gooseplumesart · 4 months
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LORELEI!! for @wyldblunt for a pass-it-on art trade game on discord
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morgacht · 11 months
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Artfight attack against @wyldblunt !
These crunchy little animated cards are fun
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
for the character development questions: for kerra, nisha, and rel, what's a detail of each of their personalities that never really comes up or gets discussed much? - @wyldblunt
Oooh, excellent excellent because this question absolutely requires me to Think and that is Fun :D Tyty!!
Kerra's emotional pain gets discussed the most often on here, as well as the lengths she's gone to in order to mask said pain. She also instinctively hides the fact that she's in physical pain when that happens. Unless an injury is enough to fully incapacitate her so that she can't move, she's going to keep going. That's something that comes a bit from her saplinghood, as she had to/chose to be fairly self-sufficient in a lot of ways, and also comes a lot from her taking on the Commander position. She got used to presenting the front of an unflappable leader and is quite good at it. (Also, this part's not really relevant to the personality thing, but that's part of what makes her terrifying to fight. You have to land a very severe blow if you want her to stop coming at you, and that's incredibly difficult to do.)
Nisha is almost as much a parent to Aurene as Kerra and Caithe are and fully Did Not Intend for that to happen. Xe stayed in Maguuma for quite a while thanks to taking the Marshal position after HoT and was mostly busy trying to deal with the aftermath of everything. Xe also made it a point to go personally check up on Aurene every week or two, which at first was mainly to a) just keep tabs on this Very Important Little Creature and b) send updates to Kerra when she couldn't come visit personally. The visits increased in frequency once Nisha started to truly care for Aurene. The reason I'm telling you all this when you asked about personalities is that this is another piece of "emotions Nisha was afraid of". Xe was afraid of caring strongly for anyone for a while, but considering that the source of that fear was xyr Mother, becoming a parent in any capacity was especially terrifying; the idea of reenacting the past, even by accident, was a horrible one. Xyr emotional bond with Aurene simultaneously managed to make it more and less terrifying.
Rel is, by and large, a forgiving person. The one person he still holds a grudge against is the Pale Tree, and it's largely on the behalf of others (Kerra, Trahearne, Caithe) rather than because she caused him any personal harm (which she has not). Also worth noting that there's a slight bit of projection going on--he only fully realized how many issues his own Mother had after she'd died, and he still has very mixed feelings on that note, so some of them end up mixing in with his feelings about the Pale Tree.
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iraprince · 2 years
Thinking about trying gw2 bc of you btw. Might move my funny little ffxiv guy over there and save $20 a month....
HOHOHO oh please give it a try (there is a free version!!!) i love guild wars so much. ffxiv has us beat on the dressup game and screenshot taking but gw has soooooo much to offer and will always be my main love
i have enjoyed what little of ffxiv i've tried but 1. subscription :( and 2. just in general after nearly 10 years of gw2 i really do find myself trying ffxiv again and again and quietly going "you're not her..............." lmao. perhaps anyone who's very very used to ffxiv will feel the same way about gw, habits are hard to break! but i love love love love love love love it and i want everyone to try it at least once lol
[PUTTING ON MY MR POTATO HEAD ANGRY EYEBROWS REAL QUICK] HOWEVER. re: free version and eventually purchasing expansions! something that really frustrates me that i want ppl just getting into gw2 to know is that there's kind of a hidden plot cost. in between each of the expansions (there are currently three: heart of thorns, path of fire, and end of dragons), there is additional story and gameplay content called "living world" that's separated into multiple seasons. these have NECESSARY plot content in them and trying to jump from expansion to expansion without them will leave you confused; they're not skippable if you want the full story experience, imo. it pisses me off and i really think the preceding LW seasons should be included when you buy each expansion!!!!! i think the way it's done now is sneaky and really hostile to new players :( so i just want to bring it up in case anyone gets interested in gw and starts tallying up how much buying the full game would cost - you have to factor in the living world content too. (i just checked now that it's on steam and the complete collection, which has all 3 expansions plus all the LW content [seasons 2-5; season 1 is currently being re-released, it's a long story] is €100 :/ you can buy the seasons one at a time on the ingame shop as well, too. i just don't like people getting blindsided by it.)
also, as with any video game i love, yes this is always how i talk about it: "i love love love love love love love it!" followed by a wall of seething complaints
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
currently fixated on making a trio of nmc whores for my eu alt to attend vsartparties TWICE with
i dont have names for all of them yet but one will be a white & gold vampiric dilf i think, thinkin the only named one, sylas, will be real fucky like sleazy flirty type and probably one thats just sulyen/harper but Worse(TM)
sylas has a real nice dark color palette and im not gonna lie im fixated on mabaki rn too so he was kinda inspired by him too. sidenote- why the Fuck is mabaki so goddamn hot and sexy an *dragged offscreen*
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mabaki · 5 months
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So like, braincells got activated LOL They thinking about their lovers yeaaahhhh Idea and Glyndwr by @wyldblunt
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manasurge · 8 months
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(Just reposting this here from the server) My revenge gift art for @wyldblunt for drawing my girl so good!!!!! Q///Q.
Anywho I ADORE Daimhin and her gorgeous Mordrem design, and had been wanting to draw her for a while, so I took advantage of this lkjdfs. I also just feel so bad for him and want to be his friend 😭
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moth-tea-merchant · 2 months
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You can run but you can't hide Breath on your skin, I've arrived Here I am Here I am
@wyldblunt 's Merrit
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wyldblunt · 1 year
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hi! i wanna take a few (2-3) sketch bust comms -- €35 for just lines, €50 for rough painted color. i'd also be willing to take ONE sketch page like the one above for €250. (busts will have more of the shoulders/chest than the color examples on the sketchpage, but similar level of color detail!)
GW2 OCS ONLY FOR NOW, my examples here are sylvari but i can draw anything from gw2 (including non-playable races like skritt, quaggan, etc if u have any ocs like that :D). i'd also be down to do flight rising dragon gijinkas, but these are quick/experimental so you'd have to either already have a humanized design ready or be cool w me taking creative liberty. (not all my additional comm terms apply to this round of slots, i just didn't want to make a new graphic oops. historical hisoka tax is in place and WILL override current content limitations, i will draw hisoka as a quaggan or whatever if you pay the tax.)
pls send refs, a description of what you'd like, + an email i can send a paypal invoice to over to [email protected] with "commission" somewhere in the subject! thanks so much in advance!!
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gw2-zine · 5 months
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For the next month we will slowly be introducing our wonderful contributors!
Ira Prince Valls | Sylvari Artist [@wyldblunt]
[ID below the cut]
[Recreation of a gw2 equipment interface, the text has been changed to match the creator] Ira Prince Valls +wyldblunt.tumblr.com +twitter.com/baph0meat +211 Power +151 Precision +151 Homosexuality Transmuted Shiny Rifle Rare Sylvari Artist Hi, I'm Ira! For almost a decade I have been obsessed with making mean little salads and now I'm making it everybody's problem. Unique Account Bound
[End ID.]
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morgacht · 2 years
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Artfight attack on @wyldblunt / @iraprince !
I’ve wanted to draw Glyn for a little while now, I’ll do friendly fire to achieve that goal-
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rank your trio from most to least popular with their coworkers!!! (for arioch that can either mean when it was with the court or now that it's hanging around w the commander and co) -@wyldblunt
Honestly, I feel like making two separate lists for this
In terms of "most liked/respected" it goes like this
Aurienal: They are sociable, they are caring and compassionate, they are single-handedly managing Chrys's stress half the time so he's not either tearing heads off or imploding from his anxiety, and they can have a good time!
Chrysallus: He may be Pact Commander and Aurene's champion, but beyond the titles, a lot of people don't know him well enough to make comments. Part of that is the apparent propaganda war between Aurienal and Arioch about his personality. Chrys knows nothing about this. Otherwise, he is capable of being civil for a lot of bullshit.
Arioch: As a Courtier? There are a lot that want it dead. After joining Chrys's group and then post-PoF though, they see it as a source of entertainment, spinning wild conspiracy theories. It's seen more as a person when it opens a little shop in LA, selling potions and incense mainly. Does it still grate on people's nerves? Hell yeah, it's funny to rile people up. But at least people aren't trying to kill it.
Now the list for the Court, because they are people too and have heard enough gossip to debate this
Chrysallus: Beside the vested interest of "if we turn the dragon's champion and hero of tyria to nightmare, we'd be unstoppable!" train of thought, he's actually pretty well-liked among the Court. There was a period of time where Chrys got into all sorts of trouble for spying on the Court, but Auri was the only dreamer who knew about certain things, like tending to an injured courtier's wounds out of the kindness of his heart. This is met with a lot of confusion, but they felt respected as people. He's usually left alone for that day.
Arioch: Again, it is a source of entertainment by the Court when it was there by potion mishaps and wild mechanical creations wreaking havoc in Caledon. Popularity spiked hearing that Chrys was dead and it's Dark Hunt was complete, but fell out of favor once it left the Court for good. Now it is kill on sight if a courtier spots it.
Aurienal: For obvious reasons, they are seen as a more devout Dreamer. Let's also not forget the incident with the white stag, which Sariel took high offense with enough to attack the Grove over. They would kill courtiers on sight as a reflex, but so long as they don't trigger their fight or flight, they are usually left alone.
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
nisha fight scene and thirst trap fancam!!! - @wyldblunt
Ooooh, sure sure! :D Let's see...
Fight scene: The Phoenix by Lindsey Stirling
I could probably come up with a few different ones here, honestly, but I really do like this one for xem, so...ye :) (I also like Lindsey Stirling's music, so.) The name also is fitting here--though I don't usually think of Nisha and phoenix symbolism, xe does in some ways have a very rising-from-the-ashes narrative.
Thirst trap fancam: Stars by Demi Lovato
Zero idea how to pick songs for this, but if Nisha had any inclination to make a thirst trap fancam, I could see it being this song xD
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mordremvari · 1 year
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captain crunch oops all sylvari
batch one for the NA art party!! only had time to do quick sketches but i had lots of fun with them, such pretty characters :)!!
come collect your kids i didn’t catch everyone’s url found everyone!
merrít: @wyldblunt ‘s wife i believe!!
finnegän: @pinecone-enthusiast
lukas marseilles: @aetherblooms
teraphany: @valiaint
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ecunderbase · 9 months
rad in THE depression for the shitty palette challenge!! - @wyldblunt
you got it, boss
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the shit poopoo palette gauntlet
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red-wood-reaper · 1 year
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Here’s my batch for the April [VS] Art Party! Had lots of fun again, and I was very happy to see Wall Legion make a return lmao. I am so sorry if everyone looks more orange/yellow than they’re supposed to, I was grabbing from photos as I cleaned these up and the lodge washed everyone in yellow kjshfkjlhf.
Morrigan Sharpfang - @crim-o-lin
Mercedra - @talk-of-tyria
Song in Flight - @sylvan-heart
Murdoc Silvertooth - @skelizard
Glyndwr Lennox - @wyldblunt
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