A Good Photographer
It was only yesterday (August 21, 2024) that my friend Nikhil shared a post from Quora in which the answer in response to a query about whether a certain artiste was a good singer was “A good singer is one that people enjoy listening to and want to hear more of. That is the only definition that actually matters”. Simple, and accurate. The same applies to every artform. So, when identifying “good…
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In a post-pandemic world, just surviving feels like a balancing act that is doomed to failure, with cost of many goods more than double what they were in 2019, but salaries and income maybe a percentage point or two more than back then. But, that has little to do with photography, unless you do photography for a living, which, thankfully, I don’t. Supermarkets are nice to shop in, if you can…
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Never Meet Your Heroes
The say that you should never meet your heroes, because they’re sure to disappoint you. I’ve had this experience a few times, because, the person you see or hear on screen or radio, upon that pedestal that their fans have put them upon, or that you imagine them to be, is rarely who they are. But telling people to never meet their Heroes, that could be bad advice, because instead of deifying the…
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The Ubiquitous Boat
I haven’t done any extensive research, but from personal knowledge and experience most photography in Guyana was once of a commercial nature or personal nature, and not very much as an Art. The Guyana Photographers Facebook Group was started in 2010, with an aim to gather photographers of all walks together and to share knowledge and information, get to know other photographers, whether of a…
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Mash 2023
Children's Mashramani Parade 2023
Its unlikely that I’d be going out to the main Mashramani float and band parade this year, but I do enjoy seeing the Children’s Mashramani Parade (that would more accurately be the schools parade) I’ve processed images taken last Saturday at that parade, if you click on the graphic below it will take you to the Gallery with the images (at time of publication all images had not uploaded, it was…
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Just another Seawall photo.
At an early stage in my photographic journey I was fascinated by Macrophotography, the ultra-close photographs of everyday things, it seemed a completely different world seeing things that close. This would have been mostly before I started using an SLR Camera, I had a Canon SuperZoom, and I used clip-on lenses for the macro photography, quite fun at the time. Most of my favourite photography…
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Market Scenes
Market scenes - February 2023
Following on the previous post, I just wanted to share a few more images from that day. The market is a place rich in colour, activity, people, culture, and so much more. Some times I feel that I get too many similar shots, so many go unshared, often unprocessed, but here’s a few that made it past the processing and into the sharing category 🙂 All kinds of Everything – 23-0004 | Mon Repos…
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Bootleg - a photo and some commentary on piracy and bootlegging in Guyana.
Guyana, as well as the wider Caribbean, has long had problems with pirated or bootlegged music, software, and movies; I know its a worldwide problem, but I can only speak to a localized perspective. I like to think that its lessened in recent years, with the advent of streaming and subscription services, etc., although I suspect I’m wrong. Dave Martins, leader of the famed Tradewinds band, wrote…
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23-0001 A Seascape
For photographers, or I should say digital photographers, that 0001 number usually means you’ve cycled through the 9,999 actuations on your camera and you’re starting over, or some photographers actually do a reset to 0001 when they start a new year, or whatever period they decide to set for themselves. More commonly, it usually means a new camera, fresh out of the box. Late last year, someone…
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Cloth, just another Photo!
A trip up the coast, East Coast Demerara that is (at least in my case), and you’ll probably notice that many portions are rife with Jhandi flags. These flags feature in many of my images, and likely in almost anyone’s photographs along the coast, that is what rife means, they are like Kiskadees, they’re everywhere! I figure many people are tired seeing photos that include Jhandi flags, I still…
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Sons of Stribog
Sons of Stribog A black and White image from Lusignan, ECD, Guyana
For most people who have followed my photography for any time, they know that I have a penchant for seascapes, and especially for high contrast black and white images of those scenes. This one falls right in to those. As a matter of fact this one is the latest addition to the ongoing Oniabo series of such images. This was taken with the Canon 60D using a Sigma 10-20 ultra-wide angle lens, this…
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Declaration - 20-6963 Devendra Love Nisha A blog post with a Seawall Photo
This one has been sitting unprocessed since 2020. Its one of those image that I took, likely seeing some potential, than when reviewing initially, decided to leave it alone for the time. For me its one of those obvious images, it is what it is, some graffiti on the seawall, nothing more, nothing less. But, in retrospect, and maybe because of how I feel now, I can see it differently, or maybe…
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After one time, is another!
A street photo, and some thoughts
After one time, is another! I grew up hearing this phrase, usually from my mother or grand-mother. I figure it must be a Guyanese saying, I can’t seem to find it online in any other writings. I think the basic meaning is “What applied yesterday may not apply today (or tomorrow)” I had taken this photo in May 2020, which was a relatively short time after the COVID-19 Pandemic had struck in…
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It is not a Vacuum
A Seawall Image and thoughts about art and its creation.
I’ve often heard, and used, the phrase “Art is not created in a vacuum” – its true, it isn’t. I was curious recently as to the origin of the phrase, so I went looking. It’s apparently a derivation from something that was said by a film director (I am not very familiar with film directors, so forgive me) – his name was Andrei Tarkovsky, and is largely considered one of the greatest film…
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Back to the Market
Back to the Market - Thoughts and Images on Street Photography
Practicing Street Photography in a market is good way to get into it, especially if your choice of street photography is candid and geared toward images with lots of “life” in them. I have found that it has its setbacks as well as its advantages, as does everything. If you are not a regular visitor to the market, you will likely stand out, making it more difficult to take those candid shots,…
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Recently (December 14, 2022), Fidal shared a post on the Guyana Photographers’ Facebook Group, about a crowd funded Book project by well-known street photographer Nils Jorgensen, and it surprised me to see that the Kickstarted campaign had failed to raise enough pledges to complete the project in the time allotted. On the page promoting the book, Nothing, Like Something, it has a portion that…
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Bad Boy
I haven’t been out to the seawalls in a while, I should do something about that! This one was take a couple years back, came across it this morning going through the catalog for 2020, I processed it and exported, and its only when I started typing this blog post that I realised that its a decent-ish Street Photograph. There are Street ‘togs who would seek to contrive something similar by waiting…
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