#xdz fluff
newestq · 9 months
silence between songs (h. hyeongjun/한형준) — masterlist
synopsis. hyeongjun portrays his feelings through music.
author's note. sorry for the month break </3
wc > 0.422k , genre : fluff/angst , gn!reader
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the room is filled with gentle chords—the occasional piercing screech of fingers readjusting their position feeling your ears. melodies are strummed effortlessly, like they’ve been played countless of times before; flowing smoothly from one note to the next, leaving an almost somber feeling. it's typical for the heaviness of the world to be shown through his guitar—for the worries that have trotted into his mind to find their release through his melancholic tunes.
it's around five in the afternoon, and the sky casts a gray tint to the world, seemingly matching hyeongjun's mood. his bedroom light is off, and his curtains are opened for the light to pass through.
the melody, which had started as a slow-flowing pace, has increasingly sped up, the chords causing your body to become tense.
“wanna talk about it?” you watch from your spot on his bed, the comforter made perfectly underneath your body as your head is laid on his freshly washed pillowcase. he sits at his desk, the lower bout of the guitar facing towards you.
“hm?” the boy turns his head softly, his melody becoming rather syncopated. his eyes meet yours, and you notice his pursed lips; a sign of stress, but also a sign of focus.
“your strums sound sad,” you say, pointing to his guitar. “you only play sad tunes when you’re feeling upset.”
hyeongjun looks down at his guitar, running his fingers softly down the frets. he inhales shakily. “i don’t know how to talk about it.”
sitting up from your position in his bed, you tilt your head to look at him, reaching out to caress his shoulder. you can feel the tension in his body.
“it's okay to not know. talk to me through music.”
hyeongjun's head turns slowly. he gulps, nodding. so, you pull your hand back, watching as hyeongjun gathers his thoughts. Inhaling deeply, he positions his fingers in their starting positions, strumming the first chord.
the same tune from before starts, but this time the build-up is different, and he seems more into it—like he’s sure of the emotions he’s feeling. when he reaches the end, he gulps again, looking up at you with quivering lips. your eyes meet, and you stand to hug him. he places his guitar against his desk, and embraces you tightly, breathing heavily into your chest.
“i'm sorry,” he cries, his tears soaking through your shirt. his grip around you tightens.
“don't be, hyeongjun. please don’t be sorry.” you rub his back as the room is filled with broken sobs.
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i4ksm · 1 year
xdz as romance tropes ! (1/2)
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warnings: slightly suggestive, nothing more
i havent written in forever so this is super last minute and messy im so sorry!
— brother’s best friend/forbidden love
gunil would come over to your house after school alot, but not to see you no way. but your brother. him and your brother who are just a year and a half apart have been best friends since the third grade. seeing him everyday was weird at first. you always had this mindset that oh hes a boy we have to look and act our best around a boy but as you have gotten older you don’t care as much because you trust him and are comfortable around him. but something happened at his and your brother’s graduation party. he looked at you from across the patio with his puppy eyes, as if he was admiring you for the first time ever. anyone would say little specks of love floated around them. from that day foreward it was like you started to move backwards. you started trying to look a little more pretty when you knew you were seeing him, even if it was just for a few seconds. close proximity cause your cheeks and ears to heat up. you found yourself thinking of him often, multuple scenarios, cute ones and even naughty ones. but you always had to shake that feeling because hes your brother’s best friend, and your brother never went a day without reminding him that you were off limits. and even to this day after you have both moved out and moved on you never knew how much he really wanted you. but who knows what the future holds.
— lovers in denial
you and jungsu were so obviously in love it was painful. what was so painful about you? both of you denied it. it started off small, first gunil noticed it. when you joined the band you were a vocalist, so was jungsu so you always like writing harmonies together. but when you woulf sing together you couldnt take your eyes off of eachother. then more and more people started to take notice. and when they did so did you. but the glances and the staring went unspoken about between the two of you. but now is the even worse, pretending like the two of you don’t hold hands under tables or fuck in a closet before practice. nobody understood why the two of you kept denying it. you never talked about it either. its like the two of you were too shy or afraid of commitment, so when the question got asked the two of you would stay silent. everyone knows the two of you are in love, and happy. so yeah its annoying but at least you make eachother insanely happy.
— jealousy/love triangle
jiseok doesnt do live triangles, he told himself if he ever found himself in this exact situation he would back out. but.. its you we are talking about. the one he would stare at while you were focused and he would giggle when you’d do that thing with your tounge when you stick it out a little if you think too hard. how he held your hand when you were anxious, and walked home from school so you felt safe. so jiseok had every right to feel a little bit of fire in his chest when a random guy just a grade above you two made you laugh. he made you laugh, gaon loved your laugh. but he found out he didnt like hearing it if it was because of another guy. so that day while walking you home from school he asked you on a date. you trust jiseok so of course you said yes. and that saturday you went on that date. he decided to ask about this random guy who popped into your life like he was important. the relief he felt when you said you found him annoying. then jiseok made a joke and you laughed, he couldnt help himself. the fact he hated seeing another guy near you, it clouded up his mind so much he realized he needed you to be officially his, and his you became.
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moathoughts · 27 days
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requests are currently: open !
do not copy/translate my work
i will write mostly for skz and txt, however i might write for xdz
i write both sfw and nsfw
i write smut/angst/fluff drabbles/headcannons. i might write full fics eventually but we will see
things i will not write
incest (even step-relationships)
r4pe/S@ (not even sure i’ll write non-con/cnc)
age-gaps (underage)
member x member (maybe on three+ somes though)(im just more of an x reader person so idk how to write member x member)
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tomorrow x together
stray kids
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About Me
my name is wren!
21 years old
go live stay - lee know bias
blue hour moa - beomgyu bias
predebut villain - junhan/gaon bias
many casual groups (mostly bgs)
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i4ksm · 1 year
xdz as romance tropes (2/2) !
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warnings: slightly suggestive
— highschool sweethearts
nobody expects highschool couples to last, you’re just kids figuring out what love is for the first time. that was a worry you had when falling in love with seungmin. he was your first love and youve always heard that you’ll fall in love ao many times. you didnt want that to be the case because seungmin was perfect to you. you met in middle school and were close friends until you started in highschool. you werent sure if you fell in love so hard or if you just thought that was the case because you had never fallen in love before. but the two of you knew you’d do anything for eachother. it wasn’t awkward it was comfortable, it wasnt easy but it was fun. you could never imagine loving anyone else and you didnt have to. because it turns out oh seungmin was your person. after graduating you both did your own thing but never broke up. the two of you were strong enough to last. until he decided he wanted to marry you officially. you never wanted to date to break up and you wouldnt have to worry about it because he was yours forever, and you will always be his.
— unrequited lovers/mutual pining
its a tragic love story thats for sure. when hyunjun first laid eyes on you he couldnt remove them. he studied you anytime he spoke to you. he admired you from afar. but he never had the confidence to tell you. his mind rang with “what if they reject me, laugh at me, or simply dont feel the same” and junhan felt it was better off never knowing. but little did he know you felt the exact same way. he loved the littlest things about him, the face he makes when he concentrates on his guitar or the way his face scrunches when he laughs. the two of you went years pining after eachother. you barley spoke unless it was simple conversation yet you felt like you were falling in love with him. but after a while you moved away, you said goodbye to him hoping he’d tell you to stay. he wanted you to at least tell him something, to let him know he wasnt crazy. but you’d both eventually move on, never knowing what the two of you could’ve been.
— enemies to lovers
hate is a strong word. you didnt hate jooyeon, he didnt hate you either. but it was a very close call. it was little things about him that threw you off, the way he would act cause you to have to literally walk out of the room. but you were extremely stubborn, if jooyeon didnt give you the last word, the two of you would argue for years. but to people on the outside you envied eachother because you wanted eachother. which you thought was silly until you started noticing the good things about him. his pretty pleading galaxy eyes, his wide smile, the way he would hold doors open for you, or put his hand on the corner of a table so you wouldnt hit your head on it. he hated how much he cared about you. jooyeon had no idea why he had an urge to protect you. why he wanted to be around you all the time. you fogged up his mind and he hated it. the hatred would be burned out through the way he’d kiss you, intimacy in all forms between the two of you was strong. now you are inseparable, clingy, now it just annoys people around you.
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newestq · 10 months
everything happens for a reason (k. jungsu/김정수) — masterlist
synopsis — things have seemingly not been going your way, and it's all beginning to take a toll on you. a stranger lends you some comfort and support.
author's note — insanely sorry this took so long. i also want to say that having eye bags, chapped lips, and acne is not at all bad. in the character's opinion, that is how they view these features.
wc > 1.294k , genre : fluff , gn!reader
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lost your job because you stood up for yourself. your cat ran away. your nail broke. everything's going perfectly fine for you. haha. how could things end up being this terrible?
you sigh, leaning your head back against the wall of your bathtub. a nice bath would get your mind off of things, right? oh, how wrong were you.
the silence was actually making you think more of it. besides, bath time was usually when your cat would climb up and accompany you.
there is no cat.
"fuck this," you groan, draining the bath water and stepping out of the tub—goosebumps forming onto your skin upon feeling the brisk air touch your skin. throwing your sweatshirt over your greasy hair, as well as some black puma joggers. facing the mirror above the sink, you take in your appearance; stressed.
eye bags, chapped lips, acne. every worst possible feature. things are surely looking up for you.
gripping the sides of the counter, your head hangs low as you desperately fight the urge to cry. the silence overtakes you again once the water finishes draining.
gulping, you grab your phone to check the time: 12:34am. you shove your phone in your pocket and make your way towards the front door.
you don't know how long you've been walking, but it must've been a while because you find yourself at a park. it's obviously empty at this hour. a single streetlight is keeping the park awake.
reaching the swing-set, you sit on it slowly, the dampness felt through your joggers, but you didn't care. sighing, you slouch as your feet move the swing slightly, never leaving the ground.
it's quiet, but the soft sounds of the wind rustling through the trees is relaxing; therapeutic. closing your eyes, you inhale deeply, releasing a shaky breath.
"you seem stressed."
the voice catches you off guard, your eyes opening quickly. you see the stranger, a man, walking towards you, and take a seat in the swing next to you. his presence is oddly comforting.
"it must be something that was bothering you all day," he says, staring off at whatever was in front of him. he sighs, pursing his lips into a smile as he turns to you; small dimples on display. "when i have days like that, i always remember the saying 'everything happens for a reason.'"
your eyes search his. the dim light from the streetlight allows you to make out most of his face, but it's still hardly visible. his eyes, seemingly dark, hold sincerity. everything happens for a reason.
"whatever happened to you, whatever's been in your head all day, there has to be a reason for it. things don't just happen just to happen."
you hum, leaning onto the chain of the swing. he's looking out again.
"i like to think that our lives are already planned out. that every decision, every obstacle, every... path you cross with others, it was destined. fate, i guess." he turns to you. "like now. here we are, in an empty park, at god knows what time, just talking. what are the odds we both found ourselves at the very same park?"
he smiles after noticing your hesitation. inhaling through his teeth, he leans back into the swing. "i talk too much."
"no," you say, fiddling with the part of the swing that attaches to the chain. "i like hearing you talk. your voice is comforting." he lets out a breath.
"i'm y/n," you say, reaching out a hand. the boy looks at you, the same smile from earlier present on his face. he takes your hand. "jungsu."
"well, jungsu," you start, grabbing your phone from your pocket and opening spotify. "let's let whatever's bothering us subside for now. if everything happens for a reason, then us listening to taylor swift at 1:58am must mean something, right?"
jungsu laughs at your remark. his laugh has so much life in it. "yeah, definitely."
you shuffle your swiftie playlist and toss your phone in the rocks between you and jungsu. gripping the sides of the swing, you rock back and forth.
"i bet i can go higher than you."
jungsu scoffs. "you're on."
and you laughed and talked until the sun joined you both.
it's been two weeks since everything happened, and you're desperately trying to find a new job, and your cat.
you've sent out so many fliers, and every night you walk around calling for him, but he's nowhere.
and your job hunting is getting nowhere. you've saved up the money to set up your own hair salon, but there are no places available for rent, or to buy. working with others isn't an option, obviously. seriously, how did you manage to get yourself in this predicament? you had one fall out with your coworker, and now no one wants to hire you.
groaning, you toss your phone onto your bed. a knock on your door, interrupts your thinking. walking out of your room towards the door, you open the door as they knock again.
"i'm coming, damn, who is it-?"
"hello, i saw your fliers. i found this. . . cat. y/n?"
your eyes shift to his arms. coco.
"coco! oh my goodness! my baby!" you take coco from jungsu's arms and cradle him closely towards you.
"thank you so much, jungsu. i've missed him so much."
jungsu smiles. "yeah, of course. is he the reason you were upset that night?"
you nod. "part of it." he stands there awkwardly. "would you like to come in?"
"if you don't mind."
you motion for him to come in, and lead him towards the kitchen. he takes a seat at your barstool.
"would you like something to drink? eat?"
you nod, fixing him a glass. "so, how've you been? have you fixed the thing that was bothering you?"
he nods, placing the glass down onto the counter. "yeah, things worked out for me. i didn't think being in a band would be that enjoyable."
"oh? a band?"
"long story, but it wasn't my plan to be in one. but like i say, everything happens for a reason-"
"-everything happens for a reason," you overlap.
jungsu smiles. "have you been thinking that way?"
"trying to. it must be true, though, because my cat running away brought us back together again."
"cheers to coco."
you laugh. "cheers to coco."
"what do you do? as a job?"
you sigh, placing coco on the ground, and leaning against the counter.
"should i have not brought that up? i'm sorry."
"no, it's fine. i used to work as a hair stylist, but a lot of shit went down, and now i'm trying to start my own salon, but things aren't working out too good."
"salon?" he asks. "my friend wants to start a salon, but she doesn't have anyone else to help with her."
his eyes widen, a smile on his face. "hey! maybe you could work with her?! i could message her about you, and even give you her number."
"seriously?! you would do that?!"
"obviously. what are friends for?"
you roll your eyes, your smile widening. are you friends?
"i'll do it under one condition, though: you have to dye my hair on my first visit."
you raise a brow, crossing your arms. "that's it?"
"and, you have to accompany me on a date this weekend. if you're free, of course." jungsu smiles, leaning forward slightly.
you bite your lip to try to hide your smile, but ultimately give up once you feel your cheeks heat up.
"okay, deal."
"all right!" he yells, high-fiving you. "can i schedule my appointment now?"
"jungsu, the salon isn't even open."
"there's gonna be a line of costumers. i want to be the first one!"
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newestq · 11 months
put your head on my shoulder (l. jooyeon/이주연) — masterlist
synopsis — you and jooyeon's first sleepover together.
author's note — credits to avery.
wc > 0.451k , genre : fluff , gn!reader , best friend!jooyeon
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it was your and jooyeon’s first sleepover, and he had failed to mention how clingy he gets when he’s tired. sure, he’s clingy on the norm, but he hasn't left your side for the past hour — not even when you would go to the bathroom.
“jooyeon, seriously, you need to chill,” you say, becoming irritated at the constant touch. you both are laid out on your couch, watching titanic on your projector. ( he picked it, not you. )
“why?” he whines, dragging out the word as he pushes himself closer into you, his hair tickling your neck. you have to admit, he’s a little cute right now.
“you’ve been attached to me for so long, dude. my left side is numb.”
“that sounds like a personal problem.”
groaning in annoyance, you try to adjust yourself to have more leverage on your left side, but to no avail, jooyeon scoots closer to you. at this point, you were close to shoving the boy off of you, but the sudden silence made you suspicious.
tilting your head to look at the boy, you notice his eyes struggling to stay open. he has a soft smile on his lips. “this is my favorite part.”
your eyes shift to the projected movie — seeing jack seated at the table with all of the rich people, talking about his view on life. of course he likes this part.
“i have the same mindset,” he says, slurring his words. “make each day. . . count.”
glancing at him again, his eyes have now closed and his mouth is open slightly. a smile finds its way onto your face. he is cute.
you turn back to the tv and realize the movie's only 40 minutes in. did he even realize how long it is?
jooyeon moves by your side, and you feel him getting closer.
“y/n, let’s lay down,” he says, sitting straight up from his spot, finally leaving your side. without answering, you shift your position, laying down now with your legs between jooyeon’s legs; him straddling your legs. when you're comfortable, he lays down on top of you — his face in the crook of your neck.
you can smell his shampoo; coconut and sandalwood. it's oddly comforting. your fingers lift to his hair — running them through his strands gently, while your other hand is rubbing his back.
he needed this.
jooyeon was explaining to you earlier how stressed he was with rehearsal, and how he felt he wasn't improving. but you know he was, he gets better every time he plays.
with his breathing steady on your neck, and his heart beating against your chest, you find yourself drifting to sleep with the thought of him on your mind.
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newestq · 11 months
romantic tropes (xdinary heroes/엑스디너리 히어로즈) — masterlist
synopsis — xdinary heroes as romantic tropes. !! implied sexual content !!
author's notes — jun han's is short but it's my absolute favorite :(
gn!reader , fem!reader for gunil , wc > 2.110k , genre : fluff
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⊹ GUNIL 건일 — second chance
𐙚 you two had known each other while he lived in the states, having attended the same college
𐙚 it was no secret that you were best friends — everyone on campus pretty much knew of this. wherever you were, gunil was; vice versa.
𐙚 as much as the two of you considered yourselves friends, there was always tension — a strong desire to become something more.
𐙚 but as stubborn as he is, he never acted on it.
𐙚 as scared as you were, you never acted on it.
𐙚 and when you finally deemed yourself ready, it was too late. gunil had moved on with his life — moving to korea to follow his dream.
𐙚 it wasn't easy to forget about each other. gunil often found himself writing love poems about you. ( he never realized you had liked him back. ) and you often found yourself creating rhythms based solely on his heartbeat. ( you remember it vividly. you might actually be in love with him. )
𐙚 as hard as it was to forget, you can't stay strung up on someone you no longer have contact with. and so you forget.
𐙚 you had finally gotten over him ( or so you thought. )
𐙚 and then two years later, while you were working your part-time job, things that you've tried to forget — to push away to the very deep ends of your mind — anything and everything that reminded you of your first love, it all gives you whiplash.
𐙚 because gunil is here. after two years.
𐙚 he's looking through guitars while conversing with someone. you can't bring yourself to walk over to him, but you can't seem to tear your eyes away from him, either.
𐙚 inhaling deeply, you avert your attention, occupying yourself with the stack of magazines piled messily on the shelf.
𐙚 it's of no use, though, as you notice him walking towards you. your chest tightens.
𐙚 "excuse me, is it okay if–" when your eyes meet, he loses his train of thought. he wasn't even sure what year it was. you looked just as you did when he left; mesmerizing.
𐙚 "y-y/n. . ." he gulps. gunil's hands are noticeably shaking, and it's obvious your eyes are welling up with tears.
𐙚 "gunil," you say, controlling your voice the best you can. even if it comes out as a whisper.
𐙚 without much thought, he pulls you into him, hugging you tightly — almost as if you'll disappear if he lets go. you reciprocate. you told yourself the next time you saw him, you would yell at him; insult him and tell him you never want to see him again.
𐙚 but here you are, enjoying his touch, enjoying his warmth. your mind repeating gunil, gunil, gunil, on repeat. you missed him.
𐙚 "y/n, i can't– i shouldn't have– oh my god, i've missed you so fucking much."
𐙚 and the tears fall. his grip tightens around you, and you feel the wetness on your shoulder. gunil's crying, too.
𐙚 when the two of you finally do pull away, the smile on his face is an image you remember vividly of him. that same charismatic smile that had you falling for him the first time, past tense, and has you falling for him a second time, present tense.
𐙚 "i missed my chance the first time, so i'm going to tell you now. even if it's too late." gunil takes a deep breath, gently taking your hands into his.
𐙚 "y/n, i'm in love with you. i've been in love with you ever since you took care of me that one time i was really drunk, and you helped me clean my own throw up off of me, and fixed me a bubble bath, and sat there while i talked out of my ass. i knew then, that if you were stupid enough to sit through that, then i was stupid enough to want that every day. i know this is a 50/50 chance of you either feeling the same, or completely hating my guts. okay, maybe not hating me since you hugged me back, and you started crying, so maybe the chance of you liking me is higher than–"
𐙚 you kiss him.
𐙚 you kissed him.
𐙚 gunil's first love, kissed him.
𐙚 and he kisses back.
𐙚 because he's wanted this for so long. he's dreamt of this moment so many times.
𐙚 when he pulls away, you smile at his stunned expression.
𐙚 "as much as i love hearing you talk, you started rambling."
𐙚 he lets out a breathy laugh at this, smiling widely. his eyes meet yours, and he tilts his head.
𐙚 "so, does that mean you like me?"
⊹ jungsu — forbidden love
𐙚 for many, when joining a company to become an idol, it includes giving up many things ordinary people get to experience. that includes relationships.
𐙚 and jungsu was set on that. he wasn't the person to go out much, anyway, so how would he fall in love?
𐙚 . . .
𐙚 he isn't sure what happened, but here he is, sneaking you into his dorm during the late hours of the night.
𐙚 it wasn't what he intended doing — he planned to take you on a cute picnic by han river. but with his band's rise in popularity, he couldn't risk being seen.
𐙚 so he took you to his home, instead; a cute picnic date in his living room while hyeongjun was fast asleep on the couch.
𐙚 "we have to be quiet. junnie's a sensitive sleeper," he whispers, unable to hide his smile.
𐙚 "i feel like a teenager again," you say. "this is the feeling i used to get when sneaking out of the house."
𐙚 jungsu's eyes widen at your words. "you snuck out?!"
𐙚 you roll your eyes, hitting his arm. "you sneaking me in is the equivalent of that."
𐙚 he laughs, but is quick to cover his hands over his mouth. upon hearing movement, you turn to see hyeongjun adjusting his position.
𐙚 the two of you continue your date, feeding each other fruits, and whispering to each other. jungsu's laugh stirred hyeongjun's sleep quite a bit.
𐙚 and these secret dates of yours continued. you'd show up to their dorm with food, and then you and jungsu would distance yourselves from the others whilst you ate and caught up.
𐙚 sometimes, if you were feeling brave, you'd go during their rehearsal break. ( though even the members were scared of you doing that. )
𐙚 the constant adrenaline of sneaking around with each others became exhilarating — it made you both anticipate seeing each other more.
𐙚it was all fun and games.
𐙚until y'all found out y'all weren't so secretive after all.
⊹ jiseok : gaon — fake relationship
it started off as a joke. jooyeon had just gotten into a relationship, and he was poking fun at jiseok because he was still single, and to make his pride feel better, he blurted out that you two were dating.
"i'm actually in a relationship, dumbass."
"oh, yeah? who?"
". . . y/n."
shock all way 'round. like how did y'all end up together?
seungmin actually didn't believe it, and he wanted confirmation by seeing the two of you together.
again, for his pride, jiseok said he was going to invite you over just to prove it.
and that he did. but it was insanely awkward.
"ha! seungminnie was right, you guys aren't dating." jooyeon smiles victoriously, having seemingly won their argument from the day prior.
"no, we are dating! i swear!"
hyeongjun raises a brow at this. "you've been avoiding them, what do you mean?"
then that starts another argument between them. at this point, you're tired of hearing it, so you lean over to jiseok — grabbing his face with your hands, and planting your lips onto his.
jungsu lets out a noise of surprise at your actions.
jiseok's eyes widen, and even when you return to your spot and continue eating, his eyes are still wide.
"why're you so shocked, bro?" gunil asks, a smirk present on his lips.
"because, you know," he clears his throat. "that was sudden."
that night, he walked you home and brought up the kiss.
"i figured the only way to convince them was to kiss you," you say, tilting your head. "why? did i make you uncomfortable?"
"no!" jiseok says, a little too loud ( and quickly. ) he fixes his posture slightly, avoiding your eyes. "i mean no, you didn't make me uncomfortable."
"good," you say, kissing his cheek. "see you tomorrow, baby."
when you walk inside, he buries his face into his hands, internally screaming.
⊹ seungmin : o.de — strangers to lovers
seungmin should've been more considerate when going out that day. he should've brought his bag like he normally does. he should've bought what his actually needed instead of window shopping. and he should've most definitely checked the weather forecast.
because it's pouring, and he rushes into the nearest building — which happened to be your shop.
"hello?" you ask, wondering why someone entered when your sign says 'closed.'
when the stranger doesn't answer back, you walk over towards the front of the shop when he spots you.
"oh, hello," he waves gently. "if it's not a bother, could i stay here until the rain dies down. i don't have an umbrella."
upon seeing his wet clothes, and the heavy rain from the see through doors, you nod. luckily, he walked into the right place in this predicament — a clothing store.
you sell your own brand here; clothing and accessories.
you analyze the awkward man from your spot, trying to figure out what his style is.
"wait here," you say, and walk to the back of your shop — where you keep your extra clothing items.
you pick out black shorts, and a black and white sleeveless vest. when you return to him, you hand him the clothes. "here."
the stranger looks at you with furrowed brows.
"you're soaked. change into this so you don't catch a cold." you showed him the way to the dressing room.
when he finished, you provided him some cookies and milk.
"this is all i have for now." he nods, happily accepting the food.
the two of you are awkward at first, but then he makes a comment on your outfit selection choice, and that strikes into an everlasting conversation.
neither of you had realized that the rain had stopped, and the sun had began to set. it didn't dawn on either of you until seungmin's phone started ringing, and jiseok was frantically asking for his whereabouts and if he had gotten sucked into a drain with penny wise.
though neither of you wanted to leave each other's presence, you couldn't stay in the shop forever.
"i didn't catch your name," he says turning to you just as he opens the door to leave.
"y/n," he smiles. "i'm seungmin."
"seungmin." you copy.
the day after, seungmin shows up to your shop again. then the day after that, and the day after that, and so forth.
and as they say, the rest is history.
⊹ hyeongjun : jun han — soulmates
it was clear for anyone to see.
you and hyeongjun completed each other.
your love was a puzzle, and each kiss, each touch, each nickname, each late night spent together, each complimentary personality trait fit together so perfectly, it was almost terrifying.
and as you two lay awake in the warm toned room lit up from fairy lights, you connect more pieces to the puzzle.
his lips on every part of you — your hands on every inch of him.
his nose crinkles when he smiles at you, his teeth on view. resting his forehead against yours, he whispers those three words softly.
and you say them back, connecting the final piece of your first puzzle.
⊹ jooyeon — oblivious to love
jooyeon would have never thought that what he feels for you is love.
he would have never thought that holding your hand would give him goosebumps and makes his palms sweaty.
he would have never thought that the sound of your voice would calm him down immensely.
he would have never thought that just by looking at you, he's a smiley, blushing mess.
he would have never thought that your mere presence would cause a literal zoo in his stomach.
he would have never thought that you would appear his his mind before he sleeps, seemingly calming his insomnia.
he would have never thought that he would be excited to see your name pop up on his notifications.
he would have never thought that cuddling with you eased his anxious feelings.
he would have never thought that he would get used to your smell, and could pinpoint if you were there.
he would have never thought that he would picture you in his future.
he would have never thought that he would be in love.
because to jooyeon, he isn't. your his best friend. everyone feels that way with their best friends.
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newestq · 11 months
xdinary heroes — masterlist
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𐙚 nothing yet!
𐙚 everything happens for a reason
𐙚 nothing yet!
O.DE 오드
𐙚 two strangers
𐙚 silence between songs
𐙚 put your head on my shoulder
𐙚 romantic tropes
𐙚 seeing their music on your airbuds (hyung)
𐙚 seeing their music on your airbuds (maknae)
𐙚 leaving your flat iron on
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i4ksm · 1 year
christmas with xdinary heroes
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warnings: none, just christmas fluff
summary: bf!xdz x gn!reader scenarios
— gunil loves being in the snow, he even has snowball fighting listed as one of his talents. so when the snow starts piling up outside in the parks he must take you to play in the snow!! from snowball fights, snow angels and building snowmen; you both spend what feels like hours just giggling and playing in the snow. of course gunil cares about your health and his own so you must return home shortly, warming up in your matching christmas pajamas and sitting in front of the fireplace. "we don't want you getting sick now do we?" he says embracing you in his arms. while warming up in each other's arms you scroll through the videos you took of each other and laugh at them, even sending them to the other members. this ended up becoming a weekly weekend tradition for as long as it snows!!
— you and jungsu would want to bake and decorate pretty christmas cookies. you'd have an assortment of cookie cutters, the process itself would be a lot of fun, at some point you'd be throwing flour around and dotting icing on each other's noses. you laughed at how funny the cookies looked going into the oven. surprisingly you didn't burn the dorm down and the cookies were actually good. at the end of the night the two of you sat down on the piano bench, head rested on jungsu's shoulder. "we did good today, you tired honey?" you'd nod while chewing on the last cookie of the night. he would start playing a pretty christmas song on the piano and sing you softly to sleep. of course jungsu would be the person to carry you to bed and clean up the mess the two of you made in the kitchen!
— gaon might not be big on the decorating agenda but you were, and he loved seeing you get excited when the tree is put up. you'd buy ornaments that match the theme of the rest of the dorm's decor. the two of you would pick out a christmas movie, preferably a funny one that you can both laugh at to watch. you had a specific vision of what you want the living area to look like, so you spent a lot of time on little details. jiseok just liked admiring you, your face of concentration and the way your eyes lit up when you turned the lights on made him smile. " i don't know is it too much?" you stood back looking at the finished project. "never" he says, placing a kiss on your forehead. the two of you would cuddle on the couch and finish your christmas comedy, excited to see what the rest of the members thought when they got home!!!
— seungmin loves skiing, but you had never gone before. he knew you were scared, but he was gonna be there every step of the way to help you. at some point you convinced him to go on the ski lift to take a break from learning. taking pictures and enjoying the view ended quickly when you made it back down on the ground. "seungmin i cant do it" you pout. "yes you can, i'll be right next to you the whole time i promise" he grabbed onto your hand and he kept his promise, not letting go until you made it to the bottom of the hill without falling. you giggled, thinking your previous fear was silly. "i'm so proud of you honey" o.de smiles, before you end back on the ski lift. after leaving you decide on a hot pot date, a meal to warm the two of you up, which he paid for as an award for successfully learning to ski!!
— junhan likes to build things so how could you not spend time building gingerbread houses? you bought kits that came with icing and assortments of candy. you sat next to each other quietly decorating while music played in the background. hyungjun decided to also take polaroids in a way to remember this exact moment. "just pretend i'm not here" he giggles taking a photo of you in focus and another of you smiling. "i'll keep it in here" he says, putting the small polaroid in his phone case. "well i want one too!" you smile, taking the camera from him and snapping one of him, which you awed over and also placed in your phone case. you finished your houses, which both looked very different and decided to get the members to vote which one they liked the best, your house won.
— you and jooyeon went to see christmas lights, there were many places to drive through and he took you through as many as he could. at one point he looked at you and you looked as if you'd never seen christmas lights before, you were in such awe of them, as he was in awe of you. "okay okay early christmas present i cant contain it any longer" he says reaching behind the seat and pulled out a bag. you were confused "jooyeon you don't have to" your head shook. "yeah i know, i just really want to." you slowly pulled a box out from the bag, which was obviously a necklace box. you lifted the lid and a very specific necklace you wanted for so long, but didn't have the money for, laid inside. "yeonie, what? you didn't have to buy this for me! its too much!" he shook his head, "yes i did" he smiled, pulling you forward for his lips to land on yours. the necklace would never leave your neck, ever.
tags: @tentenharuno @hit0shiix @heart-lollypop
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