Bad Boy
I haven’t been out to the seawalls in a while, I should do something about that! This one was take a couple years back, came across it this morning going through the catalog for 2020, I processed it and exported, and its only when I started typing this blog post that I realised that its a decent-ish Street Photograph. There are Street ‘togs who would seek to contrive something similar by waiting…
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Rainy Market Day A couple weekends back, I ventured out of my vehicle to try and get a few shots on the outskirts of Mon Repos market, by the time I arrived at the road junction it had begun raining, not knowing the weather resistance of the DXO, I didn’t linger too long, but I did manage to snap a few shots, and one stood out for me.
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At the ready Walking around with a DSLR tends to intimidate people around me, or at the very least make them change the way they were behaving; their attitude, their posture, their general demeanor changes when they see a camera.
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Market Day
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Sundays are well known Market Days for various markets within and outside of Georgetown. Within the city limits two notable markets that abound with activity on a Sunday morning would be Bourda Market and the La Penitence Market.
With Friday’s announcement of COVID-19 Emergency Measures, I heard that the Markets would be closed on a Sunday morning (5th April 2020). My friend Shola mentioned…
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More from Mon repos
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In my previous post, I showed what would have been my “select 5”  images from a walk in Mon Repos Market, select as in those I’d choose to enter into the VISIONS Exhibition 2020 (were I to submit).  Today I’d like to share another five images from that walk.
Any place where people are involved with activities of interaction or even just on the move, are places where you can find a treasure trove…
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My Rest
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With unrest in town since the General and Regional Elections as well as less people in town due to the COVID-19 arrival on our shores, I had a Saturday morning off, and went into the Mon Repos market for a short walk.
Mon Repos is a village on the East Coast of Demerara, not too far before the large Lusignan Village.  Saturday is Market Day at Mon Repos, and while I’ve walked in there a few…
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Children’s Mash Parade 2020 Each year, they (they, them, the powers that be) make it harder to actually witness the main Mashramani Parade as a family, but fortunately the Children’s parade has remained somewhat constant.
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Expressions Shooting in the streets can be a hit and miss form of photography, especially when you’re doing it “on the move” like I do. 
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Mass of the Lord's Supper
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Today as Lent ends, and this Lent has been a time of trial indeed with our local Elections fiasco GECOM-20 and the arrival of the Sars-CoV-2 Coronavirus that causes the disease now known as COVID-19, as a church community, we cannot gather because of social distancing and curfew restriction placed on the populace in an effort to limit the spread of the disease.
Today marks the end of Lent and the…
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Around the Block
Yesterday I decided to literally take a walk around the block, just to see how the COVID-19 and its repercussions might be affecting the neighbourhood (my work neighbourhood, that is).   So as not to waste the opportunity, I walked with my DXO camera as well.
As street photography goes, nothing great, but a few decent ones 🙂
You probably can’t see it, but in that vendor’s section is some…
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