krunglez · 9 months
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Proposed Grass/Ground starter designs for Hazard100's Pokemon Machina/Arcana setting. These are from the start of the summer.
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spidermilkshake · 1 year
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Ancardia's Unusual Animals--the Tarasque
Classification: Beast (xenarthan)
Habitat: Forested and grassy valleys among Tvearban and the Northern Drakalors.
            While widely reviled as a destructive and hideous monster in many old texts of the Hruunding, in modern times it is understood that the Tarasque is a relatively docile herbivorous relative of the anteaters and sloths of the Southern hemisphere which is only dangerous for its great size compared to other animals. The tarasque usually measures from 2.5 to 2.9 meters from head to tailtip and it usually weighs around 1,400 pounds due to its heavy armoring and thick bone structure. It spends much of its time browsing on legumes, tall grasses, and sometimes rearing higher to reach the branches of low maple and poplar trees. It is for most of the year a solitary beast, only migrating many miles at its own slow pace in the late autumn to find a suitable mate before entering a torpor state for about four weeks in a burrowed den or snow drift to wake to either a heavily-pregnant mate or a mate with a group of 3 to 6 newborn pups. The mother cares for the pups for the first four weeks or until they are successfully weaned, at which point the pups will all follow the father and rely upon him entirely for care. The father gathers new shoots and edible flowers for them in the spring as well as teaching the pups to socialize properly with other tarasque, and while the young tarasque grow more independent once they reach six months, the still return at various times to socialize and learn additional food sources from the parents.
            The tarasque is now understood to be a seclusive and skittish herbivore (and not the rampaging monstrous carnivore it was once believed to be), mostly feeding on long grasses, heather, clover species and wild cranberry and dewberry fruits. It is also noted to enjoy vetches and the kudzu plant which, introduced from the Sivdoth Islands as an ornamental, threatens at some times to take over entire Akimmian towns in the southern areas. Tarasque are, in fact, not so difficult to tame as legends would suggest, and there is a booming business among the river hurthlings of Akimmia to trade tame Tarasque into the Buldar region to be a kudzu control animal in exchange for viable pack beasts like donkeys, desert ponies, and the odd camel. Wild tarasque are largely found mostly just south of Tvearban, where they feed mostly on Ice Age grasses and shrubs in between lands claimed mostly by mammoth and other arctic megafauna.
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obj-brio · 1 year
What would you do if your lab was infested with anteaters who are the size of a postage stamp?
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Well-- I-I mean-- it depends. Are these-- are these regulah anteaters that, ah, I don't know, got sh-SH-shrunk down somehow? O-or are they a-- a, a, a whole as-of-yet undiscovered species of i-impossibly small anteatah? And, and in that case, I mean-- I mean how-- how did that-- h-how did they, ah, evah get to be like that? W-wh-what kind of environmental pressures would evah cause such a-- such an a-a-ABSURD case a' phyletic dwarfism, in-- in anteatahs?? And are they really xenarthans, or-- or are they some c-c-completely unrelated animal whose physiology just s-sS-s-superficially RESEMBLES an anteatah? That-- I-I could maybe wrap my head around that a little more easily. B-b-but then it still begs the question of what kind of environmental pressures are pushin' some, ah, some sorta tiny mammal towards c-c-Ck-convergent evolution with-- wh-what purpose would anatomical features like the, the, the snout, the tongue, y-y'know-- do they still serve the same purpose at that scale? Does it still eat ants? A-actually, didja know anteatahs don't even eat that many a
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ipixelos · 5 years
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Xenarthan War Ritual [analog]
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The Nine-Banded Armadillo
Our relatively new neighbor
The nine-banded armadillo is the only armadillo species that can be found in Tennessee. The animal just found its way to the sate in the last 30 years and before that it was not a native species to North America. They can be found all throughout Tennessee except for in the eastern part of the state. Its closest relative is the anteater, which has a very similar body shape with a long tail and a long snout.
There are about 21 different species of armadillos living in South America, and the nine-banded armadillo is the only species that has migrated its way to North America. Armadillos are considered one of the most wide-ranging species in the world, with their range now expanded to southern parts of Illinois all the way down to the southern most point of Patagonia. One study suggests that not only has their migration range increased over the years, but the pace at which they are migrating has increased as well.
For tips on armadillo removal, visit Patriot Wildlife Control.
Nine-Banded Armadillo
The Nine Banded Armadillo is an unusual looking animal and have only reached Tennessee in the last thirty years or so, but their range continues to expand.They occur across the state except in eastern Tennessee.
Its closest relative is the anteater, which has a similar shape; long tail and snout. Heavily armored, the only exposed skin is on the under belly, which is protected when the animal curls into a tight ball (when threatened). Read more
Summary: The nine-banded armadillo is the only armadillo species that can be found in Tennessee. The animal just found its way to the sate in the last 30 years.
Armadillos finding a happy home in Tennessee
Although 21 species of armadillos live in South America and never leave, one kind—the nine-banded armadillo— has made it all the way to the U.S., the only one to make it so far north. “They have a huge range, from as far north as southern Illinois all the way down to the tip of Patagonia.
They’re one of the most wide-ranging mammals on the planet,” says Tim Gaudin, senior associate department head in biology, geology and environmental science and an expert on armadillos, a branch of the Xenarthan group of mammals which also includes anteaters and sloths. See more
Summary: There are about 21 different species of armadillos living in South America, and the nine-banded armadillo is the only species that has migrated its way to North America. Armadillos are considered one of the most wide-ranging species in the world.
Post Source Here: The Nine-Banded Armadillo
from Patriot Wildlife Control Serving Collierville & Germantown TN (901) 287-1932 - Feed https://patriotwildlifecontrol.com/the-nine-banded-armadillo/
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o-flynn-o · 6 years
The Littlest Giant
Development notes- (01/31/2018) The idea came this morning as I was just waking. About what's happened in the last few years to change my life. Having odd moments of simple profound thoughts about things. Having odd days too, like noticing I feel particularly tall for my stature. Soon following with a, "Wait, what? Nah, that's not right." Like little kids who say the darndest things and often surprise grown ups with their simple profound understanding. Well I felt tall today. As thoughts wander, about life and all the other "giants" in this world. So many strong, accomplished, wonderfully talented people. Where do I fit in? How do I find my place? How do I accomplish great things with what I've been given? The opening inspired by something my mom & Grandmother used to say to us when we were little. Whenever there was a thunderstorm they'd chime,"The giants are dropping their potatoes!" You know, so that we wouldn't be afraid of the sometimes unbelievably loud claps of thunder with the crazy storm season in Kansas. Somewhere in there was a vague memory of how my dad liked the story with the magic beans. In my mind distantly hear him say that line, like something from a long time ago... Here's an outline of the story so far.- Starts in modern time soothing her child about being bullied. Tells them a story on a scary stormy night...*Blending voices shifting to Jack.* -Jack now an old man telling the story to his grandchildren of how he once met a giant. -Society and setting- Arc de Triomphe aerial photo is the template for the giant community. The palace being at the foot of one of the mountains? So the queen's clothing makes sense? Dress in this society like the reverse of birds? The women are more intricately dressed because they are viewed with love, as something precious. Except for the king and queen that are arrayed equally. They have tops of mountains as their source of freshwater. Streams flow down into the community. It comes to them cold. So crisp cool drinking water. Warm water basins lined with copper are scattered throughout the city. Water heralds usher the water to the basins that send water warmed by the sun into a plumbing system for the citizens. (There may be easier ways but this will make an interesting visual element, that still makes sense.) It is also cold up around the mountains and great pillars. The boundaries of the city are capped by several mammoth cloud pillars. A relatively simple society. They have a planting season and harvest season. We come into the story at the beginning of their harvest season. Where we see some of Charle's issues emerge. The beginning/source of their resources tied to earth and humans? The giants used to help humans, but some event caused things to change. If there are ever great catastrophes they come down to help. Kind of like a sasquatch sighting. It's a thing of legend. What about the beans? Obviously there are beans and they are magical, but in this world ONLY for emergencies. Kept under guard. Being in the human world is forbidden. Earth 1900's. The industrial revolution. Wanted to have a positive spin on it. The reality of that time was heavy. Jack, one of our main characters is a newsboy. I would like to have young people selling newspapers and maybe delivering milk. Something encouraging productivity and the value of work. Making it a staple for Jack's father to tell Jack how proud he is throughout the story. Jack also has a little savings jar of his own from his paper boy job. The Xen invade to take over their city and resources. They are faster giving them the upper hand in combat. (The king is the most formidable. They have to team up to take him down.) The city is easily taken. They are peaceful. They've never faced anything like this before. The people are captive and afraid. Charle is the only one small enough to sneak out undetected. Her father supplies her with a map of earth to a secret weapon. With a stone sypher. (I wanted so badly to nod to The Goonies on this one. Man I love that movie.) Supplying her with the magic beans.When she gets to earth it's a dark stormy night. She meets jack and later his siblings/&friends? The weapon to defeat/contain? them is hidden in a mountain. They have the weapon from someone in their community that had come across these creatures long before. Characters are able to offer an exchange, also a bonding experience, of a piece of info to help the other think their way around the problem. Helping each other solve one another's struggle. Overall plot more so about jack making a friend and Charlie saving her people. At first they keep Charle a secret. Also encouraging being forthcoming and honest Jack tells his parents the truth. Trusting Jack and this group of children with responsibility to set out on this adventure on their own. Somehow it looks like the magic beans have all been destroyed and she'll be stuck. Then finds one in a sack or the folds of clothing, or a tiny overlooked pocket. Maybe Jack has it and debates on telling her, because he'll miss her. Once she leaves she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to come back. *End- Cut back to the current storyteller. The story is done they kiss their "goodnights". One of the little kids sneaks out of bed to peek at the thunder out the window and sees a shadow of a giant in the clouds. -Fin- -I've started character sketches and some environments partially finished. Will post as I finish each piece. Here are all of the rest of my random thoughts and notes for this property.- Was thinking about making this all modern, but one of the important parts is the "visualization". Kids using their imagination. That spark of a fantasy story. Main characher- Charlemagne. Charle for short. (I thought it'd be funny to name her after the font that I used for the title. Turned out to be a pretty great idea.  ) Look- A young girl of spanish looking ethnicity. (More closely modeled after a uniquely beautiful waitress that recently took care of us at a local mexican restaurant. She may have also been cuban, puerto rican, or some descendant of South America.) Medium complexion, green hazel with brown speckles, curly wavy medium length hair. Main costume throughout the story, first thought, color combo of Superman and the flag of Mexico. A viking-esque community because they're all giants? ...like classic Disney has portrayed? Maybe, try to find more inspiration in unlikely places... *Decided on making something unique by blending inspiration from everywhere. *Possible conflicts- 1)Taking from the idea of "Storm Giants" that was already on the table. Seeing the concept art made me think of Hercules. I could understand how that might not work since it was already done. With my interest in other cultures and a little looking the name Xenarthra/Xenarthan sounded interesting shortened to Xen. Xen, have become strangers or alien to their own kind (Nef/Neph/Nephalos= Cloud people) and taken on traits of Raiju. Feeling the need to keep it simple and light they can be called Xen, with only the history of the city's brief explanation. Under the premise that mystery makes things more interesting. (Jack/Jackson, normal look or slender and goofy? Playing on they share awkwardness and being out of place. Both about the same age 14-15.) (their goodbye can be a very "face burying" type of hug? As opposed to the usual prince princess kiss stuff? Maybe a kiss on the cheek. We'll see.) (Catchphrase/Marketing?) Awkward and unaware of her potential. Always a little too small, not quite knowing what to do... Soon she would find the gift of the strength of her heart and the ingenuity to change her world. Even though she was small...she will find out... she is indeed... a giant. *The opening rif from "Little Wonders" for ads. It's hopeful and friendly. Maybe a cover by an artist that has been popular with kids or younger people recently. (Maybe justin Beibs?) Other trailer music- Marcus Warner- Africa? Side notes: "...To change her world." There are different applications and understandings of what someone's "world" is; It could be their mind, their feelings, their house/home, their country, or making an impact internationally with inventions designs and concepts to further society and for the greater good of helping humanity. Casting notes- Jack- Zac Efron or Sean Astin, King of the Neph- Dave Bautista, Charle- (I like Alessia Cara for the musical parts. Reference for that is her performance of "How Far I'll Go", from Moana. Otherwise not sure yet.) For more draw and power behind it, maybe Glen Keane would be willing to lend his hand to this project? For the sake of helping these people.
I woke up intending to write this as a book. Thoughts started to trickle in about the cancelled Disney project "Gigantic". Even though it was originally intended to be a different product, it could serve a good purpose as an elevator pitch to Disney. They cancelled the project. This different take may be just what they need to make it work. I've also had trouble getting things organised for Heart it. There is a great need for help in Puerto Rico. A corporation like Disney would be able to draw the profit to donate some of the proceeds and possibly continue helping with a percentage of dvds, digital downloads, and merchandise.
I wanted to be able to develop it, for it to be more finished. I'm going to continue working on as many designs as I can giving every idea I've had for this project to date. The only reason I could see it as okay to give the base that I have now is time. Every week, every day, is a day longer they're without power and necessities. Started immediately. With fundraising during the making of. I have selected the copyright so not just anyone can take it. I'd like to gift this to the Walt Disney corporation for the intent and purpose of helping Puerto Rico. I would also like to be considered for future employment. -A project dedicated to my Heavenly Father- Thank You for enabling me to be a giant in spirit and blessing me with the ability to accomplish the impossible.-
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