nightsfirst · 3 years
@xkyberheart​   //   jyn erso.​​
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“hey, i heard that you were at the hapes consortium thing.” concerned knitted fee’s brow together, looking over jyn once to assess for major injuries –– missing limbs, obvious scars, and a mix of grateful and disappointed to see her not too heavily traumatized. oh well. there was still plenty of use to come out of her. “how are you doing? are you okay?”
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swishycapes · 3 years
@xkyberheart​   //   jyn erso.
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“you look absolutely ravishing.” his smile truly could not have been any wider as he looked her over again ( twice, just for good measure ). lando leaned in to kiss her on the cheek before joining their arms at the elbow. it had been a pleasant surprise when jyn had agreed not only to attend as his date, but to match in such a way. if anything, it showed how far she had come frmo letting war dominate her life. “and i think this is the perfect time to put your wine tasting skills to the test.” 
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onecassian · 3 years
Closed Starter | @xkyberheart​
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Waking up on a planet that wasn't one that he remembered when he closed his eyes had been rather disorienting. They took a breath, sitting up in the bed they were fast asleep upon and looked around. Their settings weren't much different than those that he had remembered upon other planets and when he had pulled themselves out of bed and dressed, K2 was awaiting them outside the door, a mouth full of words for Cassian does his best to take it all in but eventually they tone out the other words and make their way into what is suspected as a living quarters. It's there that shock hits them like a wookie in full anger mode. "Jyn?" He speaks, gaze resting upon them so easily, eyes filling to the brim with emotion upon seeing her. How long had it been? Why had it felt like a lifetime? Why did he have the sudden urge to have her in their arms? "Jyn, why are you here?"
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mvchinery · 3 years
🎧 - roan & ferus, jyn & leia, depa & obi-wan + quinlan
jyn & leia : carry on by fun.
you swore & said we are not / we are not shining stars / this i know, i never said we are
depa & obi-wan & quinlan : baby brothers by will connolly
we gotta look, look out / look out for each other / baby brother
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forgttencapt · 3 years
closed starter for : jyn erso / @xkyberheart​ location : yavin 4
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            an exasperated sigh followed by a groan of frustration exited cassian as the ship, crewed only by himself and his droid companion K2, approached the planet their coordinates had been locked onto. it felt pointless to even be going there, a completely futile effort and a waste of time. the lead he was following was from the furthest thing from a reputable source, after all: just a drunk in the depths of coruscant, mumbling nonsensical ramblings along the lines of  ‘oh yeah, I know where jyn erso is! I know everything going on ‘round here. and don’t give me that look -- trillions living in this city, I know, but I’ve got a good memory for names...’  cassian mostly tuned out the other’s prattle until coordinates were mentioned, which were quickly followed by his own hasty departure from the conversation.
            the entire thing left him with nothing but a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. if his search for jyn hadn’t turned up anything yet, then was he ever going to ever going to find her? he’d been chasing after every hint of a lead he could get his hands on without even knowing whether or not she was actually alive -- and it stood to reason that he might not ever get to know, but he wasn’t prepared to give in to that thought quite yet.
            “stay with the ship. this won’t take long, I’m sure,” cassian ordered in K2′s direction once they touched down on the planet’s surface, his voice slightly deadpan and clearly lacking faith that this expedition will turn into anything of use. “and I actually mean that. stay here,” he added once, sternly, before heading into the towering structure of the refurbished jedi temple.
              it was strange, seeing this building that he’d been so familiar with before when it was part of the rebellion base now changed so drastically over the years. and by the jedi of all people, the very same that had been all but extinct last he knew. for a moment he was almost so taken aback by the spectacle of it all  ( not to mention the fact that he had no real expectation of finding jyn here )  that he nearly missed the sight of the one person he’d been searching for; her back to him, seemingly gathering supplies from the large space of the hangar, but even so he could recognize her anywhere. “jyn?” he called, voice cautiously quiet but still unable to contain the joy that lace through it.
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bcttlemeditation · 4 years
closed starter : @xkyberheart
since awakening, bastila had remained on dantooine, gathering both an understanding of the current state of the galaxy, and credits to help her fund a journey to coruscant, to seek a jedi master who could offer her guidance. finally, she had earned enough to begin her journey.
yet everything was so... slow. she wasn’t used to this. she was used to the ebon hawk, to a ship full of allies, to setting up their own schedule ( and then becoming irritated as revan or mission or jolee or any of the dozens of gizka they had picked up set them off schedule ). she wasn’t used to all of this waiting around that seemed to be associated with passenger freighters.
“is this normal?” she finally asked, “it has been some time since we were due to depart.”
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spectreoflasan · 2 years
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“Not the worst way to pass an afternoon.”  Zeb settled in next to the other Rebellion veteran, offering her one of the minty amber cocktails that server droids were wheeling all over the place. They sipped their own and watched the fathiers run the track below.  “Tell you the truth, though, rather be down there myself than just watching. Karabast, I've flown a TIE with my feet, figure I could outrace a few jockeys.”
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finitefm · 3 years
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CLOSED   for   @xkyberheart​​​   ft   JYN   ERSO
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pandora   could   handle   herself.   but   with   the   building   coming   down   around   her,   unarmed,   faced   with   unknown   opponents,   BLEEDING   from   scrapes   on   the   side   of   head   after   a   hapan   guardsmen   had   slammed   her   into   a   wall   --   she   did   not   like   her   chances.   she   rushed   from   the   room,   glad   when   she   saw   someone   who   seemed   to   be   helping   guide   the   evacuation.   ❛   can   you   get   me   out   of   here   ?   ❜
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galacticshq · 3 years
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please make an in-character post within 48 hours ( by 08/31 at 9pm est ) to show that you are still active. we want to make this a relaxed environment for everyone but, we do still need active players !
those below have not posted ic and need to post:
@pilotheart - 1 post
@forceordered - 1 post
@spectrcsix - 2 posts
@xspectre-1 - 2 posts, @lastsxster - 2 posts
@xkyberheart - 2 posts, @jedixcode - 2 posts 
if you need to request a hiatus please feel free to do so at any time by contacting the main at any time, people currently on hiatus can be found here !
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0fchandrila · 3 years
jyn said: “Count me in.”
   "Excellent! I will make sure that you are assigned a position that befits your talents, we are going to need your infiltration abilities more now than ever."
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nightsfirst · 3 years
❝what an exhausting thing it is to be called a hero❞
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hm. perhaps they had misjudged and gone too far with their own flattery of the woman. zarafet considered her own judgment to be good, but that did not mean that it was without flaw. she reached over for jyn’s hand, offering it a firm squeeze. “maybe i’m wrong, but i would think that being one is much more exhausting than being called one.”
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swishycapes · 3 years
@xkyberheart​   //   jyn erso.
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“i hear that some congratulations are in order, major.” a beaming smile greeted her alongside the words. he was not sure just how recent the actual promotion itself was, but lando had not seen her since. despite that he was still considered a general, he considered himself to be a legitimate business man. mining operations were taking off and were just the right amount of lucrative for him, living all of the ludicrousness of his life before joining the rebellion, in a considerably more legal way. mostly. 
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kryzeofmandalore · 3 years
obi-wan said: “I have a really bad feeling about this.”
   Korkie laughed a little when the Jedi told him he had a bad feeling about Korkie's plans, so far he was just like his Aunt had described him, not that was an entirely bad thing. He rather was enjoying spending time with him.
"Well if my Aunt Satine's stories about you hold up, then you apparently have a bad feeling about everything, Uncle Obi-Wan. I promise nothing can go wrong, we just go in, act like we have no idea how to play Sabacc, and walk out with the few extra credits we need. I used to do it at the academy all the time."
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mvchinery · 3 years
closed for jyn erso / @xkyberheart​​ !
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oh, stars damn this outfit ! if leia makes it out of here alive, she’ll never wear a fancy dress to one of these events again. she can’t move right, grappling on the floor with one of these stupid hapan guards who thought she’d be an easy target. she claws at his face, trying to drive her knee into his stomach, too stubborn to yell for help as she narrowly keeps his weapon away from her body.
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galacticshq · 3 years
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JYN ERSO (NAOMI SCOTT) would like their POTENTIAL ROMANCE/ALLY to take part in the war. their name would be CASSIAN ANDOR and they would be MALE with the age of 26/UTP. the connections faceclaim could be DIEGO LUNA/UTP (must remain Mexican or of Mexican descent). more details: JYN’S LAST MEMORY OF CASSIAN IS HOLDING EACH OTHER AS THEY BECAME ONE WITH THE FORCE ON SCARIF BUT IS UTP WHEN ON HIS TIMELINE YOU WANT TO PULL HIM FROM. you DO NOT need to contact XKYBERHEART before applying. this wanted connection is OPEN.
JYN ERSO (NAOMI SCOTT) would like their FRIEND/ALLY to take part in the war. their name would be BODHI ROOK and they would be MALE with the age of 25/UTP. the connections faceclaim could be RIZ AHMED/UTP (must remain of Pakistani descent). more details: ALL THE EVENTS IN ROGUE ONE ARE CANON FOR JYN BUT IS UTP WHEN ON HIS TIMELINE YOU WANT TO PULL HIM FROM. you DO NOT need to contact XKYBERHEART before applying. this wanted connection is OPEN.
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galacticshq · 3 years
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please make an in-character post within 48 hours ( by 07/20 at 8pm est ) to show that you are still active. we want to make this a relaxed environment for everyone but, we do still need active players !
those below have not posted ic and need to post:
@beskarbuir ( 2 posts )
@foralderaan ( 1 post )
@lcstpadawan ( 1 post )
@forcemasterjinn ( 2 posts )
@xkyberheart ( 1 post ), @jedixcode ( 1 post )
@ofmavericks - amilyn holdo ( 1 post ), quinlan vos ( 1 post )
@leaderen ( 2 posts ), @chaotickylia ( 2 posts ), @delferno ( 2 posts )
@alderaanianxsenator ( 2 posts ), @valuespeace ( 2 posts ), @cptfulcrum ( 2 posts ), @skywalkerxlegacy ( 2 posts )
please note, we will count participation in our anniversary celebration’s interview as one post of activity !  so feel free to utilize that as well.
if you need to request a hiatus please feel free to do so at any time by contacting the main at any time, people currently on hiatus can be found here !
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