#xeno wingfield oneshot
heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Through a Mirror- ensemble
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Recovery date: July 5th, 2023
Description: Request by huntersmoon1 on tumblr: I have been inspired by inuyasha/yashahime! Can I request a scenario for tsukasa shishio as a demon (I’ll let you choose what kind of demon he is) in inuyashas world with his young half demon daughter. They get sucked through a portal into the stone world where Senku and the crew are (after stone world tsukasa gets revived) and demon tsukasa and his daughter meet stone world tsukasa and company.
Notes: This entry was recovered in conjunction with @huntersmoon1, we thank them for their contribution.
Word count: 996
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There is a theory that every decision spawns a new universe. These are called parallel universes, and if each decision spawns a new one they should, in theory, slowly become unique universes. For example, if Chrome throws a rock at Kohaku there is a universe where he doesn’t, and a universe where she throws the rock at him, and a universe where they don’t even exist.
Tsukasa thought drunk Senku was making things up. Maybe spent a bit too much time with Gen. How did he go from Chrome not throwing a rock to Chrome and Kohaku not existing? The scientist had passed out before he could ask, and Tsukasa didn’t care enough to ask later.
He’s starting to think he maybe should have.
“And this… machine… brought us here?”
“We’re still trying to figure out how,” Xeno said, flipping through his clipboard, “it was only designed to transfer data. Bringing physical beings here is a complete anomaly.”
Xeno looked up at the man and noticed Tsukasa out of the corner of his eye. He waved him over. “Tsukasa, thank you for coming.”
The man’s ears twitched, and his tail flicked aggressively, as he turned around to see the new arrival. His ears quickly flattened against his head, as he took up a defensive pose that Tsukasa matched just as quickly.
Xeno, who’d turned back to his clipboard, completely ignored the two as he spoke again.
“Tsukasa Shishio the human, meet Tsukasa Shishio the demon. Tsukasa Shishio the demon, meet Tsukasa Shishio the human.” He paused, looked up at something behind the demon Tsukasa, and spoke again, “Mirai, meet human Tsukasa.”
A young girl cautiously poked her head around the demon Tsukasa. The demon placed one hand protectively on her arm, keeping her tucked behind him, even as the human Tsukasa dropped his guard. Mirai gave a small wave before clutching Tsukasa’s cloak and hiding her face in it.
“Oh, Tsukasa, I see you’ve met our new friends,” Senku said, strolling up to them with a yawn.
“I suppose there’s an explanation for this?” Tsukasa asked, waving at the two doppelgangers.
Now that was a word he never thought Senku would use.
“Magic?” Tsukasa raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “Can’t everything be explained with science?”
“Different universe, different rules.” Senku shrugged. “Anyways, you’re on diplomatic duty today. No one knows you, better than you after all.”
Without any further explanation, the two scientists headed off and left the three alone.
Tsukasa tried to look around the other Tsukasa, only for his view of Mirai to be blocked by the man’s tail. Mirai, in turn, went up on her toes to look over it, her ears twitching curiously. She stared at him intently for a moment before looking up at the demon Tsukasa.
“Papa,” Tsukasa’s eyes widened before scrunching up in confusion, “he smells like you.”
“So, she’s your sister in this world?” Shishio, the demon Tsukasa, asked, watching as his daughter and the other Mirai hunted for shells along the shore.
Suika had joined them, letting Chalk dig around in the mud and find hidden shells for the girls. She was positively thrilled at the idea of watching two Mirai’s as the two Tsukasa’s talked.
The human Tsukasa nodded. “And she’s your daughter?” Shishio nodded, watching as his daughter squealed and threw a shell as a crab crawled out. The two chuckled. “And her mother…”
He wasn’t really sure what he was asking. Was it someone he knew in this world? Did anyone from this stone world even exist in the other world? Maybe Mirai’s mother wasn’t even alive anymore.
“Never mi-”
“She’s no longer with us. She was human, and believe it or not Mirai is almost five hundred years old.”
“My sister is over three thousand, appearances can be deceiving.”
“For a world lacking in magic, it is quite impressive.” His light tone turned solemn as he asked, “Your Senku, how much faith do you have in him?”
“I owe him my life, he will do everything he can to return you both to your world.”
“Very well.” They fell into silence for a moment, watching the run away from the tide as it washed back up, before Shishio made another point. “This,” he waved at the two Mirais, “is incredibly strange.”
“Most definitely.” Tsukasa agreed, before the two started laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
“Big brother!” Mirai, the stone world Mirai, yelled, waving at the two. “Come play with us!”
By dinner time the two girls, and Suika, were completely exhausted to the point they were falling asleep at their table. They would slowly slump down until their heads knocked against each other and they startled awake again. Shishio had already draped his cloak around them, like a blanket, to keep the cool evening air out.
Tsukasa was pretty sure the half-demon Mirai was purring.
“They're so cute,” Ginro cooed, and startled the Mirais awake again, earning himself an elbow to the side from Kinro and a shush from Minami.
“If you’d like I can take them to bed,” Francois offered, removing their apron as they returned from delivering meals to the scientists.
“It’s alright, we’ll take them in a minute.”
“You know,” Yuzuriha said, “seeing you all fatherly isn’t as weird as I thought it would be.” The sharp look from the two Tsukasa’s made her jump as she rushed to explain herself. “I-I mean you take su-such good care of Mirai, I didn’t mean anything bad I swear.”
“She’s right,” Minami hummed, resting her chin on her palm. “It’s cute.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Tsukasa notices Shishio’s ears turn slightly red. Oh, he feels his face heat up as he coughs awkwardly.
“I think we should get these two to bed.”
“But you aren’t done your dinner?”
“It’s fine,” Tsukasa said, scooping his sister up as Shishio picked up his daughter with a  chuckle.
“If they aren’t gonna finish this, can I?”
“Ginro have some manners.”
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nishayuro · 8 months
✿Dr.Stone Masterlist✿
A/N: Here is the masterlist for my works for Dr. Stone please do tell me if there is something wrong with the links.
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Fluff (🥰), Hurt/Comfort (💕), Crack (😂), Angst (😭),
Headcanons (H), Oneshots (O), Fics (F),
WIP (✏️), Completed (🔒), Nisha’s Favourite (❣️)
➸ Masterlist
Ishigami Senku
Nanami Ryusui
Saionji Ukyo
Asagiri Gen
Nanami Sai
- Sai with a crush on reader in the stone world (🥰, H, O)
- Sai with a cosplayer s/o (🥰, H, O)
Stanley Snyder
- Celebrating his S/O's Birthday (🥰, H) - Stanley as your Mentor (🥰,😭, H, O) -Stanley with a teenage crush (🥰, O) -Being Stanley's Best friend (🥰, H, O)
-Stanley's Birthday (🥰, O) - StanXeno with a terminally ill lover (🥰,😭, H, O) -Stanley Fluff Headcanons (🥰, H)
Xeno Houston Wingfield
- StanXeno with a terminally ill lover (🥰,😭, H, O)
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