catch him clueless looking at art supplies in an art store and help him figure out what the difference is between all these different types of paints, please
got a skill you can teach him? a skill he has that you want to learn? hmu,,
let him pick your Perfect flowers for that special occasion. confessing to your love? threatening your enemy? he can help, promise
ask him what the date means on his tattoo on the inside of his hand so he can ramble to you about soulmates, please 
yes, he’s in the convenience store in what is probably his pyjamas ( or at the very least lounge wear ) at 3am, he’s just getting ice cream, don’t judge ( help him pick a flavour )
you stop wonwoo on the street in an emergency saying you need a phone, he says he doesn’t have it on him and you think he’s lying ( he’s not, he genuinely always forgets it ) 
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wonwoomi · 5 years
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apologies for the delay, but I am back off hiatus this week so here is a tracker to get everything in line! I owe a bunch of memes on top of this which i’ll get to soon, too! any sentence starter memes I post are also always available to be replied to if you feel inspired. I’ve lost a few threads recently from drops so pls hmu if you’re interested in plotting!! i’d love more threads for both my kids ( @magpiemi, a sweet baby magician and con artist being the other ), i miss writing for them aHH but yes, onto the tracker ~ 
( 2 ) MY TURN !!
day/night shift — @mixieren 
on the defensive — @mihyunjoon
( 3 ) TAKE YOUR TIME !!  
best things in life / sanctuary / dressed to the nines — @mingyuxmi 
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wonwoomi · 7 years
I’m back!
hello, all! I am back! it’s been a long three weeks; I have missed you all dearly and I am very excited to get back into things!! my up-to-date rpthreadtracker is here, but I’m going to list everything under the cut anyway, to make sure we’re all on the same page! I’d love to plot with more of you, so please comment (anything; even a dot) if you’d like to plot, and like if you would like more headcanon memes coming your way! I’ve sent 3 numbers to everyone, but tumblr may have ate them, or you may be interested in receiving more, but either way,,, like!! 
I love you all, thank you for your patience with me! I’ll do my best to get to everything as promptly as I can! ♥
my turn !
@jinhongmi ; sensitive ( posting right after this; sorry for the wait, love!! )
@mixnightingale ; to life the grass and violets sprang
@sujimi ; crash and burn
@mihansol ; attention 
@mixhyoyeon ; ode to the bouncer 
@mixjoongki ; talk talk
@mikangjoon ; take it slow
@mijaehyung ; texts
memes x 8
your turn !
@mixkris ; problem? 
@erisxmi ; give ‘em hell, kid
@jonginxmi​ ; texts
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wonwoomi · 7 years
one year on.
so, i’m a little late with this (aren’t I always), but april 4th at 19 minutes past midnight british standard time was wonwoo’s one year anniversary. some of you might know that I’ve been with mi since it reopened in december 2015, so whilst it isn’t my anniversary, it’s still !! extremely exciting for me and for my dumb son who hasn’t shut up about it since it happened. 
wonwoo is the first muse i’ve played that... stretched my comfort zone. his twisted morals, his history, a great deal of his interests and even his softest hopes and dreams are all characteristics I’d never tried before. it was actually bek that persuaded me to play him for real. he’d been knocking around in my head, bothering me, for a little while, but I’d have had to drop my old muse to bring him in and I felt so guilty about potentially doing it. but it got to a point where I didn’t enjoy my old muse anymore, because I knew that I was just keeping him around to please others, when I really wanted to play this loser. so I dropped, and I brought wonwoo in immediately and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. now I have a wonderful wife, a thoroughly developed muse (who just keeps on surprising me; just yesterday he informed me of his desire to garden. I don’t even fucking know), and a home here with you all at murder inc.
so. in honour of wonwoo’s one year, we’re going to take a trip down memory lane. we’re going to take a look back at as many of the most amusing and most defining moments in wonwoo’s first year here with you all. thank you for being here with him, with me, for however long or short you have been. I love and appreciate every single one of you so incredibly much. here’s to many more years to come! ♥
april !
one night in a strange city. precious mingyu’s 20th birthday and the night wonwoo knew that the tall fucker would be far more important to him than he could ever have anticipated. also, the longest replies I’ve ever written; it was wild. 
the fact that hyoseong and wonwoo’s first thread involved him being the one to steal the kill. he’ll never let this go. I promise you. never. ( @mixhyoseong​ )
may !
wonwoo taking the Big Scary Step to actually ask for help when he’s injured! it’s a god damn miracle!! god bless jinwoo and his everlasting patience. god bless their friendship.
( NSFW ) that One Time wonwoo was forced to go to a strip club with his worst enemy. 
zitao flooding him with compliments and dinner, and wonwoo going along with it because he loves free food. he’d probably have manipulated zitao into buying him more dinners; I apologise for my son, he’s an asshole.
wonhao. just wonhao. so cute. 
june ! 
that probably over-dramatic and definitely intense meanie meme wherein wonwoo Fucked Up and cried like a baby because he realises he can’t live without kim mingyu. i’m emo.
more free food, you guys really know the way to his heart.
july !
wonwoo starting to fall in love with kim mingyu.
guardians of the galaxy. or just seoul’s streets. or maybe they’re the ones you need protection from— who knows.
( TW HEAVY ) just this. just— wow. fucking hell, jinwoo. 
I honestly love eris and wonwoo so much; this thread is so cute, they’re so cute,, #WONRIS4EVER ( @erisxmi​ ) 
wonwoo’s 20th birthday, wipes a tear.
wonwoo’s visit to jeongwoo’s grave, in which he talks about his childhood and his resentment towards his parents. this stressed me out a lot, but it felt so satisfying to finish and to explore more of his twisted viewpoints and his relationship with his biological family.
august ! 
surprise! wonwoo is a soft child who loves — but is horrifically bad at — scrapbooking. wonwoo still adds to this all the time. 
wonwoo’s life playlist. the open event that marked bek and I becoming mods. again, i’m emo. (you’re always welcome to make these at any time, by the way!!) 
wonwoo sinking (for lack of a better word) deeper into the sadness created by his feelings for mingyu; believing so, so deeply that he’d never get to tell him how he felt. jokes on you, son.
september ! 
wonwoo’s thread with everyone’s favourite grandpa ♥ ( @jisukjinxmi​ )
and his thread with @mixhyoyeon​, who persuaded him to break into a club; something he never imagined he’d do, but is glad he can now add to his list of strange experiences. 
mingyu’s decline. wonwoo stepping up to the plate to take care of him, being completely and hopelessly in love with him and spending night after night crying himself to sleep over nightmares of mingyu not making it. sad. sad, sad, sad. 
october ! 
the hardest month of mingyu’s depression. a lot happened between them, for their bond and his recovery. wonwoo secretly took on all of mingyu’s hits alongside his own, to keep their statuses in the gang. he started his long break from the cafe, and focused as much of his time on helping mingyu recover. his health deteriorated rapidly. 
november ! 
just his and @mixheecheon​’s dynamic. their conversation. i love it, i love this thread.
november 18th marks meanie’s first (and second, and third, and fourth and so on) kiss and the start of their relationship. wonwoo gives mingyu the journal he’d written in over mingyu’s depression to help him cope. starts thinking about his own recovery, too. 
december ! 
meanie’s one month anniversary.
wonwoo’s !! favourite time of the year is christmas, so he was very, very happy all month. he decorated the whole apartment, spent the big day with mingyu and his grandfather, and delivered presents to eris and @miroyce​ beforehand, and he was just !! so happy !! 
posted in january, but timeline wise, wonwoo visiting jeongwoo’s grave once more, only to come into contact with changwoo, and get the sort-of closure he’s needed all these years.
january !
the thread itself is backdated, but january marked the start of one of my favourite threads!! I love more opportunities to explore young wonwoo’s life and his growth into who he is today, and I love his and hyungwon’s backstory and dynamic, so thank you for plotting and writing this with me!! ( @mixnightingale )
february ! 
wonwoo getting aRRESTED (about time) 
the start of this great friendship rivalry ( @sujimi )
and this one, too! their bickering gives me life,, ( @mixminhyuk ) 
march & april ! 
mingyu buying wonwoo fLOWERS (spoiler: wonwoo cried)
i’ve been incredibly busy with uni work this past month, so I haven’t had the chance to post much, but getting to chat with you all and plot, and at times, even rp in the ims, has been wonderful and I want to thank all of you again for your patience. it’s been a rollercoaster of a year and I can’t wait for the next anniversary to come rushing around before I know it. I love you all ♥
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wistfxlworld · 4 years
be active :gun:
please dont hurt me i’ll try my best
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wonwoomi · 7 years
hiatus & tracker.
sadly, that time of the year is approaching for a great deal of us: exams!! shakes fist!! I also didn’t have time to catch up on everything I owe; this last week has been super busy for me, but I will get to everything I owe when I return on may 9th. for reference, HERE is wonwoo’s tracker! please let me know if I missed anything! please take care of admin gyu in my absence, and if you need me, you can reach me via ims or twitter! I will miss you all dearly ♥
( tagged: @mingyuxmi, @mikangjoon, @mixnightingale, @mixkris, @sujimi, @mihansol, @mixhyoyeon, @mixjoongki, @jonginxmi, @erisxmi, @mijaehyung, @jinhongmi )
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wistfxlworld · 5 years
Skye let me in
this is an ominous message why do you want to be let in
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wistfxlworld · 5 years
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due to personal reasons and me being granted power, shiro gets a smircc icon
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wistfxlworld · 5 years
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hey guys im back I think!! Sorry for the sudden hit of inactivity, my rp juice is hella low
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wistfxlworld · 5 years
✍ Idate
Ask me to draw a character terribly // open
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i hate his stupid hair each time i draw so thank you for giving me the chance to do this
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wistfxlworld · 5 years
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I know I basically announced that I'm adding a muse almost one or two days ago but I'm adding another. This is an oc now! Maichró, a dsp oc has joined the battle!
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wistfxlworld · 5 years
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new muse! Rock from Ice Scream! bastard penguin’s in town.
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wistfxlworld · 5 years
Ask me to draw myself in my muse’s style! // specify muse // Scor done
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I decided to do Scor since he’s a muse I love but don’t use much!! (Images individually + my thought process w/ Scor as an artist underneath cut)
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I feel like Scor would be one of the people with multiple art styles, but there are things that are consistent– I think he’d probably take out a pencil and just scribble in some very, very rough outlines then use a blue pen to line it in? When it comes to coloring, he doesn’t really give too many shits but he’s more drawn to cooler palettes!
He mostly uses the coloring style for the picture above!! Dark/almost black colors with maybe a lighter variant for other things! It’s pretty rough too!
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If he’s feeling like doing more than two colors, it’d be something like this ^. Something somewhat surprisingly bright but still fairly messy oop
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