garima220posts · 5 years
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garima220posts · 5 years
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Here, we discussed which types of skills you need to develop to become a successfull ios app developer.
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garima220posts · 5 years
Why We Choose Software Testing As a Career Option?
Software testing can be explained as a method of verifying and verifying that the software or application is bug-free, meeting the basic requirements guided by the design and development of the software and managing all abnormal and user needs with Limits matters properly and efficiently.
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Why We Need Software Testing?
The success rate of software applications controls the growth of our business. It plays an important role in software programs and product development. 
We need software testing for the following reasons:
Cost-effective:- Cost-effective testing is one of the important advantages, and price-effectiveness is one of the most important benefits. Verifying our project on time can be long-term savings. Software development consists of several stages and if bugs are detected in earlier stages it will cost very little to correct them.
Security:- This is the most important and critical part of software testing. Users always look for reliable products that they can trust. This helps eliminate problems and risks beforehand.
Customer satisfaction:- The ultimate goal in any industry is to provide the best consumer satisfaction. Software testing enhances the user experience of an application and provides customer satisfaction. One reason software testing is important to provide the best user experience.
Product quality:- Software testing is a technique that helps increase a company's market credibility by providing a quality product to the customer described in the requirements specification documents.
Due to these factors, software testing becomes a very necessary and important part of the software development process.
Why Software Testing is a Good Career Option?
S / W testing is in demand: Everyone is going digital in the era of digitization. Competition for product development and online service provision is increasing. As a result, a lot of startups are coming.
There are hundreds of opportunities available for any S / W product or any S / W service, but what matters is quality. And when we talk about quality, Testing / QA comes into the picture. So S / W testing is very demanding field. 
Good pay for testers: Most people have the misconception that S / W testers pay less than developers. However this is not true. The salary of the initial examiner or developer is the same. Then the next depends on where you need to prove yourself in your evaluation.
Companies are offering increases based on your performance, where it does not matter with your designation.
Easy to switch from development to testing: If you are working enough with development or feel that programming is not interesting to you and you want to switch to something else in IT, then testing is a good option.
Testing tools are easy to understand: You can learn Test Automation Tools from external research institutes if you don't have any IT experience and are willing to enter. Tools are pretty easy to learn and you'll be able to use them for any task once you get hands-on.
There are also many online courses that teach you testing methods such as QTP, Selenium that is currently in demand.
So, As we see this field is in too much demand by taking training in this field. We can secure a good future for us and become a successful Quality Analyst.
Erginous is a leading software solution provider company providing 6 weeks / 3 Months / Six Months software testing industrial training in Mohali Chandigarh. Our industrial training module based on live project training. 
At Erginous students work with industry experts. In our Company, you will learn about Manual and Automation Testing both for Web and Mobile Applications and will get the opportunity to make your career bright in software testing. After the successful completion of the Software Testing Course, you can start as a junior test engineer and do manual testing majorly while developing test scripts. We are engaged in providing an excellent Course for Software Testing that would fetch you a suitable job in the corporate world.
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garima220posts · 5 years
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garima220posts · 5 years
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garima220posts · 5 years
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garima220posts · 5 years
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garima220posts · 5 years
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garima220posts · 5 years
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Erginous provides six weeks / six months of industrial training programs on latest popular courses. Don’t miss this opportunity just grab it
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garima220posts · 5 years
Best Software Testing Training in Mohali | Chandigarh
Erginous provides Software Testing Indutrial Training from basic to advance. Students with Erginous will get a chance to learn from an experienced team of developers and work on live projects with them. Moreover, Erginous includes all necessary terms of software testing in its training module. So, it’s a good platform for students to start their industrial life with Erginous.
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Course Highlights
Manual Testing
                                   What is Quality Assurance and Quality Control?
                                   Why Do We Test Software?
                                   What is Bug, Defect, Failure.
                                   What is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?
                                   Different SDLC models.
                                   Testing Levels
Unit Testing
Integration Testing                                         
User Acceptance (UAL)                                                                                                                                                
Testing Type   
                                   Testing Technique   
Black Box
White Box
Grey Box                                                                  
                                   STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle).
                                   About Test Case Plan Document
                                   Test Cases
                                   Test Scenario
                                   Test Cases Design
                                   Test Reporting
                               Automation Testing
                                   What is Automation Testing.
                                   Benefits of Automation Testing.
                                   Why Test Automation.
                                   We have been working on Selenium for automating the testing of Web sites developed using AJAX
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garima220posts · 5 years
Best Ionic Development Training in Mohali | Chandigarh
Ionic Development popularity is increasing day by day. There is a lot of career scope in this field. So, Erginous provides you opportunity to learn this trending technology. Erginous gives six weeks/ six months of Ionic Development training where you will get an opportunity to learn from an experienced team of developers from basic to advance and work on live projects with them.
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Course Highlights
                                   Platforms, Frameworks & Tools
                                   Hybrid frameworks, web tech, web APIs (backend)
                                   The stack – HTML5/CSS3/AngularJS/Cordova
                                   Ionic – AngularJS and native-like.
                                The Basics
                                   Diving deeper – HTML5/CSS3/JS
                                   JS Basics
                                   JS Frameworks
                                   AngularJS Intro
                                   Ionic Framework, Why Ionic?
                                   Ionic 1 / 2
                                   NodeJS / NPM
                                Angular JS
                                                                       Data Binding & Filters
                                   Module, Controller & Views
                                   Angular JS 2 changes
                                   Working with Angular code
                                Ionic – Getting Started
                                   Installing the tools
                                   Installing required npm packages
                                   Understanding the Ionic CLI
                                   Platform and SDK – Android / iOS
                                   Starting a fresh project
                                   Running the project
                                   Viewing App with Browser
                                   Viewing on Android Emulator
                                   Viewing on iPhone Emulator
                                Ionic – ToDo App
                                   Project Structure
                                   Application Logic
                                   Screen Templates
                                   Ionic Components
                                   Navigation Stack
                                Advanced Topics – Employee Directory Enterprise App
                                   Application structure and screens
                                   Integrating the screens
                                   Ionic components
                                   Component customization
                                    Working with Web APIs
                                Integrating Device Features – Go Places App
                                   Cordova CLI
                                   ngCordova / Ionic native
                                   Device console
                                   Adding Camera plugin
                                   Image capture and upload
                                   Putting the Go Places App together
                                   Configuring config.xml, icons, artwork
                                   Customizing Ionic
                                   Wrapping up
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garima220posts · 5 years
Best MERN Stack Development Training in Mohali | Chandigarh
The popularity of Mern Stack development is increasing day by day. There is lot of career scope in this field. Erginous provides six weeks/ six months of industrial training course in mern stack development where you will get a chance to learn this trending technology from an experienced team of developers and work on live projects with them. So, by taking training in this field, students can secure a good future.
Course Highlights
Getting Started
What is the MERN stack?
                                   var, let, and const
                                   import, export, and export default
                                   String interpolation
                                   Array methods
                                   Installing packages
                                   Script commands
                                   Signing up
                                   Understanding your connections string
                                   Creating a database user
                                   Be careful with your user name/ password
                                   Importing/Exporting data
                                   Basic queries
                                   Geospatial queries
                                MERN CLI
                                   Building the starter app
                                   Project structure
                                   Adding components
                                Node & Express
                                   The difference between Node & Express
                                   Reading environmental variables
                                   REST APIs
                                   What is React?
                                   What are the benefits of React?
                                   Creating React components
                                   JavaScript Syntax Extension, aka JSX
                                   Prop and state
                                   Introduction to Redux
                                   Data Flow
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garima220posts · 5 years
Advanced Digital Marketing Training Course in Mohali | Chandigarh
The popularity of digital marketing is increasing day by day. There is lot of future scope in this trending field.
Erginous provides opportunity to learn this trending technology from basic to advance. Moreover, Erginous includes all necessary terms of digital marketing in its training module so it’s a good platform for students to start career in digital marketing field.
Course Highlights
SEO Basics
What is SEO?
Types of SEO Techniques                                
                                   Black Hat Techniques
                                   White Hat Techniques
                                   Web Analytics
                                Website Design SEO Guidelines
                                   Content Research
                                   Content Optimization
                                   XML Sitemap
                                On-page Optimization
                                   The Page Title
                                   Meta Descriptions & Meta Keywords
                                   Bold Text
                                   Domain Names & Suggestions
                                   Internal Link Building
                                   The Sitemap
                                   301 Redirects
                                   404 Error
                                   Duplicate content
                                Off-page Optimization
                                   Page Rank
                                   Link Building in Detail
                                   Directory Submission
                                   Social Bookmark Submission
                                   Blog Submission
                                   Press Release Submissions
                                   Forum Link Building
                                   Competitor Link Analysis
                                   Google Analytics
                                   Installing Google Analytics
                                   How Google Analytics can Help SEO
                                   Website Analysis using various SEO Tools available
                                SEO Tools
                                   Keyword Density Analyzer Tools
                                   Google Tools
                                   Yahoo / Bing Tools
                                   Comparison Tools
                                   Link Popularity Tools
                                   Search Engines Tools
                                Social Media Marketing
                                   Social Networking Profiles creations
                                   Social Networking Profile Optimizations
                                   Content Sharing Optimization
                                   Image Optimizations
                                   Video Optimizations
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garima220posts · 5 years
Best Mean Stack Development Training in Mohali | Chandigarh
The MEAN stack is a list of JavaScript open-source software. MEAN is an abbreviation used for JavaScript-based technologies in the MEAN stack construct. M's MongoDB, E's Express JS, A's Angular JS, and N's Node.js. Four such powerhouse technologies combine to create a FullStack JavaScript architecture used to build web applications quickly and easily.
MongoDB This is a cross-platform database that uses a document-oriented data model in MEAN stack creation and is one of several database styles. For relational databases, MongoDB is based on the architecture of documents as well as collections, rather than implementing rows and columns.
Express JS
This platform is a lightweight and minimal code Node.js that provides robust functionality for your web and mobile applications. Express.js and Node.js allow JavaScript on the back-end with innovative features. This allows developers to build JavaScript applications on the server-side. This is the common application system of Node.js.
Angular JS
Using the MEAN stack development services, a modular framework called AngularJS can be used to create dynamic web apps. It provides you with HTML as the base language and allows you to briefly expand the syntax of HTML to describe the components of your application.
Node.js is a cross-platform runtime environment that runs on the server-side with JavaScript code. While JavaScript is used for client-side scripting; Node.js also allows programmers to use JavaScript for server-side scripting. Before a web page is sent to a user's browser, it results in building dynamic web applications.
Where you can start your career as a MEAN Stack Developer?
Erginous designed MEAN stack development course to grow your skills as a full stack developer. At Erginous Technologies you work on a real-world exercise that helps you enhance your development techniques in your workflow. Moreover, with Erginous you will get a chance to work on live projects with an experienced team of developers.
Course highlights
Node Projects
 The Node Package Manager
 Creating a project
 The package.json configuration file
 Global vs. local package installation
 Automating tasks with Grunt.
 The HTTP protocol
 Building an HTTP server
 Rendering a response
 Processing query strings
 Using Representational State Transfer
 Configuring TLS
Introduction to AngularJS
 What does AngularJS do for me?
 Who controls AngularJS?
 How can I get AngularJS?
Who Should Join
 What does AngularJS do for me?
 Who controls AngularJS?
 How can I get AngularJS?
Our First AngularJS Application
 A basic application
 Using angular-seed
 The pieces of the puzzle
 How it fits together
 Model, View, Controller from the AngularJS Perspective
Single Page Applications (SPA)
 A basic application
 Using angular-seed
 The pieces of the puzzle
 How it fits together
 Model, View, Controller from the AngularJS Perspective
 Where Controllers fit in, and what they do, from Angular’s perspective
 Managing Scope
 Setting up Behavior
 Building a basic controller
 A more advanced controller
 How to create a model
 Explicit models
 Implicit models
 Expressions are lightweight code snippets
 Expression capabilities
 The border between expressions and $eval
 Standard filters
 Writing your own filter
 Tying filters together
 What are scopes?
 What do scopes provide?
 Scope lifecycle
 Scopes as glue between controller and view
 Scope hierarchies
 Scope and events
Angular Forms
 Angular forms vs HTML forms
 Angular form controls
 Form events
 The form controller
 Form validation
 Ajax, Data, and Angular
 Testing in Angul
File System
 File SystemFile SystemFile System
 Path and directory operations
 F_dirname and __filename
 The asynchronous  file reads and write
Buffers, Streams, and Events
 Using buffers for binary data
 Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
 Streaming I/O from files and other sources
 Processing streams asynchronously
 Configuring event handlers
Modules and Unit Testing
 The CommonJS and RequireJS specifications
 Defining modules with exports
 Modules are singletons
 Creating a package
Module scope and construction
 Unit testing frameworks
 What to test and how to test it
 Building unit tests with Jasmine
For more visit here:- http://erginous.co.in/mean-stack-training-mohali-chandigarh.html
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garima220posts · 5 years
Best IT Industrial Training Company In Mohali | Chandigarh
There is a bomb of IT companies in Mohali which provides training to students and gives many benefits like a letter of recommendation, certificate, jobs letter and many other things. But all this would be useless if they  do not provide you with proper training and enable yourself to start in your industrial life. Therefore, the main option here is to choose the  right industry where you will explore all your knowledge and acquire all relevant skills. Students are required to do intensive research to start their industrial life.
After extensive research, I found that Erginous is the best IT training  company to start an industrial life. Erginous includes all the required subjects in its training module which helps students to acquire all relevant skills. In addition, here you will get to learn from the experienced developer team and work on a live project with them.  Erginous works on the learn-by-doing principle so it focuses on doing practical work. So, it's a good platform for students to start their industrial life with Erginous.
Erginous provides training programs on different trending technologies:-
 PHP Development
 Android Development
 iOS Development
 Digital Marketing
 React Native Development
 Quality Assurance
 Graphics and Web Designing
 MEAN Stack Development
 MERN Stack Development
 Ionic Development
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garima220posts · 5 years
Best IOS App Development Training Course in Mohali | Chandigarh
There are lots of companies in Mohali which provide ios training but here main need is to focus on which industry is better to start your career in the IT field.
Ios development is one of the most trending technologies of our industrial life through this technology we can develop ios apps. iOS is a mobile operating system used in devices like the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Its the second most popular operating system. iOS operating system developed by Apple Inc, and originally released in 2007.
Nowadays, every user uses ios apps into their iPhone’s. So a student can make a good career in this field. Erginous provides ios development course from basic to advance.
This course is well structured as per industry standard for app developers who want to make a career in iOS application development and design and develop iOS Apps. Erginous providing real-time training module for you in iOS training in Mohali Chandigarh. Starting from a basic to advanced level that is eligible for you to get the best career opportunities in the IT industry. Start your iOS development journey with Erginous Technologies and make your career bright as iPhone/iOS application developer. Moreover, Erginous provides certification with each course which is also very fruitful for students.
Erginous gives:-
 Pre-placement offers Live projects with expert designers
 Certification of training completion.
 Exposure to Latest Technologies with the latest tools.
 Enhance your personal/professional skills
 Personalized training support.
Interested candidate book your seat on visiting our site link:- http://erginous.co.in/ios-development-training-mohali-chandigarh.html
For more information Call us now at +91-89684-38190.
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garima220posts · 5 years
Web Designing Industrial Training Course in Mohali | Chandigarh
Creating a website on the Internet is like building a house, just like we buy the land first to build a house, to build a website in the same way, first we buy hosting on which our website is built, then later we design a website Do it like a house. Let's prepare the map and looking at the map, we build the whole house, in the same way, looking at the design of the website, a whole website is prepared and it says that designing.
Web designing has two parts the first the design is prepared which is front end designing and then looking at that design, the whole website will be created with the help of coding which is back-end designing.
The website is created with HTML which is markup language. Its HTML tag plays an important role in creating the structure of a website. CSS is used to design the appearance of an element layout within a web-page. All web pages on the Internet are built using HTML and CSS. Overall, web designing determines how a web page will appear in a browser.
Career in web designing
If you talk about a career in the field of web designing, then after completing its course, you get a comfortable job in a web designing company. If you want, you can also open your own freelance company. There are thousands of companies in India, who hire web designers for front end and back end development projects. Apart from this, you can earn a lot of money by creating a website of your own.
Therefore, this field is in too much demand. Students can secure a good future by taking training in this field.
About this Training
Erginous provides 6 weeks/ 6 months of web designing industrial course. Students with Erginous will get a chance to learn from experienced developers team and work on live projects with them. Erginous includes all necessary topics in its training module so it's a good platform for students to explore all their knowledge and gain all relevant skills so that students can make a good career in this field.
Erginous provides:-
 Pre-placement offer
 Live projects with expert designers
 Certification of training completion.
 Exposure to Latest Technologies with the latest tools.
 Enhance your personal/professional skills
 Personalized training support.
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