#xi exodus
mepedrop · 1 year
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Snippet Sunday
Tagging anyone who wants to play.  @quietborderline @missanniewhimsy @monsterrae1? @outtoshatter​ @tkwritesdumbassassins​ ? No pressure as always. 
Btw this 2 part end chapter is going to end up in at least 3 parts.  Possibly 4.  This fic is getting finished this week damnit. 
Graphic banner by @radio-chatter​
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Title: Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, Chapter XI
Fandom: Wheel of Time (mostly Tv series but borrows from books)
Pairing: Cauthor (Rand al’Thor/Mat Cauthon), prior Egwene al’Vere/Rand al’Thor, implied pre-Egwene al’Vere/Perrin Aybara
Fic summary:
Mat can feel that his time is limited but he’s got one thing he needs to do before he lets the darkness that is eating him bit by bit take him. Rand is desperate to help his best friend who is fading right before his eyes—he’s been cut off from everything else but he can’t lose Mat.
The wheel may weave as it wills and sometimes two threads become tangled and inseparable. Or maybe they were always meant to twine together to make a new pattern.
Warnings/tags: sad ending—will continue into season 2 with sequel. Rand is an angsty mess like always. 
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“Rand,” Perrin’s call of his name was repetitive, and his good friend’s expression was concerned. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing. Just… we’re likely all going to die.”  
“This whole city is likely going to die,” Perrin agrees. “They’re mobilizing.”
Rand had noticed that. It had been a short walk here, but the city was busy. Everything that could be packed was being so, and a mass exodus of women and children was already beginning. Those that could run were doing so while the rest would stay and fight. 
“In some ways, it feels like we died on Winternight,” Perrin adds, taking a deep pull off his ale. “I keep waiting for it.”
There’s nothing to say—he understands what Perrin is saying. Layla died that night, and they’ve been on the run ever since.  
From the corner of his eye, Rand notices Moiraine keeps looking over at their table while talking with the barmaid. The barmaid’s eyes are narrowed as if she’s studying them, and his skin crawls.  
Something is up.  
Moiraine is up to something. 
Egwene and Nynaeve are murmuring quietly to each other, taking comfort from each other after so long apart. Rand knows that Egwene wants comfort from him, but he’s struggling to want to give it to her, so she’s taking it from another source. Part of him also wants that from her, but he feels it would be a betrayal to Mat to do so, even if it would be easy to slip into old habits. 
No. That’s why… he’s pretty sure Mat didn’t come through the gate because he’d let Egwene hang off his arm. He’d forgotten for a moment, and Mat had seen it and gotten the wrong idea. 
Quietly, he admitted to himself that he had failed Mat. He’d forgotten for just a moment and hurt him. There hadn’t been time to correct that mistake, and now Mat was so far away.  
He wished Mat was here. He wanted the comfort of his presence. It wasn’t the same being around Perrin or Egwene anymore as they hadn’t… they hadn’t been with him and Mat, and they couldn’t be what Mat was to him. 
Rand wondered if it had been like that between Perrin and Layla, but he doubted it. Theirs had been a typical Two Rivers marriage, the apprentice and the blacksmith’s daughter. Familiarity and it made financial sense for them to marry. Expected even just as Rand was expected to end up with Egwene and Mat was to be the village ne’er-do-well.  Rolls cast for them since they were small children by their parents and their choices. 
Winternight had changed their pre-determined pattern weaves. Egwene had already been pulling away to be a Wisdom, but the attack had brought with it the clarity needed for Rand to be with Mat, and he wondered if Perrin had some clarity of his own. 
Perrin had always been fond of Egwene… 
Rand eyed the two of them. They were close but Egwene was still clinging to him at every opportunity.  He wasn’t jealous and when he thought about it, he was fine with them being together if that was what they both wanted although he doubted Egwene was going to give up being an Aes Sedai for Perrin if she hadn’t wanted to give up being a Wisdom for Rand. 
Moiraine finished talking with the barmaid and she had that frustrated little line on her forehead as she joined them. “Drink up then get some rest.  We’ll head out in the morning.”
“Who is she?” Rand asked, pointing at the barmaid. “You know her?”
“She’s an old friend,” Moiraine dodged the question, proving there was something she didn’t want to tell them, piquing his interest further. 
Before Rand could ask what kind of old friend she was, Moiraine was slipping away to join Lan at the other table. 
“She doesn’t want to tell us anything,” Rand muttered. 
“Part of the mystique,” Perrin agreed. 
Egwene took offense.  “She doesn’t have to tell us everything.  She’s an Aes Sedai!”
Perrin and Rand exchanged knowing looks.  Just because Moiraine could channel didn’t make her a deity. The stories were full of warnings about getting tangled in Aes Sedai business and they’d done that.  Blind obedience to Moiraine could be dangerous. 
“Just because you want to be one doesn’t mean we should just do everything Moiraine says,” Rand tells Egwene. 
Egwene’s eyes blaze and she stiffens in her seat, putting more space between them on the bench. “You don’t mean that.”
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nithqadash-shmakh · 21 days
Exodus 20:8-10
Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work.
“It’s interesting to think about the fact that Jesus performed many healings on the Sabbath (Dies Domini 63). The Sabbath is not just about rest; it’s about the sort of rest that ushers in God’s presence and his tangible peace. To cease from our labors, no matter what, and to sacrifice banal amusement and even other good but unnecessary activities is to participate in a truth that is little understood or experienced in modern life: unconditional and unmerited love is real.
Celebrating Lord’s Day Dinners on Saturday evenings is my preferred way to feel the sacredness of Sunday because the connection to the Jewish roots of the Faith makes me notice the sunset with a supernatural perception. (Pope Pius XI once said, “Spiritually, we are Semites.”) It’s as though Mother Nature is giving me her approval to let the week and all of its worries go. My grandmother in Egypt used to tell my mom, “I don’t touch the (sewing) needle on Sunday.” Liberation. As for myself, keeping Sunday free means the rest of the previous days of the week need to be ordered properly so that I don’t use Sunday as the catch-up day. This makes Monday to Saturday more enjoyable, because having the spiritual boundary of Sunday means not only that I know I can’t have or do it all, but I’m relieved from the burden of even trying.”
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andronetalks · 6 months
China's Xi Meets With US CEOs, Including Blackstone's Schwarzman, In Bid To Restore Confidence
Zero Hedge By Tyler Durden – March 27, 2024 China’s economy is plagued by many problems, including a real estate bust, deflation, debt troubles, demographic winter, foreign investor exodus, supply chain fracturing, deteriorating Sino-US ties, and much more. In order to restore confidence, China’s President Xi Jinping met with more than a dozen American business leaders, including Blackstone…
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preacherpollard · 7 months
Deuteronomy: The Second Giving Of The Law (XI)
The Rewriting Of The Tablets And The Reverence For The Lord (10:1-22) Neal Pollard Moses continues to review the events we first read in the book of Exodus. In chapter nine, he intercedes for the people after the incident with the golden calf. Now he reviews what happens when he reascends Sinai to receive the tablets after he had broken the first ones in his anger over the people’s sin (Ex.…
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
HONG KONG (AP) — The exodus of tens of thousands of professionals from Hong Kong triggered by a crackdown on its civil liberties is being offset by new arrivals: mainland Chinese keen to move to the former British colony.The Asian financial hub has attracted tens of thousands of visa applications from mainland Chinese under the Top Talent Pass Scheme, a program launched in late 2022 aimed at luring high-income professionals and top global university graduates from around the world, though nine in 10 successful applicants are from China.For mainland Chinese, Hong Kong’s unique attributes — such as wider freedom of speech and internet access, its cosmopolitan ambiance, a less oppressive work culture, and a society where ability largely trumps connections — set it apart, according to interviews by The Associated Press with 20 mainland Chinese visa holders.Some, like Wu, a finance professional in his 20s, view moving to Hong Kong as a way to gain greater freedom and security. Wu, who asked to be identified by his surname due to fear of government retaliation, said he felt a sense of panic when he was trapped in unpredictable lockdowns in Beijing during the COVID-19 pandemic.He was tempted to join a protest against China's stringent COVID-19 restrictions, but opted instead to “run,” a Chinese euphemism for emigrating that became popular during the pandemic. He moved to Hong Kong during the summer.“For now, it’s my life boat,” he said.The leeway for public dissent has narrowed in China in recent years under leader Xi Jinping. Although they have eroded under crackdowns that followed the imposition of a 2020 national security law, Hong Kong still has Western-style civil liberties that reflect its history as a former colony. China's communist leaders promised to let the semi-autonomous region keep those freedoms for 50 years after it returned to Chinese rule in 1997.Wu says he shares with many Hong Kongers a desire for freedom of speech. He's also happy it has fewer staunch nationalists, popularly known as “little pinks," than in Beijing. He enjoys the ability to freely move his money to other countries and to be able to access the internet without having to use VPNs to circumvent the censorship that prevails in the Chinese mainland.Since the Hong Kong government enacted the national security law, saying it was needed to restore stability following massive pro-democracy protests in 2019, many of the city’s leading activists have been prosecuted. Dozens of civil society groups have been disbanded, and outspoken media outlets like Apple Daily and Stand News have been forced to shut down.Those political shifts, alongside strict COVID-19 controls that were lifted in Hong Kong faster than in the mainland, contributed to a decline in Hong Kong’s population from 7.5 million in mid-2019 to 7.3 million in mid-2022. International companies and banks also have been moving away.It's unclear how many Hong Kongers have left for good and how many departures were mainly because of the political climate. But more than 123,800 have moved to Britain and thousands of others gained permanent residency in Canada under special policies for people from Hong Kong after the security law took effect.The talent scheme is meant to help plug that brain drain: According to the immigration department, about 37,000 applications from mainland Chinese have already been approved. It is unclear how many have already arrived in the city, which had about 135,000 mainland Chinese already residing there for less than seven years as of 2021, before the program was launched. Many others have become permanent residents after staying in the city for more than seven years: nearly a third of the city's residents were born in other parts of China and self-ruled Taiwan, though most of those moved to Hong Kong years ago.Fresh graduate Zhang Guangwei, 22, said he turned down several job offers in mainland China to work as a software developer in Hong Kong, aiming to escape from China’s notorious “996” working culture, in which employees often work from 9 a.
m. to 9 p.m. six days a week.Zhang got a taste of a similar workaholic lifestyle during an internship and he's happy his Hong Kong job only requires him to work from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for five days a week. That allows him spare time to hike and socialize with friends.“If work gets too busy, then I feel it's meaningless for me to earn money,” he said.Most of the mid-career people interviewed by AP said they were largely motivated by Hong Kong's wider educational opportunities for their children.Monica Wang, a 39-year-old businesswoman who has secured a visa, was enticed by Hong Kong's freedom of speech and its portrayal in movies and TV shows as a modern city that embraces a variety of lifestyles. Hungry for new career options, she hopes to relocate to Hong Kong from the nearby city of Zhuhai.“I want to see more about the world and I also hope my children can,” she said.Most people interviewed by AP appeared undeterred by the narrowing of leeway for dissent and free speech in Hong Kong, which still enjoys wider freedoms than can be found across the border in mainland China. Wang said she viewed the security law as a way to make the city safer.Though the new arrivals may alleviate the brain drain in some areas like finance, they may not fully make up for the loss of talent across various sectors, said Simon Lee, an honorary fellow at the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Asia-Pacific Institute of Business. The medical sector has lost some “quite experienced” professionals who can’t be easily replaced by doctors who haven't been trained locally, he said.Experts are unsure how the influx of mainland Chinese might shape the city's future given the dynamic interactions between new arrivals and Hong Kong natives. Although not all newcomers can speak Cantonese — the mother tongue of many Hong Kongers — some of them can secure a job quickly as Mandarin has become an increasingly prominent language in the city after the 1997 handover.Hong Kong has been absorbing migrants from the rest of China ever since it was a fishing village centuries ago, and while many were refugees fleeing civil war, poverty or communism, many others came simply in search of better opportunities than they could find back home.Such factors are playing out in the lives of new arrivals like Wu, the finance professional.He says he finds his local friends and Hong Kong media outlets have become more cautious since he arrived. If the government tightens controls and the political atmosphere becomes too suffocating, Wu said he plans to try to stay for the seven years required to get permanent residency. After that, he said, "there's a high probability that I will leave.”
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clavila7-blog · 11 months
WHOM YOU RECEIVED!                      
Joh 5:43  I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if  another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. 
And him you did receive “chi-xi-stigma” 
Jer 23:27  Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal. 
He came in his fathers name  Yehovah. 
Yeshua, Yahusha, Yashua all mean Yehovah saves do not rail about the pronouncing of his name like the word police who force the palio Hebrew on everyone for even in the English tongue his name would be Joshua!
There’s but by one name by which you may be saved go read even how he intends to remove the name of baal from his childrens mouth 
Hos 2:17  For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name. 
Revelations 13:18:
¨Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.¨
666 is a pictogram (an image), a monogram (short for a name), and a mark (a symbol like a letter, x f.i). 666 translates to three letters in Greek. Chi, Xi and Sigma/Stigma. For:
The pictogram: Chi=600, Xi=60, and Stigma=6 in Greek gematria. The letters translate to ¨Christ (on a) cross (being) pierced. ¨ The abomination that makes desolate.
The monogram: The Greek letters chi, xi, and sigma translate to XES in the latin alphabet. XESUS is a Hebrew variant of Jesus. XES, XS, and X was the monogram of Jesus throughout church-history. XES-US. Variations of these are HES, IES and JES. Jesus Christ or Jesus H. Christ as he is known. The H is for Horus: J(Zeus) Horus Krishna.
Below you have The letters IHS with a T or cross on top are depicted in most Catholic churches and are embroidered on all white priest-dresses of the Catholic Church during service and represent the 666 Babylon covert-religion practiced by the ancient romans up to date, covertly through Christianity, inc. the pagan roman Saturnalia/Christmas, and the Babylonian Ishtar/Easter. So IHS stands for Isis, Horus and Set, the unholy trinity of the book of Revelations; the Whore, the Beast and Set, the Dragon or ¨Python.¨ The T or cross is for Tammuz.
The mark: The mark of the beast is an X, or a T. The X is the old Hebrew mark of sin which marked Cain who slayed Abel. Yet a more notable connection comes from the mark of the son of God in the Babylonian trinity, Tammuz, who had the X, and T as his mark and was widely popular even at the time of Yeshua . He was a vegetation, and resurrection god. His followers weapt over him for 40 days in what we today call Lent, which happens 40 days after Easter. Coincidence?
The Babylonians also marked themselves with an X, or a T for Tammuz on their foreheads, just like the Catholic Church marked everyone with a cross (666) on their forehead, or else, you could not buy or sell. You see much of Christianity stems from mystery Babylon.
Another variation of the pre-Christian cross is for instance the ¨ankh¨ of the Egyptian Horus.
The Israelite ¨Shema¨ is the confession that God is one, and the mark of every true believers’ forehead. (Exodus 13:16, Deuturonomy 6, and Revelations 14:1) We see that the father of the lamb in 14:1 is God Yehovah, and that the lamb of Rev.13, and 14 is the same: Jesus Christ. Remember: The Bible forbids worship of pagan idols like the cross.
Exodus 13:16, and Revelations 13:16 is the same verse, about Jews binding the tefillin to their forehead and right arm. The tefillin is a black box with Torah verses about the Mosaic law inside. They are BOUND by the law. The law used to be a slavery. Now it is a BLESSING! Revelations warns us of this practice.
What then is it we worship today? Jesus on the cross. 666 chi xi stigmata.
The cross is a pagan symbol.
. One could also depict him as the light, the way, the truth, the life, the door, the word, the good shepherd, the I Am, or depict him as he prefers: A majestic King and righteous judge sitting on his throne at the father’s right hand, not someone who looks weak on a cross. One should certainly not depict Jesus as an animal, that is, the Lion.
As animism and idolatry is forbidden in Judaism and Christianity, depicting Yeshua who called himself ¨the son of man¨/ THE man, as an ANIMAL, often without connotation to whom we are referring to, is heretical. He is the man of men, the King of Kings, and not an animal.
What then about the name Jesus?
Je Jesus is Latin, and is divided in two syllables. Je and Sus.
Je is pronounced the same same as Ge or Geo, and comes from Greek Ge, and Geo, which comes from Greek Ge, which means earth, ground or soil, as in ¨geography¨ both in Greek and Latin. (Webster seventh New Collegiate Dictionary)
Sus, or Suis simply means swine, hog or pig in Latin according to Latin-English-Latin Java Dictionary with Whitaker’s Wordlist.
So Je-SUS translates to ¨earth pig¨, ¨earthly swine, or ¨the 1st and 2nd BEAST of the Earth.¨ They made Yeshua into chi, xi stigma 666, the image of dying, corruptible man, the abominable Babylonian tradition of sacrificing a pig to Ishtar/Easter.
The cross is bold display of the Vatican`s true pagan roots, namely human sacrifice, black magic, which they hide it in the open through cross symbolism.
The real meaning of the name Jesus portrays that the Babylonian Catholic Church, the Great Whore of Babylon (Rome sits on 7 mountains as the whore in Revelations) sees the easter-sacrifice as Jesus!
The cross pollutes the alter and renders the Temple of Yehovah (man) unfit for service or worship to Yehovah, causing the oblation (daily sacrifice) of the 2nd Temple to cease, e.g Jesus is the Antichrist. The cross is the biblical Abominable Sacrifice that Causes the Desolation of the Temple of Yehovah  , and the temple of the human body.
.  And the doctrine of Christianity demonstrates this is true by worshipping a man above Yehovah on the Pesach of the Hebrews, replaced with the Babylonian Easter! Revelations 14 further warns us that only those who have the name of the FATHER of the lamb will be saved..
Easter is a day that is honoured by nearly all of contemporary Christianity and is used to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The holiday often involves a church service at sunrise, a feast which includes an “Easter Ham”, decorated eggs and stories about rabbits.
Those who love truth learn to ask questions, and many questions must be asked regarding the holiday of Easter.
The Easter Pig.
Pesach in Hebrew is Passover, Easter is the Babylonian Ishtar, (also Inanna and Semiramis, widow of Nimrod, mother of Tammuz in comparative mythology) the name of the bare-breasted pagan fertility goddess of the east who came out of Heaven in a giant egg (or meteor) , landing in the Euphrates river at sunrise on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox, busting out turning into a bird and then into an egg-laying rabbit.
After that point in time the priest of Ishtar would sacrifice infants (Ishtar-pigs/Jesus/Earth-pig), and then take the eggs of Easter, and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed infants to keep the fertility goddess powerful.
“Ishtar”, which is pronounced “Easter” was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called “Tammuz”, who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god. Together, they represented the Origin of the Holy Trinity, and are the oldest trinity of Gods in the world.
Tammuz was noted to be especially fond of rabbits, and they became sacred in the ancient religion. Tammuz was believed to be the son of the sun-god, Nimrod or Baal in the Babylonian versions. Tammuz, like his supposed father, became a hunter.
The day came when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig.
Queen Semiramis told the people that Tammuz was now ascended to his father, Nimrod/Baal, and that the two of them would be with the worshippers in the sacred candle or lamp flame as Father, Son and Spirit.
Semiramis, who was now worshipped as the “Mother of God and Queen of Heaven”, continued to build her mystery religion.
The queen told the worshippers that when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig, some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight. This made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz. This is the origin of the Christmas tree, which is biblically forbidden in
Jeremiah 10:3-4 For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut down a tree from the forest; it is shaped with a chisel by the hands of a craftsman. They adorn it with silver and gold and fasten it with hammer and nails, so that it will not totter.
She also proclaimed a forty-day period of time of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of Tammuz. (Origin of the Islamic Ramadan.)
During this time, no meat was to be eaten.
Worshippers were to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz, and to make the sign of the “T” in front of their hearts as they worshipped.
They also ate sacred cakes with the marking of a “T” or cross on the top, like our priests do, the oblate or sacrament, flesh of Christ.
Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox, a celebration was made.
It was Ishtar’s Sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs.
Semiramis also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig must be eaten on that Sunday.
“Jesus” is the “Earthly Pig of Ishtar” this is why ham is eaten on Easter because a pig killed Semiramis son Tammuz, the god associated with Jesus in mystery religion and comparative mythology.
The priests of Ishtar impregnated the priestesses of Ishtar every Easter. The infants born from the previous Easters were called Ishtar-pigs and were sacrificed to Ishtar. As eggs were sacred for Ishtar`s (the fertility goddess) continual rebirth: The eggs were dyed in the blood of infants. That`s why we celebrate Easter today.
Every Easter: The roman catholic church sacrifices these Ishtar/Ashtar clones from the shroud of Turin.  This comes into clear view through the Pizzagate scandal, child-trafficking, and Vatican
The Catholic church declares their belief in the Babylonian trinity (where Lucifer is God) during (taken from 2014) their annual easter mass Easter-mass: “His flames dawning his (Lucifer`s) own creation. May I say O`Lucifer, who knows no setting. Christ, your son, who came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light to the human race, and is alive, and reigns forever and ever.“ 
Go find it on YouTube,
We already covered the Babylonian origin of the trinity, and Tammuz as the original son-of-god figure.
What to conclude from this? We see that John warned us about Yeshua being made unto the image of pre-Christian Tammuz-myths. As a beast is an empire in biblical language: He warns us about Roman Catholicism, and the continuation of mystery-Babylon in the guise of Christianity. Did you really think 666 was some chip under the skin? That would be too easy to fall for!
Christians make Yeshua into something he wasn`t. Scripture is clear that Yeshua LEARNT to be free from sin.
Hebrews 5: 7-10
During the days of Yeshua’s ’ earthly life, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverence. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered, and having been made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him and was designated by God as high priest in the order of Melchizedek.
¨Learned obedience. ¨ The Bible does not state that Yeshua was free from sin from the beginning. He was ¨God`s only son¨ in that he had the perfect astrological birthchart which we covered, and that he was the firstborn of the new covenant/Heavenly body. We also become like Yeshua: Sons of God under the new covenant, and Yeshua is more like the Muslims view him: A prophet, and not ¨God`s only son. ¨ That is a relative truth as God has no son in Judaism ok?
We are too easy to forget what Yeshua tells us after he says ¨I am the way, the truth, and the life. ¨ The continuation is as follows: Nobody comes to the father except through me.
Yeshua is the DOOR, and our eternal high-priest in Heaven.
The pagan cross is not to be worshipped. It is however clear from healing accounts, accounts of salvation, etc, that it has been observed in mercy of ignorance as a redemptive symbol, although being the thorn in Christianity. For in times past our most recent generations did not know this we on the other hand are the end days children of Gods wrath (lest we be reborn) whom are without excuse! 
(Dan 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.)
Prophecy also tells us that some people he won’t even remove the name of baal out of their mouth until the second exodus
Hos 2:16  And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.
Hos 2:17  For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.
The first Christians did not use the symbol of the cross. They used the symbol of pisces – the symbol of the astrological age of the fish.
Is Jesus the second beast? Yes and no! Jesus is the first beast rising from the sea, the sea which symbol is Xi/the cross. The beasts are empires/military-powers. The military power goes to perdition: Not Jesus! And must be read in the intended context.
The second beast/false prophet of the first beast in Rev.13 is the pope that is also the little horn in Daniel 7:8. The Bible says the pope/Vatican was given power to breathe life into the image of the beast (the pictogram/cross) so that it could speak! And the number of (primarily in this context the Great Beast) is 666. We are told not to take this mark in Revelations 14:9-11. Do not worship the cross! Idols are forbidden in Judaism! John feared this, and encrypted a message that warns us of worshipping Christ crucified! Christ is RISEN not crucified! The original symbol for Christianity was the fish/pisces. Other symbols that could have been better than the cross is the Menorah (you don’t need to do this! ) , just as it would be more suitable for Israel to be flying the menorah on their flag, & not the star of remphan Worshipping a crucified man might lead to death-worship, and even necromancy, Satanism 
Repent for the hour has come and it is even at the door enter into the one and only door and one and only gate Yeshua for indeed with his Fathers holy covenant of promise (10 commandments) and rainbow covenant Yah saves!!! Learn to make difference between the profane and the holy  
(And don’t use google translate to figure this out cuz it’s rigged you can’t see if Yeshua means Jesus in Hebrew because Yeshua is not an English word!)
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drogba-prospect · 1 year
7 moments that define Castro’s ties with Jews | The Times of Israel
Greetings Xi Jinping,
Fewer than 1,000 Jews are now living in Cuba, down from about 30,000 in the 1950s, when Jews began joining the exodus of fellow Cubans who fled the repressive regime of the communist revolutionary. Ask yourself who gets in your way by stopping capitalism. Fiat Currency uses Jews as Diplomats.
Adrian Blake-Trotman
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osarothomprince · 1 year
Xi Pivot Fails to Stop Exodus by Biggest Investors in China Tech
Pinned onto Business (Bloomberg) — Xi Jinping led a parade of officials this spring vowing to revive China’s economy, hoping to repair the damage wrought by years of Covid Zero and regulatory clampdowns. Some of the world’s biggest investors are selling anyway. Most Read from Bloomberg Two pioneering financiers of China’s private sector — and…Xi Pivot Fails to Stop Exodus by Biggest Investors in…
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exodusartisan · 2 years
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NEW DROP- With China 🇨🇳 Spying on us here in the USA 🇺🇸, I decided to make an art piece with the Chinese President Xi Jinping…. I mean Winnie the Pooh bear hehehe 😜 floating around on a ballon listening to the people below, enjoy!!! • (Shop this original design on 101 products) https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/139660787 (Link in bio. Go to www.contrado.com/stores/exodus-artisan) • • #art #winniethepooh #spyballoon #chinesespyballoon #chinesedrama #winniethepoohchina #cartoonart #cartoon #originalart #artforsale #artwork #artwork #artist #artistsoninstagram #artoftheday #artofinstagram #americanumber1 #fuckchina https://www.instagram.com/p/Coi--VZtKad/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shleshle-blog · 2 years
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cathnews · 2 years
China 'gutted' press freedom in Hong Kong, sparking exodus of journalists
China ‘gutted’ press freedom in Hong Kong, sparking exodus of journalists
As ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping lauded his government for bringing “order from chaos” with a citywide crackdown on dissent in the wake of the 2019 protest movement, an international journalists’ group said press freedom has been “gutted” in the former British colony. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said it was deeply concerned at the “gutting” of…
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sketchinwoofers-den · 5 years
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ExDeath/Exodus sketches. Final Fantasy 5 is either my favorite or close favorite final fantasy... ExDeath is fking certified insain.
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A bit later than intended, but here's the last of the Babbit Analysis (okay, at this just point it's more a recap) of Liu Chang's role in I'm So Pretty.
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A quick shot of these two glorious goofs before the cut. Warning, spoilers below
So after all the photography and beauty pageant stuff goes down, Lin Xi wins by the skin of her teeth. (One vote and it apparently came from Song Shiyao's love interest!)
Post win, Lin Xi's father invites all her school friends (all two of them) and Song Qinghe and Shen Haochen to dinner to celebrate.
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The woman behind the candles is Lin Xi's elder sister and (as far as I can tell) a card carrying green tea bitch. She's one of the ones who voted for Song Shiyao, claiming Lin Xi wasn't up to the challenge.
As might be expected, Song Shiyao is depressed over her loss and showing it. Lin Xi notices her state of mind, basing her interpretation off of Song Shiyao's makeup, but Song Shiyao pretends not to be bothered.
Song Qinghe, who's been practicing social cues, really, thanks Lin Xi for taking care of his sister.
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Lin Xi, who has no problem with stating her opinions without glossing them over, tells him she didn't help Song Shiyao, but that Song Shiyao is pretty much her only friend. This leads into an argument with Lin Xi's elder sister, who uses the chance to stab at her little sister for not being up to snuff.
This, combined with the boyfriend's falling over drunk, leads to a mass exodus from the dining table, leaving Shen Haochen and the other girlfriend to continue eating.
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Song Qinghe and Lin Xi end up outside, talking about Lin Xi's sister. He suggests maybe Lin Xi's sister does care about her, after all she vetted him thoroughly before hiring him. Except she points out that her sister did so as a power move, not out of concern for her.
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Song Qinghe doesn't get it, but he also doesn't argue. Likely because he just doesn't know or understand any of what's going on here.
This scene is pretty much the last we see of Song Qinghe and Shen Haochen. The rest of the series is a huge contest at the school between various rival camps and involving all sorts of weirdness that I didn't bother watching because these two weren't there.
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I figure they sailed off in their ship and are currently testing out excavator equipment of some sort.
Final comment: I feel like this series suffered from too many options, not enough tying things together into a cohesive whole. There was the attempt to be a wild fantastic romp in a surreal almost Utena-like atmosphere, and an attempt to address a serious story of love and betrayal and different families.
It would have been possible to achieve both. I mean, Utena did. But the surreal part seems to have been thrown in as filler and used to complete the story because they didn't have enough primary plot, just lots of subplots that had to be hurriedly tied together.
In the end, I would have enjoyed a story that (1) involved Liu Chang and Wa'er's characters more and (2) focused more on Lin Xi and Song Shiyao's rivalry and friendship. Still, the parts I've covered were fun and I did get something out of it, since Cloneverse Liu Can did end up a model in much the same way Song Qinghe does.
Addendum: I have a few photo spaces left over so here's some eye candy.
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Confused Song Qinghe is confused. And possibly annoyed because the photographer just butt poked him.
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And wanting to be done with this whole modeling gig. "Can we has a done now?"
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Oh, and this is Song Qinghe's book of Shen Haochen, full of facts about his best friend because he just doesn't Get It.
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What's not to get? He likes you, kiddo.
ETA: Linkages
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
SAN DIEGO (AP) — The young Chinese man looked lost and exhausted when Border Patrol agents left him at a transit station. Deng Guangsen, 28, had spent the last two months traveling to San Diego from the southern Chinese province of Guangdong, through seven countries on plane, bus and foot, including traversing Panama's dangerous Darién Gap jungle.“I feel nothing,” Deng said in the San Diego parking lot, insisting on using the broken English he learned from “Harry Potter” movies. “I have no brother, no sister. I have nobody.”Deng is part of a major influx of Chinese migration to the United States on a relatively new and perilous route that has become increasingly popular with the help of social media. Chinese people were the fourth-highest nationality, after Venezuelans, Ecuadorians and Haitians, crossing the Darién Gap during the first nine months of this year, according to Panamanian immigration authorities.Chinese asylum-seekers who spoke to The Associated Press, as well as observers, say they are seeking to escape an increasingly repressive political climate and bleak economic prospects.They also reflect a broader presence of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border — Asians, South Americans and Africans — who made September the second-highest month of illegal crossings and the U.S. government’s 2023 budget year the second-highest on record.The pandemic and China’s COVID-19 policies, which included tight border controls, temporarily stemmed the exodus that rose dramatically in 2018 when President Xi Jinping amended the constitution to scrap the presidential term limit. Now emigration has resumed, with China's economy struggling to rebound and youth unemployment high. The United Nations has projected China will lose 310,000 people through emigration this year, compared with 120,000 in 2012.It has become known as “runxue,” or the study of running away. The term started as a way to get around censorship, using a Chinese character whose pronunciation spells like the English word “run” but means “moistening." Now it's an internet meme.“This wave of emigration reflects despair toward China,” Cai Xia, editor-in-chief of the online commentary site of Yibao and a former professor at the Central Party School of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing.“They’ve lost hope for the future of the country,” said Cai, who now lives in the U.S. “You see among them the educated and the uneducated, white-collar workers, as well as small business owners, and those from well-off families.”Those who can't get a visa are finding other ways to flee the world’s most populous nation. Many are showing up at the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum. The Border Patrol made 22,187 arrests of Chinese for crossing the border illegally from Mexico from January through September, nearly 13 times the same period in 2022.Arrests of Chinese people peaked at 4,010 in September, up 70% from August to become the ninth-highest nationality at the U.S. border and the highest outside of Mexico, Central and South America. The vast majority were single adults.The popular route to the U.S. is through Ecuador, which has no visa requirements for Chinese nationals. Migrants from China join Latin Americans there to trek north through the once-impenetrable Darién and across several Central American countries before reaching the U.S. border. The journey is well-known enough it has its own name in Chinese: walk the line, or “zouxian.”The monthly number of Chinese migrants crossing the Darién has been rising gradually, from 913 in January to 2,588 in September. For the first nine months of this year, Panamanian immigration authorities registered 15,567 Chinese citizens crossing the Darién. By comparison, 2,005 Chinese people trekked through the rainforest in 2022, and just 376 in total from 2010 to 2021.Short video platforms and messaging apps provide not only on-the-ground video clips but also step-by-step guides from China to the U.S., including tips on what to pack, where to find guides,
how to survive the jungle, which hotels to stay at, how much to bribe police in different countries and what to do when encountering U.S. immigration officers.Translation apps allow migrants to navigate through Central America on their own, even if they don’t speak Spanish or English. The journey can cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars, paid for with family savings or even online loans.It's markedly different from the days when Chinese nationals paid smugglers, known as snakeheads, and traveled in groups.With more financial resources, Xi Yan, 46, and her daughter Song Siming, 24, didn’t trek the Ecuador-Mexico route, but instead flew into Mexico via Europe. With help from a local guide, the two women crossed the border at Mexicali into the U.S. in April.“The unemployment rate is very high. People cannot find work,” said Xi Yan, a Chinese writer. “For small business owners, they cannot sustain their businesses.”Xi Yan said she decided to leave China in March, when she traveled to the southern city of Foshan to see her mother but had to leave the next day when state security agents and police officers harassed her brother and told him that his sister was not allowed in the city. She realized she was still on the state blacklist, six years after being detained for gathering at a seaside spot to remember Liu Xiaobo, a Nobel peace laureate who died in a Chinese prison. In 2015, she was locked up for 25 days over an online post remembering the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre.Her daughter, Song, agreed to leave with her. A college graduate, the daughter struggled to find work in China and became depressed, the mother said.Despite the challenges to survive in the U.S., Xi Yan said it was worth it.“We have freedom,” she said. “I used to get nervous whenever there was a police car. Now, I don’t have to worry about it anymore.”Migrants hoping to enter the U.S. at San Diego wait for agents to pick them up in an area between two border walls or in remote mountains east of the city covered with shrubs and large boulders.Many migrants are released with court dates in cities nearest their final destination in a bottlenecked system that takes years to decide cases. Chinese migrants had an asylum grant rate of 33% in the 2022 budget year, compared with 46% for all nationalities, according to Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse.Catholic Charities of San Diego uses hotels to provide shelters for migrants, including 1,223 from China in September. The average shelter stay is a day and a half among all nationalities. For Chinese visitors, it’s less than a day.“They get dropped off in the morning. By afternoon they are looking to reunite with their families. They're going to New York, they're going to Chicago, they’re going to all kinds of places,” said Vino Pajanor, the group's chief executive. “They don’t want to be in a shelter."In September, 98% of U.S. border arrests of Chinese people occurred in the San Diego area. At the transit stop, migrants charge phones, snack, browse piles of free clothing and get travel advice.Signs at portable bathrooms and information booths and a volunteer’s loudspeaker announcements about free airport shuttles are translated to multiple languages, including Mandarin. Taxi drivers offer rides to Los Angeles.Many migrants who spoke to the AP did not give their full names out of fear of drawing attention to their cases. Some said they came for economic reasons and paid 300,000 to 400,000 yuan ($41,000 to $56,000 for the trip).In recent weeks, Chinese migrants have filled makeshift encampments in the California desert as they wait to turn themselves in to U.S. authorities to make asylum claims.Near the small town of Jacumba, hundreds huddled in the shadow of a section of border wall and under crude tarps. Others tried to sleep on large boulders or under the few trees there. Small campfires keep them warm overnight. Without food or running water, the migrants rely on volunteers who distribute bottled water, hot oatmeal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Chen Yixiao said he endured a hard journey to come to the U.S. He said life had become difficult back home, with some migrants experiencing issues with the government and others failing in business.“I’m very happy to be in the U.S. now. This is my dream country,” said Chen, who planned to join his relatives in New York and find work there.At San Diego’s transit station, Deng planned to head to Monterey Park, a Los Angeles suburb that became known as “Little Taipei” in the 1980s. Deng said he worked a job in Guangdong requiring him to ride motorcycles, which he considered unsafe. As he lingered at the transit station, sitting on a curb with his small backpack, several Africans approached to ask questions. He told them he arrived in the U.S. with $880 in his pockets.When he didn’t provide the Border Patrol with a U.S. address, an agent scheduled an initial immigration court appearance for him in New York in February. Deng tapped his meager savings for a one-way flight to New York. He ended up with thousands of other migrants at a tent shelter on the city's Randall's Island, unsure of his next move.___Tang reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Christopher Sherman in Mexico City and Eugene Garcia in San Diego contributed to this report.___Follow AP's global migration coverage at https://apnews.com/hub/migration
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butchersmiles · 3 years
@lightpurplelilies sorry for also missing this tag game, but this is my response to the chapter title tag! because my story relates so much to religion and it's such a huge theme, all my chapters are titled with a bible verse i felt was relevant to the chapter theme.
these are all the chapter titles for part one: the old testament
I. genesis 1:1
(In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.)
II: ephesians 5:19
(Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the LORD.)
III: isaiah 43:18
(Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.)
IV: matthew 5:7
(Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.)
V: jeremiah 5:26
(For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.)
VI: proverbs 19:9
(A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.)
VII. genesis 19:17
(And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.)
VIII. ephesians 5:22
(Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the LORD.)
IX. proverbs 31:30
(Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.)
X. 2 corinthians 5:17
(Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.)
XI. 2 timothy 3:2
(For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.)
XII. exodus 20:12
(Honour thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.)
XIII. luke 12:2
(For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hidden, that shall not be known.)
XIV. isaiah 49:15
(Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet I will not forget thee.)
XV. 1 corinthians 15:33
(Do not be deceived: bad company corrupts good character.)
i want to tag @apinchofsanity @martyrsuggestion @redstainedsocks @rammyrue i'm like so super aware that i have never talked to any of you or at least not for a hot minute, but i hate not tagging back for these so no pressure
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