fromxgrace · 9 months
“  how the hell did this happen?  ” from fallon
@wyrdbones: "how the hell did this happen?" ⟶ accepting prompts! (high fantasy, mature themes, dark)
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It seemed like hours upon hours before someone had made their presence known. Blood caked around his mouth, and his wings in a tangled mess, Daemon lifted his head, a blurry gaze soon meeting with another standing below.
"How the hell did this happen?"
The aasimar sat bound in a net and hanging from arguably the strongest tree of the land ad looked down at Fallon with a disdainful gaze. ". . .Who cares how it happened? Just get me down from here, and make sure those sanguine tricks of yours don't tangle up my wings in the process. I've got better things to do than dangle from a tree like some pitiful prey."
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rhysie · 7 months
sender dances with the receiver at a masquerade — @wyrdbones ( ambrosia )
every night is a game of of deceit, every movement carefully calculated — even after all of these years, however much it feels as though the cavernous stone walls are sometimes closing in on him, it's one that rhysand doesn't plan on losing. the throne room has come alive, all for amarantha's sick enjoyment of recreating the ball that got them trapped to begin with, a celebration to mark the forty-eighth year. the high fae forced to attend don't bother to mask their aversion, playing along out of obedience & nothing more. rhysand appears in a sharp contrast, radiating light in tendrils of starry darkness, a serpentine smile cemented onto lips as he approaches his target.
it's a rare thing, to find one of amarantha's weaknesses ... her secret, right in front of him, hidden in plain sight. any chance to make her sweat, he'll gladly take — dangle it in front of her for however long he needs. which has lead him here: prowling around her daughter, bowing at the waist with such feline grace, not paying any mind to the gaze he feels burning onto him. he straightens, offering his hand. " care for a dance? "
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cthoniian · 7 months
there are shadows beneath his eyes, the vibrant green of them darkens at the careful steps of the woman who approaches. his chin lifts, as if projecting strength will do any good to hide the broken fae who sits before her. his court is ruin. he is in ruin. he was saved once by love, and then damned by the same. he took love and crushed it beneath the weight of his need. and now -- he looks to her, and he sees the past. lips lift, his expression not one of kindness, the elongated canines that show just how close he is to his beastly form. claws extending into the vine draped table, the gouges showing this is not the first time he's reacted --
' what do you want? there's nothing here for you. for anyone. '
tamlin for ambrosia // @wyrdbones
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amillixnvoicesarch · 7 months
[  MASTURBATE  ] ; the sender catches the receiver masturbating. - ( Sharpay ) @wyrdbones
Here's the thing: when Troy had given Sharpay a key to his apartment ( something Highschool Troy would have never thought possible ) he hadn't counted on her bursting in during the worst possible moment. Or well, maybe not the worst possible moment, but he thinks it's coming pretty close. ( pun NOT intended ).
To be fair, he also hadn't expected her to make it all the way to his bedroom when she hadn't found him in the living area of the apartment, so now he's scrambling to get the bedsheets over his naked body, his face flushing right to the tips of his ears.
"Sharpay!" his voice is a little more high pitched than normal too and shit, he's very much still HARD. "Don't you KNOCK?!"
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muutosarchive · 7 months
"i had a dream about you last night." beth to mike ??
🍒 @wyrdbones . yearning, lots of yearning
the smirk on his face screams signature cockiness as he takes a step forth, filled to brim of tall form with bravado. his smirk is semi-cocked, head raised. "oh yeah? -- what kinda dream? the good kind?" mike clicks his tongue with a wink &. a silent chuckle rolling off his lips. however, he only brings a hand forth &. shoves beth's shoulder playfully.
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"just kidding . . ." he says, his eyes narrowing a bit with a nonchalant wave. "y'know, unless?" he pops his brows. . . . his stance lax &. head tilted slightly, with his back somewhat arched. "no but seriously, what was it about?" his brows lower in interest while he suddenly straightens his face a bit. not trying, though there's a soft smirk on his face with one brow raising &. the other remaining downward. "i'm very interested to know how your unconscious mind perceives mr. michael munroe." he continues, placing a hand over his heart with a further tilt of his head.
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lyctoralsaints · 7 months
✧     ֺ    ˖     ⎎ @wyrdbones said pluck ( hypaxia to ithan )
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ithan  holstrom  is  a  wolf,  and  though  all  wolves  are  large,  he  is  inarguably  more  powerfully  built  than  most.  it's  a  holstrom  thing.  around  them  lies  such  carnage  still  that  he can  hardly  hold  back  the  mournful  look,  even  in  lupine  eyes.  the  city  had  almost  not  survived  this  attack;  the  way  the  gates  had  cracked  open  ––  those  black  pits  that  had  sat  within  their  confines,  he  can  still  see  them  when  he  closes  his  eyes. his  wolf  continues  in  his endeavour  to  prowl  toward  the  witch  queen,  light  casting  against  her  wild  curls  and  illuminating  her  like  some  bronze  statue.  he  thinks  she's  beautiful;  hel,  the  entire  world  thinks  she's  beautiful  but  he  knows  behind  that  kind  visage  is  a  power  he  could  hardly  imagine,  and  wisdom  beyond  her  age.  he  sits  on  his  haunches  beside  her,  choosing  to  keep  his  wolf  rather  than  slip  back  into  his  skin  ––  he  feels  safer  like  this.  with  these  senses,  he  can  see,  hear,  feel  everything  .    .    .  the  myriad  of  information  that  he  can  collect  has  always  been  incredible.  the  only  issue  is  the  bloodied  pavement,  the  massacre  resulting  in  too  many  bodies  for  him  to  count  and  they  all  mingled  in  the  air  to  make  the  terrible  odor  of  death. a  rumbled,  〝 are  you  alright?  ”  is  offered to her. out  of  the  side  of  his  eye,  he  watches  her  lean  over  to  him,  a  willowy  appendage  extended  to  pluck  something  from  his  fur.  head  tips  to  one  side,  almost  amused  by  the  fact  she  had  been  so  distracted  by  a  single  leaf  in  his  fur.  it  isn't  surprising,  though  considering  the  amount  of  time  he  spent  in  moonwood  today.
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lghtyear · 7 months
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⁽ ᴿᴼᴳᴱᴿ ⁾       …     ‘    requested by @wyrdbones ( haley ) :         still accepting !    ⁽ ᴼᵁᵀ ⁾
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a sigh as he knocks on the door . always awkward when you just miss shop opening times and you promised your mother you'd bring home sugar . luckily neighbours were kind enough . . . depending on which one opened the door . shirt is straightened , checking his hair in the door's reflection , not one to often try and look his best , but in this situation , he wants to look at least a little respectable .
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seraphseye · 7 months
ヽ ⠀⠀* ₍   𝐠𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬,   accepting.   ╎   ♔.     ❛ can’t we just do this forever ? ❜ … from @wyrdbones, gwyn to nesta.
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𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐓 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 , tendrils plastered to her forehead from the dampness clinging to her skin. gwyn has always been the most agile of them , the way the balance came to her so naturally . . but she's also proving to be incredibly difficult to keep up with. she'll blame it on merely being out of practice if she must , though they would both know it was a lie. the breath in her lungs burns with each intake , in the way she's grown accustomed to now ; grounding , an anchor that tethers her to this very earth. reminding  her  of  how  alive  she  truly  is. her laugh is shaky in her chest , strayed hairs blowing in the wind as she shakes her head. ❝ forever ? if you're attempting to kill me , maybe. ❞ nesta is the first to give in , her knees nearly buckling beneath her weight. a break , she  needs  a  break. feet are dragged across the training ring until she reaches the water station , the cold water at her lips a reward she isn't sure she's won. cassian isn't here to irritate her beyond her own limits , though , so she will not harp on herself in the one time he isn't here to do so himself. a slow , steadied exhale , ❝ at this rate , you'll be in an entirely different league than emerie and i. ❞
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oathfcrged · 8 months
@wyrdbones plotted starter.
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he wasn't far from baldurs gate but far enough to create some distance between himself and the city. he'd informed the regulars at his shop that he'd be back in a few days - word would spread in time, it always did. there were few blacksmiths around and even fewer as good as he was. with the dagger he intended to deliver tucked away at his side hidden from view, aksel had wasted little time. the space was good, some looked at him differently, with judgement, now that they knew what he'd done.
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he was used to seeing familiar faces, but she hadn't been one he'd expected to see. for a moment he wondered if he was mistaking her for another, but aksel was almost certain - willingly to look a fool if he were wrong. " ely? is that you? if it's not then i will look an idiot. " though that wouldn't be unusual.
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honortodth · 8 months
@wyrdbones : ( bg3 sentences ) "she's delightful, in a very 'look at me twice and i'll dismember you' kind of way." ( from iliad, fellow cleric of ilmater, probs about shadowheart )
Arms are crossed as he observes the other half-elf from across camp, the topic of their discussion. Feanor and his companion are speaking in hushed voices in the hopes that she might remain unaware --- they do not speak ill, of course, merely making idle chatter on their traveling companions.
The two sit at the water's edge, sun setting in the distance. The rest of the camp is settling in, Gale prepares dinner for the night.
He nods thoughtfully, ❝ Hm ... suppose you want someone like that on your side. ❞ It felt an awful lot as if Shadowheart kept people at a distance, careful not to get too friendly. And yet, somehow, she proved the opposite. He rather enjoyed her company, more than he could say for a few in their group.
❝ What of the others? Your thoughts ... ? ❞
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emeraldruid · 9 months
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@wyrdbones said: ❝ we fight, we die, and we just hope that when our time comes, there is someone else to take our place. ❞ from iliad
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❝ What a bland synopsis of a life, what about the rest? Life is vibrant until its eventual decay and those words held none of the vibrancy. ❞
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sadauroras · 9 months
@wyrdbones: ❛ it looks so pretty on you. you should keep it. ❜ (annabel lee + madeline!)
it was true that a lot of their interactions were via circumstance instead of anything natural. annabel lee married rodrick, so therefore she was apart of the family, and therefore that meant that she had to play nice. her fake niceties only spread so far though, a clear annoyance about how different both of their lives were. annabel lee was content in her marriage, (madeline always thought she deserved better, in her opinion, as much as she loved her brother) and madeline wanted nothing less than to rely on some man when she could be out there, having real power. she'd admit that her fatal flaw was being incredibly judgmental.
madeline glances at the mirror in front of her once again, hands feeling over smooth fabric. she knew the other woman wasn't lying, it wasn't a bad look. "hmm," she ponders, turning to her with a shrug. "i don't hate it. what made you want to give it away, anyways? thought you loved it."
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amillixnvoicesarch · 7 months
[  SCRATCH ] ;  the sender scratches the receivers back - ( Lara Croft ) @wyrdbones
So, their jobs are amazing, there's no denying that, but they are also VERY DANGEROUS and life threatening on a daily basis, which means that coming out of a situation like that spikes the adrenaline in their bloodstreams, and while Nate doesn't want to die, he very much enjoys THIS part of surviving another dangerous mission.
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"Shit!" He lets out a groan when he feels her fingernails scraping across his back, which he knows is probably bruised, too, so really, what's another few scratches? His hand slips between them to stroke her as he rolls his hips, lips pressed against the skin of her neck. "Close..." he then grits out with another groan.
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maimedaffair · 7 months
📸 / 3-5 pictures luc took of @wyrdbones
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oathwilled · 8 months
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"People are never who you think they are." from isobel! @wyrdbones ⇢ general sentences
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"  Would  be  dull  if  they  were,  "  the  half-elven  muses.  "  An’  shit,  if  people  decided  who  I  was  that  fast,  I’d  be  right  fucked.  "  It’s  self-depreciating,  a  little,  but  with  enough  of  a  bite  of  humor  for  some  levity.  
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It  is,  admittedly,  a  little  forced;  this  entire  place  has  crawled  under  his  skin  and  refuses  to  settle.  But  this  little  inn  in  the  middle  of  it  all  has  been  a  respite,  and  he’ll  be  damned  if  he  sees  it  go  to  ruin.  Dealing  with  Marcus  and  horrors  he  brought  with  him  had  been  one  thing,  but  there’s  a  deeper  and  more  insidious  implication.  "  No  one  knew,  "  he  says,  disgruntled  and  more  sober.  "  An’  all  I  know  is  I’m  done  with  all  this  True  Soul  shite.  "  As  if  the  tadpole  didn’t  lay  latent  in  his  own  skull;  he  stubbornly  ignores.  "  Are  you  alright?  I  can  heal,  if  y’need  it.  "
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ravingard · 8 months
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often, others assume it is easy to make the right choice, the noble choice. it is easy for others to look at him that way, easy when the people of the coast look to him as a hero, less so with friends, and now he feels he is questioning that judgement of himself.
he is no stranger to exhaustion, the ache in his bones, the burn of his muscles, it is as familiar as an old friend. but this level of emotion is new to him, this question of it any of this has been worth it. he had never felt the need to doubt himself, his pact with @wyrdbones .
“I hope this is important. For your sake.” from mizoraaa
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“ how many others are there, were there ? how many things . . . people, have you sent me to hunt under the guise of monstrosities. ” that is to say : how many times have you lied.
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