#x1 agnst
csy-x1 · 5 years
reaction to causing a breaking up — hyung line
⌯maknae line here⌯
type(s): angst
summary: him breaking up with you
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“get the hell out” seungwoo yells, the apartment was dead silent. you started to take steps towards him but he moved further away. you felt like a heavy weight that was crushing you. so you stood still as tears fall. yet seungwoo didn’t do anything, he just looked at you. “is this what... what you really want.” “of course it is y/n. just leave would you?”
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“i- i think we should move on.” seungyoun says with a weak voice, “it’s for the best y/n.” “the best?” you scoff, “i think you’re only doing this for yourself.” you start to pack your things into you bag. “y/n.... i’m sorry.” he looks down. “sorry? for breaking up with me? it’s what you wanted seungyoun.”
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“can’t you just break up with me and leave already?” he yells, startling you from afar. you had already packed you things from his apartment, hurrying to leave. “i am wooseok. i’m leaving you for good.” you were done with this toxic off-n-on relationship. it’s finally time to give up.
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“it’s not my fault that i cheated, y/n.” his face changed, he was gonna cry any minute. he’s truly scared of the outcome. “what do you mean yohan? you cheated on me.” you were already a mess, crying on the couch. he walks closer to you but you inch away. “y/n-” he whispers. “yohan, lets break up.”
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“i never wanted to date you anyways.” he confesses, completely making your body freeze in shock. “you what?” you mumble out. “i mean it. let’s break up, and act like we never met.” he said it so smoothly, as if he practiced this phrase in his head.
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yulight · 4 years
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Description: Vampires, Club, Sexy Victon, I’m just trash for Seungwoo
Word count: 2.6k
Genre: Part one Suggestive , but we all know its a Smut, PWP,  with Vampires. Warnings: may involve biting blood, does involve alcohol, Dom Seungwoo,  um Hanse is hot .  Paring(s): Seungwoo x Female reader! Suggestive Somi x Hanse  
It wasn't too common for Humans, To mingle around the city at night. The streets never seem to sleep here, From daylight Humans carried out their routines While during Dusk to Dawn the other half of society came out. The town was owned by Vampires, actually literally owned by them, Humans only a couple hundred years ago became able to live within the town. Within the centuries, rules and laws were placed to keep both parties safe and able to coexist together. However one major law that the humans lived by was recently lifted, the Law of curfew, it was placed in the beginning years of the town to insure no human was hunted, hurt or kept for stock.
However, The console thought the law is in time for a change since, living with humans was part of their daily life now. It's been nearly four year since that law was lifted, many Humans still keep to their routine However, some boldly adventure off into the nightlife. Your Friend being one of them and this time she was dragging you to an event with her.
“Come on y/n you’ll love it please” She grabbed onto your wrist as he looked at you with famous puppy dog eyes, you hated how cute she was. “Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee” she whined making you roll your eyes as you sighed in defeat. “Fine, I’ll go but if a single vampire even looks at me the wrong way we are leaving” You crossed your arms. 
“For one, you’ll be lucky if they even look at you! You don’t know how hard it is to get their attention” She would smile falling back against your bed.
“So where are we going what kind of event is it” You lean closer to you vanity as your tied your hair up into a bun. Her silence was making you a bit uneasy as she would, as you turned around sitting on the desk of your vanity. “.. No” you shock your head as you looked at her “we are Not going to the club opening” 
“You already said yes though.. Come on, it won't be bad we just be having fun! Haven't you always wished to go to a club like they do on movies and stuff. Please just one time” Somi sat up from your bed as she grabbed your hands starting to beg again. Her pleads making you laugh a bit, under your breath. She was right, I mean she knew beforehand you guys grew up together so whenever movies or shows that had clubs and nightlife in it you both would stay up talking about it. You remember the time when you both snuck out a window of her parents house sitting on the fire escape watching all the Vampires roam around the streets, that until one of them noticed you both sitting up there and threatened to bite you if you both didn't go to sleep. Ever since then, you both used to be so scared of vampires, you don't understand where her bravery came from. Thinking about it now, it may be childish to still be scared of someone who was most likely joking, and was generally wishing for you to get a good amount of sleep.
Her soft whines would snap you out of your faint memories and thoughts “Fine, but i still mean it we are leaving the second one gets too close to us okay?” She gave a faint nod “Okay cool so we have a half an hour to be there.” 
you would blink shaking your head “What? Wait, it's today? Somi!! you know how i hate you throwing plans on me last second i don’t even have anything to wear!” You groaned lightly as you rubbed your face. 
“y/n its okay, i bought us both dresses i came prepared” she would give a small laugh before grabbing her bag, pulling out two nicely folded dresses “this red one is for you, and the black one is for me” she hummed happily She would hold up her dress pressing it against her body as she smiled “shoes are also in the bag” she would turn as she left your bedroom heading to the bathroom to change. You would pick up the dressing looking at it rolling your eyes. You wouldn’t, you couldn’t wear this, the dress was so tiny wanting nothing more to scream at her, but you knew would get her way. It was like her magical charm.
You placed the dress down onto the bed grabbing a pair of heels out of her bag, thankfully you and somi shared the same shoe size.Making everything easier also great when sharing shoes., you would strip from your oh so comfortable pajamas, into Tight red dress that formed to your body, it had a small amount of lace work around your breast with a slightly deeper cut than you hoped for. Thankful the dress wasn't beyond  too tight as he held a slit going up halfway from your thigh. Giving your just enough room to breath. 
“Look at you!!!!!!!” Somi would give out a little yell as she walked into the room smiling “you look so good” You couldn't help but to laugh a bit as you rolled your eyes “You’re something else Somi”  Somi dress was far more modest, at least in your own opinion . Her Dress held one sleeve, but was far the length was a bit shorter than yours, and the bottom had a small side raise making her left thigh more noticeable. She would grab the second pair of shoes from her bag as she sat down on your bed strapping them onto her feet. 
You rolled your eyes as you sat down at your vanity pulling your hair out of the bun, watching it fall to your shoulders in the mirror grabbing the brush you ran it through your hair a bit before parting the same way you always do. Running your fingers over your makeup collection you would look back at Somi “what do i even do for make up?” .
She would look up at you from her phone “eyeliner maybe lipstick if you're feeling cheeky if not tint or gloss. It's not anything too special. It's not like any handsome vampire will notice us we’re just going to dance” you gave a small nod before turning back to the mirror, grabbing your eyeliner, drawing a small wing on each eye hoping they both came out even Grabbing your favorite lip gloss you would apply it to your lips smiling to yourself a bit. Somi would already be standing up holding a small handbag for you open “put your lip gloss and phone in her also your ID” you rolled your eyes “my ID is literally inside the case of my phone” you grabbed the small black handbag from her throwing the golden chain over your shoulder . as you placed your phone and lip gloss into the small bag. 
You hated it, you hated how quickly you both entered the club, the bouncer only looking at you and somi for a second before letting you both in. You held onto each other's hand as you walked through the busy club,you couldn't believe how beautiful everyone was. You always knew vampires were more than blessed with their visuals, well being if they were born one at least. Somi would move around the club floor dragging you along with her before stopping at the bar. She would give you a quick small glance before sitting down.
“We get a drink, then we find a spot on the dance floor” She would explain a bit before looking over at the new found person who stood before the both of you. The color of his eyes were soft yellow eyes, which contrasted with how sharp his eyes shape was. The color of his eyes complemented his orange hair. “What can i get for you two?” His voice was Dull, monetoned and cold. You would look over at Somi who seem to be lost for words as she stared at the male, you would lightly kick her making her clear her throat and look away from the male “ah can we get a Dusk till Dawn and “ she would look over at you “ah - a blue lagoon “. The bartner would look between the both of you before nodding, and walking away. 
He nearly only took a few steps away before Somi had nonsense spilling out her mouth “did you see him” “he's so attractive “ “did you notice he as a lip ring” “ i like how his eyes match his hair” 
“Somi.. “ you laughed looking at her as she covered her mouth laughing “I'm sorry Y/N but, he was really nice looking, like he also has tattoos. I didn't know vampire could have tattoos”
“You know he can properly hear you” You shifted slightly in your seat looking around to see if he was close by, only for your eyes to lock with a pair of red ones who were staring at you from the other side of the club. Quickly turning around you looked at somi “See i knew this was a bad idea, we're getting stared at” you whispered lightly as you looked at her. 
Somi would roll her eyes “oh sto-” The orange hair male would make his way back to the both of you, as he crossed his arms lightly against his chest “the one in red, is wanted in the vip area.. Best not keep him waiting, doll, and do not worry. I’ll keep the one in black safe if thats what you’re worried about” He would point as two men appeared behind you and Somi. One with white hair the other with a faded pink. “They will bring you to Seungwoo.” The Pink haired male, held his hand out helping you from your seat. You would look back at Somi confused only to see her staring at the orange haired vampire without regards to you being moved off into The VIP area.
Your drink sat on the Table, along with a handsome, Very handsome man, who bared the same red eyes that were staring at you earlier. You stood before the table, holding your own hand interlocking your fingers as you lightly chewed the inside of your cheek. Unsure of what to say or do. “You should sit down” the tall white haired Vampire  whispered lightly into your ear, which made you jump forward nearly jumping onto the black haired male who called for you lap.
Inching yourself away a bit he would wrap his arm around your shoulder looking down at you pulling you back to his side. "How nice of you to accept my invitation” His voice was smooth and soft. His hand would reach for your drink handing it to you as he smiled slightly looking down at you. You would happily accept your long awaited drink taking a sip as he spoke “You know, You’re a very beautiful girl, I can’t dare to let any filthy vampire just wander around something as beautiful as you.” His comment throwing you off guard, the alcohol burning your throat as you let out a faint cough. 
“.. i..” you stutter a bit as his slender fingers lifted your chin raising your gaze to meet his own again. "You’re supposed to say Thank you”  You would look away, feeling your cheeks heat up “Thank you?” you questioned lightly before getting a small hum of satisfaction from him. “You know a conversation works when both parties are engaged, unless.. You just want me to tell you what to do that can be arranged as well” Seungwoo would glare down at you making you clear your throat as you looked down at your Drink. “Sorry, i- .. I’m just lost for words right now”
Seungwoo raised a brow as he looked back over to the two men who stood by the booth, both of them nodding as they turned on their heels to walk away. “Well let's start slow, what's your name” he questioned as he his cold long fingers lightly played with the thin lace of your dress. Shivering slightly under his cold as you placed your drink down onto the table “y/n mine is y/n, and you’re Seungwoo i was told. Ah may I ask…  ”
“No, your friend may not join, no you may not go back to her. She will be well entertained by Hanse don’t worry .and No i won’t bite you.. Unless that's what you want by the end of tonight” he would look away from you as he grabbed his own glass sipping it lightly before leaning back against the booth. “And why you? Well, I said that already. You are beautiful, and i can’t dare let any low rank vampire even look at you”  You would let out a small laugh “what do you mean by low rank? Aren't vampire just vampires”
He couldn't help but chuckle as he placed his glass down onto the table “we have ranks, darling. Pure blood, half blood and true bloods. You can tell the difference from our eyes, like the  bartender Hanse who you friends about to leave her tonight with his eyes glowed with a yellow tint therefore he is a true blood, the two I sent for you have a soft blue so they are half.”  you would nod a bit “and you're red.. And since you speak so highly of yourself i guess that makes you a pure” he would nod “so what's the difference” 
Seungwoo hummed lightly “did they not teach you this in schools? Or did they just say beware of vampires.. Well. Pure, are pure a full family line of vampires. A True is when someone is who was born human and a Half is.. Half? One of their parents were a pure blood the other was a true typically happens when a vampire falls in love with a human and turns their partner into a vampire which also, you can only be a True blood if you are bitten during sex and only by a pure To answer the next question”  His fingers would gently play with the lace again as he looked down at you with a small hum.
You sat back gently as you thought about what he said, then releasing everything he said, the comment of biting you, how he was a pure vampire. Was he imply to have sex with you? Would you even turn him down on the offer? Especially if what he said about Somi was true. 
His face would lean down as his hot breath hit your ear, his lips dangerously close to you the shell of your ear you swore you can feel them “Are you really thinking about that darling? How impropriety” His voice was  was in a hushed tone, but the smirk on his lips was auditability heard through his words. Your face would brighten as you looked up at him. “What?” was he able to actually read your mind? Or was this a game he played often and knew it very well. 
“The second i said sex, your whole body reacted, from your heartrate to your thighs closing. You may think you’re being subtle but darling, I’m not a human. I can read you very clearly” Seungwoo’s hand would gently fall from your shoulder as he moved it to the bare skin of your thigh. “y/n, i know exactly what you want. But are you gonna let me give it to you” he hummed as his lips grazed against your neck leaving a soft kiss under the shell of your ear.
You sat there in the booth stunted, at the question. How does he know exactly what you want, when you barely know it yourself. Is he applying sex with him is what you need? Was he applying something else? Why do you keep thinking about having sex with this vampire.
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mileyjassie · 3 years
(𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚) 𝗕𝗟𝗨𝗘! 𝗖.𝗦𝗬
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Pairing: Cho Seungyoun (Woodz) x Reader
Genre: Angst / Drama/ Suspicious happy ending
Word count: 2.4K
Synopsis: You wanted a little more of red from him, but he was only blue, and behind the purple light you find the red half he tries so much to hide.
Author's note: It can look confusing but it's more simple than you think, they're kind of into his mind, he's not really 100% mental healthy and she wants too much from him, more than what he can actually offer. Inspired on his "Love Me Harder" MV and "EQUAL" album songs (the changes of you/your to he/his might look confusing I know)
You made me blue. Day after day, a little bit more blue.
So explain to me, what does this mean for both of us?
I met you early, I needed you.
Close. Close. Close.
You hid me yourself, you hid yourself from me perfectly, never, I never found out how well you hid from me.
I pay attention again, I remembered that space again, that purple place.
I went to you, hugging you without thinking. You hugged me back, of course, snuggled up to me. It was gradually, little by little that I realized that you were hiding from me.
"Do not touch me." I didn't hear you say it with your own mouth, but you did, I heard it from somewhere outside, I heard it from somewhere inside, very close to my ear, but too far away to hear it perfectly.
Your disgusted voice, your voice low and agonized.
"Take your hands off me."
"I hate being touched. Get away."
"Leave me alone, Get out! Get out! Get out!"
I looked at you more than scared, my hands leaving your arms with hurt, I was shocked, you didn't say anything to me, but that was what I really felt.
You loved me, yes, it was true.
"Take your hands off me."
You looked at me more than confused, even more confused than me when I let go of you with frowning brows.
"What happened?" You said to me with your hand outstretched, not understanding the contrast of humor.
"Why do you think this?" I asked in a harmless voice, approaching his silhouette and squeezing his arms. "What's going on? Why do you think that way?"
"What you mean?" He asked confused and without explanations coming from me, not understanding why I was looking at him like that. "For what reason you let go of me this way?"
"I heard your voice, I heard it inside you, asking me not to touch you, do you feel disgust of me?"
You froze, as if it was shocking to hear a truth that you were already fully aware of.
"I'm not disgusted of you, I love you, how could I be disgusted of you?"
I looked at your expressions carefully, you hid, you hid something from me, but you weren't lying to me.
It was a mistake to show him that I was aware of his secrets. I should have closed my eyes, kept quiet, but I didn't, I wanted to force you to tell me the truth, I forced you to tell me about a problem that was only yours. But I just wanted to help. I wanted to take a burden off of you, without realizing that only you could carry it.
It was inside those purple curtains, in that small place, behind it I saw what you were hiding. A warm, small room, without much light, showing the bloody tone of the room. Red.
Once... I saw your eyes that color.
If you knew I was there...you would be so mad at me.
He was trapped by the arms so I released that young man.
I let you go.
A very, very familiar stranger.
His smile was sharp, intimidating, cunning and smug. Long ginger hair, expressive eyebrows, reddish and dark eyelids.
"Have you been crying?" I murmured to him, his thin, narrow eyes searching for me with amusement.
"Angel, why do you think that? ..."
I dry swallowed, proceeding.
"Because your eyes are red."
He smiled to himself, delighting in a satisfaction that I could never understand what it was about.
"I don't cry, honey, I don't keep enough space inside me for such feeling ..." he said serenely, as he walked unhurriedly through the dark corners of the room, analyzing me with purposeful walks. "Not even for pleasure."
I followed him with my eyes, clenching my fists, knowing I couldn't be there any longer.
"Now that I have released you leave my beloved alone, as you make him suffer internally and is taking him away from me."
His reaction was kind of surprised, impressed for some reason.
"So, now is everything my fault?" He leaned over dramatically, placing his fingerprints on his chest, finding a cane next to his silhouette, left on the wall beside him. "Naive."
I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at him with discomfort, as he went around and around and still didn't feel like I was in conversation.
"I was stuck here, if you didn't notice ..." he Ironized without much malice, ceasing his walks. "What power would a prisoner have?"
I turned to face him, thanking silently for his lack of approach.
"I deduce that if you heard something before you came after me, it came from him, and from no one else ..."
I shook my head, not accepting to be carried away by the perverse lines of the man in front of me, but he did not care, he played with one of his eyebrows, approaching with a few steps, hitting the end of his cane on the floor without much force.
"Did your lover disappoint you?" He hummed, but I stopped him in seconds.
"He wouldn't do that." The answer made him smile again, proving me he have a superior aura that I would never achieve.
"Of course he would ..." he retorted with a nod, waiting for my reaction with a lazy pose.
"Because he is sad."
I parted my lips, swallowing my words in shock, dispersed in my own mind.
Seungyoun was sad?
Those were words that hit me like fire, my chest tightening in an unfamiliar feeling, perhaps more intense than simple concern. I heard him snap his tongue, an expression of disdain already stamped on his initially cynical face.
"Stop this." He said in a disgusted tone, an almost angry sound. His treatment almost refreshed my memory, yet it was different, different from when he had been disgusted with me before. "You remind me of him."
I looked up, remaining silent.
"You are not as surprised as you are pretending to be in front of me now ..." he approached it bluntly this time, brushing the tip of my hair with the top of his fingers. "You are as sad as he is, you know that. That's why you hurt him as much as he does to you."
He swirled my strands in his fingers, raising his eyes to mine again, forcing himself to absentmindedly walk away.
I pressed my lips together, looking around, not knowing which choice to do.
"So what do I do now?" I watched him walk away, without listening to me. "If you have no fault, what do I do to purify my love? What do I do for him not get disgusted of me?"
His shoulders lifted minimally, my comment seeming to immediately pique his interest.
"What exactly are you asking me for, cutie?" He turned slightly, his reddened lids darkening in my sight. "Tell me exactly in the right way."
"I want him not to be disgusted of m-"
"You can't cure a paranoid" he smiled roguishly, tipping his head along with the slight inclination of his tall body. "...honey."
I looked at the door, giving him one last look before striding towards it, feeling the cold, long fingers sink into the skin of my forearm, preventing me from leaving him with that one act.
"What you're looking for I can give you and it will not be difficult."
I raised my face to analyze his face with curiosity, the lines of his malicious expression attracting the attention of my pupils, my eyes strolling over his provocative details shamelessly, forgetting the ardent spirit that inhabited that being.
"What you want is still him. I know that, you can't hide anything from me ..." he spoke in a low tone, taking the strands of my hair out of my sight. "You want him, don't you?" He lowered his face, joking as he noticed the clear tension exhaling from my body. "In a sick way ..."
"How can you say something like that?"
"Yeah, I know." He raised his eyebrows as he closed his eyes, cocking his head to the side convincingly. "I know what you want from him, and I know he will never give you... but I can work it out."
I watched his grip soften on my arm, letting go and making a slight gesture of surrender.
That Seungyoun smiled pleasantly, extending his wide white palm to me. I looked at him suspiciously, pulling the corner of my lips in disdain.
"We're not friends."
His smile did not fall apart though.
"We could never be." He said softly, insisting on letting his hand hang in the air. "Under no circumstances."
"For you what would we be, then?" I asked uncomfortable, not surprised by the continued presence of entertainment on his face.
"For real?" He let out a faint laugh, opening his palms in false innocence. "At most I could be your other lover..." he stood up, tall and straight, looking at me from above. "But that's only if you wanted to. What is not the case ... or is it?" He walked around me, leaning back, his cheeky face finding mine to just mock my discomfort again.
"Whether I'm attracted to you or not is not enough." I mumbled through clenched teeth. "I love only one."
He sighed, quietly and without a laugh, clasping his hands on my shoulders, his warmth present behind me. I stopped right there, not afraid of him, but of what he chose or not to do.
"I know that."
You were in front of me, looking at me with deep disappointment, not knowing whether to fall or remain standing. You staggered and murmured things that I couldn't understand, smiles rising and falling between my blinks.
Nearby watching you suffer your crises I remained, the room only with you and me, the sight of the purple curtains behind your body hiding the room that one day kept your secret.
I did not approach your body, but I remained uneasy, watching you reject yourself several times without knowing what I could do to relieve some of your pain.
When you fell to the floor, you lowered your head in weariness, wet hair hiding your face.
I went to you, falling on my knees to hold your neck in my warm hands. "Dear?"
Your smile widened when your head fell back in satisfaction, a large, contented smile, however profoundly wicked.
You were with me, warm and hot. But what about your other self? Your really you, where were?
"My pleasure, honey. It wasn't that bad, huh?" His reddened and amused eyes greeted me, laughing with my astonishment.
"What did you do?" I removed my hands from his neck, being prevented from moving away, his hands gripping my wrists and pulling me back, our bodies close enough for him to enjoy, dropping a fake kiss near my face.
"You still blame me so much." He let go of me, looking away slyly. "If he's not here, it's because he does not want to."
I dry swallowed.
His body relaxed, sitting calmly, without guilt, without worries.
"Can't you hear it?"
I turned away, looking at him with distress.
"Your fault"
"It's your fault."
"You know it."
"He despises you. He thinks you have betrayed him." He waved his hand, disinterested. "Which I think is funny, really."
"I shouldn't have done that. You tricked me."
Seungyoun rolled his eyes, shrugging.
"I didn't tricked you, I promised the sickly love you asked me for, you could have it in the dirtiest ways possible, I would be there to make it happen ..." He explained, laying his head on his shoulder, following me with sharp eyes when I got up euphoric. "It's not my fault if he chose not to stay ..." He laughed maliciously, his shoulders rising and falling again and again.
I hid my face in my hands, closing my eyes tightly.
"Go away! I don't want to be with you, I regret it."
"Regret?" Hhhe asked doubtfully, a serious, almost moral tone coming from his throat.
I remained silent, listening to him shout at me.
"Say you regret it!"
"Of course I regret it!" I turned around, already seeing him standing, approaching frighteningly fast in heavy steps.
"Tell me to go away then! Do it now if you want! Come on! Tell me!" He yelled loudly, shaking me frantically.
It was not an angry tone, but he wasn't pretending tho too.
"Get out! Don't touch me! I don't like being touched! Let me go!" I replied euphorically, trying to let go of his hands, my eyes closed with all my strength. "Take your hands off of me!"
I kept responding in agony, still feeling his hands.
"Leave me alone, Get out! Get out! Get out!"
When I opened my eyes, I saw your sad look staring at me with distress. You were back, as if nothing had happened.
"Are you disgusted of me?" You asked in a wistful tone, your eyes narrowing, your eyebrows squeezing. "Is that what you think of me?"
I stammered, not knowing how to fix this.
"I'm not disgusted of you, I love you, how could I be disgusted of you?"
Seungyoun looked down, moving away.
"Then why did you say those things?"
I went to him, hugging him.
"I don't know. Just ..." I held my breath, running my hands through his hair. "Pretend it never happened, my love..."
Seungyoun returned the hug, squeezing me into his body.
I was able to hear his voices again.
Repeating the same things.
I hugged him tighter.
I didn't react.
I pretended to not hear.
To not know.
That was his own problem, which I could not possibly opine. And I hoped he was doing the same for me.
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csy-x1 · 5 years
reaction to causing a breaking up — maknae line
⌯hyung line here⌯
type(s): angst
summary: maybe breaking up is the best choice
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“l-let’s take a break.” junho says under his breath. “you what?” “take a break...” he answers, as if it was nothing. “junho are you serious? it’s either we break up or not. no in between.” you nervously say over and over but he doesn’t respond. honestly, he doesn’t know how to respond. “...then let’s break up”
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“i don’t even know why i’m dating you at this point.” he huffs. “you don’t mean that, do you?” you held back tears. this isn’t like the dongpyo you knew or maybe it was. “can’t we just end it here?”
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“if you go decide to move then we’re over, your call.” he says. the room was silent and becoming tense after you told minhee that you’re family was moving. “i can’t control my parents decisions, and you know that.” “then let’s break it up, here and now.”
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“would you stop bugging me?” he turns around, harshly removing your hand from his shoulder. “you can’t just break up with me over text, eunsang.” “well then do you want me to do it in person?” he says in annoyance. “no, because i’m breaking up with you.”
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“if you walk out that door, we are over.” he yells at you as packyour things and cry. maybe this really was the end. he notices that you aren’t planning to stop yourself so, he warns you again, “i’m really serious y/n. if you walk out... it’s over.” he nervously says. “then watch me.”
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“this isn’t the first time we broke up. you’ll be coming back anyways.” dohyun says while sitting on the couch. “trust me dohyun, it’s the last time.” you said as you slam the door. somehow, he felt scared, it felt different this time when you left.
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