orlaithrose · 2 years
when: 1st january, early hours where: old elysia  who: @silkenelixir​
If Orlaith had better roots to this place, she would have known she wouldn’t find a big revelry here tonight like the sort you find on Founder’s Day. In anticipation of crowds, she had glamoured herself, a trick her mother had taught her when she was younger but hadn’t used for a long time. Although she believed Old Elysia didn’t pose the danger her father always threatened, she didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, not on a night like New Year’s Eve. The Fae revelled in, well, revelry, and she knew you had to be extra cautious of their tricks and games and the promises they might lure you into it. Not that she’d found any big party. She had wanted to come here, to the place she so badly wanted to find some sort of home, a place of belonging, but now she felt stupid for the wasted magic that exhausted her - it was harder for her, being half human - and for the pointless trip that only served as a reminder she didn’t know anything about this place. 
She risked asking a stranger the curiosity that burned upon her lips. Her guard was up. It would be okay. “Are there no parties here tonight?” Of course, she gave her lack of knowledge away in the asking.
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elbasanluis · 2 years
WHEN: 10.31.22; sometime between 12 a.m. - 6 a.m. WHERE: Helloween; Limbo WHO: Elba + Xireli ( @silkenelixir )
It must have been the magic of the circle because Elba thought she’d never danced better. Her feet weren’t two left any longer. Her height was no longer a disadvantage with masculine presences because she forced herself to lead with each step, they followed obediently. It was a taste of Lori’s existence. She wasn’t fawned over, but... she felt respected because of her strength. It was the match to start the flame, switching partners between spins every so often. Cinderella found more than the love of her life on the eve of her escape. It must’ve been devastating to return to a dusty tower knowing who you yearned to be. The only stepmother who’d locked away the key to her happiness was her own self.
The angel twirled, and twirled, and twirled until she was in the arms of the devil.
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redwolfnik · 4 months
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Доброе утро и с первым днем летааа
Good morning and happy first day of summer
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oxumaresandstrom · 1 year
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VODUN DAN (instruções para o xire)
Qualidades do Orixá Oxumarê
Setembro 7, 2008 por Manuela
Oxumaré é o Orixá do arco-íris e da transformação. É o Orixá das adivinhações, grande feiticeiro, babalawo e curador. Tem dupla representação, hora como arco-íris, hora como o homem serpente. Traz nas mãos duas cobras de metal amarelado ou branco, representa o lado masculino e feminino, dependendo do caminho. A sua saudação: A Run Boboi!!!, quer dizer: Vamos cultuar o intermediário que é elástico.
Qualidades nagô/vodun
Dan – Vodun conhecido e cultuado no ketu com o nome de Oxumare, é a cobra que participou da criação. É uma qualidade benéfica, ligada à chuva, à fertilidade e à abundância; gosta de ovos e de azeite de dendê. Como tipo humano, é generoso e até perdulário.
Vodun Dangbé – É um Oxumaré mais velho que seria o pai de Dan; governa os movimentos dos astros. Menos agitado que Dan, possui uma grande intuição e pode ser um adivinho esperto.
Vodun Becém – Dono do terreiro do Bogun, veste-se de branco e leva uma espada. Becém é um nobre e generoso guerreiro, um tipo ambicioso, combativo de Oxumaré, menos superficial que Dan. Aido Wedo, também é uma qualidade de Oxumaré conhecida no Bogun.
Vodun Azaunodor – É o príncipe de branco que reside no Baobá, relacionado com os antepassados; come frutas e “leva tudo de dois”.
Vodun Frekuen – É o lado feminino de Oxumaré, representado pela Serpente mais venenosa. O lado masculino de Oxumaré é geralmente representado pelo Arco-Íris.
Vodun Danbale ou Dambala - O reflexo do arco íris no mar calmo ou na lagoa, No vodu, Damballa é um dos mais importantes de todos os loa. Ele é tanto membro da família Rada como uma raiz, ou racine Loa. É representado como um serpente e associa-se estreitamente com cobras. Ele é considerado o pai de todos os loa e, juntamente com sua esposa/companheira Ayida Weddo, considerado no Vodou haitiano o Loa de criação.
Algumas de suas canções rituais indicam que ele "transporta os antepassados", na sua volta ao Ginen (casa espiritual do Loa, e o pós-vida). Sua esposa é a serpente arco-íris Ayida Weddo (ele também é casado com a Erzulie Freda). Como um loa da nação Rada está associado com a cor branca. Sua cor especial é o branco. Suas oferendas são muito simples e que ele prefere um ovo em um monte de farinha. Algumas casas também servem-lhe com anisete (licor de anis) e xarope de milho. Ele não fala quando se apresenta em sua posse, mas faz barulhos, sibilam como uma cobra.
Na maioria das casas, ele é sincretizado com uma das imagens cristãs de Moisés ou São Patrício.
Nomes alternativos: Damballa Weddo (filho de Odan Wedo), Danbala, Zombi, Danbala Wedo, Damballah Weddo, Danbhala Weddo.
O Orixá Oxumare possui ainda vários outros nomes na África como no Brasil, que como acontece com todos os outros Orixás, se referem a cidades, lendas ou cultos específicos de uma determinada região, e com isso ganha suas particularidades e costumes; alguns dessas outros nomes são: Akemin, Botibonan, Besserin, Dakemin, Bafun, Makor, Arrolo, Akotokuen, Kaforidan, Danjikú, Aido Wedo, Foken, Darrame, Averecy, Akoledura e Bakilá. Oxumare Araká é nome de uma mais antigas casas de candomblé na Bahia, o Ilê Axé Oxumare Araká.
Veve de Dan. Para ser bordado em um decido de pópeline branco de1,20 por 0,60
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haunt-i-ng · 1 month
I actually cannot stop using neopronouns for everything…. xe/xiring all over the place. I called my friends cat mx bonnie in my head yesterday
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random-racehorses · 1 year
Random Real Thoroughbred: XYZ
XYZ is a mare born in Brazil in 1934. By SANTAREM out of XIRE. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/xyz2
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vestigiosdemairum · 2 years
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produtor dentro do caos. ativista afetivo
Foto: Antonia Moreira
Locação: Xire axé dos Orixas, mãe Dil
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gabrielsato · 2 years
WHEN: September 17th, 2022 WHERE: Crystal Palace Apartments / Old Elysia WHO: @silkenelixir​
Plans were in motion. They had been for centuries now, but lately, Gabriel could feel the tides slowly changing. Whether it be because of Xireli’s expert involvement, or Gabriel’s own forcefulness on the matter, he knew sooner rather than later, the world would break. But these things couldn’t be done alone. It meant if they truly wanted to succeed, there was no point in putting off the meeting between them any longer.
“Xireli,” Gabriel stated in greeting, already moving toward her with a drink as an offering in his hand. “I believe you already know we have much to discuss.” Would they even need to bother with pleasantries? Such things often felt below their status as creatures who could walk the world for an eternity.
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umbandasaber · 7 years
#umbandasaber #umbanda 💢@beaolvr Voz 🎶 💢@williampalmito Violão 🎶🎵 🎶Saluba, nanã. Daqui a pouco video completo da musica Ponto de Nanã - Mariene de Castro!🎵 #axe #musica #brasileira #arfro #camdomble #umbanda #axe #nana #ponto #xire #raiz #negro #orixa #paz #violao #umbanda #umbandasaber #Nanã (em São Paulo, Brazil)
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ithisatanytime · 4 years
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flechafotografia · 8 years
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"Obà Siré! Senhora das águas tempestuosas, ajudai-me a vencer os obstáculos em minha vida profissional e financeira. Obà Siré! Com vosso Ofange, afasta meus inimigos e todos aqueles que desejam o mal para meus caminhos e daqueles que tanto amo. Obà Siré! Poderosa orixá que rege o amor , protege minha vida amorosa e traga sempre o entendimento ao meu relacionamento. Obà Siré! Poderosa guerreira, dai-me coragem e força para enfrentar os desafios diários e permanecer serena com todos os que cruzarem meus caminhos. Obà Siré!" (http://www.raizesespirituais.com.br/oracao-a-oba/)  
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elbasanluis · 2 years
WHEN: 9.10.22; middle of the night WHERE: Old Elysia WHO: Elba + Fenrik ( @fenriksblade )
The location had been pinged to the edge of Elysia. Thankfully there wasn’t a need to go inland, unless ever forced that direction. The days leading up, Elba had taken lead on her own case and arranged for a dinghy to be stashed at the water’s edge for them. It’s why she carried a full jerry can now, enough to get them there and back. Alvaro had advised shovels, so it appeared they would also be digging on this journey. When nightfall came, so did she and Fenrik. Crouched at the edge of the dock, the motor of their boat was filled with gas. Weaponry would always be more up his alley, so she’d let him prepare for the possible fae interaction. They’d be ready for any Xireli attack, hopefully.
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silkenelixir · 2 years
when: 8.23.22 where: fist & furious fight club, bloodhearth who: closed availability: 1 / 1
Xireli didn’t look like she belonged anywhere near Bloodhearth yet alone at a place like the fight club. She looked like she belonged in some upscale bar in the city sipping on martinis with her pinky out. However, that was the thing, looks could be deceiving and for Xireli, she certainly fell under that category, especially as she entered, the excitement buzzing among those there as a fight was ongoing. She surely stood out among the rough and rugged crowd.
“I always hope someone will get their head ripped off and yet they never do,” she said casually. It might have almost been taken as a joke for those that didn’t know her. “I remember when we let wild animals consume people for fun.” 
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water-mellie-seeds · 4 years
exy why/xem/xire
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yurifem · 4 years
imagine relating to neopronouns and having a midlife crisis at 14 when you realize no one will call you by “xir/xire”
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loadingtwisted289 · 3 years
Xiring Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download For Windows 10
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UPFRONT SPRL/BVBA Rue de la Technique 15 1400 Nivelles Belgium Telephone: 023550111 Fax: 023550999.
XIRING and SCM Microsystems Jointly Develop Mobile Terminals for German eHealth Market 5. SCM Microsystems Introduces New Mobile Terminal for the German Electronic Health Card 6. Clarity Imaging International, Inc. Rolls Out Mobile DEXA Program 7. Slowed Brain-Activity in Frequent Mobile Phone Users 8. New report on mobile phone research.
27 Nov 2007
Smartcard security specialists Xiring and mobile phone operator SFR are working together to deploy the largest ‘Machine to Machine’ network in the French healthcare sector, allowing citizens to have their smartcards updated by pharmacists every time they are treated.
The remote updating service ‘Le Point Xiring’, is being rolled out to 12,000 pharmacies, at a rate of 600 per week, and is designed to work with the French Sesam-Vitale scheme - smartcards carried by citizens proving their membership of a health insurance system.
The companies announced that Gemalto would provide this capability by acting as the trusted service manager to bridge banking with mobile phones. Gemalto's role is to manage the transfer of credit card information from RBC to the secure SIM card in the Rogers Wireless NFC-enabled mobile phone. The second pathway, usually a phone, is used to transmit a passcode or pin code. Additionally, a user can generate a One Time Password on the spot via his or her mobile device, PDA or computer. The platform offers users 10 different authentication methods, and costs less than competitors’ products, says Waller. Improvements and fixes. This update includes a fix for an incorrect device driver (“Microsoft – WPD – 2/22/2016 12:00:00 AM - 5.2.5326.4762”) that was released by a third-party on March 8, 2017 that affected a small group of users with USB connected phones or other media devices that rely on Media Transfer Protocol (MTP).
Sesam-Vitale, in use since 1998, currently links more than 223,000 health care professionals with the health insurance system, benefitting millions of insured patients who have the Vitale card. More than 900m claim reimbursement forms per year and reimbursement of the insured patient takes up to five days as opposed to two or three weeks it would take otherwise.
A Xiring spokesperson said: “The benefits are important: improved productivity and faster reimbursements. The system is optimised when the information contained in the Vitale cards is up-to-date, reflecting the real situation of the insured person and avoiding the manual processing of errors.”
The Le Point Xiring service will use the SFR wireless 3G / GPRS network to communicate with remote servers, meaning pharmacists no longer have to use a traditional fixed phone line. Regarding performance, the updating process has improved from 45 seconds using regular telephone networks, to less than 20 seconds with the SFR mobile network.
Vitale cards will be updateable following treatment at any location with the readers, communicating in broadband wireless mode.
The spokesperson added: “It enables the patient to update his or her Vitale card on the spot. By changing from paper-based to e-claims, the insured individuals no longer need to submit claims to their local health insurance centre. Each year, one billion claim forms are managed electronically: it speeds up the reimbursement process and lowers the cost of producing medical claim forms.”
“We provide a complete service, combining ultra-fast processing and communication, easy installation and simple use. We chose to work with SFR Entreprises because, apart from the quality of their mobile network, they have really adapted to the constraints of the sector and to the specifics of our solution,” says Georges Liberman, Xiring’s CEO.
The device is certified by the GIE Sesam-Vitale (Groupement d’Intérêt Economique SESAM-Vitale (Economic Interest Group). This complete ‘ready-to-use’ service includes the platform, unlimited communications with the Sesam-Vitale network, a top level SLA, technical maintenance and remote administration service. It has been designed to fit in all pharmacy environments and to be easily used by the general public.
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“The patient can update his or her Vitale card on the spot (pharmacies, hospital, laboratory, local healthcare centre, city hall). It also strengthens the relations between pharmacists and patients with no extra cost for the pharmacist,” said the Xiring spokesperson.
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Under the Sesame Vitale scheme, when health professionals arrive at their workplace, they start their Sesame-Vitale equipment, insert their health professional card (called CPS) in the double-slot reader and key in their personal identification code. The card can be left in the reader all day.
For each insured patient, the health professional uses their Sesame-Vitale equipment to create an electronic claim form (called FSE). The electronic claim can only be validated after both the health professional card and the patient's Vitale card are inserted in the reader.
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Via e-mail, the Health Insurance Center acknowledges receipt of successfully transferred claims (called positive ARL). In case of unsuccessful transfer, a failure notice (called negative ARL) is sent to the health professional.
In case of unsuccessful third party payer claim submission, a rejection notice (called NOEMIE and RSP) is sent to inform the Health Professional that he/she will not receive payment. For each negative receipt, the electronic claim must be resubmitted within two business days.
Xiring say that the addition of 12,000 pharmacies will mean that the company now has a 60% market share of the Vitale cards scheme in France, one which SFR are pleased to be involved with.
“We are glad to be associated with this ambitious project. This M-to-M solution enables secure data transfer for over 12,000 pharmacies, and puts SFR Entreprises in a leading position in the French healthcare sector for communicating devices,” adds Thierry Bergey, manager of the M-to-M business unit at SFR Entreprises.
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