#wyws headcanons
zomandfriends · 7 years
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Confirmed: Woo Tak is the best amongst the three dragons with kids. Jae Chan and Hong Joo are the stereotypical “wtf am i doing what is a diaper” parents.
The good trio hngH. I’m going to pretend Jae Chan’s jealousy is occasionally jealousy over Woo Tak’s attention. This trio is so much fun guys. Make it happen.
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dykecassidy · 4 years
[Sticks out leggy] let's go wyw cee
i gasped in delight
Sexuality Headcanon: shes a big ol bi bitch Gender Headcanon: i decided to stop flip flopping and shes a trans woman.  A ship I have with said character: andy/cee is endgame A BROTP I have with said character: cee and her rats A NOTP I have with said character: for her own sake, cee/dylan A random headcanon: are they headcanons if its my oc. but post canon shes the atheleisure style icon of my dreams General Opinion over said character: i love her and i will make endless aus with her.
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yume-x-hanabi · 5 years
  1, 5, 13 for the shipping meme :D
I honestly thought that about the WYWS trio, and I reject the ending so I can continue to ship them xD (And ahhh I’m glad that I can write Alvin/Jude/Milla in a way that’s good with you xD)
We shall keep shipping them! :3
Honestly I had this headcanon for how it’d go down:
Hong-joo has a dream about Woo-tak kissing someone, but at first she doesn’t really see who because it’s dark and her dream is vague. She gets really excited about it tho and tells Jae-chan and they start speculating and ask him pointed questions about his love life. He’s pretty evasive tho bc he’s scared of their reaction.
Then one night Hong-joo gets a clearer dream and finally sees who it was. At first she’s like “wait, that’s my boyfriend!” then “...honestly, I’d support it.” So she totally unsubtly tries to push them together. Jae-chan notices she’s acting weird and asks her what’s up, so she confesses about what she saw. At first he doesn’t believe it, like “why would I be kissing him, he’s a guy, plus I’m with you”. But now he can’t help think about it all the time (you can just picture him flailing around trying to get those thoughts out of his head) and now Woo-tak’s on his mind all the time and he starts falling for him.
Which he reports to Hong-jo once he realizes/admits it to himself. So she describes the scene in detail (scenery etc) and tells him not to miss his chance.
Then the scene finally happens and they all get together and live happily ever after x3
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zomandfriends · 7 years
this show has so many cases/ mini stories but they are all tied to the main characters past and present, helping to build a stronger future for them. That’s what I like about this series, they make each other relevant ;~; There are plotholes here and there but they’re not glaring because there’s always something making you go “I’ll ignore it for the sake of the narrative” and look at all the great cases that hound on the main characters’ integrities/ moral compasses!
They actually deal with the conflicts instead of “running away”. That’s why the three dragon’s interactions are always engaging, they’re working together to resolve things ;~; I love this mutual support that also serves the plot. 
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zomandfriends · 7 years
Some quick headcanons up till ep 20 (or future ideas for doodles/comics I wanna make hngh)
Im supposed to be sleeping by my brain is just whirring with ideas (i’m also a sucker for angst sorry) (this turned out longer than I thought it would sorry)
spoilers (duh)
Hong Joo has dreamt of many scenarios, some horrifying, some heart warming. Before she started sharing them with her mom, teenage HJ struggled with them for a bit. (did i say i love HJ’s mom? yeah I love hj’s mom)
Hong Joo’s dreams are terrifying at times. Some of them are scary enough to make her nervous when she’s reminded of it in places. (Those dreams seem pretty vivid afterall) 
Jae Chan still has difficulty differentiating regular dreams with dreams of the future. Hong Joo’s suicide is a recurring nightmare. (How to get a bf 101: traumatise him) (sorry)
Woo Tak and the barista girl both mentioned experiencing “death”, as in Woo Tak feeling like he actually got hit by the car and the barista feeling as if she got burnt. Maybe they have visions because they’re “undead”, having one foot in the afterlife giving them powers. Maybe the barista girl will manifest the same ability when she becomes more crucial to Hong Joo or Jae Chan’s well being? Or maybe Woo Tak’s. Since so far I think the people who’ve been saved (Jae Chan and Woo Tak) have been dreaming about the person who was saved before them or possessed the ability before they did. So Jae Chan dreaming abt HJ, Woo Tak dreaming about JC. (I’m half asleep so I can tell this post is getting rambly and no where but whatev)
Yoo Buem was more than a friend and tutor to Jae Chan when they were kids. As in, Jae Chan had one-sided attraction to Yoo Buem as a kid and after being betrayed and manipulated, it stemmed this long lasting fear/grudge against Lawyer Lee. Tbh I wanna see more of these two head-butting. Or more of the three dragons and the lawyear head butting. YEAH.
Hong Joo has tried and failed many times to save the people she’s seen in her dreams. At one point, she managed to make contact with the person about to die, ahead of time. Basically Hong Joo conversing with people she knows are about to die/ face horrible tragedy and being unable to do anything about it despite being aware. 
Woo Tak pines for friends / family. Dunno what the reason for his lonesome home is (in the reality where he died his family seemed distraught over his death so I’m guessing it’s possibly estranged family) He’s a little jealous about Jae Chan and Hong Joo being neighbours.
The dreams “activate” on physical proximity to Hong Joo. Dunno. Random one. Probs just for sake of the plot that these two men suddenly dream abt the future too but heyyy theories are fun~
Contrary to what Hong Joo believes, she did dream of Jae Chan drowning as a child in her hesitation to pull him to shore. This is the first time she changes her dream.
i need sleep
wuhh i know i had better ideas this morning
damn i should note them down more often
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dykecassidy · 4 years
Okay also the character ask meme thing but for my boy wyw Phobos
Sexuality Headcanon: whatever andy wants 😊 Gender Headcanon: also whatever andy wants😌   A ship I have with said character: ...none? water? A BROTP I have with said character: he gets along GREAT with the cats A NOTP I have with said character: like. like i feel like most. hes just tragic now. A random headcanon: he had wings and antenna i mentioned that super early and then like never again bc i forgot too General Opinion over said character: i love and miss him and i shoulda made him way weirder and way creepier.
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dykecassidy · 4 years
Im real late but p, r, s?
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
yknow when im pressed for an au my mind always goes to cross overs or like, putting characters from one thing into the universe of the other, basically transplanting the cast
what im trying to say it, golden girls twrp au*
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
the most wild is like. sung/bombus, but thats ONLY in the context of wyw so i see it as andy/bellamy.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
im goin for the sung swearing one, a bit from watch your mouth
“I took them,” Sung admitted, and the tightness of his voice made Meouch realize that he’d been crying. “Mystery solved. You can take ‘em back and go upstairs, and-” he waved his hand, looked at the wall, away, anywhere but Meouch now. “-just, get outta here. I’m fine, you got your sh- your smokes, that’s all you wanted.”
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dykecassidy · 4 years
T but for wyw
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything) 
i hate that i thought of the fuckin
grifting one.
okay listen i never like put it anywhere but its fuckin canon that andy and bellamy have shitty little stick and pokes they put on each other while they were shitfaced once. 
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zomandfriends · 7 years
Soooo Woo Tak is colourblind?
I’m guessing they’re wrapping up with the final conflict/case surrounding Hong Joo’s death with Woo Tak’s colour blindness? (Yoo Buem has a green umbrella afterall)
I’m assuming that Woo Tak’s big secret is that he made some past mistake about a case because of his condition and has been covering up since then. If that’s the case... I’m a little disappointed.
I like the cases and stuff, they’re interesting enough and I like how they intertwine with the character’s integrity but it feels like it’s getting monotonous? There’s just not much reason to watch them as they have little impact on the characters overall. I like the main characters a lot though (at least my own personal headcanons haha I keep imagining scenarios) I recently started watching Witch’s court, which made me really pissed (in a good way I suppose), garnering emotional reactions from me throughout the 2 eps I went through. WYWS did that for me initially but it’s starting to go eh. I’m only continuing because the characters deserve better hahaha, three dreaming dragons + jae chan’s little bro are so cute. Hngh. Also the prosecutors! I love them all. I think the show could have done better just by having a single over arching plot instead of the partition of mini cases. Like, make woo Tak’s big secret the main plot behind everything and the three dreaming dragon’s friendship (ha ha ha ot3 ya’ll) the thing at stake?
My main peeve is why the dreams aren’t being utilised to their fullest potential!! I absolutely adore the exploration into an ability’s consequences, always have. (Exhibit A: Goblin and Grim reaper haahha still the best otp) The synopsis promised a crime fighting duo/ trio utilising these dreams, but the cases are just like... filler.
The goofy characters tho, they’re endearing. I love them. 
*slaps my own hand*
Why can’t I like something without nitpicking it overmuch
still so salty about that series god damN IT’S BEEN 8 MONTHS
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zomandfriends · 7 years
i realise now why i like the characters (mainly jae chan and hong joo in this case) in wyws: it’s cuz the two of them are insecure extroverts, capable of the goofiest shit but are huge messes. i feel like they’d be the sort to post self-deprecating memes anonymously lol
i want to write/ draw headcanons i have but im busy with exaMS
I’ve been thinking about the three dreaming dragons for the past few days and omg AH i need more flustered jae chan. Hong Joo and Woo Tak plot together on how to make him spontaneously combust.
I fear a new otp is on its way to ruin my life
goblin made me draw over a hundred doodles and write shitty fic
is this going to be like that too
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