drpeppertummy · 4 months
since im finishing up my sketchbook i went through for doodles i never finished/posted Part 1: oc edition
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[ID: six sketchy doodles of different characters with variously round, swollen tummies.
the first drawing is a man standing and looking sheepish with his hands behind his back. the second is a woman in pajamas, looking sleepy. the third is a man in pajamas laying flat on his back. each of their bellies are a relatively realistic amount of bloated, and peeking out from under their shirts.
the fourth drawing is a woman sitting and holding her enormously distended belly, looking alarmed. the fifth is a person standing there with one hand on his slightly bloated tummy. the sixth is a side view of a woman holding her very round, pregnant-looking belly, looking worried.]
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drpeppertummy · 5 months
Love Diana so much! She's so smol but her tummy gets soo round. Would be a shame if she ate something weird that made her tummy bloat up like a balloon 🫣
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[ID: a drawing of a woman looking down in alarm at her extremely bloated tummy.]
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
I wanna put something nasty and squirmy in Diana's tummy
scientifical shenanigans
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[ID: a drawing of two women. one has her sweater pulled up and her pants unbuttoned to reveal a bulging belly with bumps pushing out from inside. she looks worried and is labeled “swallowed …..Slime Man eggs.” the other is looking down at her with perplexed concern.]
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
A fun idea. Penne squeezing Diana about to burst tummy a little to much after another falled experiment pumped her full of air
pretend like i actually drew penne ok😭😭😭
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[ID: a drawing of a woman leaning back and clutching her very distended belly with a pained expression, crying out "Penne!" a pair of hands struggle to unbutton her pants, and a voice from out of the shot says "I'm sorry! It won't come undone!"]
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
wadda hell Potion Of Bloat Your Tummy
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[ID: a drawing of two women, one tall and one short. the short one is examining the tall one's very bloated tummy, and both of them look mildly concerned.]
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
immediately attacking diana idk what she did but its about to cause a wardrobe malfunction
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[ID: a woman looking down in surprise at her very bloated belly, constricted around the middle by her tight pants which creak under the pressure.]
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
grab your small wife
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[ID: a drawing of two women facing each other, one short and chubby, the other tall and thin. the tall one holds the short one close to her so her round belly presses against her, and they're smiling at each other.]
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
made penne a swag wife her names diana shes 4'11 to match pennes 5'11 & just as deranged as her
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[ID: a drawing of a short chubby woman holding a stack of books and waving.]
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
Diana is so smol and adorable! Now make her about to pop..
What Are You Some Kind Of Mind Reader . luckily i already had a silly little thing started [it doesnt have an ending bc realistically the next step would be ejecting the water lest she get sick but Alas]
[unintentional/forced belly inflation, near bursting/burst teasing]
"What does it do?" Diana looked up at the robot.
"It's supposed to help people stay hydrated," Penne explained. "It tests your saliva, tells you if you need water, and then gives you some. It's a little clunky right now, though."
"I'm having trouble with the 'giving water' part," she sighed. "See, it's not totally from scratch. It's a scrapped project somebody was trying to get rid of at the conference, and I'm trying to see if I can adapt what he had to a new purpose. But it's a little, like…aggressive?"
"Aggressive?" Diana eyed the robot curiously. Suddenly, sensing a presence before it, the robot flickered to life, and before Diana knew it was coming, it stuck a probe into her mouth. She gagged in surprise, but the appendage was quickly withdrawn. The robot whirred for a moment, processing.
"Dehydrated," it declared in a clunky, unnatural voice.
"Shit, Diana, look out," Penne exclaimed, but before either of them could react, the robot grabbed Diana's arm. She opened her mouth to protest, but was cut off by a new appendage being stuck in her mouth. The robot began to make a bubbling sound, and suddenly, water was flowing into her mouth. She struggled against the robot's grasp, gulping the water down as quickly as she could, but it was no use--she was stuck.
"Shit!" Penne dashed for the robot and began fiddling with its controls, trying to shut it off. Meanwhile, Diana's small stomach filled up quickly. She let out a muffled moan as her belly began to bloat outward.
"Hang on, Diana, I'm gonna get you out of this," Penne said frantically, but the panic in her voice didn't have either of them convinced. Diana's snug, high-waisted pants began to creak as her belly swelled bigger and bigger. Her stomach was beyond full now and stretching tighter. She groaned between loud gulps as the pressure built inside her.
Penne glanced up at Diana and was alarmed to see just how distended her belly was getting. Diana was a tiny little thing, and the amount of water that had been forced into her made her tummy push out far and wide. Her sweater began to ride up from under her pants, revealing a sliver of skin that bulged over the unbearably tight waist of her pants like a cartoonishly exaggerated muffin top.
Suddenly, the first of the three buttons on her pants popped open, and it wasn't long before the second followed. Her enormously swollen belly was almost completely exposed now, and Penne could see her little outie belly button bulging from the pressure behind it. Diana moaned and whined between gulps, and her drum-tight tummy trembled with each frantic breath. It wouldn't be long before the third button popped, followed by Diana herself.
Diana groaned urgently as her stomach tightened, struggling to hold onto the ever-expanding torrent of liquid inside it. Her belly rumbled ominously with each heavy gulp. The third button creaked as her distended belly strained against it. Her sweater no longer covered her middle at all, having slid all the way up to her chest as her tummy pushed out absurdly from her tiny frame.
Finally, with a frantic, dramatic sweep of her arm, Penne tore the power source from the interior of the robot. Its eyes went dark, its grip loosened, and, mercifully, the water stopped flowing. Diana stumbled away from it, clutching her belly.
"Oohhh--" Her moan was cut off by a weak burp. Penne helped her to a chair with an arm around her waist, and she leaned back in it, panting. Her belly sloshed and bubbled with each breath.
"Christ, Diana, are you alright?" Penne cautiously touched a hand to her wife's tummy. Normally soft and plush, it was now hard as a rock, inflated nearly to bursting with an unbelievable quantity of water. She hiccuped and let out a pained moan as her tightly-stretched stomach jolted with a loud slosh.
"I think so," she gasped, rubbing her bulging upper belly. "Oh, god, Penne, I feel like I'm about to explode. My belly…" Her stomach rumbled and another burp escaped her.
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
havent drawn diana in a little while shes experiencing The Quencies (of what? not my problem)
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[ID: a side view drawing of a woman holding her very bloated gurgly belly with a look of mild distress, saying "shoot."]
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
teenytiny dinky little penne & diana thing that has no beginning or ending what ever
[bloating/belly inflation, burping, burst teasing]
"Oohh… Too much…" Penne groaned as her stomach tightened around the expanding gas inside it. The pressure built until it couldn't build any more, and she let out a long burp. Mercifully, her stomach deflated a little, and she rubbed it cautiously.
"Maybe you shouldn't have tested it on yourself," said Diana, looking with concern at her wife's distended tummy. Penne was absurdly thin, and her belly pushed out impressively from her lanky frame, bulging so far that she could have passed for pregnant if the bloating hadn't been entirely in her upper belly.
"I shouldn't have," Penne agreed. Her face was pinched with discomfort, and she burped again, trying to release the building gas. It helped momentarily, but the bloating seemed to be continuous. Diana carefully placed her hands on the sides of Penne's belly, and she could feel it swelling back to maximum pressure.
"It's so tight," she said nervously. She felt a gurgle bubble up against her hands and rubbed gently. Penne let out a tiny moan, followed by another burp. Her belly was hard as a rock, stretched unbelievably tight as the experimental tonic she'd taken continued to fizz inside her. The feeling of her drum-tight tummy reminded Diana of an overinflated balloon, ready to pop yet somehow still being blown up.
"I'm too full," Penne groaned, forcing up another burp. She didn't have to work hard to bring them up; there was enough pressure in her stomach to push them out with ease, but they weren't coming fast enough. She pushed up another one, which brought her another moment of relief.
"What should I do? How can I help?" Diana was growing increasingly worried as her wife grew increasingly bloated. She felt utterly helpless, as did Penne.
"I don't know," moaned Penne, cautiously rubbing her belly. "I'm gonna burst if it doesn't stop soon."
"Please don't," said Diana, as if Penne had any choice in the matter. Penne opened her mouth to respond, but an enormous burp came out instead.
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drpeppertummy · 10 months
tiny little prompt game drabble #2
[hunger, brief stuffing]
“When’s the last time you’ve eaten?” Diana placed a hand on Penne's bony shoulder.
"Um..." Penne thought for a moment, silently counting on her fingers as her eyes darted up toward the ceiling. Her stomach growled loudly.
"That's enough of an answer for me," she said, gently tugging her wife's lanky arm until she rose from the chair. "Come on. Let's get some dinner." Penne hesitated, not wanting to leave her work, then nodded defeatedly. Diana was right; she wasn't sure when she'd last eaten, and she was running on fumes. She worried that she'd lose her train of thought entirely by the time she got back to the lab, but she supposed that wasn't any worse than letting hunger cloud her already messy brain.
Penne wrapped an arm around her sunken tummy as it growled again, a miserable, groaning sound. Now that she'd been pulled from her concentration, she was suddenly aware of just how wretched she felt. Her back was sore, her mouth was dry, she was getting a raging headache, and she felt a little woozy after going so long without food. On top of it all, her stomach ached terribly, and she winced as another pang of hunger tore through it.
Diana slipped an arm around her waist and rested a comforting hand on her belly. Penne was a scrawny thing, and with nothing inside her to add a little volume, her middle was utterly concave. It wasn't that she deliberately neglected her appetite; she was just so busy and so scatterbrained that she often forgot. Her stomach rumbled again, and Diana could feel the vibration under her hand.
"You've gotta start taking better care of yourself, Penne," said Diana, giving her aching tummy a gentle rub.
"I know," sighed Penne. "I just can't make myself stop once I get going. I'm afraid I'll lose my momentum."
"You won't have any momentum left to lose if you don't eat," Diana pointed out.
It was late at night, but fortunately, the little diner down the street was still open. As she collapsed into the booth across from her wife, Penne began to feel glad that Diana had talked her into a break, work be damned. She felt awful, and despite the ache in her belly making her feel almost ill, the idea of a hot meal was immensely appealing.
Diana had already eaten dinner earlier in the evening and opted to order only a bowl of soup. Penne, giving in to her furiously growling stomach, ordered a big plate of pasta, and, despite her skinny size, she finished the whole thing. She leaned back in the seat with a soft groan, her belly bulging absurdly from her thin frame.
"Feel better?"
"Yeah," said Penne, rubbing her drum-tight tummy. "I think I'm gonna have to go lay down for a while, though." Diana smiled.
"Maybe I'll join you."
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
i think penne should give her wife a little kissy
finally.someone wants 2 be nice 2 them
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[ID: a doodle of one woman kissing another on the nose and holding her hands.]
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
Even more great questions i have to ask for Diane and Dan would theu rather work on an empty tummy or an overstuffed one
thank u !!!
diana i think would go empty bc her overstuffed belly can get kinda cumbersome & her pants get uncomfortable etc
dan would rather be too full. she hatess bein hungry & shes always snackin anyway she could deal with a bloated tummy
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
How often does Diane end up massively bloated or stuffed due to pennes antics?
once in a while, probably not as frequently as from her own antics. she is a Wacky Cartoon Scientist too after all
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
Hope you had a happy holidays! Had to throw my question into the ring. Has Diane or penne ever been super bloated in public before like way to full after a nice dinner or going out after an experiment just to have them feeling massive
thank u & u as well !!!!!!!!!! i think probably, probably both of them, & probably from both situations. science mishaps in particular can have effects that take a long time to go down completely, & both of them tend to bloat disproportionately (diana bc shes so small & penne bc shes so skinny) so its fairly obvious
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