#xiriel kunai
datastate · 3 years
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“You know I can no longer say the same.”
“I know. I know, and I would never ask that of you again.”
post-order 66 reunion still has... a lot to work through.
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datastate · 3 years
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really, how are you supposed to come to terms with the fact you gave years of your life to someone you no longer love?
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datastate · 4 years
If you're up to it, I'd really like to know more about your ocs (especially the clones)! What are their personalities like? How did one of them get that scar on their forehead? Why was another one holding that lightsaber? Do their tattoos have a meaning?
TYSM FOR ASKING ME THIS !!! sorry it took a while to get to it! whenever i’m asked abt my ocs my brain kinda blanks lmaooo, also sorry in advance if some of this doesn’t make sense, i keep forgetting what context is needed sometimes.
(this is my art w the appearances)
the one with the scar above their right eye is void! they are the clone commander of the 406th. they’re generally a really collected person, which can come off as uncaring a lot of the time, esp because they don’t often try to emote. their scar is actually the reason they went through a point where they felt really isolated from their other vode - the tl;dr was that they were attacked while trying to confront one of the... nastier trainers, who was about to out sky as being force-sensitive as a way to bargain themself away from the planet. they also have a large scar on their lower stomach because of it. in battle, it’s often sky who has to take lead because, despite their treatment, they can’t strain themself too much without worsening their injury. (their closest vod is flicker; who carried them through this and reassured them they’d be safe from the kaminoans threat of decommissioning. void... didn’t like letting themself be comfortable around her, but they still ended up finding solace in her, which remains through the war.)
void was. a really awful person in the beginning of the war, they took their siblings’ lives as objectively as the kaminoans did because they felt like they had to prove their efficiency to make up for their physical limitations - which the kaminoans were still keeping track of to see if they needed to be replaced. they did care for their siblings, but they felt like they needed to fulfill their duty first and foremost, which was especially easy to prioritize when they hardly had a connection to their vode anyway. it only took about a month before they realized, wait, shit i don’t want to be this way, i don’t want to make my vode uncomfortable and i don’t... want to see them die and have to mourn each other just for the sake of some republic victory. it was from there that they began forcing themself to associate more with the other commanding officers on a personal level, who quickly realized their change and began to slowly leading them into being closer to at least a few - specifically sky and dawn - before actually fixing their interpretation with the battalion. there’s a lot of character growth, and they no longer want to come off as someone who doesn’t care abt their vode, because their main realization is that they care more for their vode than they do for themself, which is another thing they end up finding balance in later on in the war with the support of people who genuinely want to see them heal and be better. just. fambly.
the clone with shaved sides + hair tied back is dawn! she uses she/her and he/him, often alternating. despite eventually becoming one of void’s closest vode, he started out only really being involved with them through the commanding officers and their general, otherwise often preferring the company of other, more light-hearted people instead of void’s stiff and more serious demeanor. she’s a fairly “open” person, in the way that you hear him talk a lot of shit or be fairly social, but she won’t really reveal much of herself other than the person she’s projected for other people to see and make fun of as they please. she’s more comfortable hearing people tease her when he knows it’s not really him that they’re going after, but the comfortable persona that she’s crafted, you know? obviously she has depth, it’d be stupid to think otherwise, but he’s still going to keep that simple, 2d reflection of her most basic traits, because it will ease the tension in some ways to revert to that image.
she... has a rough time during the war, which is unfortunately what ends up bringing her even closer to void other than ‘oh shit you’re having a rough time. i’m going to affectionately annoy you and lead you out of this.’ (which also ended up leading into them returning that interest in how she was really doing, which was. hard to get into because, despite both having traumatizing moments on kamino, dawn’s is a lot more. Personal. but they do learn to trust each other with this.) and then just dawn getting involved with xiriel (the jedi general, who’s polyam and also married to vynara (the twi’lek in the post)) which also means talking with the commander a bit more. Anyway, the rough time during the war comes with sky leaving them to train under vynara, marked as dead by void themself. in her place, dawn becomes a captain. it’s... a Lot.
sky is the one with the lightsaber! even tho she’s nonbinary, she uses she/her. she was the captain of the 406th for the first few years of the war, someone that was level-headed and generally ‘realistic’, but managed to make you believe things would turn out alright. it’s her who really gathered the 406th and gave them reason to be confident, especially important when void sort of. retracts :/ from them (whether it be bc they’re overwhelmed or, like the early parts of the war, they just don’t feel like they are allowed to speak with the people they once betrayed); she’s someone that a lot of the battalion feels that they can trust, and the one you’d probably go to if you knew you needed to hear objective truth. she will present her advice as it is, and then reassure you / soften it from there depending on your state - she also will know when to just listen and just offer comfort if you ask her to do so. really, just be clear with her and she’ll be clear with you. she hates concealing things, which really pains her when her force-sensitivity becomes more obvious around the jedi. she knows she shouldn’t, but she begins trying to copy some of what they do to try to strengthen her own moves. she wants to be able to use this force stuff for something, and ultimately just wants to help her vode out.
this is why it’s so easy for vynara to offer to train her once xe realizes that she is force-sensitive. xe essentially told her that it would be too dangerous to train while in xiriel’s vicinity because of his loyalty to the jedi council, and xe swore xe wouldn’t tell the kaminoans abt her and possibly put her in danger - she just needed to temporarily get away from the war so vynara could properly train her without needing to hide her, xe would bring her back after she already knew how to protect herself and those around her and then talk to xiriel abt keeping his mouth shut from the council. the lightsaber that sky was given is vynara’s old master’s one, someone who died before the clone wars even began. vynara promised her xe would bring her to find her own kyber crystal after the war was done (xe isn’t any sort of general or anything, just someone who occasionally helps out the 406th bc of xyr husband.) unfortunate that xe was stolen just before order 66, essentially leaving sky on her own with unstable contact with her vode that she had to craft herself, and without any master to rely on. she only had her training, and a single message abt her location before shit hit the fan... she’s eventually reunited with a few of her vode, but she has to figure out how to neutralize the chip in all of those she finds with only 37 (a clone medic) as her help, whose chip was damaged and couldn’t be activated.
sky’s tattoo under her left eye used to have a stable meaning but tbh i’ve forgotten most of its story ahbvsmdg something like a single symbol for one of her old batchmates’ names, affectionately given by one of the mandos they trained under, something abt their determined state of mind. they,,, were one of the first people she lost.
the twi’lek is vynara! xe only uses xe/xyr/xem. xe’s polyam, but more attached to xiriel (the jedi general of the 406th) than xe is with any other partners, though xe’s still going to show xyr kindness and affection to people like dawn who earn xiriel’s love. xe was already on shaky grounds with the jedi council, but almost completely left the order once they sided with the republic and the war began - it was only with xiriel’s plea that xe stayed and occasionally helped with the war, and from there got attached to the clones themselves. xe was one of the more outspoken ones on how they sided with the republic who did this and the jedi just abided, though xyr opinion was often disregarded from past conflicts that’s just eroded the weight they put in xyr words. some of their beginning conflicts with xiriel, before xiriel really gets attached to the clones (esp dawn), was just that the council still had faith in him, but he wasn’t saying or doing anything! it was only after he started standing up and trying to ease their treatment between battles and guarantee them a life of peace once the war was done with, that the clones were actually like dang he’s actually trying and began Kind Of opening up to him. void was one of the first who dropped formalities, which is weird considering How They Are, usually prioritizing that - from there, there was some comfort and eventually appreciation for the thought they found. congrats, xiriel, ur a decent person ! gd.
anyway, like i said earlier, vynara doesn’t take the war as xyr fight, though xe will step in in the more stressful battles bc xe still doesn’t want the clones to suffer more than need be. but.. xe has a family of xyr own to care for. xyr nephew, fierjin, just a few years younger than xem, is the only one who can really watch over their family while xe’s off fighting in tcw. xe saw some rascal twins ayrin and antaki when they were younger, and since then ended up taking care of these two. xe’s also taken temporary custody of ash, as his parents, vynara’s friends, ended up getting wrapped up in shit they couldn’t easily pay off or escape, so they had to go to another planet for proper work until they knew they were safe enough to return - they still occasionally message / call ash, but ultimately it’s vynara who had taken care of him for years. these last three are in their late teens/early twenties, so it’s fine to leave them at home, esp when fierjin’s there, but vynara still feels uncomfortable leaving them - it was bad enough for xem when xyr older sibling (abt 10 years) was killed, and xe hardly knew them because xe was raised alongside the jedi. xe couldn’t imagine what xyr death would do to xyr family, and didn’t want to leave them with that. so xe’s careful.
it stresses ash the fuck out when vynara brings sky home to train. people on their home planet r already getting antsy enough with careless jedi (tho ofc vynara isn’t often openly a jedi while on this planet; xe’s just chilling) And it doesn’t help that, while working with transports, there’s a lot of stress on watching out for rogue clones. he’s wary, but eventually he and sky become close. human solidarity. they help each other out when vynara’s captured, which really does mean a lot to ash bc, altho he has fierjin, it’s. weird talking w someone older abt your grief sometimes. antaki and ayrin have each other, they always have, but ash only recently got sky and. idk. yeah. they’re good
the human mirialan is selinn! he/they/it genderfluid. love that dude. he’s xiriel’s padawan, and vynara’s essentially his other parent tbh. it was raised thinking that violence should be the last resort, but bc of the war... it is the first one who accepts that it’s not the best at fighting for that reason, and openly asks the clones if they could teach it how to use a blaster just in case. they also end up showing void and sky how to use their lightsaber in turn, how to be careful abt not cutting your own limbs off when you don’t have the force and all that, as well as the stances possible with his lightsaber. despite being a real quick learner and often finding it easy to adapt to things, he understands that it’s not always the case and is patient when void esp is having trouble with the lightsaber. obviously void tries to keep up that professional attitude or whatever, and they do look unfazed for the most part, but they still have small tells that they’re anxious with it. unlike sky and selinn, they’re. not force-sensitive, and it’s difficult for them to have a weapon that’s not entirely. ‘physical’? in a way, y’know. the light part of the lightsaber is a bit scary when you aren’t comfortable with using it, as is the same with all possibly-harmful tools. but he helps them out, and later on it does help them both out that void learns how to use it. Plot Points <3 one of these days i’ll write a timeline out lmaooo
anyway, back to selinn himself ! they’re a really social person and have an easier time connecting with the clones than xiriel (or vynara tbh) does, he has a closer bond with them bc he does fight alongside them, often by sky or void’s side leading and protecting them. outside of battle, he’s a really curious person, but bc of his consciousness over social situations, he realizes when his questions are making people uncomfortable and quickly try to move on / apologize, depending on what feels right. it’s easier for it to gather information from others, than tell others abt himself and its thoughts. he’s kind of a hoarder of information, and often makes stuff up on the spot, which makes small convos easier, but deep conversations difficult to go through with, especially near the beginning before he’s completely comfortable with himself. he does learn tho, as he grows, and he does form close bonds w the clones too. eventually, later in the war, to the point where he trusts them more than he does vynara (esp after what xe did to void), or.. even xiriel. which. augh. and they’re only given the chance to repair these relations after their parents almost die - xiriel was alone with a small group with dawn, someone selinn knew he would let his guard down around when order 66 went off, vynara was kidnapped before this. he was with the majority of the battalion when the order was given, and escaped alone solely because they were on a dense planet. he was familiar with vynara’s home planet, and just hoped to see vynara there, somehow, but was instead met with sky and, they went on from there.
during the war tho, he grows to dislike the jedi and loathe the republic because of their treatment of the clones, but stress often draws out his. natural? inclination to mirror his master’s trust in the council and lean on them for more important decisions. he was raised to believe in the jedi and it’s difficult to break from that, esp when he feels like he’s betraying them and he doesn’t want to be treated as vynara was bc he often thinks of the jedi as his only home.
i don’t really know who the togruta is :] that’s just someone i made up on the spot. might use them for some side character tho!
thank u if you read all this!!! ik it’s a lot ahbvmsdg
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datastate · 4 years
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[vynara voice] so true bestie
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datastate · 4 years
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i can only provide dumbassery (original twitter @ was cawayee!)
bonus from @transfetts​:
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datastate · 4 years
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the stars r turning all the space elves gay!
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datastate · 3 years
augh. okay i see how it is. fine i'll write xiriel and vynara again
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datastate · 4 years
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just realized i never posted this months-old doodle?? anyway here's the man aerself. love this dude
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datastate · 4 years
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more doodles
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datastate · 4 years
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send help im yearning
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datastate · 4 years
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updated general kunai ref!!
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datastate · 4 years
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s/o to all of my ocs* being trans!
honorable mentions: zialan lusi (i lost motivation 😔) and ash cekai’s parents (who i haven’t yet made designs for)
*raven is an outlier and should never be counted. hate that cis dude. doesn’t even have a meaningful backstory smfh
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datastate · 4 years
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hey gays! put together a few spare aggieio pages
(xiriel and selinn at the very bottom were drawn by @forcesensitivebantha!)
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datastate · 4 years
Xiriel never wanted to fight. He couldn’t be a General; Vynara knew better than anyone how hopeless he was in battle, despite xem presenting this fact in such a cruel way. - cw: death mentions, brief side-character death title is from autoheart's song foolishly wrong!
in which a jedi general and his lover attempt to work thru the emotional conflicts war brings up. emphasis on “attempt.”
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datastate · 4 years
character ask meme: xiriel or myrre
aaa thank u!!! i decided to both n it got long so im putting it under a read more bhvlskdfd
favorite thing about them: he! is! good dad energies!!!!! very physically affectionate and genuinely tries his best to be kind n listening at all times. he’s understanding and sweet on a personal level and i care him.
least favorite thing about them: he needs to be more confident and set in his standing his ground against the jedi council too. he and uriala are the only two out of my jedi ocs who can really criticize them without consequences. selinn would be brushed away bc he’s a padawan, vynara’s... very close to just being removed from the jedi order. xiriel needs to take his position and the trust the council has in him and use that to help the clones like he wants to.
favorite line: that one part where he’s essentially like “I am not leaving my battalion in the hands of someone who very well might be Piell or, Force forbid, Krell” bc. yeah. he wont leave the war bc he wants to protect the 406th and he acknowledges there are some jedi who are :/ good on him.
brOTP: with selinn!!! that is his Son and they trust each other a lot,,, before the war started, he mostly helped selinn cope and heal so he wouldnt end up relapsing so often :’) + selinn’s the main reason xiriel even had a chance at connecting with the clones as anything other than ‘general’ in the first place. 
OTP: vynara n xiriel,,theyre a messy pair but once the war’s passed they can work through it. i have. a soft place for these two working through their issues. and then obviously hyriel is very sweet and even more supportive than vynara n xiriel is.
nOTP: he’s uriala’s padawan so, yknow. not those two.
random headcanon: i’ll take this as a piece of random trivia so: fun factz! xiriel more anxious/frustrated stim is scratching at his hands. vynara had to buy him gloves just so he wouldn’t scar
unpopular opinion: xiriel and vynara shouldn’t have gotten married so young
song i associate with them: hmm,, grow by the oh hellos tbh? this is how he copes, most of the time.
favorite picture of them: ngl this one still makes me happy
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favorite thing about them: bastard energies (ha hA long dramatic monologues, teasing the jedi, making fun of yikan, etc.)
least favorite thing about them: bastard energies (he purposefully went after shinies in battle just so he could get his kill count up :/)
favorite line: this:
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brOTP: yikan,,, myrre loves them and literally risks raven’s wrath just to give them a chance to escape. he’s the only person who made yikan’s stay as a sith bearable.
OTP: myrre and therapy (/joke but also not really. he needs it after what raven’s done.) i think it’d be neat if myrre/yikan were canon but i dont know how i’d get that to work bc he’s. unfortunately loyal enough to raven to choose not to leave him and im pretty sure yikan would leave it strictly platonic.
nOTP: myrre with raven....no thanks.
random headcanon: myrre literally cannot tell infatuation from actual feelings so he just assumes everything is infatuation to make it easy on him until he realizes oh, shit, i have a crush on yikan and it’s not going away.
unpopular opinion: in a good au he could be properly redeemed over a few years and saved from more of raven’s manipulation. in the canon universe there is literally no going back after what he did to [redacted] and he deserved the death he got at the hands of [redacted]
song i associate with them: right now? really vibing with once & for all by the crane wives for him. tho i do have an entire playlist for myrre if you want to listen to that
favorite picture of them: :3
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datastate · 5 years
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what if... um...... we were in a committed relationship...............
(😳 and we were both jedi 😳)
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