#. birthday : shirou
cheerscafe · 2 months
Should I make that long post about how I’ve totally figured out A) when Kamui’s canonical birthday is and as a result B) who his father really is
Bc it’s taken me literal years but trust me when I say I have Figured It Out
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princesslocket · 1 year
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Another lovely year of making birthday art for one of the kindest people ever! Happy Birthday @kuroeko (and many more uwu///)
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inazumaclown · 1 year
hi, here is the first chapter of my somefubu paranormal AU illustrated fanfic, in french and in english :)
someoka is a federal coroner, fubuki a mountain rescuer and atsuya an annoying ghost like in canon
here's a preview from chapter 2
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tonguetiedraven · 1 year
Birthday Wish
“You’re making a mess!” Yukio worried, and Nagatomo looked over at  Mimumi with a raised eyebrow. The older exorcist gave a knowing nod as Rin hissed back a, “Shut up! I’ve got it!”
“They’re making something.” He said sagely.
Nagatomo frowned. “They’re not using the stove, are they?”
“Does it matter? We’ll have to eat it either way.”
“Yeah, but… Rin.”
Misumi paled. “Surely Yukio will keep watch?”
Kyodo appeared around the corner. “What’s that smell?” He frowned at seeing the other two exorcists huddled together. “Guys?”
“They’re making something,” Misumi explained.
Kyodo’s entire face scrunched up. “To eat? Not eggs. Please tell me it’s not eggs.”
Nagatomo looked entirely unimpressed. “Why would they be making eggs today?”
Kyodo looked between them. “Today? What’s today?”
“Seriously?” Misumi asked before shaking his head and peering back around the door. He squeaked and pulled back, pressing himself back against the wall with a look like he’d seen a decaying Demon King in their kitchen.
“Misumi?” Nagatomo encouraged, shuffling a little closer like he wanted to peer around the door as well.
“Think they saw me. But… whatever they were pouring in the pan was lumpy. Lumpy and green.”
“Green?” Kyodo mouthed while Nagatomo looked towards the hall.
“You better not be spying on us!” Rin shouted, sounding furious while Yukio muttered about the temperature and time and rain.
“No one is spying!” Nagatomo called, giving Misumi an annoyed look for getting them caught. “We’re keeping watch.”
Rin appeared in the door way, covered in a thick green batter with a wild scowl and his hands on his hips. His apron was on backwards and tied in a messy knot and there was something sticky in his hair and on his arm, and his blue eyes were fierce.
“Well?” He demanded.
“Well what?” Kyodo asked.
“Where is he!”
Misumi spluttered and Nagatomo sighed. He didn’t know how any of them managed to keep any secrets with how shit they all were at lying and thinking up stories on the go.
“He’s going to be back in the next hour. He’s not here yet.”
Yukio yelped inside the kitchen and appeared around the corner with messed up glasses and a worriedly flushed face.
“What? But—“
“That’s enough time. It only takes forty minuets for the cake to bake.”
Nagatomo’s eyes turned to Misumi’s in worry. That was long for a cake, wasn’t it?
“But we’ve got to clean up!”
Rin rolled his eyes. “You worry too much. They’ll help.”
“We will?” Kyodo asked, looking like he regretted coming down the hall.
“’Course ya will!” Rin marched behind them and gave them a push into the kitchen with no idea he shouldn’t be able to push them anywhere.
Calling it a mess was underselling the sheer destruction the twins had caused. There was flour and sugar and egg and butter and milk and dye everywhere. On the counter and the fridge, on the cabinet and ceiling, on the stove and the sink. At least a metric ton of sugar had been dropped on the floor and was gritting under foot, and they would be blessed if they only got ants from this.
“Yukio’s right,” Nagatomo declared. “We’re in trouble.”
Rin huffed. “That’s quitter talk. I’ll get the ceiling.”
Misumi caught him around the middle and hauled him off the counter. “You’ll cover the floor. Kyodo will handle the ceiling.”
“I will?!”
“You will,” Nagatomo said, pressing a cloth into his hand. “Quickly.”
— — 🎂◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜🎂 — —
Shirou knew the minute he got home that something was happening. The hall was quiet, and this place was only ever quiet when something was up. There weren’t any report cards or tests due, and Shirou hadn’t been accosted by any complaining parents, so it wasn’t a fight, which meant it had to be something because of today.
It always baffled him a little how they all kept up with it so effortlessly when he could never get any of them (except Yukio) to keep track of anything else.
There was a strange scent in the air a little like burnt sugar that had him thinking Rin had left something in the microwave for too long again, and there was a distinct tension in the air that had him strolling a bit louder so they’d know he arrived.
There was a squeak, a hurried mumble of words he couldn’t distinguish, the scrape of feet, and the light in the kitchen went off, leaving that end of the hall dark.
Definitely a surprise then.
Shirou took a bit more time than he needed going those last few feet, and then he was pushing the door to the kitchen open and making a show of reaching for the light.
He flipped it on, and immediately found himself assaulted by bright light and happy shouts (and screams) of “Happy Birthday!”
The boys were standing in front of the table with a large platter held between them. It was something absolutely slathered in whipped cream with a few candles quickly falling into the creamy depths and disappearing from sight. It was strangely lopsided and Rin was wearing a fair bit of the cream on his arm and cheek.
They were both beaming up at him, and the others were behind them, looking torn between pride and exhaustion, and he couldn’t possibly help the size of the grin that spread over his face.
“A birthday cake?” He asked. “For me?”
“Yeah!” Rin declared, hurrying forward and dragging Yukio along. “A homemade one! Extra cream!”
Shirou looked over there head where the others looked worried.
“The boys made it,” Misumi explained. “All by themselves.”
Shirou looked back down at the cake. That explained the shape of it then.
“Well then we better cut into it.” Shirou said, dropping his hands on their heads and ruffling their hair. (Both of them sticky in different ways.) He motioned for Rin to set the monster of a cake on the table and walked to get a knife to join the plates and forks they’d set out already.
The floor was gritty and there was a bit of something green on the front of the drawer, but he got the knife and returned to them, ignoring the irritating grit under boot.
Rin insisted on cutting, so Shirou let him, watching closely and snickering a bit at Misumi’s palpable worry. He cut easily through the cream, a bit less easily through the cake, and reached the platter with a loud clatter of knife hitting ceramic.
He repeated the process again and pulled out a surprisingly neat slice, plopping it on the plate and giving Shirou a glimpse of shockingly green cake. (Which was absolutely a Rin idea and a Yukio save, because he had no doubts Rin forgot his favorite color and Yukio knew everyone’s.)
The cake was strangely flat and spongey and crusty on the edges and there were patches of something that looked like scrambled egg, and a scent that wasn’t quite pleasant, but it really couldn’t be worse than the eggs, and the wide-eyed and hopeful looks the twins were giving him was enough to have him grinning widely and bringing the fork to his mouth.
He bit down, found the texture every bit as strange as it had looked, and that it mostly tasted like food dye, which was probably the best thing it could have tasted like. The cream wasn’t at all sweet, but it was cool and not salty, so he nodded at them and grinned all the wider. Better than the eggs had been.
“Delicious!” He lied, and didn’t feel bad about it.
Rin beamed enough to show his missing teeth and grabbed the knife to cut another slice before Yukio made an upset noise.
“Your candles!”
Rin slapped his forehead, thankfully not with the hand holding the knife, “We forgot!”
“Just light ‘em now,” Kyodo offered.
“It’s not too late?” Rin asked. “The wish will still work?”
“Course it will,” Shirou hummed as he pulled out his lighter. He knew nothing about the finer points of birthday magic, but he didn’t see any reason it wouldn’t. (He couldn’t remember if he had ever actually blown out birthday candles. Was there a trick to it?)
Rin hauled the candles back out of their creamy prisons and scowled until Yukio helped him get them to stay upright while Shirou lit them. (With a bit of trouble. Cream didn’t want to ignite.)
“Alright,” Rin bossed, “now ya blow it out.”
“And make a wish,” Yukio added, adjusting his glasses and moving some cream coated hair out of his eyes. Shirou might just have to hose them off in the backyard before bath time.
They both gave him entirely determined expressions, implying the importance of this act and the wishmaking it was, and they had taken time to make a cake for him and color it green because he loved it, and they didn’t want him to miss his wish, and they’d remembered his birthday and spent one of their days off doing this when they could have been outside having fun, and they’d made a mess but cleaned it up, and the others had clearly helped and known, and…
“Blow ‘em out and make a wish.” Shirou nodded. He pulled in a breath, didn’t look at the other three who would probably realize this was something he’d never done (or might realize it later) and let out as big of a breath as he could, catching all the little flickering flames with his exhale.
“You did it!”
“Whaddya wish for?”
“Don’t tell! It’s against the rules!”
“Is not!”
“Is so!”
Shirou shook his head with a growing smile and picked his plate back up. Against the rules or not, he didn’t think he could verbalize his wish anyway.
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kharmesinn · 11 months
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dailyfatefigures · 2 years
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Figma #051 - Shirou Emiya - Casual Clothes ver by Max Factory
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aromanticmara · 2 years
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happy belated birthday @nazumichi!!!
[id: a drawing of marie and shirou from brand new animal. marie puts her arm around shirous shoulder and talks. shirou glares at her with his arms crossed. end id]
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
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@moonlightmagus A small box was held in the Mage's hands. It was red and decorated neatly. A small butterfly on it to show it was from here. A small note on the inside saying happy birthday. It was a hand-made red scarf, with a gold SE embroidered on each end. That way, it was easy to tell whom it belonged to.
"Happy Birthday, Shirou!"
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The young man had just wrapped up his morning exercises and changed into his regular uniform, the fact he was part of Chaldea wasn’t an excuse to cut corners with his training – if anything it was an opportunity to focus even more and do more intensive routines. The day was still early, through, and he didn’t want to burn himself out. It was only by chance that he noticed a familiar footsteps approaching him in the hallway, her hair billowing behind her rhythmically held in her ribbon and seemly content about something and standing right before him. Sometimes it was hard to figure out the next thing coming out of her mouth, Yuuki had the tendency of catching him off guard or getting upset over something he said – even if Shirou understood he probably said something stupid it was usually a mystery to him. Well, he was never the smartest guy around and if it was really important she would tell him. Still it took him a few moments to decipher the reasoning behind the box – she had no reason to give him anything except…. Oh. Did he forget about his birthday again ? Yes, he sure did. It wasn’t like he had anything against birthdays, he actually thought they are very special occasions…Shirou merely had the bad habit of neglecting his own.
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❝ Is this hand-made ? ❞ he asked upon opening the box, soon as he touched it his senses could feel it in the wool, how much love and care Yuuki put while knitting it. It was both touching and a little embarrassing that she cared so much about him. It really made him feel… Wanted. Like a person. ❝ Too bad summer is around the corner but I suppose I can use it while it is still cold. I love it. Thank you, Yuuki. ❞
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maxriderg · 2 years
Folks, hit it!
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Here's a Little Something that I've made for Bryce Papenbrook and Kana Hanazawa's 37th and 34th Birthdays and well, have a Very Happy Double Birthday to Bryce Austin Papenbrook and Kana Hanazawa. Coming soon in a few years from now: the two are finally a part of Paramount's Nickelodeon family in things such as the Japanese and English Versions of The Loud House, of all things and other than that, let's wish them a Very Gorgeously Golden Birthday to the terrifically tasty two, once again as usual, shall we?
And finally, that's it. That's all with these words of mine, folks.
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gzeidraws · 8 months
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Sketch commission for @jordan-d-lxiv, featuring the birthday girls Hilda and Rin 🎉 with their respective dates Byleth and Shirou :D (thank you!!)
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Meet the Seiyuu: Grim
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Grim’s seiyuu Sugiyama Noriaki has been voice acting since 1999. 
His first recurring role in an anime was as the voice of Uchiha Sasuke in Naruto. He is also the voice of Ishida Uryuu in Bleach and Emiya Shirou in Fate/stay night.
Today is his birthday!
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Sugiyama has voiced over 35 lead characters in various anime and OVA such as Shukuri Akito in NORN9, Boris Airay in Alice in the Country of Hearts, Harumoto Keishi in ACTORS -Songs Connection- and more.
He is also a previous Toboso Yana collaborator, voicing William T. Spears in the Kuroshitsuji anime.
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Sugiyama is very prolific in the video game and drama CD industries, voicing characters in over 200 video games such as the Naruto, Bleach, Alice in the Country of Hearts and Fate/stay night series, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Magna Carta II, Wrench in Watch Dogs 2 and more.
He also does dubs of foreign movies and cartoons, providing the Japanese-language voices of Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and Kevin Levin from Ben 10.
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Sugiyama has a video game-based YouTube channel which sounds very similar to Grim playing video games, it is very cute.
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princesslocket · 2 years
🦋💛 Wishing @kuroeko a lovely happy birthday today 💙🦋
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+ Bonus AMV just because +
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maskyish · 1 year
Banri's Birthday Rabbit TV 2023 - Episode 3 - "Biggest Supporters"
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Tsumugi & Anesagi & Okarin & Shirou: Oooooh….! 
Banri: This is kind of embarrassing… 
Tsumugi: It really suits you! I want to show everyone…! 
Okarin: If Momo-kun and Yuki-kun saw this, they’d be super excited! 
Shirou: You look like a real model. It looks good! 
Anesagi: Well, don’t you clean up nicely….! Although, not as good as my prince! 
Banri: Haha, thank you very much. I’m happy to receive such high praise. 
Morino: Awesome! It looks great on you, Ogami! With this, tomorrow’s photoshoot can go on just as planned!! 
Banri: Jeez, you’re sure in a good mood. 
Stylist: I had no idea what was going to happen, but you all really helped us out by coming…! How can I thank you….? 
Banri: It’s fine. Due to our line of work, we’re used to unexpected situations like this, so we really understand how you feel. We’re happy to help. 
Tsumugi: Ah, excuse me, let me give you my business card. If anything pops up, please feel free to give our office a call. 
Stylist: Will do! 
Anesagi: Nice speed, Takanashi-san! 
Tsumugi: Thanks! I felt encouraged by your advice when choosing the cheese curry bread! 
Stylist: Oh, excuse me. I’ll adjust part of the hem just a little bit. 
Morino: He really does look just as lean as he was back then… 
Shirou: Then as expected, Ogami-san was popular in high school too? 
Morino: He was! This guy had all the girls falling for him! 
Banri: Hey, don’t say whatever you want just because I can’t move right now— 
Morino: Am I wrong, though? Just how many times did I ask you for advice? 
Morino: Girls would talk to me, but when I thought about it, it was only about what Ogami’s type was, or if he had any girls he liked! 
Okarin: Ogami-san is kind, considerate, and perfect, so I’m sure he gained a lot of fans without even realizing it. 
Morino: Exactly! 
Morino: It wasn’t like they publicly squealed, but more like the girls were earnestly supportive. Rather than something like fan popularity, Ogami was just genuinely liked by them. 
Anesagi: What a sinful man… 
Okarin & Shirou: A sinful man, indeed… 
Banri: Please don’t harmonize over there! 
Morino: The girl I liked also liked Ogami…. 
Tsumugi: R-really….? 
Morino: I was so frustrated I could die, so to be honest I started spreading rumors such as Ogami having really sweaty hands, and that he sneezes loudly. 
Banri: Stop with your strangely elaborate reality! (1) 
Stylist: ….. Alright, I’m done with the adjustments! The fitting is now complete! I really can’t thank you enough! 
*clap clap clap clap* 
Morino: Alriiight! Seriously, thanks a lot, Ogami! As a thank you, let me take your photo! One that could make your partner faint! (2) 
Banri: Well, I don’t know when that time will come, but I might like to be photographed since you’ve become a pro. So I’ll leave it to you. 
Morino: Great! A man who looks good by the window!
Tsumugi: Wow…! It’s like a sweets buffet! It’s so lovely…! 
Anesagi: Oh my god, this is the best! I would love to have a wedding like this. 
Morino: They also made test treats for tomorrow, so I’m glad you guys can try some. 
….. But, is this really okay as a thank you? 
Shirou: Of course. Those kids will be happy to even be sent pictures like this. 
Okarin: Oh, Utsugi-san! If you’d like, shall I take a picture? 
Shirou: Are you sure? Then, please, if you would. 
Okarin: Yay! 
Anesagi: As you can see, we’re having a lot of fun, so it’s totally fine. 
Morino: Ahaha! Glad to hear it…! 
Okarin: Ogami-san, I brought you some champagne if you’d like! 
Banri: Thank you. Even though the wedding isn’t until tomorrow, it already kind of feels like a party.
Anesagi: …..Isn’t it about time for the plan? 
Shirou: Yes, I think so. 
Banri: What plan? 
Tsumugi: Banri-san! Actually, when we were discussing whether you were going to model or not, we had also decided on your surprise! 
Tsumugi: The video call connected, I’ll put it on speaker! 
Banri: A surprise?! 
Riku: Hellooo! Can you guys hear me—? 
Iori: Wait, Nanase-san. Don’t cover it with your finger. It’s on the camera part. 
Mitsuki: Woah, you’re actually wearing a tuxedo! It looks amazing! 
Tamaki: Seriously! Ban-chan, you’re sooo cool! 
Ryuu: Wow….! You look like a model! 
Gaku: Woah, what a flashy place. 
Minami: Is it a church garden? There are so many sweets…..
Touma: Wait, isn’t Ogami-san seriously way too handsome….? Is it alright to have such a cool manager? 
Momo: B-B-B-BA-BA-BA—BAN-SAN…..!
Yuki: Oh, Momo fell over. Ban, are you getting married without telling me? 
Banri: Y-you guys! What’s with the gathering?! 
Nagi: We wanted to see our beloved manager. 
…. Oh! There are 2 pretty fairies in the garden. 
Tsumugi: Fufu. We were able to rent this lovely garden! 
Anesagi: Oh my god….. If it wasn’t for this being through a screen, I would’ve fainted….
Yamato: Heeh, it’s a nice place. It has a really good feel to it. 
Tenn: You look amazing, Anesagi-san.  
Gaku: Your face is red. Are you doing alright?  You should take a break in the shade over there…
Anesagi: Thank you. I’m alright. I’m in tip-top shape. Ahh, the champagne is so good. 
Momo: Okarin! Eat enough delicious food for me too, and be sure to bake it into your memory…! 
Okarin: Haha! Thank you very much. I’ll bring home lots of souvenirs!
Haruka: Utsugi-san, scooch a little closer. I can’t see you. 
Minami: Isumi-san, you can come this way. The screen is easier to see. 
Torao: Isn’t it about time you started missing us? 
Shirou: Indeed. Since I was lonely, I took lots of photos to send to you all. 
Torao: W-well aren’t you honest about it….
Sougo: It looks like a wonderful place to celebrate. 
Tamaki: Right? Oh, wait a sec, let’s record the screen! 
Banri: A celebration… No way….
Sougo: Yes way. We have a present for you, Banri-san. 
Riku: It’s fan service from all of us! 
Banri: EH?! Fanservice…. Is it really alright to receive something so luxurious? 
Yamato: It’s gonna go by fast, so don’t look away! 
Mitsuki: To start us off, an air hug from Iori and Riku! 
Riku & Iori: *Huuug!* 
Iori: … Ahem. Ogami-san, we’ll be in your care from now on as well. 
Riku: Banri-saaan! Thank you! 
Banri: Of course! Thank you for the cute hug! I love you both! 
Mitsuki: Up next will be me, Yamato-san, and Nagi! 
I love you, Banri-san! *Mmm, chu!* 
Nagi: *Mmm, chu!*  I LOVE YOU BANRI! 
I wish you much happiness from now on as well. 
Yamato: H-huuh? Well, I’ll go along with it since it’s for Banri-san……. *chu!* 
Banri: Haha! Thank you! Getting blown kisses from you three made my heart skip a beat! 
Tamaki: Alright! MEZZO’s next!  Let’s go, Sou-chan! Wave your arms really big! 
Sougo: Leave it to me. I’ve been stretching. 
MEZZO: We love you thiiiis much! 
We look forward to working with you in the future too! 
Banri: You two….. Thank you! I love both of you, too! 
Ryuu: Then, it’s TRIGGER’s turn next! Let’s do it! 
TRIGGER: Let’s share a dream you never have to wake from. 
Banri: Uwahh, so cool…! TRIGGER literally shot through my heart! 
Anesagi: Fufu! You wouldn’t be able to be in one piece after receiving fanservice like this! 
Yuki: Now then, Ban. Will you also accept our fanservice? 
Momo: I’ll make a heart with Yuki….! Please accept it, Ban-san! 
Re:vale: Heaaart! 
Banri: Thank you…! I got the best Re:vale heart! 
Okarin: Surely! They were both perfect! 
Touma: Alright! We’re the last ones up. Let’s do it! 
ZOOL: Only look at us…!
Banri: S-so cool! The power of just a wink…! 
Shirou: Please let me take a video with my phone later! 
Riku: And now….. Everyone will go! One… two… three! 
TRIGGER & IDOLISH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Happy Birthday! 
Banri: Thank you…..! It was amazing, I’ve never had such a luxury! The fanservice medley from everyone was the best! 
Banri: I am so fortunate to receive a gift packed with so much love like this. 
Riku: We’re the fortunate ones…! It’s because of you and our manager that we’re able to make all of our fans happy. 
Tenn: I agree. It’s because of Anesagi-san that we can stand like we have. Please continue to stay by our side.  
Momo: We’ve known Okarin for a long time, but we have never forgotten this feeling of gratitude.  We’re always relying on you. Let’s continue towards the view at the top together! 
Haruka: Thank you for believing in us, and for making us believe in you. I really do think…. that I’m happy you’re here, Utsugi-san. 
Haruka: Well then…. Ready, and….! 
TRIGGER & IDOLiSH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Thank you for everything! We look forward to continue working together! 
Tsumugi: ……. T-thank you so very much!! I will do my very best to make sure you smile! 
Anesagi: ….. It kind of feels like a proposal, huh. No matter what, I will always be on your side. I’ll always think of you. 
Okarin: I want to forever and always protect the scenery that Momo-kun and Yuki-kun have shown me, and go towards it together! Re:vale really is the best! 
Shirou: I am so grateful to have the privilege of being by your side to watch over the growth of everyone in ZOOL. This must be my first time getting to thank you. 
Banri: We are everyone’s #1 fans and your biggest supporters. 
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End of rabbitv. 
TL Notes: 
The word used is 絶妙 so a more literal translation could be something like “Stop making it exquisitely realistic!” but I didn’t think “exquisite” in English really fit the tone of what he was saying since “exquisite” is usually used in a beauty/fancy context so I went with "strangely elaborate".
The phrasing here is literally something along the lines of “knockout your partner” but it sounded more violent than I think intended when worded like that so I changed it to fainted lol . 
Side note: This is so unimportant but even though I translated them both as “cool”, Banri describes TRG as やばい (yabai) and ZOOL as 格好いい (kakkoi)
And thank you to @marina41trench for helping me brainstorm on some lines I got stumped on!!
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jackattack20writes · 8 months
FanFic Recommendations for Feedback Fest 2024
Since the 15th of Feb is apparently fanworks day I’m doing an early list of Fic recs to celebrate in no particular order from various fandoms that’ve taken root in my mind at some point or another.
Fatumonagatari By ScyllaAlter
Fandom: Fate/Stay Night | Rating: T+ | Ship: A mix of everyone in Fate/Stay Night but with an emphasis on Shirou/Saber
Shirou Emiya becomes the center of several conflicts, each surrounding a different girl.
(This is an entire Monogatari au)
Forever and Ever By DreamyMarry
Fandom: Bleach | Rating: T+ | Ship: IchiRuki
Rukia talks to the most important women in her life, makes plans and gets herself a fianceé. Ichigo just wouldn't argue it was quite in that order.
In Vino Cogitatio Bona By Strypgia
Fandom: Neon Genesis Evangelion | Rating: T+ | Ship: AsuShin
December 4th, 2015. Everyone is at NERV HQ trying to get the Third Child out of Unit-01. No one cares Asuka is alone and feeling miserable on her birthday. So she decides it's time Misato's forest of bottles does her a favor. After all, Misato thinks liquor is the solution to everything, right? Asuka's turn. And of course, this leads to Good Ideas...
Trains That Lead Me Back To You By Skylin3
Fandom: Persona 5 | Rating: General | Ship: ShuMako
Makoto simply has too much to deal with right now. She just wants to go back and focus on what really matters to her; her education. Maybe someone will be there to cheer her up.
Makoto Niijima Week Day 6 - Train
Gradually By Croeses
Fandom: Persona 3 | Rating: T+ | Ship: ShuYuka
Makoto, Yukari and moments throughout the year.
A Battle Of Love and Piracy By SonnieCelanna
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Rating: T+ | Ship: IzuMomo
Izuku and Momo have been friends for years despite their wildly different stations, and their favourite game to play together was always "Pirates and Solidiers.", in fact Izuku would claim Momo was obessed with pirates. So what will she do when he gets kidnapped by them in an attack on their village?
Seeing Red By SpellCleaver
Fandom: Star Wars | Rating: General | Ship: LuMara
Luke and Mara visit Vader on Mustafar to break the news of their engagement.
The Future We Build Together By Tren
Fandom: Fate/Stay Night | Rating: General | Ship: Sunny Days Trio (Saber/Shirou/Rin)
Rin did not expect her day to be interrupted by the need to help her boyfriend (not-exactly-legal mage) and her girlfriend (Actual King Arthur), but some things can't be helped.
Especially, when you love them very much.
Crossroads of Fate By PumpkinTeacup
Fandom: Bleach & Doctor Who | Rating: T+ | Ship: IchiRuki
It was Ichigo’s birthday, and Rukia was not going to visit.
But fate was a funny thing. While some events were fixed into the flow of reality as if carved into stone, others only needed a slight nudge into place for destiny to unfold as it should. Even in the form of a simple meal with her time-traveling friend.
For Ichiruki Month 2020, AU week, Day 20: Romeo and Juliet
Flash Fire Photography By AriadneKurosaki
Fandom: Bleach | Rating: T+ | Ship IchiRuki
The annual Eighth District Firefighter Calendar is always a big hit, raising millions of yen for charity and causing more than a few fires of the metaphorical kind. When her boss gets sick at the last minute, photographer Kuchiki Rukia steps in to make sure the project stays on schedule. It's just a photo shoot, and she's a professional. It can't be that hard to take pictures of a bunch of firefighters for a good cause, even if they're posing shirtless.
She didn't really count on one particular firefighter being hotter than the fires he's supposed to put out...
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dailyfatefigures · 2 years
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Medea - It's Your Wife's Turn by Heihachi Zazen
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karuminasan · 9 months
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𝓗𝓮𝔂 ! 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 !
I finally make a new post for this years because yeah … 🐑
Its for Shirou’s birthday but I was late so I post it for Christmas then !
And I join to make inazuma eleven post here 🕺🕺🕺
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You can see the old Hakuren player in adult version at Hokkaido !
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And also the two color rose who all that means !
The blue for Shirou and Gold for Atsuya 💫
And Shirou can see this into his eyes …
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And a bonus too with ocs interact ! 🐑✨
Have a good days for Christmas !
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