obligate-parasite · 5 months
The process of exposing a suspected host/infected tissue to a vector, and then examining the vector for signs of the pathogen to perform diagnosis.
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what-yadoking-likes · 2 years
The ABCs of Payday - Q&A edition
You can either answer all of these yourself & tag people to also complete it, or you can RB and your followers can pick a letter and you answer. Or you can just do nothing that's cool too ig.
A is for ALESSO: favourite track?
B is for BALDWIN'S LAMENT: any regrets or things you wish were different about the game/story?
C is for CONTRACTORS: favourite contractor and why?
D is for DLC: favourite DLC you own?
E is for ECMS: favourite stealth/stealth-only heist?
F is for FUUUUUUU: most-hated heist?
G is for GENSEC: favourite pager line?
H is for HEIST: all-time favourite heist?
I is for ILIJA: are you a favours lover or do you prefer the challenge of going in without favours?
J is for JOKERS: dumbest thing/moment about the series?
K is for KILLKILLKILL: favourite/best way to kill cops?
L is for LIVE-ACTION: favourite live-action/web series moment?
M is for MASKS: favourite mask/s?
N is for NO MERCY: hot take/unpopular opinion about the games?
O is for OVERKILL: best/coolest thing you've ever done in-game?
P is for PAYDAY 3: hopes for Payday 3?
Q is for QUIT: what makes you rage/quit?
R is for RESERVOIR DOGS: cross-overs you'd like to see in Payday 3?
S is for STOIC: favourite/most-used perk deck?
T is for TASER: most surprising moment/thing that happened in-game?
U is for UKRAINIAN: favourite Vlad moment?
V is for VILLAIN: favourite baddie and why?
W is for WE CALL THIS A DIFFICULTY TWEAK: preferred/most-played difficulty?
X is for XENODIAGNOSIS: would you want Bain's disease to be curable and why/not?
Y is for YULE: do you typically play seasonal updates and why/why not?
Z is for ZEAL: what makes you excited about Payday and keeps you coming back to play again and again?
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hoxooster · 1 year
Payday Q&A thing! M, T, X.
M is for MASKS: favourite mask/s?
I've got a few. I gotta give some love to two masks that I made:
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Full Metal Doge and 80's Cowboy. The former is actually the first mask, material, pattern, and colors that I got when I downloaded PD2 on my da's computer. I'm known by this mask, and even though I haven't worn it in a long while (I've got a personal, 'wear as many of the masks as you can' challenge that I've been working on), I still love it dearly. As for 80's Cowboy, I just really liked how it came out when I first made it--it's probably one of my best masks, design-wise.
As for untampered with masks, I love these ones:
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And, for a lil' bit of fun, these are my favorite PD:TH masks:
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T is for TASER: most surprising moment/thing that happened in-game?
Hm. Well, I can think of a couple things. For PD:TH, a lot of 'em are just things dealing with my buddy, Wolfee. Like, him finally agreeing to accept my friend request (after much begging on my part), that time he found out that you can get stuck inside the police transport trucks on Green Bridge (and he stayed in there so I would get stuck and would have to fight my way out, the cheeky fucker)...
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... how I earned my Steam username by impressing him (Diamond, 145, me and him with bots. Went loud 'cause the code didn't work. Him and the bots went into custody. I had to survive an assault wave, then dom 3 cops to get them back. He complimented me, and thus my Steam username was created and cemented.), and a bunch of other shit that I could spend hours talking about.
For PD2, there was the time that the GO Bank vault was just open--didn't know that that was a possibility until it happened to me...
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... the time Wolfee showed that he cared about me enough to threaten one of our friends with bodily harm if I was downed...
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... the multiple times I messed with Emma with the artifacts on Shadow Raid (she mains Chains and had never gotten his mask in a drop, then I got one after torturing her XD)...
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... and some other things here 'n there that I love to talk about as part of my 'Old Man Stories' while in-call with people. I've made a lot of fond memories in this game, and I look forward to making a lot more, ya know?
Honestly, the most surprising thing is that you made Breakin' Feds a comfort heist for me, Red. Jeezum Crow, I hate it here.
X is for XENODIAGNOSIS: would you want Bain's disease to be curable and why/not?
No, because his death needed to happen. Simon Viklund wanted to leave OVERKILL, so he left to pursue other things and hangout with his best friend, and I'm happy for him.
As a Payday fan, this is devastating. Simon defined what Payday is--and I'm not joking. His portrayal of Bain guides players from a place of camaraderie and respect that no other contractor has ever even touched, and probably never will. His Cloaker dialogue is filled with memes and jokes at the expense of the fanbase, but, ya know, sometimes we all need to be taken down a few pegs whenever we get too cocky in-game. And his music? Jesus, his music gives both Paydays a feel that cannot be replicated--we've seen the examples that have been put forward by others, and they just don't compare. Now, I'm not sayin' that those songs ain't great, but they obviously just don't feel the same. Simon was the Heart and Soul of Payday, and his loss is felt deeply by those that know and hear the difference. It actually makes me very worried about PD3, 'cause it's just not gonna feel right without him there. But, it is what it is.
As a Payday player, I'm glad that it was handled in-game, so people wouldn't be left questioning just what in the hell happened to Bain. I hate that shit when that happens in TV shows--like, when characters disappear or get replaced by different actors without an explanation. Anyway, the decisions made on how to go about it were... strange, to put it lightly, but at least something was done. And, even though I hate bodyswapping narratives, I'm not peeved by Bain's ending. It was an alright send off, for what they could do on short notice in a sinking ship. Closure's a luxury that not all games have, and I'm glad that we got it with Payday's most important character.
And, as a decent person, I'm glad that they just killed off Bain in general. I dunno everything that went on behind the scenes at OVERKILL while Bo was imploding everything, but I can make some educated guesses. It wasn't good. For anyone. There's a lot of hurt there that's difficult to come back from, and, honestly, it's probably best if the OVERKILL team and Simon (and especially Ulf) don't work with each other again. Plus, it's probably just easier, logistically.
So, as much as I will miss Simon defining Payday, and Bain in his entirety, I'm glad that his disease wasn't presented in-game as curable and that his character was given a proper send off. He's more than earned his retirement and I hope that he enjoys laying mad pipe in the Oval Office.
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wingsthephoenix · 4 years
🔥 genasi, 💁🏿 human, and 🔱 triton!!
( d&d ask meme )
🔥  genasi: share a memory in which you felt truly empowered. i won a spelling bee competition at my school by spelling out the words czechoslovakia and xenodiagnosis in front of my entire school!! the ROAR that went up when i spelled czechoslovakia was one of the greatest feelings ever, knowing that i was finally being recognized for something ;v;
💁🏿 human: what do you feel is your greatest weakness? i have a tendency to take responsibility on myself to help people feel better, sometimes so much so that it eclipses my need to feel better and i feel bad if i’m “shadowing” them by making my own emotions clear. my hyperempathy can be a weakness in that others’ emotions can impact my mood, and it’s hard for me to get into tv shows, but i’m working on all of these
🔱 triton: what is your relationship like with water or the sea? i have a good relationship with water and the sea! i have a river/lake right by my house and it’s super pretty. i used to go to the beach out of state once a year on vacation and i have very fond memories of the ocean. running water and crashing waves are very calming sounds to me <3
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evoldir · 3 years
Fwd: Graduate position: UAntwerp.2.EvolutionInfectionsBirds
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UAntwerp.2.EvolutionInfectionsBirds > Date: 12 January 2022 at 07:24:16 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > PhD position on Ecology of Borrelia infections in wild birds, Evolutionary > Ecology Group, University of Antwerp > > A crucial factor to predict the persistence and spread of infections in > natural systems (and potential spill-over to humans) is the capacity of > reservoir hosts to maintain the infection and transmit it to others. This > is known to vary greatly between species, but also within species and > through time, although this part of the variation is often less well > understood. Great tits are among the most important reservoirs of Borrelia > garinii, a major causal agent of Lyme disease. In this project you will > study how the capacity of birds to transmit these bacteria to their tick > vectors varies between individuals birds, how it varies through the annual > cycle, and whether stressful episodes may reactivate infections. This will > be done through a combination of targeted field and lab experiments using > birds from an intensively studied wild population. Infection status will > be determined by xenodiagnosis (capacity of the bird to infect naive > ticks) and molecular diagnoses. > > You will work in the Evolutionary Ecology group that has strong expertise > in studying ecology of infections in wild vertebrates and offers a dynamic > and international working environment (www.uantwerpen.be/eveco). We > seek applicants with a Master degree in Biology, Biomedical Science, > Veterinary Science or a related field, with a basic background in > ecological concepts, and a strong interest in studying the ecology of > infections in a natural system. Experience with handling animals is an > advantage but not strictly required. You are willing to combine intensive > fieldwork with lab-based experimental work and data analysis. > > We offer a doctoral scholarship for an initial one-year period. Following > a positive evaluation, this will be renewed for an additional three > years. The planned start date is 1 April 2022 or as soon as possible > after that date. You are supervised by a multidisciplinary team including > Prof. Erik Matthysen (University of Antwerp), Dr. Dieter Heylen (Institute > for Tropical Medicine, Antwerp) and Dr. Hein Sprong (RIVM, Netherlands). > > For more information and application procedure: > https://ift.tt/3zNWJui > > > > ----- > > > > Application for PhD scholarship on Avian Personality and Infection Ecology > > Erik Matthysen, University of Antwerp > > Our research group has studied host-tick-pathogen interactions for 15 > years, with a particular focus on the biology of bird-associated ticks and > the contribution of wild birds to transmission ecology of Borrelia, the > agent of Lyme Disease. In a new project starting in 2022 we will monitor > infections with Borrelia in a wild population of great tits, combining > intensive field work with targeted lab experiments. Primary questions > include the drivers of individual variation in Borrelia infections > in birds, and factors causing temporal relapses of infectiousness in > birds. This project offers an excellent opportunity to further investigate > the role of bird behaviour including personality, which we have studied > intensively in previous projects in the same study population. > > We therefore are looking for candidates interested in applying for an > externally funded PhD scholarship on the link between bird behaviour > and infections with ticks and tick-borne pathogens, notably Borrelia > garinii. The candidate should be willing to prepare an extensive proposal > to be submitted to the FWO Research Council (www.fwo.be) with a deadline > of March 1st 2022. The selection will be done by FWO and if successful, > the four-year scholarship will start on November 1st 2022. Candidates > should have a strong background in behavioural ecology or evolutionary > ecology, preferably with experience or extensive knowledge on personality > research and/or ecology of infections in wild populations. > > For more information, see > https://ift.tt/3zNWJui > > > Erik Matthysen > via IFTTT
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Dipetalogaster maximus (Hemiptera, Triatominae) for xenodiagnosis of patients with serologically detectable Tr
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Quantitative comparison between xenodiagnosis and haemoculture in the detection of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Quantitative studies with first-instar triatomines in the xenodiagnosis of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
A comparison of Rhodnius prolixus, Triatoma infestans and Panstrongylus megistus in the xenodiagnosis of a chr
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Detection of Leishmania braziliensis by xenodiagnosis
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