#xamoromnibusidem creation
x-amoromnibusidem · 2 years
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for SunDragonsWeek: and they lived au
Princess Rhaenys and her brother, King Aegon, the Sixth of his name, are smuggled out of King’s Landing to Essos. 
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x-amoromnibusidem · 2 years
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for SunDragonsWeek: canon, Aegon VI Targaryen
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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12 Days of Christmas
prompt: gift
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x-amoromnibusidem · 2 years
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for SunDragonsWeek: free for all au
Princess Rhaenys and her husband Lancel Lannister,  Lady and Lord of Casterly Rock. 
Inspired by @failed-to-deanon‘s amazing story Marriage in the Making
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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with the help of dornish spears who infiltrate the red keep,  princess elia and her children escape to braavos,  where the newly elected sealord swears to protect them
Elia Martell Week prompt: essos
#SummerIsForDorne #EliaMartellWeek #EliaFests
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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Elia and her siblings are a bit of an oddity, for their mother had not one, not two, but five children with the god of sunlight known as Apollo. 
Elia Martell Week prompt: crossover, percy jackson
#SummerIsForDorne #EliaMartellWeek #EliaFests
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x-amoromnibusidem · 2 years
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12 Days of Christmas
prompt: different location + snow (canon au)
Rhaenys will admit, there was a beauty to it. It was cold where sand was hot, but much like the sands of Dorne, the snow covered every road, path and wall. It was certainly different from King’s Landing and Dragonstone. She was glad to have accompanied her kingly brother in his royal progress after all. 
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x-amoromnibusidem · 2 years
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12 Days of Christmas
prompt: different location (modern au)
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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Rhaenys III Targaryen
Rhaenys Targaryen was the daughter of Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Nymeros Martell. She was born on Dragonstone in the year 280 AC, and her mother was bedridden for half a year afterwards. Rhaenys was presented at court by her father, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Whilst her grandmother, Queen Rhaella Targaryen, embraced her warmly, her grandfather, King Aerys II Targaryen, refused to touch or hold her, claiming she smelled “Dornish”. She had a small black kitten that she named Balerion, after the great black dragon of Aegon I Targaryen. Her younger brother, Prince Aegon, was born near the new year of 282 AC, fifteen months after her birth.
During the Sack of King’s Landing, a fortnight after the royal forces had left for the Trident, Ser Jaime Lannister killed Aerys in the throne room of the Red Keep. Jaime, though the only Kingsguard member left in the city, did not think his father Tywin Lannister, whose troops were attacking the city, would harm Rhaenys or Aegon. However, while Jaime was standing over Aerys’s corpse, Ser Gregor Clegane and Ser Amory Lorch scaled the walls of Maegor’s Holdfast where Princess Elia and her children resided. Rhaenys hid under her father’s bed, a floor above the nursery, where her younger brother, Aegon, and her mother, Elia Martell, were. She was discovered and dragged out by Ser Amory Lorch, who proceeded to stab her with “half a hundred thrusts.” Ser Gregor Clegane bashed her brother’s head against a wall, and raped and murdered her mother with his hands still covered in Aegon’s blood.
Tywin Lannister commanded the deaths of Rhaenys and Aegon to prove his loyalty to Robert Baratheon, although he himself claims to have been shocked at the brutality of their deaths. In Rhaenys’s case, he believed Lorch, who tried to justify his savagery by claiming the girl kicked him and would not stop screaming, could simply have offered a few sweet words to calm her, and a pillow to suffocate her.
After Rhaenys’s and Aegon’s deaths, Tywin Lannister presented their bodies to Robert clothed in red Lannister cloaks (to better conceal the blood).
|| Children of the Sun ||
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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Tyene Sand
Tyene Sand is the bastard daughter of Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell and a septa. Tyene is fair, with golden hair and deep blue eyes. Dimples bloom in her cheeks, and she has a gentle, sweet voice. Despite her innocent and pious persona, Tyene is regarded as treacherous. Her soft pale hands are as deadly as her sister Obara's callused ones. She shares her father Oberyn's knowledge of poisons, her chosen weapon.
|| Children of the Sun ||
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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Nymeria Sand
Nymeria Sand, nicknamed Lady Nym, is the bastard daughter of Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell and a noblewoman from Volantis. Nymeria rides a gold sand steed with a mane like white silk, and she usually conceals a dozen daggers on her person and is proficient with the hidden blades. She dresses gracefully in shimmering lilac robes with a silk cape of cream and copper, and she also owns a yellow silk gown so sheer it reveals spun gold and jewels worn underneath. Although elegant, Nym is vengeful.
|| Children of the Sun ||
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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Arianne Martell Week prompt: modern au
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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12 Days of Christmas
prompt: cozy (modern au)
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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Sarella Sand
Sarella Sand is the fourth eldest of the Sand Snakes, the bastard daughters of Prince Oberyn Nymeros Martell. Her mother is the trader captain of the Feathered Kiss, and comes from the Summer Isles. Sarella has a reputation for insatiable curiosity and it’s known she loves Oldtown.
Alleras, known as the Sphinx, is an acolyte studying at the Citadel in Oldtown. Alleras has a Dornishman for a father and a Summer Islander for a mother. He has been at the Citadel for a year, and has forged three links in his maester's chain, the most recent of which is copper. He displays remarkable skill with his goldenheart longbow, also from the Summer Isles.
|| Children of the Sun ||
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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12 Days of Christmas
prompt: snow (canon au)
Queen Elia Targaryen visits the North with her children for Aegon’s royal progress
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x-amoromnibusidem · 3 years
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Elia as Sekhmet
Both warrior goddess and goddess of healing, Sekhmet is a solar deity and daughter of the sun god Ra. Depicted as a fierce lioness or as a woman with the head of a lioness, who was dressed in red, the color of blood.
Elia Martell Week prompt: goddess au
#SummerIsForDorne #EliaMartellWeek #EliaFests
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