#wyll and apology don't really look like that lol but i still like how it looks
bhaalbaaby · 1 year
kinktober day 8
Title: Up To No Good (5600 words) Pairing: astarion/wyll/reader Warnings: nsfw, biting, but with more blood this time, anal, double penetration, alcohol A/N: imagine being between wyll and astarion. woof lol had to end it early because it's already so long lmao... kinks of the day: blood kink, double penetration, alternate universe
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You really done it now. You try not to think about the upcoming trial as you hear your partner on the phone, trying to keep his voice hushed. You thought that if you found a loophole in his contract surely you could help him get free of his lousy job at Mizora Incorporated. How wrong you are. Wyll comes back, running his hand over his close-cut hair, the waves he worked hard on. He holds his phone in his fist, rolling it back and forth against his other calloused hand as he tries to come up with the words to say.
"Baby... We might be able to get out of this, but I have to go talk to Mr. Ancunin. Now."
Your brows furrow as you sit up on the couch, biting your bottom lip. "Now?"
He nods as he grabs his suit jacket. "Can I come too, since this is my fault?" You try to hide your desperation. Mr. Ancunin seems like a level-headed lawyer, but something about him is off. You don't trust Wyll to go there by himself, especially not in this upset state. He grimaces as he shrugs his jacket on. "I don't know. My dad barely got Astarion to approve of this meeting." You grab your shoes, quickly putting them on as you ignore Wyll's disapproval. You would make it right. You had to.
The ride to Mr. Ancunin's penthouse was quiet. The city traffic was mild and the cool air from Wyll's car kept you on edge. You wrap your cardigan around yourself tighter as you stare up at the tall buildings. When you agreed to date Wyll, you weren't thinking about the consequences of being a public figure's partner. Wyll Ravenguard, son of politician and general Ulder Ravenguard who was running for president. Gods, why did he have to be so handsome and down to earth? 
Mr. Ancunin had to live in the glamorous building you had to have seen. On your own, the doorman would have told you to mind your business and stop loitering, but with Wyll, he gives the doorman an easy smile as they let him into the parking garage. You mumble to yourself about nepotism, feeling your stomach do flips. You never met Wyll's lawyer and you rehearse your apology. Sorry, I snooped in his files, sorry I said there was a loophole, sorry I said that Mizora was corrupt on a public forum and called for justice for Karlach and Death to Zariel.
Karlach told you she appreciated it, but you got too passionate. Wyll's job is at stake, and his public persona under his father too. All because you got too passionate and caring. When Wyll parks, he hurries to your side to open your door. He still has his warm smile as he brings your knuckles to his lips. "Don't worry, my love. All will be okay." You don't want to doubt him but there's a gnawing in your stomach that makes your palms sweat. You wipe your hands on your dress as you step out of the car. 
Mr. Ancunin's home is very elegant and modern, not a mess to be found. He looks down at you, his glasses on the hilt of his nose as he raises a pale eyebrow. "Mr. Ravengard. You truly keep me on my toes. So does your little girlfriend." He waves his hand at you before letting you in.
Wyll keeps his hand on the small of your back as he smiles gratefully at his lawyer. "I appreciate it. I really do. So does General Ravengard."
Astarion's jaw tightens at the mention of Wyll's father, but he leads you both to his office. His desk is a dark mahogany that feels a bit dated with a modern black leather chair behind it, and his computer to the side with tabs open. You make out a Word document and an internet browser with the news plastering your face. You wince as you sit in the firm leather chair next to Wyll.
"You're lucky this will be an easy win as long as you two can behave." Astarion scoffs as he moves his computer in front of him. You feel like you're in the principal's office as he starts typing away. Wyll starts talking, but you tune him out, your mind racing. You just need to apologize and then everything will be done and over with right? Wyll reaches over and holds your hand gingerly in his hand. Astarion seems very annoyed as he continues to type, pushing up his glasses. You notice that his dark eyes aren't brown but a mesmerizing red.
You shift in your chair as you glance over at Wyll. He's so confident and professional. His whole life he's been trained for moments like this. You on the other hand fidget as you hope and pray that Wyll can handle it and that your meek apology for overstepping will make it all go away. To your surprise, Astarion doesn't even address you, his questions pointed towards Wyll. You trust in Wyll that he won't lie or make you look bad. He's so honest and earnest that you can tell Astarion is getting tired. You're making him work overtime anyway. You look around his nice office and figured he would be out and about enjoying the city this Friday evening.
Astarion clears his throat and Wyll squeezes your thigh. You blink, coming back to Earth. "Is there anything that you wanted to add, (Y/N)?" Astarion asks, his eyebrow raised. You shake your head no, giving him a shy smile before quickly adding, "I'm sorry for the chaos and confusion. I just wanted to speak about the injustices." Wyll winces and the corners of Astarion's lips turn downward.
"Thank you for that. You two are welcome to leave. This is plenty for me to work with. You should have the media and Mizora off your back by Monday." You both let out a sigh of relief and Wyll sits forward. "This calls for a celebration, I think."
Astarion smirks as he shrugs, "If this does go away and you two are officially off the hook, then we'll celebrate, Mr. Ravengard." You politely smile, still worried you may say something that will get disapproval from both again. "Of course. We'll be waiting by our phones awaiting the news, Mr. Ancunin." Astarion stands, chuckling. "Now, if you excuse me. I have plenty of emails to send."
You and Wyll spend the weekend down low, afraid that one slip-up would cause for another intervention with Wyll's dad or worse Mr. Ancunin. He seemed more intense since you at least think Mr. Ravengard likes you. Wyll is better at keeping his worries hidden as he continues with his routine, going to the gym, talking to his friends albeit on the phone rather than in person, and spending the evenings with you. You two spent Saturday night in bed and Sunday too nervous to have sex unsure about what Monday would bring. 
Astarion calls Wyll in the morning when you two get ready to go to work. "They've accepted the terms so long as you two don't bring it up anymore." Wyll pulls away from the phone, muting it as he glances at you. "We have to for Karlach's sake."
Your nostrils flare wishing you could get better terms for your friend but you nod, not wanting to cause more discomfort for her. "That's amazing, Astarion. We should celebrate!" Astarion chuckles as he replies, "You two should do that."
"No, it's my treat. You helped us when you didn't have to." Wyll is so kind and genuine. You always admire him for that. Astarion sighs, "Well, as long as it's not too late. It is a Monday night and I have a lot of work I need to do since I was busy with you two." Wyll's warm smile is contagious as you find yourself smiling along, not wanting to spend time with Mr. Ancunin, but as long as it makes Wyll happy.
You choose a simple black dress as Wyll sticks with his business casual black button-down and black pants. Gods, if you only had more time, you would have jumped his bones, especially when he puts the matching jacket over your shoulders, his cologne still lingering. You make sure you give him bedroom eyes as you get in his car, letting your hand linger on his thigh as he drives. "This will be a quick thing, don't worry, (Y/N)," Wyll says, giving you a knowing smile.
You roll your eyes as you check your lipgloss. "You always say that but then it ends up being a networking thing for you and your dad." You hope it doesn't sound snarky as you quickly add, "But Astarion also will want to make it quick too since we're a handful."
Wyll nods, "We should be open to all opportunities tonight." You wonder what he means by that as you ride the whole way in silence. 
The bar is not that busy as professionals usually don't drink on Mondays. You and Wyll arrive before Astarion and you find a small booth towards the back away from patrons. Wyll orders for you both, knowing what you like. You lean against him as you wait. Besides this little mishap, you don't know anything about Astarion. You hope he would be relatable and want to talk about something other than work. Wyll rubs a gentle pattern on your arm as the drinks arrive. "I hope he shows. It'd be embarrassing if we got all dressed up and he didn't come." Wyll jokes, though his usual smile is nowhere to be found.
You peck his cheek. "Of course he will. Your dad is a big client." You note as you see the silver-haired man come into the bar. Outside of his lawyer persona, he could be handsome, and charming. You see him at a place like this and feel lucky he chose you. You cringe at the thought as you take a sip of your drink, grateful Wyll knows you so well. 
"The man of the hour." Wyll announces as he stands, shaking Astarion's hand. Astarion chuckles, rolling his eyes as he shakes Wyll's hand, reaching down to shake yours as well. "I just pulled a few strings of a couple of important people to make issues go away." Astarion states as he sits down across from you.
The waitress is quicker this time to the table to get Astarion's drink. You're right in that he has a certain aura around him that people are drawn in. You can even feel it on yourself as you drink more and stare at him. He orders an expensive red wine and the waitress leaves a bit flustered when he says he doesn't want any food. She didn't even offer that to you two. "So, do you always offer celebrations like this to all of the people who assist with cleaning up your problems?" Astarion asks, his eyes are intense.
Wyll's smile is easy as he nods, "Not usually with a drink, but you've been working hard, Mr. Ancunin, and we needed to relax. Seemed like a good excuse to get out of the house."
The waitress is so fast with Astarion's wine, it's almost startling. "Thank you dear," Astarion says, his voice almost a purr. She giggles as she asks if he needs anything else. You and Wyll share a look as Astarion says no. "Who knew you had such a pull on the ladies," You say cheekily once the woman is out of earshot.
Astarion rolls his eyes as he sniffs his wine. "I get who I can. And she may get lucky tonight." There's a sadness you can't place in his tone.
Wyll lifts his glass as he smirks, "We'll drink to that." His eyes soften as he takes a sip of the wine. "I won't lie to you two. I have neglected myself this weekend handling this issue."
"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that." You frown, holding your cup in both of your hands as you lean forward, the dress dragging a bit lower to reveal your cleavage. It's on accident as you sit back to readjust, but Astarion's eyes still linger. "Is there anything we can do to help ease your pain?" Wyll asks.
An idea flickers in Astarion's eyes and he tuts. "Well, there is something, but it's far-fetched. I would require you both to trust me."
"Of course. We do," Wyll replies quickly, also leaning forward, his expression serious.
Astarion smirks as he sits back, "Maybe we should see how tonight goes."
You don't like that answer, glaring at him. "Why can't you tell us now?"
Astarion clears his throat before taking another sip of his wine. "Well, you two should know before you find out from someone else." He lowers his voice as he leans into the table. You lean in as well, glancing over at Wyll. "I have a special condition that requires a controversial substance."
"Weed? Acid? Coke? Heroin?" The list spills out of your head before you can stop yourself.
Wyll gives you an incredulous look while Astarion looks amused. "No, not that. Worse." You raise your eyebrow as you can't think of anything worse besides meth, but he seems too classy for a meth addict.
"Blood. I haven't been able to feed on anyone in a tenday." Your looks of shock do not surprise Astarion as he sighs, "I'm glad I was able to operate coherently as I did, but I can't go that long without blood."
"You're a vampire?" Wyll asks, trying to keep his voice low.
Astarion nods, sipping his wine. "That's one word for it. Blood deficiency is what I call it to keep people's alarms low." He laughs to himself. "But this is why I said we should see how the night goes because you're both looking at me like I've grown another head. I'm not like the ones on TV which are stereotypical at best, offensive at worse." He scoffs, his fangs more apparent.
You swallow hard as you glance at Wyll. You could say no. You have to say no.
"How much do you need?" Wyll asks instead, the goodness in him still shining through.
Astarion's eyes light up as he smiles. "Only just a bite. You'll barely notice that I took a sip."
You take a long drink of your alcohol, feeling the effects when you put the cup down. Expensive stuff increases the percentage in just a cup, you think as you sigh. "What's the worst that could happen? We give blood at the blood bank, so why not?" You say to Wyll, feeling the liquor loosen your tongue.
Wyll shrugs, "But we can change our mind if it's a bit too much."
Astarion nods as he scoots closer to you both. You feel claustrophobic in between them as Astarion rests his hand on your thigh. "Yes, I won't go further than you two want." You can tell he wants to kiss you both, but that waitress is still watching, waiting.
"We can go back to my place and see where this night goes." Astarion suggests. You both nod, flagging the waitress over as Wyll handles the tab. 
Astarion's room is a contrast to his office, his bed a California king with soft white sheets and silvery patterns on the fluffy duvet. "Don't worry about getting it messy. It's seen plenty." Astarion says as you two get on the bed, watching him carefully. Wyll gently bites his lip, reaching for your hand. You wonder if he'll stop before anything happens, but Astarion approaches him first, their lips meeting. You're slightly jealous watching as Astarion kisses your partner. Wyll's grip on your hand tightens as he pulls you closer. You kiss his neck, hearing his moan muffled against Astarion's mouth. He lets go of your hand as Astarion comes for you next, his kiss more practiced than yours. You try your best to match his passion, feeling hands on your chest. The kiss isn't as long as Wyll's as Astarion returns his lips.
You watch as Wyll and Astarion's tongues intertwine, Astarion's hands massaging your chest through your thin dress, Wyll's hand running along Astarion's thigh. You moan softly, tugging your dress lower, giving both of them full access to yourself. Astarion pulls away as Wyll grabs your breast, his lips quickly wrapping around your nipple, making you squeal.
Astarion grabs your chin, leading you to kiss him. His lips are soft and inviting as your hand rests on Wyll's head, fingers running along his soft waves. He pulls back, turning to Astarion. "Is this what you do with all the people you bite?" He asks as he helps you out of your dress. You feel like both of them are overly dressed as you lie back on the soft bed in your panties, wondering which one will offer you their cock first and where.
Astarion chuckles as he presses kisses down your torso, burying his face between your thighs against your lacy panties. "Not often. You two are the first couple in a while. Both of you will satisfy me." He states as you squeal feeling his warm mouth against the fabric. Wyll smiles down at you as he undoes his pants. You watch with hungry eyes seeing the imprint of his member tighten in his underwear as he slips the pants off.
"As long as we don't tell anyone." Wyll adds, leaning down to kiss your moaning lips, your legs wrapping around Astarion's curly head. He lifts his head, pressing kisses along your inner thigh.
"Of course. We'll all sign NDAs once this is all over." He jokes as he slips your panties to the side, his tongue flat as he laps at you. You arch your back as your hands make quick work of Wyll's briefs, your hands wrapped around his thick cock. He tenses, the muscles on his stomach contracting as you stroke him.
You try to ignore Astarion as you glance up at Wyll, his handsome face looking towards the soft-lit ceiling as he bites his lip. Your brows furrow as Astarion suckles your clit, your mouth dropping. You bring Wyll's cock closer to your face, knowing your hands won't do much work as you start trembling.
Wyll leans down, tugging at your nipples as you slowly let his cock fill your mouth. You always love how he feels inside of your mouth, you never found yourself getting tired of sucking him off. Your tongue runs up and down his length before letting him go as far as you can take him, gagging slightly. Your hands rest on his thighs as your foot runs up and down Astarion's back, your hips rocking against his mouth.
Astarion pops his head up, slipping a finger into your hole. "That's not fair," He purrs as he watches you pleasure Wyll.
"What's not?" Wyll asks, trying to keep his voice even as you moan around his cock. "That you're handsome, rich, and have a perfect cock. I bet you'll even bottom for me." Astarion rolls his eyes before returning his tongue, the tip so sharp against your clit. You remove your mouth to cry out, digging your nails into Wyll's hips.
"I'm sure yours is also great Astarion. You're distracting (Y/N) though." He says, slightly pouting as he guides your mouth back, his fingers tugging on your hair as he takes over, ignoring your whimper around him, Astarion's fingers picking up speed.
He laughs softly as he removes his mouth. "She tastes glorious. I'm sure you two have lots of fun." He teases as he presses kisses on your panties, avoiding making you cry out again. You wish you could join their banter, but your brain goes to mush when Astarion leans up, his thrusts consistent as his mouth wraps around your nipple, his tongue flicking. You breathe heavily through your nose, glancing up at Wyll who grunts softly. You feel spit coat your chin, the moans getting lost by the wet noises between your thighs and your mouth.
"I think she's ready for you." Astarion states before gently nibbling your breasts, making you moan louder.
"Are you sure?" Wyll asks, glancing over at his lawyer, his hands now rubbing your clit. You rock your hips, trembling. You wonder who he pleases most of the time and how lucky they were. Sometimes you doubt how you can handle Wyll most of the time, so lucky to have him, but to have him and Astarion at the same time? You feel bad that your body would give out before they both get a turn.
"I want to see how good her mouth can be. She's making you look so delicious." He explains, bringing his fingers to his lips.
Wyll chuckles leaning down to kiss you quickly before going between your thighs. He unbuttons his shirt, tossing it on the floor. His fingers tug your panties down as Astarion takes Wyll's previous spot, also taking off his shirt. He isn't toned like Wyll, but you can see he works out sometimes from his arms. You're overwhelmed, unsure to look at Wyll who puts your thighs on either side of him before deciding to turn you over, deciding on where to look.
You look up at the pale vampire who smiles down at you. You undo his belt as you feel Wyll rub his cock between your cheeks, palming your ass. "You look very pretty like this," Astarion says to you, running his fingers gently through your hair as you try to keep your mind from scrambling more.
Astarion's cock isn't much different than Wyll's besides being uncut and not as girthy but makes up for it in length. Gods… You briefly imagine both of them inside of you and a shiver runs down your back as you feel Wyll pull back and the small rip of a wrapper. You don't waste any more time, bringing the cock to your lips. Astarion breathes heavily through his nostrils as you gently suck on his tip.
You roll your tongue along his tip pulling away as Wyll slowly thrusts in. You push your ass back towards him as he starts his pace, taking his time as he watches you struggle with sucking Astarion. "First-time threesome?" He asks as he gently pets your head.
You nod as you stroke him. "B-b-but I'll do my best to please you, Mr. Ancunin." You say, ignoring the pleasure that flushes your skin each time Wyll thrusts in. You run your tongue along Astarion's cock, his hand guiding you lower to his balls. You suck on them as your hand continues to stroke him, focusing on the tip. He thrusts into your hand, keeping you lower still. Wyll's hands grip your hips as he picks up his pace, grunting. Your toes curl as you clench around him.
"Does she come fast for you, Wyll?" Astarion asks breathily as you moan around his balls. Wyll chuckles as he spanks your ass hard.
"She does. Says my cock is the best she's ever had." Heat comes to your cheeks as they talk about you like you're not there. "She's struggling hard." Astarion notes as he finally lets you up, using your mouth for his pleasure. You moan around his cock as he continues to fuck your mouth, trying to match Wyll's pace as he fucks you hard, spanking you with every other stroke. "But she's a good girl who waits," Wyll states, gripping your ass hard as he spreads your cheeks, watching as your asshole contracts.
"Are you a good girl?" Astarion asks as he stuffs your mouth. You whine, trying to nod your head as he grips your head, enjoying the gagging that escapes your throat. You don't know how you're keeping yourself together now as Wyll hits your spot over and over, beckoning for you to come with each stroke, but you hold yourself back giving all your attention to Astarion's thrusting cock.
"Neither of you can come yet. I want the honors." Astarion states after a while. He pulls his cock, rubbing his length on your wet lips before sitting back, watching as Wyll pounds you into the soft bedsheets.
"Wyll, be a darling and suck me off. You can still fuck your girlfriend." He stands, bringing his member to Wyll's lips. You take the opportunity to grab a pillow to muffle your moans as Wyll is so close to bringing you to orgasm. You wish Astarion would just fuck you now so he could say he made you come.
Your nails dig into the pillow as Wyll slows just a bit, wet noises coming from his mouth. You turn your head slightly to watch as he glances up at Astarion, his lips perfectly positioned around Astarion's pink tip. You look away quickly, feeling yourself get even more turned on, your legs trembling.
"Don't you dare come, (Y/N)." Astarion growls as he watches. You squeeze your thighs together as you think of something else, not the way Wyll's lips look wrapped around Astarion's cock, the way his cock buries itself deep inside, your walls clenching around him. You think of Astarion's sharp teeth and their true purpose and somehow that turns you off enough to let Wyll continue to pommel your ass.
Wyll stops soon, laughing as he removes his mouth. "I can't come either. She's so wet." He comments giving you another smack. "Another few strokes and I'd be the one in trouble."
Astarion chuckles as he gets down. "Turn over, (Y/N). It's my turn." You're delighted at the words as you obey. You need to release. He kisses you quickly as Wyll sits back on the bed, "Can I watch so I don't get worked up?" His question is sweet and Astarion rolls his eyes. "Sure. You can also make it tough for (Y/N) too."
Wyll's eyes light up at the suggestion and you mentally curse him while you whine. "Make it tough?" You ask as Astarion reaches for a condom. "Of course. It's fun to make you wait for your orgasm." Astarion notes as he puts the protection on.
You flare your nostrils as Wyll lies next to you. "You're so pretty, baby. I'm glad I get to share how pretty you get when you're like this." You roll your eyes at Wyll's compliment as he tilts your head up towards him, Astarion pulling your hips closer. You break the kiss, and look into Astarion's red eyes as he slowly thrusts inside. You moan as Wyll slides his hand down between your legs, rubbing your swollen clit.
"Oh, fuck. Fuck you." You cry out, holding on to his shoulders as your legs wrap around Astarion's hips. Both of them chuckle as you become a moaning mess, closing your eyes tight as you clench around Astarion. Your stomach tightens as you try your best to not come instantly.
Wyll leans down, kissing your neck, resting his head against yours as you pant against his chest. "You're doing a good job taking his dick, baby. You made my fingers so wet already." Wyll whispers in your ear as his circular motions quicken, Astarion's strokes so deep and precise.
"Gods help me," is all you can say as you say as your legs tighten around Astarion's waist. Astarion laughs as he leans down, grabbing Wyll's firm ass.
"She's not gonna last." He comments, as your hips rock against him, breathing heavily.
"What should we do about that?" Wyll asks, his voice always so earnest. Astarion glances down as he pounds you into the bed, finding where you're most sensitive.
"Fuck her ass. I know she can't handle us like this, but imagine how she'll be with both of us?" His eyes dance as you continue to bury your face into Wyll's slightly sweaty chest. He chuckles as Astarion slows, "Lube is in my dresser."
Oh, he's serious.
You glance at Astarion, the madman. Wyll kisses you one last time before going to get the lube. "Yes sir." Once Wyll rolls off the bed, Astarion's arms scoop you up, making you cry out as he bounces you on his cock.
"You taste as sweet as you sound." Astarion teases as you bury your face in his neck, holding on for dear life. The sound of skin on skin fills the room with Wyll rummaging around to find the lube.
"Don't you come, darling? It's not time yet." He growls as his fingers dig into your ass. You curse as you glance over at Wyll.
"Hurry up!" You cry, the faith in yourself to behave and not make a mess on Astarion's cock as the new angle has his cock nestled against your g-spot. Wyll laughs as he shakes his head. "You hear how close she is, Astarion?" Wyll asks as he returns to the bed with the little bottle. Astarion leans down, pressing kisses against your sweaty neck.
"Absolutely. I think I'll bite her once you're in." He purrs as he leans back slightly as you cry out, feeling Wyll rest behind you. You try to relax as Astarion slows, sucking on your sensitive skin. It's going to hurt no doubt. You've been bitten before, but not for blood, to feed.
You feel Wyll press his now-slicked cock against your puckered hole as Astarion stops, allowing Wyll to fill you. You tense, his thick shaft hot as he stretches your hole.
Your mouth drops open, a scream catching in your throat as Wyll lets you rest your back against him, his hands massaging your chest. Astarion smirks as he leans forward, picking up his pace as you struggle against Wyll in your ass. Your mouths meet as he holds your legs higher.
Wyll groans as he ruts against you, twisting and massaging your nipples as your body contracts around both of their cocks. You close your eyes tight, your body heating up as Astarion pulls away, peppering kisses down your neck.
"Be prepared for a gush, my dear Prince. Biting tends to make people..." He pauses to kiss your neck again, grinding his hips as flush as he can as you toss your head back against Wyll's shoulder. "In rapture."
Wyll's arms flex around you, expecting the worst as he rocks his hips. You're getting used to his girth in his angle now that Astarion slows down, kissing your neck and getting you ready for whatever a vampire bite feels like.
His teeth are like hot icicles sinking into your skin like butter. The scream that erupts from your body seems otherwordly as Wyll holds you still, blood running down your neck and collarbones as Astarion's thrust is languid. You close your eyes tight, feeling lightheaded. His mouth is warm as he continues to feed, moaning as warm gushes of blood fill his mouth. Your arms that wrapped around his shoulders start to go limp. How much did he need?
Wyll also slows as your breathing shallows, Astarion showing no signs of stopping. "Hey Boss, I think that's enough," Wyll says pushing Astarion off.
Astarion's pupils are blown as he leans back, taking in the sight of you barely holding on to consciousness and Wyll's suddenly sobered-up look of concern. Astarion laughs as he licks the blood that runs down your neck, hiking your legs up again as he picks up his pace, harder this time, arousing more moans from your lips.
"I'm sorry pets. It's been a while since I've had someone as tasty (Y/N)." He says as he licks his lips, leaning forward to kiss Wyll. Wyll hesitates before kissing him back, your blood still on Astarion's tongue. You watch them through half-lidded eyes, trying to regain your energy as your torture continues.
Wyll curses under his breath as he pushes you towards Astarion, his thrusts fast, your body barely able to catch up. "Yes, pound her. Oh Gods, feel how she clenches around us." Astarion purrs, holding you up as you withstand Wyll's brutal pounding, your cries echoing through the penthouse. Wyll's hand clutches your breast and the other slides down to your hips as your ass smacks against him until he moans, holding himself still. You hold on to Astarion tight until Wyll finally pulls out, shaking his head. "Fuck, my love..."
He rests on the bed as Astarion also pulls out, resting you back on the bed. You're slightly annoyed that the bite isn't as erotic as you thought, not making you orgasm, but you hide it by kissing your sweetheart with the look of bliss on his face.
Astarion isn't eluded like Wyll, getting him cleaned up by removing the condom and handing him a towel. "You should get your girlfriend off," Astarion says with a wink as he throws the condoms away. Your eyes widen as you shake your head.
"I think I need a nap." You reply quickly, trying not to make sudden movements. He rolls his eyes, returning to the bed, pulling your hips back to him as he leans down. Wyll sits up, watching, raising his eyebrow. "You didn't do enough, Astarion?" There's a slight edge to his voice, that he plays off with a smile.
"I don't think we did enough," Astarion says, kissing your ass before burying his tongue between them, your moan slipping out before you can catch yourself. Wyll watches, sighing as he guides your hand back to his cock. "Then we'll have to start again," Wyll says after a moment, guiding your face up to his.
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