#xf ficmas advent calendar 22
scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022
Day 7: For @starshinescully
Her prompt: "how about something where Emily survives and is a little kid and is celebrating Christmas with Mulder and Scully (as a couple) and William as a baby and she wants to pick out a special present for him?"
I really hope I did this prompt justice, Elizabeth!
ao3 | @today-in-fic
Bunny Hats.
“Will the baby be born on Christmas?”
Your finger hovers above the light switch. You were sure Emily was asleep just seconds ago but when you turn you see her sitting upright and very much awake.
“After Christmas,” you answer, indulging in her questions one more time.
“Closer to next Christmas?”
“January.” If nothing goes wrong that is.
You see her eyebrows knit together similarly to Scully when she’s thinking, and hear her whisper the next month’s name.
“What you thinking?” you ask, intrigued.
Her eyes widen. “Nothing!” she says like a teenager scrambling to hide something. “Goodnight, Mulder.” She flops down onto her back and turns away from you.
You shake your head, say your own goodnight to her, and flick the light switch off.
It’s a few weeks later when you find out just what Emily had been thinking about that night. She drags you to the mall and through the Christmas rush crowds, coins jingling in her pocket from her weekly pocket-money and the extra she had picked up from doing more chores than usual, much to Scully’s surprise.
“What do you think his favourite animal will be?” Emily asks as the two of you stare at the assortment of baby items. Scully was better at this sort of thing than you but Emily had insisted upon you taking her. “I want it to be a surprise for Mommy, too,” she’d said.
“I have no idea,” you say, answering her question.
Despite the overwhelming amount of choices something stands out to Emily, catching her attention. Without waiting for you, she disappears into the crowd.
“Not too far, Em!” you call after her. Scully might just kill you if you lost her firstborn in a mall with how grouchy she had been lately. With that thought, you think it might be in your best interest to follow the child.
You find her and the item she holds in her hands.
“What you got there?”
She holds it up to you.
“A bunny hat.”
It was indeed. Two floppy ears, two little eyes, and a button for a nose. A blue rabbit hat.
“What do you think?” Emily asks, running her hand over the hat.
“I think the baby and Mommy will love it Em,” ou say, thinking of that old, tattered rabbit plush beneath Scully’s pillow.
The bunny hat stays wrapped and hidden atop the tallest shelf where you know Scully will never look and stays there all the way till late January. William arrives tiny, squealing, and squalling. When all the visitors have left and it’s just the three of you in the house, you hand the Christmas wrapping present to Emily.
“What’s this?” Scully asks upon seeing the item be extended towards her.
“A present,” answers Emily, shyly. “I didn’t want William to miss out on any Christmas presents so…” She finishes her sentence with a slight shrug.
Passing a now sleeping Will to you, Scully tears at the packaging, ripping it away to reveal the little blue bunny hat bought by Emily weeks before.
“Oh, Emily…” says Scully, joy in her eyes. “Did you choose this?”
Emily nods, unable to contain her pride, even you beam at her while William is a dead weight in your arms.
“It’s beautiful baby, thank you.” She pulls Emily towards her, enveloping her into a big hug.
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022
Day 6: For @agent-troi
Their prompt: "Mulder and Scully find a baby during a case and they have to take care of it until they find its family."
I just want to apologise for how badly I fucked this prompt up by not rereading it before I started writing. I knew the main part of the prompt but not when you wanted it set or what included until after the fact and for that I'm sorry. That being said, I hope you enjoy this fic regardless- I really enjoyed writing it and the concept too.
ao3 | @today-in-fic
Baby in the Bough.
A darkened house; forgotten and destitute. Whoever lived here lived there no longer. The place was abandoned, with thick layers of dust covering the surfaces and cobwebs forming in the corners. The house was cold, there was no one home anymore.
A waste of time. There was nothing for you here. You’re about to pack up and leave when a sound emanates from a room furthest away. To you it sounds like an animal- a stray cat that’s gotten in but Scully wants to investigate further. Unsure of what exactly lay in that room ahead, you follow her in, standing by the door once the room was clear.
You’re waiting to go when a gasp escapes Scully’s lips.
“Mulder…” she says bringing your attention to her. You can’t see her very well in her crouched position but when she stands you spy a bundle of old blankets in her arms.
“It’s a baby.”
You didn’t like hospitals anymore. That clinical smells brought back painful memories of the darker times; waiting for Scully to awaken from her coma after being abducted, hearing her explain her cancer to you while you stood their dumbfounded and confused, seeing her laying there weak and pale once that cancer had taken its place inside her body, the end nearing. Even after, when it hadn’t ended her, you’d stood outside a window watching her sleep next to a child that was never meant to be. No, hospitals weren’t a place you wanted to be.
Tonight, it was a necessity. You wait to be seen, sitting opposite Scully who still cradles the baby in her arms. She’s enamoured, whispering words of comfort to the little human. You’re enamoured too, seeing Scully holding her. It takes your breath away, you can’t look away. It also squeezes your chest, knowing that this is something she can never have.
You tear your eyes away with guilt after that thought. You’re the reason she can’t have children, you don’t get to feel positive about this.
For this reason you opt to say outside the doctor’s office while this baby gets checked over and they find somewhere for her to live. You watch the TV in the corner, think about the case you’ve had to momentarily abandon, you thank Scully for persistence in pursuing the noise in the bedroom, you’d have just walked away none the wiser.
Scully exists the doctor’s office, the baby still carried in her arms.
“They rang social services but they can’t get here until tomorrow,” Scully explains at your quizzical look. “They offered to keep her overnight and I even agreed but when they tried to take her off me she started crying.” You both look down at the child who is now quiet and sleeping. “So they thought it best maybe I keep her for an extra night.” She looks up at you then. “Is that okay with you?”
Honestly, you want to say no; you’re on a case, you’re not even from this town, sleeping in a hotel room. But you see the look in Scully’s eyes, how content the baby seems to be. You want to tell her that these things never work out for them but you’ve already taken away her ability to bear children, should you really take away her opportunity to care for one?
So you agree. It’s just one night.
The motel gives Scully a travel cot but the little baby refuses to settle down. On the other side of an adjoining door you listen to the cries, hear Scully try to soothe her. It goes quiet, perhaps the formula you picked up on the way back to the motel is working. A few minutes pass, you think it’s okay to lie down, but then the screaming starts again. You park yourself near the door, wait for a knock from Scully, a request for help or even to hand the baby to you to see if she’ll settle down then. It never comes.
You wake up crouched against the door, your neck is agony, and the lightest of dawn streaming through the curtains you forgot to close. You must’ve fallen asleep at some point.
Hauling yourself up from the floor, body protesting it’s usual position, you unlock your shared door and venture inside.
Her room is a mess, unlike the usually tidy and organised Scully you’ve come to know and love; clothes strewn across the floor, an open box of formula on the desk, multiple milk bottles and diapers lining the wall. You spy Scully asleep atop of the covers and also in her bed, surrounded by a wall of pillow to keep her falling over (or keep Scully from rolling over onto her) lies the baby, wide awake but quiet. She looks at you, big blue eyes only having the slightest recognition as to who you were. You press a finger to your lips despite her not having made a sound yet, for risk of waking Scully who, by the looks of it, hasn’t long since fallen asleep.
You gently ease yourself onto the bed, careful not to disturb Scully with your shifting.
“Hey, little one,” you say reaching over the lift the baby up. She makes a noise and you shush her again. Thankfully, she quietens immediately.
“You really gave Scully a run for her money last night, huh.” You glance towards your partner, who sniffs and shifts in her sleep but doesn’t awaken.
“It’s okay, you can hang out with me for a while.” The baby begins to fuss, her mouth searching for something, and it takes you a while but vague memories of Samantha as a baby come back to you. You take the bottle that sits on the bedside table and hold it up to the baby’s mouth. She sucks on it immediately, her eyes closing.
You marvel at it all- the weight, feel, smell, sounds. Sat in a bed just millimetres away from a sleeping Scully, hearing the sounds of a baby suckle on a bottle, feeling her weight dragging your arms down. If you close your eyes you could transport yourself to another room, another bed, a different universe were you weren’t plagued by a need to know the truth, Scully wasn’t plagued by the need to know what happened to her. Once were she isn’t infertile and you aren’t obsessive. You live in a house that resembles Scully’s apartment, you have a baby that wasn’t found left abandoned in some rotting house. It’s a good life. A life you want. A life you could never have.
Your arms feel empty. It feels wrong. Something is being taken away from you. Something that is yours. Something to protect and keep safe. They’re taking her. They’re taking her away from you again. You can’t have nice things, you should’ve known, this never works out for you.
You startle awake, reaching out to take back whatever’s been taken away from you.
“It’s just me,” Scully’s voice sounds from in front of you.
You blink, seeing the form of Scully begin to emerge.
“She’s asleep finally. We still have some time before we need to meet with the social worker, I was going to put her in the cot and clean up. What are you even doing in here?”
You blink again, a few more times, looking down at the baby Scully now holds- the thing that was being taken away from you in your dream. You’d fallen asleep again, this time in Scully’s motel bed. Christ, you could be an idiot sometimes.
“I’m sorry,” you say beginning to vacate the bed. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. It was quiet and I wanted to see if you needed any help. I came in here and you were asleep but the baby was awake and hungry. I must’ve fallen asleep again.”
She’s placing the baby down in the cot as she sleeps.
“I thought I would get a noise complaint. Guess we must be the only one’s here.”
“So much for her liking you,” you joke.
She throws you a look but it’s half-assed. She’s exhausted, you realise, she got what? Four hours at best. You feel shitty about your joke now.
“It was probably to do with the environment. Once I put her in my bed and she was close to me then she was quiet. I must’ve fallen asleep.” She lets out a self-deprecating laugh then. “Some great mother I’d be.”
No. No one’s allowed to say anything mean about Scully, not even Scully.
“You did a great job.”
She throws you another look, this time meaning it.
“Seriously. Not many people can find a baby left in a house and then care for it overnight. You did a good job, Scully. More than enough.”
She looks away, embarrassed by the compliment. Looking down at the now sleeping baby she says, “Well after today she won’t be our problem anymore.” You think you catch the inklings of a wish in her voice.
She almost can’t bear to part with her. Her weight is familiar, her smell, even her cries pain her as she’s gently taken from her arms. Was Emily this small, she can’t help but think. When she was handed from one person to another, did she also cry? Scully leaves the room before everyone else, before she changes her mind. This wasn’t them, this wasn’t her. She couldn’t be a mother, they’d made sure of that, more than sure. They killed one baby she couldn’t let them touch this one. She was poison and she wouldn’t let them poison this baby, not this time.
The baby’s cries stay with her, she’s hears them watching you wrap up the case, hears them on the plane back to DC. She hears them in her apartment, in the middle of the night, a motherless baby crying out for the one mother she got to know, who abandoned her just like her birth mother.
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022.
Day 5: For @agentstarbucklover.
Their prompt: "Scully teaching Mulder how to properly wrap presents."
I hope this answers your prompt and I hope you enjoy it!
ao3 | @today-in-fic
“Mulder, I- What is that?”
You’re thumbing through a file, not paying much attention to whatever she is referencing.
“That- on your desk.”
You pull your eyes away from the documents, following her finger to the end of the desk where a package sits.
“My present,” you shrug. It appeared pretty obvious to you, an item wrapped in hideous Christmas paper, what else could it be?
“Oh Mulder, you can’t be serious?” Scully asks. She moves towards the present, picking it up. The paper crackles between her hands.
“What?” you ask.
“You can’t give this to someone!”
“Why not?” As far as you were aware, there was nothing wrong with it.
Scully, however, gives you an exasperated look. “You haven’t wrapped it properly!”
So there was a few loose bits, who cares? It’s just wrapping paper. You tell Scully as much.
“It’s only going to be thrown in the trash anyway. Does it really need to be perfect?”
“Yes! It show’s you care about the person you’re giving it to.”
“I do care about y…About the person I’m giving it to. I just don’t see why the packaging has to be fancy.”
Scully places the item back down on the desk. “It doesn’t need to be fancy it just needs to be, well…wrapped properly. I can do it for you.”
“No!” you yell a little too loudly and a little too soon perhaps. “It’s fine. I’ll find a tutorial or something.”
“Well, I have my own gift to wrap, I can teach you?”
You look towards your own present, Scully’s words lingering on your mind: It shows you care about the person.
“Yeah, okay.”
The rest of your workday is spent watching Scully wrap a text book over and over again before you copy it yourself, using another textbook to follow her instructions. Your fingers are fumbling, clumsy, and while your wrapping skills will never reach the level of Scully what you have at 5pm that day is better than what you started out with. You take the badly wrapped present home with you, tear off the wrapping and rewrap it. This time you do a much better job, this time it shows you care.
You’re sat in the office waiting for her, the present- now better wrapped- sitting at the edge of the desk. Scully’s eyes widen when she sees it.
“Mulder! You were supposed to give this to your Secret Santa.”
“That’s why I was waiting for you.” You hand the present out to her.
Realisation dawns on her.
“The wrapping…I didn’t mean to imply—”
“I know,” you answer gently. “But you’re right. I should’ve made an effort from the start.”
She takes it from your hands but doesn’t open it immediately.
“Did you only learn how to wrap because it was a present for me?”
“Oh yeah,” you say, holding nothing back. “If it was for anybody else I wouldn’t have cared.”
Scully says nothing but you don’t miss her eyeroll.
“Are you gonna open it?”
She does, slicing open the top rather than ripping the packaging away. You watch with anticipation, unsure of how she was going to react to it.
“It’s us,” she says, a hint of surprise.
In her hands, she holds a photograph of the two of you in a frame. Taken a couple of months prior, it was the two of you at some crime scene, surrounded by people yet that didn’t seem to matter to either of you. Crowded or alone, you were caught in a bubble where only the two of you existed, engaged in some long forgotten discussion, you didn’t notice the photographer snap the photo.
“I found it while going through some crime scene photos,” you say, bashfully. “Do you like it?” You were starting to think it might’ve been too much.
“I do,” she says and you can hear the sincerity in her voice. Then she looks up at you as if seeing you for the first time. “Has anyone ever told you you’re strange?”
You can’t stop the laugh from escaping. “Yes. You. Many times.” And each time had sounded more like a compliment.
She smiles before moving to an unoccupied area of the counter along the wall. You watch as she places the photograph down.
“It can be a reminder,” she says moving away.
“Us. And how well we work together.”
You look at the photograph now in it’s new home. As one talks the other listens, always, even if you’re fighting you are always on the same side.
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022
Day 4: For @burritoscully
Her prompt: "Post Beyond the Sea angsty love confession."
I hope you enjoy it, loafie!
ao3 | @today-in-fic
Bring Him Back With Your Love.
The monitor beeps rhythmically beside him, keeping him alive. You watched from the doorway as the slew of doctors and nurses circled around him, all rushing to keep him steady and alive.
They were all gone now- satisfied they weren’t going to lose him.
You creep into the room, watching his chest move up and down. He was far from out of the woods but the doctors were sure he was not going to die, that the worst was over. For that you were grateful- that spot in your chest still panged often with pain, rubbed raw with grief from your father’s recent passing. You couldn’t bear to lose Mulder as well, you’re sure your body might just cave in on itself if that were to happen.
You pull up a chair, staring at this man that, in just a few short months, has turned your life upside down, has opened your eyes to new ideas and possibilities you hadn’t considered before. You think about a life without him, of how boring it would be. You realise with sudden gripping anxiety that you don’t want to go back to that boring life, you want to stay here, with him.
Your hand holding his, fingers against his pulse, feeling it thrum beneath you, you will him back to the surface with your life. You will him back with your love.
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022
Day 3: For @scullyverse
Her prompt: "Just because I love a little fluff around the holidays, how about Scully’s first Christmas with Mulder as a “normal couple” and her first Christmas as a mother (well, ALMOST a mother, as she’s still pregnant but due not long after the holidays). And she’s a little anxious about becoming a mom, about if things will be okay and if she’ll be enough and Mulder eases her worries and helps her nest and has some pretty adorable presents for her and the baby under the tree."
Posting this fic later than I intended to but here we are. I hope you enjoy it!
ao3 | @today-in-fic
Everything Will Be Okay.
There had been something off in the air lately, something off about Scully. It was strange, to say the least. You knew Christmas was Scully’s favourite time of year, how she glowed and came alive in December, you felt almost put out by the change of energy.
Covered in dust and fake pine leaves, you make your way over to where she sits on the couch, staring off into the distance.
“You okay?” you ask.
“I’m fine,” she replies immediately.
You smile. You’ve come to learn that opening Scully up was a work in progress. It also required patience- don’t push her and she’ll come to you.
Instead, you find yourself observing her behaviour. You spy the distant look in her eyes, the way her hand absent-mindedly grazes across her swollen stomach. You gauge whatever it is that’s bothering her is baby related.
Moving slightly closer you chance stating, “You look miles away.”
Scully sighs, instinctively shifting closer to you.
“This time next year it won’t just be us two. They’ll be three of us.” She looks at the Christmas Tree as she speaks. You remain quiet, listening.
“I guess it just hit me how real all of this is. A tiny human.” A wisp of a smile graces her face before disappearing as quickly as it appeared.
“A baby. Who will need food and clothes and love and presents and now I’m wondering if I can do that. Will I be enough?”
“Of course you will.” The words are automatic out of your mouth. She looks at you sceptical. “You’re worries are valid, Scully. I have similar ones too but remember, you probably have the best example of mothering anyone could ask for,” you say, thinking of Maggie. “It’s me you need to look out for. Me who hails from the fuck-up family, who’s father practically organised his own daughter’s kidnapping. How do you know when this baby turns eight I won’t do the exact same thing?”
“You won’t. You’re nothing like him.”
“And my biological father? We both know the issues he has.” You exaggerate a shiver and it brings a smile to her face, just as you wanted. “You’re worried, Scully? I’m fucking terrified. But you know what stops me from falling down that rabbit hole?”
“What?” she whispers, entranced.
“You,” you answer plainly. “Thinking about you. Knowing you’ll be there to stop me from doing some dumb shit.”
You open you arms, a need to hold her coming over you. She goes to you.
“We’ll be fine, Scully,” you say, wrapping your arms around her front, hands coming to rest near hers on her stomach. “We’ll talk to each other, okay? Between now and when this baby in eighteen, and even after. Whatever our worries are, we’ll work through them together, yeah?”
You feel her nod against your chest.
“I’m glad it’s you, Mulder,” she says after a while.
Your chest swells and that and you give her a squeeze, a kiss atop her head. “I’m glad it’s you, too, Scully.”
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022: Day 2
Day 2: For @mulderwearingglasses
Their prompt: "Mulder looks out for a drunk Scully whose drunken vulnerability is giving away her feelings for him more than her usual sober self. He then takes care of her when she's dreadfully hungover and feeling stupid about the night before."
Wouldn't be Christmas without my annual sad fic. I hope you like it and I hope it answers your prompt. Also shout out to @starshinescully for reading these fics beforehand! It really helped.
ao3 | @today-in-fic |
Wishing For A Change.
“I love you.”
The words break through the silence. Your eyes snap up from where they had been gazing lazily at a spot on the floor. You twist, turning your head towards Scully who lies on the bed, eyes fighting to stay open.
“I love you,” she repeats and your heart clenches in your chest. “I don’t know if I’ve ever said that before and I…I wanted to before something happened to you, too.”
It’s everything you’ve wanted to hear in years and yet this is the first time she’s ever mentioned such a thing explicitly. The wine from earlier still fresh and pungent on her breath, she wouldn’t be saying such things if she was clear of mind and wasn’t so sad. The realisation tugs at you. So cruel the universe would be to dangle those words in front of you and have nothing behind them.
You shuffle closer to where her head lays on the pillow, taking in her red, heavy eyes and blotchy skin from crying. She was tired, exhausted from the events of the week and grief, probably delirious too. Nights spent awake laying next to Emily, tending to Emily, fighting for Emily and for it all to mean nothing. Just like Scully’s love confession, They too had dangled something in front of her only to snatch it away at the last second, taking all evidence away with it, cruel universes indeed.
“You’re tired,” you say, brushing back a strand of hair. “You’ve had a long—” Day and week doesn’t even come close. A long four years, long and hard. You forgo finishing your sentence and instead fall into the soothing, meditative motion of stroking Scully’s hair.
“You’ll stay?” she asks, eyes closed.
“Until you fall asleep, yeah.”
Scully makes a contented noise before finally succumbing to her body’s need for sleep.
-  -
A rustling from the other room wakes you up. A cup being placed down on the counter a little too harshly, a stream of expletives falling from the person’s mouth.
You spy into the kitchen to see a figure; too small to be Bill, too slim to be Maggie, and Tara doesn’t swear- not like a sailor anyway.
You make your way towards the kitchen to see her trying to reach the top shelf of the medicine cupboard.
“Let me do that, Scully,” you say, reaching over to grab the box.
She thanks you, fishing through it to find the Advil pills. You watch her, taking stock, the sadness in her face, the way her body hangs, sleep had done very little to fix her up.
“How are you feeling?” you hazard an ask.
“Like shit,” she answers almost immediately.
You nod and watch her as she fills the glass full of water, wincing as the liquid nosily sloshes into the cup. You want to ask if she remembers last night, what she said. It had kept you up, thinking about the diary in the hospital room.
“What time is the flight?”
The question rips you from your thoughts, startling you. You had yet to plan that far ahead.
“It’s Monday,” she states. “Skinner or somebody will have a case for us.”
You say nothing on her urge to get back to work, it’s how she grieves after all, you know this.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll see what’s available.” She hums her approval, swallowing the tablets.
“But you’re sure you want to fly back today?” you ask. “You are hungover—”
“I’ll be fine,” she cuts you off. “And I’m sorry about what I said last night. It was inappropriate.”
You watch the faintest of red creep up her skin- shame and embarrassment setting in.
“It’s fine,” you shake off. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I guess I was just…caught up in everything.”
You nod, deciding that, maybe after all, you didn’t want to talk about it.
“Honestly, you have nothing to worry about, Scully. It happens, I promise.”
She gives you the slightest smile.
“I did want to thank you for last night, too. You didn’t have to do that, any of it.”
But you did because you wanted to. Because, despite her not seeing it, you do care about her. A lot.
“Don’t worry. You were- are- grieving and I won’t think any less of you for that. You built a connection with her Dana, that doesn’t just go away.”
She nods and you want her to believe that, to know that it’s okay to feel things, it doesn’t make her weak.
“I just…Thank you. I’ll go get dressed then we can go.”
You watch her slowly make her way out of the kitchen, disappearing behind the wall. You sink against the corner of the counter, letting out a deep breath, still staring at the space she had disappeared from, wishing for a change.
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Advent Calendar 2022: Day 1
Day 1: For @iwtbscully
Their prompt: "X-Files Ficmas Prompt: Emily’s first Christmas (and Hanukkah, maybe) with Mulder & Scully. 🥺"
The writing style is a little different to how I usually write however I do hope you like it and I really do hope it has answered your prompt.
ao3 | @today-in-fic |
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.
Death seemed to be inherently entwined with Christmas in the Scully family. Even those who had passed away in the brighter months of summertime, their ghosts still lingered at Christmas.
Emily, the newest addition to the Scully family, appeared to be no exception to that rule. Last Christmas had brought no presents from Santa but instead a dead mother in a bathtub and not long after a dead father in a prison cell. Her earliest memories of what was regarded as ‘The most wonderful time of the year’ had been tainted by death, destruction, and lies.
So when Scully got custody of Emily, and after an easy and successful adoption, she vowed to change that for her little girl. They could still remember those that had passed on, to preserve their memories and keep their spirits from fading- as Mulder had put it- but the main plain was to eradicate the darkness, go away with the confusion and fear, to let the brightest star atop of the Christmas Tree lead the way.
And it worked. This Christmas brings eyes widened with joy rather than fear, and gigantic smiles as little hands tear at presents finally delivered. It brings quieter times in Scully’s apartment with a surprise visit from Mulder despite his proclaiming that he doesn’t celebrate Christmas.
(“What do you celebrate, Mulder?” The statement leading to a question and the answer leading to asking if they can celebrate Hanukkah as well)
To louder times at Maggie’s house where Emily pokes imploringly at Matthew and tries to keep up with her newfound older cousins.
They light a candle for Roberta and Marshal, for Scully’s father and Melissa who Scully later shows Emily pictures of.
(“She looks like me!” Emily had shouted joyfully- it was the same photograph Scully was certain it was proof of Melissa having birthed Emily before finding out the truth)
Scully had known all the dark memories of last Christmas had gone when it was just the two of them sitting on the couch. “I love Christmas,” Emily had proclaimed dreamingly. “Can we do it again next year?”
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scullysexual · 2 years
For the advent prompts: how about something where Emily survives and is a little kid and is celebrating Christmas with Mulder and Scully (as a couple) and William as a baby and she wants to pick out a special present for him?
Happy Christmas, Elizabeth! You were chosen for Day 7. You should've received a tag in your notifications but here is the ao3 version if it's easier to read there.
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scullysexual · 2 years
Ficmas prompt:
Post Beyond the Sea angsty love confession
Happy Christmas, B! Your prompt has been answered and you should've received a notification for being tagged in it. Here's the ao3 version if that's easier to read on.
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scullysexual · 2 years
Prompt for the Christmas fic:
Just because I love a little fluff around the holidays, how about Scully’s first Christmas with Mulder as a “normal couple” and her first Christmas as a mother (well, ALMOST a mother, as she’s still pregnant but due not long after the holidays). And she’s a little anxious about becoming a mom, about if things will be okay and if she’ll be enough and Mulder eases her worries and helps her nest and has some pretty adorable presents for her and the baby under the tree. I didn’t know if the prompts had to be holiday-themed, but I’m a sucker for a cute holiday fic in December 😋
I just love the idea of Mulder finally getting out of that metaphorical car after he finds out what happened to his sister and both him and Scully leaving that darkness behind and getting a nice place together, settling down and starting a family — totally non canon, but they both deserve that happiness.
Happy Christmas, Amber! You were chosen for Day 3. You should've been tagged in the post and here is a link to the ao3 version if that's easier to read on. I hope you enjoy your fic :)
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scullysexual · 2 years
X-Files Ficmas Prompt: Emily’s first Christmas (and Hanukkah, maybe) with Mulder & Scully. 🥺 This is the one I definitely want written. 🫶
Happy Christmas, Anna! You were Day 1 for the Advent Calendar. You should've been tagged in the post. Here is a link to ao3 if it's easier for you to read on there. I hope you enjoy your fic!
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