bcbliophile · 2 years
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                         Alona & Caraxes ( @xdragonsirex )
“This is me praying that, this was the very first page, not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you.”
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
It felt like she was in a nightmare and that nightmare carried within it the quietly smirking face of Prince Aegon who it seemed had decided he was going to torture her. Nimerah didn't know why exactly he had chosen her, perhaps because she was close to Helaena and his children. Either way, she has to deal with it and she knew it was deliberate. She had no issues with Prince Aemond really. In actual fact, she thought he was very striking and his hair was undeniably gorgeous. Nimerah had committed one grievous sin when it came to him though and that was she had made her feelings known to a degree, enough that Prince Aegon had noticed and thus, the nightmare had begun.
It seemed that every formal engagement had them close together or she was positioned in such a way 'at Prince Aegon's request' that she had a perfect, unobstructed view of him. It didn't matter how often she scolded herself, and cussed out Prince Aegon in her head, she still kept acting like some shy, naive maiden who'd never met a boy before, could feel the heat of the blush crawling across her chest and up her neck. "The heat is so intense here isn't it? I'm still struggling to get used to it." Nimerah always replied, fanning herself, whenever the blush was noticed.
That day, she'd had enough though and she had crossed the room when they were allowed to, released from the relevant functional rules to the point that they could mingle, and she had boldly approached Prince Aegon, curtseying with the relevant, required respect, before asking politely but with a determined set to her jaw; "May I have a moment alone with you Prince Aegon please? There is a matter of great importance that I can only discuss with you, your grace."
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bcbliophile · 2 years
@xdragonsirex​ Caraxes & Alona 
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“I am to be wed in a weeks time-- I don’t want to marry him, he is to become Lord of house Baratheon and a horrid beast of a man. . . . He doesn't want me to bring Sylver with me to his keep, he said a dragon can’t be trusted and no one can see why this upsets me so” Alona was clearly upset as she sat across from the dragon, she had been crying most of the day. She knew her family needed this alliance, but to be parted from her dragon as well as the dragon she had grown close to would break her heart. But there was nothing she could do besides cry in the dragon pit and accept her fate, as grim and horrible as it may be. 
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bcbliophile · 2 years
@xdragonsirex​ liked for a starter Helaena and Jace ( I couldn’t pick so you get both)
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“What do you think made our mothers change their minds about us being betrothed?” Helaena had her theories but she was not going to question it too much, he was a much better option than Aegon, he was kinder and much sweeter. One day she would make him an agreeable Queen, but for today she was seated next to him at the head table, a celebration was being held for their betrothal and while her brothers looked sour, their mothers were beaming as was the King.  
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
🍒 + @xdragonsirex
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them.
//I am excited to see what they write and I love the level of insight they display where their characters are concerned. Mun seems nice although we haven't spoken so much.
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
Nothing is evil in the beginning - criston to aemond?
Aemond nodded, listening intently as ever he did. Ser Criston was many things and a certain level of sageness was part of him. Aemond knew it hadn't necessarily been innate but had been learned and that he could learn the same if he listened closely, thought harder and reflected deeply. He wanted to do all these things and did them regularly.
"Then evil is a construct, designed rather than simply existing without provocation?"
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
❝ the world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair. - Criston to Nimerah?
Nimerah could see the wisdom of that statement but that didn't make it any easier to deal with and accept when adversity challenged them. It was part of life, she knew that, but it still hurt, wounded her perhaps more than most. "It doesn't seem like it today Ser Criston. I wish the raven had borne better news." Nimerah replied, sighing and then swiping her hand through the air as she were trying to dismiss what she had just said.
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
❝ i am sick of my doings being noticed and discussed. ❞     - Aegon (@xdragonsirex ) to Nimerah?
Nimerah nodded, silently agreeing. She could only imagine how that felt. She understood to a degree but Prince Aegon absolutely had it worse than she did. He was held to significantly higher standards than her, scrutinised because he was the first born son of the King.
"Try not to think on it so much Prince. There will always be people watching, you cannot change that, but you can change how it affects you."
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twistedtangledfate · 2 years
❝ what did you blush for? ❞ Aegon to Nimerah?
Not for the first time, Nimerah cursed her body for being so traitorously reactive. It was one of the worst parts of being a woman because, in her experience, men didn't seem to experience it to the same degree. Her father had long bemoaned how obvious it made her seem, that it left her far too open to others. "It's rather warn today isn't it Your Grace? With the heat and such excitement, no wonder I am flushed." She explained, smiling as sweetly as she could, trying to cover it up. The truth was, quite simply put, the men had looked so good that she couldn't resist watching and she had been watching a few in particular and her thoughts had wandered in a direction they shouldn't have, and it had just so happened to be when she was in the company of Prince Aegon.
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bcbliophile · 2 years
@xdragonsirex​ liked for a starter ! Ser Cole & Helaena 
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“I know mother likely asked you to watch after me. . . But I am sure there are hundreds of things you would rather be doing, you don’t have to just sit here and watch me needle point” Helaena was all too use to someone watching her, it came with the title of Princess, but her mother’s personal guard was a new one, she wondered if it had to do with her being left behind while her parents and brother went on a tour of the northern Kingdoms. 
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