#x Emiya : Shirou : tbd : non despair Sonia
cantillat-moved · 1 year
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❝ Sonia certainly makes good use of her diplomatic immunity. Her cooking skills can border attempts against the Geneva Conventions. ❞
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@more-than-a-princess ❝ People here don’t normally enter and exit through windows, okay? You should probably remember this information for future reference. ❞ (definitely for an older Shirou)
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❝ Ah, it is just you. For a moment I thought I’d be in trouble. ❞ His nonchalant tone hid his genuine relief.
There are a few things one must know about Florence. It was once one of the richest places in all Europe during the Renaissance era, its most affluent citizens were so above everything else that their mansions weren’t located on the street level but always at least one flight of stairs above. It even became an intricate network of above-ground passageways connecting one villa to the next, its inhabitants hardly having to ever touch the streets during their lifetimes. Almost like an entirely different world right above everyone’s head, literally. Another thing is that many of the affluent families that held power during that time also holds power to this day. An old lineage that upholds its traditions hidden from the outside world. Shirou didn’t take any of that into consideration. The man recognized a few individuals from a previous run-in and didn’t want to have an unnecessary scuffle amidst a bustling street, so he climbed up the nearest drain to reach a balcony, pressing his body against the window. However, it wasn’t latched on properly and due to its uneven flooring he ended up inside the house – he barely had any time to curse his clumsiness when realized that there was a woman in there! -- that was it. He was ready to accept his face and get into trouble. But it seems fate had a silly sense of humor and he soon recognized the person in question, which left him without reaction as she spoke.
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❝ My apologies. I didn’t expect to run into you or anyone for that matter. ❞ in fact, he was trying to avoid people when he got himself in this situation. ❝ Wouldn’t it be weirder that an unknown man is seen leaving the premises but wasn’t seen getting in? Perhaps I should offer you my services so at least you have an explanation if inquired about it.  ❞ … He had no idea where he was at. Was it one of the Novosonian royal family’s proprieties outside their country? An embassy? The house of one of their connections? Either way it didn’t sound too good for him. It was downright trespassing (again).
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
continued from here and here ❤
A smile purses his lips, powder-white hair slicked back – a casual visage , as if he was half-planning meeting her halfway. ❝ Do you have any plans for today ? ❞ Shirou inquired, making sure to don’t be too intrusive as he was unaware of her romantic situation. ❝ If you are not too busy and still enjoy horror movies, would you join me in watching a few ? ❞ he had prepared a double session with Valentine-themed slasher movies in a room prepared like a pillow fort for maximum coziness, and, of course, some handmade choco to be revealed once she accepts.
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Sonia had to question two things as she wandered into her media room at Boudry House, a safe haven for her in the midst of her duties as a princess. Most importantly, a safe haven that was, usually, left vacant: the Novosonian townhouse spanning a full square city block in the capital was her main residence as the heir to the throne, her gift for entering adulthood at eighteen years old.
One, just how long had she spent in the bath that late afternoon after her day's schedule had concluded, drinking champagne and reading until all of the rose-scented bubbles had well and truly popped?
And two, even if the room was on the opposite end of the house, how had she not heard, nor been alerted, to the fact that Shirou had broken in and found it fit to reorganize a room without anyone noticing?
Now, clad in a pair of jeans and an old Hope's Peak sweatshirt of all things, she strode into her media room, fully expecting a few footmen to follow suit with various dishes from the kitchen. A dinner alone at a dining table that could hold twenty seemed a bit depressing that day, and she'd made excellent work of declining each and every offer of a date she'd received from that evening. Not out of malice, but she'd simply had no interest in the array of aristocratic offspring and conglomerate heirs, all looking to escort her to their ancestral homes or a new, trendy restaurant downtown.
She was torn between screaming, admonishing him, and asking the question that had been on her mind since that morning. Fortunately for them both, she chose the latter.
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"I-I presume you received my chocolates," She finally stammered, though her eyes still remained as round as dinner plates as she took in the scene. Took it in, and quickly picked up the telephone nearest the double doors. A single button connected her with the head butler whom, she instructed, was under no circumstances to show any amount of surprise that Shirou had entered the premises and made a shambles of the media room, nor were any of the staff permitted to gawk or ask inappropriate questions.
Setting the phone back in its cradle, Sonia shook her head, closing the doors behind her. "Beyond treating myself to a myriad of unhealthy hors d'oeuvres as dinner while opening a second bottle of champagne, no," She admitted, though there was no disdain for that plan. She'd already indulged in securing a few new books for Boudry House's Library, alongside an array of fresh roses from the garden and a few new anime collectibles for her room devoted to them all. 
Though his debate about her personal interests was enough to wipe the last of the surprise off her face, Sonia giving an unladylike snort in return, paired with an amused smirk. "It's safe to presume that if I ever dislike horror movies, then a global catastrophe of some sort must have occurred. Hell freezing over and all that. I know I'm not what I was in high school," She glanced down at her coincidental choice of sweatshirt. "But I do hope I haven't changed that much."
At least it didn't look like any permanent damage was done, and he'd moved all of the antique furniture out of the way. Sonia thought to question how he knew which pieces to preserve, but she thought better of it in favor of other more pressing ones. "I'll join you and have extra food sent up, if you'll answer the following for me, Shirou: Why didn't you tell me you were so close to Novoselic today, and how did you manage to get into Boudry House without anyone noticing you?"
It was a security concern, after all. The walls of both her home and her heart, he seemed intent on scaling them no matter the obstacles in his path. 
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Perhaps he owed a few apologies.
In his line of work he’d came across many different characters from all walks of life – and even occasionally un-life – so it was a matter of time until finally meddling with the Novosonian secret agency. Shirou always made sure to keep at least five steps ahead of anyone as it would mean the difference between life or death, but due to his connection to the crown princess it was slightly personal for him … Not that the poor agents were aware of. Mission after mission, at the same time the adventurer assisted them he’d occasionally get on their nerves until one of them decided to bite the bullet and stop being too prideful to accept the help. Of course Maurice was unaware of anything about Emiya’s private life and was still largely ignorant, yet some points might have become clearer after being tasked with locating his occasional ally on the behest of the princess and becoming embroiled in a inoffensive conspiracy, the kind of mission not officially seen in his field but the kind of job that he’d welcomed and Shirou was certain of that. It wasn’t hard at all to convince the man and get help into infiltrating the Boudry House and networking with the people he befriended in his previous stay. In due time, Cecily was informed in order to make sure of all the possible bases were covered and everything was in place to set in motion during White Day.
He wished he could have shared the look on Sonia’s face to everyone who helped make it possible, it was certainly priceless – instead, Shirou was selfishly keep it in his mind, a treasured memory.
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❝ They reached me. ❞ his digits moved and took the card she sent from inside the jacket’s pocket, spinning it between his fingers. Equally sporting jeans and a nondescript shirt, he realized it had been a while since he’d present himself wearing such casual outfit since their Maldives incident.  ❝ You wished for us to cross paths again and I decided to indulge it. That sounded a perfect opportunity for a return gift, don’t you agree ? ❞ Soon as she placed the phone down after contacting the butler he reassured: ❝ Don’t worry, everything had always been taken care of. ❞ in fact, the co-conspirators had foreseen that would be how Sonia would react and every sensitive personal was aware of the plan. ❝ We could add something alcoholic to our viewing session if you want, but I’m not sure what goes well with popcorn and pretzels. Unless you have something else in mind. ❞
Ah, it seems that even in her perceived down time there was truly no rest for the royal family. It was well-known that a number of nobles still demand all the etiquette and proper decorum. With a gesture of his hand, he urged her to calm down. ❝ Don’t worry, I didn’t climb up the wall or anything of the sort. Everything have been properly arranged with Cecily beforehand, I didn't want to risk any sort of incident or cause much trouble. Other than that, I’m afraid that it is confidential information. If I reveal how I did this it won’t be much of a mystery anymore, will it ? The food has also been taken care of and the security detail is also aware of my visit. The only missing part was the most important one. ❞ and with that, he offered his hand to the girl – not to Sonia the princess, but to Sonia, the person who means so much to him.
❝ Would you grant me the pleasure of your company this evening ? ❞
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@more-than-a-princess​ ❝ Hey, what exactly are you doing here?❞ (For a Shirou, but if someone else gives you more ideas, go with it!)
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Sprawling interiors with golden assets, chandeliers that costs far more than any ordinary person would earn in a lifetime – the life of affluence and spending reserved for a few was synonymous of both success and decadency. A dichotomy that seemed either natural or inexistent depending on how one looks at it. The tailored double-padded suit fitted him accordingly, slicked back hair made him almost merge with the background around so many equally well-dressed men there for a good time or business. For Emiya Shirou, it was the latter. His countenance was serious, the scowl concealed by the glass of martini he’d been sipping. If it was for a mission of course he would blend in, it didn’t mean he would be comfortable at the location. A voice called out to him coming from behind, it seemed that once again he was the one being spotted first and not the other way around – ah, it seemed to start to become a rather bad habit or a recurring theme at very least.
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❝ We keep on running into each other. This is becoming a habit. ❞ the tall man turned around, facing the princess whilst expressing his thoughts partially. ❝ Always a pleasure, Sonia. ❞ his expression bore an insincere smile, one reserved for social interactions in places like that. After all, Monte Carlo wasn’t your usual run over the mill location and one must act properly. ❝ Is it for business or a getaway? ❞ he inquired, motioning and allowing a server to retrieve his now emptied glass as the steel gaze watched the girl carefully, sharp and precise. It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t expecting to see her – in fact, it was a possibility that he’d taken into consideration during the planning stages.
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
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@more-than-a-princess ✏️ (But for the Shirous, Van, -and- El Melloi)
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Sonia (non-despair): I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows. Shirou(non-despair): I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Sonia, to Shirou (non-despair): Please, picking locks is my specialty. Sonia (non-despair): *throws a brick through the window* Sonia (non-despair): Okay, let’s go.
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Sonia: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it. Shirou: ...what happened ? Sonia: I made a VERY bad mistake
Shirou: I don’t mean to be rude— Sonia: Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often.
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Van: Remember, violence is never the answer. Sonia: You're right, Van.. Violence can't be the answer. Van: Correct, Sonia. Now, on to the next lesso- Sonia: Violence is the question. Sonia: And the answer is yes ! Van: Sonia, no !!
Sonia: I want to kiss you. Van, not paying attention: What ? Sonia: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
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Sonia, T-posing in the doorway: Greetings, El-Melloi II. El-Melloi II, not looking up from their coffee: Good morning, problem child.
El-Melloi II: I am going to need you to swear- Sonia: Fuck. El-Melloi II: El-Melloi II: ...swear as in promise.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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A certain princess is so quiet tonight he is a little worried. After all, it is never good news when Sonia "don't-tell-me-what-I-can-do" Nevermind gets too quiet...
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@more-than-a-princess​ If he also wanted to use a face mask, all Shirou needs to do is ask.The same goes for her nail polish: Sonia would appreciate help with her fingernails.
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❝ Tohsaka could be a mean and demanding master but I can’t deny that it was rather... Enlightening. On how much of a lazy slob she can be. ❞ he was picking on his former magecraft instructor and Shirou would certainly say it to her face among their usual barbs and lighthearted fun. ❝ At least she made sure that I know the right consistency of a face mask and how to properly apply nail polish. Can’t say I had any use for it afterwards through.❞
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
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At his (and frankly, everyone's) request, Sonia hadn't tried to make Shirou a cake. Instead, she'd chosen a safer option for his birthday: having the pastry chef at Boudry House make Shirou Emiya a small cake and presenting it to him during a (now routine) predicament of breaking and entering into her royal residence, alongside a small box.
"It isn't much, but I guessed with your life being mostly mobile and needing to be quick on your feet, material gifts would be a hassle if they aren't compact," Sonia admitted with an embarrassed smile. She had every reason to be a little apprehensive, at least: inside the box was a golden chain and at the end of it, a key. That way, breaking and entering wasn't necessary: he could simply use, or at least show the footman at the front door, the key to gain entry.
"I would appreciate some notice in most situations, though. But, you're welcome here. Whenever you like. Happy Birthday, Shirou."
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When his contact in the Novosonian secret service mentioned something about Sonia he should have suspected it was a set-up, yet it never crossed his mind. An opportunity to meet someone he cares about so close to his own birthday? In all honestly he’d forgotten about his own birthday. It wasn’t because Shirou was a scattered-minded individual or anything of the sort – someone who is so focused on his mission, his raison d'etre that the individual gets neglected. Was it payback for the hard time that Shirou gave the agent during a mission in Switzerland ? Or maybe the kerfuffle in the Casino in Amsterdam ?  Who knows. Either way he was honestly surprised that Sonia seemed mostly to have been expecting him to show up, with a birthday cake no less!
Her words and the gesture of her gift gave him pause (even more so than the surprise): a key to the royal residence, a honor reserved only to very selected few he’d suspected. It was different than when he gave Sakura a set of keys of his own home when he broke his arm, the scale of a humble residence in countryside Japan compared to Boudry House was immeasurable. It was like…an invitation. An invitation to belong there, to belong somewhere. Or perhaps was he reading too much into it? After all, it could be improper of him to consider such things. Maybe an honorable guest, a personal friend of the princess.
…Not the princess. To him, she was just Sonia. Sonia, the foreign girl that didn’t mind him intruding offering tacos. The one with deadly cooking skills, pleasing to talk with, and pretty smile.
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His hand reached out and scooped the key, holding it in front of his eyes before focusing his attention back to her, an easy smile blooming on his features. ❝ The best present is to be here with you. Thank you, Sonia.❞
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@more-than-a-princess Sonia would tell ❤❤ to Non-Despair!Shirou. But she actually means ❤❤❤ and she won't let him know that. For now, at least.
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❝ Ah, you wound me. ❞ the corner of his lips curled, teasing the princess. ❝ Perhaps I should have made curry instead of tacos in our first meeting. ❞ these days felt so far away, bygone dreams of more innocent times: the crown loomed further away from the princess’ head and his body carried fewer scars. Both have become more jaded and their worries always present in their lives. ❝ I suppose I could guard your sleep. It makes me happy that you still trust me after all these years. Honestly? I was expecting a lower score. ❞
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cantillat-moved · 3 years
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👀 (My personal recommendation is for post-tragedy Emiya here for the full chest discourse experience, but if you prefer pre-tragedy Shirou that's good too. And while it's not developed -lol see what I did there- yet, I ask you share this again in Non-Despair AU as adults because spy Shirou changing into swimsuit WHEN)
Sᴇɴᴅ 👀 ғᴏʀ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴀʟᴋ ɪɴ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴜsᴇ ᴜɴᴅʀᴇssɪɴɢ (ʀᴇᴠᴇʀsᴇᴅ: ᴡᴀʟᴋ ɪɴ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ʜɪᴍʙᴏs ᴜɴᴅʀᴇssɪɴɢ)
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The Medhufaru lagoon is one of the places that could considered paradise on earth, luxurious private villas perched over crystal waters as far the eye can see, the sea and the azure skies seemed to be merge into one. Gentle sea breeze gingerly brushing against the skin like caressing, the distant seagulls breaking throughout the lulling waves, it was the perfect location for the rich and affluent to forget their troubles. A place like that also has its dark secrets underneath, deep in the shadows. Away from sight and from the mind. Under any other circumstances he would have certainly enjoyed coming to a place like this, unfortunately he wasn’t there for sightseeing or indulge in some fun – well, he wouldn’t have the money to spend nor the desire. The story was that some locals have been disappearing, something that didn’t concern authorities – who cares about the disfranchised making themselves scarce whilst not affecting the income? For the adventurer, something about it felt off, specially considering the rumors he’d heard before.
With his skillset and attractive figure, it wasn’t hard for Emiya Shirou to land himself a job at one of the fancier cocktail bars in the very exclusive archipelago. The work was hard and the patrons came in all types of personalities – well, most of them had a perchance for being haughty or on the snobbish side, but it wasn’t so bad. All he had to do was to smile and bid his time. And bid his time he did until finally able to get a couple days off – too bad he wasn’t going to enjoy the idyllic scenery. With the information he collected in tow, he suspected of a location that he would have to put in some effort infiltrating – an underwater entrance to a complex, or so the rumor say.
「 What happened to my life? 」 The irony of this sounding like one of James Bond’s movies didn’t escape him. It was almost like he was going to find his way into the lair of some cat-stroking villain with weird-looking henchmen… And it was very possible, with the added chance of magecraft being involved and something horrible about to happen.
Soft sand underneath his feet, glistening like gold dust. The peaceful waves concealing something sinister. Hopefully the owners of this private beach weren’t there – according to the intel they haven’t been in a while. Shirou placed his duffel bag near a rock formation, its colors making it hard to spot to the naked eye – he might need some support later after leaving so everything he would need was in there. And, of course, he wouldn’t leave his clothes scattered on the beach. His hand reached the rim of his shirt, the thin pale fabric almost transparent peeling out from his toned body quite easily. Only when about to unbutton his pants he noticed someone watching him.
Crap. His info wasn’t accurate. Maybe he could talk his way out?
Running his hand throughout his snowy hair and slicking it back, the man turned around hoping his charm could help him on this one. Wait… He knows her. That golden hair like fields of wheat, skin like porcelain, features seemly carefully crafted to make a Hollywood starlet humbled.
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❝ …Sonia? Is that you?❞
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@more-than-a-princess​ Chest Stare (Toasted!Shirou because it makes it more awkward/funnier. I like watching my muse suffer.)
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The days run faster when you are having fun and the nights are shorter at a tropical paradise. Shirou had never been one to sleep in and the heat encouraged him to get up earlier – unlike his generous host, whom he was aware that didn’t partake his habits (at least not during vacations). It was fairly easy to slip outside to do some morning exercise – a light jog by the beach followed by some push-ups before going in and start working on the breakfast. There was something special watching the sunrise across the world, the darkness making way to the light as both the sea and the sky seamlessly merged into one in the distance having only the lulling of the waves to accompany his breathing. Once the spectacle of nature had finally ended, it was the time for the push-ups --- --- except the heat kept on discouraging him, and despite the soft beach sand not being  too hot or hoarse it was still slight inconvenient, prompting him to wrap up his exercise earlier. 「 It is ok. I’m going to try and slip out tonight for mission, I could use saving my energy for when the time comes. 」 Shirou reasoned to himself, his hand moving along his sweaty arm to dust off the sand mindlessly, considering taking a quick shower before resuming with his activities. It was when their eyes met. The young man could tell that Sonia had been watching him, although he’d been unaware of how long she’d been standing there – his gaze prompting a visible reaction, like a deer in the headlights. Ah, of course she’d been focused on his muscles. That wasn’t the first time he caught her staring him. In all honesty he never cared much for the aesthetics: he merely wished to be strong and reliable. However, with age, he had learned a few things.
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❝ ‘Morning. You know, you should record it. It lasts longer. ❞ a playful teasing to stir a reaction from the princess, cocky smirk and a wink casually thrown at her. He was past the point of being bashful about his form – no, that wasn’t quite right. Part of him was concealing his embarrassment with the teasing. 
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@more-than-a-princess​ “Light tug” - adult Shirou, either toasted or untoasted.
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The days at the tropical paradise went by lazily, even when he had work to do – it was hard and long hours but it was enjoyable; which made his days off with Sonia more delightful. For a moment, it was almost a continuation of the summer vacations years ago back in their high school days, simpler times with almost no worries. Conversations came easy, Shirou was still honest and straight to the point with her as usual – his appearance have changed, the effects of the thaumaturgy burned into his skin making it obvious. However, perhaps the most egregious difference was in his general demeanor to the point that it was clear the princess might think it is disagreeable despite lacking any hostility. The young man tried to hold his tongue on occasion, knowing that sometimes his input wasn’t welcomed and there would be little that he could do about it – yet his silence spoke in his steed. They would find a common ground in due time, or so Shirou hoped. Night came and after a comfortable dinner it was movie time. It was one of those flicks that one could turn off the brain and watch the action unfolding, a traditional tried and true action movie about some nondescript Hollywood hero spouting one-liners while looking cool – a lost art that became so mass-produced that had becoming mind-numbing instead of exciting. Meandering plot, action scenes for the sake of action scenes using the very tired formula he’d seen over and again, his attention drifting away in the comfortable couch. It was unknown to him when his consciousness finally faded, falling asleep at some point. A gentle touch reached his head, delicate fingers moving throughout his powder-white hair. The scent of her shampoo and other feminine products reached his nostrils as the warmth of her digits against his body felt very close. It was a struggle to open his eyes, yet in the darkness of the living room he saw her pale figure, golden locks gingerly brushing against his skin.
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❝ hmn… I didn’t mean to fall asleep, Sonia. ❞ he mumbled sleepily.
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